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03x04 - Testosterone Martyr Baked Knife

Posted: 10/29/21 07:36
by bunniefuu
So, Greg, looking
forward to Thanksgiving?

Really? We're just gonna
talk about Thanksgiving

after what you just did to me?

I'm sorry. Next time,

I'll bring in someone
with smaller fingers.

We got your routine blood tests back,

and everything looks totally normal,

except for your testosterone level.

What's wrong with my testosterone?

It's off-the-charts high.
Not to get too technical,

but imagine a graph where
the line is way, way up.

Oh. Oh, uh, okay.

Uh, well, what does that mean?

We just keep an eye on it.

There might be some side effects,

but mostly high "T" is just
something cool to brag about.

Welcome to the club.


Thanks for breaking me the news, Doc.

And for the direct eye contact.

You know, we have glasses.

I got a lot of power

surging through my body right now, babe.

It's better that I don't

put my hands on anything
that could break.

Except, of course, for
this pretty little lady.

Whoa. I like sweaty Greg

- when he doesn't have a fever.
- Yeah?

But we have to get to your
parents' house in ten minutes,

- so...
- Well, then we better be quick.

JEN: Greg, the pie!

Oh, my God.

Whoa. I don't know
what's gotten into you,

but Mommy likey.

Do you mind if we just
get straight to it?

Mind? I wanted that to be
one of our wedding vows.


Hey, Pops.

You're looking good in the deep "V."

Hey, listen, next year,

what do you say we hunt our own turkey?

Like the people that can chop
down their own Christmas trees.

Oh, I don't know, son.

I hit a pigeon in the w*r,

and it's haunted me more
than the villages I bombed.

Well, there were
probably a lot of pigeons

in those villages, Dad.

Oh, God. I never thought about that.

Hey, Pinky.

You and Mom sharing clothes again?

Ha-ha. Very funny, Matthew,

but we both know Mom
doesn't wear button-downs.

Doesn't show off her figure.

I'm gonna put this pie in that kitchen,

and then I am gonna open up some jars.


What's with him?

Oh. He got diagnosed
with high testosterone.

Oh, so now he's Mr. Masculinity.

Yeah. I mean, it's all in his head.

You know, like his fear of clowns.

But I don't have to
suffer through a circus,

so in both cases, I win.

(EXHALES) W-We don't
really need any herring, um,

but I haven't been able to
open that jar since .


Listen to that pop.

Hey, uh, Dad says you need
me to change the lightbulb?

- Yeah, honey...
- Oh. Let me do that, buddy.

Why don't you go out
and play with Tyler.

You don't think I can
change a lightbulb?

Well, not without a step stool.

Although, I guess I could
put you up on my shoulders.

Dude, what are you talking about?

You're, like, an inch taller than me.

Two inches. In every way that matters.

You know what I think
sounds like a good idea?


Little Thanksgiving Day family football.

Eh... I don't think that's a good idea.

Well, because of your dancer's hip

or your delicate back?

I don't want anybody to get hurt.

Mom, my back is firing on all cylinders.

I mean, just ask this pie.

Actually, wait, don't ask that pie.

That's not a story
you're gonna want to hear.


TIM: Hold him... I can't! I...




Really, man?

Thought this was a family game.

Hey, hey, he's got a
medical condition, dude.

Yeah, he does.

Touchdown, little man.

You did your best, though.

I'll show you my best, man.

- Yeah.
- Set, hike!


- Oh.
- Ooh.


Sorry about that, bro.

My mind said, "Stop""

but my body said, "Keep huntin',

'cause it's Matt season."

What's wrong with your face?


Are you breaking out?

Oh, man, you got some
big-ass zits coming in.


(QUIETLY): Honey.

Do I have blemishes?

Uh, yeah. But I got to say,

kind of plays into my
delivery boy fetish.


I don't have enough cash on me.

Is that bad?

Honey. Do you have any concealer?

Oh, no. You just lost it, didn't you?


Yeah, acne's a common side effect

of high T.

Next thing to go is the hair, bro.

Greg. Hey, man.

High T, that's just a number.

