05x19 - Cowardly Lyin'

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The King of Queens". Aired September 21, 1998 - May 14, 2007.*
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Series follows head of the household Doug who works for a delivery company like UPS.
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05x19 - Cowardly Lyin'

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ My eyes are gettin' weary ♪

♪ My back is gettin' tight ♪

♪ I'm sittin' here in traffic ♪

♪ On the Queensboro Bridge
tonight ♪

♪ But I don't care,
'cause all I want to do ♪

♪ Is cash my check and drive
right home to you ♪

♪ 'Cause, baby, all my life ♪

♪ I will be drivin' home
to you ♪

So I'm working the counter
at the bowling alley,

and Spence returns his shoes.

And I'm about to spray them,
and he says, "Don't bother."

Then he pulls out this
little travel shoe sprayer,

like he's James Bond
or something.

I had to ask him out
right there on the spot.

Well, you're only
human, right?

Actually, most women
are turned on

by his asthma inhaler.

But for me, it's always
been the bite plate.

Anyway, since then,
it has been

a month of heaven,
right, cutie?


Except for...
the incident.


Denise bought me the
ugliest contact paper

for my kitchen drawers.

It's adorable!

Hey, it's not.

But if teddy bears
wearing aprons

is what you like,
then I support that

because that's
part of who you are.

Just like line dancing
is part of who you are.


Plus, there are plenty
of things we both like.


La Boheme!
La Boheme!

They're a cute couple,

but they just turned
a bad corner.

I wanted to see La Boheme.

I love the opera.

Since when?

Uh, since I was a kid

and I saw Rigoletto

after Sarette
Hornblass' bat mitzvah.

OK, I didn't understand
one word in that sentence,

and I'm not going.

Doug, I felt
the same way as you

until I saw it.

I mean, I went to mock,

I stayed to rock.

Please don't make me go.

All right, boys, time
for a little moo shu

and some March madness.

That's what I'm talking about.

College hoops, only my
favorite time of year.

OK, let's fire this sucker up.

Who we got, who we got?

OK, it's : .

We got Southern Illinois
vs. American Samoa.

Who do you like, Deac?

I think this is Samoa's year.


Keep it down a sec, guys,
I got a message here.

Carrie On Answering Machine:
Hey, hon, it's me. Listen,

one of the partners can get
me free tickets tonight

for La Boheme. I have
to let him know by :

or he's giving them
to someone else.

I promise you'll have
a good time.

Call me before : , OK?
Love you, bye.


Damn it!

Hey, La Boheme.
Good for you.

Know what I'm doing tonight?

Not seeing La Boheme.

You know what? I'm not
seeing it, either.

I just--I gotta think
of a way out of this.

Why don't you just tell
Carrie you're watching hoops,

you don't feel like going.

Yeah, that's a good idea.
The only problem is

I don't want one of her
boots in this area.

Well, then, you're
going to the opera, boy.

You best get your mind right.

Wait a second.
I can't go to the opera

if I never heard
Carrie's message, right?

And I couldn't have
heard her message if...

I was working late! That's it!
Get everything up, guys.

We're out of here.
Go! Clean it up!

What? I just rolled
my first moo sh...

Yeah, well, you know what?
You can eat it

on the bus ride
home, all right?

We gotta get this room
looking exactly like it was

when we walked in.
Come on, let's go!

That's it. Next time,
we're watching TV

at the divorced guy's house.

You know what? Don't
forget anything, too.

Carrie's got eyes like a hawk.

All right.
Oh, man.

OK. Come on, let's go.

Hey, Deac, hand me a napkin.

There's a little plum
sauce on the table.

Whoa! Hold it!

Wait a second.

OK, that's not plum sauce.
That's jelly from yesterday.

That stays.
Let's go, let's go!

Answering machine!

What about it?

Oh, my God. The light's
not flashing anymore.

Carrie's gonna know
I checked the message.

And we're back at the opera.

No, no, no, no, no! Deac,
call me on your cell phone.

Leave a message. The
light will flash again

and both messages
will play as new.

I don't want to get in
the middle of this.

I'm kind of fond of this area.

Fine, then, Danny, you do it.

Really? Thanks.

OK, so, uh, what do I say?

I don't know. Just say, "Doug,
it's Danny. Call me later."

Well, what am I calling about?

It doesn't matter!

You know what, I can't
watch this anymore.

