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Garfield's Thanksgiving (1989)

Posted: 10/28/21 09:06
by bunniefuu

Morning, Jon.
Sorry to disturb you.

I know you have a busy social
calendar, but if

you will be so kind as to go tothe

kitchen and fix me a hugebreakfast, I will allow

you to come back to bed and
finish your sleep.

Rise and shine Jon Arbuckle.

It's time to serve
your nation and serve

your fellow man. Yes it's

time to serve 'em pancakes.

Pancakes the size of

And coffee.
Yes Jon, coffee.

We wouldn't be thegreat nation we

are today if it weren'tfor coffee.

So do your patriotic duty

Jon Arbuckle and fix mebreakfast.

I wonder if people with
goldfish have this problem.

I trust breakfast met with yoursatisfaction.

It was filling.

But about those pancakes oh,

next time a little less pan, alittle more cake, okay?

Well, stomach, ah, guess it's

for our early mid-morning

Check that.

It's time to abuse the dog.

Kids, don't try this at home.
Hello, what's this?

Take Garfield to vets today.

Oh no!
Not the vet!

Jon can't take me to the vet!
That's inhumane.

That vet thinks she knows what'sgood for me.

Good for her, but that's bad forme,

because what's bad is good
for me,

but if I go to the
vet and that's bad,

she'll prescribe what's good forme

and that's not good.

Maybe if the date disappeared,

Jon'll forget about his little

Here, Odie, Wednesdays are goodand good for you.

Oh no.
Hello, what's this?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.
Do you see that Odie?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.
That's the day people

celebrate having food by eatingas much of it as possible.

Yes, that's the day peopletry to eat every

turkey, pumpkin and cranberry onthe face of the earth.

It's a tradition.

And you know how I love

Oh, Jon?

Nice calendar.

Thanksgiving! Food!
Eat! Tradition!

Yes, I know.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

Which reminds me, we had bettergo to the

grocery store to get lots of
good things to eat.

I'm with you.

Now this is what
Thanksgiving is all about.

Thanksgiving is cookies.

Thanksgiving is pie filling.

Thanksgiving is cole slaw!

Carefully Jon, don't wannabruise my kumquats.

Wait a minute, where, where arewe going Jon?

This, this isn't the way home.

We're going to the vet,Garfield.

Now just relax.

You want me to relax, take
me to Hawaii.

I'm only bringing you to
the vet for a checkup.

Check out Jon, you're only

bringing me to check out thevet.

Why don't you marry her?

Then she could make house calls.


Hi Liz, how have you been? That's Doctor Wilson to you.

Put the cat here.

So, Liz.
That's Doctor to you.

So, Doctor Liz.

How about that weather?

That's a rather personal

question, don't you think,

Mr. Arbuckle?

I can see this relationship

is off to a roaring stop.

How about a date?
I'd sooner die.

Well, don't do that.
Mr. Arbuckle, please.

You can call me, Jon.

I can call out for pizza,too,

but I'm not gonna call youthat.

Call me Ort.

Ah, made you say it, made yousay it.

Don't blame Jon. Snappyrepartee does not

come easily to a dip.

Okay, I'm giving you one lastchance.


ah, will you go out
with me?

No. Okay ah, one more chance.


I can take a hint.
I'll just stand here, quietly.

I'll just stand here and

hold my breath until you say
you'll go out with me.

Oh that will impress her.

Well, Mr. Arbuckle, I've
examined your cat, and

I have some good news and some
bad news.

I hate this part.

The good news is your cat
is healthy as a horse.

Hear that, Jon?

The woman is a great physician,a specialist.

The bad news is he's also
big as a horse.

You'll have to go on a diet.

Quack! She's a quack!
Get me outta here!

I'm gonna put your cat

a low carbohydrate, low fatdiet.

I don't Exercise.

Be sure to feed him a lot
of high fiber foods.

Fiber's for sweaters!

Water's in the bird bath.

Quality?Talk to me about quality.

Without food there's no life aswe know it.

Take good care of him, andhe'll be around

for a long, long time.


I'll go out with you.

I can't stand to see a
dumb animal suffer.

Great. Ah. Uh, tomorrow.
My place.

I'll fix a big Thanksgiving

You're gonna love it.

Hm, at least we won't beseen in public together.

And then this weekend.

Don't push it, buster.

Mr. Arbuckle.

You forgot your cat.

My cat.
Oh, my cat.

A date with my dream chick

gonna impress her and make her
my girl.

Oh, woe is me.

I'm being put on a diet, and I'mgonna die.

Here Garfield, have somefood.

According to your diet, you getthis.

That's it.

That's all, just one scraggly
piece of lettuce.

Oh, I'm sorry Garfield.

That's not what you get.

Well I should hope not.

You get half a leaf of

That's better.

Gee I've been on this diet
only ten minutes and

I can tell I've already lost
something, my sense of humor.

Ah ha!
Caught you.