All right? That confidence
you were feeling?

That didn't come from down
there. It came from up here.

Wow. Thank you.

Yeah. Here you go.

- Oh, God.

Seriously? You went
commando on Thanksgiving?

I had a lot more
confidence this morning.

More acne going on back here.



Wake up.

It's : a.m., Mom.

Colleen is sick.

You're making Thanksgiving dinner.

No, no, no, no, no, no. You
love cooking Thanksgiving dinner.

Not today. Today, I'm
finally watching the parade.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You're right. You're
right. You're right.

You've been working like crazy
ever since we all moved in,

and I really appreciate that.

And yeah, yeah, I'm on it.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You don't get to go back to sleep.

I get to go back to sleep.

Okay. Yes, so excited.

Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Oh, dear.

Mm. Come back to bed, Heater.

Oh! Help!

No, no. Tim, it's not Heather!

MAN: Now, we're going
to let it sit out.

Allowing the bird to air-dry

- will give it a crispy...
- Oh! Ah! Crispy!

- Hey! Woo-hoo!
- Crispy! Yeah!

Oh! So many of you.

Oh, and you invited a
man from the Internet.

Yeah, you just missed
the lady who showed us

how to use a rolling pin.

Turns out she wasn't even cooking.

Oh, honey, I left you
all my recipe cards.

Oh, no, we don't need them.

See, I'm a really spiritual cook.

I like to ask the food
what it wants to be.

Yeah, don't worry, she's
just in charge of ice.

Okay, well, you... have a plan.

And so no matter what
happens, it will be good.

- Thanks, Mom.
- MAN (OVER TV): Crispy.

Oh. Crispy!

ALL: Crispy!

JOAN: Oh, the Macy's Parade.

Finally! I've heard so much about it.

here in New York City today,

and holiday cheer is
definitely in the air.

- MAN: That's right. It sure is.
- Is it just balloons?

Yup. Too bad it's not windy, though.

One year, Barney got
stuck in the power lines,

and they had to s*ab
him in front of everyone.

We had grief counselors
at school the next day.

Well, where's Snoopy?

I don't recognize any
of these characters.

Me neither. Looks like they're
all fourth-generation Pokémon.

I only consider the first
three generations to be canon.

You know, it's really hard
for people to see the balloons

when other people are talking.

Well, when I was a child, you know,

our department store had a parade,

- but there were no balloons.

Th-There was just children
in wagons, and soldiers.


- It was World w*r Two.
- Mm-hmm.

Is that boiling water?

Oh, yes. It's for my
traditional Thanksgiving bath.

This year, I'm filling it pot
by pot, like the pilgrims did.

- Oh...
- Mm-hmm.

Maybe I could finally join you.

I'm up for some Thanksgiving fun.

Oh, my traditional bath is-is
not a sexual thing, Joanie.

It's more spiritual.

- Oh.
- Please respect that.

- Hmm?
- Yeah.

♪ Stop, can't you see
what you doing, girl? ♪

- ♪ Girl, look what you've done ♪
- Okay.


♪ You going out of my
arms for another... ♪

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!


Those pinches are like punches.

Your hands are very powerful.

I know. Do you remember
my water polo coach said

I could've totally
played for the boys' team?

Hey, you should go outside.
Yeah, get out of here, have fun.

Matt and Greg are out there,
they're playing football.

Do they let people talk
wh-while they watch?

TIM (SHOUTING): Keep it down in there!

I can't see Hello Kitty!

Hey, is it just me,
or is it really weird

- that she's just watching us?
- Yup.

Go, Greg!


Wow. All that extra testosterone,

you still can't throw a spiral, huh?

I can do that now. Quick kick.

- Seriously, dude?
- Dude, you can't handle this T.

You can't even catch
this T. Check this out.

See? See?

MATT: Mom, tell him to stop running!

Oh, trust me, you don't even want...

This seemed like so much more fun

from the kitchen window.

- JOAN: Oh!

The pot's about to boil over!

Wow, I got here just in time.

Mom, it's okay, that's
just Dad's bathwater.

We got everything covered in here.

- You do?
- Yeah.

