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Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving (1999)

Posted: 10/28/21 08:39
by bunniefuu
Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh

Tubby little cubby
all stuffed with fluff

He's Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh

Willy nilly silly old bear

Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh

Tubby little cubby
all stuffed with fluff

He's Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh

Willy nilly silly old bear

Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh

Tubby little cubby
all stuffed with fluff

He's Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh

Willy nilly silly old bear

Welcome to the 100 Acre Wood

where voices come together
in joyful celebration.

And the seasons gently turn
like pages in a book.

A time of giving
shared with good friends

and a silly old bear
named Winnie the Pooh.

Every season
brings a reason to be happy

Every season
brings a reason to be glad

When the sun is shining
up above you

And honey bees are in the hive

What a happy reason
to be glad that you're alive

So every season
brings a reason to be giving

Giving thanks
for the good things that appear

When you hear
that birds are singing

Be it winter, fall or spring

What a beautiful gift
the seasons bring


I'm gonna bust
every ski-jumping record there is!

I'm gonna ski
where no tigger has skied before.

But, Tigger. How can you ski...

when there's no snow?

No snow?

Why, of course there's...

No snow?

What gives here? We ought to be
swimming and smothering in it.

Why, today's
the first day of winter.

Isn't it?

I don't know. My watch stopped.


As clean as a whistle.

Hey, bunny boy!

Anybody home?

What are you doing?

We're trying to find out
when winter is, long ears.

And you're the only one
with the calendar, Rabbit.


Yes. So I am.

Well, let's see.
As of first thing this morning,

today is Groundhog Day.

Groundhog Day?

It's Groundhog Day!

What's Groundhog Day?

Everybody knows that, buddy bear.


Well, it's the day a groundhog
comes out of his hole.


And if he sees his shadow, that means
there will be six more weeks of winter.

But if he doesn't,
spring starts tomorrow.

Exactly. Spring?

What happened to winter?

It's gone. Over. We missed it.

Christmas too?

According to the calendar,
Christmas too.

But the only way to be
completely sure winter is over

is to find the groundhog
and check with him.

Who are you calling a groundhog?

I'm a gopher, not a groundhog.

What are you trying to do?
Insult my ancestors?

Now where would we find a groundhog
to see if spring's here?

Oh, dear.

As a very small, timid animal,

I have enough trouble being a piglet.
Perhaps someone else...?

Nonsense. You're a perfect...


Do you see your shadow?

Please see your shadow.

I want to go skiing.

Actually, I don't see a thing.

No shadow?

Winter's over! It's gone!

- Hooray!
- You're a hero

for telling us spring is here.

Hooray for Piglet!

Come on, everyone.
We have to get ready for spring.

There's a lot to do.

Like what?

A great many things,
such as airing out our houses.

And spring cleaning.

And most important of all,
my garden.

The secret to great gardening
is knowing when to plant.

And, thanks to you,
I know that when is now.

All my friends
are certainly very happy with me.

And I suppose they should be.

After all,
I did tell them winter was over.

Unusual weather
we're having this spring.

Oh, bother.



That piglet!

You said
you didn't see your shadow.

You told us winter was over.

Oh, dear. I did, didn't I?

We prepared for spring.

There should be fields full of flowers.

Not six feet of snow.

We're ruined.

And it's all your fault.

I'm sorry you have to be out
in weather like this.


What's this? Calendar pages?

Why, it's...

It's only November.
It's nowhere near Groundhog Day.

Piglet wasrt quite as wrong
as I'd thought.

Oh, my.
I'd better apologise to him.

I've gone to find a real groundhog

who can tell me when spring really is.

He must be kidding.

P.S. I'm not kidding.


Calling all groundhogs.

I don't remember saying that.

Perhaps they just can't hear me
under all the snow.

Oh, dear...

I think the groundhogs
must have flown south for the winter.

Perhaps I should try
to find one later,

like sometime next spring.

Where could he be?

There you are.

You shouldn't have come out here
all alone.

Oh, no! You're frozen solid.

I have to get you home. Quickly.

He's so cold,
he can't even speak.

Here's some hot chocolate.

He's sweating up a storm.

He's... sweating away to nothing.

He's melting. Get a bucket.
We have to save him.

You're stepping in Piglet!

Poor Piglet!

