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Soul Food (1997)

Posted: 10/27/21 19:08
by bunniefuu
♪ You taught me everything ♪

♪ And everything you've given me ♪

♪ I always keep it inside ♪

♪ You're the driving force in my life ♪

♪ Yeah-eah-eah-eah ♪

♪ There isn't anything or anyone that I could be ♪

♪ And it just wouldn't feel right ♪

♪ If I didn't have you by my side ♪

♪ Ooh, you were there for me ♪

♪ To love and care for me ♪

♪ When skies were gray ♪

♪ Whenever I was down ♪

♪ You were always there ♪

♪ To comfort me ♪

♪ No one else can be ♪

♪ What you have been to me ♪

♪ You will always be ♪

♪ You will always be the girl in my life ♪

♪ For all time ♪

♪ Mama ♪

♪ Mama, you know I love you ♪

♪ You know I love you ♪

♪ You know I love you ♪

♪ Mama ♪

♪ Mama, you're the queen of my heart ♪

♪ You are ♪

♪ Your love is like tears from the stars ♪

♪ Your love is like tears from the stars ♪

♪ Mama, I just want you to know ♪

♪ Mama, I just want you to know ♪

♪ Lovin' you is like food to my soul ♪

♪ Lovin' you is like food to my soul ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ You are the food to my soul ♪

Ahmad: my grandma always said, family pullin' together in times of need will make it strong.

But this here's the story about my family, about our family, about the things that pulled us together and the things that tried to pull us apart.

Let's see... Where should I begin?

[Music plays]

I guess aunt bird's wedding is as good a place as any.

Everyone who was anyone was there.

Announcer: just the party people to the dance floor.

If you got more than $5.00 in your pocket, let me see you shake it!

We got food! We got music!

We got a party happening up in here!

There you go, big mama.

That's my mom and dad dancing right there.

They got 2 1/2 kids--

Me, my sister kelly, and whoever that is in the oven.

And that's aunt teri and uncle miles--

Like miles davis.

They're both lawyers and got some big-time dough.

I'm talkin' dollar bills, y'all.

The bride is big mama's youngest, aunt ryla, but we call her bird 'cause she used to be skinny.

The groom is my new uncle lem.

Don't know much about him, 'cept folks always doggin' him out 'cause he's done time in jail.

Go on, baby.

Go pin it on her.

That's big mama there. Big mama joe.

People always said she never made one enemy in her whole life, 'cause if she did, she'd just have 'em over for some of her green beans, sweet potato pie, and southern fried chicken, and they'd be down with her after that.

That's my baby.

Reverend williams-- ain't even kin, but he's always got something to say or eat.

Oh, mama joe, how you doin', baby?

How are you doing?

Oh, you look so good.

Mama joe, them daughters are looking good, too.

Oh, especially that baby bird.

Baby bird, I was teasin' with her a little, big mama.

I said, "would you marry the reverend?"

She said, "reverend, if I marry, I got to have sex every night."

I said, "put the reverend down for tuesday."

♪ Hear, hear, don't change it up... ♪

♪ Something new ♪

♪ Something you thought underground, huh... ♪ Just gonna take my man?

Ok. I'll see how you do.

Oh, and this is simuel.

For bird, he was just one of the skeletons in the closet big mama said we all had.

All right...

Woman: uh-uh, look who's here.

What's he doing?

Second woman: I don't know.

Get out of my way.

Heh heh. Congratulations.

Would you look at this girl?

Course, by the looks of things, lem wasn't doing any better in the skeletons in the closet category.

I don't know, but I'm going to go get her.

Come on, teri.

That was him with his ex bumpin' and grindin' like nobody's business.

Honey? Hmm?

Who's big mama's favorite grandbaby?

I am.

And what would my sweet pea do for big mama?


Then go find your aunt bird, tell her to get her butt in here with her new husband now.

Being big mama's favorite was no easy job, especially when it came to keeping the peace.

But I always did what she asked, even if it meant charging into a bathroom full of fine, half-dressed women.

Ahmad, what you want?

Yo, bird. What?

Big mama said get your black ass out here.

Boy, big mama ain't told nobody's black ass to get nowhere.

Now you stay out of grown folks' business.

I cannot believe what I just saw. Me either.

Who invited him? How did simuel get here?

I didn't invite him.

Doesn't matter who invited him.

What were you doing letting him feel you up in your wedding gown?

And now your man is out there bumping and grinding with some miss hoochie mama, actin' like there wasn't no wedding less than 10 minutes ago.

Whose man? Your man, girl. Bumpin'.

Oh, hell, no.

Ain't nobody about to disrespect me on my wedding day.

That's what I'm talking about.

Excuse me, ladies!

Did you see that dress miss thing had on?

Did you see her behind in that thing?

Girl, just all up her butt.

See, that's what she get--

Draggin' somebody in who ain't got nothin'

And puttin' him off on family.

What you talkin' about family? Puttin' him off on me.

I'm the one who paid for this wedding.

Teri, why you always got to let everybody know you pay for everything?

'Cause I do.

Who is that hoochie-coochie mama with her fat ass all over my husband out there on the dance floor?

I told you.

This is my wedding day!

I'm supposed to be happy.

What y'all talkin' about? We happy.

This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life.

Everybody's happy.

Yeah. We're happy.

But we'd be more happy if we go out there and beat that ho' down.

Yeah! Come on...

There they are. Let's go get her ass.

Whoo! Work it in on her!

Do it! Do it!

Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me...

Excuse me...

Ahmad: you see, right there...

That was just like big mama, always knowin' just what to do to set things right.

I used to think she and I had a special connection, like we shared an inside joke no one else was in on.