It's Thanksgiving: The Re-Remix.

SCRATCHING) That's our theme.

Oh, yeah. Everybody's
placemat is a vinyl record.

Mm-hmm. I wasn't
super into it at first.

And I'm still not.

Well... Maybe our theme
should just be "Thanksgiving"?

(LAUGHS) Mom, don't be crazy.

That's our theme for Christmas dinner.

Get outside, go have fun.

There is no fun.

The activities in this family suck!

I mean, cooking is what
I do, and I thought,

"Oh, I can live without this."

But I can't.

Not unless we get better
people in this family.

- I'm sorry.
- JEN: I mean, if I would've known

that me leaving this
kitchen would make you happy,

- I would've bounced hours ago.
- Yeah.

Maybe, to me, spending my entire day

slaving over a hot stove
for my ungrateful family,

so I can complain about
how ungrateful they are,

is the true magic of Thanksgiving.

You know what, Mom?

We're gonna get out of your hair.

The kitchen is yours.

Happy Thanksgiving.

- Happy Thanksgiving, Joan.
- Happy Thanksgiving.

You mean nobody's
gonna stay and help me?


I-I can't believe you
gave me a pot cookie!

I'm sorry. When my grandma said

they were made with
love, I didn't know "Love"

was the name of the weed she buys.

When does it kick in? Does
it make your arms heavy?

'Cause mine are, like, heavy.

I don't even remember how
heavy my arms used to be.

We just have to get
through dinner, that's it.

You're right. And-and
when dinner is over,

I'll take a nap, like everyone else,

and-and sleep it off until...

How long have I been standing
here talking to myself?

Wait, I'm not talking to myself.

I'm here.

Be casual. Be confident.

And most importantly, be casual.

And confident.

Happy Thanksgiving!



Sweetie, your grandparents'
house is next door.


Damn. That girl is baked.


Anyway, the only solution is diplomacy.


- Oh!

Look who's here. Did
you have fun at Jenna's?

(GASPS) She knows.


Fun was had.

Talk like Yoda, she does.

Hey, Sam.

- Hey. Happy turkey day, Sam.
- Hi-ya, champ.

Why is everyone talking to me?

No one talks to me this much.

Lark! Well, as always,

it's been lovely almost
eating a meal with you.

Oh, no, Jen, sit down.

Let-let Sam watch Lark.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

She'll outwit me.

(SLOWLY): I hate babies.

Too soft.

Stop talking so fast!

What are you talking about?
You always say Lark is

like the little sister you never had.


Here, I'll help Sam.

JEN: Oh, thank you so much.

Dude, I don't know what you smoked,

but Mom and Dad will
flip if they find out.

You are way too young.
Also, do you have any more?

- It's that obvious?
- Yeah.

Am I going to die?

No. You're not going to die.

My heart is racing.

I think I'm having a heart attack.

Can-can you tell if I'm
having a heart attack

without touching my boob?



You can do this. Yeah.

Girl, how'd you get back in my house?

I have no idea.

I'm so sorry.

Better not have used my shell soaps.

That's the best water I've ever tasted.

Did I say that out loud?

No, I think I'm good.


Who's ready for dinner?


Are you kidding me? The
meal is just starting?

Now for our favorite
Thanksgiving tradition:

going around the table and
saying what we're thankful for.

I'll go first.

(FADING): I'm thankful...

Do I say corn? I
mean, I like corn.

Corn is the freaking best.

Did I say that out loud?

Did I just say corn?



Maybe there's another Sam here.


HEATHER: Sam, come on, let's go.


A time to give thanks

for the big things in life,

like, uh,

family, friends, corn,

but, uh, also

the smaller things, like
a smile across a table

or a parent's warm embrace.

We must get out of our heads

and into our hearts.

And I am thankful to be a part
of the heart of this family.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mm! Happy Thanksgiving.

ALL: Happy Thanksgiving.

Sam, can I speak to you for a moment?

Oh, no. Maybe if I close my eyes,

I'll wake up with
my black family.

What you said at the
table was very sweet.

And we're very proud of you and
the young woman you're becoming.

