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Love at the Thanksgiving Parade (2012)

Posted: 10/28/21 08:33
by bunniefuu

♪ Chicago, chicago

♪ That toddlin' town

♪ Chicago, chicago

♪ Let me show you around

♪ I love it

♪ Bet your bottom dollar

♪ You'll lose the blues

♪ In chicago, chicago

♪ The town that billy sunday
couldn't shut down ♪

♪ On state street
that great street ♪

♪ I just want to say

♪ They do things they don't do
on broadway ♪

♪ You'll have the time
the time of your life ♪

♪ I saw a man
he danced with his wife ♪

♪ In chicago, chicago
my home town! ♪

♪ Chicago, chicago
that toddlin' town ♪

♪ Chicago, chicago

♪ Let me show you around

♪ I love it...

[Alarm clock beeps]

[Sighs happily]

Buenos dias. Como estas?

"Buenos dias.

Como estas?"

Muy bien!

You quiero ir a la playa.

"Yo quiero ir a la playa."

Muy bien!


La biblioteca
tienes muchos libros.

La bliblio--

La biblitecho--

Muy bien!

[Calling to cat]

Here you go.

[Message alert chimes]

[Message alert chimes]

Good morning, beautiful.

Good morning, honey.

En espanol.

Buenos dias, mi amigo.

You're adorable.

Did you finish it?


Do not hold back.

I need your honest opinion.

It's wonderful.

You didn't find it
too tedious to read?

I mean, as a layman?

No, uh...

I totally understood it.


Ah! I knew you'd love it.

Mother loves it, too.

[Ships horn blares]

Oh! I gotta go!

Oh, we're chasing a school
of female blue whales.

Ooh, sounds romantic.

Speaking of,

I'm excited for november 14th

And to hear
what your question is.

I'm excited for november 14th
to hear what your answer is.

Hey, I love you.

[Laughs and blows kiss]

Gretchen, I'm sorry
you feel that way.

I think you're a great girl

And you deserve to have
everything you want.

I just don't want
the same things as you.

I told you when we met

That I wasn't looking for
a long-term relationship.

[Clears throat]

Oh, I agree.

I love spending
time together.

Gretchen, I don't
want to lead you on.

Okay. Okay, fine.

We'll just see how it goes
over the holidays, okay?

Sorry, do you mind
if I sit up front?

No, no. Uh... Not at all.


Where to, mr. Williams?

Drake hotel, please.

This your first time
in chicago, sir?

No. I grew up here.

I just haven't
been back in a while.

Well then,
welcome home, sir.

I am so happy to be here today

To talk to you guys about
the history of the parade.

So, chicago's first parade

Was called
"the christmas parade"

And it was held
on december 7, 1934.

It was a record cold day,

But everyone came out
to see it anyway.

It was first televised in 2007,

When many of you
were just toddlers.

There are enormous
helium balloons,

As you know,

But also 1,000
high school band members

Appear in the parade every year.

And you know who's going to
be there on the last float,


Please, we're not
five years old.

You're right.

You guys
are way older.

He's not really santa claus.

[Shocked] what?


The real santa claus
cannot leave the north pole

On thanksgiving.

He is way too busy getting
everything ready for christmas.


But, sometimes,

If he gets
all of his toys done early,

He will come to chicago
to be in the parade.

[All cheering] cool!

Of course, we never know
if he's going to make it,

So we always hire a guy
in a santa suit

Just in case.

Watch the parade really closely
to see if it's the real santa,

Or if it's just
a good look-alike.

[All cheering]

[Telephone ringing]

Hey, linda, it's me.

Any messages?

Tell grant I'll be in chicago
for about three weeks.

No, I sent you
the prospective on l.a. Tech.

If they want to
stay competitive,

They'll have to downsize
by half,

Diversify their holdings

And consider moving their
factory out of the country.

It's not popular,
but it's cost effective.

I'll be buying
some retail property here,

So tell sam to expect
the bank to contact him.

Where are you?

Emily, close your eyes!


Okay, open!

[Yelps in delight]

It's beautiful!

It's a 1953
vintage original,

Possibly worn
by someone

Who lived here
in the city.

It just came in

It's perfect.

It's more than perfect!

I know.

Can I afford it?

It doesn't matter because
I'm willing to rob a bank.

Can I borrow a mask,
a g*n, and a getaway car?

You don't need to.
It's your wedding gift.

Aw, thank you.

But he hasn't asked yet.

- He's going to.
- I know!


Oh, I love it.

Thank you so much.

Oh, I'm vintage cinderella.

Have you told him yet?


Well, if you're going to
marry him, he needs to know.

I know.

I'm working on it.

Don't worry,
I'm going to tell him!


You know, you can get over
your fear of boats.

Okay, okay, okay,

I'm going to try again
before he gets home.


Oh, what happened to
the bookstore?

It's closed?

Not just closed.

Out of business for good.

What is happening
to our city?

Historical landmarks
are being discarded

And destroyed.

I wonder how many books
were sold here

Over the past 50 years.

You know,

We should chain
ourselves to the building,

And go on a reading
and hunger strike

In protest.

You know, I would if I thought
it would make a difference.

It wouldn't.

This building
is a structural hazard.

It needs to be torn down
before it falls down.

And who exactly are you
to say that?

I'm the guy

That cared enough about
this dilapidated building

To buy it, tear it down
and rebuild it

Into the profitable
retail opportunity

It deserves to be.


So we should thank you

For destroying this beloved
landmark of literature.

Do you wash your clothes?

I beg your pardon?

Do you have
a really great sweater?

One that feels right

Every time
you put it on.

One that brings out
the green in your eyes

And makes you feel confident,
and happy and cozy?

I don't.

Well, you don't
throw that sweater away

Because it gets a little mustard
on the elbow.

You don't burn it

Because it loses a button
or frays at the elbow.


You mend it, and you wash it
and you sew on a new button.


Because it's a great sweater,

And it deserves to be cared for,

And respected, and repaired.

I'm sorry,

Is the sweater a metaphor

For this termite-ridden
death trap?

I bought my first
nancy drew here.

I bought my first
agatha christie here.

