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01x23 - Insecurity

Posted: 10/29/21 16:06
by bunniefuu

Sleep tight, baby girl.


BLACK SPIDER: You were warned, Mr. Jones. No one likes a crusading reporter.

Please. Please, not in front of my daughter.

BLACK SPIDER: No, I'm sorry. You know how it is.

I'm on deadline, and so are you.


Well done, Strange.

BLACK SPIDER: I got nothing against you archers.

I don't suppose you'd let me finish off Jones, go about my web-slinging way?

Not a chance.


Good girl.

Take the lead on this one.

SPORTSMASTER: You're out of the penalty box.



Bonus points for poetic justice.

IVO: Ah, my dear Morrow.

How the mighty have fallen.

Well, hideous as you are, I refuse to abandon you.

In fact, I promise to stop by daily... remind you what an abject failure you've become. Ha, ha, ha.

ARTEMIS: Did you see the look on his face?

Okay, he was wearing a mask...

...but did you see the look on his mask?

Right. Calming down.

See you next week? You bet.

COMPUTER: Recognized: Artemis-B-07.

Been watching long?

Long enough to see she's improving. What'd you want to talk about?

COP [OVER RADIO]: All units. Armed robbery in progress.

Corner of Weisinger and Papp.

For old times' sake?

Gotta check your cargo.

SPORTSMASTER: All clear, professor.

Why, thank you, Sportsmaster.

It's my pleasure.






Congratulations. You made the cut.

By year's end, you'll be in the Justice League.

But please, do me a favor, set a good example and join the team first.

ARTEMIS: You should have seen the look on that little girl's face.

She was so grateful that her dad was safe.

This life suits you, Artemis.

Most mothers would be horrified, but for me it's a relief.

You don't know how nervous I was when Arrow and Batman...

...first confronted me about your activities.

Confronted us.

They figured out I saved Kid Flash and confronted us.

Not initially.

I'm your mother. They talked to me first.

What? What did they say? What did you say?

I was afraid you were in trouble.

While I was in jail for my crimes as Huntress, I lost one daughter.

I couldn't bear to lose another.

I begged them to keep you on the straight and narrow.

You begged? So I was some sort of pity case?

No. You're taking this all wrong.

Artemis! Artemis, wait!

This isn't T.O. Morrow. SPORTSMASTER: Klarion, this is Professor Ivo.

I didn't order this. Send it back.


Morrow's in a coma? Did I already know that?

Morrow's skills have been in a coma since the 1940s.

But I won't stay where I'm not wanted.

Don't get pouty. I invented pouty.


Where's my equipment? SPORTSMASTER: Delivery is in the works.

Okay, so maybe I wasn't brought in because I impressed them.

I just spent the last four months doing nothing but.

I've got nothing to prove. I'm one of a kind.

COMPUTER: Recognized: Artemis-B-07.

Artemis. Just in time.

Look who's agreed to join the team. Finally.

Sure. Team has needed a real archer.

Okay, people, listen up.

The Dynamic Duo's on a case in Gotham, but Batman gave me a heads-up.

Sportsmaster was spotted coming through Louis Armstrong...

...New Orleans International Airport. In full costume? Nervy.

In street clothes.

Facial recognition software picked up the ID.

Find out what he's up to. All of us?

Seems like overkill for a shadow job.

RED TORNADO: Perhaps a small squad.

Miss Martian's camouflage abilities seem ideal.

Thought the sidekicks... Sorry, ex-sidekicks.

Could suit-up on this. Aqualad, Kid Flash, Red Arrow.

Good. Stakeouts make me crazy.

We could use the night off. I want in.

With M'gann and Robin out, no one has logged more hours piloting the bio-ship.

Artemis, are you sure? Absolutely.

Uh, this could be one of those things...

...that sounds better in my head than out loud...

...but you are a real archer.

No, I mean, I'm jazzed about Red Arrow.

We go way back, you know?

But you, you've made your own place on the team.

You have nothing to prove.

Not to me, okay?


And, Wally, it sounded fine out loud.

I gather you didn't join the team for the camaraderie.

And not to please G.A. Either.

There's a mole on your team, Kaldur.

You don't wanna face it, so I will.

And suspect number one is Artemis.

ZATANNA: No offense, guys, but even my boredom is bored.

MISS MARTIAN: Maybe a night off wasn't the best idea.

Red Tornado, got any good stakeouts for us?

RED TORNADO: I do not. You must amuse yourselves.

That's Tornado's apartment, right? It is.

But Tornado doesn't eat or sleep or change clothes or, well, anything.

So? So, what does he do up there?

RED ARROW: Target's heading north.

Pursue. But maintain a discreet distance.

And that goes double for you, Artemis.

Sportsmaster has proven adept at spotting Martian camouflaging when in motion.

He's stopped. Hold your positions.

I'm moving in for a closer look.

CHESHIRE: Hey, sis.

Long time, no reveal who you really are to all your friends.


Nice. Canary teach you that?

Bet you run out of arrows before I run out of sword.

Unless you plan on breaking out the pointy ones to use against your own sister?

Why shouldn't I? You are working with Sportsmaster.

Not my choice. Not my call. Then whose call is it?


