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A Family Thanksgiving (2010)

Posted: 10/28/21 08:27
by bunniefuu

send all transcripts
of discovery

to opposing counsel.

Review documents for privilege.

Have becca correlate

opposing counsel's
document brief

for the jones trial.

Revise the factum
to incorporate

this week's case law.

Text girls, cancel breakfast

and call my sister back.

Yeah, listen, guys?

Excuse me, if i may just
butt in for one moment.

They cannot take the property
unless it's used for public use,

or if there's a danger--

yes, but let's
be clear about that.


We're not open yet.

[Knocking persistently]

he seems to have
other priorities.

Wha-- hi.

Hi, i'm bill.

I see you here
every day.

Hi. I'm claudia.

I'm not very good
before my morning coffee,

and they should know
that we depend on them

to be on time!


[still knocking firmly]


[Still knocking firmly]




Now, how about you let me
buy you a cup of coffee?

No way!

Oh, i just--
i-- okay.

Oh, no, sorry.
Not you, me.

Just a work crisis.

Uh, oh, coffee? No.
I have the standing order.

Make that a bran muffin today.


Black coffee.

[Tapping insistently on door]

sleeping on the job?


Good morning, al.

Mornin', claudia,

i was just
resting my eyes.



this is not my donut.

It's called
a bran muffin.

I'm looking
our for you, al.

Anyway, big day.

The partners asked
to meet with me.

Fingers crossed
they have some big news.

Maybe a marriage proposal.

Al, i keep telling you,

i did not go
to harvard law,

top of my class

to become married

and living
in the suburbs.

What, some soccer mom
with a mini-van?


you scared me.

Have you been here
all night?


Outlined the first draft
of the oral argument

in the belosi trial.

Okay, great.

You know, i got
an aggravating e-mail

from the london office
on the dunn trial.

I'm going to need
all the latest cases

on eminent domain.

They were
in the brief.

No, the ones
from this week.

We need to stay current
and over-prepared,

that's how you win cases.

[Telephone rings]


Hi, jen.
It's me claudia.

Is it too early?

No such thing in this house.

Owen, it's your auntie claudia,

the who sent you
the harvard sweatshirt

instead of coming to see you
when you were born.

Thank you for
calling me back.

I just wanted to see

if you were still coming
to thanksgiving.

Jen, i come every year?

Well, you've canceled
the last two years in a row, so-

okay, well, i will
be there this year, okay?

I promise.


Then would
you mind baking

mom's apple pie recipe
this year?

Like i have time
to make an apple pie!

You know, i've gotten
a little busy here with work

if you haven't noticed.

Yeah, its a real
vacation around here--

raising two kids,
driving carpool,

and planning thanksgiving dinner
for 20 people.

I just meant
since you're at home,

and you're not working--

you know what,
i'll see you tomorrow at 4:00.

I gotta go.

Yeah, i gotta go, too.

So tense.

We'd better get started.

Who are you?

I'm gina,

your transpersonal psychologist.

You have the wrong office.


No, no.

I work for the firm's
health insurance company.

I'm supposed to
meet with you today.

Uh, no.

See, i don't have you down,
nor do i have the time.

But it's very important.

So are the three
different trials

i have coming up,

but you can reschedule
with my assistant, jessica.



where is she? Jessica!

Well, i'm sure
she'll be right back,

so, uh, thank you.


but time is running out,

and it's very important
that we speak.



I'm going in.
How do i look?


So, i wanted to ask

about maybe
second chairing

on the jones trial.

I know i'm ready--

not for them.

They're sharks.

We'll start
you out smaller.

when i'm partner,

i'll make it work
for you, becca,

but i need to be sure
that you're ready.

You don't get
a second chance here.

...and finally,
the jones trial will require

a complex defense,

but i am fully confident
that we will be successful,

as always.

Everyone here is aware

of your impressive
track record.

It's why we set up
this meeting.

Jim would have been here,

but he had to fly out
to the chicago office

this morning.

We wanted to discuss
your future here at the firm.

Thank you, john,

and let me just say

that my time here at the firm
has been extremely rewarding.

Well, i'm glad to hear that,

because last night

we came to a very
important decision.

We want you to be
senior counsel

for the stross corporation.


that's the german-based
steel manufacturer.

Aren't they
being represented by broden?

Until yesterday.

Stross just started expanding
into the u.s.

they have one mill
up in summit,

and they've just
made an offer

on a state-owned park
in winston

to buy another.

Now, the state has
accepted that offer,

but the townspeople of summit
got an injunction to stop it.

Stross have hired us

to get the injunction

and one of
our major selling points

was that we had a lawyer
who could do just that.

And that would be me.

We're counting on you.

It's important
that we win,

and if we do,

we are prepared
to make you partner.

When i do.

Now the bad news.

The hearing's this friday.

This friday?

I do hate disrupting

no, no, this is
much more important.

I look forward
to being partner.


I like the sound of that.

It has a ring to it.

Ms. Parks...

maybe just
a few minutes now?

Yeah, i can't right now,

but you can schedule
something with my assistant.

So the stross corporation
built the exact same mill

in summit--

[knock on door]

i, uh, have
something for megan.

Not now, jessica.


Ali, what are you doing here?

Uh, the nanny had
some emergency.

I'm so sorry, claudia.

Uh, that's okay.

Someone else will take over.

But i'll be back as soon i--


There's too much to be done
in too short a time,

and you clearly have
your hands full.


uh, ms. Parks?

The town car's
downstairs waiting,

whenever you're ready.

Ah, okay,
i'm going to meet the client.

I'll be back by 7:00,

and we'll work straight through
tomorrow night.

