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04x04 - Anti-gravity - Too Many Talons

Posted: 10/28/21 07:38
by bunniefuu

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

At last, I will have my victory parade!

MADcat, cue the pictures!



Isn't your victory parade
missing something?

Like, say, a victory?

I'll have my victory
as soon as I send everyone in Metro City

to a place as dark and empty
as my soul.

General Triple-Chin's
All-You-Can-Cram Buffet?

Tuesday is lard night.

Yeesh, I may be evil
but I'm not a monster.

I'm talking about space!

The eggheads at the SPACEA Space Program

- finally perfected a Gravity Reversifier.
- [computer beeping]

With it, I'll reverse Metro City's gravity
so everyone will float off to their doom!


Now put on
these anti-anti-gravity boots...

- [clangs]
- ...and get me my machine!

No prob, I'll be back before you can say,

"Talon, how do you make
those ugly boots look so fly?"

[Talon groaning, clunking]

- I look...
- [clangs]

...totally... [groans] rad!

[bell ringing]

Perfect score! Booya!

Nice work, Penny!

Thanks, Uncle Gadget,

but is it really work if you can do it
with one hand tied behind your back?

I suppose not...

unless you're also blind-folded,
turned around and hopping on one foot!

Go, go, Gadget, everything I just said.

Ain't no thang. I got this...



Ow! Ow!

Remember, no matter the odds,

you need to be on your game
at all times.

Like me. Look, no hands!

- [groans]
- [pained yowl]

I don't know where it went
but that sounded like a bull's-eye to me!

I get it, Uncle Gadget,

but I'm never gonna be
at this much of a disadvantage.

[grunts] Ow.


Ooh, I didn't know
they had a Quimby-ball machine.

Sorry, Gadget.

The only game being played here
is the one MAD's playing with the law.

We believe MAD plans to steal
SPACEA's new gravity reversing

Gravity Reversifier.

If Dr. Claw succeeds, the ramifications
could be out of this world.


Your mission: Give MAD's zero-gravity plan
the zero-tolerance treatment.

This message will self-destruct.

Leave it to Dr. Claw to break
the most important law of all: gravity.

You picked the right agent
for the job, Chief.

- MAD will cosmonaut get away with this.
- [beeping]

- [expl*si*n]
- [machine ringing]

[gasps] A new record...



Looks like gravity is still working
but for how long?

Go, go, Gadget, gravity tester!

[pained howl]

Jumping to test gravity?

Good thinking, Brain.

There's no problem with the gravity here.

Gravity is still working here too.


Accessing SPACEA's security feed now.

[Penny] Talon?

Brain, you stick with Uncle Gadget,
I'll take Talon down.

This is gonna be a cakewalk.

There's no problem with the gravity here.
But what about over there?

Go, go, Gadget,
long distance gravity tester.


Well done, Brain, you're being a big help.



- Fine... Ally! [exhales]
- [Penny] Took you long enough, Talon.

I always knew you were a little slow,
but this is ridiculous...

[Penny grunts]

They may not win me any fashion awards,
but they're practical.


[Penny] Huh?


Hah! See ya!


Working. Working.

- [chickens clucking]
- Still working.

No problem with gravity here... [gasps]

- Would you look at that!
- [woof]


[Gadget] It's the Hyperion II probe.

Looking good, Ms. Probe.

You haven't aged a day since the ' s.


No, Brain!
Those controls are extremely delicate.

Go, go, Gadget,


[Inspector Gadget groans]

[computer voice]
Welcome to the SPACEA Mars Simulator.

Wowzers! We've crash-landed on Mars!

Good thing I can survive anywhere.

Go, go, Gadget, space suit.


You're right, Brain,
you don't have a space suit of your own.

Go, go, Gadget, doggy space suit!

A helpless puppy like you
wouldn't survive a minute alone on Mars.

You're really lucky I'm here, boy.

Got what I came here for.
I should celebrate with ice cream.

Or maybe a float! [chuckles]

Get back here! Stop!

Okay. But only 'cause you asked...


- [horse neighing]
- Ow!

Who's the lightweight now?

That hurt! But not as much as this.

You can float but you can't hide.

If we're going to survive
until our rescue,

we'll need to set up a proper base camp.

Go, go, Gadget, Martian habitat!

[terrified whimper]

Great work, Brain.

The next job's growing crops

and since you've just fertilized the soil,
we're way ahead of schedule.

Go, go, Gadget, thirst quencher!


[computer voice]
Full simulation initiated.


- Temperature dropping to - degrees.
- [gasps]

Radiation levels rising.

Oxygen levels to zero.



Good thing all we have to do now
is sit back and wait to be rescued.

Go, go, Gadget, sleep mode.



- [phone rings]
- [gasps]


Sorry, Brain. I really don't have time
to play astronaut.

I'm kind of off my game. Whoa!

And feet.

- [shatters]
- [grunts]

Sorry, Pen,
it's gonna take more than a phone call

to save you from...