No one buys books anymore,
they download them.

Oh, my god!

I know, right?

He's so obnoxious.

I was going to say
he's totally hot.


Not santa, not santa,

Not santa...

Ew, not santa.

Definitely not santa...

Are you kidding me?

Okay, these are the best ones
we got this year.

You told me we need to
finish booking everyone

By the end of the week,

And it is
the end of the week.

One of those guys
doesn't even have a beard.

Maybe they could grow one?

The santa float
is the finale of the parade.

His presence signals
the start of the holiday season.

People will have been

Standing in the snow
for more than three hours--

Wait, it's going to snow?


The point is,

For some people

This will be their first parade

And for others, sadly,
it will be their last.

We are responsible for
creating those memories.



Got it.



...gonna be a little
different for a few days.

Thank you for
joining us, emily.

As I was saying,

The city has hired an operations
management consultant

To come in

And evaluate the parade's
revenue potential...


The mayor wants to see

If the parade is cost effective
for the city.

That's ridiculous!

The parade isn't about money.

This guy is responsible for
reorganizing and rebuilding

The falcon center in miami.

The falcon center was
completely destroyed.

They took out
most of the seats

And they built private boxes.

He tripled their revenue
and added 300 jobs for the city.

Yes, but at what cost?

Emily, none of us
are happy about this,

But we have no choice.

The mayor is involved.

I want you
to work with this guy.

Introduce him
to everyone.

Make sure he has access to
all the department heads.

Make a good impression.

The parade and our jobs
may depend on it.

Can you pretend to be charming?

I'm totally charming!


Sorry, I'm late.

No way!

No way we got so lucky
to get this guy!

Henry, this is
emily jones,

Our operations manager

And unofficial
historical archivist.

There's nothing
about our parade

She doesn't know.

She'll introduce you
to everyone,

And get you

Whatever information
you need.



I'm a big fan of the parade.

I grew up watching it.



Nice to see you again.

You too.

So, that is tracey.

She is our p.r. Director.

Right behind her is linda,

She's our director
of marketing.

She works with
our sponsors

And retailers, and...

This is not going to work.

I beg your pardon?

You being here.

You could conceivably

Destroy the parade.

You need to come up
with an exit plan.

You can say you need to leave
for personal reasons,

Perhaps some sort of rehab.

Look, I appreciate
your loyalty

And dedication to the parade,

But I'm not here
to destroy anything.

I'm just here to evaluate.

You say you grew up here?

I did grow up here.

Went to school here?


Who is o'hare airport
named after?

Lieutenant commander
edward h. O'hare,

Who earned a congressional
medal of honor

In 1942

For sh**ting down five
japanese planes.

Everyone knows that.

What year was
the willis tower built?

1971, And it was 110 stories.

It's a trick question,

Because it was originally
called the sears tower.

[Snaps fingers]


Where did you watch
the parade?

The penthouse
of the beresford tower

On state and madison.

Of course!

What, that's bad?

That's why
you can't understand

What the parade means.

You watched it
from up above.

You were warm and cozy
with your rich family,

Sipping hot toddies.

I was on state street with
the real people of chicago.

I was freezing my butt off

Up on my dad's

I was holding my breath,

Waiting for the moment

Santa claus would appear
and wave.

I thought he waved only to me.

Look, we don't have to
like each other,

But over the next few weeks,

We do have to work together.


Why don't we
start again tomorrow

And you can introduce me
to everyone

And show me around, okay?

[Beeping on cell phone]

My pleasure.

[Sighs in exasperation]

Oh! [Gushing excitedly]

Tell me he's not married.

He's not married.

Are you sure?

Men like him
never get married.

They just date

And then they drive
around italy

On their fancy vespa's.

Oh, he's george clooney.



[Sighs heavily]

♪ I've tried my whole life

♪ To please someone else

♪ Been taken for granted

♪ Ignoring myself

♪ I had bad advice
more than twice ♪

♪ Somehow you help me

♪ Cure my blues

♪ I couldn't see clear

♪ The people in my face

♪ Cloud my thinking

♪ Intrude in my space

♪ I had trouble

♪ Seein' double

♪ Somehow you help me
cure my blues... ♪

[Over video chat]:
tell me what's wrong.

Paul hired this obnoxious jerk
to come in

And completely ruin the parade.

I see.

He's supposed to evaluate
everything we're doing wrong,

And tell us how to make more
money for the city,

And basically destroy

Everything that's special
about the parade.

Operations management

I read about these guys
in newsweek.

Yeah, well, this guy's a jerk.

Use your charm.

You get more with honey
than with lemon.

I mean, show him
what the parade means to you.

Teach him about the history.

You know, don't thr*aten him,
inspire him.

You are so wise.


[Horse nickers]

Nice ride!

How many miles to the carrot
do you get?

You wanted me to show you
everything about the parade.

I thought I would start
by showing you the route.

Okay, edna.

[Parade music plays]

[Carriage bells jingling]

Okay, this is
where it all begins.

The floats are lined up
right behind us.

The marching bands are
tuned up, set to play.

and equestrian groups are ready.

All of the performers
have been through parade camp,

And are holding on tight

To the giant
helium balloons--

Wait, parade camp?


All of the performers go through
a week of parade camp

To learn how to manage
the helium balloons.

Who pays for this parade camp?

It's a volunteer program.

Everyone donates their time.

[Clearing throat]

The grand marshal
is in place.

People, sipping
hot chocolate,

Are lined up

On both sides
of state street.

You can feel the excitement
in the air

As giant helium balloons
have begun to appear in the sky.

[Gasping in delight]


There's elmo!


Are you on any medication?


Entertainers from
all across the country

Seem to appear out of nowhere.

Clowns and acrobats--

Hang on a second,

Who carries the insurance
for the parade?

Is the city liable for any--

May I finish?

Of course. Sorry.

Thank you.

[Restarts music]

Then it happens...

Santa claus comes floating
down the street,

To the delight of children
young and old.

What about when all
the spectators are gone,

And they've dropped
their styrofoam cups,

Lost one glove,

And left a huge
mess behind?

Who's responsible
for the clean up?

