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Pilgrim's Progress (2019)

Posted: 10/28/21 08:55
by bunniefuu
C.S. Lewis once said,

"Since it is so likely

that children will
meet cruel enemies,

let them at least have heard

of brave knights
and heroic courage.

Otherise, you're making
their destiny not brighter,

but darker."


Another great man
of faith, John Bunyan,

penned these words.

"As I walked through the
wilderness of this world,

I lighted on a certain
place where was a den,

and laid me down
in that place to sleep.

And as I slept, I
dreamed a dream.

I dreamed and behold, I saw
a man clothed with rags,

standing in a certain place,

with his face from
his own house,

a book in his hand, and a
great burden upon his back.

I looked, and saw him open
the book and read therein;

and as he read, he
wept and trembled;

and not being able
longer to contain,

he brake out with a
lamentable cry, saying,

'What shall I do?'"


I'm Kristyn Getty,

and my husband, Keith, and I

have the privilege
of making music.

We write and perform hymns

that remind us of what
it is we believe,

and who we truly worship.

Songs such as
"In Christ Alone"

and "Facing A Task Unfinished"

connect us with
the generations

that have gone before us,

and stir our affections
for the right things,

while giving us the strength
to walk the straight path.

John Bunyan, over
300 years ago,

was in prison for twelve
years because of his faith.

While he was locked
away from his family

in a cold, dark place,

his imagination was stirred

to write the allegory of
"The Pilgrim's Progress."

Imagination is what
gives us the ability

to visualize the things
that we cannot see.

It is how we
see, hear, taste,

and smell things that
make up our world,

even when they
are nowhere near us.

To see the creativity
of our God,

one only has to look around
at the world in which we live.

The changing
colors and leaves,

the way the sun paints the sky
when a day begins and ends.

God is creative and created
us to be, as well.

Reason, knowledge,
and logic are important.

We need to be inquisitive,

ask questions, and
seek to understand.

But logic and reason
alone are not enough.

To know about Christ is not
the same as to know Him.

Our faith is not about what we
know. It's about who we know.

Facts set a foundation,

and our imagination
makes those facts

personal to us and
leads our hearts to sing.

As Christians, we
need vivid imaginations.

From Genesis to
the final Revelation,

the Bible paints pictures,

makes analogies,
and uses parables.

It engages our imaginations
to help us understand

what our King wants
us to know about Him,

about us, and
about our journey

from this life to the next.

God gave us an imagination
and teaches us with it

and connects with
us through it.

Now, children have the ability
to tap into this gift in a way

that we often lose as adults.

We must encourage
the use of imagination

in understanding our faith

and in connecting
with our Creator.

You, child of the King, you
are a brave knight

walking this path through

a world that is
full of troubles,

and you have a King that
always sends help when needed.

Use your imagination.

Allow yourself to be lost

in the story of "The
Pilgrim's Progress"

because this is
actually your story.

It is the journey you began
when you chose to leave behind

the City of Destruction

and make your way
on the King's Road.

Let your imagination
explore this story

in a new way,
because its lessons

will give you the strength

to fight the very
real troubles

that your journey through
this world will bring.

Things are not always
what they seem,

and sometimes life's
tumbles can lead you

to the most
interesting of places.


Many years ago, in
the realm of Apollyon,

past the garden
of four rivers,

and in the region of Abaddan,

there stood an old city.

Its name in the ancient
tongue was Noit Curtsed.

But time and speech
and a brilliant mind

named Lux soon set upon the

more pleasant name
of Not Cursed.

Though some would have
thought it wishful thinking,

for the city was indeed
cursed with perpetual decay,

leaving the
inhabitants no choice

but to labor perpetually

for the very sake
of their existence.

Years, decades, and centuries
passed, and the city

grew in number and labor.

Ruling over it were
the Supervisors,

descendants of Lux.

Brilliant organizers, they
kept the city in existence

by the oversight of endless
shifts and schedules.

Obstinate Heady.


Christian Pilgrim.





Work was paramount, which is
why such a commotion resulted

one day when it was
discovered that--

A man has gone missing!


Stand back, now.


Once more and--




Oh, my.

Tear it all down, and burn it.

All of it.

Hurry up, now.

Supervisor 6 will
be here any minute.

And I'd be very
careful if I were you.

You want to avoid
any contamination.


So, that's him.

Right, you are.

Faithful Pathfinder.


What a madman.



Well, you can't really
blame a man for dreaming,

can you, Obstinate?

Even if he is a madman.

Was a madman.

Only a madman would
be foolish enough

to venture beyond the borders.

Nothing good ever comes
from veering from the rules,

I always say.

Nothing at all.

Beyond the borders?

Is that where he went?


And everyone knows
there's nothing

but death beyond the borders.

Isn't that right, uh--

what is your name?

Christian, Supervisor.

I mean, Christian.

You're the
supervisor, obviously.

And you don't want to catch
the same thing Faithful

Pathfinder did, do you?

Whatever it is that drove
him to this deviation.


No, surely not.

Of course not.




Do not fail to collect
every last scrap of paper.

Every sketch, any notes.

And you.

Yes, my superior?

I have a task for you.

Right away, my superior.









What was Faithful Pathfinder
thinking, I wonder?

It has been said that no
one just finds the Book,

but, rather, the
Book finds them.

And so it happened that
Christian began to read.

And read.

And read.

And read.

Unable to pry himself
from its pages,

he read the Book all through
the night and all the next day

and the day after that.

