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01x21 - Image

Posted: 10/29/21 16:04
by bunniefuu

DINAH: We came as soon as we got your message.

What's the problem? There's something you both need to see.


Almost had me that time, Conner.

You deserve a reward.


Dinah! Freeze playback!

That never happened!

You need to keep watching. Play.


BATMAN: Freeze playback.

Ha, ha, ha. Don't you laugh!

She and he and... Oliver, this is not funny.

No. Ahem. No, of course not.

Please understand, on Mars, this is a common game.

My people all shape-shift...

...but also read minds so no one is ever misled.

And I am certain Conner knew he was with M'gann from the very first.

We're not on Mars, J'onn.

No. But my niece does not understand things are different on Earth.

Then I'll make her understand.


Oh. Hello, Megan.


DINAH: M'gann.

Just a sec.

Okay. Come in.


So you can see that among humans, that game could be very hurtful.

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

I'm not upset anymore.

But please, M'gann, from now on, just be yourself.

This is my self!

This is who I am.

BATMAN [ON PA]:Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, report for mission briefing.

Rumaan Harjavti is the democratically elected president of Qurac.

Harjavti has been praised as a fair, wise leader. A humanitarian.

Sure, any friend of Bruce Wayne's.

But five days ago, Harjavti allied himself...

...with the dictator of the neighboring nation of Bialya, Queen Bee.

Not a fan. Few are.

But Harjavti suddenly backs Queen Bee's baseless claim...

...that Qurac and Bialya were one nation in ancient times.

And has announced the countries will reunify... two days at a ceremony in Qurac.

After the ceremony, I will step down as president... that our rightful monarch, Queen Bee, may rule.

I laud President Harjavti for unifying our peoples...

...and I will gladly come to Qurac to be crowned sole leader of our nation.

And the Quracis are okay with this?


They're well aware of the brutality of Queen Bee's regime.

But Harjavti has censored the press, silenced all legitimate protest...

...and invited the Bialyan military into his country to enforce martial law.

Queen Bee has to be controlling Harjavti.

Doesn't she have the power to enthrall most men?

And some women. But not long-distance.

And we have confirmation she hasn't left Bialya.

Something else is at work here. Find out what.

Robin, you're Team leader.

Promotion. Sweet.

Me? What about Aqualad?

Busy helping Aquaman. You're the next logical choice.

Great. Dude, you totally left me hanging.

ROBIN: We're right above the Quraci-Bialyan border.

A border the Bialyans are in the process of ignoring.

No opposition. Guess Harjavti really is in bed with Bialya.

Wouldn't expect opposition here. It's an animal sanctuary.

The Logan Animal Sanctuary? You've heard of it?

Guys, tanks have caused a stampede.

With civilians in harm's way.

I see them. Woman and a small boy. We have to help them.

We're way off mission here.

Deploy. But stealth mode.

If the Bialyans know we hit them, this becomes an international incident.




ROBIN: Are you both all right?

Mom, Mom, Mom.

We were just saved by Robin and Kid Flash.

Superboy and Miss Martian helped too. GARFIELD: Oryx.

We diverted the Bialyans around the sanctuary. You should be safe now.

Yeah, coast is clear, Miss M. You can de-camo now.


You may have made things worse.

Bialyan border crossings are a way of life here.

Usually they wreck a few fences and move on.

Engaging them might have made us a target.

Mom. Uncool.

I'm sorry. I should thank you.

This is my son, Garfield. I'm...

Marie Logan. I can't believe I'm actually meeting you in person.

I've, uh... I've admired your stance on animal rights for years.

CONNER: You've only been on Earth six months.


The oryx is sick, and I think you injured this wildebeest.

Uh... Sorry? I suppose it was unavoidable.

But both need to go to our clinic.

The boys can do that. You and I can, uh, fix your fences.

That's not exactly... Robin?

Please, Mom?

MARIE & ROBIN: Fine. Yes.


Hey! Get it off!

Ha, ha, ha. It's okay. Meet Monkey.

Good name. But I hate monkeys. Grrr.


Looks like Monkey hates Superboys. Dude, be glad he only threw a protein bar.

So pretty weird about Miss Martian and my mom, huh?

What do you mean? GARFIELD: I mean she looks exactly like Marie.

You know, except greener. She does?

Well, duh. Especially back when Mom was a TV star on Hello, Megan!

Wait, Hello, Megan! is a TV show?

I just thought it was something she said.

Yeah, on the TV show.

Way before we were born. Only one season.

You can't even find it online.

I know Mom has a tape somewhere.

Well, you're certainly a time-saver.

How was it being Megan?

Being Megan? I don't know.

I was young. It was fun. Remember that time... were supposed to make cookies, only you thought it'd be faster... make one giant cookie... Listen, Hello, Megan! was a job.

The person you saw on TV isn't who I am.

Hello, Megan! The pilot episode.

KID FLASH: Whoa, you still have VHS?

Where's your eight-track? Wait.

Aircraft, headed this way.

Gar, stay put.

What is it?

Where's my son? ROBIN: I ordered him to stay inside.

He's 8, he doesn't do orders.


It's okay, I got the animals out!




MARIE: I told you there'd be consequences.

Always. Let's get him inside.


He's in shock. He needs a blood transfusion now.

Is either of you O negative?

No. Sorry.

Neither am I. It's the hardest to match.

I kept a supply in the clinic. I can run him to the nearest hospital.

The nearest hospital with a blood supply is half an hour away at your top speed.

Longer by Bio-Ship. He doesn't have that much time.

What's Superboy's blood type?

He's Kryptonian. And Miss Martian... MISS MARTIAN: Might be able to help.

My shape-shifting occurs at the cellular level.

I think I can morph my blood to match his.

Please, try.