Yeah, well, what did you

Booby trap the refrigerator or

Garfield, I'd like you to

my new diet monitor, Odie the

Odie will be watching your
every move, and every time you

go off your diet, he'll blow hiswhistle and I will come running.

That is the dumbest thing
I've ever heard of in my life.

I'm gonna put an end to this
charade right now.

Someday you're going to
thank me for this, Garfield.

You're in desperate
trouble, mister.

Well, might as well see how theold diet's going.

Hello, I'm RX , your
talking scale.

I can tell you your weight, yourfortune or

just about anything else you
would like to know.

Okay, smarty pants, what's
my name?

Judging by your weight, you
are Orson Wells.

Great. A voice chip
with a cruel streak.

May I have your autograph,

Oh, shut up.

Why is everybody picking on me?

What's wrong with being large
boned, anyway?

I've seen all your movies.

Hey, how would you like to
have your battery removed?

I wouldn't like that,
Mr. Wells.

It's not like I'm

all that overweight.
I can still see my feet.

I've seen Citizen Kane
eight times.

Alright, that's it, you're


Odie, oh Odie, yo ho, are
you anywhere around here boy?

It's snack time.

The lack of food must be
making me hallucinate.

Good morning Garfield,
sleep well?

Well, aren't we nasty

Save your energy Garfield
nothing you

do can spoil my good mood.

It's Thanksgiving and I have a
dinner date

with a dream boat oh, which
reminds me she'll

be here in about three hours, soI

better get the old turkey out ofthe freezer.

Gonna fix dinner for the girl

I love.

Okay, first we start with the

Let's see here, remove bird from

freezer at least hours beforecooking.

Oop, well I'm sure that's just aminor technicality.

Yum, yum, turkey on a

Remove giblets from cavity

stuff with one cup of preparedstuffing.

Oh well, you can't believe
everything you read.

I can hardly bear
to watch.

Place in roasting pan,breast side up.

Rub skin with butter.

Hmm, well, I don't see what goodthat'll do, but okay.

Cover with foil and roast at

degrees for five and a half

I guess I'll just have to speedthings up a bit.

degrees, that was easy.
Okay, now for the vegetables.

Let's see corn, broccoli,

brussel sprouts, turnips,

Be still my beating heart.

Add water and, done.

Hm, to hear Mom and Grandma talkI

always thought preparing a
Thanksgiving meal was tough.

I'll get back to this later.

I'd better spruce myself up a

Thanksgiving humbug,

what good is it if you're on a

If I can't enjoy Thanksgiving,
nobody will.

You know old buddy, if you
want something in

this world, you just gotta reachout and grab it.

Know what I mean?

I mean, I'm a man, right?

Well, you're a wimpy man,but yeah, you're a man.

And Liz, she's a woman,

No Jon, she's a
veterinarian and

a cruel one at that.

It's time this relationshipwith Liz got off

the ground.She's the one I want,

and by golly, I intend to gether.

Careful, you're startingto sweat off your shaving cream.

I'm going to win her heart
Garfield, you'll see.

I'm in control of my own

Ever considered puttingsomeone

else in charge of your destiny?

Garfield, I need help.

Ha, understatement of the

As you know, clothes make theman, I need your

frank opinion on what to wear
for dinner.

How about a formal look.

Semi formal.

High roller.

A sporty look.
Disco Jon.

The rugged individualist.

I'm running out of
clothes, Garfield.

You got any suggestions?

Yeah try dressing asyourself.

Maybe if I just dressed as

The guy has a shaky grasp
for the obvious.

How's this?

Bingo, with one teeny tiny
little exception

Oh, boy, she's here
Garfield, she actually came!

When it comes toinsecurity, Jon's a heavyweight.

Liz, nice to see ya.

Nice polka dot boxer


Thanks for telling me I wasn't
wearing any pants, Garfield.

Oh sure, blame it on the

Come on. I want you to be
nice to my dinner guest.

First I have to be a
fashion consult

and now I have
to be an actor.

Come in, come in, my dear.

Welcome to my humble abode.
It's not much, but we

like to call it home.
Yeah, come in, Doc.

Tell me, are you fond of

Hm. Something smells.
Oh, that's just a little

Thanksgiving dinner I whipped

I was afraid of that.

Make yourself comfortable
Liz, I need to slip into

the kitchen to take care of a
few last minute details.

Yeah, like finding
something to eat.

So, Garfield how's the
diet, I see you're still

the size of an aircraft carrierWell, as long as

you're here, I might as wellcheck you for any deficiencies.

I don't want you to become

Don't forget beriberi,rickets, and scurvy too, Doc.

Sometimes people whosuffer from vitamin deficiencies

as a result of dieting can
become listless.

They can also be

Or nervous.

Sometimes they suffer from an

uncontrollable twitch.
Or even dementia.

They may even have
difficulty in breathing.

You know, Garfield, maybe

diet has been too hard on you.

I'd rather see you fat and
healthy than like this.

Maybe I could let you skip the
diet for right now

and start you with some mild
exercise instead.