And the more he read, the
more his concern for right

things grew until they
became, as it were,

a great burden to him.

Christian read about things
he had never imagined,

about kindnesses he had
never known existed,

about wrongful things that
needed to be put right,

about the origins of his
city, and about a coming--


We have to get
out, Christiana.

It says so in this, and
I believe it in here.

And the w*r will
destroy the entire city?

So we must flee
and get to the--

Celestial City,
the City of Light.

The City of--


It's a book, Christian.

If you'd only read it,
you would understand.

It all makes-- [GROANS]


You're asking me
and the children

to follow you
beyond the borders?


No, Christian.

It doesn't make sense.

None at all.

Ever since you started reading
that Book a few days ago,

you have gone on and on
and on like some lunatic.

"The city is going to be
destroyed. The city is

going up in flames."

It's hard for me
and for the children

to see you in
this sorry state,

all bent over and--

It's this weight.


What weight, Christian?

You've gone to nothing
but skin and bones.

The more I read, the
more it weighs on me.

Don't you see?

Oh, Christian.

I know.

This all seems crazy.

I do.

But I love you.

And--and I only want what
is best for us all.

If the city is destroyed--


If the city is
destroyed, I don't

want you, the children,
or anyone else

for that matter
to perish with it.

I love you, Christiana.


Then, choose.


Choose, Christian.

The children, I, we can't take
seeing you like this day in

and day out.

You're going to have to
choose what you want to do.

Stay here with us or leave.

Because we're not
going with you.

We're not.






My superior.

Any signs?


Oh, lots.

Why, there's one
right here, you see.

Of the missing man, you fool.


Oh, oh, yes, yes.

Of course.

Well, uh, yes and no.

Yes and no?

We followed his footsteps
beyond the borders,

you see, to, um, to the
Swamp of Despondency.

So that's where he ended up.

[LAUGHS] The swamp.

Well, that's where the, uh,
"no" part fits in, my--

What do you mean?

Well, you see, his footsteps,
they sort of led in and out

of the swamp toward
the, uh, outer realms.

It seems that
Faithful is alive.




Oh, dear.

Oh, dear.

Oh, dear.

The Master won't
be happy, will he?

When I need to hear the
obvious, I shall let you know.

Oh, right.

Of course.


We cannot afford to
lose any more fools,

certainly not before the w*r.

But the Master must be told.

Return to the city.

Spread a rumor that
something too horrible

to recount befell Faithful.

The less you say, the
more their imagination

will fill in the blanks.



Yes, a brilliant plan.


I won't be long.

Right away, my superior.

Right away.







What is it?


I do not need to be
reminded of my position.

Yes, of course.

One of your subjects,
a man called Faithful,

he has gone missing.

Well, he hasn't really
gone missing since we know

he's gone to the outer realms.

I see.

I knew you would be
understanding, Master.

We do try our best to--


What gives you the impression
that I am understanding?

I-- I-- I--

I-- I--

Get out!

It won't happen again,
Master, I can assure--



Be vigilant.

One fool has a tendency
to engender another.



What am I doing?

All I have is this--this map.

What if I don't get
back to the city in time

to rescue them?

What should I do?

What should I do?

I believe I can
answer that question.

I didn't see you there.

That's because I
just showed up.

My name is Evangelist.

Now, "What should I
do?" you were asking.

And I shall tell you.



Don't hesitate.

Don't waste time.

Do what you know you must.

You'll soon see
with your eyes

what you believe
in your heart,

and you'll get rid of
that thing on your back.

You can see it?

Well, of course, I can, and
I daresay a heavy and sickly

burden it is.

Oh, it seems to grow
more by the day.

As your sorrows do, dear
lad, so does your burden.

But you'll never get rid of it
on your own, I guarantee you.

Now, do you see that
gate over there?




Come, come now.
Don't wipe away your tears.

Look through them.

Sometimes tears have a
way of bringing clarity.

I still can't--

Look past your sorrow,
good Christian.

I-- oh.


I think I see it.

There, I do.

Near the light.



Now, listen to me.

Keep that light in your eye,
and go straight towards it.

Do not turn to the
right or to the left.


--on the straight path.

Very good.

Now, soon enough, you
will come to the gate.

The gate.

And there, you will
be told what to do.

Now, go.

All right.


Don't waste any more time.



But why?

Because the well-intended may
not know what's best at all!

That way!

I think I hear him!


Come on.


Right behind you!



I think I see him now!



For goodness sake.


Get over here.



What are you doing here?

Trying to keep you from making
a greater fool of yourself

than you already have.

Your wife told me
what happened, and--

I need to get to--

No, I will not let go
until you promise

to listen to reason.

I must.


Not budging.

All right.

All right.



Well, Pliable, thanks
for being my backup.

You got him.


Ready to go back?


All right, then.

Have a good trip.

Get back here.


And where are you going?

I said I'd listen.

I didn't say I'd stop.

Oh, bother.

Wait for me, Christian.

And why on Earth would
we leave all we love?



Because it pales by
comparison to all

that the King of
the Celestial City

promises to his subjects--

fullness of joy in the
presence of the King.


No more sorrow.


Streets paved with gold.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

The city I leave behind is
filled with evil and misery.

He's got a point there.

Will you be quiet?

You're really not helping.

All right.

The city I seek is
all goodness and joy

and lasts forever.

I want to find that city
and come back to tell others

how to get there.

You can read about it all
right here in the Book.


No, I don't see.

And quite frankly,
I don't want to.