Thank you.

Gotta get me
some grown-ass friends.

[Telephone Rings]

Doug: Hey, you've
reached the Heffernans.

Leave a message.
[Machine Beeps]

Hey, man. Sorry you got
roped into the late shift.

Listen, remember to bring my
Coltrane CD to work tomorrow.

I gotta--
Kirby, I told you

to quit unbuckling
Major's car seat!

Boy, I will pull over and leave
your behind on the B.Q.E.!

That's what you want, huh? You
want to live on the highway?

That all right?

I got chills.

Doug? Doug!

Hey, hon.

Are you just getting home now?

Yeah. I got stuck with the
late shift at the last minute.

What you got there?
The mail?

Yeah. I left you
a message earlier today.

I could've gotten us La
Boheme tickets for tonight

from one of the partners.

Aww. Well, there's nothing
I could've done about it.

Nick Faruno's wife
went into labor.

Just what we need, another one
of him in the world, huh?

Ugh! God.

We, uh, get any messages?

Well, I know
there's one from me.

Hey, hon, it's me.

Listen, one of the
partners can get me--


Deacon: Hey, man.
Hey, sorry you got roped

into the late shift. Listen,
remember to bring my Coltrane CD

to work tomorrow.
I want to--

Kirby, I told you to quit
unbuckling Major's car seat!

Boy, I will pull over and leave
your behind on the B.Q.E.!

That what you want, huh? You
want to live on the highway?

[Dog Barks
On Answering Machine]

[Beeps] Hmm.

You ask me, that kid could use

a little taste of
highway life, huh?

Knock the sissy out of him.

W-what are
you doing?

I just want to--

I just want to hear
something again.

Deacon: Leave your
behind on the B.Q.E.!

That what you want, huh? You
want to live on the highway?

[Dog Barks On Machine]

Hey, did you know there's
another outlet over here?

Come here, you gotta check this out!
It's wild! -prong!

You want to live
on the highway?

[Dog Barks]


Hey, let's go
get pizza right now

like crazy kids. Come on,
let's go right now, huh?

Who's hungry for fun?

Wh-what are you doing?

[Dog Barking]

That was Pepper barking

on that message.

Deacon didn't
call from his car.

He called from
inside our house.

No, no, no. You know
what probably happened?

Pepper probably got out

and was chasing Deacon's
car on the highway.

Damn it,
keep your gate closed!

I gotta go talk to them.

Doug, Deacon left us
a phony message.

Why would he do that?

Shh. We're both tense.
Let's get that pizza.

Doug, what the hell
is going on here?

Shh. I don't know.

Doug, tell me what the
hell is going on,

or so help me,
I will k*ll you.

And I don't mean that funny,

"Oh, my God!
I'm gonna k*ll you."

I mean I will stop your heart!

OK, I was home. OK, I heard
your stinking message.

I had Deacon leave another one

so the light
would flash again.

Then I left
and I waited in the car

till you got home.

So you would rather

sit in the car for hours

then in a theater for ?

It's the opera! They sing
every word in foreign!

Oh, my God!


Do me a favor--
get away from me.

But it was my only way out!

It wasn't
your only way out, Doug.

If you were a grown-up,
you would just say,

"Carrie, I don't want
to go to the opera,"

and that would've
been the end of it.

I did that, and it
wasn't the end of it.

It's never the end of it
until you crush me to dust!

Oh, I crush you to dust.

Doug, I can barely
roll you off my arm

when we're sleeping.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

I got a couple pounds on you,

no argument there.

But don't you kid yourself.

You're the one who rules
this relationship.

Oh, I rule the relationship. How
do I rule the relationship?

With fear.

I'm scared of you, yeah.

You're scared of me.

Yeah, I said it.

And, frankly, I'm a little
scared that I said it.

You know, you are
so full of crap!

Not crap. Terror.

You know what, Doug?

I don't think this has to do

with you being scared
of me at all.

No, this has to do with you

being a big selfish baby
and trying to cover it up.

Because I'm scared of you!

Anyway, you think I like
having to lie all the time?

I mean, except
for our marriage,

I'm a pretty honest guy.

So this lying,
you do it all the time?


Yes, yes, I do.

Like when?
Give me an example.

All right, um, well, you know

when you were upset at
the guys at the car wash

because you thought they
shorted out our power seats?

Yeah. Actually, that was me.

