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02x08 - Satisfaction

Posted: 10/29/21 16:14
by bunniefuu
ROY: So let me get this straight.

While I was on ice, you found another Roy Harper... the sidekicks formed their own team, aliens invaded the Earth... and Ollie grew that dopey goatee?

We try not to call ourselves sidekicks. You don't like the goatee?

So missing the point.

You've both been talking around it all day.

Now, I want answers. What happened to me?

How can there be another Roy Harper? And what happened to my arm?

Okay, okay.

We wanted to wait until you were strong enough.

But I guess the moment's here. Moment's passed. Get to it.

What's the last thing you remember before we found you in Tibet?

I've been trying to piece that together.

I remember investigating a LexCorp shell company... that we suspected of smuggling weapons to North Rhelasia.

Some LexCorp g*ons got the drop on me.

I remember feeling embarrassed. Then nothing.

That's right. They grabbed you.

Thing is, Roy, that was eight years ago.

What? Lex Luthor and the Light... this criminal organization he works with, abducted you.

They amputated your arm. Why?

To keep me from using my bow?


They needed an endless supply of your DNA... to perfect their human cloning process.

So that's what you are. A clone.

Yeah. They grew me.

Or rather, force-grew me.

In a matter of months I looked your age.

They programmed me with all your memories and skills and worse.

Then they spoon-fed me clues to your location.

I thought I was doing detective work, but in hindsight...


You'd been missing three months. I'd been going crazy.

So when I found you... Him. ...I didn't question the good fortune.

I had no idea it wasn't the real... The original you.

No idea Luthor had stored you on ice all this time.

So what you're saying is you took my place.

You've been living my life for eight years.

And he's been tirelessly searching for you for five of those years.

Huh. But not you, Ollie.

You gave up on me.

I don't wanna be the cause of more conflict between you two.

I'd understand if you never wanted to lay eyes on me again.

I don't know.

Seems to me the clone didn't do anything wrong.

He didn't ask to be created.

Plus, he found me.

I can't blame him for this.

But I can totally blame you!

Roy, I... We were partners! Friends!

How could you not know I had been replaced?

How could you leave me in Luthor's hands for eight years?

And how did I not see how useless you are?

Get out.

Get out!

Look, uh, Roy, I need some time to process all this.

I understand.

It's a curse, isn't it? Having me for a mentor.

Speedy. Red Arrow.



The three of you, all poster children for the Stay Away From Green Arrow Club.

I may not have always shown it over the years, but I don't feel that way.

Neither did Artemis.

And trust me, I know Roy doesn't feel that way either.

Not really.

You're a good man, Ollie. So get back in there.

He needs you, whether he knows it or not.

Roy, listen, I...

MAL: Aquaman has all of Atlantis on the case.

He said they're quote-unquote "Searching the Seven Seas"... for Lagoon Boy and his captors.

But it's a big planet and that's a lot of water.

We'll find La'gaan.

MAL: And Aqualad.

I want his fish head an a platter for what he did to Artemis.


I don't suppose we're any closer to identifying the Light's new partner?

Nightwing? Where is everyone?

Well, the girls are all hitting the shower. The rest, they're down in the grotto.


Uh, sorry. Mourning makes me hungry.

You stole those freeze-dried Chicken Whizees from my locker, didn't you?

Hey, where I come from, it's not stealing, it's scavenger rights.

The point is, we don't have Chicken Whizees... freeze-dried or otherwise in my era.

So blame Kid Flash. He got me hooked.

Forget I asked.

So why is this here?

I mean, it's pretty and everything. But these people are heroes.

In the line of duty and all that.

They should have giant statues... big crashing memorials in the Hall of Justice or something.

Yeah, I asked that too.

Captain Atom said the League doesn't want or need a public shrine to its fallen.

But I don't know.

Seems to me they just don't wanna advertise we're not immortal.

The handful of regular people who've seen me in action...

They think I'm this guy in a new costume.

The world will never know about Ted Kord's sacrifice.

But you know.

And you're carrying on the grand Blue Beetle heroic tradition, right?

I wish.

It's such a total rip. Superboy has Superman.

Wonder Girl has Wonder Woman.

Robin has Batman, Nightwing and Batgirl.

You've been in this era, like what, five minutes?

And already you have three Flash mentors, one who feeds you junk food.

But me?

I never got the chance to meet the guy who should have been my mentor.

Heh. I hear that. You know, we have more in common than you might think.

Our love of Chicken Whizees, for example.

Let me buy you some to replace the bag I salvaged.

We'll hang. It'll be totally crash.

JAIME: Uh, sure. BART: Great.

Got any money?

Thank you for coming, Wally.

This has been the hardest two days of my life.

Harder than prison.

Than losing the use of my legs.

Than losing Jade to the life, I could not have survived this without you.

CHESHIRE: We had our differences, but Artemis was my sister.

And I loved her.

I should have taken better care of her.

Protected her from you, for starters.

Yeah, well, too late for that now, little girl.

But it's not too late to get vengeance on her k*ller.

Aqualad is mine.

As usual, Jade, you're missing the point.

Artemis' death is an insult to our professional reputations.

The son of Black Manta cannot k*ll Sportsmaster's daughter... not without running it by me first.

I can't let this stand.

Or everyone will think I'm a punk. You can have Aqualad.