That Book, which
you should never

have taken in the first
place, has done nothing

but set you on a
journey to a dream.

Speaking of which,
it's getting late,

and I miss my pillow.

So, will you go with me or
not, you stubborn-headed man?

I was going to ask
you the same thing.

Well, I see you, too,
are obstinate, though

for all the wrong reasons.

Come along, Pliable.

Let him go on.

We tried.

Did you not hear me?

Did you not hear him?

Streets of gold.

No more sorrow.


Don't be a fool.

All right.

Well, then?

Endless work.

Things falling apart.

Streets of gold.

No more sorrow.


See ya.


I find no harm in
changing my mind.


Are you sure you won't
change yours, Obstinate?

Do I look like I want to?

You fools, walking
to your death.


Your poor wife and
the Supervisors

shall have my full report.

So streets of gold,
no more sorrow.

Tell on.

What else?

Life unending.

Peace of heart.

Joy forever in the
presence of the King.

Shining garments.

Oh, what bliss.

What are we waiting for?

Let's get there as
soon as possible!



What is this?





Are you all--

take my--

I knew I shouldn't
have listened to you.


Streets of gold.

Shining garments.

Shining garments.

If this is what it's like to
follow you in the beginning,

how could it possibly be
any better in the end?

So much for your Book.

I have no problem
changing my mind.

No, sir.


Help me!



You called?


I called for help.

I didn't know what else to do.

And I have come,
for that is my name.


Thank you.


Why didn't you use the steps?



Covered again.

The King placed them there
to help people like you.

But no sooner is
the swamp drained

that it fills to overflowing
again with the fears, doubts,

and discouragement of those
that make it this far.

So this is--


Looks like mud.

Sticks like mud.

And it'll keep a
person down like mud.

But it isn't.

It's a mess of fears,
the Swamp of Despondency.

The place where people
like your friend

there give up before
they even start.

But it was right, you know.


To go back, I mean.


This journey you're embarking
on, not for the double-minded.

No, no.

Not for the wishy-washy.

Not at all.

And this swamp, it's
nothing compared

to the trouble that's ahead.

Let me ask you a question.

Do you know
the Celestial King?

He sent me here.

Have you seen the
Celestial City?

I surely have.

Then step aside.

I know the way will be rough.

I've read about
that in the Book.

I can only hope
for the King's help

as I continue on
my journey, which

I am determined to complete.

And I need no
convincing, Christian,

for I have no
doubts that you have

turned your face to the light
and are not looking back.

Continue your trek.

And do not forget.

Help, in some form or
another, is never far away.

Thank you, again, for--


It's mud.

You still had a little
bit of mud on you.



Remember-- help, in some form
or another, is never far away.


Oh, dear.

Oh, dear.

Oh, dear.

Oh, dear.

Oh, dear.

Another man has gone...


You've heard already.

Yes, I did.

And so has the
Master, obviously.

He has gone beyond the
swamp into the outer realms.

So there's nothing we can do.

Oh, but there is.

In the outer realms,
we cannot impede him.

But we can dissuade him with
fear, with doubt, with pride.

There are many,
many persuasions.




What I wouldn't do to
get rid of this thing.

I'd give anything
in the world to--


Whatever is the
matter, dear boy?

And what in the world is that
awful thing on your back?

I'm actually on my way to--

Where are my manners?

Worldly's the name.

Worldly first, Wiseman
last, of course.

Don't ever mix them up.

You were saying?

That I am on my way
to the Celestial City

by way of the gate,

where I hope to get
rid of this burden which is

getting bigger by the hour.

Oh, and you would do well
to do that, dear boy.



Well, who told you you could
get rid of that over there?

A good man that came upon me
in my hour of need, Evang--

--gelist, of course.

Oh, dear, dear, dear.


What is it?

And you've already
come all this way.

Oh, dear, dear, dear.

Well, what?

It's just that
this Evangelist--


Well, he's a little--


So he's--

Yes, he is.

Loony as a bird.

The poor chap has his
head in the clouds.

Oh, no.

So what on Earth was
this Evangelist thinking,

sending you in that direction?

Full of nothing but
trouble and danger,

which I can see
by the scratches

and the tears and the mud,

you've already experienced.

So don't go that direction,
which is silly nonsense.

But you go in this
direction, which is not.


No "but."

Do not argue with me.

You listen.

So you keep going that way.


Good boy.

You keep going that
way, and do not stop.

No matter what things
begin to look like, just

go in the direction I
tell you until you get

to a village called Morality.

There, you will find the Hill.

You will know you're at the
Hill because the signs will

tell you.

There, not at that silly gate
you were telling me about,

you will be told how to
get rid of that ugly thing.


Who goes there?

I say, who goes there?

My name is Christian.

I was told to ask
for a gentleman

by the name of Legality.

A man, I am, of sorts.

But gentle, I am not.


I was told that you
could get rid of this--

Stop your blubbering,
and get on with it.

I've haven't got all day.

That you could get rid
of this burden for me.

Indeed, I can.


Well, then, please.

Will you?

Well, I can't very well
come down to you now, can I?

I am a mountain!

You will have to come to me.

But how?

Follow the instructions.

Which ones?

All of them, of course.

Which ones?


But there are too many.

Too many?

Too many?

Why, can there ever be enough?


Come now.

You want that burden
off, don't you?

Come to me.


Do as I say.

Come, now.

You're still too far away.

I can hardly see you now.

Keep up, man.

Keep up.

I can't do the work for you.

You missed a sign there.

You missed one, I say.