Would you like that?

I'm free. I'm free.
I can eat.

Oh, joy.
Oh, rapture.

Oh no!

Hey Jon, another frozen

Everything is ruined,

What can I do?
I'm doomed.

Liz will never speak to me

Very funny, Garfield.
I can't feed Liz this.

Jon, you nitwit.

Now, this is Grandma's
favorite record.

Should I play it for Liz?

This old pillow grandma

crocheted is comforting

but it still doesn't solve the
problem with dinner!

I'm not cold Garfield!Why did you drag out the

sweater grandma made for me lastChristmas?

Last chance!
I know!

I'll call grandma!
She'll know what to do!

Jon, you're a genius!

If he had a brain he'd be

Thanks Grandma, you're a
life saver.

See you in a few.

Have cooking utensils,
will travel!

Well, what are you just standingfor there, boy?

Get in there and spark your
young lady friend,

and leave the kitchen tograndma.

Shoo, shoo!

Where's the patient?

How's dinner coming?

Uh, just great.

It's uh, simmering or whateverfood does.

Mm-hm. Can I give you a hand?

No, uh, thanks! You know,

one of the things I alwayslike to do for

Thanksgiving right before themeal is to reminisce

on the real meaning ofThanksgiving.

Are you serious?

Just what is Thanksgiving?

Is it a day just like any otherday? No.

Is it an object like my old
trusty chair here?

No. Thanksgiving is a holiday,
a harvest festival really.

A day for giving thanks for ourblessings.

You are serious.

How's my favorite kittiecat today?

Better now that you're here

Oh you're looking a little

Isn't that grandson of mine
feeding you?

Grandma I love you.
Don't ever leave us.

My, my, my, my, my what
have we here?

Looks like something the cat
dragged in

if you'll pardon the
expression Garfield.

Well, I love a challenge and

this sure as heck looks like

Stand back Garfield, this is

Now the first Thanksgiving
was in ,

the Pilgrims had
had a good harvest,

so Governor Bradford declared
a three day feast, you see.

They invited their Indian
friends to

join them and everyone brought

There was venison, turkey, duck,fish.

What's that?

Sounds like uh, the

So there was hot corn meal,
bread and Indian pudding.

You ever had grandma's famousturkey croquettes, Garfield?

Nothing finer.
Go grandma, go.

There, we'll just put
together a little white sauce.

A bit of parsley, a dash oflemon juice, some grated onion.

Now we'll add a little turkey tothe white sauce, make some

bread and roll the mixture in
the bread, and deep fat fry.

Deep fat fry, deep fat

Music to my ears.

Interestingly enough, it
was Abraham Lincoln who

officially proclaimed the last

in November as Thanksgiving in
, you see.

Now get this, in Canada,

they celebrate Thanksgiving,

But it's not on the fourthThursday of November.

They celebrate it on the

second Monday in October.Isn't that wild?

I had no idea.

How about some sweet

Aw now, come on Garfield.

You never had grandma's sweet

This is true.

A cup a butter.
A cup of brown sugar.

And some marshmallows.

I'm starting to like 'em

Now guess where to be ifyou were to bow before

a shrine of candles and offer abowl of rice.

Any guesses?

It'd be in Japan, and they callit Labor Thanksgiving Day.

Have you ever seen my
split second cranberry sauce?

Too late, you blinked, Garfield.

And now, for the piece deresistance, pumpkin pie.

Skip the piece de

just give me a piece a pie.

Nice touch.

Now, I'll just slipquietly out the door, Garfield.

You tell that young lady of histhat she

couldn't find a better man thanJon and she better

not blow it or she'll have to
answer to me

oh, and Garfield, eat a piece ofpie for me.

They just don't make em
like that anymore.

And in England theirThanksgiving is called

Harvest Home Day now in Bolivia.

Oh, I think things should just
about be ready.

Where am I?

Dinner is served, madam.

Oh, oh, Jon, I'm so

So am I.

It's a quite celebration.
With family and friends.

A time for counting blessings, atime to make amends.

There's a feeling all around
you, you can hold it in

your hands.And pass it round the table for

all to understand.
Though tomorrow,

may take us far away.

Let's stick together now,

find a way some how

to feel Thanksgiving


That was a wonderful meal.

Thanks for inviting me, Jon.
Same time next year?

Mm-hm, that'd be nice.

I'll be here before the meal but

after the history lesson.

Well, it was a great day!

And judging by the looks of youtwo and

your bellies, I'd say you had agreat day, too.

I know one thing I'm thankful
for today,


Well, let's take a littlewalk and

try to work off some of this
food, boys.

Come on, boy.
Come on, Odie.

Oh no.

Not you, too.

I suppose we'll have to put you

on a diet as of right now.

Alright, Odie, give me

And wipe that stupid smile
off your face.

Come on, soldier, I said down
and ten.

One, and two, and one, and two.Are we having fun yet?

One, and two, and one, and two.