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03x01 - Princes All

Posted: 10/29/21 16:25
by bunniefuu
This is no time for you to resign.

[Nightwing] I'm not resigning.

Just taking a leave of absence.

Besides, if you need help, Barbara's more than ready to step up.

Agreed. But, d*ck--

I need a break, Kaldur.

You, me, Wally, we...

We founded this team.

Without him...

[sighing wearily]

I understand.

This team has had successes.

But much remains to be done.

Superboy, Miss Martian, Beast Boy, you're Alpha.

B'arzz O'oomm has called from Mars.

He needs help.

Tigress, Kid Flash, Bumblebee, Guardian, you're Beta.

Lexcorp is bringing out The Reach soft drink under a new name.

We need proof.

Business as usual.

I'm sorry, Otto. We couldn't find a transplant.

And your sister, Ana...

[sighing softly]

...her heart just gave out.

[grave instrumental music playing]


[Groaning] Ot...


None of that, now.



[groaning in pain]

Initiating tar protocol.


[exclaiming in horror] Otto!

[speaking foreign language]

[screaming in foreign language]

[intense music playing]


[doctor] Meta-gene activated.

Let's see what we've got.


[heart beating]





[g*ns firing]

[dramatic music playing]


[exclaiming in agony]






Ice, look out!



[Black Lightning] No worries, Ice.

[roaring] I got you covered.

Lightning, don't let that thing touch you.

I kinda figured.

I'll just zap ugly here into dreamland for a while.

[exclaiming in pain]

[heart beating]


[heart thumping]

[exclaiming in agony]

[childlike gasping]



What just happened?

I don't hear a heartbeat.

No, no, no. That wasn't enough juice to k*ll anything.

It cannot be dead.

She. It is a she.

Or was.

Scans indicate heart failure, and I'm reading a female, approximate age 14 Earth years.

Earth years? Yes.

[sighing] I'm sorry.

But this is a human girl.

A child.

From Earth.

[intense music playing]

[theme music playing]

[M'gann] Excellent work, Alpha Squad.

Textbook op, truly.

Gamma, you could learn something from--

[computer] Recognized. Steel, Three-Six.

Black Lightning, 2-3.

[sighing] Where are they?

Already in the conference room.

Most of them, anyway.

Why isn't Lightning in costume?

Well, that's everyone but the League's fearless leader.

[computer] Recognized. Aquaman, Two-Seven.


[Kid Flash, chuckling] And speak of the devil.

They're, uh, all waiting for you.

[sighing] I am not looking forward to this.

M'gann, as leader of the team, you are invited to observe.

Do I want to observe?

Probably not, but please come.

I believe I could use the moral support.

You have that, Kaldur. Always.

[slow instrumental music playing] [birds chirping]

I hereby call this emergency meeting of the Justice League to order.

I see that all of the Leaguers stationed on Earth are here, either in person, or via hologram.

So, let us get right to it.

My co-chair has urgent news from the heroes she is leading on our various missions in space.

All right, we have confirmation.

Meta-human trafficking on Earth has spilled out into the galaxy.

On multiple worlds, Earth's meta-humans are being deployed by the enemy as weapons of mass destruction.

Among other things, their presence in space is undermining our efforts to rebuild both Earth and the League's reputations after our trial on the planet Rimbor.

[scoffing] Right. That's the problem.

I'm sorry, Jeff.

I... I didn't mean to diminish the life of that girl.

I know, Diana.

Forget I said anything. It's just...

It's just, we need to know how this happened and how it got by us.

Here on Earth, our ongoing struggle with meta-human trafficking has...

Struggle? Try disaster.

Teens and even kids are being abducted on an unprecedented scale.

They're tested for the meta-gene, and if they test positive, they're used as guinea pigs to create new meta-humans.

And even if they test negative, they're rarely seen again.

Meta-humans are being treated as the next exploitable resource.

By first-world countries, third-world countries, rogue nations, corporations...

It's a global pandemic.

And globally, we are faced with obstacles at every turn.

United Nations Secretary General, Lex Luthor is using our UN charter to place more and more restrictions on the League.

[Batman] We have to assume he's working behind the scenes to turn other nations against us.

He's hamstrung us. I mean, come on!

When that tsunami hit Rhelasia, we couldn't even go in on a humanitarian mission.

We've become removed, distant from the people the League was created to serve.

Not by choice.

Perhaps it's time to acknowledge that the League has outlived its usefulness on Earth.

Batman. That's overstating things.

Don't you think? No, I don't.

And I'm offering an alternative.

If your alternative is to disband the League, I think you are forgetting all of the good we do.

Did. Past tense.

Present tense.

The League has its difficulties.

I acknowledge that.

But we still have a positive impact.

And we are an important symbol for truth and justice worldwide.

Kaldur, symbols are great, but--

But all that matters is the mission.

And if the UN's a roadblock to that mission, then we remove it by removing the League.

Bruce, please.

You are a founding member. I'm sorry.

But, I hereby tender my resignation to the Justice League.

[suspenseful music playing]

So do I.



This was a plan. You, Batman and the others, you arranged this in advance.