He's gonna faint.

- How do you feel?
- Well, I feel very badly

for saying it was spring
in the middle of winter.

What? That?
Don't worry about that.

It was all my fault.

But I was the groundhog.

But my calendar...

Snow, spring, winter... The pages.

I never should have asked you
to be a groundhog in the first place.

Do you understand?

- I think.
- Can you ever forgive me?

Of course.

Did you hear that?
Piglet forgives me!

You're unmelted!

You're all right.

Yes. Thank you.

Oh, no.

If that's Piglet,
then who is this?

It kind of resembles Eeyore
around the eyes.

No, it's just a pile of snow.

I see.

Excuse me, Rabbit, but
there is something I've been wondering.

If it isn't spring, winter
or Groundhog Day,

what day is today?

It's November 13th.

November 13th?

Do you realise what this means?
Why, it's almost Thanksgiving!

I'd better start making
some hot chocolatey icey cream!

Autumn's gentle breeze
grew stronger,

and a feeling of anticipation
hung in the air

of good things to eat,
and sharing a season of thanks

for all that's held dear.

It's the first day of autumn!

Every season brings a reason

To be cheerful

Every season brings a reason

You should smile

When the leaves
start falling all around you

There's the scent of autumn
in the air

Oh, what a happy reason

To be grateful that you're there

So every season there's a reason

To be giving

Giving thanks for the good things

That we share

Now it's fun to get together

In the breezy autumn weather

It's a wonderful gift

Beyond compare

Christopher Robin?

Do you know which day it is?

- Which?
- Only my most favourite day of all.

Thanksgiving Day.

Is it? And what are you thankful for?

Why, nothing short of everything.

But most of all, I'm thankful
for the company of friends,

such as yourself.

Which reminds me.
I must remind the others.

And you will be joining us for
Thanksgiving dinner, won't you?

I shouldn't miss it for anything.

Then I really must be going
as there is very much to do

and very little time for doing it.

Silly old bear.

Hooray, hooray
today is the day

To give thanks for giving
and give thanks away

We'll gather together

And share all our treats

I'm sure
there'll be plenty of honey to eat

Hooray, hooray

Today is the day

To give thanks for giving
and give thanks away

Thanks to trees
Thanks to bees

Whoops, I almost forgot

Thanks for the honey
in my honey pot

Hooray, hooray

Today is the day

To give thanks for giving
and give thanks away

Thanks for the night
and thanks for this day

And thanks for the honey
that's coming my way

Thanks for Thanksgiving
It's Thanksgiving Day

And so, at last,
the grand day began beginning.

And from all through the forest
they came.

One by one, all coming together,

each bringing something special
of his own.


A rather small plate, I'm afraid,
from a rather small animal.

Got the lemonade. 52.6 gallons.

I work in volume. That's my secret.

Fresh biscuits from a recipe
passed down by my great uncle Torbitt,

dashing good cook,
who once made a three-minute egg

in a mere 45 seconds.

Thistles. Enough for everybody.

nobody will like 'em but me.

Thanks for giving!
The hot chocolatey ice cream is here!

Now everything is as it should be.

Or would be. We're only lacking...

Just a moment.

Honey, acorns, ice cream?

My, my. No, this isn't right at all.

This is not
what Thanksgiving's about.

It's not? But, Rabbit, I thought...

I know, and that's why
you have no business thinking.

But now
I'm here to do it for you.

What's wrong with honey
and acorns and ice cream?

Why, nothing short of everything.

You see, Thanksgiving
is about tradition and custom.

Habit and routine, defined
and refined over many long years.

It's about grand dinners
with turkey and cranberry dressing.

The once-a-year plates
and pumpkin pie.

Why, without these things,

Thanksgiving Day is nothing,
no more than a chilly Thursday.

Sounds like
you might be on to something there.

He is?

- Is he?
- Even if he isn't,

he is.

If you hadrt have told us,
we never would have known.

- How can we ever thank you?
- You can't.

But don't worry.

It just happens I've jotted some
quick thoughts on this very matter.

If you'd care to see.

Well, if you insist.

Rabbit's Helpful Guide
to Celebration Organisation.

Part 1 - Duties and Responsibilities.

Tigger and Eeyore, you will
gather cranberries for the sauce.

Say no more, long ears.