How does the city
recoup the loses in revenue

When state street is closed down
for 48 hours.


If you charged everyone
that came to the parade...

You could effectively pay for
the entire clean up.

You want to charge
people to come to the parade?

Is that your recommendation?

They wouldn't
have to come.

It's like sports.

They could sit at home
and watch it there, on tv.

You realize that defeats
the entire purpose

Of a community parade.

It is about spending time
with your friends and family

In the heart
of the city you love.

You wouldn't understand

Because you don't
have a family.

You know what,
can you stop?

Stop, please!

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.

I will walk back.


Hey, wait,

How do you know
I don't have any family?

Because men like you
do not get married.

You fly from
woman to woman

Like a bee
collecting pollen.

Except you're
never satisfied

With the pollen
they give you.

No, you want more
and more pollen

From newer
and younger flowers.

So hang on, I'm the bee
in your scenario?

I don't see a ring
on your finger.

I am about
to become engaged

To the most wonderful
man in the world.

A marine biologist,

Who, incidentally, wrote
a book about whales

That he self-published.

It can't be downloaded.


How long have you
been dating?

Five years.

[Chuckles] well,
good luck with that.

What's that
supposed to mean?

Well, if he hasn't
married you in five years,

He's not going to.

You are so wrong.

That shouldn't be a shock,

Since you seem to be wrong
about a lot of things.

I will bet you $5.00

That I will be engaged
by thanksgiving.

Fine. You're on.


Oh, you're still here.

Haven't you finished
your evaluation yet?

Hablas espanol?

I'm studying it.

My almost-fiancé sent me
books and tapes

So I can learn.

We intend to travel a lot,

And he wants me to learn
various languages.

Spanish is the first language
I'm learning.

I see.

You see what?


Five years, and he's still
trying to improve you.

Don't you think it's time

You just cut your losses
and move on?

Cynical and sad,

And exactly what I would expect

From you.

My fiancé-to-be
will arrive in two weeks.

I will be planning my wedding
in two weeks and one day.

You know this for sure?

Yo quiero.

That means "I do" in spanish.

"Yo quiero" means "I want"
in spanish.

That's because there is
no exact translation of "I do".

You know what?

I hope you're right,

And you don't end up
like my friend's aunt helen.

Who walks around
all day in a robe

Calling it
her "house coat",

Feeding a bunch of cats
that she calls her "children."

Well, that's not
going to happen

Because I don't own a robe,

Or have cats...

[Quietly]...of my own.

Ask him this.

Ask him if he thinks
you're perfect

Just the way you are.

Ask him if he would change
anything about you if he could.

I'm not going to
ask him that,

Because no one is perfect,

And there's always
something you would change

About the other person
if you could.

You don't want to ask him

Because you're afraid
of the answer.

You are so wrong.

Would you like to know
a few things

I would change about you
if I could?

Maybe later.

You sure?

I have a long list!



[Pushing call button]

He's a pompous jerk.

I tried to inspire him
about the parade,

But he's your typical
trust fund,

Entitled playboy.

And he will be 75 years old

With a 24-year-old girlfriend

Living out his days

Lounging around his mansion
in his pajamas.

That's hugh hefner.


marching band plays]

That was wonderful!

Good practice!


[Groans in doubt]

[Groans in disappointment]




Oh, hello.


What are you doing here?

Just a little shopping.


No ice cream?

Why would you ask me
about ice cream?

No reason.

It's just what I came in for.


Have a nice evening.

You too.

Just one minute.



I'm sorry, just one minute.

What are you
still doing here?

It's late.

I wanted to make sure
you got home safely.

That's not necessary.

I know.

I don't need your help.


I can take care
of myself.




Can I ask you a question?


Is there anything
you would change about me

If you could?

Nothing. You're perfect.

See, that's why I love you.

You are the most wonderful man
in the whole world.

[Blowing kisses]


You again.

[Sighs nervously]

Are you going to
get on board today?

I haven't decided yet.

I'm on a schedule.


That was pretty good, right?

Please don't come back here.


Good morning, everybody.

I brought you all
a little treat

To help kick off
the thanksgiving season.

Holiday cheesecake...

Meeting's over.

Thank you so much for coming and
being on time.

We will pick up here
next week.

Great work.

Okay, where were we?


Are you still
trying to decide

How to rob
this great city

Of its most
valuable event?

I'm just going to lunch.


Ozzo, it's the best
restaurant in chicago.

[Laughs] if you're
a tourist, maybe.

It's the only four-star
michelin rated restaurant

In the city.

There is one five-star,

But it's not open
for lunch.

Ugh, do you always
have to have

The best of everything?

Enjoy your overpriced lunch.


You know, I happen
to know the owner

Of the actual
best restaurant in chicago.

It has six stars

And consistently gets

The best restaurant
reviews in the city.

Of course, you can't
get in without a reservation,

But I would be happy to
take you there as my guest.

Well, I'd be honored.

Good. Let's walk,
it's not far.

By the way,

I asked brian
if there was anything

He would change about me
if he could, and he said no.

Do you think he's lying?

Not at all.
I'm sure you're perfect.

No one's perfect.

It's about finding the person
who really knows you

And accepts you
for who you are.

And that's brian?

He really knows you?

Knows what matters
most to you?


Well, then
you're a lucky woman.

I am.

So you grew up here.

Why did you move away?


You couldn't get
into north western?

Didn't your rich family
own something?

The dorms, or the library
or something?

I was accepted.

I chose to go to stanford,

To get out of the cold
and to start a new life.

Where do you live now?

I travel from
city to city for work,

So I basically live
in hotels.

But where is your home?

The place you go to

When you're not
traveling and working.

Well, when I'm not
traveling and working,

I go on vacation,

And I live in
another hotel.

Home is the most important place
in the world.

It's where you come from.

It's the place you go
to feel safe and loved.

It's the place you go
to remember who you are.

Home is the only place

You can have
nutty movie night.

I'm afraid to ask.

Nutty movie night

Is where you sit
in your underwear,

And you eat peanut butter
out of a jar,

And you watch old movies.

