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04x07 - Fate It 'til You Make It - Once Upon a Screentime

Posted: 10/28/21 07:39
by bunniefuu

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪


[MADcat meows]

What a nail-biter!

[suspense music playing on TV]


It can't end like this.

Not the Earl
of Puddleboots-Upon-Cheeseburg!

You've gone too far, Uptown Tabby!

Not that I care, but you could abduct
the writers of your lame show

and force next season's storylines
out of them.

[scoffs] Writers know nothing.

What we need to do
is grab the Oracle of Delphi.

That ancient Greek fortune teller
will tell us everything

there is to know about the future.

Are you saying we can use her predictions
to beat Penny?

Uh, Gadget?


And with the power to see into the future,
I'll find out what happens

to the Earl of Puddleboots-Upon-Cheeseburg
before anyone else!

Bow to the King of Mega-spoilers,
Uptown Tabby chat room!

[evil laughter]

Oh, and don't forget to destroy
the Oracle's Temple on your way out.

MADcat, start Uptown Tabby
from the beginning.

And bring tissues.

[sighs] Spoiler alert:
I can't eat one of everything on the menu.

Now, now, Brain, you need to save room
for the most important part.


Fortune cookies.

Pastry-based predictions
are the most accurate.


Go, go, Gadget, cookie crumbler.


"You just ate Chinese food."

Wowzers, they can even predict the past.


I, for one, believe
in choosing my own fate.

Which is why I choose this fortune.

"Your numbers are - - - - - - ."

Huh? Weird.

[Inspector Gadget] Chief!

I knew the Sweet and Sour Pork
tasted extra moustachey today.


That's... sweet, uh, Gadget. [chuckles]

Too bad MAD's next plan
is as sour as it gets.

We believe MAD is headed to Greece
to abduct the Oracle of Delphi.

If they succeed, Dr. Claw will be able
to gaze into the future.

You mission: stop MAD before they know

what they should never know
before we know it.

This message will self-destruct.

On it, Chief.

Luckily, we have a secret w*apon:
our fortune cookies.

Their papery prognostications
will make defeating MAD a fate accompli.

A little nibble can't hurt, hmm.

- [beeping]
- [pants]


I should have seen that coming.

Sneak into cave? Check.

Perfect hair? Check.

Abduct unsuspecting old lady... [screams]

What... I thought you'd be old.

And I predicted you'd be better looking.

Oh! I guess we'll both have to live
with disappointment.

Better looking? Is your third eye blind?

I'm on the cover of Evil Teen Weekly.

And I'm sure your mommy's very proud.

Let's get this Oracle-napping over with.

I like already packed my bag.

Yeah, you, like, packed a little light
for the rest of your life.

As if. I foresaw a short abduction.

Watch the ground, not the skies.

Hmm. I wonder what that...

- [crashes]
- [Penny screaming]

Here's my prediction:
those cookies are gonna be the end of us.


You're right, Penny,
these cookies do know the end for us.

That's why I brought a huge bag of them.


According to my map, the Oracle's Temple
is just up the mountain.

Ah, ah, ah, Penny,
there's no better map than a cookie.

"The darkest path
brings the most rewards."

Hmm. Aha!

- [thunder rumbling]
- [wolf howling]

These cookies are on a roll.

Go, go, Gadget, fortune follower.


- [whimpers]
- Brain, keep Uncle Gadget safe.

I'm gonna find the Oracle.

[grunts] "Better looking",
"short abduction"...

Well, your powers are totally prediculous.

Ha! Bet you didn't see that burn coming.

And I like bet you didn't see
that column coming.

[screams, grunts]

That wasn't looking into the future,
that's just looking ahead.

Oh! You, like, want the future? Fine.

I predict a natural blonde
shall enter your life.

Talon? I should have known.

He should've known too.

Because I like totally just told him.

Fine, Ms. Futurepants,
you want to make a prediction?

Then predict how fast I'll destroy Penny.


- Hmm.
- Huh.

"You will take a leap of faith."

[gasps, yelping]



[sighs, gasps]

"Loyalty bridges all obstacles."

