05x15 - Animal Attraction

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The King of Queens". Aired September 21, 1998 - May 14, 2007.*
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Series follows head of the household Doug who works for a delivery company like UPS.
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05x15 - Animal Attraction

Post by bunniefuu »

I know it's not your problem.



I've got me some sweet
Valentine right there.

OK... no...

Uh, I will be there.

I understand.

OK. Bye.

Don't forget, honey,

we have dinner
reservations at 6:30

at Le Petit Bistro,

and if all goes well,

dessert at Le No Underwear.

I hear good things
about that place.

Uh... here's the deal.


I can't...

let's see how I can put this...



What are you talking about?

I have to deliver some penguins.


Yeah. Our regular animal
guys are out sick

and O'Boyle's making me and Deac
drive the live cargo rounds.

We gotta bring 'em
to the Albany Zoo.

I'm gonna be... back
really, really late.

All right, so let me
get this straight.

You can't have dinner with
your wife on Valentine's Day

because you're
delivering penguins?

That's gonna make a hell
of a story someday, huh?

Arthur: Thanks for the
lift, my good man.

No problem. Have a good time, Arthur.
I gotta go.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait around.

If Evelyn isn't here,
I'm not staying either.

I didn't come for the
punch, you know.

Look, I can't wait around.

Why not?

It's Valentine's Day.

Didn't it occur to you
that I might have a date?

Hey. Don't make me
call you on that, son.


Go look for your Evelyn.

I gotta use the
bathroom, anyway.

Excuse me, uh, where's
the men's room?

You want to get there from here?

That's tricky.

You got a map of the building?


I'll draw you one.

All right, you know what?
That's OK.

I said I'll draw you one.

Evelyn, I must say,

that dress, it's
just outstanding.

Ohh! Thank you.

I saw it, I just had to have it.

Exactly how I felt the
first time I saw you.

Oh, Arthur. You make me laugh.

Really? How about
I have my driver

take us back to your place
for a glass of fine wine,

that is, assuming
you have fine wine.

I would love to, Arthur,
but I'm with my sister

and I can't leave
her here alone.

OK, now, you're here.

No, you're... wait. You're here.

No, wait.

Oh, damn! This is a
map of my house.

Where's some more paper?

Arthur: Spence,

I'd like you to meet Evelyn

and her very single
sister Betty.


Hi, Hol. Hi, Carrie.

Is your dad here?

Uh, no. Why?

You weren't supposed to
walk him tonight, were you?


No, but my boyfriend and
I kind of broke up...

It's no biggie... It's a mutual...

Anyway, um...

instead of staying home alone,

I thought maybe I
could come over here

and throw your dad a freebie.

I assume you're talking
about a free walk.


Oh, not...

No, no. No.

I have a strict policy
on that, believe me.

OK. Well, you're out of luck.

He's down at the
senior center tonight.


Is there anything else, or...



Oh, boy.


why does every guy
break up with me?

I mean, I let them
stay at my apartment.

I give them money.

Well, it sounds like you're
doing all the right things.

I know...

look, um...

You'll... you'll
find someone else.

No, no, I won't. I'm a loser.

No, you're not a loser, OK?

Now, I only met him once, but I'd
say that guy you were dating,

now, he's a loser.

What was wrong with Snake?

Well... for one,

um, the neck tattoo.

Well, a lot of
people have tattoos.

Yeah... not of Charlie
Brown sh**ting up.

Let me ask you a question, Hol.

Uh, where do you usually
go to meet guys?

Uh, well, I go to Duffy's a lot.

They let me drink for free

'cause I gave them my bra and
panties to hang on the wall.

OK. You need to start
going to places

where the women keep
their underwear on

and the men are OK with that.

Like where?

Oh, OK, uh...

well, there's this
great new martini bar

that just opened
up on 38th Street.

A lot of people from
my office go there.

Well, that sounds great.

Oh, it is great,

and they make the best
raspberry cosmos...

Hey, I bet you it's
hoppin' right now.

I'm sold! Let's go!

Oh, no, I wasn't
talking about me.

I... I can't...

Oh, right. No, no, of course.

It's Valentine's Day. I'm sure
you have plans with Doug.

Yeah, um, actually...

he's driving penguins to Albany.

I'll go change.


Where the hell are we, man?

I don't know.

You said this road would
get us to Albany.

No, I said it would get
us to Albany faster.

And it would've gotten us
to Albany faster if it...

went to Albany.

I can't believe you, man.

Sorry, all right?

I'm just trying to
get back in time

to salvage a little Valentine's
Day with my wife. OK?

All right, all right.

All right, the next exit
is Industrial Boulevard.