'Course, it wasn't long, I found out she had the same connection with all of us.

Yeah, she was the rock of the joseph family, the one that held us all together.

Reverend, that sure was a good sermon today, I tell you...

Part of the reason we were such a tight family is 'cause we always had sunday dinners at big mama's.

They were a tradition that started down in mississippi when the old folks got together after church to talk smack and chow down with some good old soul food.

And big mama kept the tradition going when she and granddaddy moved to chicago.

Holidays, of course, were bigger.

More folks, more eats, more souls, more soul food.

People would be rollin' in from all over, like uncle remus, who was always hittin' folks up for $2.00

'Cause he was always broke.

Before granddaddy died, he used to own a barber shop, corner store, and a laundromat.

Not bad for a black man in those days.

'Cause of that, rumor has it mama joe's got a big stash of loot hidden away somewhere, but mama says that's nothing but a myth.

We used to always have eating contests...

Which the reverend would always win.

Then he'd split after he busted slides with my mom and aunties.

I can still see my dad now lookin' like he wanted to break reverend williams' neck.

Last but not least, there's big mama's brother, old uncle pete...

Who ain't left his room in something like 10 years now.

Go. Go.

Just sits up there watching his old tv set.

It's kind of a "lights on, nobody's home" thing.

Let's go!

Let's get outta here.

Yeah, those were the good days, all right, back before things took a turn.

Mama, mama!

Uncle pete's messing with us!

I'm tryin' to do my thing.

Can I do my thing?

Hit me!

Take that. Yaah.

♪ I got sunshine... ♪

Ooh, no, baby. That's too much.

Just put about 4 pinches in there.

Now, mama, how you know how much to put in there without using a measuring cup?

And why we got to eat ham hocks anyway?

♪ Well ♪

♪ I guess you'd... ♪ Ham hocks, pig feet, chitlins...

So we learn how to make things taste good by trying things out.

See, soul food cookin' is about cooking from the heart.

That's right, mama.


What's up, mama?


If she spent more time getting her shop together instead of following lem around, maybe she'd pay me back that loan.

Teri, you are not hurtin'

'Cause you gave bird money for that shop.

I loaned her money, max.

As far as you're concerned, I'm an atm...

Automatically teri's money. Oh, you two hush up.

You do this every sunday. Mama, she started it.

Maxine, you go on and finish those biscuits.

Teri, stop runnin' down your family.

Pay more attention to your own man.

You're already on husband number 2.

Oh, sh**t, baby.




So good...oh...


Big mama, that fried chicken smells good.

I can't wait to get some of that.

Oh, baby, don't ever put anything like this on the stove.

You could burn the house down. Yes, ma'am.

Remember that time bird almost burned the house down?

Big mama, your arm!


Get me my butter, baby.

You don't need butter. You need ice.

Mama, you ain't been takin' your insulin?

And I bet you ain't been to the doctor, either.

Maxine, I told you I don't need no doctor.

Now, that's nothing that a little salve, turpentine, or my herbs won't cure.

Except your diabetes.

I didn't know what diabetes was back then, but I was sure about to find out.

Reverend williams: as we bow our heads on this special day, we ask a special prayer for this table, a special prayer for mother joe, who has provided for the roamin' eye of the reverend beautiful breasts and delicious legs under-- I mean, on the table.

Lord, all I'm askin' is, bless this bread, bless this meat, and bless my stomach, 'cause I's gonna eat.


Take your time, son.

There you go.

Don't take too much.

Just what you need.

You got to remember, son--

This is for the needy, not the greedy.

Ha ha ha...

Chicken? Please.

Oh, thank you.

I dreamt of fishes last night.

Ohh...oh, oh...

Don't look over here.

Don't point over here.

What? You never know.

What's she talking about, fishes?

It just means that either somebody's coming or somebody in the family is pregnant.

Or gonna get pregnant.

What you looking at me for?

I know she can't be talking about me

'Cause this is the last fish dream right here.

Don't sweep the dust straight out the door.

If you do, you sweep out the good fortune.

Whatever that means.

Wasn't that daddy that said that?

Daddy was the most superstitious man I ever met.

Well, check it out-- I got one, I got one.

If you step on a crack, you break your mama's back.

Did you guys try my fish cakes?

'Cause I made them this year, and I'm very proud.

My plate's full.

My plate's full, too.

See, y'all ain't right.

Y'all ain't right, but that's all right.

That's right. My boo likes 'em.

That's all that matters.

That's all right, bird.

You ain't got to worry about cooking, girl, 'cause you know you can do some hair.

And we know miss teri, we know she can't cook nothing.

Ain't that right, ma?

That's why you always had me cookin', huh?

Well, I wasn't in the kitchen

'Cause mama and daddy kept my head in the books, and that's why I'm a successful lawyer...

Ahmad: so as you can see, moms and aunt teri don't get along.

Never have, maybe never will.

Big mama says she's gonna name them vinegar and oil

'Cause they just don't mix.

It all started back in the early eighties, back before I was even born.

The rule was, when one of the joseph girls had a date, their beau had to bring along one of the sisters, you know, like a chaperone.

Back when teri and my pops were going out, big mama always had moms tag along, just in case pops tried anything.

Hey, all right...

Check it out, y'all. Oh! Mm-hmm.


See, that's how you got to work it.

See, that's how you got to learn how to skate.

That's how you got to do it. Ow!

♪ If you want to step out with another man... ♪ You all right?

Now, I can't say for sure mom started it, but for damn sure dad couldn't resist whatever it was she was throwing down.

Look at him. See what I'm saying?



