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04x03 - Part III

Posted: 10/28/21 07:05
by bunniefuu

Very particular how they were arranged.

It was intentional.

Percy's mother left her
when she was a baby.

I raised her as my own.

So you don't think that she
jumped off the cliff anymore?

I don't know what to think.
Somebody has a hold on her.

He swears he saw Percy

drive by in her car last night about
a half hour after your call.


The car dies, she's stuck.

And is never heard from again.

You know this guy?

Probably seen him around.

You never told me that she
left the island last year.

Why aren't we talking about CJ Lam?

- Hey.

- He hurt Percy.
- Oh, my God.

That cut on her head?
I saw it with my own eyes.

How would she know about a cut

two hours later at the bar?

I didn't tell anybody about that.

She's lying.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Hi, you've reached Sonya Barzel.
Please leave a message.


Yeah, I might have a lead.

Not sure I'll make it back for
the bird-watching session.

I'll let you know.


Good afternoon.

I'm sorry. Can I help you?

I'm Harry Ambrose.

I'm part of an investigation
involving a woman from Hanover.

She's been missing since
Saturday. Percy Muldoon.

Are you police?

I retired last year,

but this is kind of a
all-hands-on-deck situation.

I'm sorry, I... I don't have
time for this right now.

Look, I did just see you
talking with Meg Muldoon.

I'm sorry, but whatever
you're looking for,

you're not gonna find it in here.

You know,

a lot of people are worried about
what might've happened to her.

Can you at least tell me
why Meg was here?

[SIGHS] I'm Percy's mother.


You saw her?

Ah, it's still not clear
what happened exactly.

Have you been in touch over the years?


They make me out to be some sort of...

deadbeat mother or something?

They said you weren't around much.


So, you and Sean... how'd you meet?

It was the summer before senior year.

I got a job waitressing, and
Sean was just a summer fling,

and I got pregnant with Percy.

And that was the beginning of the end.

So you left?

You have to understand,
I was only at the time,

and nothing I could do was ever
good enough for Meg Muldoon.


You left without your baby.

After about a year,

and I came back here to finish school,

and then, time passed,
I met someone, got married,

had a kid, bought a house,

had two more, bought a bigger house.

I guess it just got easier

to focus on the family that wanted me.


Do you think she's in danger?


Looking more and more possible.

♪ ♪

With Meg today, what was that about?

Uh, she just wanted to
know if I'd seen Percy.

And you told her what?

I told her that maybe instead
of barging into my home,

she should try looking into her own.

What do you mean by that?

Oh, you don't know Meg Muldoon,

but you will soon, believe me.

That woman is a tyrant.

So you think that Percy was
trying to get away from her?

She did once before.

She came here nine months ago.

Who cares what they're made of?

I think they're yummy.

So if it isn't really meat,
how can it look it's bleeding?




Sorry to show up without calling.

And I know, it's... it's been a minute.


I... I just didn't know
where else to go.

Hey girls, this is Percy.

Uh, she's a friend of mine.

She's just gonna stay
with us for a little bit.

Hi. It's, um... nice to meet you.

This is my son Paul's room.

He is my oldest.

My oldest with my husband Jory.

He's away doing freshman
orientation at Bowdoin.

So strange having him gone.

It must be tough.

Um, dinner's almost ready

if you want to come down and join us.

Oh, uh, it's okay. I'm not hungry.

Okay, well, I'll let you settle in.

Bathroom's second door on the right.

And if you need anything,

I'll just be down in the kitchen.


I appreciate it.

Yeah, of course.


♪ ♪

She had this big wad of cash.

You think she had to
flee the island fast?

I figured we'd talk about
it the next day, but...

when I got up the next
morning, she was gone.

[SNIFFLES] I'm sorry.

I wish I had more to tell you.

I have a very busy day ahead of me.

Uh, look, I appreciate your time.

And Percy needed somebody,
she came to you.

It's good you were there.

Uh, just...

she sent me this.


It's only minutes away,

- but I never visited.
- _

Life just got in the way.

I understand.


♪ ♪

Honestly, I figured somebody
like you would probably show up

at some point asking about her.

How long has it been since she left?

About six months.

She just peaced out.

Um, fortunately, this place
is a pretty sweet deal,

so found somebody to take the room.

You and Percy living together.

How is that? Did you know
each other or something?

It was totally random.

- Craigslist.
- Hm.

And she seemed pretty cool,
so I thought, why not?

All right, I got you your
cookies, peanut butter,



Dude, I said fish sticks,

like the... like the frozen things
that you heat up in the oven.

This'll be so much better.

Just you wait.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, what the f*ck?

Dude, where did you
learn how to do that?

- Prison.
- Wait, you're not serious.

Oh, my God, no. No. [LAUGHS]

I learned it from my family.