Um, tomorrow's thanksgiving.

Oh, right, i forgot.

Okay, we'll try
to be done by 3:00

so you can still make
your dinners.

Guys, i'm really sorry,
but the hearing's on friday.

We have to be prepared.

This is a very important case
to the firm,

and you will all benefit
when we win.

We're talking
a very merry christmas bonus.

Uh, claudia...

i'm supposed to meet
my fiance's parents tomorrow.

Becca, i thought we were
grooming you for a promotion.

I know, but--

well, work has to be
the priority.

I mean, these are
the sacrifices

if you want to make it
in a top firm.

You think i like having to work
on thanksgiving?

I have to call my sister
and cancel dinner.

I will see you
at 7:00.


Jen, it's me.

So, i actually got
some exciting news today.


I'm on the verge
of becoming partner.

Can you hear me?

Sorry, i was just
in the bathroom

answering e-mails.

It's the only time i get alone.

You were saying something
about being partner?

Yeah, it's kind of
a really big deal.

Only it means
i can't make it tomorrow.

I knew you were gonna bail.

I'm sorry, jennifer,

but something came up at work.

You remember work, jen?

It means deadlines
you can't control.


In your free time

you should give talks
at the learning annex

to stay-at-home moms.

Well, i don't have
any free time,

but maybe you should

it might be good for you
to get out of the house.

Can we not do this?

It's thanksgiving
and i really want you to come.

What could be more important?

Oh, jen, look, my client is
depending on me to be prepared.

I can't just call the ceo

of stross corporation
and tell 'em--

wait, you're
representing stross?

They want to destroy the park
and build a mill.

What do you mean?
Well, i didn't--

how could you?

Well, this is
a very complicated case, jen--

right, and how could
a stay-at-home mom, like me,


No, i didn't mean that.

I just meant that...

look, i have to go,

but i will make it up to you
at christmas, okay?


[Sighs heavily]

ms. Parks, i just need
a few minutes.

Look, i admire
your persistence,

but i've got to meet
a client.

No, please, just give me
15 minutes of your time,

or you'll force me
to come back tomorrow

and i'll miss
my thanksgiving.

Okay, fine.
Come with me.

Yes? Great.

You should get started.

We'll be there
in less than 10 minutes.

Are you
out of your mind?

Not you.

Uh, do we have to hold hands?

It's important that i have
your full attention.

Not everyone gets
this opportunity.


Why am i so lucky?

Because you need it.

Today should have been
an important day for you.

Oh, i get it.

I get it, this is--
this is a partner test.

I'll overturn the injunction.

You think that's what's
important to you?

Winning the case?

Making partner?

Damn straight.

So, who do you celebrate
your big news with?

Is that what this is about?

They think once i make partner,

i'm going to have to
get married and have kids,

and be less dedicated
to my career?

That's not going to happen.

I don't need to celebrate
big news with anybody.

My life is perfect.

How do you know?

What is it that you do again?

I'm a transpersonal

I've never heard of a trans--


but you should know

that not every woman needs
2.5 kids and a husband

and a mini-van
to complete her.

My friends are my family,

that firm is my spouse,

i wake up every morning
a happy, single,

successful woman,

wondering what on earth
could i possibly need.



you've got it all
figured out, huh?


Yeah, pretty much.

Well, i...

i guess we'll see.

I know what i want,
and i'm getting it.

We're done.

Stop the car!

Very well.

[Tires screech]

[car peels away]

ah, wait!

Stop the car!

Oh, my god,
i've been kidnapped.

[Panting in panic]

of course no cell phone.

Oh, i know.

I've been punked!


okay, come out!

Come on out!


I don't have time
for this.


hi, i'm wondering--

oh, thank god.

Wait! What
are you doing?


Still mad? Okay.


I'm late.
We can talk later.

This has to be illegal!

What the hell?

Mommy swore!

Oh, your mother's home.

Does she know

she's married to a lunatic?

[Cell phone rings]



[Girl repeats]:

excuse me?

'Scuse me...


Mom, what's
for dinner?

Where is your mom?

Right here.



This can't be.

Oh, my g...




i was talking to
that transpersonal freak

and then i blacked out.

Mom, i'm starving.

[Groans helplessly]


the whole jar?




You want some?

How 'about we put them
right here?

What is this,

some kind of practical joke?


oh, my...


that's a poopy smell.

Wow, okay.

Do you know how to, um...




Cookies, diaper.

Let's go.


no, no, not you!
No, no, not you!

Stop screaming.



Ow! Ow!

Please, please,
pretty please, stop?


Ow! Ow!


Jessica, it's me, claudia.


Claudia, your boss--

no! Mom, no!

I do--

no, not you! No!

Please do--

no, it's me-- hello?

[Grunting and struggling]

with effort]

rebecca hall, please.

No, no, not you!


[girl starts screaming]

becca, thank god.

Do you remember
that woman that came--

you work for me.

[Girl screams]

no, i am not!

Rebecca, please!
Becca, please don't hang up!


okay, i have get out of here and
straighten this thing out.

Can we have the cookies back?

Can we have
the cookies back?

[Sighs heavily]

but what do i do with you?


where does your father work?

At the office.

What office?

You know the one he works at.


Will you stop calling me mom?

I'm not your mom,

and you're not
my kids!



Look, i'm nobody's mom.

I just...
i don't belong here, okay?

You don't want to be
our mom?


[Starts crying]

i mean...

where... where's the--


I am your mom.


I mean, who else would i be?

Real mom would never
give us candy.

Well, 'cause
it's part of the game,

the fake mom game we're playing.

Isn't it fun?

It's kind of fun.