That should take us
back to the thruway.

OK, good.

Why do you think they're sending these
penguins to another zoo, anyway?

I don't know.

Maybe they're troublemakers.

You mean...

stealing fish or...

giving people the flipper?

Up yours!

What? Here it is.

I can't get over! The exit.

Just go for it!


you all right?


I think so.


All right. Everyth...

Everything's OK.
Everything's OK.

What the hell was that?

It sounds a lot like
loose penguins.

Doug: Be careful.

All right, well...
one's still locked up.

Where's his friend?

Close the door! Close the door!

OK. All right.

It's no biggie. We just...

we just gotta get him
back in his cage.


Just go ahead.


No way. You're the one who
drove off the road. You do it.

I'm not touching that thing.
It could be poisonous.

Penguins aren't poisonous.

Why, you're a big baby!

Get back.

OK, what just happened here...

stays between us.




so what now?

Well, how about this?

I saw on one of those
nature shows, I think...

penguins, they're
afraid of walruses.

You know? So...

if you get down there
and act like a walrus,

maybe you can scare him
back into his cage.

OK, so you and me are both
up for the role of walrus...

and I get it?

I can't believe this.

It's not working.

Oh, it's not working?

Come on, boy.

Come on, boy.

All right.

That was easier than I thought.

Just call me Dr. Douglittle.

No. All right, let's
get out of here.

All right. All right.

What's goin' on?

It's locked.


"Retain key at all times."

Mother of ass!

I love this place.

And these cosmo
things are delicious.

OK. Slow it down there, Hol.

Slow it down.

Sorry. I'm used to drinking
Rheingold through a funnel.

Well, you can get back
to that tomorrow.

Tonight we focus on finding you Mr.

Or at least... Mr. Not
Steal Your PIN Number.

OK. I'm ready. What do I do?
What do I do?

All right, all right. Well,
the most important thing

is to just play it cool.
All right?

You just spot a guy you'd like,

and you make eye contact...

then you give him
a little smile...

and then as quickly as
you gave him that smile,

you snap it right back.

You want him to know
that you're interested,

but it's still up to him
to make the first move.


Oh, no, I'm sorry.

I was just showing
her something.

Go... go back to your table.

Go, go. Go, go. Go, go.

All right.

Tip number 2...

When you're talking to a guy

and you know you like him, brush
something off his shoulder.

That'll drive him nuts.

What if he doesn't have
anything on his shoulder?

It doesn't matter.

Oh, I understand.

You gotta work it.


Yeah, that's... how
you landed Doug, huh?

Something like that, yeah.


Mm. Mr. Pruzan, hi!

What are you doing here?

Well, it's Valentine's Day,

so I thought I'd spend
it with Lady Vodka.

At least she doesn't cheat
on me with my brother

when he stops by
to return a book.

Well, I guess we'll
leave you two alone.

Come on, Holly.

All right.

Aren't you gonna introduce me

to your friend?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Um, Mr. Pruzan,

this is Holly, my dog-Walker.

Holly, this is my boss Mr.

It's very nice to
meet you, Holly.

Walker of dogs.

Nice to meet you, too, Mr.

Boss of Carrie.

You have something
on your shoulder...

No! No, he does not.

He really doesn't!

He really does not!

Anyway, I guess we'll see you
first thing Monday morning.

A booth just opened up!

Oh, no! Come on, let's sit down.

That's not necessary.
Really. Thank you.

All right. Carrie,

Holly's running a little low.

Get her a fresh
drink, would you?

And I'll have a triple Gray
Goose, ice on the side.

Thank you.


You're welcome.

♪ The summer wind
came over you ♪

♪ From across the sea

♪ And lingered there...

Arthur, can I talk
to you for a minute?

Not a good time, Spence.


Excuse me, sweetheart.

Keep that motor running.

I'm going home.

Why would you want to go home?

It's Valentine's Day
and I just dropped

a perfectly good woman
right in your lap!

She's old enough to
be my grandmother.

She's your Mrs. Robinson.

I'm going home.

But this is my big chance.

I'm begging you.

Take the b*llet for me, son!


Everything all right, Spencer?

Everything's great.


Arthur tells me
you're an eye doctor.


Arthur lies.

I work for the Transit
Authority selling tokens.

Really? That must be
very interesting.

No, it isn't.

I sit in a glass booth all day.

Actually, I do, too.

I sell tickets

at the Midway movie theater.

The Midway?


That's a nice booth.


Did you get that
anti-glare coating yet?

No. And I've been begging
my manager for it.

Oh, it will change your life.

The way...

Help! Help!

Help! Help!

We're trapped in here!
It's cold!

