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01x24 - Performance

Posted: 10/29/21 16:06
by bunniefuu

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentleman.


Welcome to the Haly International Traveling Circus...

...where the world of the center ring is your oyster.

And these are our latest pearls. The Daring Dangers.

Dan Danger.

Dawn Danger.

Diane Danger.

Dane Danger.

And Dean Danger.


You'll never see another trapeze act like this, folks.

And all performed without a net.



d*ck [TELEPATHICALLY]: Don't blow our cover.

CONNER: But saving your life's okay?




d*ck: What did I just say?

M'GANN: The crowd couldn't see me use telekinesis from below.

Besides, I've been using it all night. I'm not exactly the acrobat you are.

d*ck: Yeah, neither am I right now.

I think I caught that 24-hour bug that's been going around the circus.

But the show must go on.

Advanced weapons tech has been stolen at manufacturing plants throughout Europe.

And each theft coincides with tour stops made by the Haly Circus.

Batman's sending us undercover to catch the thieves.

This clown car have room for one more? Uh... We've got this covered.

You've got the mission covered...

...but who's covering the three potential mole suspects you're bringing along?

HALY: Put your hands together for the Daring Dangers.

M'GANN: Didn't think you'd make it through.

d*ck: Neither did I. Help me backstage.


Ray, have you seen my other torch? Here. You dropped it outside the train.

Thanks. You're a lifesaver. Break a leg.

HALY: Bear witness, ladies and gentlemen, to the Dragon's Breath.

Haly, what's the deal? Giving the top slot to those Danger kids?

That's our slot.

HALY: Was your slot, until you missed that performance in Paris.

Carlo was sick. He's better now. Plus those Dangers are a sham.

They say they're brothers and sisters. They don't even look alike.

You just don't like the competition.

Oh, for crying out loud, not you again. We're in the middle of a show.

Then we'll talk after. But we will talk.

Another city last week. Another tech firm robbed. Another stop on your tour.

If I prove you're responsible, I will shut you down.

I've got three minutes to gather props and get back to the center ring.

Faraday. Interpol. New act? Yeah. Just joined the tour.

Probably clears you. But don't get too comfortable.

Haly's going down for this.

SUPERBOY [TELEPATHICALLY]: If Interpol's already on this...

...why are we bothering? ROBIN: Because Batman said so.

Why? You had something better to do?

ARTEMIS: How do we know the thieves will hit here?

RED ARROW: There are more obvious targets.

ROBIN: And Faraday'll have them covered.

I've analyzed the tech already stolen and the pattern suggests this is the place.

MISS MARTIAN: How are you feeling? ROBIN: Lousy, actually. But I'll manage.

SUPERBOY: Contact. Northeast quadrant.

Looks like we know why Carlo missed a performance.

ROBIN: Could be Carlo. Could be his brother. Keep an open mind. And move in.


ROBIN: Did you see where he went?

SUPERBOY: The warehouse.


Caught red-handed. Red-faced too, I'll bet. Acrobatics won't get you out of this.

SUPERBOY: Look out!


Those crates are full of live a*mo. Move.


That guy's dead meat. Superboy, no.

You need to get her out. He's getting away.

And that matters more than Miss M? The fire's k*lling her.


Right, right.


Artemis, Arrow. Find the thief. Uhn.

Because he matters more than you? You're still off your game, pal.

We're getting you out too.

FARADAY: Another weapons plant is hit, and once again the circus is in town.

I don't believe in coincidences. I don't care what you believe.

My people are not responsible. I did a bed check last night.

Every single member of my troupe was asleep in their bunks.

M'GANN [TELEPATHICALLY]: Well, we sure weren't. And if he's lying about us...

ARTEMIS: So two thieves, right? The fire breather and one of the acrobats.

M'GANN: Dressed in identical clothes. d*ck: Maybe not just two.

Here's the Madrid security footage.

And now Paris.

ROY: So the strongman and the clown too.

If the entire circus is involved, Haly himself may be the mastermind.

ROBIN: You don't know that. M'GANN: It would explain his lies.

I told you to keep an open mind.


M'GANN: Hello, M'gann. I'll read Haly's mind.

ROY: I'm not sure we can trust you to do that without tipping him off.

CONNER: Or maybe you don't trust her, period?

I heard you talking to Robin back at the cave.

You're only here to spy on the three of us.

ROY: There's a mole on this team and good reasons to suspect all three of you.

Both Artemis and Miss Martian have already been caught in lies.

You could be programmed by Cadmus without even knowing.

CONNER: Or maybe I take your head off without even trying.

M'GANN: Okay. Let's all take a time out before we do something we regret.

CONNER: Speak for yourself.

None of us are perfect. But each of us would give our lives for this team.

So try to keep an open mind.

HALY [OVER SPEAKERS]: Ladies and gentlemen...

...the Flying Graysons.


Uh... Yeah?

WALLY [OVER COMM]: Dude, where are you?

- Confidential mission from Batman. Wow. You know what I'm doing?

Making a baloney sandwich. Like you just did.

I talked to Tornado. You guys are not on a mission. Not an official one, anyway.


A friend, Jack Haly. The circus guy?

- From your old Flying Grayson days? Yeah.

He's implicated in this global crime-spree.

Someone in the show's dirty, but I need to prove Old Jack's clean.

He might lose the circus.

Then why not bring me along? I know your backstory.

I know what that circus means to you.

It's where you grew up. It's where you lost your...

I left you behind because you know my backstory.

I didn't want my best pal questioning my objectivity.

Dude. That's what a best pal's for.

HALY: And that's our show. Farewell, good people of Bruges.

Pack it up. The train leaves for Geneva in two hours.