Okay, so...

i'm your mom,
and we're having fun,

and we're gonna go in the car
and have more fun, okay?

All right, let's go.

Come on.

We're going to go
for a really nice ride.

It'll be fun in...

on what?

In the minivan.

Come on.

Mommy, i want
to do that

all by myself.

I wanna do it
all by myself!


I wanna do it by myself!

Okay, you do it
by yourself.

Will you hold
my gummies, please?


Let's go.

We don't have all day.

Let me do it.


You getting there?

The arm in here.

Okay, and what about
the other arm?

And the...

i can't do it.

You can't do it?
All right, let me do it.

Let me do it.



Um, whoops.

Like that?

that's not right.

Is this good?
Can we just leave it like this?


Okay. Oh!
There we go.

There's one.

Okay? All right,
there we go.

I think we're almost there,
'cause i'm a harvard grad.

Oh. Ouch.


thank you.

This is kind of a fun game.



i am the baby whisperer.

You want to switch?


[Chuckles gleefully]

[both shouting energetically]

[screaming and shouting]

kids, stop it!

[Kids repeating]:
stop, stop, stop, stop!


[Repeating]: now! Now! Now!

Now! Now! Now!

Now, now, now, now!


seriously, seriously!

[Mumbling through candies]

please let me wake up.

[Screams at full volume]

what the hell?

Mommy swore.

Yeah, you wait
till i find gina,

you're gonna learn
some new ones.


Hey, mom,
you're never this cool.

How long is this game
gonna last?

Hopefully not much longer.


[cookie jar tumbles]

[girl screaming]

i need to go
to the bathroom--

you'll have to wait.

Good morning.

Al, thank god.

Where's that woman
from this morning?

Gina? Gina?

I don't know a gina.

I'm sorry, mrs.--

mrs! I'm not a mrs.

It's me!

Imagine me without these kids.


Armani suits?

Memory isn't what
it used to be, ma'am, but i--



Can he use the bathroom?

Well, i-i'm not supposed to...

ah, sure.
It's on the second floor.


Just go that way...

wait, what
about amy?




Now, i'm going to go
find somebody,

and i need you both
on your best behavior.




mom, i need to go!

Oh, right.

Okay, right over there.

Oh, wait for me here then.




Jessica, it's me.

Do i know you?

Uh, uh, yeah, i'm,
a-a legal secretary

in patents,

and mike finn, my boss,
wants to see gina,

the woman who's doing
the psych evaluations

for the firm.

Well, tell mike the firm's
not doing psych evaluations.

Yes, they are!

Gina, the transpersonal

You must have seen her.
She was here!

Okay, listen,

whatever your name is,

if they were doing
psych evaluations,

i'd know about it.

I'd have booked it.

they ruled in our favor.

I told you we'd win that case.

Great work
on that, becca.

Thanks, john,

and are we still on
for lunch with june?

Sure, but let's push it
to 1:30.



[Man]: hey, how you doing?

Excuse me,

did you
forget somebody?


are we going back
in the elevator?

No, i asked her to wait
outside the bathroom

and she was not there!

There he is!


you see, i knew your mom
would come back.

Okay, let's go.

I hate you!

Thank you.

[Amy sings]:
♪ itsy bitsy spider

♪ went up the water spout--

[boy]: now
where are we going?

The only place
i know around here.

shut up, amy!

Amy, just shut up!

[Amy sings louder]

i'm glad i found you.

Gina, what is

What have you done?

It's funny that
you should ask.

Because in the heat
of the moment, i...

forget to tell you.

When you said

"what more
could i possibly need?"


and i must say,
with a remarkable assurance

for a life
so thoroughly unexamined,

i thought it might be
worthwhile for you

to weigh that assurance
against balance.


I had a balanced life.

Now send me back!


you're a lawyer,

and i realize you might
think you know something

of scales and balance,
however blindfolded,

but all i've done
is remove yours,

so you can examine

what balance
might really look like,

and i'm afraid,
that until you do,

you're stuck here.

[Boy]: let's go, let's go.
Come on, come on.

[Girl]: i want to get on first.

[Boy]: okay, sh**t the cannons!

[Girl]: i'm on top
of the ship!

Here we go, mateys!


Take this
off there!

Without the signed depositions,

we don't have a shot.
Thanks. Bye.

Before you say anything,
i'm sorry for just showing up.

I had no place else to go.

Since when do you apologize
for coming over?

You wouldn't believe
what happened to me.

I mean, look at me.

And-and there are
these kids.

I know that look.

They're driving
you crazy?

Harper, your cousins
are here!

Thanks, mom.

Hi, jake!

Come on,

But whose are they?

Ha ha.

Right, they're always bill's
when they're being bad.



Where's tim when i need him?

Off at his poker game.

Okay, jen, you don't get it.

I don't know how i got here.

I-i was at work,

and then i was, uh, kidnapped,

and then i, uh,
am in this altered reality.

And i don't know
how to get back--


Wh-when's the last time
you had a full night's sleep?

I mean, i see you every day,
but this is--

i see you every day?

Did something happen to you?

Did you hit your head
or something?

I see you every day.

Let me get you
a cup of tea.

Come on.


Take jake and amy
out back.

I don't want you playing
near the street.

Okay, mom!

Come on, guys!

Isn't this fabulous?

All this stuff
just arrived.

Can you believe
what this will do to our town?

Our park? Our kids?

[Baby cries]

be right back.

What's wrong?

Nothing, i'm... reminiscing.


oh, i haven't laughed this hard
in so long.

Hey, let's go get some dinner.

Right, who's gonna
watch the kids?

[Cell phone rings]


It's bill.

Yes, they're here.