I mean, I do that

On the rare night
that I am home alone.

Here we are.

Best restaurant
in chicago.

It's a pizza place.

Hi, giano.


Have you got
room for two?

For you? Anytime.

Get up, we have a vip
who needs the table.


I've been looking
forward to meeting

The marine biologist
who stole our emily's heart.

No, no, no, no!

No, uh, this is a co-worker.

No, brian's not going
to be here for a week.

I'm sorry.

No problem.

I'll bring you something


Oh. Thank you.

Thank you.

I've been coming here
since I was a little girl.

I worked here in high school,

And this is where
I have thanksgiving dinner

Every year.

Giano cooks
for anyone who shows up.

No time for family and friends?

Giano is family and friends.

My mom died when I was a baby.

And my dad raised me.

He was a cop.

Best guy in the world.

He died when I was 17.

I'm sorry.

That's him.

He saved this place
from being robbed

When I was, like, nine.

The robber had a g*n,

But my dad took him down

And no one got hurt.

Giano put his picture up
as a thank you.

And as a warning
to other robbers.

You must be
really proud of your dad.

I am.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You look really happy
in that picture.

So, was that
your best day ever?

It was a good day.

I have this theory

That we all have
one best day ever.

We can have a lot of days
that come close,

Days that are fun,
or meaningful and interesting,


Only one day
that all others are measured by.

And you're not too young
or too old.

You're not wise enough
to know you can fail,

Or not naive enough
to think things come easy.

Then, yeah, I would say
it was my best day ever.

So far.

I think my wedding day
will be my best day ever.

How about you, have you had
your best day ever?

May 2, 1985.

I hit a home run
with two on base.

It was a sunny day,

And I ate three hot dogs.


And I was only eight, but...

I still remember
every minute of it.

I can smell the dirt
on the field,

I can see exactly where
the chalk dust blew up

When I crossed home plate.

And you don't think
you're going to have a day

That will knock that day
out of the park?

Maybe a day that involves someone
other than just yourself?



Good idea.

Yeah, keep your
expectations low,

And then you'll never
be disappointed.

Thank you.

Thank you.


- Buon appetito.
- Grazie.

My favorite.

This is called "buddha."

It's one with everything.


There you go.

No, no, this one,
this one.


Oh, my god...



That's the best pizza
I've ever had.

Is there anything you would
change about it if you could?


It's perfect.


Well, I believe in
true love.

I think it's a leap.


It is a leap.

That's the point!

Love is a leap you take
with each other.

You commit to
holding tight,

Jumping off,

And facing the world

You make love sound like
a su1c1de pact.

[Marching band playing]

I just don't believe in love
that lasts forever.

I've never seen it work.

Well, I've never
seen it work either,

But I still believe
it's possible.

I still have faith
that it exists.

I have a five-date rule.

I go on five dates
with a woman.

If I'm feeling like
it's not going anywhere,

I end it.

That's insane.

You can't know

Everything there is
to know about a person

In five dates.

I know enough.

After five dates,

A woman starts
thinking about marriage,

So I end it before
she gets confused.

You invented
the five-date rule,

And she's the one
who's confused?

Do you preview every act
from the parade?

Yes! I have to
make sure they're ready!

[Band stops playing]

Great job, guys!
You're ready!




What is she doing?

Um, interviewing
santas for the parade.

It's just a stupid santa.

Yeah, she's looking for one
with a jolly smile

And a twinkle in his eye.

See the picture on the wall?

He's the one

From her childhood.

The one they all
have to measure up to.


I see.

You know, um,
[clears throat]

If you need someone
to show you around town,

I'd be happy to help.

I know all the bars.

I mean, I know where they are.


It's not like I live in them,
or drink every night.


I love to party.

I'm not a party girl...

I should walk away now.

Call me.


We're down a clown.

He got one of his big shoes
stuck in an escalator.

They say he'll be able to
walk again by christmas, but--

Thanks, donna.

Um, can I give you
a small bit of advice?

[Sighs] sure.

You don't want to
go out with henry.

Are you reading my mind?

He's just one of those guys

Who breezes into town
all cute and nice.

Then he sucks you in
with his charm

And his cool hair,

And his green eyes,

And then he breaks your heart.

How did you know
he had green eyes?

I saw them.

I glanced at them.

They're dreamy.

Look, he has a five date rule.

He goes on five dates,

And then when he realizes
you're not perfect,

He dumps you.

Shouldn't be a problem, then,
I'm pretty perfect.


Well, good luck with that.

Thank you.

Are you sure you have
the right night?

This is the second monday
of the month, right?

Yes, but--

Just wait.

This is when they practice
for the parade.

These people move pretty slowly.

So, do you own any clothing from
this decade?

I like old clothes.

I guess they're already
worn in for you.

When my mom died,

My dad was so sad,

He gave all of her clothes
and shoes to goodwill.

Oh, so you figure
if you buy enough of them,

You might one day
be wearing her clothes.

Stupid, right?

Not at all.

[Turns on dance music]



They're called
"the starlights."

They've been dancing
in the parade

As long as I can remember.

Most of them
have been married

For 30 years or more.

They practice every second
monday of the month,

Rain or shine.






How do they do that?

Do what?

Stay in a relationship
for that many years?

You know, I asked
them that once.

And what was
their answer?

Peaks and valleys.

That's the key,

You have to realize

That all days are
not going to be peaks,

But you hold onto them

To get you through
the valleys.

That's it, just
peaks and valleys?

Mm-hmm, apparently
that's it.

Affection, compromise,
peaks and valleys,

And a good pair
of dance shoes.






Thank you.


I should be
getting home.

I'll drive you.

No, no, uh, I can walk.

No, it's--

Uh, I don't mind
driving you.

It's okay, I can walk.


Yo quiero.

I do.

[Squeals in joy]

[Airplanes landing]

[Squealing in excitement]

You're finally here!


Oh, it's been so long.

I have missed you...

So much.


You look


Oh, thank you.

So do you.

You cut your hair.

Just a little.

Well, don't worry,
it'll grow back.

Guess what?

I got a letter from a publisher

Who may be interested in
publishing my book.