Mom stole dad right out from underneath aunt teri's nose.

And the two haven't gotten along since.

Get outta the car! Teri...

Get outta the car now!

Get outta the car right now!

Oh, shit!

Hey, get off her. Come on, now...

Come on, now. Hey, teri! Come on, now...

Now, just cut out all that hoosier jawing.

Y'all do this every sunday.

Talkin' about I can't cook.

I've been cooking longer than you've been alive.

Corn bread.

Corn bread is my specialty, from scratch, ok?

Um, lem...

Why'd you get thrown in the joint, man?

Kenny, don't--


Look, um...

I ain't gonna lie to y'all.

I made a stupid mistake.

Came here from new york to help my cousin out, and I guess I just got caught.


Kenny, damn. What?

Nah, it's all right. I got caught sellin' a little somethin'-somethin'--

And he paid his debt to society, and it's no different from daddy and his gambling.

See, in life, we all make some bad choices.

My husband was gamblin', and, yeah, he was bad at it.

In fact, we almost lost this house.

But I worked... On my hands and knees cleanin' up after white folks, takin' in laundry...

See, you do what you have to do to stay strong, to save the family, even if you stumble tryin'.

Now, I'm gonna tell you something.

One finger pointing the blame don't make no impact.

But you ball up all them fingers into a mighty fist, and you can strike a mighty blow.

Now, this family got to be that fist.

Oh, my lord...


Come here, baby.

Cousin faith--

Lord have mercy.

The niece big mama took in after her sister died.

In case you missed the news, faith is trouble-- big-time trouble.

What is she doing here?

Last we heard, she was strippin' in some club out in california.

Then some guy supposedly discovered her and got her dancing in rap videos, though I ain't never seen her in none of them.

Teri or you can take her, 'cause you know she ain't staying with me, kenny, and the kids.

Mama: ahmad, kiss your cousin.

Here she comes.

Oh, my god, you've grown so much.

Hi. Ohh...

Rev, this is my sister's baby.

Mama joe, mama joe.

Oh... Aah, ahh...

This is a pleasure.

Ha ha ha ha ha... Oh, welcome home.

I think it's time.

Your baby?

What's the doctor's number?


What's the name of the doctor?

I don't know.

All right.

I'll get this right now.

Ok. All right. I got it. I got it.

Just get the door.


The birth of my baby sister, faith poppin' in from out of nowhere, who could have guessed things wouldn't just keep getting better?

And this is where the problem is.

Mama, it's gonna be all right, ok?

Here. Put your sweater on.

I'm not getting my leg cut off.

Mama, you have to.

There's no blood circulating to that leg.

You're diabetic.

You haven't been watching what you eat.

Nobody's cutting off my leg...

And that's that.

Man 1: the last thing you need, miss girl, is a g-string.

So wait a minute.

You telling me I should give him some, right?

[Chatter continues]

What y'all over there talking about?

The nasty, darling.


Now, come on, we got clients.


Y'all better slow down. This is--

I just finished dumping all the garbage.

Oh, thank you, baby.

Why don't you help me sweep up some of this hair, and then call your mama and see what time she's gonna pick you up.

What's up, shorty?


Very nice.

I see teri finally got up off the dime and gave you the money to open up your little shop.

Teri didn't give me anything.

It was an investment.

See, if you had a-come to me, I would have given it to you.

But at what cost?

How much you willing to sacrifice?



Girl, you are gettin' thick.

All right, that'll do it.

They'll take care of you up at the front desk, and I'll see you next week.

Let me tell you something, ok?

I am married now.

So whatever it is that you and me had goin' on before is over with.

And besides, my husband's name...

Is written all over my kitty cat.

A weddin' gift.

I know you like the finer things in life, and I know your man can't afford to buy you shit like that, him just gettin' outta jail and all.

When you need me...

Call me.


Later, shorty.

Oh, my god.


Ha ha ha...

Bring my shorty up right...

Hey, hey...

Hey, baby.

You're gonna love this.

Kenny, what you done brought up in here?

It's an apple performa.

A computer?

It's for the baby.

For the baby. Uh-huh.

Oh, man, it's got everything.

It's got a color monitor...

Cd rom...internet...


It's got everything.

You don't think she's a little young for a computer?



You just look beautiful.

Heh. You're silly.

Hold it for one second, all right?

One second.

See what your daddy got you?

Yeah. See what your daddy got?


[Slow music plays]

What you doin', kenny?

You are so silly.

What you doing?

Hey...come here, now.

Mm, your fine self.

My other baby, huh?


Smellin' all good...

Ha ha... You gonna get in trouble, now.

What you talkin' 'bout?

You know the doctor said we gotta wait 6 weeks.

It's been 6 weeks. No, it ain't been 6 weeks.

Oh, see, you're wrong.

You know that you're wrong.

[Light knocking on door]

Did you hear that?

It's the door.

No, it wasn't no door.

Yes. [Knocking]

See who's at the door.

Go see.

Go and see who's at the door.


Hey. What's up, man?

What's up, man?

I was just, um... [Baby cries]

I mean, uh, I don't even know why I'm here.

I'm just, uh, if you're busy, I'll come back another time.

No, no. Come on in, man.

Come on in.

Who's that, kenny?

It's lem.

After you, bro.

How you doin', lem?


I just need to talk to you for a minute.

It's, uh, kind of personal.

See, that's how we got this one. You better quit it.


So, uh, what's up, huh?

I was, um...

I was fired from my job today.

I lied on my application.

They ask if you ever been convicted, and...i checked no.

See, kenny, man, you and miles, man, y'all got yourselves together on the job.

I was just hopin' if--if you knew anybody or...of any job openings, man.