I'll let her know.


Bill's going to be late.

You'll be in bed
by the time he gets home.

Or i could sleep here tonight
and i'll make mom's pies.

That would be my
thanksgiving contribution.

Great, but they will spoil

before thanksgiving
comes along.

It's only november 3rd.

That's not possible.

I must be sleep-walking.

I know the feeling,

and if i don't answer my e-mails
while the kids are calm,

i'm going to end up
waking up at 4:00,

and then
feeling like you.

You work
so hard.

I never knew how hard
you worked, i'm sorry.

That really
amazes me.

You just noticed?


I've been really
wrapped up.


What else?

Tell me everything.
What have i missed?

Okay, you don't
have to overdo it.

I know you're
always there for me.

What's up?

Are you and bill okay?

Do we seem it?

You two?

Made for each other.

Bill's probably just
freaking out

because he's got
another birthday

coming up.

All you need
is a good night's sleep,

and when you wake up,

everything will be
back to normal.

Oh, i hope so.


jen, if, um...

if tomorrow isn't like today--

and i pray it's not--

it's really nice to know
that you and i can have this.

[Yelps in surprise]

ah... ow.

Sorry, you, um,
you startled m-me.

You're the guy
from sunrise coffee.

Well, if that's
who you want me to be, baby.


no, no, sorry.

I-i'll do that.
Just come to bed.

That's okay.

I just, uh...

i think i'll go, uh...


Oh, i get it.

You're still mad
about this morning.

Honey, it was just a suggestion.

Can't we just
drop it?


I'm really mad,

and i think i'll just
go sleep on the couch.

Are you kidding?

Well, i have think about
what you said this morning,

and i've been with the kids
all day,

and not a moment to myself

and now you're here--

oh, it's that time again.

Better not say a word.

Oh, that's so lame.

You know what this is about.

[Clears throat]

fine, i'll sleep on the couch.

But i...

you know we just--


Wake up!

Mommy, i got a poo.


tell me about it.

Okay, let's go.




[gasps in delight]



You are gonna look so cute.

Don't like tights!

But they're
so cute.

Don't like tights.

Well then,
what do you want to wear?


[gasps in shock]


you think that's funny, do you?


[Panting with exhaustion]


oh, that's my coffee.

This cup?

I was waiting--
that's mine.

I don't-- ah...

i need my morning coffee.

Oh... 'kay.

You're a very decent man.

Thank you.

What, no, uh,

no big family breakfast today?

Yeah, things are going to be
a little different around here

from what you're used to,

and you can start
by making your own breakfast.


Where's jake?

Is he staying home
from school today?

Jake, wake up.

You have school.

Are the pancakes ready?

No, it's too late.

You overslept.

Can i have an extra snack
in my lunch?

I owe molly.


haven't you made
jake's lunch yet?

Do you do anything around here?

Hey, if you want help,
all you have to do is ask,

and then let me do it my way.

[Quietly]: be nice.

Well, tell this sara

that we can't
pick her up.

Okay, claudia,
now it's too obvious.

Well, the way you're acting,
it's okay, i know.

You do?


'Cause if you're in on this,
it would really help.

Just let me know what time
you want me home tonight

for my surprise party.

Happy birthday, dad!

Aw, thanks, buddy.

[Through a mouthful]:
happy birthday, daddy.

Hey, mom, can we give dad
his birthday present?



Do you remember
where we put it?

Yeah, i do.

[Clears throat]

you really
thought i'd buy

you forgot my birthday?

Come on...

it's big and it's heavy.

Here you go.

Thank you.


a plunge router?

With the carbide bits.

I love you.


I like that

I'm going to the garage.

Okay, um...

jake, do you remember me
saying anything

about your father's
surprise party tonight?

I have to wear a tie,

say hello to everybody
and be polite.

Yeah, anything about
how many people

or what time?

Bye, mom.

The door!


the door...

just let me do it,

'cause i don't do anything else
around here.



I'm sorry. I got
bill's message,

and i should have offered
to pick up jake today,

but it's you,

and i assumed,
even with the party,

you had it all under control.

See you tonight.

What time?

Don't worry.

We're not going to
mess up the surprise.


Can't wait for one of
your famous cakes.

Can you shut the door?


[cell phone rings]

what now?

"Mommy and me."

How am i supposed to do that

when i'm throwing a party
for the whole town?

32 rolls of toilet paper.

All right,
'cause if you run out...

and, gosh, if there's ever
a strike on this--

see, now i'm getting
the minivan thing.

I mean, it's like,
if you're buying--



amy! Amy!


oh, my god.

Honey, are you...
are you okay?

Mommy's so sorry.



that was fun!

[Timer beeps]

aw, you let amy
frost the cake.

Bill will
love that.

Anything for my husband.

You've got that
pre-party crazy look,

and everything
always turns out perfect,

so let's take the kids
to the park.

Grab the timer... s.

So this is the park.


that was in my dream
last night,

that, um, weird dream.

I was a successful
trial lawyer,

representing stross.

So it was a nightmare.

Yeah, but i had
really nice shoes.

Anyway, i woke up,

and i wondering
how did i get here,

and what's the point?

And what's the goal?

I mean, i was
going to take

the legal profession
by storm,

and you were going to be
an environmental lobbyist.

Do you remember?

What happened,

Life happened.

Amy, no!


Stop! Be careful!



Okay, are you
all right, honey?



Amy, come back!

Someone has a lot of energy.

Hey, slow down there.

Amy! Amy!

Guess we're
going that way.


okay, there's got to be
a little black dress

in here somewhere.



Uh, in here.

Mom, can you
tie my tie?

How old are you now, seven?