[grunts, groans]

"Make time for a trip... "

[Gadget screaming]


I think I broke my...

next cookie.

Oh. "Listen to your heart,
not your brain."

These cookies aren't just predictive,

they also know how distracting
you can be, silly puppy.

Go, go, Gadget, stethoscope.


I hear you, Mr. Heart...


...and you're pounding like the hooves
of a charging bull!

Remind me to see a doctor
about that, Brain.

Should I just like predict how this ends
so we can go?

No need. I predict Talon's gonna spend
some time in the hospital

before he goes to jail.

No fair, I can't see Penny's future.

Because it ends here! Ha!

What is your damage?

Seriously. You like probably
want to know how this fight ends.

Sorry, I choose my own destiny.


And we're totally trapped.

Like, super job choosing
your destiny, Penny.

Ha! Penny got fore-told!

Said the guy who should totally
answer his friendship bracelet.

It's not... [beeping]

Talon! Where's my Oracle?

I'm burning
through Uptown Tabby season one.

[both] Take a chill pill, I'm...

[both] Hey! Private conversation here.

[both] I'll have her to you...

[both] Stop it! I just need to...

[both] Stop copying me!

[both] Stop copying me!

What's that echo?

Are you in the bathroom?

I've told you not to take my calls there!
It's... unsanitary.

I'm not in the bathroom.

Look, I don't know what you're doing
in "not the bathroom",

but finish up and get me my Oracle!

[Oracle and Penny laughing]

I predict he's gonna blow.

I predict you're like tresright.

[steam whistle] Oh, yeah?

If everyone's sooo good at predictions,

then predict
how you're gonna get out of this!


- [b*mb beeping]
- Oh, I predict no one's laughing now.

Uh, no. Because we're trapped.
In a cave. With a b*mb!

No we're not, Pen.

She's probably knows the code already.

Nuh-uh. It's a big blank.

I don't need to know the future
to disarm this b*mb.

All I need is the randomly generated
seven-digit code.

That's only ten million possible answers.
[laughs nervously]


"Friendship will carry you anywhere."

- Wowzers!
- [panting]


[Brain panting]


Don't worry, Brain,
I'll read loud enough for you to hear too.

"Grab the bull by the horns."

Hmm. I wonder what that could mean?

Ah! Hello there, Mr. Bovine.


[grunts, groans]

I think that bull steered us
in the right direction.

Let's see what the next cookie has to say.
"A Penny saved is a Penny saved."


"Go save your niece."

Hmm. That's a little vague.
Let's try another.

"Seriously, you need to save Penny."

Well, they can't all be winners.

"She's trapped. In the Oracle's Temple."

"With a b*mb."

"Stop reading fortunes and go help her."

Huh, must be a bad batch.




Brain! I can't believe I'm saying this

but Uncle Gadget should listen
to those cookies.

Maybe I should too.




[beeping faster]


- [sighs]
- [scoffs] I could have done that.

I predict that's like, a no.

Huh. I guess I learned something.


Never take advice from a cookie!


Brain! Bad dog.

Go, go, Gadget, newspaper.

- [beeping]
- We're doomed! Doomed!



- [beeping continues]
- Oh!

Oh, hello, Penny and Penny's friends.

Anyone want a cookie?

We don't have time, Uncle Gadget!

[sighs] That's good because I'm all out.

Go, go, Gadget, recycling bin.


[gasps] I totally did not see that coming.

Or this one going!

See you in the future, losers!


Congratulations, Gadget.

The only fortune MAD's getting now
is mis-fortune.

It's all thanks to those cookies.


Sorry about your temple.

No biggie.

I totally predicted I should buy
Temple insurance last week

and now I like foresee
a big check coming my way.


[clears throat] Any predictions for me?

[giggles] It's not what's in front,
but, like, what's behind you that counts.

What does that mean?

[bull bellows]

Talon, I predict you'll soon be feeling

the indescribable pain
of not knowing what happens

to the Earl
of Puddleboots-Upon-Cheeseburg!

And so will you.

The Oracle told me
your lame show's gonna be canceled.

What? No!