I can't.


You expect me to help you when
you cannot even help yourself?

On your feet.


What am I going to do?




How is it you've turned
out of the way so quickly?

I don't know.


Oh, dear.


Come on.

Let's get you out
from under all that.

Commandments cannot give
you what you seek, Christian.

They will only be a
reminder that you are not

able to keep them all.

Legality can never rid you
of your burden, you know.

Say what?

I said--

I'll show you what I can do.

Prepare to see my
power, you wretched man.



Bury you are under the
weight of my power,

I will, and rid the world
of your burden and you.






Here we are.

When Legality comes
toppling down,

we are catapulted
to the way, the way

that you left off following.

It wasn't really my fault.

Oh, I see.

A man I met, a Mr. Worldly--


That scoundrel.

Well, he said there
was an easier way

to get rid of my burden.

And I-- well, I--

Was led out of this way.

I thought--

You thought the King was
leading you down a wrong path.

Well, no.


You brought this
misery upon yourself

by rejecting the very
instructions the King sent

to you, Christian.

You're right.

It is my fault.
I had no business

listening to Worldly Wiseman.

It's no one's fault but mine.

And I'm sorry.






If tears are any indication
of regret, yours are.

The King has said every
misstep will be forgiven.

Now, stand up.

Continue the journey, for
you have no time to lose.

But learn, Christian,
that there are two things

this deceiver
caused you to do.

The first is that he caused
you to so easily go out

of the way and,
second, that he made

the difficulty of your journey
something you wanted to avoid.

Now, off to the gate with you.

And remember, good Christian,
do not leave the path again.



You failed miserably.

But I got him to
go out of the way.

And then you left him.

In the hands of Worldly
Wiseman and Legality.

I was certain he would
be caught in their maze.

He was ours.

He was ours.

And now he is not.




What would you have me do?

Get the others.

Send out the legion.

Do what you must.

Yes, Master.


Do not let him near that gate.

Stop him.

Stop him!







Calm down.






The gate.

[LAUGHS] At last.




Help will come in
some form or another.

Help will-- help!



Knock, and it will be--


Open the door!


My name is Christian, and I--


Let me in!


The very words.

I made it.

I made it.

For a moment, I thought
I wouldn't, but I did.

Ha! I did.

No one gets turned away here.


What are you doing?

Well, I was told this would
come off once I got here.

I believe the words
were, "And there, you

will be told what to do."


Very well, then.

I'd say you'd better run.


And by the looks of it,
the sooner, the better.

Come on.

But I thought my
journey was over.


Oh, no, dear boy.

Your journey's just beginning.

And if I were you, I'd--


--make a dash for it now.


Go, quickly!

But how will I know
which way to go?

The straight path.

Always the straight.

It will lead you
to the Interpreter.

Now, go.



Come and get it,
you winged rats!

Slime bags!

Take that!






I could sure use
some help about now.



What is this?


You want me to follow you?






Who are you?

My dear, dear boy.

Why, I am the Interpreter.

I've been expecting you.

And I was expecting
a house of some sort.

Things are not always what
they seem, dear Christian.

And sometimes, life's
tumbles can lead you

to the most
interesting of places.

The Gatekeeper was right to
say you would be helped here.

Is there something the matter?

The light, it seems
to follow you.

[LAUGHS] As it should.

I am the Interpreter.

I bring light where
there are shadows.

I see.

Do you really, Christian?

Do I really--

See and understand?

Well, now I'm
beginning not to.

On your way here, you
walked in darkness.

I am here, Christian,
to give light

to the rest of your journey.


Who are they?

We are the followers
of the King who

leads us by way of
the light in His book.

The King's promises
are ever at their side,

and their gaze is to the
things which last forever.

Keep this in mind,
Christian, for you

will meet people
who will pretend

to lead you in the right and
will only lead you into--



And this?

This is--

Passion, who throws a
horrid tantrum because he

wants things.





Won't you be a dear
when you grow up?

Patience, on the other hand,


is happy to enjoy
things as they come.

You are learning to look
and not just see, Christian.

Very good.

And the interpretation
here is that...

I must be content to wait
in patience for the things

the King has promised me and
not be tempted out of the way.

The things you have seen will
help you on your journey.

And, lastly--



If you are wondering why he
remains in the cage, ask him.

Sir, why are you
in such despair?

No hope.

I beg your pardon?

Sir, I cannot hear you.

No hope.

No hope.

No hope!

No hope!

No hope!

No hope!

No hope!

No hope.

That last one, it was
very unpleasant.

As despair can tend to be.

But what did it mean?

That is for you to interpret
when the time comes.

My gift to help
you on your way may

be summed up in these words.


Do not just see.



And do not just hear.

You are ready to
continue your journey.

Ponder the things you
have learned today,

that they may prod
your sides and lead you

to that place your
heart so longs for.


(SINGING) Be Thou my
vision, O Lord of my heart.

Naught be all else to
me, save that Thou art.

Thou my best thought
by day or by night.

Waking or sleeping,
Thy presence my light.

Patience Path.

Passion Passage.

Which one?


Do not just--


[SIGH] This doesn't
make sense to me.

But I have not gone
wrong to follow

the King's Road, no matter
how difficult it may seem.

(SINGING) Riches I heed
not, nor man's empty praise.

Thou mine inheritance
now and always.

Thou and Thou only,
first in my heart.

High King of heaven,
my treasure Thou art.

If I am to go forward, the
King shall give me strength.