[Dr. Claw]
Talon! I'm on my way to pick up my float.

Get the lead and plutonium out
and bring me my machine!

Keep your Claw on.

Wait, there's plutonium in these boots?

[nervous] Um, Isn't that stuff dangerous?

Yep. Now, less talky-talky
and more anti-anti-gravity walky!

[groans] I can still take you down, Talon.

Even with one hand [grunts]
stuck to the wall.

I don't think you understand
the true gravity of your situation.


Soon, I won't even recognize you
'cause you'll be in da-skies.

Get it? Disguise? Ha! Ouch!

Hah! Nice one bucket head!

[electric buzzing]


Looks like this gum
might actually come in handy.


Hey, Talon!

I can't believe you couldn't hit me
twice in a row!

But at least your aim's
still better than your hair!

You just don't know when to quit.


Check this, it took a gumshoe
to crack your case.

- Ha!
- Oh, yeah?


- [metal clanging]
- [grunting]

This is gonna be a ball, a gumball!

[Brain shivering, whimpers]



...stop hogging the blankets...

[snorts] Wowzers!

Did someone turn off the heat?

Go, go, Gadget, thermal blanket.

[computer voice]
Temperature - degrees and falling.


You're right, Brain.

No one is coming for us.

Because we forgot to tell them...

where we are...

Go, go, Gadget, emergency beacon.

[glass shatter]



- Yikes!
- [crash]

Hold tight, Pen.

Wouldn't want you to get... Whiplash.



Uh-oh. No! No!


Looks like my emergency beacon worked.

Better turn it off now.


Whoa. Whoa!


Whoa! [screams]

Advantage, Penny.

Well done, Gadget.

You successfully grounded
MAD's gravity defying plans.

I'm just glad to be around
intelligent life again, Chief.

Not that Brain isn't smart in his own way
but he's a terrible conversationalist.

Uh, Chief? Why aren't you floating?

Oh. I stopped by General Triple-Chin's
All-You-Can-Cram Buffet for lunch.




- [chickens clucking]
- [groans]


Congratulations, Talon.

For your incompetence,
you get to be Grand Marshal

of your very own Failure Parade!

- MADcat, cue the music!
- [meowing]

[marching band music]

Hey! [grunts]

[marching band continues playing]

[screams] Ouch!

Next time, Gadget!

Next time!

[Dr. Claw] You are the most dangerous
of the dangerous.

The nastiest of the nasty.

The jerkiest of jerks.

But only one
can be MAD Henchman of the Month!

MADcat, the envelope.

The award goes to...

- [drum roll]
- [teeth chatters]

...Henchman number !


Ow! This is ridiculous!

I should've won!

Henchman number
is the best MAD agent there is!

That's why I'm going to duplicate

to make the ultimate MAD army
and tyrannize the world!

And how are you
gonna pull this off, exactly?

There's a duplicating device
housed at the Twin Cities Science Labs.

- [beeping]
- I want you to steal it.

If Henchman number 's so great
why don't you send him?

Number can't be everywhere at once,


Sorry I'm late Uncle Gadget,

but can you try to make this lesson
a quick one?

Patience, Penny.

Being an HQ agent
means jumping through a lot of hoops.

Specifically, these three hoops.



Jumping through the holo-room door?

She's found the fabled fourth hoop.


Well done, Penny!

You kept me waiting, Penny.

Sorry, Professor.

Oh, don't worry,
I bury my grudges deep down.


Anyway, I need your help recording
which of these snails is faster.

I've spent six months training them to...

That one's faster!


It's time for Phase .

Go, go, Gadget,



- [grunting]
- [Brain yelps]


I think I might've taken on too much.

It would be so much easier
if I could just be in two places at once.

You can't be in two places at once, Penny,

but you can be in one place
as many times as you wish.

Go, go, Gadget, efficiency planner.


[Quimby clearing throat]

We'll need to be more organized than that
if we're to outwit MAD.

HQ believes MAD intends to steal
the Duplicatrix,

a duplication device
that could create an infinite MAD army.

Your mission: keep MAD from multiplying
before they divide and conquer.

This message will self-destruct.

Don't worry, Chief,
I'll multi-task while I take MAD to task.

- Gotta go! On the double!
- Ah!


According to the schematics,
the facility has two identical towers.

Maybe we should split up
to cover more ground?

Good idea, Penny.

We'll search the north tower
for the Duplicatrix, you take the south.

But be careful,
you are my one and only niece.

And you, Brain, are my one and only dog.

- [happy yelp]
- Thank goodness!

I spend enough time
cleaning up after you as it is.


Here's to another day
of discovery, Dr. Standin.

I'll second that, Dr. Standin. [chuckles]

[laughs] Two for the price of one.

[both scream]


[chuckles] Done and done!

Why Uncle Claw wouldn't want
an army of me, I'll never understand.


[both] Whoa!

- Looking good!
- Said the most handsome dude ever.

- You're too kind.
- And you're too humble.

If you've got it, flaunt it.