Time for you to learn
how to tie your own tie.

Come here.

Little, big.

Little, big.

Big goes over
the little,

and wrap it around again

in front

and then up the back...


And down the front
through the rabbit hole,

and then pull it tight.


i did it.

Yeah, you did.

Thanks, mom.
You're the best.




[Music playing]

are you gonna give me a rematch
on singstar later?

I know i can beat
your rendition

of "sweet caroline."

I know
i'm going to win.

Don't ask about
bill's job, right?

Oh, i'm sorry.

Joe told me.

Was i not supposed to know?

No, it's fine.

I just want to make sure
he has his facts right.

What did he say?

Just that, um,

bill got passed over
for a promotion again.


So unfair.



He's here! He's here!

[Woman]: i'll get the stereo.




Thank you, guys.

Hi. Hi.

Thanks for coming.



...and then claudia and i
had to sleep in the park

and nearly got arrested.

I can't believe

i backpacked
through paris

on my honeymoon.

'Cause th-that's
the things that you do

before kids.


I should tell
our lawyer,

yet another benefit
of saving the park,

a place for
our transients to sleep.


god, i hope he falls
for that one!

Oh, my god, that would
make an easy win for you--

for us...

as a...


It's such a nice table.

Come on,

i hardly knew what i was doing
when i made this.

Wait, you made this?

And you're gonna make
so many more cool things

with that--

the router thingy
that i gave you.

Do i have a great wife or what?

[All laughing]


Oh, looks like someone's
getting lucky tonight.

And apparently
it's not me.



So he's expecting
birthday sex, right?

That's the married rule?

Am i interrupting?

No, not at all.

So, how are things going
with amy's potty training?

Oh, well, you know,
we're coping.

Well, it's good
you don't push her

to get out of
her diapers.

So, you keep her out of
preschool another year.

I held scott back
a year,

and, you know,
he's getting straight "a"s.

How's jake doing?


Sara, could you
take this garbage out?

Thanks. Thanks.

Oh, my god.

I'm a total failure
as a mother.

What are you talking about?

You're practically
martha stewart.

You're doing
a great job.

No, claudia's not doing
a great job,

or bill would be

amy would be out of diapers,

and jake's grades
wouldn't be so bad.

They're not that bad.

I mean, he's getting "c"s--


Goodbye ivy's!




i can fix all that.

Maybe that's why i'm here.

If i get them on track,
then i'll get back.


Back where?



where that... other place was.

I'm going to go see
if amy needs changing.


is... that important?

Are you kidding?

Yeah, i have to do this.

I can fix this.

I-i... didn't know before,

but i know now.

Good night.


Mom, where's
my lucky shirt?

There's a lucky shirt?

Mom, come on,
stop fooling around.

I can't play
without it!


Try the laundry?


Got it!




I'm coming.

Honey, i asked you
to poop.

To potty.

Come on.

Now... now go.

Mom, come on!

We've got to leave!


Okay, we'll
do that later.

Are we going
to the soccer game?

Yes, we're going
to the soccer game.


okay, have fun.

Wait, aren't
you coming?

Do i have to?

the assistant coach.


that's it.

Good one.

Ah, late again.

Sorry, claudia.

He may be
a star student,

but with all his

enrichment programs,

it's nearly impossible
to get him here on time.


if you have to
go to the bathroom,

i want you to tell me.

Okay, mommy.


you've decided
to push amy?


It's an ordeal,
i know,

but it was so worth it
for presbyterian.


I know you're
the head of the pta

and all about
the public education,

but don't be like that

just because i put ty
in private preschool.

It's a fact,

is the best.

Yay, jake, go!

Great goal, jake! Whoo!

Great goal!

Good boy!


He's very good
at soccer.



hey, kids.

Oh, you're home.

But it's 5:30.


Okay, everyone
in the living room.

I need to talk to everybody.

Let's go.


So we're not
doing badly,

we're just not

So i've set goals
for us to achieve.

Amy, starting with you.

I want you
out of diapers

and in presbyterian.


Okay, we'll get back to you.


Grades up,

starting with that 'd" in math.

Bill, senior management.

And what is it
you'll be doing

to change
and get ahead?

Well, in order
to help,

i will be cutting back
on some of my commitments,

starting with
assistant soccer coach.

What? Mom!

Discipline, focus,

Let's go over your strategies.

[Jake]: what's this?

This is ridiculous.

We're not going to have
any time to spend together.

These are the sacrifices
if you want to get ahead,

and we do.

Okay, fine,

if you are going through
some weird phase

and need to...

progress change,"

then fine.

If it'll make you happy,
then we'll do it.

Right, kids?

okay, i'll try.


What about you?

According to this,
i'll be up late tonight,

working on a proposal
to improve the company.




hey, hon, i'm just
heading out to the woodshop.

Hold on.

I highlighted
the important parts.

"How to succeed in business."


"An idiot's guide to climbing
the corporate ladder."


I'll start reading.


[Groans in frustration]

honey, what's up?

I just don't get it!

You will,
you will.

Here, let's have a look...

look, um,
right here.

What does

"circle the individual units
and regroup by tens" mean?

Can i go practice
with my friends?

I missed two goals last week.

No, no,

just, look...

i can figure this out.

I, um...

why can't i figure this out?

I should be able to
figure this out.


i have an idea.

Did anyone
ever teach you

how to carry the tens?


Well, we're going to
try this together.

Five... and 45.

Okay, so what's
five and five?



ugh, if i can just
get amy out of diapers,

i know she can ace
the shapes test,

but just to be sure,

i enrolled her
in baby prep.

We start the day
after tomorrow at 2:00.