Then I'll never find out
what happens next time.

- [meows]
- Next time!

[Talon screaming]

[laughs] My Hypnogif virus
has finally gone viral!

It's on every screen in the entire world.

Humanity is mine!

Who knew an endless loop of swirls,
fluffy kittens, and skateboarding-fails

would be so impossible to ignore?

Hey, MADcat, binge watch this!

[hypnotic kitten sound playing]

- Huh?
- [glass breaking]

Huh, I guess the Hypnogif doesn't work
on pea brains.

How many times have I told you to stop
comparing MADcat's brain to legumes?

Now bask!
Bask in my most ingenious plan yet!


I'm basking. I'm basking.

I gotta say, these hypno-proof sunglasses

- are pretty cool, though.
- I know, right?

And now that humanity is stuck on pause,
it's time to press play on evil fun!

[Dr. Claw] Let's see,
put the Queen's finger up her nose?

Draw moustaches
on all the babies in Italy?

[gasps] I've got it!

Put a clown wig on the Statue of Liberty!

What's really important here is,
what fun do I get to have?

- You get the most fun job of all!
- [gasps]

- You get to go to New York City.
- [gasps]

To guard the Hypnogif transmitter.

All right! Uh, hey! That's not fun!

Neither is smelling the lifetime supply
of hair gel you use every morning

but do you hear me complaining?

Yes. Yes, you do.


Well, I can't find anything wrong
with you, Penny...

is what I'd say
if you didn't look like this!

Aah! How'd this happen?

Pretty sure I warned you about
all-night Codex cramming sessions.

I didn't stare at a screen all night.

Well, it was hard on your eyes.

And now your eyes
are hard on mine! [laughs]

I have a futuristic technology
to cure your creepy peepers.


The cure's behind those two cloths?

It's one cloth, fisheyes.

And the cure is the cloth.

Because thanks
to a ground-breaking innovation,

it's also... [mimics trumpet sounds]

...a blindfold!


But how can I be a useful agent
if I can't see?

Um, sorry, only one brilliant,
outside-the-box solution per customer.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I need to use my memory-deleter

so those weirdo eyes
don't haunt my dreams.

[shudders] Ta!


- [hypnotic kitten sound]
- Hey! You turned on my...



Don't worry, Penny.

A good agent relies on all their senses,
not just vision.

Let's start with a classic exercise:

the old chicken crossing the road rescue.

Walk into traffic?

But I can't see a thing.

That's the point!

- [Penny screams]
- [car honks]


Special delivery for Inspector Gadget.

Thanks, Chief.

No Missionball?

- We can't use them for the time being.
- Really?

MAD's Hypnogif virus
has infected all digital images,

freezing anyone who sees it,
causing permanent screen-paralysis.

Don't worry, Chief.

My vigilant gaze
won't be distracted by anything.

I have the attention span of...

What were we talking about?

[clears throat] Without screens,

we'll have to do this
the old fashioned way.

Luckily, I'm quite the artiste.

We traced the Hypnogif signal to New York,
but you'll have to find the transmitter.

If you don't stop the signal,

people will remain frozen and MAD
will have its evil way with all of us.

This message will self-destruct.

See, Penny?
Our sense of sight will be of no use.

It seems I'll have to solve this case
by taste alone!

- [slurps]
- [groans]

New York is that way!

[gasps] No!


Just like the old days.

Ah, the eerily empty streets
of New York City.


I guess everyone's glued
to the first screen they saw this morning.

Okay, Penny, stay close
while I taste for clues... over there.

Brain, I know you normally
stay with Uncle Gadget,

but this time I need you to stick with me.

Got it?

[dog panting]

Dirt. Grime.


Mm. Rat.

It's all very New York, but "transmitter"
is not in this flavor profile.

Onwards taste buds!


Brain, did you eat a wet bagpipe again?

- You sound terrible!
- [barking]

If you say so.

Now, let's stay close to Uncle Gadget.


[Talon sighing]

This job puts the bore in labor. [grunts]

Talon! Are you still all by yourself
guarding the transmitter tower

while everyone else at MAD
is having the time of their lives?