And if He wills
to ease my load--






What am I nearing

that my burden is
finally being loosed?


Oh, I was right to
follow the King's path,

for with each step,
He is setting me free!

(SINGING) High King of
heaven, my victory won.

May I reach heaven's joys,
O bright heaven's sun.

Heart of my own heart,
whatever befall,

still be my vision,
O Ruler of all.

I'm free!

I'm free!


Do you understand what
just happened, Christian?

Who are you?

We are the King's heralds.

Do you understand
what just happened?

My heart, it has
been cleansed.

My King did for me what I
and no one else could do.

He has rid me of my burden.

And He has given me new life.

Indeed, He has.

New garments for a new life.

The King has made
you one of His own.

You walk as a prince
before Him, Christian.

My heart is overwhelmed with
thanks, for my filthy rags

and the heavy burden
have been taken from me.

And in their place, such
blessing, such great blessing

beyond compare.

For now, continue
on your journey

until you reach the
Palace Beautiful.

There, you will be refreshed

and readied for
what lies ahead.




There was nothing we could do.

We tried.

But not well enough.

We--we have failed you.


Perhaps--perhaps he
will simply be forgotten.

Perhaps we should
just let him be.

Let him be?

Let him be?!

The fool is a greater threat
to us now than he was before.


But how?

He will not be forgotten.

Others will try
the same thing.


He must be stopped.

But, sire, he bears the seal.

Do you think me that helpless?

Have you not seen
how many I have

caused to turn away even
this far into their journey?

By the time I am through
with this-- this Christian,

he shall be lying in a
pool of his own blood.


At last.


What was that?


What-- what is that?

Just forest animals.



What should I do?

What should I do?

I must go forward.




Come, good Christian.



Now, now, good Christian.

You've shown great courage.

You have passed a
trial of your faith.


But, well, my
name is Watchful,

and this is my
home, and yours.

My heart is still pounding.

I fear I have almost
lost my newfound joy.

Well, you'd have to be
dead not to feel some fear.

Do not let that perturb you.

Now you are here with
me and my daughters,

Discretion, Prudence,
Piety, and sweet Charity.

We welcome you to our
family, good Christian.

Thank you.

Thank you for
your hospitality.

I've never seen
anything like this.

The King of the Celestial
City built this house

for the purpose of refreshing
pilgrims such as yourself.

It is now your house
as well as ours.

Others have taken the same
path you now journey on.

Let their example be an
encouragement to you,

for you are now part of
their glorious company.

You no longer walk alone.

Now, please.

Come to the table.


And that's what set
me on this path.

But I must say that every step
has taught me something new,

and every hardship
strengthened me.

I have learned that the
King wastes nothing.

And, well, here I am,
still in one piece.


And your family?



I only ask because I
see them in your heart.

It is my one regret.

I wish I had been better
at convincing them.

There is no need to hide your
tears here, dear Christian.

You are among family.

I love my wife, and I
love my children dearly.

It does me good
to speak of them

since I carry them
in my heart,

holding on to
the King's promise

that they, too, may
understand and follow

or that I might have peace
if they choose not to.

Be assured.

The King is aware
of your sorrow.

And not one tear shed
for them is lost.

Be at peace, good Christian,
and lay your burdens

at the feet of your King,
for not one hair of your head

falls without Him knowing.

Now, come.

There is a special
place for you tonight

to rest your weary head,
your heart, and your soul.

I think it suits him.

Of course.

He's fitted for a purpose.

It's not as comfortable
as my other clothes.

But more in keeping with the
next stage of your journey.

Now, let's accompany him to--

Oh, no need to
bother yourself-- oh!

Oh, dear.

Oh, my.

I'm fine.

I guess it's just as
dangerous going down

a hill than climbing up.


It is difficult for
anyone to go down

to the Valley of Humiliation.

And when they do,
they must walk alone.

The what?

It sounded like you
said the Valley of--



What is this?

Where am I?

So, a sword, a shield, armor.

They were preparing
me for battle.




Why, Christian.

What are you doing here
in this horrid place

so far away from
your comfortable home

and loving family?

Who are you?

You don't recognize me?

am your prince.

My prince?

Now, really.

A sword.

As you can see, I am unarmed.

Now, let's go back.


Christiana and the boys.

You have no idea how
much they miss you.

Father, come home.

Come home.

If you'd only return.

You miss them, don't you?

I do.

Father, where are you?

Come home.

Oh, Christian, why?

But I am on this
journey for the King,

and I will not be dissuaded.

So noble.

Believe me, no one
admires you more

than I. But think about it.

Even if you reach
your destination, what

will become of those you love?

Perhaps you'll save yourself.

But what of them?


I think it's best
you return with me.



Put down your sword.


And their gaze is to the
things which last forever.

Keep this in mind,
Christian, for you

will meet people
who will pretend

to lead you in the right and
will only lead you into--



The King has never failed me.

And I will not fail
Him, you deceiver,

you liar, you usurper
of all that is good--


--and true.

I served under you and
found nothing but misery.


My allegiance is with
the Celestial King.

Is it?

You heard me.

How many times

have you already failed
Him on this journey?

You are a disgrace to
this King of yours.

Which makes His mercy and
forgiveness the sweeter.

You are a deceiver that
binds your subjects

with invisible chains.

The King has broken
mine, and I am free.

I follow Him.

Then prepare to
forfeit your journey,

for I swear you
will go no further.







You're mine!

Do not gloat over
me, you fiend.

Though I have fallen,
I will yet arise!