We'll get a whole bushel of berries
or my name's not Tigger!

You provide a pumpkin pie dessert.

Yes, siree. I'll get right on it.

I like to start work early.
Keeps productivity up

and your overhead down...

You'll see
the dinnerware is polished.

I'll see to the decorations.

And as for you two...

To you
falls the most vital duty of all.

The thing everyone so looks forward
to seeing on the table.

- Honey?
- Turkey.

Excuse me, but did you say turk...


Well, yes. Of course. A turkey!

What's a turkey?

This is a turkey!

The absolute, 100%,
single-most critically crucial...

crucially critical, immensely important
part of the whole entire holiday!

Oh, yes. That sort of turkey.

Yes. Here.

You'll need this.

Aren't you ready?

Yes, I'm not.

And so Pooh and Piglet
began their search.

And they searched
and they searched.

From the top of page 23
all the way to the middle of page 47.

Do you think turkeys
are among the fiercest creatures?

Some are. The fiercest ones
tend to be rather much so,

while the ones which aren't
are far less.

Where do you suppose
we'll find them?

I think they might be
any number of places.

They often lurk about
in bushes such as these.

They do?

But it's the ones in trees
you really have to be careful of.

Oh, dear!

They say the swimming ones
are by far the most dangerous.

Oh, dear!

A turkey
will be lurking in the trees,

ready to attack us with a jump.

With bony arms
and legs and teeth and knees.

Enormous eyes and one big hump.

Oh, dear.

I think that turkey
might be dangerous.

Oh, we don't even know
if he has got one.

But he'll still be
very awfully strange to us.

We'll never know
until we've caught one.

So clean, it squeaks.

It reminds me of the time
Aunt Ophelia joined the Royal Opera.

Buy in bulk. That's my motto.

The poor dear, alas,
quite laid an egg.

And her debut proved a swansong.

There's gotta be some efficient way
to process these pumpkins.

While the critics dismissed
her performance as a b*mb,

Ophelia herself had a blast.

- Blast! Very good!
- By diggity! That's it!

I'll blast!

So clean,
one could very nearly eat off it.

Another half of jalapeno,
and a tad more turmeric.

Yes, siree. That's what I like.

A dessert with attitude.

A magnificent bone china,
left to me by my great grandfather.

Once I crank her up to 2,000 centigrade,
this baby'll be done in no time.

I have had a thought, or so I think.

And what I have thought is this.

If we cannot find a turkey,

perhaps the turkey
shall have to find us.

That is precisely
what I'm afraid of.

What I mean to say

is that one cannot trap a turkey
without first having a trap.

And so, as Pooh and Piglet
set about solving their problem,

a few pages over,

Tigger and Eeyore
were having troubles of their own.

Berries, berries and more...

These berries aren't fresh enough
for us. They're blueish.

Could be cos they're blueberries.

Come on, donkey boy. Only the best
berries is good enough for us.

Berrily, we roll along
Please don't pick the cherries

Sing a berry pickin song
Love them pretty berries

Leave them berries where they are
Those'll never do

Tiggers love them red by far
those are much too blue

We won't let 'em get away
we'll track 'em in the woods

March 'em home, whaddya say?
Berries is better than good

Berrily we roll along
Please don't pick the cherries

Sing the berry-pickin song
Love them cranny-berries

How will we know
we've built a proper turkey trap?

I rather doubt we will
until we've trapped a proper turkey.

- Pooh Bear?
- Yes, Piglet?

How shall we get out?


We're gonna make
old long ears proud.

Just wait till he feasts his eyes
on this feast.

We're gonna make this
the best Thanksgiving ever.

The rip-roaringest, shindiginest
celebration of them all.


Look at the time. We've gotta get going
or Thanksgiving's gonna be gone.

Last one there's a rotten elk!

And now, Piglet, we need only
find bait for baiting the trap.

Would you know what turkeys like?

I'm not certain.
Perhaps they're fond of honey.

What else
do you think they like?

Wait till bunny boy
sees all the... berries?

We was robbed!

What are we gonna do? Everyone's
counting on us to get the berries.

Without 'em, Thanksgiving's
just like any other old day.

- What are we gonna do?
- Guess we start starting over.

What incredible luck.

Somebody's dropped a whole trail
of berries. Come on, donkey boy.