That's amazing!

You sound surprised.

Not at all.

They're lucky to have it.

Well, I'm thinking of
changing the title to--



I'm thinking of
changing the title

To "whales:
what are they good for?"



Well, it's november 14th.

What's your question?

Ah, not till tomorrow night.

I want everything to be
perfect when I ask you.

[Giggling in excitement]

Right now

I just want to get home,

And have dinner
and go to bed.

Well, I thought we could
go to jim's for dinner.

Giano is making lasagna--

Mother is
expecting us for dinner.


Well, you know how she gets

When I've been away
for a long time.

Yeah, I just thought--

Tonight, we'll have dinner
with my family,

And then tomorrow night,
we'll go to jim's,

And you'll have me
all to yourself.

We'll stop by your place
so you can get changed.

This is one
I don't mind losing.

No ring yet?

He wants everything
to be perfect.

Tonight, at 8:00.

Well, I'm rooting
for you.

You still don't think
it's going to happen, do you?

He got home yesterday
after a long trip.

I think last night

Would have been a great
time to ask you.

I will take your $5.00.

That's how confident I am.

Well, I hope
you're right.

Oh, I'm right.

I hope so.

Go away.

I can't.

Why not?

I have a meeting
with you and your cfo

To go over the books
in five minutes.

Fine, go away
for five minutes.

[Crowd cheering]

What a beautiful ring.

I never expected this night
to be so magical.

I will remember this moment

[Taxi dispatch radio crackles]


["La donna e mobile"
from "rigoletto" plays]



You look so pretty.

Thank you.

Your father would be
so proud of you.

Special night?

I think so.

I'll make you
something special.

You are

So beautiful.

Thank you.


How weird is this?

You and me, together at last.

I know.


It's been so long.

How is it working out

With that guy they sent
to destroy the parade?

He did not turn out
to be so bad.

Well, look at you,
getting along with the enemy.

I hope you're going
to come this year.

Uh... You know how I feel
about crowds.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Right, right.

You know,
before we order dinner...

I have a little surprise
for you.

You do?


I never imagined this night
would be so magical.

I will remember
this moment forever.

Emily jones...

I have known you
for five years...

And I have loved you for...

A lot of that time.


I was away at sea
for many months,

And my time away

Has taught me one thing,

And that is

That I don't want to be
without you.

I'll have my own boat,

And my own research team,

And we will be away at sea
for two years,

And what
I want to know is,

Will you do me the honor

Of joining me
on the ship of my life?

Yo quiero.
I do!


[Laughing in delight]


Oh, wow.


Wait, wait. What?

I know.

It is a big step,

And we will be
in each other's faces,

Close-close quarters--

No, no, no.


I think we're ready

For the next step
in our relationship.

Did you...

Did you just ask me
to marry you?

M-marry me?

[Quietly] you know how I feel
about marriage.

After what I went through
with my parents.

Your parents?

Your parents have been
happily married for 30 years.


That is a lot to live up to.

Wait, it's been five years,
and i--

Don't be embarrassed.


A lot of women might have
made the same mistake.


Well, thinking
that I was going to propose.

Brian, I'm sorry, it's over.



I want to get married

I want to have a family.

I thought you did, too.

Well, i-i do.



I don't want to wait
any longer.

You're being unreasonable.

No, I'm being honest!

I will be at the airport
thanksgiving day at 4:00.

I'm flying to aruba,

And then
I'm getting on the ship!

There will be an extra ticket
for you at the airport

If you change your mind!


What are you doing here?

I ordered a pizza.

What are you doing here?

I came here to get married.


Get in.


I don't have your stupid
$5.00 on me.

I'll write you
an "I owe you."

Would you just get in the car?

Come on.

[Sniffling and sobbing]


I'm so stupid.

Here, drink this.

Go ahead and gloat.

Say "I told you so."

You were right.

I am going to die alone
in my house coat,

Smothered by cats.

Look, he's the loser, okay?

He made the biggest
mistake of his life.

Thank you
for saying that.

I will accept that lie

Because it might be
the only thing keeping me

From running into traffic.

Thank you for the drink.

I don't really drink,

So I'm beginning to feel it.

It's ginger ale.



That was amazing!

Oh, this is so much fun.

You know, I was good.

I was really good.

I was, like,
professional good.

But... I was not.
I was only high school good.

And I was devas-thated.

I was...


[Together]: devastated...

When I realized

That my dream was an illusion.

I'm sure you were wonderful.

No, I was not.

I mean, I'm not,
you know, horrible,

But I'm not lady gaga.


["Heart of glass" by blondie
starts playing]

I love this song.

No, emily. No, no, no--

Oh, yes.

[Feedback whines]

♪ Once I had a love
and it was a gas ♪

♪ Soon turned out
had a heart of glass ♪

♪ Seemed like the real thing
only to find ♪

♪ Bunch of mistrust
love's gone behind... ♪

It has?

Where did it go?



I'm gonna look for it!

♪ Once I had a love
and it was divine ♪

♪ Soon found out
I was losin' my mind ♪

♪ Thought it was the real thing
I was so blind ♪

♪ Mucho mistrust
love's gone behind ♪

[Warm laughter]


♪ In between

♪ What I find is pleasin'
and I'm feeling fine ♪

[Audience shouts] so fine!

♪ Love is so confusing
there's no peace of mind ♪

No peace!

♪ -- Fear I'm losin' you

♪ There's just no good

♪ You teasin' like you do--

- This is your part!
- I'm not a good singer--

♪ Ooh...

♪ Ooh-aah!

- Really good.
- Thank you.


♪ [Both]: ooh-aah!

It's a duet now.

Okay, that's it.
No more, please--

♪ Ooh-aah

♪ Ooh-aah!

That's it.

But that was great.

[Cheering and applause]

That was great.

Thank you.

[Applause and cheers]

We should
get out of here.

It's 2:00 a.m.


How could you be drunk?

You only had
one glass of champagne?

Low tolerance.

I need to get you home.

Right. Hmm...

I know you and your type.

You think you can
fill me with champagne

And seduce me.