And we have penguins!

Just stick with "Help."

They don't need to hear
the whole damn story.

Hey, you yell for help
the way you want,

I'll yell for help
the way I want, OK?

This wouldn't have happened if you'd
just stayed on the route we were given.

You're blaming this on me?

You're the one who got
us locked in here!

I only closed the door
because you told me to.

I'm sorry. I assumed you could
read a huge warning sticker

with lightning bolts on it!

Man, we're so screwed!

Say, you know what?

I am big, and I am strong,

and there's no way

I am spending Valentine's
Day locked in a truck.

Step aside.


So, professional dog-walking...

what's that all about?

Um... well, I go to
people's houses,

and basically I walk their dogs.

That's incredible.


one ahi tuna,

sliced extra thin.

And tempura rolls...

for my dog-walker.

Actually, can you
excuse me for a sec?

Sure. Yeah.

Where you headed?

Well, like they say,

you don't buy drinks,
you rent 'em.

She's de-lightful.

I can't believe you didn't
introduce me to Holly sooner.

You know...

I'm going to London next week.

You think if I took her
along, she'd sleep with me?

I think if you took her to Ihop,

she'd sleep with you.

Uh, Mr. Pruzan, can I
be honest with you?


Um... I don't really think Holly

is the right girl for you.

But we have chemistry.

Did you see the way she brushed
that thing off my shoulder?

It was electric.

Even so, even so...

uh, there are...

There are things,
um, about Holly,

you know, that...

What are you getting at?

Well, she's got a real temper.

You know? I mean, you should
see her with her dogs.

I mean, she puts this choke
chain around their neck,

she just really, really
yanks 'em real hard.

She yells at them.

Keep talking.

You know, I never
told anyone this,

but sometimes, I feel like
I'm in a glass booth,

cut off from the world, even...

Even when you're not
actually in your booth.


I've felt that way...

the same way my whole life.

Like you never fit in.


You have the most
amazing blue eyes.

Actually, they're dilated

from one of my medications.

They're very nice.


You are a very special
man, Spence Olchin.

And you're a very
special woman...

Betty Guttenplant.

Why'd you invite me over, then?!

I didn't know you wanted that!

Hey! Don't hang the
meat in the window

if it ain't for sale!

Come on, Spence. This
place is squaresville.

Come on, let's go. What?!

You heard me! But I...


guess I...

gotta go.

Call me.

Hey, uh...

you got an extra one of those?


Oh, yeah.

Thank you.

Do you have a light?


I don't usually smoke, but...

Bad night?


My dog-walker

is hooking up with my boss,

so apparently, I
work for her, too.

If I don't smoke,

I might do something
I'll regret in there.

You wanna do something you
might regret out here?

All right, you know what?
Back it off, Fonzie.

I'm happily married.

Yeah. That's why you're out here

hittin' on me on
Valentine's Day.

Oh, yeah. That's me.

Always looking for
that special guy

leaning up against a Dumpster.

What, you think
you're better than me

'cause you're comin' out
of some martini bar?

You women are all the same.

"Get a job. Get off my sister.

Stop dealin' out of my house."

Would you...

Would you like to meet someone?

It's gettin' pretty cold, huh?



We are gonna get out
of here, right?

Well, yeah, I mean,

someone will come by.

We'll be OK.

Yeah, they'll find us.


Probably be a big rescue.

Hey, maybe they'll
make a movie about us,

like those Pennsylvania
miner guys.

OK, they had to drill through
7,000 feet of solid rock

to pull those guys out.

They can get us out with a key.

You know, when I was
in the National Guard,

they told us that to
prevent hypothermia...

you should get as close as you
can to other people, you know?

For body heat.

You mean...

hold each other?

Well, yeah.

You know...

I mean, if we want to live.

Sorry I...

got us in this whole mess.


it's my fault, too.

I want you to know if
anything happens...

you're my best friend.


same here.

You know, it's weird. I'm...

not even scared.

It's like I feel safe with you.


What do you... what do
you think that's about?

I think they're talking
to each other.

Hey, you know, when
we picked them up,

I saw on their tags that one's
a girl and one's a boy.

You think they're a couple?

Yeah. And in separate
cages on Valentine's Day.

That's sad.

Let's see what we have here.

Girl's name is Chloe.

And he is...

Milk Dud.

Well, friend,

get ready to change
your name to Milk Stud.

Look at that.

She's going into his cage.

Chloe, you dirty little girl.

Whoa, they like it rough.


Are they fighting?

Get her out of there!
Get her out of there!

Something's going
on in this truck.

It sounds like a penguin fight.

Let's call for help.
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