My... my uncle, actually.

Okay, you do realize
I still have no clue

where you're from, right?

I told you. Down east.

Honestly, I'm so sick of my family.

I can... can't even go there.

No, you can't wear that top.

No, we cannot wear
the shirt to the club.


Do you not go clubbing very often?

Uh, first time.

You innocent little virgin.

Hey, um, bad good idea or...

good bad idea?

Let's not judge.



♪ Baby, let's move it to the rhythm ♪

And one, two.

♪ Let me see you walk out on the floor ♪

- Yeah!

Excuse me?

I want to...

♪ Let's break it down ♪

- Hi.
- How are you?

♪ Right here right now ♪


♪ Let me see you shake that thing ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Okay, okay,

but, like, if he... if he hadn't
had that one missing tooth,

he would've looked exactly
like Robert Pattinson.

Tell me he wouldn't look
like Robert Pattinson.

Sort of.

Oh, it's freezing.

Do you ever feel like you're cursed?

Like with men? Uh, yeah.

No, I... I mean more like no
matter what you do, you...

you can't get away?

What... we... we should
just do this every weekend.

We really hit it off.

I got her a job at the clothing
store where I work,

but after about a month,
things got, like, really weird.


♪ ♪

I'm not here, okay?

If a man comes looking
for me, I'm not here.

- What?
- He can't know that I'm here.

- Who can't know that you're...
- Please!

Did she say who it was?

No, um, she was, like,
totally freaked out,

and I couldn't get her to calm down.

CJ Lam.

Did she ever mention that guy?

That doesn't sound familiar, no.

After that, she just started spiraling.

She wouldn't leave the house.


♪ ♪


- Percy.
- What?



It is Friday night.

You have not been out in weeks.

Let's go.

Yeah, I just don't feel well.


Well, I have something
that will help with that.

Come on! I need a wing woman.


♪ ♪

Am I good?


- I just wanna thank you.
- Hmm?

For being so... so nice to me.


Oh, girl, of course, come on.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

That was it.

She was gone. I never saw her again.

And I tried calling her phone,

but it was always going
straight to voicemail,

and eventually, I just... gave up.

Do you think there was
some sort of fight?

She didn't want to leave, but...

someone made her?

I wondered that.

It was like, there was
this other side of her,

this dark side, and it
just won't let her go.


♪ ♪


[ECHOING] You've seen too
much now, haven't you?

You're not going to stop.

[ECHOING] If something happened to you,

there's gotta be consequences.

Why is that so important to you?

People come into the world,

they just try to survive.

World takes them out.

Doesn't care.

You have to admit, though,

sometimes it's easier on everybody
if you just disappear.


♪ ♪

Okay, look, I know I missed your call.

It's so freaking patchy,
the service around here.

It's out by where Percy's car was.

You should see for yourself.

Let's go.


All right.

It's right in here.

♪ ♪

It's over here.


It's kinda like the way Percy's
objects were on the bluff.

It has the same crescent thing.

You know, I... I don't know
if there's a connection,

but do you know anything about,
what would you call it?

Night swimming, I guess.

Night swimming?

Yeah, it's just, a couple of nights ago,

I saw three women in the water,

in the dark, sort of moaning.

Well, we do have our share
of tree-huggers out here.

No, it's guttural.


It's kinda like a ceremony,

ritual kinda thing,
you know what I mean?

And I think this is maybe
something like that.

I wouldn't know anything about that.

Marj is always trying
to get me to meditate.


Oh, hey.

You missed Gretta.

- Oh.
- She wanted to say hi.

So did you get some good pictures today?

Oh, so many.

The way the light plays
off the waves, unreal.

What about you?
Did you make any progress?

- Yeah, yeah.
- What?

Well, Meg Muldoon's been lying to me.

Percy ran away from
home nine months ago.


Ran away?

Yeah, I'd... I'd like
to go and talk to her.

What, now? We have the...
what about the reservation?

Well, I thought maybe we could stop by

on the way to the restaurant.

You wanna confront her with me there?

No, I just want to feel her out,

see if there's anything else
that she's lying about,

and maybe you could
help put her at ease.

Oh, God. Harry, really?

Just... just for a few minutes.

You know, small talk probably.

- And then we'd go to dinner.
- Hm.

If they did something to Percy,

they could probably get away with it.

You're in this with me, right?



♪ ♪

- Hello.
- Did you find something?

Right now, there's nothing new,

- but we're working on it.
- Oh, God.

Every time the phone rings

or somebody knocks on my door...


Well, we were just going by.

Thought we'd stop in. This is Sonya.

Hi. It's so nice to meet you.

This is a beautiful house.

Oh, thank you.

Harry told me a little about
your... your granddaughter.

I've been wishing you the best.

I really believe, in times like
these, in staying positive.