What was that?

That was my stomach.

It must be near time for dinner.

Yes, I've gone
a bit rumbly in the tumbly.

Was that your stomach?

I don't think so.

Oh, yes!

An amazing accomplishment.

Absolutely astonishing.
Altogether astounding,

if I do say so myself.

This will surely be
the happiest of Thanksgivings.

Only five minutes till noon.
What has become of them?

Coming through.
Make room. Watch your backs.

I say, might someone
lend a hand here?

You've done it.
Now we can have a proper Thanksgiving.

My, it is a big turkey, isn't it?

And rather loud.

And somewhat fierce.

Still, I suppose we should open it.

Go ahead.

No can do.
Not in my job specification.

You do it.

Perhaps we should wait
for Tigger and Eeyore to arrive.

It's only polite, you know.

It really would not be
Thanksgiving without them.

- Oh, my. The pie!
- I say! My word!


Every last little thing.




Our Thanksgiving is no more.

- But...
- See for yourself.

There is nothing
to be thanful for.

It's gonna be a Thank-less-giving.

- But we still have...
- No.

We do not.

Better luck next year.

Some Thanksgiving.

Reminds me
pretty much of any day.

Oh, dear.

I'm afraid this really has become
no more than a chilly Thursday.

Happy Thanksgiving...

Being all alone and lonesome is
not something that tiggers like best.

After all I did for them,
working a holiday.

I should have charged them
time-and-a-half overtime.

More tea, Owl? Yes. Thank you.

Don't mind if I do.

It's a rather sad thing, indeed.

But this day
has become quite like any other.

I suppose this is all
the thanksgiving I shall have.

If only I might share
what little I do have.

I suppose I could.

Couldrt I?

Although I'm only a bear
of very little brain,

I can think of no reason not.


What are you talking about?

It's Thanksgiving.

But the decorations, the food...

- The party.
- It's all right here, long ears.

Everything except you.

Who made that thistle soup?

I shall try the honey.

I should like to propose
this Thanksgiving celebration

be held in honour
of our good friend Rabbit

for the planning and hard work
he put into it.

- Hear, hear!
- Three cheers for bunny boy!


What a splendid evening.

What a lovely feast

There's food enough
to calm the most ferocious of beasts

I wonder why we worried

And scurried all around

Looking for the very thing
that we've already found

Friends, near and far away

Sharing all today

Gathering to say we're thankful

Friends, friends in every way

Make each and every day

Our Thanksgiving Day

There's so much more
than more here

It's altogether true

And being all together
is the best thing to do

Friends, near and far away

Sharing all today

Gathering to say we're thankful

Friends, friends in every way

Make each and every day
our Thanksgiving Day

Make each and every day

Our Thanksgiving Day

It was a most thankful day
for Winnie the Pooh and friends.

For of all the things they had
or ever might,

the grandest one of all
was the gift of friendship.

Every season brings a reason

To be joyful

Every season
brings a sun your eye can see

When the winter wind
begins a-blowing

You'll soon be playing in the snow

And it won't be long till Christmas

Comes to set your heart aglow

So every season brings a reason

To be giving

Giving thanks
for the seasons of good cheer

But most of all, we're grateful

For the loved ones we hold dear

Every glorious season of the year

Every glorious season

Of the year

This is the tastiest Christmas ever.

But I think perhaps
you should have made more popcorn.

- Oh, dear.
- Now just hold still.

- I've almost got it.
- Couldrt move if I wanted to.

Not that I mind, really.
Just thought I'd mention it.

But what if Santa
gets stuck in the chimney, Mama?

I'm sure he knows all about chimneys,

What if he doesn't like
the cookies I left for him?

He's going to love your cookies.

But what if Santa...

Special delivery for a Mr Rabbit.

Hold on a second.
It was in here somewhere.

Hey, I thought I remembered it.

Here it is. It's from a Miss Kay, Cat...


Let me see that.

Oh, my goodness gracious.

It's from Cassie.

- Who's Cassie?
- Who is Cassie?

She's only the smartest, sweetest,
most wonderful little bird

in the whole wide world.

Rabbit once rescued her.

Really? How did you rescue her?


It was a very windy day

and the snow was blowing so hard
you could barely see the ground...

Scarf? Check...