Ugh. We just wanted you to know that.

This is a trap.
Don't say anything.

Thanks, guys.

I'm gonna go back to the table. Okay.

Okay, yeah.


You think she can tell that we're high?

No, we nailed it.

- Wha...


JOAN: Do we really need that

crusty old thing at the table this year?

I don't know, Pop-Pop is family.


I'm talking about the knife.

This isn't just any
ordinary knife, Joanie.

It's our history.

Cool. I want to see.

Smell it.

- That's the smell

of all the turkeys our forefathers ate.

It smells like pine.

Well, I also use it to
trim the Christmas tree,

but this knife was my father's.

Yeah, he was in

Montgomery Ward, and
it called out to him.

Uh, a really good knife
always chooses you.

Plus, he had a coupon, and
this is a man... here I quote...

Who got the most from his dental floss.

This knife became part
of our family that day,

and my father

always carved at Thanksgiving

with this knife for years.

And then one day,

th-that honor was passed on to me.


Will it choose me next?

Well... (STAMMERS) it
needs to pass through

several older generations first,

but, uh, if those shoes
of yours have rubber soles,

- you could plug it in.
- Okay.

Excuse me, I'm sorry. (LAUGHS)

(WHEEZING LAUGH): What are you doing?


- Look at your dad's knife.
- I know.

So sorry.


Uh, looks like it's carving time.

Who else is feeling munchie?

- What?
- What?


Whoa! A little more kick this year, huh?


Yeah, sweetie, come
over here, sit by me.

Ooh, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad! Dad!

- John, our table!
- Oh, it's fine.

I-I can sand it out.



Well, looks like my time has ended.

The knife is ready
to choose someone new.

It's a special day.



Well, you don't have much else.

Thank you.

Oh, babe, it's all right.


- Come on, Matt.
- You got it.



Well, no surprises there.

It's all right.

I don't really like
responsibility, anyway.


TYLER: Don't we have other knives?

Times like this call for a
little extra testosterone.

JOAN: Oh, Greg, you should
have your girdle for this.


Okay, you want to know what,
if you guys will just give me

a few minutes to stretch, I
can really get at it, I'm sure.

Why don't you just have Tim do it?

Yeah, how about my dad?

Hmm? Yeah, I'll have another piece.

No, babe, the knife.

Oh. Cool. Here, hold this, babe.

- Oh, thanks. Oh, honey.
- Oh.

Mom, d... oh, okay.

Mmm. Mmm.


I freaking love you, babe!

Sure, after I loosen it up for him.

Yeah, you did that.

The knife has chosen!

- (MUFFLED): Yay for Tim!
- Yes!

- Not sure I agree with the choice.
- Shh.

I've never felt so much power.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

Hey, thank you, John, for the honor.

I will not let you down, any of you!

- No!
- Okay.

The Short family knife is safe with me.


Oh, that is deep!

- Dad!
- Oh, my God!

I see bone! I see bone!

Oh! Oh, my God! Shut it off! Greg!

Shut off the knife!

Yeah, okay!

Ow! It's just raw wire!

I'm gonna throw up!

You're a doctor!

It's ear, nose and throat,
not ear, nose and thumb!


I'm calling an ambulance.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

Sam, get some bandages!


Oh, right. Sorry, I
thought I already did this.

Um, Thanksgiving.

A time to give thanks for the
big things in life, like...

- John!
- I got this.

The knife's not gonna hurt me.

- Corn...
- I'm going down.

- HEATHER: No, you're not.
- TIM: I'm going down.

Aah! It's gone rogue!

- Happy Thanksgiving.

- k*ll it!
- I can't get it!

k*ll it!

Yeah! God!


Hey, John.

What has one usable thumb

and wants to apologize for
ruining Thanksgiving dinner?

And dessert.

I mean, you plunged your
bloody hand into the ice cream.

I don't remember that.
I must've blacked out.

We-we ate around it.

Anyway, I'm sorry.

I can't accept this.

Maybe later I'll be able
to earn the right to...

Ooh. Aah!

- Aah!
- My toe! Oh!