You should leave with us, Dinah.

We can do a lot of good this way.

Well, you're off to a fine start.

You knew I wouldn't be part of blindsiding Kaldur, so you kept me out of the loop.

I-- If you're leaving, leave.

I swear I wasn't a part of this.

But I came here today to resign in person.

I felt I owed you and the League that much.

It's just...

I can't do this anymore.

I'm sorry.

I understand.

We will have to issue a statement.

You mean, disown them. Yes.

So the League will not be held responsible for its former members' actions.


[door opens]

It's time.

Time? Time for what?

[computer] Recognized. Green Arrow, Zero-Eight.

Robin. Tim. Where are you going?

[computer] Spoiler, B-Two-Eight.

[computer] Arrowette, B-Two-Seven.

Robin, B-Two-Zero. [Batman] Join us, Jeff.

I think we want the same things.

The same things? Really?


Batman, I just resigned from the Justice League.

And at least their leaders were elected democratically.

I want nothing to do with Batman Incorporated.

The truth is, I don't trust you.

Especially after what you pulled in there today.

What? What did he pull?

I'm sorry, Virgil.

Maybe you can... [computer] Recognized, Batman, Zero-Two.

...find a new mentor. One who's less damaged.

[Kid Flash] Will someone please tell me what's going on?

[computer] Black Lightning, Two-Three.

Perhaps d*ck had the right idea.

[dramatic music playing]




Intel was on the money, Oracle.

[Oracle] Of course.

[suspenseful music playing]

[shouting in foreign language]

It's definitely another meta-human trafficking lab.

[Oracle] But is it Bedlam?

[d*ck] I'm seeing pods full of black goo.

[Oracle] It sounds like a match.

Bedlam uses a substance called tar as a catalyst for turning abducted meta-gene kids into full-on meta-humans.

Assuming the kids survive the process. [men groaning]

Then let's shut 'em down.

[dramatic music playing]




[exclaiming in horror]


[fire crackling]

[Oracle] Nightwing? Nightwing, do you read?

Worried about me?

[Oracle] Worried you didn't get a sample of the tar before you blew the place.

Way ahead of you.

Sending data now.

[Oracle] Got it. Running analysis.

Okay. This is crash.

A solid lead to the source of the tar and hopefully Bedlam Central.


[Oracle] Tar contains a clay only found in one place.


Then, Markovia, here we come.

[intense music playing]

This is Cat Grant reporting live for GBS from the Markovian Royal Palace.

Markovia's King, Viktor Markov and Queen, Ilona DeLamb-Markov are about to hold a press conference on this, the second anniversary of the abduction of their daughter, Princess Tara.

No ransom demand was ever made.

She simply vanished without a trace.

With me now is the Princess's older brother, Prince Brion Markov.

Prince Brion, you've just returned to Markovia after studying abroad for the last two years.

Yes, Cat.

After my sister was taken, I felt the need to get away to expand my knowledge of the world and bring that knowledge back to serve Markovia.

To serve, but not to rule.

You have a twin brother?

Fraternal twin, yes.


And Crown Prince Gregor is heir to the throne because he was born 16 minutes before you.

How does it feel to be just 16 minutes away from the crown?

[man] Excuse me, we are ready to begin.

Oh, Prince Brion, the press conference.

Yes, of course.

[Cat] You're looking at the Queen's brother, Baron Frederick DeLamb, head of Markovia's security forces. [clears throat]

Ladies and gentlemen, the King and Queen of Markovia.

[heroic instrumental music playing]

[cameras flashing]

Thank you, everyone.

We'll try to keep this brief.

There has been much debate, both internationally and here in Markovia, about what to do with Quraci refugees following the invasion of Qurac by the rogue state of Bialya.

So, we will make our position perfectly clear.

Markovia will not turn its back on desperate people fleeing tyranny.

Quracis are welcome in Markovia.

But that is not what we came to discuss today.

All over the world, children and teens are being abducted.

The way our daughter was abducted.

Meta-human trafficking is an international scourge.

Today, we pledge all of Markovia's resources to see that scourge ended.

Dr. Jace?

Prince Brion.

Did the results come back?

Brion, I've told you, I'm not comfortable with this.

I'm your family's physician.

I'm not some kind of mad scientist.

Please, Doctor. Did the results come back or not?

[sighing softly] Yes.

And yes, you tested positive for the meta-gene.

Which means Tara-- Yes.

Princess Tara would likely have tested positive as well.

Which explains why she was taken.

Which might explain it. Might.

Even if your theory is correct, how does that help?

These traffickers obviously have meta-humans working for them.

How does anyone without his or her own meta-abilities fight such people?

Maybe he can't.

But maybe...

Does Markovia have the technology to create its own meta-humans?

To what end, Brion?

To fight meta-fire with meta-fire?

Please answer the question.

It could be of life or death importance to all of us.

I don't know the answer.

But, I'll try to find out.

Thank you, Doctor.

I don't know what the Markov family would do without you.

[Oracle] Bruce did it last night.

Walked out with Kate, Tim, Arrow, Plas and the rest.

Can't worry about that now. What you got?

[Oracle] All right, two leads.