- Ear muffs?
- Checkerooni.

Hot water bottle?

- The hot water bottle.
- I believe it's in Rabbit's house.

Do I have to do everything myself?

There's a life that needs to be saved.

There, there.
Rabbit will take care of you.


Did you say something?

Oh, dear! No!

Poor little bird.

I gotta get a ladder!

Forgive me. I gotta go!


Nice catch, bunny boy.

What do you know - out of gas.

Are you all right, Rabbit?

No, and I don't plan on being all right
for a very long time to come.

Cassie all right.

You saved her.

Why, you're a hero.

Look at my house.

- It's a mess.
- Cassie's sorry.

There, there. It's not your fault.

Then I don't know whose fault it is.

Well, now that we've got you,
what are we supposed to do with you?

Why, Piglet and Tigger and I
shall take care of her.


You can't even take care of a carrot.

I'll take care of her myself.

You don't believe
I can do it all alone?

Well, I don't need anyone.

There's probably no one
in 100 Acre Wood

who knows more about baby birds
than me.

Why, she's going to be
no trouble at all.

I up so high.

No trouble at all.

Rock-a-bye and keep still

You're driving me crazy


I'm glad one of us is enjoying this.

Daddy's sad?

Daddy? No, I'm Rabbit.

Back, you monster!

Good morning, Rabbit.

I see you're having breahfast.

May we join you?

Join me?

I don't care what happens to her.
I have a carrot patch to plant.

There, there. Quiet down.

Well, what are you looking at?

Havert you ever seen a baby cry?

Here, just give her a bath.

That'll keep her and you
out of trouble.

Why is Rabbit always
so grumpy around Cassie?

Well, perhaps
he's just not as fond of her as we are.

Could you possibly find me
a small bird-sized towel?

Oh, bother.

Here's the towel.

Perfect. Why, I'll plant my carrots
so early this year

they'll be ripe by spring time.

What's that?

See me?

Oh, my. She'll float away!

She'll never come down!

I got you!

Did you see me?

Now promise me
you won't go so high ever again.

It's not safe.

But I like it.

But I like you

and I don't want anything
to happen to you.

I promise.

Am I doing this right?

Not bad, but you have to
choke up on your grip.

And what is this?

Well, it's mine.


When you taught me how to plant carrots,
that was my very first one.

I was going to save it special.

For you.

Well, you should have told me.

Look. I stubbed my toe.

I'm sorry.

That's all right.

Now why don't you just
run along and...

Hiya, bunny boy. Just dropped by
to see if the kiddo can come and play.


No, she can't.

I was just teaching her
something useful.

How to weed carrots.

Is he lucky? Weeding carrots
is what tiggers do best.


What's the matter? Am I
making you look bad in front of the kid?

You're pulling out my carrots!

So these are carrots?

What do you know?

What do you say? Does Uncle Tigger
know how to bounce or what?

I bet you're the best bouncer
in the whole world.

That was nothing.
Now I'm going to clear that tree.

It's almost like we were flying.

And now that one.

Actually, I'll embarrass the tree
if I jump it all at once,

so I'll take it in three bounces.

That was fun.

There. That wasrt so bad.


I can't...

I can't move.

I'm slipping.

Help me.

Hold on! I'll save you!

What to do?

Swing your tail
and toss Cassie up to me.

One for the money, two for the show.

Three to get out of here
and here you go.

Hold on tight.

And I'll pull you up.

I've got to get her back.

Wait a minute, bunny boy.

She's gone.

Why, a vertical half-gainer.
How unusual.

You know,
I recall I had an uncle Horatio

who used to dive
in just that manner.

Excuse me, Mr Owl.

Yes, now, where was I?

Oh, right. Uncle Horatio.

I never even told her I loved her.

And then after Horatio
took third place at Rome,

he went off to Acapulco,
or was it Topeka?

Never mind.

Did you see us? We were flying.

You're all right.

More than all right.
She was absolutely made for flying.

And Owl's gonna teach me.

It shall be my pleasure, my dear.

A little practice, and you'll be able
to fly south for the winter.

Fly south?

Never. You keep
your big feathers out of this.

If she were meant to fly south,
she'd have wings.

So there.

But Rabbit...

I do have wings.

Flying will lead to no good.