But that's
during my rehearsal

for the thanksgiving

Amy's the only

that can do the part.

Well, i'm sorry, jen,

but if we don't get
into presbyterian,

we can kiss
prep school goodbye,

and jake has soccer
for the ivy's.

What does amy have
to get her in?

She's three.

Well, you have to think

like an admissions
head, okay?

You have to be


that's how you get in.

[Computer powers up]


That's supposed
to be me!

[Amy starts crying]


You've got to be kidding me.



Claudia, dear,
how nice to see you--

you've ruined me!

I need to have
my old life back!

I could do that life.
I did it well!

I did it very well!

So do your thing
and send me back.

You're not ready.

Yes, i am.

I am more than ready.

No, claudia, i have given you
the opportunity of a lifetime,

a gift few
have experienced.

Are you sure
you want to end it

before you've truly
come to understand it?

Yes, i want to end it now.


But, um, it's my busy season,

and i, uh...

i-i, uh, wasn't
expecting you yet.

But when?


Well, should i
get in touch?

How do i
find you again?

I'll find you.

My feet are k*lling me,

but worth it.

Can you believe the deals
they had in there?

What is wrong
with you today?

You look forward to

the pre-thanksgiving
blow-out every year.

I do?

Come on,
what's wrong?

I'm just tired
of all this.

I'm tired of not
making progress

with bill and the kids,

and, most of all,
i just can't figure out

how to stop
what's happening to me.

I don't get
what was so wrong before.

You were doing great.


tell me about it.

Stop making yourself crazy.

Just go back
to the way things were.

I wish i could.

God, target, costco...

soccer mom.

I just have to face...

settling for less.

Not that it doesn't have
its moments.

I just wanted more.

[Sighs heavily]

so go get it.

Who's stopping you?

You know maybe

if you wouldn't be so focused

on no one living up
to your expectations,

you'd notice that lately,

you're not exactly
living up to theirs.

I'm sorry
you feel like

your life here
is one big failure.

What are you getting
so mad at?

I thought we were
in this together.

This is our life,

our families
you're putting down.

Where have you been?

What, i can't have
a few hours to myself?

Well, you could have
at least called.

You're the one who scheduled

our family's weekly
progress meetings, remember?

[Scoffs]: what progress?

Meetings are canceled.

I'm sorry, i tried,
but i failed.

And if you knew me,

you'd know
that i don't fail at anything.

So this is my fault

for somehow
not knowing you anymore?


Yeah, maybe,

'cause if you did,

you would know how much
work meant to me,

and you wouldn't have asked me
to give it up.

What are you talking about?

It was your choice
to not be a lawyer.

What are...

but... but how?

I can't even imagine
what i was thinking.

You didn't want to
leave the kids.

I tried, claudia.

I thought, of anyone,
you could balance both,

but you chose differently,

and now, out of nowhere,
we need fixing?

Well, fix yourself,

'cause the way i see it,
this family ain't broke.

And that has
a lot to do with you.

So maybe
i don't know you,

maybe you're right,

not lately,

'cause the claudia i know
doesn't act like this.

Neither does
the claudia i know.

You guys were probably
better off before.


Downtown, please.

Yes, ma'am.

Got something for you, al.


Oh, my favorite.
How did you--

how's margaret?


give her my best.
I'm headed up.

Do i know you?

Your 8:00 is here, mr. Skinton.

Send them in.

I'm claudia par--

uh, mills.

Claudia mills, jd,

applying for a place
in the firm.

There's some mistake.

I don't conduct interviews.

Oh, uh, sorry,

i just wanted to go over
the jones trial.

I'll come back.

No, that's all right,
we're done here.

Oh, jones,
i read about that,

that's a tricky defense.

Made... made harder
by the interpretation

of the term
"economic benefit"

announced today.

Yes, but that
won't affect us

because of
the supreme court ruling

on the use of public land

and the winning argument
used in cox vs. Doddtown.

Yes, but the new case
from the court of appeals

applying the supreme
court's ruling

would make
that argument moot.

You might want to
look into that.


I don't usually
conduct interviews,

but i'll make an exception.

Where did you say
you're working now?

Currently not,

but i was an associate
at mcgovern

right after
harvard law.

You were an alum
at harvard law,

weren't you,
mr. Skinton?

Why did you
take a break?

To have a couple of kids.


I'll come back.

I know what your firm needs
and i can deliver it.

As a trial lawyer

i have an excellent record
for wins.

Well, that's great,

but this firm's 24-7,
holidays, weekends.

Not a lot of time
for personal life or family.

As this will be
your family,

are you prepared
to put yours aside?

[Cell phone rings]


this is claudia.

it's john skinton,

we're prepared to make
a formal offer.

may i call you back?

Very well.


okay, everybody,

so when we get
to this part,

we're going to
hold hands and dance.

Tickle those ivories,

Okay, get in a circle
and smile.

Good job.

I have been worried
sick about you.

I don't know
your routine,

jake missed practice,

amy hasn't stopped
asking for you.

How could you just
leave like that?

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

I shouldn't have left.

I th-th...

oh, i missed you today,

all of you,

and i really want to
make this work,

and none of this is your fault.

I'm sorry.

They're expecting me at work.
I have to go.

No, stay.

We'll watch amy

What about
my precious promotion?

It can wait
a few hours.

[Amy]: mommy, look!
I'm dancing in the middle!

[Amy chatting excitedly]

okay, good job.

So, everybody,
get in the line-up.

[Amy]: okay.

Everybody, get in line.

And amy, it's time
for your line.

So you're going to go
right up to the front,

and say nice and loud
for everybody--

that's why we celebrate

And, everybody, bow!