I'll need to concentrate. No distractions.

Out. All of you, out.

I'm ready.

And on top of all this, Harjavti steps down tomorrow...

...subjecting all of Qurac to this danger.

KF, can you find a news station? Sure. Which remote is it?


Hello, Megan School and boys and parents too Whole lot of trouble for Miss You-Know-Who

- Who? Hello, Megan

- Who? Hello, Megan This cheerleader knows the score Center of attention and so much more Hello, Megan Hello, Megan A little bit distractable But never too intractable She's really quite attractable Okay, a lot distractable Eventually, she'll get a clue Hello, Megan.

It's a girl for me It's a girl for you Hello, Megan


Hello, Megan It's a girl for me It's a girl for you Maybe it's a coincidence.

Hello, Megan


Hello, Megan


MEGAN: Mom, I'm going to the library to study.

But didn't you invite a certain someone to study here?


Oh. Hello, Megan.



- Conner. AUDIENCE: Ooh.

I thought you'd never get here.

Oh, yeah, pure coincidence.

MISS MARTIAN: It's done. All we can do now is wait.

HARJAVTI: My fellow Quracis...

Is that Harjavti?

...Queen Bee's rule is a gift to Qurac.

Hey, that guy in back. I know him.

MISS MARTIAN: It's Psimon. The psychic we fought last time we were in Bialya.

He was working for Queen Bee then. He must be controlling Harjavti for her now.

I remember the headache from when he brain-blasted us.

We have to get Harjavti away from him.

I think it worked. Garfield's stable.

Good. Because we have our mission.

ROBIN: Harjavti's alone.

Where's my daughter? Unh.

Where's Psimon? Forget him. Let's get you out of here.

Well, well, American heroes, here to assassinate the president.

Such a shame we arrived too late to stop them.

SUPERBOY: Those are Apokaliptan weapons.

ROBIN: Which they'll use to k*ll Harjavti, we get blamed...

...and Queen Bee gets to rule Qurac. Form up around the president.

MISS MARTIAN: I've found Psimon.

ROBIN: Wait. SUPERBOY: I'll get her.

ROBIN: No. The mission is Harjavti.


PSIMON: Tsk, tsk. Am I the only one to learn anything from our previous encounter?

You didn't think that maybe if you could sense me, I could sense you too?

Or that this time, I'd be ready to use your greatest fear against you?


Psimon says, show me who, or rather what, you really are.


This is who I am!




Thank you for saving my father. We will take care of him now.

SUPERBOY: M'gann, we're coming. Aah! Unh!

PSIMON: Psimon says smartly done.

Brain-blasting your own team.

I had no idea you'd go to such lengths to hide your true self from your good friends.

Well, actually, I did.

But you needn't have bothered, it's being recorded for posterity.


PSIMON: Uh-uh-uh. I didn't say "Psimon says."




PSIMON: Come now, we both know that's not who you really are.

Must you even lie to yourself within your own mind?

It's not a lie! This is who I am!

PSIMON: Wow. And they say I'm pathological.


Off our game, are we?

Let's dig a little deeper, find out what we're really afraid of. Hm?



Keep back!

PSIMON: Well, of course, friends and teammates shrink from you in fear.

You should have told us the truth.

I don't see how we can trust you now.

PSIMON: Then you're kicked off the pep squad.

I am sorry M'gann, but there is no place for you on Earth now.

PSIMON: Oh, and banished to Mars too.

Yet even that's not the worst, is it?

MISS MARTIAN: No, please, stop.

Love you? I can't even look at you.


Oh, what you wouldn't do to prevent that now, right?

MISS MARTIAN: That's right.

Now, now, my pretty, I know you don't want to do anything you'll regret.

MISS MARTIAN: You don't know me at all!


SUPERBOY: Unh. Conner? You okay?


Unh! And there's the headache.


He brain-blasted you. I stopped him.


What do you mean the president won't see me?

He invited me.

HARJAVTI: Not of my free will, no!

But now that I am free of your minion's thrall...

...the Quraci people will never suffer your tyrannical rule!


Mark me, Harjavti, you will suffer for this.

Qurac will be mine.

Sorry you had to lie to everyone. I couldn't think of any other way... convince the public Queen Bee was behind this.

Dude, saving a country. Pretty big win for your first turn as leader.

Yeah, thanks.

And I assure you, the Wayne Foundation is here... do whatever it can to help you and your people rebuild Qurac.

Gee, Bruce Wayne sure got here fast.

Almost like he knew... Unh!

Don't you have a souvenir to collect or something?

Hello, Megan.

Something you'd like to tell us?


Growing up on Mars was not a happy time for me.

I started watching the broadcasts my uncle sent from Earth... teach us about our sister planet.

And when I saw Hello, Megan! Something just clicked.

Maybe it was the similarities in our names.

Maybe it was the way all Megan's problems could be solved in 22 minutes.

All I know for sure is that Megan helped me smile through a lonely childhood.

So when I came to Earth and had to adopt a human form, I chose you.

Well, Megan.

Which begs the question, what do you really look like?

KID FLASH: Bald M'gann.

Still hot.

You know you don't have to put on a mask for me.

I do it for me.

This is who I am inside.

Please don't be mad.

Mad? I'm honored.

M'gann, you saved my son.

He says he's your blood brother now, and I agree. You're family.

Thank you. You can't know what that means to me.


Shh. It would be a shame to wake him.

I might have to order my little thrall here to damage himself.

Uh-uh. He already has orders to do just that if anything happens to me.

Now, your performance, a bit over the top, I think.

But then you haven't practiced me the way you've perfected the role of Megan.

That's right.

Poor Psimon's not the only one who knows your true form.

And if you don't cooperate...

...I'll make sure everyone knows what you really are.