I'll do anything.

Yo, man, we'll find you something, all right?

Cool, man. Thanks, man.

So now the only thing is, I gotta find a way to explain this to bird, man.

What? She's high-maintenance, you know.

I mean, she walks around the house in chanel sandals and shit like that, and I don't want to make it seem like I'm livin' off of her.

No, no, you don't want to tell her, man.

W-why not? 'Cause you ain't got a job.

No, you don't wanna tell a woman-- a black woman.

And especially a black woman, that you ain't got a j-o-b.

It's all right for them to lie around the house, but let a man-- a brother.

Especially a brother.

You could be fixin' the caps underneath the kitchen seats or...

Or waterin' plants.

Mmm. Washin' the dishes. Takin' the garbage out.

Here, man. Let me give you a little somethin'.

No matter what you do around the house, they still will consider you...

A trifling n*gg*r. Mm-hmm.

Don't tell her. Don't tell her.

Ahmad: yeah, that was good.

Miles: ha ha! See that? Got you with your own trick, right?

Hey. Hey.

Hey, aunt teri.

Hey, sweetie. You staying with us?


Yeah. Kenny and max need a little time, and kelly's with bird.

I got your favorite tonight.

Yeah, I spent many hours slaving.

I'm looking forward to it.

Aunt teri? Hmm?

Is big mama gonna get her leg cut off?

You're worried, aren't you?


I don't know.

Looks like that case is kicking your butt.

Yeah. I don't know how long the jury's gonna be out.

And the firm is really pushing me to be partner.

Well, that's what you want, right...

To make partner?

Any attorney worth their salt wants to make partner, miles.


I bet that's cousin faith.

I got it.

There's some money missing from our savings.

Last week, there was--

I took 5,000 out.

I used it as down payment for studio time.

The fellas and I are gonna record a cd.

A cd?


Miles, I thought you playing with this band was just a hobby.

Why would you say something like that?

Because you're an attorney.

You work for a great firm with a great reputation.

We could make twice the amount of money if you spent more time on your job and quit this music crap.

If I wanna take $5,000 of my money out of the bank, I'll do it.

Only 31,132 are yours.

Tomorrow, we're getting separate accounts.


Just for the books' sake...

Next time you take some money out, inform me, all right?


Hi! What's up?

Faith, how you doing?



Just wanna say thanks again for letting me crash here.

Your place is really fantastic.

So, where do I put my stuff?

Ahmad: hard as it was, big mama was finally convinced to have surgery.

You know your daddy always said you was the strongest...

And the family gonna need your strength now.

Now, where's that baby?

Oh, sweet pea, I'm gonna be just fine.

Just need you to be strong.

That's why I'm doing this--for you.

So we gonna be strong together, ok?


Ahmad: after they moved big mama off down the hall, we all just kind of sat around on our hands, saying nothing.

I'm gonna use the restroom, ok?

Stay with daddy.

I'm sorry. There was a problem.


Ahmad, baby, I don't think you should be in here.

Wait. Come on, baby. Where's kenny?

Ahmad, come on. Ahmad...

Ahmad: the doctor said big mama suffered a stroke during surgery and fell into a coma.

We all kind of knew things would never be the same, and all any of us could feel was bad.

We'll call you.

Look, there's a sign outside your door that says you're willing to train.

Now, I got experience on the presses, and I'm a quick learner.

I can do the work.

Like I said, we'll call you.


I'll check you later.

All right.

See you, man.

What's up, man? Get in. I'll take you home.

Why you all g'd up today, lem?

If I tell you something, you gotta promise me you won't tell your mama or your nosy-ass aunties.


I was fired from my job last week.

I been trying to find another one, except things ain't going so good.

Ah, don't sweat it. You'll find a gig soon.

You got a lot of confidence just to be a little shorty.

I get it from big mama, they say.

Big mama, heh.

Here, throw these in the glove box for me.

You know I spent some time in prison, right?

I wouldn't even have been locked up if I'd have been smart, like you seem to be.

You know, big mama's always saying you gotta love yourself.

Maybe you should try that.

My man.

It's getting late, and I still have to grocery shop for dinner tomorrow.


Max, surely, you don't expect to have sunday dinner tomorrow.

Why not?

Jesus, max, mama is in a coma.

I don't know, baby. Maybe--

No, no, no. I'm not gonna let her ruin a 40-year family tradition.

Tradition? Yes, tradition.

Don't you tell me about tradition.

I am the oldest one. I am the responsible one.

I am the one who graduated from law school.

You're the one that dropped out when you were 19.

Something about your jealousy, max.

Will you guys stop?

All right, let's just take a vote.

Good idea. Let's take a vote.

All right, cool. Let's vote.

Hands in the air for all those who don't wanna have sunday dinner tomorrow.

All right. Hands in the air for all those who wanna be sitting in front of some chitlins, black-eyed peas, greens, some fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and egg pie.

I won't let you disrespect my mama like she's already dead.

Your mama? Mm-hmm.

You know, teri, you get on my f*ckin' nerves with...

Will you lower your voice?

Don't nobody care if you graduated!

That don't make you better than nobody!

Keep your voice down. You guys, stop it.

Doctor: I'm sorry. I'll have to ask all of you to leave now.

Mrs. Joseph needs quiet. I'm sorry.

I'm outta here. Come on, kenny!

I'm sorry.

Whatever. I'm outta here.

Come on, let's go. We're outta here.

Max, that wasn't even necessary.

I'm tired of her. She's always got something to say.

Where's my coat? Come on.

Maybe we should think about this.


Ahmad: grandma's illness was taking its toll on the family.