Remember the promise you made me
about not going too high?

Well, yes, but...

Good. Then no more talk about flying.

We're going to have lots more fun
than flying.

And the little princess bird
was thrown into a deep dungeon,

with only her faithful friend Rabbit
to protect her.

But then,
when things looked blackest, and...

Please don't tell Rabbit
I'm learning to fly.

It'd make him so sad.

It looks to me
as if you're learning to fall.

I'm not very good.

Oh, no. Very good... for going down.

What you need is a way for going up.

Now, as soon as you're up,
raise the landing gear.

Your legs.

Like this?

Yes. Now,
are you ready for take-off?

No, she's not.

Because she's not flying.

Hello, Rabbit.

Don't hello me.

You're deliberately teaching her to fly
and against my wishes.

But you only said for Owl
not to teach her how to...

When I say owls, I mean bears too.

And you. How could you?

You promised.

But, Rabbit, I just have to fly.

It means everything to me.

Does it mean more than I do?

Hey, bunny boy.
Why don't you give the kid a chance?

You stay out of this,
and just let go of that.

- But...
- Right now.

Why didn't I stay in my garden

with my nice, safe carrots?

Have I hit yet?

No, Rabbit. Cassie saved you.

But how?

I flew!

You what?

Aren't you proud of me?

Now I can fly south.

That's right! You soloed!

Oh, boy. There's nothing
holding you down now.

Don't you think I know?

Could you read me
one last bedtime story?

You mean, before you leave?

No, I didn't mean that.
I meant...

You don't need me
to read you a bedtime story.

You don't need me for anything.

And then when you feel the drag ratio
overcome your lateral velocity, "voila!"


Get ready for take-off before
you're snowed in for the whole winter.

But where's Rabbit?

I can't leave
without saying goodbye to him.

I'm sure he was just busy
with his garden.

His garden.

Where is it?

It seems the time is right
and the time is now.

And I'd just like to say...

Hey, Casserino? Before you go,
how about a little S-O-T-T?

Smooch on the Tigger.

That's what tiggers love best.

There it is.

For me?

Be careful. You know,
that's a very strong wind.

I know Rabbit's real busy,

but could you remember to tell him
I'll never forget him?

I'll remember to... to tell...

What was it?

Now, my dear, it's time to soar.

Wait for me. I'm coming, Cassie.

Do give my regards
to everyone down south.


Don't go!

I changed my mind. You can fly.

Just don't go away.

Did you think I would leave
without saying goodbye to you?

I hope spring
decides to come early this year.

I can't wait to see Cassie again.

It's the most peculiar thing.

For the longest time,
I thought Rabbit didn't like her.

You know,
sometimes people care too much.

I think it's called love.

Do you think
we should tell Rabbit?

Don't worry.
I believe he already knows.

And that was the last time
I saw her.

Nicest story I ever heard.

You said it, buddy boy.

Oh, my goodness. Look at the time.
We have to finish the tree.

Come on, everybody. Now,
be careful. Don't break anything.

Oh, dear.

It's so short.

Next year, we should
try to make it a little longer.

Do you like to eat acorns?

No, I'm not too fond of acorns.

Good. Then next year,
we shall string acorns.


You got it, buddy boy.

Can you see it, Mama?
Mine's the highest one.

It certainly is, dear.

- Why, it's a lovely tree.
- A fine specimen indeed.

Now that is what I call
a splendiferous tree!

There. That should do it.

Oh, dear. Oh, no.

Mercy me, what have I done?

What exactly have you done, Rabbit?

I've forgotten the most important thing.
Don't you see?

The star. Why, every Christmas tree
needs a star on top.

I was just so busy I forgot all about it
and now Christmas just won't be right.

It doesn't matter.
It's a beautiful tree.

We'll have a fine Christmas.

I've got an empty honey pot at home

that would make
a fine top for any tree.

Thank you,
but it just wouldn't be the same.

Look, Mama.

A falling star.

Hurry, everyone.
Make a wish.

I think that falling star
is falling this way.

Goodness gracious.
Why, that's no falling star.


Merry Christmas.

I'd say Rabbit's wish came true.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

And so, another Christmas
came and went in the 100 Acre Wood.

It had been a joyous season of giving
for all our friends,

but especially for a little bear
named Winnie the Pooh.