Oh, it's essential.

We were on our way to dinner
and wanted to check in.

I had this feeling that something
might've come up today.

No, I've just been calling people,

trying to figure out where she might be.


Do you wanna come in?

Well, I... I have a couple
questions about Percy.

We don't wanna intrude.

No, we're about to have dinner,
and Colin's over with his girlfriend,

and you're welcome to join us.

That is so kind of you,

but we have dinner reservations.

We could just call and cancel.

I... we don't want to impose.

No trouble at all.

We've got plenty of food,

and we can talk about Percy.

It'd be very helpful.

Thank you, Holy Father,
for helping us stay patient

and keep our faith as
we search for Percy.

We know that you will keep her safe

until she has returned home.

TOGETHER: Bless us, o,
Lord, and these, thy gifts,

which we are about to
receive from thy bounty,

through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Well, eat up. There's
plenty more in the kitchen.

That's a... a beautiful boat.

Oh, that's Finnoula.

That's the boat Percy
learned to fish on.

Ah. It's a beautiful photo too.

- Did you take it?
- Oh, God, no.

I don't have a creative bone in my body,

but I do like artists.

I hear you're a painter.

Yeah. Well, since I've
been on the island,

- I've been photographing things...

I got it.


Hello. Yep.


- Are you serious?
- Sean?

It's... it's Lou. It's not about Percy.


♪ ♪

Sean, what's he going on about?


If you let me talk to
him, I could find out.

Yeah. Uh-huh.

So, uh, what kind of stuff do you paint?

Um, I have been experimenting
with landscapes.

I found this beautiful spot.

And I photograph the ocean from there

all throughout the day, as a reference.


Yeah, the water is incredibly peaceful.

Yeah, until it's not.

Anytime you're out on open water,

you're minutes away
from a slap in the face.

- So do you still work the boats?
- Oh, no.

I had a stroke a couple of years ago,

and my boys decided that it was enough.

They grounded me.

The Lam kid f*cking cut our traps.

The whole fleet in Dutchman's Cove.

Keyser saw him screwing around out
there in his whaler, called it in.

The gall of that g*dd*mn family.

- You think it's CJ Lam?
- Yeah.

That's a couple thousand
dollars we're out,

plus all the lost time
resetting those lines.

But I'm not doing it. I mean it.

I told you something like
this was gonna happen.

Shut up, Sean.

You said you wanted to ask
some questions about Percy?

I... I realize this can be sensitive.

I'm just covering all the bases.

What do you wanna know?

Any possibility that Percy might
have been involved with dr*gs?

Well, I mean, sure.

She could have tried it here and there.

All kids do.

Well, if she dealt with certain
people and she had some cash,

could she have been trying
to find something lucrative?

And that's your working theory?

That Percy was the island's El Chapo?

Trust me, I'd have seen
that if it was coming.

What makes you so sure?

months, days sober.

That's what. I'd have sniffed it out.

- You sure it's not days?
- f*ck off.

I think it's days.

You know what? It was late that night

when Percy's car broke down,

but she was heading somewhere.

Could she have been trying
to get off the island?


Any idea where she might've been going?

If I did, I would've
mentioned it already.

It's just that...

I spoke with Risa today.


She was pretty shaken up about
her daughter being missing.


This afternoon.

I don't understand why you're bothering

talking to her at a time like this.

She's her mother.
She said Percy came to her...

this would've been
about nine months ago...

because she was frightened
about some things.

Risa likes to exaggerate.

I wouldn't take much stock
in what she has to say.


Oh, sorry.

Meg, have you ever thought
about living on the mainland?

I guess that it's...
it's a big adjustment

if you've grown up here.

I also talked to Caroline.

And who's Caroline?

Percy's roommate on the mainland.

Oh, that girl. I forgot her name.

Well, she seems to think

that Percy was trying to
get away from something.

She was always on edge,
and then eventually,

she just couldn't handle it.

Couldn't handle what?

She had an emotional breakdown.

She left the apartment and disappeared.

- Is that true?
- No, Percy was fine.

She decided the mainland wasn't for her.

She wanted to be with her family,

so I got her home.

You said she came back on her own.

She did. We just helped her.

You went too.

- Are you f*cking serious?
- Bro, just...

- You lied to me.
- We would've brought you

if you wouldn't...

let it go.

What is this, "the mainland
wasn't for her?"

She was really scared that
somebody was after her.

- Some guy.
- Percy said this?

Yeah, said she started to lock
herself in the apartment

- and not come out.
- This roommate is so full of shit.

Ma, you said she was fine.

She was.

You know what I find surprising?
Your mother never mentioned this

when we were looking all around
trying to find where Percy was.

- Harry...
- What is your f*cking problem?

What exactly are you accusing her of?

Something happened over there.