Nobody knew where to throw the blame, except at each other.

Aunt teri and moms especially.

Because of them, hardly no one was speaking anymore.

Poor aunt bird. She tried her best to pull off that sunday's dinner all by herself.

Because of teri and mom's fight, no one showed up.

It was the first time in 40 years our sunday tradition was broken.

Let's just eat.

Here you go.

[Television playing]

Uncle pete?



I know you think I been avoiding you.

It's just that every time I come by to see you, there's always people around doing stuff to you or arguing around you.

Anyway, I know you're wondering how everyone else is doing.

Not good.

We didn't have a sunday dinner yesterday.

Aunt bird said nobody showed up.

After church, mom didn't feel like cooking at home, so daddy brought home some mickey d's.

We were all on the toilet all night.

We need you, big mama.

Yeah, I was thinking that, too.

Maybe when you get out of here, I could help you turn the ground over.

As you called it, put some fertilizer down.

Yeah, I'll help you.

Come dance with me.


Come dance with me. Come on.


Come on. Come on.

Dance? Dance.

I don't wanna dance.

Oh, come on.


You know, mama is not doing well at all.

Yeah, I know, and come dance with me and get your mind off it.

Um, I also can't go to see you perform tonight.

That's what you said last week and the week before.

I'd really like you to come--

I'm swamped with work.


Well, just so you know...

I'm thinking about pursuing my music full time.

Miles...that's a mistake.

It's what I wanna do.

You find a job yet?


But I have an audition coming up.

I'm just not into the straight job thing.

"Straight job thing"?

Look, I didn't plan on staying here.

I thought I was gonna be at mama joe's.

If you want me to leave, I'll leave.

Why'd you come back here, faith?

What are you gonna do this time?

Run up mama's credit? Hmm?

Or, um, make her co-sign on a car, and then you leave her with the note.

Or better yet, why don't you get arrested again?

And let mama put up the house to post your bail.

I've changed.

You've changed?

Don't you try to start any shit this time.

You hear me?

♪ Oh, ahhh ♪

♪ Girl, I care about you ♪

♪ I'm there for you ♪

♪ So why don't you care for me ♪

♪ Like I care about you? ♪

♪ Oh, girl, I care about you ♪

♪ I'm there for you ♪

♪ So why don't you care for me ♪

♪ Like I care about you? ♪

♪ I spend, like, all of my days, baby ♪

♪ Tryin' to sus out just how things got this way ♪

♪ I thought that we were in love ♪

♪ But I swear right now, I don't know what you want ♪

♪ I make sure that I give you quality time ♪

♪ But lately I feel you're not home by design ♪

♪ But still I'm gonna try ♪

♪ To give you the love of my life ♪

♪ In hopes that you ♪

♪ That you will open up your eyes, baby ♪

♪ Girl, I care about you ♪

♪ I'm there for you ♪

♪ So why don't you care for me ♪

♪ Like I care about you? ♪ ♪ Sometimes ♪

♪ Sometimes I'm not ♪ ♪ I'm not sure that ♪

♪ I'm all you got ♪ ♪ that I'm all you got ♪

♪ Sometimes ♪ ♪ sometimes I'm not sure you love me or not, baby ♪

♪ There's one thing that I'm certain of ♪

♪ Girl, I care for you ♪

♪ And the one thing that I want is that you ♪

♪ Care for me, too ♪

♪ Girl, I care about you ♪

♪ I'm there for you ♪

♪ So why don't you care for me ♪

♪ Like I care about you? ♪

♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby ♪

♪ Oh, girl ♪

♪ Yeah, oh, yeah ♪

♪ Ohh, ooh ♪

♪ I care for you ♪

That was the b*mb.

I'm serious, cousin. You was jammin'.

Man, I didn't know you could play like that.

You're good.

Thanks, but it's not just about me.

I mean, we're a group, you know?

Besides, the way those guys sing, they--

They just make my stuff come alive.

But you're the mastermind.

You put all this together.

This is your shit.

The group's called "milestone."

It ain't called "them."

Heh heh. We were thinking about that name.

So, you really wanna pursue your music full time, huh?

I heard you and teri talking.

Your old man's looking over here.

He's looking a little jealous.

Ha ha! Family comes first.

Besides, I gotta get my career together before I can even think about a man.

See, I got goals, ok?

Ok. Ok.

Ok. Ok.

Ha ha ha!

Wait. Promise not to laugh.

Jesus, see? Right there.

I promise. I promise.

Ok. Fine.

I wanna dance.

No, no, no. I mean really dance.

You know, do broadway musicals, choreograph the oscars.

I've spent the last few years of my life trying to figure out what makes me happy, and I learned that the only thing that keeps me sane is dancing.

So I'm gonna put every inch of my energy into it, so help me, jesus.

Praise the lord.

And plus...

It just...

It just feels so damn good.

You know what I mean?

It's like that with you and your music, right?

You want another drink?


Mm-hmm? Mm-hmm.

Ok. Sly...

Send another one over here, all right?

All right.

[Romantic song begins] ooh...listen.

Oh, that's my jam.

Oh, come and dance with me.

Uh-uh. I'm on my break.

Come on.

What the hell.

It's stupid, honey.

She really thought her hair was doing something.

It was to' up, to' back and over. Hello.

So you cooked all this food and none of your people showed up?

And you know I wasn't having it.

I know you wanted to embarrass somebody.

Ooh, we can help you get rid of some of this.

Now I know why none of her people showed up.

Miss thing can't cook.

You can't cook, darling. What is this...


What was that?


Why you gotta push me, honey?

Aah! Aah!