You will see me
again, Christian,

when the waves overpower
you, when death's cold arms

wrap themselves around
your wretched soul,

I will be there!

[SCREAMS] Be gone!

Be-- be gone.




And you are?

And so you found the Book.

By them, I learned
about the coming w*r,

the origins of our city.

A cursed city, a city so
opposite in nature to the one

you and I journey to.

One that will last--




It's good to see
you, Christian.

This is the man who
showed me the way.

And a treasure he is to
me as well, for I also

am indebted to him.

But tell us.

What brings you this way?

The joy of your company.

Now, how about some food?


A double blessing.

Oh, and it could not have
come at a better time.


Come then, friends,
and rest awhile.

I am glad

not that you have had to
face so many challenges,

but that you faced
them with such faith

and continued in the way.

A crown, dear Christian and
Faithful, awaits you both,

and it will last forever.

But be advised, my friends,
that you are not yet

out of the reach of evil.




What more do you
have to tell us?


You didn't just come
here to sip tea.

There's more, is there not?

You cannot expect to
continue without hardships.

But we've already proven
ourselves capable of that.

And we have the
dents to prove it.



I mean severe, more
difficult hardships,

hardships from which
you might not escape.


You will soon come to a town
where you will be arrested.


And one or both of you

will seal your
testimony with blood.


The town you will go
through is unique.

Welcome to Vanity Fair.

It was constructed by the evil
Apollyon on the very path that

leads to the Celestial City.

A pie, I say.

The town hosts a
fair that never ends.



And in it, you will
encounter everything

that tempts a human heart.

Look, Fortunata.

I've never laid eyes
on these before.

Through this town,
you must go.

Come now, strangers!

Try our spirits!

But be warned.

Do not be overly confident,
and heed to this warning.

Settle it in your
heart what you will

do before you enter
the town, for many

have fallen who walked in
with one eye on eternity

and the other on the present.

I would keep my
eye on those two.

--and, well, just about
anything you like.

Or the vests.

Have you seen the vests?

You can't be here
without playing a game.




What we wish to obtain,
you do not sell here.

That, sir, is impossible.

Did you hear what he said?

What is going on here?

What is the meaning
of this disruption?

These strange strangers
insist that what they need

is not available here.

And as a result, they
have disrupted our fair.

Well, then, to the Judge.

Out of my way.


But we have done nothing.

Excuse me.

Make way.

Make way.


Make way, I say.


This is preposterous.

Put the scoundrels away.

What is the meaning of this?

What is this
interruption to our fair?


These strange strangers.

What did they do?





They won't take
part in anything.

They won't buy anything.

They are doing nothing.

Well, by doing nothing, you
have interrupted our fair.

There's only one thing to do.

Call the jury.




All present.


Do we have the witnesses?

Envy and Gain Glory.

Do you know these prisoners?

Yes, at least 15 minutes.

And what do you
hold against them?

They said that what they
wanted we did not have.

And what could
that possibly be?

Peace, joy,
love, unselfishness,

patience, contentment.

And a crown that never fades
away, among other things.

Do we sell that?


Quiet in the court.

Quiet in the court!

Come, come.

Do we sell any
of these things?

Of course not.

This is Vanity Fair,
not La La Land.

I wouldn't even know where
to get those kinds of things.

Well, I have been informed
that such things as you speak

of cannot be sold, else
you would find it aplenty

in our fabulous fair.

And that you say truthfully,
for they can only

be obtained by the
King who gives them

to all who desire them.

Though they come not at
the price of any coin,

but of the surrender of the
heart to His better ways.


You have proof that these
wonderful things even exist?

By the King's grace.

Well, then, show them to us.

They are not such things as
you can hold in your hand.

But are most excellent things
which are held in the heart

and are the most valuable
during hardships,

for it is then that their
worth is most evident.

Well, then, may I suggest
just that, my lord,

that we may see what we
are so missing out on?

Suggest what?

Why, hardships, of course.



Cruelty, approach the bench.

What are you thinking?

The fair has been disrupted.

Is that not cause enough?

I am ready for judgment.

But not the townspeople.

What are you talking about?

Did you not see

how they reacted to the
comments of these two men?

I say punish them
harshly and openly

that our people have evidence
that these two fools possess

nothing of this-- this
peace, love, unselfishness,

and blah-blah that
they so boast about.

And therefore, that
our townspeople

are not missing out
on anything at all.

Oh, I see.

I do, indeed.

Very well, then.

I will postpone my
judgment until evidence

has been submitted.

Commence the hardship,
and resume the fair.

What are you doing?

Unhand me.

Well, that's over.

Let's get back to some fun.


And away we go.


So you got something
better than us.

Right in the head.


This is better than the fair.

Need more rocks.

[LAUGHS] Look at them now.

They what?

Took every blow, every
rock, every insult.

And not once did
they retaliate?

They even tried to smile
back at their attackers.


How vile!

How very unnatural of them.

How purely evil.

I say the sooner we get
rid of them, the better.

It's unanimous.

Bring in the prisoners.


The evidence was not
to our satisfaction.

Our behavior was in
keeping with our--



I sentence you to death.


Starting with him.

You can't.

Well, I just did.


All right, everyone.

Back to the fair.



Do not worry, my dear brother.

This is what Evangelist
came to prepare us for.

Today, I seal my
testimony with my blood.



Do not weep that I am sent
ahead of you, dear brother.

Stay true, and I
shall yet see you.


I shall yet see you!

Don't worry.