Good job.

Get your jackets.




oh, you were so good.

Oh, hi, pumpkin.

Did you have fun?

I want to dance.



i'm so sorry
i put down your life.

Our lives.

When did you start hating it?

I don't hate it,

and a big part of that is you.

So please don't stay mad at me.

I can't do this
without you.

I'll do anything.

I'm hosting another meeting
to save the park.

I want you there.

I know you're busy,

but i really need your help
to keep the injunction.

I can do that.

Guys, guys, please.

He can only answer
one question at a time.

[Quietly]: if that.

Now, the developer

he can overturn
our injunction

with fancy arguments,

but we have
a very good case.

The town needs the park.

What's the rest
of your argument?

Have you taken
depositions yet?

Have you done
an environmental study

on the potential negative
health effects of the mill?

Have you checked
the original zoning laws?

Okay, you're up against

You need to prove that this mill

is detrimental
to the town

and the environment.

You need to show that we rely
on this park every day,

and that destroying it
would be devastating

and harmful

to the people
and the environment!


i'm sorry
for taking over like that,

but that lawyer...

i really wish
you'd take on the case.

Jen, i know
i said i'd help,

but to plead the case?

I mean, i have the kids
to think about.

You know i would
help with that.

But the hearing's the day
after thanksgiving.

That gives us two weeks
to prepare for both!

Well, who can multi-task
better than you?

And you would get paid.

Not much, but--

i wouldn't be doing it
for the money.

I'd do it
to save the park.

I never realized
how wrong stross was.

I mean, there's absolutely
no consideration

for the community.

Look at you.

You were made for this.

Maybe, but...

i have to discuss it
with bill first.

I mean, i'm still trying to
dig myself out of the doghouse.

I wouldn't want
to make it worse.

He's still mad?

Yeah, we're getting there.

I know just what
the two of you need.

Hi. I would like to make
a reservation, please.

For two.

[Laughing and chatting]

that story still
makes you laugh.

Well, it's funny.

I'm amazed at
all the stuff you've done.

For me, it was just college
and then law school,

and straight to work.

No time for anything.

Mm, until i met you, of course.


So you're saying it's my fault

that you convinced me
to play hooky?

I don't think so.

I never played hooky.

Wait a minute,
you don't remember?

The week
in nantucket,

that dining set order.

The one that i nearly lost
for delivering it late.

Until you baffled them

with some contract law
mumbo jumbo.

That sounds like me.


You know,
when we got back, i knew.

You were like no one
i'd ever met.

How did we meet?

I just like to hear you tell it.

Well... i'd see you
at sunrise coffee

every morning
before it opened,

and i could never get
the nerve to talk to you.

And then you... did.


And the rest is history.

I could have missed this.

[Shoes clattering,
they giggle]


oh, no, that's just...

oh, my god.

This is beautiful.

This is a work of art.

I've been forcing you
to do something

that you don't want to do,
haven't i?

We've both
had to make sacrifices.

Yeah, but you shouldn't
sacrifice doing what you love.

Maybe a little late for that.

But we haven't tried it.

Have we?

So we try it.

You can go to work part-time

while you build
an inventory to sell,

and i can take on
the park case for the town,

and, i mean,
it's not much money,

but it would help.


I mean, you think
we could do this?

Yeah, i know we can.

Okay, last one.


So how many goals
did you make on monday?


Uh-huh, and how many
the three games before?

Three, two,
and, um, four.

Oh, so how many
is that total?

Um, 13.

See, you can do math.


Hey, listen,
you are a great kid.

I never thought i'd have
such a good one,

and i'm sorry i've been
kind of weird.

That's okay.

I knew you'd be back.

Fake mom was fun,

but i don't
miss her.


me neither.



Now can you grab daddy
that pumpkin?

Okay, daddy.

Atta girl.

Where should we
put it?

Right there.

How about there?


Okay. Want to get
some cocoa?

Yeah? Come on.

Thank you.

This... is all
from skinton-bates.

Okay. [Sighs]

i have to go get jake

at the kellys
from his play date.

No, that's okay.

I'll get jake.

You're busy.

Thanks, honey.

I'm here
to work.

[Yelps in surprise]



Well, there are all these
we have to go through,

and there's just the two of us.

Come on in, g*ng!



um, all right.

Well, we have to go through
all these boxes,

and we're looking for
the smoking g*n,

a document that they
do not want us to find,

something that supports
our case to prove

that the plant
is bad for the town.


I went number two
on the potty!


Oh, excuse us,
we have to celebrate.

This is huge!


Okay, let's get to work.

I'm counting on
your husband's news team

to cover the pageant.

We need the press to show
how important this park

and community centre
is to winston.

[Jake]: hey, mom,
look what i did!

[Gasps]: great!
Great, thank you.

[Gasps in delight]

uh, thanks.
We'll see him at 7:00.

Honey, a b-minus in math!

Come on, let's put it up here
where everyone can see!


i'm so proud of you.

I think i found something.

It was buried,
just like you said.

This is great.

If i can link this
pollutant from the plant

to the health problems
of the kids in summit,

we have a case,

thanks to you!

Okay, everyone, stop.

Okay, the hearing's in two days.

Your work here
has been invaluable.

Really, i couldn't have asked
for a better team,

but thanksgiving is tomorrow,
so the office is closed.

Please go home
and get ready for the pageant

'cause we need
a really strong showing

for the news cameras.

[Cheering and applauding]

all right?

Yeah, let's show them
how important

this park is to us!


hey, guys.

Ooh, nice outfit.

Tim, that is
a holiday fowl, my friend.

We're getting you
one of these next year, buddy.