Wait! Wait!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

What you hit me for? No, him!

Stop! What?

What the hell y'all doing?



Get in the bathroom.

Oh, my god. Did you see that thing?

What are you doing home in the middle of the afternoon?

I got fired from my job.

You got fired? What, you can't take workin' a 9-to-5?

You got in trouble again?

No, no. I got fired 'cause I lied on my application about being convicted.

And you felt like you couldn't tell me that?

I wanted to tell you...

But kenny thought it'd be in your best interests if you just didn't know.

Kenny? You gonna listen to kenny?

What about us? It's not about us!

It's about this stupid-ass, bullshit system.

They lock you up and expect you to do something better with your life, but when you get out, there ain't nothing better

'Cause the crackers that got everything don't give you a second chance.

That white man shit is old, and I'm sick and tired of n*gg*r*s using that shit as an excuse.

Hey, hey. I'm the one who's been on 6 interviews.

6! They won't hire me.

So, what you know about being a black man, anyway?

You're right. I don't know shit about being a black man!

I'm sorry.

Look, boo, the shop is doing really well right now.

I'll just pay for our bills.

And there's a lot of people that come through there.

I'll see if anybody can hook you up with a job.

Bird...i don't need your help.

I can find my own damn job.


And stop looking at my d*ck!

[Indistinct arguing]

Man: pay in full! All right? Full!

Pay in full! Money up front!

You can't take the money before I go in!

This is so wrong! Hey, miles.

You all right? I'm 5 minutes away from the most important audition in my life, and this fool is trying to screw me over.

This is about principles.

Business is business.

You know something?

I'm gonna f*ck you up, dread man!

Oh, miles, you can help me.

Look, they got a piano up in the audition room.

Faith, I don't--

Just play anything, and I'll just dance to it.

Come on, cuz, please? This is really important to me.

I'll owe you.


[Plays slow ballad intro]

[Plays moderate tempo]

Ok, keesha, we have you down at 10:00 with stefan.

Thanks. Bye.

I knew you'd call.

Simuel. Let me take your briefcase, baby.

Come on over here.

Here we go.

I'm so glad you could make it.

There's something I wanna talk to you about.

Is that right? Yeah. Have a seat.

Why don't you let me hook up your fade?


Yeah, you know, edge you up, clean you up just a little bit.

You're looking good, but I can always make it better.

Huh. Dig that.

What's this all about...hmm?

What do you mean?

You acting like, you know, I'm big willie or something like that.

You treating me all good. What's going on?

Well, actually, i, um... I need a favor.

Ahmad: when I first saw simuel, I knew he was up to no good.

He wanted bird bad, and there wasn't nothing he wouldn't do or say to get her.

Yeah, something bad was about to happen.

It was as plain to see as all those phat suits he was always wearing.

What do you think?

You know, you got much game, bird. Much game.

I learned from you. Heh heh heh.

But what's in this for me?


Bird, where you at, baby?

I got some great news.


I found a gig.

Heh heh heh.

Yeah. Kenny called me yesterday, and told me to ask about a job at the biggest in-house printing company in town.

So I went in cold, and they didn't even know who the hell kenny simmons was.

So I knew I had to kick some game. Right.

So I told the man, next to the g*dd*mn man, that I was the best man for the job, you know what I'm saying?


So, finally, he looks at me...

Stands there,'re hired.

Right there on the spot.

Like he knew that I knew that he knew that I knew that i...was... The man. Yeah!

That's right, baby. You are the man. You're my man.

And with enough hours, baby, you know what that means? What?

We gonna get us our own place, baby.

Oh, yeah? Mm-hmm.

[Wood cracks] aah!

P.a.: James dawson, phone call, line 2.

James dawson, pick up line 2. You have a phone call.

Hey, lem, I can't believe you finished that johnson job.

I didn't expect you to finish till tomorrow.

Good job.

Thanks. Thanks a lot, man.

Hey, can you run a 4 1/2 x 9 carver?

Yeah, I can work the carver.

You sure?


Good man.

Lem harris?

Simuel st. James, chief executive of sales and marketing.

What's happening?

Yeah, how ya doing.

I've been hearing a lot of good things about you, brother.

I mean, especially the way you've been handling yourself with those machines down there.

I'm no stranger to hard work.

Ha ha. That's good to know. Cigar?

Uh, no. I don't like cigars.

Sorry. You don't mind, do you?

Uh, like I was saying, man, it's always good to, you know, have more enthusiastic, hard-working employees like yourself.

I mean, especially down there in printing.

I mean, I'm no stranger to hard work myself.

I'm like you.

You see, I'm from the hood, too.

But, you see, I make $80,000 a year because I was always willing to sacrifice whatever I had to in order to get whatever I wanted.

You see, that's why brothers got to stick together.

You know, pull one another up in a time of need.


The white man ain't gonna do it.

And sooner than you think, it's gonna be your responsibility to help another brother, just like I helped you.

What are you talking about?

Uh, I pulled some strings to get you hired.

I mean, what, you didn't know?

Kenny simmons referred me.


No. I know your wife...


Yeah. She told me about your little felony situation and asked me to hook you up with a gig down in the printin' department.

Man, me and--

Me and old cola, we, uh, we go way back.

Who the f*ck is cola?

Oh, no. Ha ha.

No, that's, uh...

That's just a little something, you know, I used to call her back in the day, you know.

Since she got that body shaped like a coca-cola bottle, huh?

I mean, she used to just...

She used to just make a brother want to scream.

You can forget about your job, m*therf*cker.

Aah! [Gasps]

I want to talk to you for a minute.

What is wrong with you?

Come here. I want to talk to you.