You'll have your
turn tomorrow.

Put him away.





Oh, Faithful.

My dear brother, Faithful.

Give me strength, and help me.

Help me, please.



The fair is
resuming, and here we

are guarding this one
who's as good as dead.

You took the words
right out of my mouth.

And I've got an idea.

You go along and
enjoy the fair.

I'll stay guard.

No use both of us missing out.

You come back later,
and we'll switch.

I don't know.


No one will know.

You say nothing, and--

Say no more.


I'll see you soon!









You're one of the
guards from that city,

and I am not going back.

Neither am I. I'm not
here to apprehend you.

I'm here to go with you.

When I heard what
your companion--


Yes, when I heard what
Faithful had to say,

it made sense to me.

I'm not the only one in Vanity
Fair that feels this way.

There are others.

Perhaps that's the reason the
path leads through the city.

So other sojourners can
help people like you.

You see that I've
left everything.

I cannot go back.

And so you shall go with me.

But I just realized,

I do not yet know your name.



Then, rest tonight, as your
name implies, brave Hopeful.

For tomorrow, we
journey on to our King.


My dear brother, Faithful,
you did not die in vain.

The path is a
little rocky here.

But look!

What impedes us from walking
that side of the path?

But what if it leads
us out of the way?

How can it?

It runs parallel.

Look-- side by side
as far as you can see.

I am sure if we
cut across there,

we can then climb
back over the wall

and avoid that entire trek.

Follow me.




I can't even see
the path anymore.

We'll have to turn
back the way we came.

I never thought--


Oh, no.


I don't know, Hopeful.

I really think we
need to head back.

But we can't even see
which way to go now.


Let's shelter there
for a while.

We can wait it out here.

It should be over soon.




And what do we have here?


(WHISPERING) You're never
getting out of here.


many are your errors?

How wrong you have
been. How stupid.

How long has it been?

Six days.

No food.

No water.

This is all my fault.

We've discussed this
so many times already.

But it was my idea.

And I agreed to it.

You must really try and
get that out of your mind.

(WHISPERING) Just one slash.


(WHISPERING) You're doomed.

We're doomed, you and I.



Have you seen the
bones down there?

I honestly don't want to.

We're dead.

Let's just hope he
doesn't come down again.



(WHISPERING) Just die.


I don't think I can
take this much longer.


Are you still alive?

I gave you everything you
needed to do the job--

knives, clubs, rope.

What more could I do?

Why didn't you
do yourselves in?

And now you've
got me very up--



What happened?

Did he just faint?

Not again.

Oh, dear.

I should've listened
to me mum when

she warned me to marry you.

Could've have me pick
of any eligible giant

being the beauty I was.

But no.

I had to pick the
pretty one, I did.

Now look at you, fainting like
an old woman any time you get

the slightest bit worked up.

Why, I oughta--





All right.

Why didn't she just k*ll
us, just get it over with?

many are your errors?

How stupid.

Because she can't.


Did you see her hands?

She could crush us
with her little finger.

That's just it.

She-- they can,
but they can't.

Why didn't I see it before?

I really have no
idea what you mean.

Look, up there
near the ceiling.

What do you see?


A big skull, a bigger skull--

No, in the middle,
the coat of arms.

It's the name of this
realm, this castle.


The Castle of Despair.

That's why they want
us to k*ll ourselves.

That's why we can't get out.


I don't think I understand.

What did the giant say?

"I gave you everything
to do the job."

Don't you see?

They can't k*ll.

They can only make the
situation so miserable

that you do it yourself.

There's always been a way of
escape for you, hasn't there?

That's got to be some way out.

There's got to be.

No hope.

No hope!

No hope!

No hope!

No hope.

That was me.

That was me in the cage.

Now I'm the one in the dark.

What is the opposite
of despair?

I don't know.



What is that?


[GASPS] The way out.



Quiet now.

Just a little more, and--



We did it.






What was that?


Oh, you good-for-nothing.

Be calm.

Be calm.

Don't get him worked up.


Oh, whisker-pants.


The prisoners,
they're escaping.




You get them, cherry lips!

Or I'll wring your neck.

Get back here!


That's good, dear.

You're doing very well.

Really, very well, you
good-for-nothing oaf.

Oh, dear.



Get them, you blithering fool!




This way.

This way.

I should've listened
to me mum.

I should.

But no.

Could've had me pick
of any eligible giant.

But no.

I had to pick the
pretty one, I did.

Pretty stupid.

Pretty smelly.

Now I got to go
down in me nightie

to pick you up off the
ground, you good-for-nothing.


Can you imagine the
trouble that giant

will face from his irate wife?

He'll despair,
that's for certain.


What happened?

I have no idea.

The path seems to
have vanished.

And yet you will
still be guided.

Welcome to the King's
Delightful Mountains,

a taste of things to come.


Thank you, kind Shepherd.

My name is--


And you are Hopeful.

You are known and loved.

Tell me.

Do we know you?

In part.

You will be delighted to hear
that you are within sight

of that city which you
have so diligently sought

and for which you
have also suffered.

That is, indeed, good news.

And the rest of the way,
is it very dangerous?

Let this knowledge
suffice for now--

that you do not walk
alone, for the King guides

you as a shepherd
does his sheep.

He always goes before, even
if out of sight of the sheep.

I give you a map for the
rest of your journey.

Beware the Flatterer.

Do not sleep on the
enchanted ground.

Keep the light of the
city ever before you.

We shall do as you
say, kind Shepherd.