You think that
because you rescued me,

And you're so handsome,
and cute, and handsome,

That I will just
fall into your arms

And kiss you.

Well, think again, bucko!

Emily, I just...

[Vomiting violently]

Feeling better?

I'm so embarrassed.

Nonsense. These
things happen.

I'm not used to
drinking champagne.

You'll be fine.

I know it doesn't
feel like it now,

But trust me,
you'll be fine.

Come on, let me
take you home.

Don't bother,
I'll just jump.

Nah, it's too messy.

How could I
have been so wrong?

I thought he loved me.

This is officially
the worst night of my life.

Well, I hope
you're right.

Can only get
better from here.



Can I tell you
a secret?

Now that I've
humiliated myself

Beyond all reason.


I'm afraid of boats.

I've never even
been on a boat,

So I'm not sure why,
but still...

So don't
take a cruise.

I go down to the tour deck,
and I try and get on,

But then every time,
something stops me.

The captain of the ship
hates me.

So, what were you
going to do

If you married him?

I didn't really
have a plan.


[Rattling knob]





Once second, uh...

They'll probably hear us.

[Banging on door]

Why don't you just
have a seat, okay?

I'll keep trying.

I can't believe
this is happening--

I'm sick of trying.

And, I left
my cell phone--

I try, and I try and I try--

Open the door!

But look at me--

Anybody here?

I'm still alone.




Maybe you're afraid of boats

Because you were never sure

If brian was
the right guy for you.




Good morning.

Well, thank you

For taking care
of me last night.

I appreciate everything
you probably did for me.

My pleasure.

I'm fairly sure I need to
apologize for my behavior,

And as soon as
I remember what I did,

I will take full

You were a perfect lady.


I guess we have to do
the walk of shame.

It appears so.


How am I going to go in
and face everyone at work?

You dodged a b*llet.

They'll be happy for you.

Come on, let me
shame-walk you home.

Are you sure

I didn't do anything
embarrassing last night?

You know, there was
that one thing.


I wouldn't worry about it.

It wasn't anything bad enough
to put on youtube.

♪ Ooh-aah! Ooh-aah!

[Singing mockingly]

[Sighs heavily]

I never liked brian.

Really? You never
said anything.

I said lots of things.

You just never listened,
so I stopped.

I figured if you were happy,
who was I to judge?

Hmm. Well, here you go.

What? No, no, no, keep it.

You will wear it one day,
and you will be beautiful in it.


I'll never get married.

How do you know?


Henry was really sweet, though.

He rescued me from
the worst night of my life.

Well, he's a nice guy.


Too bad he's a jerk.

Well, maybe
he's not a jerk.

He's so cute--

No, he is a jerk.

He has a five-date rule.

He goes on five dates
with a woman,

And then if
she's not perfect,

He ends the relationship.

That's actually
very sensible.

You know enough
about a person in five dates

To know whether
the chemistry's there.

Yes, but he goes in,
believing it won't work.

Again, sensible.

You hold the other person
to a higher standard,

You have
a better chance of knowing

Whether you're going to
end up with the right person.

Well, either way,

He leaves in a week
right after the parade,

So it doesn't matter.

And he's probably
going to recommend

That the city
eliminate the parade.

What a jerk.

I told you.



Okay, listen up, everyone.

I'm fine.

Stop looking at me
like I'm going to fall apart.

I am fine, really.

Now, we only have one week
until the parade,

So everyone
really needs to focus!

I appreciate your concern,

But let's get back to work,

And let's put on
the best parade ever!


I can't believe
he did that to you.

I'm fine.

I wouldn't be.

You are really strong.

Thank you.

I think I would probably
k*ll myself

If someone did that to me--

You know, we should
get back to work.

I would feel like
life wasn't worth living.

I mean, the disappointment...

[Gasping between sobs]
and the humiliation

Would just be

More than I could take!

I seriously
would fall over and die!



♪ The reindeer fly

♪ I wave goodbye

♪ To santa with a kiss

♪ You bring me home

♪ Stories of rome
paris and madrid ♪

♪ How softly he tiptoes

♪ When he returns home
and whispers, "mrs. Claus" ♪

♪ It's christmas time
and santa is mine, ho ho ♪


♪ The elves relax

♪ With gingerbread snacks

♪ And rudolph starts to prance

♪ We sing and sway
to the music we play ♪

♪ As santa starts to dance

♪ How softly he tiptoes
underneath the mistletoe ♪

♪ And whispers, "mrs. Claus"

♪ It's christmas time
and santa is mine, ho ho ♪


[Telephone ringing]

[Voicemail beeps]

emily, please pick up.

Emily, I know you're mad,

But I think
we should talk about this.

[Sighs sadly]

You're the only fish
in the sea for me.

[Call disconnects]

What's going on?

Oh, we have
a special event.


Is the circus in town?

Why don't you
come with us?

[Kids giggle and shout]

Paul and I started
this program.

We do it every year.

Some of these kids
are too sick

To come to the parade,

So we bring
the parade to them.

Our organization does events
throughout the year

For the ronald mcdonald house.

They give families
a place to stay

While their children
go through treatment.

That's really nice.

It's what you do for
the city you call home.

And, no, it doesn't
cost the city any money.


[Cell phone ringing]


What are you doing?

New york times
crossword puzzle in ink.

Oh, impressive.

I know, right?

Are those your only plans
for the evening?

If you must know,

I am sitting on the floor,

Eating chocolate

And peanut butter
out of a jar,

"miracle on 34th street."

Nutty movie night.

Mm-hmm, don't knock it
till you try it.

[Sports plays on television]

[Call ringing]

[Answering machine beeps]

Hey, gretchen.

I think I finally understand
what you were talking about.

People really do deserve

To have everything
they want in life.

I'm beginning to understand

What it's like to sit around,

At home,

And eat peanut butter,

And watch movies with someone
you really care about.



I tried
nutty movie night,

And I liked it.

[Gasping] I told you.

What movie did you watch?

Bulls game.

Nutty sports night.

That works, too.

I have to go somewhere.

Come with me?

Oh, I have a meeting
with paul

To go over the final line-up
for the parade.

You won't be late.
Come on.