You're totally right. [chuckles]

Handsome and smart.

[both sigh]


Shh! Someone's coming.

Talon, prepare to get got.

No prob, Pen, but who's got you?

- [laughs]
- Wha...?

Two Talons?

And I thought one was one too many.

Yeah? Well you're one too Penny.

[both] Ha! Good one!



No need for that, Brain.

According to my internal compass,
north is always straight ahead.

The duplication device
should be around here somewhere.

Go, go, Gadget, extra set of eyes.




[Inspector Gadget] Whoa!


We'll find the Duplicatrix
or my name isn't Inspector... Huh?

- Me?
- [whimpers]

I'd know that hat and coat anywhere.
I have a closet full of them.

Those diabolical MAD rascals
have duplicated me!

Go, go, Gadget, bad MAD-me self arresters.



Hey! Come back here, MAD-me.

Looks like I've met my match.

And if I don't stop me,
there's no telling what havoc I'll wreak.

- [Dr. Claw] You did what?
- Relax.

Two of me means
exponential criminal potential.

And that rhymes
which makes it double true.

If you don't get back here now,
you're both in double trouble! That's...

quadruple trouble!

He'll be in pentuple trouble

if I get my hands on that device
to even the odds.

Whatevs, when Uncle Claw hears
we took out Gadget's only niece,

then we'll see
who the MAD Agent of the Month is.

- Yeah, me!
- Uh, I was talking about me.

Don't worry, you can be the runner up
and faller down.

- [laughs]
- [groans]

Hmm. I guess I never stood a chance.

You're almost as tough
as the original Talon.

- I am the original.
- No you're not, I am.

[glass shattering]

See, my hair
is just a little more perfect.

I'm the real deal,
so I'll take the Duplicatrix back.

- You baby-sit Penny.
- As if.

- Doubles can't tell realzies what to do!
- Hey!

[both grunting]


[grunting continues]

[all] Whoa!

Ahh... [giggles]

[all] She's escaping!

Whoa, not bad,
but can we do it in harmony?

[harmonizing] ♪ She's escaping ♪

We should totally start a boy band.

We can all be the cute one.

Also, get her!

Come back here, MAD-me.

I know there must be some goodness
deep down inside you,

and I can help you find it!

Go, go, Gadget,
inner-goodness reminder-er!


Don't you remember
why we started fighting evil?

It all began when we were
just a Cadet Gadget nd class.

Saergent Quimby took us under his wing

and taught us everything we know
about justice. [whimpers]

If this doesn't make your heart swell...


Go, go, Gadget, tissues.

[metal clanging]


Huh? [grunts]

- Weren't there four of them?
- Got her!

[both grunting]

Good work, now hand her over.

- No way!
- You could share the credit.

I'll take Penny, you get Gadget!

- No way!
- I'll take her.

You? You're a copy of a copy.

I'm the original!

- You think you should take penny?
- That's what I said!

No, that's what I said!

[Talon ] Hey!

She's getting away again!

- I can see that!
- Don't talk back to me!

If you didn't have
such an incredible face I'd...



There you are! I knew you'd come this way.

[whispers] I'm inside your head

because even a MAD-me
has some me-me in him.

And if I know me, I can't be all bad.

Go, go, Gadget, have faith in myself.

- [screams]
- A hug?

I knew I could get me
back to the good side.

And now to celebrate with the song
Granny Gadget used to sing to us:

♪ Hush little Gadget, fight some crime ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, sleepy time ♪


All right, time to get even,

numerically speaking.

- Reporting for duty, Chief!
- So am I!

- Reporting for duty!
- Here to help!

- So am I!
- Anything for me to do?

When is it my turn?

What do you mean there can be
only one teacher's pet?

On second thought...


- Enough mind games, Penny.
- You'll never beat the four of us!

You're outnumbered, outsmarted,

And outnumbered.

I already said that.



- Wowzers! [crashing]
- [Talons grunting]

[glass shattering]

- It's Gadget.
- We're gonna need backup.

[Talons talking over each other]

[evil laughter]

Oh. Hello Penny and Penny's friends.
Have you met the new me?

He was a bad MAD-me
until he remembered that Inspector Gadget

is always a Go, go, Gadget, good guy.

[all] Uh-oh!



Whoa. No, no, no, no, no!


Oh, look, there's the Duplicatrix!

What a silly place to keep
a state-of-the-art piece of technology.

Go, go, Gadget, careful picker-upper.

Hey! Where'd the other me go?

Unless I'm the other me.

Do you see me anywhere?

Great work, Gadget.
You truly are one of a kind.

Correction, Chief. I'm two of a kind.

And I think we can all rest assured
knowing there's another me out there

helping the world.

Two of you? [panting]



I'm glad there's just one of me.
Too much of a good thing, am I right?

Well then, double scoop ice creams on me.

Glad it all worked out
without any loose ends.

[knocking on door, mumbling]

- This is all your fault!
- It's not my fault!

[all arguing]

[Dr. Claw] Talons!