I was working
buttons at once

trying to get it to buck.

Like Urban Cowboy, you know.

But I got a letter
of apology from Enrique.

That was me writing lefty.

I knew "gracias" wasn't
spelled with a "z"!

OK, what else?

All right, well, uh,

often I enjoy a pre-dinner
Whopper on my drive home.

Yeah, and you know why you
don't smell it on me?

Because I change
uniforms in the garage.

Yeah, because of you,

I gotta stash uniforms
all over this place.

That's one deceitful

and self-destructive.

Oh, Carrie, come on, all right?
I do what I gotta do

to keep this marriage
running smoothly, OK?

You just see the sausage.

You don't see how it's made.

Are you listening to yourself?

I mean, I'm not
the scary one here.

You're the scary one.

I am?

Oh, yeah?
Then how come

they didn't make a horror
movie called Doug?

Huh? Carrie? Yeah!

[Knock On Door]

I hope this isn't a bad time.

Oh, no. No, come in.

OK, I just want
to go over my bill

for walking your dad
like we discussed.

I don't want you to think

I cook the books or anything.

Sure, sure.

On the th, I have a
charge for cents

because I bought biscuits
for the other dogs

and Arthur got jealous and
demanded marshmallow Peeps.

Um... Holly, can I
ask you a question?

I know. When did the
price of Peeps go up?

I was stunned.

Do you find me... scary?

You know, I'll just pay
for the Peeps myself.

No, Holly, come on!
I really want to know.

Just be honest with me.
I mean, how do you feel

when you're around me?
Like right now?


OK, well, I'm
looking right at you,

and I'm not seeing happy.

I can do better.

Holly, come on!
I just need you

to answer the question. I mean,
is that too much to ask?

I think we've been
pretty damn good to you.

Oh, God, are you
gonna fire me?

No, I'm not gonna fire you!

I just need you to
answer the question.

Am I scary?


Yes, yes,
you're terrifying me!

You've terrified me
since the day we met!

Thank you.

Here's Carrie!

[Warily] Hi.

I come in peace.

Really? You're
not mad anymore?


Look, I'm sorry.

I said some really
rough things last night

because I was flailing, but...

you're great.

Well, you know, I can
be scary sometimes,

and I really don't like
that about myself.

Yeah, but I'm very selfish,

and my lying has gotten
way out of control.

But you know what it is?
Sometimes we just--

We bring the worst
out in each other,

and it doesn't have
to be like that.

I mean, we could
have a more honest

and supportive relationship

if we were willing
to work on it.

Sign me up for that.


I thought we were
gonna work on it.


Yes, now!

Oh. OK. Well...

let's work on it.

What do we do?

Well, um,

well, why don't you try
telling me the truth

about something you
would normally hide,

and I will try to respond

without making you
poop yourself.

All right, uh...

Oh, let me see. OK,
our--our Visa bill.

Have you--have you
looked at it yet?


OK, well, there's
a charge on here

from a video store
for "G.G.W."

That stands for
Girls Gone Wild.


Now, I was planning on
telling you that "G.G.W."

stood for George Washington.

And what were you
planning on telling me

the middle "G" stood for?


Gary. OK.

Well, I'm just curious, Doug,

in a, you know, supportive,

non-scary way,
of course,

why you would purchase
a Girls Gone Wild video

in the first place?

That's a good question, and
I support that question.


There's something about
the "going wild" process

that fascinates me.

Right, right, right.

I mean, because
I could understand

why guys who aren't married
to attractive women

would want to buy
that video, but...

You know what I'm saying?

Ha ha ha!
You do?

I do, I do.

And yet I don't know.


Ahem. So,
where is this video?

It's in the My Fair Lady box.

OK. Well...

thank you for telling me.

Thank you for
not getting upset.

No problem.

One other thing.


I'm gonna go to race
car driving school.

I'm sorry?

Jimmy from work,

his uncle runs a place.

It's every Saturday for,
like, a few months.

OK. And what lie were you
planning on telling me

every time you snuck
out of the house?

I hadn't thought of it yet.

Probably something
medical, you know.

Well... Doug--

A liiittle scary
on the Doug there.

Doug... honey...

I can't support
your race car driving

because I would rather support

your continuing to live.

I respect that,
and I would ask

that you would
support me anyway

because that is what a
supportive relationship

indeed is.

Hmm. OK.