Now, if you please, is
this the way that leads--

where did He go?

He spoke about a map.

Did you give it to you?

I was going to ask
you the same thing.

Alas, it could have come
in handy just about now.

I don't know what
direction to take.

Well, isn't this a sight?

I daresay it's not
every day that one finds

other pilgrims this far along.

I-- well, I'm just beside
myself with joy to meet you.

I'm Christian, and this is
my good friend, Hopeful.

Such names.

They can only reflect your
goodly character, I'm sure.

You're going to the
Celestial City, I suppose?

Indeed, we are.

Then we shall walk together.

But the light of the city
seems to be coming

from over there.

Or so it seems.

Come, come now.

I know exactly
what I am doing.

I am a great judge of
character, you know.

I only accept the company of
those with the same dedicated

inclinations as I.

Well, we have tried to
be faithful, though we

have had our stumblings.

Christian, however, exceeds
me in both virtue and courage,

having begun his journey much
earlier than I. I admire him


And upon hearing
that, so do I.

Oh, come now.

I'm hardly a model of virtue.

Tut, tut.

You are too modest.

Share with me even a snippet

of one of your
brave adventures,

and I shall be
forever in your debt.

Well, I don't know.

There are so many.

Ah, such humility.

He survived the
Swamp of Despondency.

That despicable mire.

And the Valley of Humiliation.

In which so many
have gone mad.

We escaped the
Castle of Despair.

Which so few seem
to have done,

judging by the bones
scattered there,

I might add.

I should fall at your feet.

Oh, and I fought
Apollyon, you know.

[GASPS] Well, aren't
you the greatest--



The greatest fool,
I should say!



Do you think we
give up that easily?

Get us out of here.

See these strands?

They were woven by
your own boasting.

And judging by them, I fear
your own pride has kept you

from your destination.

Let us go.


A pity you will not be able

to get word to your wife

or, shall I say, widow.




A Flatterer.


He was a Flatterer.

We stepped right
into his trap.

When am I ever going to learn?

Let's not despair
again, Christian.

But now I won't be able--

Stop, please.

Let's not give up hope.

We've got to think back
on what the Shepherd said.

"Beware of the Flatterer."

Before that.

"You do not walk alone."


And you are not alone now.


That was painful.

Sometimes, Hopeful, a
rescue means wounds.

Did you not meet the Shepherd
of the Delightful Mountains?

We did.

And did He not give you a map?

He only counseled--

And warned us.

But the map, He
didn't give us.

The King's instructions
are a map, Christian.

Did they not indicate where
to go and where not to go?

They did.

I can see that now.

Be vigilant to your
last breath, for you are

very near your journey's end.

How will we know
when we are there?

When you stand at the
brink of the last shadow,

the border beyond which
evil has no power, where

the old is left forever
and newness of life begins.

Do not fear to cross, for
your eternal city lies beyond.

You will find your step
deeper or shallower

as you believe in the
superiority of the King.

Where are you going?

Can you not see
the city beyond?

I'm looking for the crossing.



I don't understand.

There doesn't seem to be
any way to get across.

No way around it.

No way over it.

Only through it.

What are you talking about?

There's no way--

Can't you see what this is?

This is the last shadow,
the borders beyond which

evil has no power--



Where the old is left forever
and newness of life begins.

We can go forward.

But we can never go back.


I'm going.


I am going, Christian.

And I-- I'm not.

You have to.

You've come this far.

To make a way for
others, Hopeful.

To make a way from
my wife, my family--

to save them.

And that, you cannot do, for
the way has already been paved

for others by the same
one that paved it for you.

Your part has been to follow.

And, believe me, it has
caused no lack of talk

among the people of
your former city.

Others will follow.

Including my wife
and children?

That question, dear Christian,
can only be answered by them.

But if they do, would you
lead them to this point only

or to a new and
everlasting life

in which evil has no part?

I'm going.

I must.


All through our
journey, you told me

that the King's ways
never failed you,

that His promises were true.

I know He will
not fail me now.

Goodbye, dear brother.


He's gone.

To the Celestial
City, to all that

has been promised, to what
you both sought so diligently.


I'm afraid.

And there is nothing
wrong with that.

You have trusted the King
with your life, Christian.

And I, dear friend,

I shall trust him with my--


You will see me
again, Christian,

when the waves overpower you,
when death's cold arms wrap

themselves around
your wretched soul.

I will be there.


You will find your step
deeper or shallower

as you believe in the
superiority of the King.





I'm bleeding.






You're the Shepherd.

I am.

I am the Good Shepherd.

I saw the blood.

I was bleeding.

It was not your blood,
Christian, but mine.

And you needn't worry
any longer about wounds,

for you have arrived
to the place where

the old is passed away and
newness of life begins.

Welcome, Christian.

Welcome to the Celestial City.



Welcome, brother!



Christian, my dear brother.



[LAUGHS] My friends!

My brothers.

Oh, that my dear
ones could see this,

that they, too, would come...

that they, too, would come!



(SINGING) This is my story.

This is my song.

Praising my Savior
all the day long.

This is my story.

This is my song.

Praising my Savior
all the day long.


I know this will break your
heart, as it does mine.

But I am going

because I have no doubt
the Book speaks truth.

I have taken a promise
from its pages, which

I will carry near my heart.

"Eye has not seen.

Ear has not heard.

Neither can anyone imagine
the wonderful things

the King has prepared
for those that seek Him."

Christian is alive!



Boys, wake up.

Your father's alive.

Your father is alive!