Why are you f*cking coming in here tripping? Get in there!

Think I'm not man enough to find my own f*cking job? I'm sorry.

You f*cking that n*gg*r? No!

What the f*ck you have to do for him, then, huh?

Ain't no man gonna give you m*therf*cking thing free!

I didn't do nothing with him.

I just told him that I was gonna go to dinner with him and that is it.

I'm sorry.

What the f*ck is this, huh? It's nothing!

What the f*ck is this?

It ain't shit but a f*cking bracelet!

This don't mean nothing.

Baby, I'm sorry.

Don't f*cking touch me!

Don't f*cking touch me!

Lem, I love you. I just did this for us.


You stay the f*ck away from me!




[Banging on door]

Bird! Bird!

Honey, it's ok, sweetie.

You can talk-- you can talk to us.

Bird, you know, your sister is out here getting ready to call somebody, and I don't want no drama here...


Open up, bird! Ohh!

Ahmad: so aunt teri was calling in cousin blimp to whup uncle lem's ass, all 'cause she thought lem had beat up bird.

Big misunderstanding.

This was one of those times you just knew things were gonna get a whole lot worse before they got any better.

That's just how it was when my aunties tried to fix each other's messes.

Hey, no g*ns. You hear me?

Man: hey, rick, give me a shot.

Hello. Maxine, is kenny there?

This is rick down at the bar.

Your brother-in-law is down here, and he's getting wasted.

I didn't know whether to call bird or not, but I think you need to send somebody down here to get him.

Hey, rick, here you go.

Ahmad: there he is... Cousin blimp.

He's one of those cousins you don't get to see much

'Cause he always spends so much time in jail.

Of all the people aunt teri could have called on to teach lem a lesson, I can't believe she called on blimp.

Let me get a couple of brews, and give my boys a couple, too.

Rick: who's paying for this, man?

He's paying.

Yeah, right, m*therf*cker.

Ha ha!

What the f*ck is wrong with you, punk?

Hit that punk!

I'm gonna blow your m*therf*cking brains out!

Should have brought my g*n.

Shut the f*ck up!


Bird: stop the car, kenny! Kenny, pull over!

Bird: lem!


Ahmad, stay in the car!

Bird: that's my husband!

Wait! That's my husband!

No, no! Bird!

Bird: wait, officer! I'm here!

Ahmad: kicking simuel's ass was one thing, but being an ex-felon and having that g*n landed uncle lem right back where he didn't want to be: jail.

We're talking serious time.

Sure enough, the family was starting to fall apart.

Bird: no!



[Music plays softly]

Teri in?

Uh, she's at the hospital.

Any change?


[Music stops]

It's beautiful.

For your cd? I don't know.

It's a little something I'm messing around with.


Any news on your audition?


Get out of here!

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Oh, yeah, I'm pretty happy about it.

I'm sure you are.

Ha ha ha ha.

I was so scared.


Ha ha ha ha.


I gave 2 weeks at my firm today.

I quit.

Man, when your cd drops, you are going to blow up.

Oh, I don't know about all that.

Let's celebrate.

Ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha.

Oh, oh.


I'm moving out this weekend.

Teri and I living under the same roof together is not working.

Teri's tough.

So you letting her run you out of here, huh?

You're damn right.

No. Besides that, I need my own space.

I'm always on the go, and I can't stay in one place too long.

And I got this new gig, so--

So you gotta go.

I don't know. It's always been like that.

But, you know, we're all cool.

There's no hostilities or anything like that.

It's just...

When it's time to go, it's time to go.

Ha. That's bullshit.

Excuse me?

Sounds like bullshit.

I mean, that's, uh, a lonely life.

You should...

Stop pretending you don't need anybody, 'cause you're just lying to yourself.

That's how I see it.

I'm going up to the studio.


[Music plays]

[Music stops]

Teri: you never know. You never know.

Ahmad: yeah.

You have to speak for yourself.


Uncle miles, we're home.

Well, he must be upstairs in the studio on the roof.

Oh, the studio. Let's go.

Oh, I love it out here, aunt teri.

I know you love it out here.

Um, we got to go.

But, aunt teri, I thought--

Back to your house.

Aunt teri--

No, let's just go back, ok?


Ahmad: I don't know why we left miles and aunt teri's house so fast or why teri was so upset all of a sudden.

All I know is she didn't say a word the whole trip.

We headed back over to my house that night.

Everybody was getting together for my mom and dad's 11th year anniversary party.

Happy anniversary!

Yeah! Yay!

[Music plays]



[Romantic music plays]

Ahmad: for a party, there sure seemed to be a lot of tension in the air, especially between teri and miles.

At one point, I think I even saw teri crying.

Not even my mama could say why.

At least my folks seemed to be getting along all right, which is always cool.

Mmm. Ha ha ha.


Uh, honey, uh, why don't you get everybody together in the kitchen so we can talk, ok?


Want to dance?

Ha ha ha.





Teri, you ok?

Are you all right?

Oh, after all these years, you and max are still together.

I still envy that.


I, uh...

I always thought that maybe if you and I had gotten married, life would be different.

Yeah, but it wouldn't.

I'd find a way to screw it up.

Teri, you can't...

What y'all doing in here?

Oh, just talking about this cake. Mmm!

It was good.

Yeah, real good.

Um, since we're all together here tonight, I feel that this is a good time to talk about mama's hospital bills.

And y'all know her insurance ain't gonna cover everything.

We're talking about it since the 5 of us are all here.

So maybe we can all pitch in, take care of this tonight? Yes.

Well, what about all that money mama has stashed somewhere?

That's just a myth, bird. Oh.