I'd just like to understand

why she left the island so suddenly,

and when she came back,
she was in worse shape.

So you think we did something?

Tore her outta there against her will?

There had been a fight, and
the room was all smashed up.

So can you tell me something
about that? Any of you, can you?

Percy wanted to come home.

She called on me, and I went
with Colin to pick her up.

That's what happened,

and I'm not gonna entertain
some bullshit version of events

from a stranger Percy met on Craigslist.

Why didn't you tell me any of this?

- Sean, shut up.
- She's my daughter.

You two it...

Don't start with that.
You know what you did.

No, no, no. It's always
like this with you guys.

Squeezing me out. This is about my...

You were passed out
in the f*cking woods.

We're cleaning up your shit.

If life were fair, you'd
be paying us alimony.


f*ck! f*ck.

♪ ♪

Well, that about wraps up dinner.

I can't leave.

Harry, this family is suffering.
We shouldn't be here.

You go ahead.

What is going on with you?

Thanks for coming by.

Oh, we just overstayed our welcome,

but thank you for a delicious dinner.

Drive safe.

Aren't you going with your girlfriend?

You went to that
construction site today.

Ah, so there it is.

You spent the morning stalking
me instead of looking for Percy.

The guy that you talked
with by the trailer.

He's an old friend of my husband's

who's been kind enough to give me a loan

because I can't get one
from any bank around.

I had to borrow against this house

and sell off a bunch of equipment,
which lowered our count.

But we had no choice.

You have any idea how hard it
is to turn a profit lobstering?

I can believe it,

but some of the things
you say, I don't know.


- Risa.
- Risa?

I went to talk to her for information,

just the way you did.

Percy ran away from home.

Why'd she do that?

What, you think because of me?

What kind of a person do you think I am?

Well, you're the kind of
person who would say

the last time you saw Percy
was when she left work.

- Yeah, what about it?
- That gash on her forehead?

You said you saw it with your own eyes?


She got a couple of hours
after she left work.

You lied to me. Right?

She came to you, later that night,

- didn't she?
- f*cking...

She's still *** right now!

- What?

Hey. Hey, you guys stop it.

Sean. Hey. Sean, stop it.

Are you done?

You know, if you're investigating
anyone, it should be him.

What the hell is the matter with you?

Walk it off.

f*ck you.

Are you gonna be all right?

You need to leave right now.

Just go.


♪ ♪


Percy, what happened?

Who did this?

Take me home. Please?

Of course. Go to sleep, baby girl.

♪ ♪

Of course I'll take you home.

It's all right.

♪ ♪

You tired?

♪ ♪


I'll be back.

♪ ♪

Leave me alone. Leave me alone.


Please go away.

Go away.

I'm sorry.

I have never seen you behave that way.

Pushing them like that.

That's being direct.
Isn't that a good thing?

No, you were being mean
and out of control.

That family is in pain.
They're mourning a loss.

I'm not so sure about that.

Ugh, come on, Harry.

You can't assume just
because of your childhood

that every family is cruel.

I had good reasons to do what I did.

Well, I think you could
have done it differently.

You didn't have to drag me into it.

You're right. I'm better on my own.


You asked me what I thought.

I think this case is bringing
out a really ugly side of you.



♪ ♪


Hey, look, Sonya is
sleeping, so can we... ?

There's something I have to tell you.

You wanna sit down?

So... uh...

we lied about not having
seen Percy that night.

Yeah, I know.

My mom and I did see her.

And the reason we said
we didn't is because of me.

Percy was confronting
me about some stuff.

Some stuff? You're talking
about your drug use, right?


It started with painkillers.

I screwed up my shoulder on the boats.

But... yeah.

I'm dealing with it.

But that night,

Percy was upset with me,

and I did make things worse,

and I needed to fix that.

And I didn't... I didn't want
anyone to recognize my car.

So you are the one who
was driving Percy's car

towards Diez's place? It wasn't Percy?


♪ ♪

That man that was stalking Percy.

You think it was Colin, right?

What? What makes you ask that?

You told me to look
into him, right, so...

I was just pissed off.

I mean, Colin's always the
good guy and I'm the f*ck-up.

That's the way my mom sees it.

It... it makes her blind
to everything else.

Like what?

Colin and Percy were always close.

What do you mean by that?

I don't know, I should get going.

Sean, did Meg send you?

I'm just trying to be a good son.


♪ ♪

You can see how I might
have just needed an escape.

It just gets worse, doesn't it?

The more you learn.

Maybe you're just actually
on a beach somewhere

where no one can get to you.

Running never solves anything.

For you especially.

- Do you feel that?
- Yeah, my boots are sticking.

We call it gumbo mud.

That's how you know
there's good oysters around.

Look at you.

You're a genius.


♪ ♪