How do you know
what time my meeting is?

Will you come?


What are we doing here?

Facing our fears.

What's the worst
that can happen?


There are no icebergs
in the river.

But it could still sink.


But what if it does?

Do you know how to swim?


Well, then
you'll swim to shore.

But what if...

Oh, this guy hates me.

Welcome aboard!


[Muttering] oh,
it's going to be a long day.

I rented the boat
for the day.

The whole boat?



Why not?

What if-- what if i--

Look into my eyes.

You could spend your whole life
asking "what if?"

Or you can just
live in the moment

And see what happens.

I have tickets

To the bulls game tonight,
if you want to go.

Yeah, why not?


Oh. Look down.


Calm. Breathe.


Not so bad.


What did I tell you?

Yeah. Okay.

Okay, not so bad.

It's fun, right?

I can't believe
I'm doing this.

What have I been
so scared of?



There you are.

I have the signed release forms
for all of the performers--

What are you wearing?

It's almost modern.

Oh. I'm going to
the bulls game with henry.

Oh... Ha ha.

You're dating him?

What? No, not at all.

He asked me, and I didn't
want to be rude.


What happened to,
"stay away, he's dangerous,

He's got a five-date rule
and he'll break your heart."

This is not a date.

This is a business,

Slash friend,
slash work thing

Before he goes away,

And I never ever
see him again, ever.

[Sighing] ever...

Sounds like a date to me.


This is so not a date.

This is an evening out
with a co-worker.

So why are you
putting on lip gloss?

It's not a date.

[Crowd cheering]

Go, bulls, go!
Go, bulls, go!


Whoa-ho! Yeah.

This is the bulls game?

This is the bulls game.

The north high bulls
versus the saints.


Wow! How did you get
these great seats?


I know a guy
who knows a guy.


I went to
high school here.

This is the first time
I've been back

Since graduation.

You went to
high school here?

I would have thought
your parents

Would have sent you to
some fancy private school.

[Crowd jeering at referee]



Yes, yes, yes, yes...


That was a foul!
Are you kidding me?

My grandmother
could have seen that!

Get some glasses, ref!


[Crowd booing]

[Booing and laughing]

That was great.



[Applause and cheers]


Kiss-cam, they've been
doing this for years.

That is so cute.

[Crowd chanting]
kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!


I guess we gotta...

It's a kiss-cam.

It's just a kiss.

Yeah, okay.

[Cheering and applause]


Uh, I think
we should go.

Yeah. No, no.

We should go.

[Crowd cheering]

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I just think
it's really great

That two co-workers
can share a friendly kiss

Without it
meaning anything,

Or without it leading
to anything, at all.

Yeah, I mean,

We didn't have any choice
in the matter at all.

At all.

Well, duh,
it was the kiss cam.

We did not have a choice.

Duh, that's what I'm saying.
That's exactly what I said.

Yeah, well,
it's worth repeating.

[Car stops]

Great. Okay, well,
thank you so much.

That was a really
great evening--

Emily, I just want to--



You all right, sir?

[Chuckles ruefully]

Let me ask you a question.

Do you believe in true love?


I've been married
16 years, sir.

I didn't stand a chance.


I fell in love with my wife
the first moment I saw her.


How did you know
it was true love?

I just knew.

I found myself
thinking about her

When I wasn't with her.

If she was there, I was happy.

I used to drive
past her house

Late at night

Just to be close to her
when she slept.

I asked her to marry me
after our third date,

But she didn't say yes
until our fifth.

Drake hotel, please.



You should tell him
how you feel.

No, it was just one kiss.

And he made it clear

He's not looking for
a serious relationship.

And he leaves in two days.

Well, no man is looking for
a serious relationship

Until they fall in love.

The right woman comes along
and changes everything.

Look, you owe it to yourself
to tell him how you feel.

If you don't take a shot,
then you'll never know.

I took a shot with brian.
Look where that got me.

Brian wasn't the one.

Your eyes never lit up like this
when you talked about brian.

I thought I loved him.

You loved the idea of him.

I mean, you hardly ever saw him.

He was gone
more than he was home.

We skyped our relationship
for the last three years.

I think I loved
in five-minute intervals.


Tell henry how you feel.

Too risky.

I already had my heart broken
once this month.

I'm not sure a heart can be
broken twice in one month

Without breaking for good.

Every relationship
needs a hero.

Okay, that one person

Who stands up and takes a chance
and puts everything on the line.

Look, I'm not just going to
go over to his hotel room

And knock on the door
and say, "surprise!

"I think you're amazing.

"I think you should
stick around,

And we should find out
what happens..."

You should take a chance.

Be his soft place to fall.

Where did you hear that?

Dr. Phil.


I thought I'd come by
and say hello.

And I was just
in the neighborhood

And thought I'd stop by,
and, you know,

What the heck,
throw myself at you.

I know you said

You're not looking for
a serious relationship,

But still I figured
I'd give it a shot.

[Voice over intercom]:
ma'am are you okay?

Who is that?

Hotel security.

We monitor the elevators.

I'm just making sure
you're okay.

I'm fine, thanks.

All right.

[Muttering] ma'am?

[Knocking on door]

I think I have the wrong room.

I'm looking for
henry williams' room.

Oh, this is his room.

I think he's in the shower.

Can I help you?

Who are you?

His girlfriend.

My name's gretchen.

It's not important.

I work with him.

I just came by to tell him

That everything is set
for the meeting today...

At the office where we work...

Together as co-workers.


So I will tell him that
at the office.




What are you doing here?

I got your message
and I hopped on a plane.

I'm here to share your life

And your nutty movies
and your peanut butter.


You called
and said you were sorry.

I-i was, and I am.

I just...

Don't know
what you're doing here.

I'm here because
you told me to come.

Not in those words,

But you said you were sorry,

And that you were
beginning to understand

What a relationship could be.


This is my fault.


You didn't mean me.

Well, this is it, everyone!

Tomorrow is the parade.

I think this is going to be
our best year ever!

[Cell phone warbles]

Um...excuse me.

[Clearing throat]

Are you okay?



'Cause I got some bad news.

