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02x03 - Alienated

Posted: 10/29/21 16:11
by bunniefuu
GODFREY [ON TV]: So the Justice League finally provided scanners... to every government on Earth... to root out those filthy little aliens... posing as real human beings.

But you have to wonder, how were they able to whip up this tech so fast?

Or more accurately, how long have they been keeping it from us?

Oh, sure, they offer it up like a gift from the gods.

Sit anywhere, kids.



There's only one Bibbo, and don't you forget it.


Huh. Boy. That practically singed my eyebrows off.

Yeah. Practically.

Uh, you got a little sc... Blue, scan for it!

Right, right. Scanning.

Sorry. Nothing. He's gone.

No, it would not have been preferable to vaporize him back at the diner.

BLACK MANTA: Welcome aboard.


MAN: Sir? We've received the Rannian signal.

They're arriving now.

COMPUTER: Recognized: Adam Strange, A-1-1.

Miss Martian, 5-0-5.

Superboy, 5-0-4. Beast Boy, 5-1-9.

BEAST BOY: Nightwing!

Check out my super-cool alien souvenir.

MISS MARTIAN: Gar. Business first. BEAST BOY: Noted.

Zeta Squad, report.

Our mission to neutralize the Krolotean's Zeta-Platforms on Rann was a success.

I've brought back specs to create a Zeta-Shield... to prevent any more aliens from beaming to Earth from off-world.

How will that affect our own Zeta-capabilities?

It won't. The Shield will activate at an altitude above the Watchtower's orbit.

League Zeta-Tubes will still function normally.

Tell them about Rimbor. Tell them about the 15 hours.

MISS MARTIAN: It may be easier to show you.

I successfully interrogated a Krolotean general on Rann... who had paid off a member of the Rannian Science Command... to allow the Kroloteans to land a secret base in the Rannian jungle.

Once there, the Kroloteans stole Zeta-Platform technology... from Adam Strange's friend, Sardath.

They landed another ship in New Orleans... and used the Zeta-Platforms to beam a few hundred Kroloteans to Earth.

They built more platforms, brought in more Kroloteans... and began abducting and replacing humans.

Perhaps as part of an invasion strategy, though that's still unclear.

But why Earth?

And what does any of this have to do with the 15 hours?

MISS MARTIAN: Well, as you know... five years ago, Vandal Savage placed the entire League under his control.

Six leaguers: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman...

Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern and Hawkwoman... went missing for a full 16 hours.

It turns out you were teleported to a planet called Rimbor... where you spent 16 hours on a rampage... attacking everyone and everything in sight... and announcing in several alien languages that you were the Justice League from Earth... and that the rest of the galaxy should beware.

That's why the Kroloteans came.

The League itself brought Earth to their attention.

I don't know what to say. I have no memories of this. None.

Don't blame yourself. Blame Savage and his Light.

But John, how is it that you haven't heard about this intergalactic incident'?

No clue. Rimbor's not a planet in my sector.

But I'll head to Oa immediately, to consult with the Guardians of the Universe and Green Lantern Corps.

We'll get to the bottom of this, Cap. I promise.

In the meantime... we still have a Krolotean invasion force to track down on Earth.

You did good work on Rann. Now we need you... at the Hall of Justice.


CATHERINE: And finally, we have the four surviving host bodies... mused by a race of alien energy beings known as the Appelaxians... who attempted to conquer the Earth.

Of course, the attack also brought together Earth's mightiest heroes... to form the Justice League.

G. Gordon Godfrey says the League is working with the aliens.

Ahem. This way to the viewing gallery.

MISS MARTIAN: You didn't have to come along. SUPERBOY: I think I did.

This is the Krolotean captured by Lagoon Boy, Robin and Beetle?

Your uncle has been interrogating him for days... but simply achieving psychic translation has proven difficult.

In the meantime, the League and the Team have hunted the Kroloteans... that had been masquerading as humans.

But all have escaped capture, despite the fact that we destroyed their Zeta-Platforms here... and on Rann, and that they, apparently, destroyed their own ship.


After your success on Rann, Captain Atom thought you might be of some assis...

The Kroloteans have an emergency rendezvous point... and have standing orders in case of discovery to evacuate there.

A base inside a volcano... on Malina Island.


BLACK MANTA 1: We have arrived with the final shipment of Kroloteans.

BLACK MANTA 2 [ON SCREEN]: Congratulations, my son.

Thank you, Father. Initiating Phase Two.

BATMAN: Remember, this is primarily a recon mission.