First, The Markovian Children's Hospital in Markovburg is using substantially more electricity than comparable facilities.

[d*ck] A children's hospital would make a great front.

And a great source of test subjects.

[sighing wearily] The second lead?

[Oracle] Dr. Simon Ecks, a world-class geneticist, currently underemployed as a simple internist at the Children's Hospital.

You're going to need backup.

I've run an analysis identifying--

[d*ck] Way ahead of you.



[annoyed grunting]

[groaning] All right.

All right, Brucely, I'm up. [yawning]

I'm up.

[slow instrumental music playing]

[Brucely barking] [sighing softly]

All right, all right, I'm coming.

Here you go.

Here you go.

Coffee? Please.

[knocking at door]

Hey, Roy. I mean, Will. Will.

Sorry, still not used to it.

Well, Richard. I mean, d*ck, who are you here to recruit this time?

[owl hooting]

[suspenseful music playing]

[intense music playing]


[lock clicking]


[dramatic music playing]

[muffled cries]



[screaming and shouting]

[shouting in foreign language]


[g*ns cocking]



[g*n firing] [groaning]


[speaking foreign language]

[man groaning]

[intense music playing]

[voice trembling] No.

[birds chirping]

[Oracle] The assassinations of the Markovian King and Queen have changed mission parameters.

The pre-coronation reception tomorrow night is your last best shot at getting the intel we need.

But with tightened security, you'll want a couple more recruits.


[Conner, telepathically] It's hard to explain.

[Megan, telepathically] Take your time.

[Conner] It's Clark. Kal-El, Superman.

He's been off in space so long, I feel more of a--

[Megan] Need? [Conner] Burden.

More of a burden here on Earth to, you know, step up.

[Megan] You'll do what you need to do, Conner.

You'll do what's right. You always do.


[knocking at door]

[Megan] Hey, stranger. Hi, M'gann.

I need to borrow your guy here.

There's a meta-human trafficking syndicate in Markovia that we can shut down with your help.

It should only take a day. In, out, no muss, no fuss.

Okay. Perfect.

Um, just a reminder.

This is a non-super-suit op.

I never wear a super-suit.

Sorry, pal, this counts.

I'll send you some dark wear via Zeta-Tube.

Text you a time and a place to meet, all that.

Sorry to recruit and run, but I have one more stop to make today, so, bye.

[Megan, chuckles] Bye, d*ck. See you soon.

[Megan, telepathically] I don't want to be that kind of girlfriend, but--

[Conner, telepathically] But you wish I'd passed.

[Megan] I just lost a big chunk of my team to whatever Batman's got going.

I was sort of counting on you.

It's just one mission.

And you can always count on me. I can prove it.

[gasps] [Conner] I'm carrying this around for a month, waiting for just the right moment.

I figure the moment's now.

M'gann, will you marry me?

Yes. [chuckling] Yes!

[both laughing]

Oh, I can hear you trembling in your living rooms now.

"But, G. Gordon, martial law?

"Isn't that a bit extreme?"

But martial law was invented for a reason, my friends.

Isn't that right, Baron?

I am afraid that is exactly right, G. Gordon.

My sister and brother-in-law were assassinated by a Quraci meta-human.

We need to vet every Quraci in the country for meta-human powers.

And that cannot be done without giving Markovia's patriotic security forces the extreme authority to get the job done.

[Gordon] Well, of course not.

Now, what about the throne?

Next in line is your nephew, Prince Gregor. Correct?


But Gregor is only 17.

So, until he comes of age next year, I will be acting as his regent.

[both speaking foreign language]

[valiant instrumental music playing]


[in English] Hello, Dr. Jace?

[Jefferson] Good night, Jennifer. [kissing]

Good night, Anisa.

I know it's late. Thanks for letting me see 'em.

[scoffing] Of course, you're their father.

I'm giving it up, Lynn.

The life, all of it.

Mmm-hmm. Seriously.

Jeff, I'm the sister of a Green Lantern and the ex-wife of a Black Lightning.

I know how this quitting-the-life thing goes.

You mean it now, but sticking to it is something else.

Trust me, it'll stick.

I have no choice.

[sighing softly] No.

Forget it. Don't even start.

It's an entire meta-human trafficking syndicate that we can take down in one night.

When it's all over, we go our separate ways.

I can't.

[d*ck] I know what happened on Rann, Jeff.

But we can make sure something like that never happens again.

You're not hearing me.

I'm not saying I won't, I'm saying I can't.

My powers, they're not working.

I'm useless, broken.

I came for the man, not the powers.

You're a still a hero, and I still need you on this.

Midnight at the Centennial Park Zeta-Tube.

We'll wait five minutes.

I won't be there.

[Oracle] I heard that. Doesn't sound promising.

No, it doesn't.

[Oracle] And we're running out of time.

[computer] Recognized, Tigress, B-Zero-Seven.


[heroic instrumental music playing]

[Conner] This all of us? [Jefferson] No.

Don't give me that look.

One mission only. Agreed?


Time is short, mission briefing en route.

Let's go.

[engine whirring]

[computer] Recognized.


[theme music playing]