Just because I know your secrets, doesn't mean I tell you mine.

Why, Arrow, if you wanted another date, you only had to ask.

You two are dating?

What? No.

CHESHIRE: Ugh. Why deny the attraction?

CHESHIRE [OVER RADIO]: After all, Arrow, you're here.

I read you. Keep them busy.

CHESHIRE: Hee-yah!

Really, I'm so fond of you both...

...I couldn't bear to hurt you.



Sportsmaster. CHESHIRE: Hee-yah!

CHESHIRE: Too bad, loverboy.




But at least a kiss is still a kiss.


And a sai is just a sai, and quite the souvenir, by the way.

Artemis, tracer-arrow on Sportsmaster now.

Ugh. He's out of range. Move.


You're abandoning? I'm prioritizing.

That's gotta sting.

He makes the shot you were afraid to even try.

RED ARROW [OVER RADIO]: Aqualad, target has made me so I'll take a dive.

He'll think he's clear, you can track him below.

We'll be right behind, using the tracer.



Aqualad! Here.

Artemis, Kid, listen.

Leave him alone.

Artemis. Forget me. What about...?


Did you...? Tracer is on her sword.

Brilliant. I knew you could...

Oh, hey, there's the guys.


So we threw the fight as ordered, after Artemis planted the tracer.

Cheshire is heading north.

Sportsmaster was headed south, kind of like this mission.

Maybe he'll double back. Maybe she will.

Either way they'll rendezvous and we'll find them.

We had better. Sportsmaster acquired an attach� case.

We need to learn what it contained.

Lf you had stayed aboard the bio-ship... I saw Cheshire sneaking up on him.

Then you radio a warning.

And if she found you by hacking our frequency?

It is true, we have come to rely on M'gann's telepathy over our radios.

So let's stop looking to place blame and start looking for Cheshire.

Here. Since clearly, I can't be trusted, you track her.


It's fine. I'll follow in the bio-ship.

Go, Kid. Arrow and I will return to the river, and we will all follow as originally planned.




Bark if Tornado comes back.

Is that what I think it is?


Thank you, Sportsmaster, we'll take it from here.







CHESHIRE: Pulled it off my sword about a minute after you put it there.

Thought you'd want it back, since it goes so nicely with the one Red Arrow gave you.

[SINGSONG] Someone on your team doesn't trust you.


Argh! Unh!


Arrow to Aqualad. Located Cheshire and Sportsmaster.

- Rendezvous at my coordinates. AQUALAD [ON RADIO]: Acknowledged.

Sending Kid ahead.

So you're pretty much allergic to radioing a warning.

Artemis to Arrow: Look out.

So is Red building a friend or what?

RED TORNADO: Perhaps you should ask Red.



All right, what's with the new bot?

RED TORNADO: I am a robot. This is an android.

He will serve as my alter ego, John Smith...

...and allow me to download my consciousness... that I may walk among humans, interact and learn.

I think it's a wonderful idea.

RED TORNADO: Your approval is appreciated.

But your presence is uninvited. Is this a sign of disrespect?

Curiosity. Boredom.

You know, he's cute.

But if the goal is human interaction...


He really needed pants.




Aqualad and I found the tracer on a caboose, and I don't mean Cheshire's.

She must have ditched it. Yeah, figured.

Wait. Then how did you and Red end up here?


I've got this. Go.

KLARION: All done.



Don't be absurd.

With what we've created tonight, I could...

Why waste such power on her?

Do as she says. Freeze.


Let me be clear. We failed.

Though the Injustice League is in custody, their allies still scheme...

...and we have learned nothing of their plans.

Gee, I wonder why. Hey.

Who found out Sportsmaster was working for Brain, Klarion and?

Yeah, great intel. Except Ivo's been in Belle Reve the whole time.

And the guards just checked.

It's the real, not a robot.

Well, I enjoyed my sabbatical.

Thanks for filling in.

It's my pleasure.

You know, I'm getting pretty tired of you dumping on her.

Her tracer. So? Cheshire ditched it.

No. Artemis ditched that to send us on a wild goose chase.

She put this one on Cheshire.


Are you that freaked out about Arrow joining the team... had to prove yourself by bringing down the bad guys solo?

Please tell me I'm wrong.


Well, nice going.

What you proved is that you're insecure and selfish.

Keep the sai.

This is the right souvenir for the mission.

So how will you betray us next time? Enough.

If making a mistake was a betrayal, we would all be traitors.

I must report to Batman.

The rest of you, get some sleep.

You're not who you say you are.

This isn't over, not by a long shot.

PAULA: Artemis.

Is everything...? Fine, Mom. I just wanna go to bed.

SPORTSMASTER: Shh. We wouldn't want to upset your mother.

What are you doing here?

Just curious to hear how your little team took their defeat.

Blamed you, didn't they?

Will they keep you around now that Red Arrow has joined up?

And what if they learned the truth about the family ties you've worked so hard to hide?

Would they ever trust you again?

Thanks for the pep talk, Dad. We should have these family reunions more often.

You tried, baby girl.

You can fight Jade, you can fight me...

...but you can't fight who you are.

Time to switch sides, Artemis.

You'll never be one of them.

You belong with us.