No, we're not.

[Chuckles giddily]

hi, mommy!


come on, everybody...

when summer ended,

the pilgrims
wanted to have a feast.

They had plenty of food
and many new friends.

They wanted to give thanks.

"Join us," they said
to the indians.

"Join us in a big feast
of thanksgiving.

It would be
a very special holiday.

[Alarm ringing]

it's thanksgiving,

i have to get up
and start cooking.

Mm, mm, mm.

Come on, we only have
eight hours.



you look beautiful.

I haven't showered

and i'm covered
in turkey sweat.

And you look beautiful.

Bill, i--

happy thanksgiving!

Come on!

Everybody's waiting in the van.

It's time for the big game.



There it is.

[Kids cheering]

get it!
Run, run!

Oh, ho!

We're down!

Oh, i got--

wait, who's the--



[blows whistle]

okay, there he goes.

Ah, ah, ah!

Mommy made it!

[Blows whistle]



All right, all right,
line it up.


i know, i know.

As is tradition,

the winning team,
that would be the mills...


...gets served first,

but before i do,

i want to make a toast...

to the one person
who makes all of this possible,

the person for whom
this year,

and every year,

i am most thankful,

my wife.


without you,
my life would be incomplete.



I'd like to make a toast, too.

This year,
more than any other year,

i'd like to thank
the people in my life,

our life.

You've shown me
what comes from

simply giving love,

and without you,
my life would be...


So, thank you.



[Clinking glasses]

cheers, guys.



Auntie jen!

You can borrow
my lucky shirt,

but i need it back.

Okay, thanks, honey.
I'll bring it back.


You show those
big city lawyers.

I will, i will.

Thank you
for everything.

Don't kiss me.

Okay, i won't kiss you.
Didn't kiss you, honey.


bye, guys.

Thank you for everything.

Bye, bye.


Thank you.

Thanks, guys.

Honey, i am so proud of you.

Bill, i love you.

Go get 'em.


Uh, courthouse, please.

Yes, ma'am.


What are you doing here?

It's time, claudia.

No, no, i don't
want to go back.

No, you were right.
I belong here.

That's my family.

This is my home.

But they're
not your family.

This was just a hint
of what might be,

a ghost of...
thanksgiving future,

so to speak.

No, you can't do this to me!

You stop this car!
They need me!

I'm sorry,
it's time to go back.

Stop this car right now!

Very well.

Miss parks, we're here.


No, take me
to 9120 varland way.

Please hurry.

[Knocking and ringing doorbell]

hi. Is, um, is bill here?

Bill, or amy,
or jake?

Sorry, you've got
the wrong house.



[telephone rings]


It's becca.

We're all waiting.
Where are you?

I'll be right there.

Uh, claudia?

What do you think?

what do you think, becca?

We should be
much more aggressive

with the cross-examination
of the townspeople?

Okay, i agree.

Uh, why don't we go over
the opening again--

no, no, we have it.

Tomorrow's thanksgiving.

Everyone, go home

and spend the holidays
with your families.

The meeting's
been canceled.

Go home.

The office is closed.


uh, yes, claudia?

I'd like you to co-chair
at the hearing on friday.


I, uh, won't let you down.

[Quietly]: yes.



Are you ready to win?

Yes, but in going over
the case, i noticed

that we never fully disclosed
to the other side

the summit plant

and its potentially
harmful chemicals.

Oh. Must have been
an oversight.

See you in court, partner.

And when the plant

was built in summit
by your company,

what was the effect it had
on the town?

It created hundreds of jobs
and doubled real estate values.

Thank you.
No further questions.

Your honor,
one more question, please.

Go ahead.

How, specifically,

will the mill that's scheduled
for the town of winston

differ from the one
that you built in summit?

Not at all,
it will be identical.

Thank you,
no further questions.

I'd like to call howard jones,
the coach at the summit field.

How long have you been
coaching at summit?

Six years.

And your field
is located

near the mill, right?

Yes, we're within a block.


And when was
the mill built?

About three years ago.

And since then,

how many children have
developed health problems?

I object, your honor.

You can't, mr. Skinton.

How many?

Over 20?

Goes to relevance!

One more disruption,
mr. Skinton,

and i'll have you removed
from my courtroom

and charged
with contempt.

Go ahead, sir.


And they all had to

drop out of the soccer program
as a result?

Yes, they did.

And prior to
the mill being built,

how many health problems
did you encounter with the kids?


Thank you.

No further questions.

This court will take
a 30-minute recess.

[Bangs gavel]

all rise.

I find in favor
of the townspeople.

The injunction stands.

[Cheering and applause]

you really don't want
to make partner.

Not like this.

Well, then
i guess you're fired.

Then i have no reason
not to tell the judge

that my firm withheld
certain documents

during discovery.

I had no idea
about the disclosure.


I did not see that coming,

and i'm sorry for yesterday.

No, i'm sorry.

I'm sorry
for everything.

I've been
so caught up in myself,

i've just forgotten
what matters most.

And i was wondering
if i could come and hang out

with you and the kids--

actually, yeah--

if you're not
too busy, 'cause--

no, we're not
doing anything

for the rest
of the day.

Unless you
have to work--

all right. No, no.

I, um,
as a matter of fact,

have an extended leave.

So today
would be perfect.

Okay, great.


Let's go.

[Knocks on door]

good morning.

I'm going to get
a vanilla latte.



No, let me.

I-i've seen you here so much,

but i-i didn't think
you noticed me.

I noticed.


Um, so i was thought, um...

i was wondering

if you wanted to have dinner
tomorrow tonight,

or the following night, or...


I don't want to wait
that long.

How about tonight?