Need a hand? I'm good, thanks.

Maybe one of the others could use some help.


M'GANN: A lot of them seem to have that flu. Yeah, it's going around.

All aboard. Everyone. Now. Someone's in a hurry.


ARTEMIS: You look better. I feel better. I'm sorry, M... Dawn.

I hope you didn't catch it from me. I feel so silly.

Who knew a Martian could be vulnerable to a human virus?

H.G. Wells. Look, when did you first feel sick?

Just after boarding the train. It came on suddenly.

Same with me the other night.

I remember Ray rubbed my head for good luck right before we went on.

Ray? That roustabout? He touched her before we boarded.

Guy must be a walking Petri dish. Yeah. Yeah, maybe.

Dan. You look refreshed. Thanks.

Jack, how long has Ray worked for you?

Picked him up at the start of the European tour.

Poor lad's down with the same flu as the rest of them.

We'll check on him. It's the least we can do. HALY: If you insist.

You should stay in bed.

As a friend of mine once said, "I'll manage."

CONNER: Guess he wasn't that sick.

Does this circus have an elephant I don't know about?

Not on foreign tours.

Empty. No, wait. Ash.

From the warehouse fire in Bruges. Uh... Guys, I found Ray.

Split up. Search the whole train.


Who did this to you? Ray. Ray the roustabout.

Right after the train left Bruges.

Hey, I'm not Houdini here!

d*ck [TELEPATHICALLY]: M'gann.

- Dawn, come in. M'GANN [OVER COMM]: Uh, Dan?

- I tried to reach you the other way. I think the flu's knocked out my other way.

That clinches it. Dane, Dean, Diane. Come in.

d*ck [OVER COMM]: We're chasing someone who's stolen Dawn's act.

Her whole shtick, if you catch my drift.


I got him. But he's on to me. Exiting the dining car now.

He's gone topside.


That won't work on me, clown.

That's no clown. He's the Parasite.

The guy who once stole Superman's powers.

As if you kids are who you claim to be. Please.

d*ck: Stay out of his reach. There's no flu going around.

The weakness comes when he makes contact and feeds off the powers of others.

I have been a bit of a glutton today.

Chowed down on the skills of nearly every loser in this troupe.

But, oh my, the pi�ce de r�sistance was Dawn Danger...

...or whatever her real name is.

Thought I'd munch on her trapeze skills.

Imagine my surprise when she tasted like Martian Manhunter instead. Mm.

She made a lovely appetizer.

But guess who I want for my entr�e?


Mm. Now that's the full-bodied Kryptonian flavor I love.


Everyone, stay whelmed. Subdue, but keep your distance.


You know, I almost never say this, but I'm sated.

Hate to eat and run.


Sorry. No hitchhikers.




You all right? Fine. I'm fine.

You're drained. Parasite took more power than you even have.

Heat-vision? I have the genetic potential for it.

Must have been enough for him.


Go. I'll manage.

It's not a complete debacle. I picked Parasite's pocket.

Got this flash-drive.

Looks like Parasite's working for Intergang.

Everything he's stolen, they're all pieces of something.

They're putting together a w*apon that generates black holes.

Come on. To build that, you'd need a particle accelerator.

Like the Large Boson Collider in Geneva? The circus' next stop.

Now that Parasite can fly, he's got a big head start on us.


Not your fault. But this thing could wipe out entire cities.

We need to hurry. You and I need to hurry.

Without powers, the others would hold us back.

Hey, you're not the only one with a back-up bow.


And my powers are back.

ROBIN: How? MISS MARTIAN: I'm still...

I guess Kryptonians recover faster than humans or Martians.

Don't even think about leaving me behind.


Trail of destruction. This way.



This would be a whole lot easier with my flash-drive.


There. Now let's fire this baby up...

...and see what's left of Geneva when we're done.


Need to take him down.

Or at least lure him away so we can safely disengage the...


No, wait. SUPERBOY: Aah!

Seconds? No, I couldn't.


What's wrong with...? Wait.


Oh. What a rush.

How do you do it, kid? Even Superman never recharged this fast.



All right, Dangers, come on out.

Only a couple minutes before this baby's done warming up and eats Geneva.

What do you think? Big risk to take on a theory.

Do it. Go.

What do you have against Geneva?

Never liked the food. But the menu keeps improving.

I'm just the appetizer, remember?


Here's the main course.

Foam? You think foam can hold me?


Or stop me from crushing you with a thought?

Combined Martian and Kryptonian powers here.

But do any of those powers free you before I sabotage your death-thingy?

This one does.

So clever. Trick me into igniting flammable gas.

But you forgot doofus' double-dose of invulnerability.

[SPEAKING SLOWLY] Fire can't touch me.

Unless you make a meal of my powers and get my weaknesses as a side dish.




Aw. Poor baby. Something you ate?



We'll take it from here.


Thanks for the tip, by the way.

Definitely helps to prep the inhibitor collar in advance.

Glad to be of service.

Wow. He deigns to touch the hand of a suspected traitor.

Mind open.

I guess I never really saw you three in the thick of it before.

Superboy's a hothead, but I know I'm not one to talk.

You could each have betrayed us here. You didn't. I'm sorry I doubted any of you.

There is no mole.

So the show will go on, and I have the feeling I have you Dangers to thank.

Don't know what you mean. No, of course not.

But I'm guessing you'll be leaving now. Time to move on.

Well, d*ck, I'll miss you. It's Dan. Dan Danger.

Son, you've grown...

...but some things never change, like the sight of a Grayson on the trapeze.

You can't fake that. Can't hide it.

So do an old ringmaster one last favor.

Ladies and gentlemen...

...the farewell performance of the Daring Dangers.