And in that same
supportive vein,

would you go
to La Boheme with me?

No, but thank you for asking.

Gee, it was so sweet of you

to invite me to lunch, Carrie.

Well, you're dating Spence,

and he's our friend,
so, you know.

Oh, so is this
like a tradition?

Like, when Spence
gets a new girlfriend

you take her to lunch
to check her out?

Actually, it hasn't
come up that much.

No. Yeah, no,
I just wanted

to pick your brain
about something.

Oh, well, fine.

Just a leave a little
for me. Heh heh heh!

Right, right, right.

Listen, I noticed
that you and Spence

really respect and
support each other.

Oh, yeah. Um,
in our relationship,

that's job one.

OK, you see,

now, I've been trying to do
that with Doug recently,

and I gotta admit--
not loving it.

Well, I guess I feel that
way sometimes a little,

but I just deal with it.


Well, like, for instance,

this Sunday is
our -week anniversary,

and, um, Spence is missing it

to go to his
Dark Shadows convention.

But I'm OK with that because I
know it's important to him.

Dark Shadows?
What is that?

Um, it was, like, a soap
opera a long time ago

with, um, vampires, I think.

But, um, like I said,
I'm OK with it

because I know
it's important to him.

You see, that's
what I'm talk--

I wish I could be like that.

I mean, if it was my
boyfriend, I'd say,

"You selfish jerk! You're
gonna spend our anniversary

"with a bunch of dorks dressed
up like Count Chocula?

"OK, freak, have a good time,

"because when you get back,

I'm gonna punch your
fangs down your throat."

Oh, well. Can you
pass the ketchup?

I don't know
what got into her.

Suddenly, I gotta miss the
DarkShadows convention

for our -week

and she threatened to punch
my fangs down my throat.

It was very disturbing.

Something wrong
with your Whopper?

No. Why?

Because it's still there.

You know what it is?
The pre-dinner Whopper

was my favorite part
of the day,

but now that I don't have
to hide it from Carrie,

it's just a gross,
disgusting habit.

It was always that.

I know, but all the
hiding, all the deceit,

that's what made it so great.

I gotta tell you, I miss
the thrill of the dance.

You know, Dark Shadows
is not Star Trek.

I mean, they don't have
conventions every week.

If I miss this one,

I'm looking
at a -year dry spell.

I cannot survive
in just the chat rooms!

Will you quit bitching
about it already?

Hey, I blew bucks on a
Barnabas Collins costume,

and now it's worthless!
It's just worthless.

So go to the stupid

I can't!
Denise'll hate me.

Please, this is
so easy to pull off.

What are you talking about?

You just have somebody
from work call you,

and you make sure
Denise picks up.

Then the work friend
pretends to be

from the Dark
Shadows convention,

says she's sorry to
hear you're canceling.

Denise'll be so touched,

she'll think you're the
greatest guy in the world.

A few days later,

you have the same person call,

leave another message
saying she's sorry,

but they can't refund your
money like they thought.

Denise'll feel so bad,

she'll send you there
in a freakin' limo.

That was brilliant.

I know.

Carrie: Hey.

Did you have a good afternoon?

Yeah. How about you?

Yeah, I did.

Well, I see you--
you had a Whopper again.

Um, no, actually,
I didn't have a Whopper.

What are you talking about?

I am staring directly
at a piece of lettuce,

and the only lettuce
you let come near you

is on a hamburger.

You know, I was thinking
about what you said,

and you're right. I should
start eating healthier,

so I, uh...
I got a salad.

A salad?

Ohh. What kind of salad?

Insalata primavera.

So you only had a salad today?

That's all.

Hmm. Oh!

What's this ketchup
packet doing here?

I made my own
Russian dressing.

What kind of salad
you say you had again?

Insalata primavera.

Insalata primavera. OK.

Excuse me.

Uh, Doug?

If you're lying, I will find
out, and I will k*ll you.

I know you will, honey.
I know.



And we're back.

You get some slut from work

to make fake phone
calls for you?!

What kind of an idiot
do you think I am?!

If you ever pull a
stunt like that again,

I will beat you to within
an inch of your life!


Man On TV:
Fort Lauderdale!

Full of coeds
and possibilities!

Hey, what's your name?

Woman on TV: Lonnie.

Looking good!

Doug, this is not
Terms of Endearment.

Oh, crap.
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