We wanna discover all we can about the Kroloteans' invasion strategy... before we shut them down and deliver them to the Green Lantern Corps.

NIGHTWING: Approaching drop-zone Beta.



Drop-zone Gamma.






- All sectors, report status. MAN 1 [OVER RADIO]: Sector One, secure.

MAN 2: Sector Two, secure.

MAN 3: Sector Four, secure.

Sector Three, report status.

[OVER RADIO] Sector Three, report.

AQUALAD [IN BLACK MANTA'S VOICE]: Intruders. Upper Level. And in the water.

GUARD: There.




Batgirl, Maneuver Seven.



AQUALAD: Manta to Partner. The base has been infiltrated. Abort operation.

MAN [OVER RADIO]: Partner to Manta. The device is already primed.

You have five minutes. Get your men out.

- The b*mb will take care of the rest. Perfect.

AQUALAD: Manta to all troopers. Endgame enabled. Strategic retreat to Manta Flyer.

You have four minutes.

NIGHTWING: Nightwing to Delta Squad.

Enemy is attempting escape. Request backup.


[IN ENGLISH] Nice aim. X-ray vision. I cheat.

Superman, triple combo over here.

Quadruple. Nice.


That was amazing. You just, you just... whoosh and then and then, and then, barn!

Little less fan girl, little more Wonder Girl.

Right. Sorry.

AQUALAD: Three minutes to departure.


I had not believed Nightwing until this moment.

You did not want to believe! None of us wanted to believe this!

How could you betray us? You dare question me?

After all of you let Tula die!

Kaldur, that was a mission. Aquagirl knew the risks!

No one wanted her to... LAGOON BOY [IN ENGLISH]: Neptune's beard!

Don't cuddle this traitor.

He has joined forces with our King's greatest enemy.

Do you mean the King who hid from me the true identity of my father?

That was my error in judgment, Kaldur'ahm.

No one else need suffer for it.

All will suffer if Black Manta demands it.

Blood is thicker than seawater.


Just you and me, old friend? SUPERBOY: No!

It's a regular reunion special.

Fine. You can take me down... or you can save everyone from this b*mb.

I am told the yield is quite impressive.



You have two minutes.

They're getting away! We'll stop them!

NIGHTWING: Negative. We have a b*mb down here.

- Alien tech. I cannot disarm it. I'll get it out.

No! Might have pressure or motion sensors.

All Squads, evacuate to Bio-Ship. Now.

You heard Nightwing. Move.

Listen! Listen to me!


Neptune's beard. [IN MISS MARTIAN'S VOICE] Hello, Megan.

Knew we forgot something.

Well done, Alpha Squad. Find a seat. It's time to go.

Wait. Where's Superman?

Listen! I am not trying to hurt you!

A b*mb is set to explode beneath this base.

There are too many of you to carry individually... but if you board your ship, I will fly you all to safety.




MISS MARTIAN: Come on, old girl.

He's breathing. Pulse is strong. He'll be all right.

He didn't save the Kroloteans. He won't be all right with that.

What just happened?

The Kroloteans were clearly trying to build a new ship.

They had to, Angelfish.

It was their only way to leave Earth without their Zeta-Platforms or original ship.

WONDER GIRL: But was Aqualad helping them escape or luring them into a trap?

The b*mb was of alien origin, yet the Kroloteans clearly knew nothing about it.

So where did it come from?

I have the feeling it may be up to you and your Team to find out.

Father. Congratulations, son. You did well.

I don't suppose Aquaman died in the expl*si*n.





If you'll excuse me...

Good morning, Black Manta.

The Krolotean's competitor, our new Partner, is quite pleased with your efforts.

And so is the Light.

All agree we made the right choice... asking you to replace poor, disgraced Ocean Master.

You are officially one with the Light.

I wish I could go with. I doubt your mother would approve.

And only the six of us who stand accused need take this odyssey... though Hawkman insists on accompanying his spouse and Icon will act as our advocate... for it seems he is familiar with intergalactic trial law.

You're sure this is necessary?

The Guardians of the Universe seem to think so.

They've sent Hal and Guy ahead to make sure the so-called High Court of Rimbor... will know we come in peace. And know we expect a fair trial.

How long will you be gone?

However long it takes to clear our names, Kon-El.

But we will be back, little brother.

I'll miss you. And I, you, M'gann.

Oh. Perhaps you could water the plants in my apartment while I am gone.

Be careful, all right?

Was about to say the same to you three.

I fear we leave the more dangerous task here on Earth.

We'll manage. GREEN LANTERN: Time to go.

May the gods be with you all.