I want a reckoning with Manta.


COMPUTER: Recognized, Red Arrow.

So new Roy goes by Red Arrow.

Wow, that's an original name.

Well, some things haven't changed.

Ollie's still a pack rat.

Wonder if he kept this out of laziness, nostalgia or guilt.

OLIVER: This is the only place I've maintained since Speedy's day.

There are other places he might go.

But none where he could get himself in trouble.

COMPUTER: Recognized, Red Arrow. Error. Red Arrow already inside.

- Security breach. Lockout. Perfect.

Override lockout, Green Arrow, 0-8.

Roy, wait! Sorry, G.A. Can't let you stop me.

Get down!

OLIVER: Great. We can't follow.

But we can find out where he went.

He Zeta'd to Metropolis.

Metropolis? Why would he…? Oh, no.

Only one reason, to get revenge on the man who stole his life and his arm.

He's going after Lex Luthor, and Luthor will k*ll him.

Oh, who knew enabling an alien invasion would entail so much paperwork?

Oh. I see the boy has abandoned his hospital bed.

Gotta love modern weapons tech.

Easier for a one-armed man to fire a m*ssile launcher than pull on his pants.


WENDY: Hey there, birthday boy.


Oh, hey. Hey, Wendy.

So how old are you today? Six. I mean, 22.

I turned 22 at 5 p.m. exactly.

Well, at either age, you look exactly the same as the day we met.

That's a compliment, you big goof.

Although, even Mal outgrew wearing the Superman T-shirts when he turned 18.

Well, I'm not big on change. Or surprises, right?

That's how I remember your birthday. There's no way I could forget.

Not with the huge surprise parties Megan threw for you year after year.

I hated those parties.

Mm. I don't buy it.

You, Conner Kent, just pretended to hate them.

It made Megan happy to throw them for you, so secretly, you loved it.

You know me pretty well.

So any parties this year'? No.

This year, you're the only one who remembered.

M'GANN: It's Conner's birthday today.

He's never had a birthday when I haven't thrown him a party.

That's not really your job anymore, M'gann.

And with Kaldur holding La'gaan c*ptive, I can't focus on parties.


Megan and Zatanna are here!

RAQUEL: Hi! Oh, I'm so glad you could make it, you guys.

Happy bridal shower, Raquel.

M'gann, ah, you shouldn't have.

Actually, it's from Artemis too. We bought it together.

What am I doing, having this shower?

How can we celebrate so soon after…?

Because Artemis would want us to celebrate.

She'd kick our butts if we didn't.

To absent friends. ALL: To absent friends.

And to the bride.

ALL: To the bride.

KAREN: You're getting married, girl. RAQUEL: I know!



And that, my dear, is why I spent top dollar for a customized desk.

I know your only concern is my safety, but there's something in here I need.

There, that didn't take long.

MAN [OVER RADIO]: Mr. Luthor! You all right?

We're fine, Otis. But do me a small favor.

There seems to be a would-be assassin on the roof apposite corporate H.Q.

k*ll him for me.


[m*ssile WHOOSHES]

ROY: For a smart man, Luthor, you're pretty easy to outmaneuver.

One little m*ssile flushed you right out.

Mr. Harper. So nice to see you again.

Feeling's not mutual.

Tell your bodyguard to disarm. Mercy?

She carries no w*apon.

She is a w*apon.







I'm completely doomed, aren't I?

One hundred percent.





Quite the arsenal you've brought tonight, Mr. Harper.

You haven't seen the half of it, Luthor!

LEX: Oh, I wasn't talking about the weaponry.

I myself never go armed.

No, the greatest arsenal any man can bring to the party consists of the resources... of his own mind, his intelligence, his stratagems, his force of will.

And you, my young friend, have all of those in spades.













ROY: That's detonation cord, Luthor.

The kind LexCorp sells illegally.

It's the perfect revenge.

I use your own tech to do to you what you did to me.

Except we gave you anesthesia.

Your methods seem a tad more violent.

We reap what we saw, Luthor. Indeed.

But are you prepared for the harvest?

LEX: Vengeance is a sucker's game, son.

And yours can only be achieved at the cost of your own life.

You think I won't pay that cost?

Honestly, I have no idea.

But I might just be dying to find out.

You want we should take him out now, Mr. Luthor?

No, Otis, I'm content to wait patiently for young Mr. Harper's decision.

Don't mock me, Luthor. To get my revenge, I'd run any risk.

I don't believe in risk. I believe in preparation.

You see, ever since you vacated that cozy little freezer unit... we provided for you in Tibet, I've expected this confrontation.

So I came prepared.

How do I know it's not booby trapped?

I suppose you don't.

What is it you really want, son?

Revenge or satisfaction?


No, we can't be too late. I cannot have failed him again!

No, wait. Look.

Hey, guys. What took you so long?

Roy, are you all right? I'm good.

Well, better than I've been in eight years, anyway.

You didn't... k*ll Luthor?

No. Not tonight.

What's in the case?


It's not elegant.

Won't fool anyone into thinking it's actual flesh and blood.

But it's more powerful and versatile than the model Luthor gave his own bodyguard.

And it'll literally make me a living w*apon.

No one's putting me on ice again, ever.

Speedy, you sure you're okay?

Speedy died eight years ago.

But I kinda like the sound of Arsenal.