It's been the best day ever! [laughs]

That's it, I'm finding my own fun.

Huh. Is there such a thing as too easy?

[laughs] Nah!


We're getting closer
to the transmitter, Brain.

I can taste it. [slurps]



[bird squawks]

Hmm, tastes like angry editorials.

And it's this Inspector's opinion
that we're nearly there.




Double salt licorice and the bitter tang
of terrible life choices.

It's either a rejected Halloween candy
or a MAD agent.

Give that man a prize.

No prizes for me, thanks.

The sweet taste of justice
is its own reward.


[hypnotic meowing]

I can never get into this
new-fangled enterfoozlement,

probably due to my extremely
short attention sp...

Do I smell transmitter?



It tastes
like a MAD transmitter technician

used this van to transport
transmitter parts.

Go, go, Gadget, XXL evidence bag.



Onwards, taste buds.


[dog barking]

Brain, are you sure
you're going the right way?



I can't see,
and I think I landed on a bag of diapers.

[retches, coughs]


Wait. You're not Brain,
you're just a little doggy.

- Um.
- [Talon laughs]

Who's there?

[old lady voice] Uh, it's just me,
old Mrs. O'lady, on her morning stroll

through the charming, garbage strewn
alleys of New York City.

Oh. Hi, Mrs. O'lady. I'm Penny.

And I could really use your help
finding my dog and my uncle.

Of course, I'll help you find them, deary!

Follow me. Right this way.

Ah! Ow.

Oops! Ha! Sorry, deary,
I meant this way. [laughs]

- [thuds]
- Ah!

Hmm. Time to get a more precise reading
on that transmitter.

Go, go, Gadget, tongue radar.

[whimpers] Hmm?

Got it! The transmitter is that way.


You're right, Brain,
my sense of taste is extraordinary.

Let's go.

Mm-hm. The trail is stronger than ever.

And hot dog is it tasty!

Go, go, Gadget, spicy.



That was a lot of stairs.

Are you sure you saw my uncle
go this way?

[old lady voice] O'ladys never lie.

He's at the end of this long,
narrow hallway.

Oh, thanks.

Uncle Gadget, wait up.


You should see what we just did
to the Great Wall of China.

- And you can from space!
- [Penny] Who's there?

That... um, that's my son, Barry.

Who has a cold.

Hello, Barry.

[husky voice] Hi, Mom. [coughs]

[Talon] Now take a deep breath
and step forward.


I may not be able to see,
but I don't need to

when all that stanky hair gel
can lead my nose right to... Talon!

[groans] Yah!


Not so tough without Mom and Barry
to back you up, are you?

Okay, so it wasn't the best plan.

Hindsight's - .

And your sight's just like you: zero-zero.

I can see!

I can...

- [hypnotic kitten sound]
- Uh-oh...

First, you're getting a marker-goatee.
Then, I'm gonna give you a face tattoo.

Then I'm giving you a ride
down the express elevator.

[Inspector Gadget] Wowzers!

[screams, grunts]

- [groans]
- We're so close, I can taste it.

Oh, really? Then taste this.



That mustard has a real kick.

Whoa! [grunts]

There are so many flavors.

Time to kick this tongue up a notch.

Go, go, Gadget, taste-o-matic.


Mm, tangy!

But still not what I'm looking for.

[electricity crackles]

- Huh?
- Huh?

[Penny] Huh?

Hey! I can move again!

Uncle Gadget, you did it.

And I'm gonna quit it. Later!

Don't forget your marker.

Ow! Hey! Oh, man.

Well done, Gadget.

Our global screentime nightmare is over.

All in a day's work. [slurps]

Wait, you don't taste
like the Chief at all.

You're an imposter!

- I changed my cologne.
- [glass shattering]

Let's pretend we didn't see that.


Stop fidgeting, gorilla-brow!

I have something to show you.

Photos of all the fun you had without me?

No thanks.

[hypnotic kitten sound playing]

I thought of a way
to include you in the fun.

and get rid of that hair gel smell, too.


- [trimmer buzzing]
- [evil laugh]

[Claw laughing]