Apparently, the santa you chose
backed out.

Well, choose one of the others.



I-i can't be responsible
for that decision.

You said that that's the most
important part of the parade.

You said that--

What's the difference?

It's just another
stupid santa claus.

Brian, what are you
doing here?

Emily, I had to come.

You wouldn't
answer my phone calls.

That's because
there's nothing more to say.

Emily, I need
to talk to you.


Am pretty busy right now.


When I met you, my life began.

The last five years

Have been filled
with happiness and joy.

What are you doing?

Something I should have done
a long time ago.

You're as rare as a gray pearl
in an italian oyster.

Oh, please.

If I don't take
this chance with you now,

I might regret it forever.

Emily, I love you
with all my heart.

Will you marry me?

Emily, don't do this.

Why not?

He loves me.

He loves you-- he knows
nothing about you.

You don't know that!

Who is this guy?

He's somebody
that I work with.

Yes, brian,
I will marry you.

[Brian gasping in joy]

[Laughing in delight]


[Everyone applauds]

Why are you crying?

Because I'm so happy.


And here are the keys
to the apartment

And garage.

I've transferred everything
into your name for the sublet.

You're paid up
for the next six months,

And thank you
again so much

For doing this,

Are you kidding!

Your place is
so much better than mine.

I bought, like, a hundred
cans of cat food,

And I usually feed them
in the morning

Right before I go to work.

I will feed them.

Are you sure this is
what you want to do?


I'm so happy.

This is what
I've always wanted.



[Dialing phones]

[Hanging up]

[Alarm clock beeps]


[Electric toothbrush whirring]

[Beckoning to cats]



♪ S'no problem

♪ S'no worries

♪ In the forecast
there'll be flurries ♪

♪ We'll be surrounded
by mountains of white ♪

♪ S'no issue
s'no reason ♪

♪ S'no question
'tis the season... ♪

I'm so happy
for you, emily.

We're really going to
miss you around here.

Who is going to care
about the parade

As much as you do?

I'm going to miss it
more than I can say.

Well, we got
the report from henry.

He says we could make more money
by charging for the parade,

Raising the fee for sponsors,

And taking a fee from all
the businesses in the area

Who profit from the parade.


It's his recommendation
that we don't change anything.

That's really great.

As you've always said,

The joy and goodwill the parade
generates for the city

Can't be measured in money.

It's priceless.

That's really great.

The mayor is thrilled.

The hacket
development corporation,

Citing their appreciation
for the parade,

Bought a piece of property
to build and fund

A new ronald mcdonald house.

Oh, that's wonderful.


It's an old book store
over on main street.

The new owner
was going to tear it down

And put up a retail shop--

Hey paul!

Paul, do you
have a minute?

Excuse me.

A book store?

Where to,
mr. Williams?

The airport.

Yes, sir.

[Band playing]

Welcome to the chicago
thanksgiving parade!

[Audience cheering]

Tell the mayor's float
to slow down.

Elmo was stuck in a tree
and he's just now catching up.


I'm sorry, excuse me.
I'm just gonna...


There she is!

[Crowd cheering and shouting]


Excuse me,

Can you tell me
who owns the penthouse?

The penthouse is owned

By the hacket
development corporation.

Do you know how long
they've owned it?

Oh, six or seven
years, I think.

Was there a williams family
that lived there?

Not in the last 30 years.

The sumner family
lived here for 25 years

Before hacket bought it.

And the kids are
still up there

If you want to go up.

What kids?

Well, the sumner family
opened its doors

To the orphan kids who live
in the covington house

Every year,

So they could
watch the parade.



The hacket
development corporation

Has kept up the tradition.

"Hacket development

"Henry hacket williams?"

Henry was an orphan.

[Kids laughing]


Are you enjoying the parade?



The parade is, uh...

It's amazing.

You did a great job.

Thank you.

Did you see the giant
flying elephant balloon?


It was amazing.

There was no giant
flying elephant balloon.

I'm sorry.

I'm a little
preoccupied with work.

You understand.

Tell me what you love about me.


Why do I love the parade?

Why do I wear vintage?

Because you're... Quirky

And odd.

And-and that's one of
the reasons why I love you.

Why do I eat at jim's?

Because you love pizza?

You don't know
anything about me.

Yes, I do.

I know you want to get married
and I'm giving you that.

You're giving me that?

That's why were getting married?


I'm willing to do that for you.

That says something.

I agree,

But I'm not going with you,

And I'm not going to marry you.


Are you crazy?

Do you not understand
what I'm offering you?

I'm offering you a chance

To sail around the world
with me,

A marine biologist!

Most women would k*ll for this.

Well then,
I guess I'm not most women.

Goodbye, brian.

emily, where are you?

I'm here, what's wrong?

Where have you been?

Sorry, I got side-tracked.

Is everything okay?

[Sheepish] I'm sorry,
I did the best I could.


I couldn't find a santa!

Wait, what are you
telling me, donna,

There's no santa?

[Santa chuckling]
ho, ho, ho!

Ho, ho, ho!



Ho, ho, ho!

Hi, santa!

Ho, ho, ho, ho!

Ho, ho, ho...

Emily, are you there?
Are you even listening?

Ho, ho, ho, ho!


Santa, over here!

Come on.


Where's brian?

Brian doesn't know
anything about me.

I'm not going with him.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Are you really the hacket
development corporation?

I think it's important

To give back to the city
that raised you.

Where's gretchen?


I went to your room
to see you,

And she told me she was
your girlfriend.

No, she's not my girlfriend.

She's not?


We broke up
before I even met you.

Emily, I am so in love with you.

I came back to tell you that
and I ended up in a santa suit.

I came back

To have thanksgiving dinner
at jim's with you, and...

And to ask you to marry me.

You did?

Yes, I did.

Yo quiero.

Yo quiero? You do?

I do.


This is it.

This is what?

This is the best day
of my life.

♪ Let's get snowed in together

♪ 'Cause you got that glow

♪ Let's blame it
on the weather ♪

♪ Bring on the snow

♪ There's no question
'tis the season ♪

♪ When everything
gets so festive and bright ♪