I feel that teri and miles could pay for everything, and then maybe we can pay you all back in installments or some--

Don't you start running that game on me again.

What, do you expect me to bail lem out of jail, too?

Now, come on, teri. Lem doesn't have anything to do with this, ok?

How we can pay for mama's bills is by selling the big house.


We are not selling the house.

Mama and daddy saved their whole life for that house, teri.

We can't even agree on anything as small as sunday dinners.

Nobody's paying for the taxes or the utilities except me.

And now we can finally put uncle pete in a home like we've been talking about for years.

We are not putting uncle pete in a home. Mama would k*ll us.

You are tripping. I'm selling the house.

You're not selling the house.

I am the guardian of her estate.

That means I make the decisions.

Come on, now, teri, listen to what they're saying, all right?

Your mama worked hard to keep that house in the family, for everyone, for you and your family--

Oh, f*ck the family!

The family! I let the family in my house, you know what?

The family f*cked my husband.


Yeah, faith f*cked my husband.



What are you gonna say, huh? Teri.

"Teri, what?" Can we talk about this?

Can we talk about what? f*ck you!

Teri, whoa, whoa, whoa!

[Hysterical screaming]


Let go!

Let go!

Woman: oh, my goodness.

Get out.

I'm so sorry.

Get out!

Get the f*ck out!

Oh, god.

Oh, god.

Oh, god.

P.a.: Second floor nursing station, maintenance.

In the 5 weeks big mama was in that coma, every grownup in the family managed somehow to go crazy.

I know, 'cause I just about went crazy, too.


[Clearing throat]

You were...


Weren't you?


Everybody was worried about you, but not me.

I knew you'd come around.

I love you, big mama.

The family's...

A mess, isn't it?

A lot of bad things happened while you were gone.

If you let...

Bad things stop you...

You won't be here...

For the good things.

I'm tired, baby.

My soul is tired.

I need you to do something for me.

Only you can do it.

I need you to...


Big mama, what's wrong?

Big mama.

Big mama.

Son, you're gonna have to wait outside.

It's ok, son.

We'll take good care of her for you.

Excuse me.

P.a.: Dr. Horowitz, please report to the nursing station.

Dr. Horowitz to the nursing station.

♪ Why ♪

♪ Should I feel ♪

♪ Discouraged? ♪

♪ Why ♪

♪ Should the shadows come ♪

♪ And why ♪

♪ Should my heart ♪

♪ Be lonely ♪

♪ And long ♪

♪ For heaven ♪

♪ And home ♪

♪ When jesus is ♪

♪ My potion ♪

♪ A constant friend ♪

♪ Is he ♪

♪ His eye ♪

♪ Is on ♪

♪ The sparrow ♪

♪ And I know ♪

♪ He watches me... ♪ Pulling together in times of need.

That had always been big mama's job, but who was gonna do it now that she was gone?

♪ And I know ♪

♪ He watches ♪

♪ Me ♪

Mama ain't even lukewarm in the ground yet, and that damn girl got her house for sale.

Uncle pete?

What you doing out of your room?

We going to the crick today, joe?

We can catch some trout for dinner.

Put it in the iron pot, sear it with lard or cooking oil, joe.


I'm maxine, uncle pete.

Joe's daughter.

She's gone.

She's dead.

Remember daddy used to raise hogs?

He'd gut 'em, and he'd cure the cut-up meat in brine, and...

And put 'em in the smokehouse for sausages.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Daddy's gone now.

So you got to take care of me now, joe.

That's right.

I'm gonna take good care of you.

Come on, now, uncle pete.

You want some catfish?

Look. Here she is.



We didn't order yet, 'cause we were waiting for you to get here.


What's up?

Look, teri, I know you're mad at the world for what's happened between you and miles.

I understand.

But you're taking it out on the whole family, and that's not right.


We're gonna stop the sale of mama's house.

So I went to kenny's lawyer, and I drew up a motion to cease and desist.




I'm sorry, too.

Well, teri, don't leave.

Why doesn't that surprise me?

I gotta go to the bathroom.

You ok?


Lem's gonna be a daddy.

So you're the fish in mama's dream.



Maxie, I miss him so much.

I know, bird, but you can't call your ex to help your husband find a job behind his back.

A man has to be a man, and if he feels that you take that away from him, he has nothing.

Like with mama.

You remember when daddy went and lost all that money gambling? Remember?


She didn't trip.

She just did what she had to do, and she left him with his dignity.

You see what I'm saying?

Men need that.


I guess you're right.

♪ I'm gonna be an auntie ♪ oh, god.

I just wish I could be like you.


And so does teri.

That's why she acts the way she does.

You got your own shop, and teri's got a great job at the firm.

sh**t, all I got is a husband and some kids, but they badasses.

Mama always said that you were the strongest one in the family.

I just want to say thank you for always supporting me.

You're my sister, girl.

I love you, maxie.

I love you, too.

Come here, girl.

It's gonna be all right.


Just fine.

Now we gotta get some bottles, pampers.

You ready for that?

Yeah, I guess. Get ready.

Yeah, it's teri joseph for jonathan oliver, please.

Ahmad: teri must have felt really bad about what she did to lem, 'cause the next thing you knew, she was calling in a favor from some downtown big shot.

Um, I have a favor.

And the last, yeah. The way you just pulled up and scored.


Sweet move, baby, sweet move.

Yeah, but, mama, why you always gotta be so loud?

Hey, I don't care what they say.

You my baby, and I'm proud of you.

Mama, think you can hook up a victory dinner?

Sure, baby, anything you want.

Think I could grub on some lima beans, neck bones, greens with some hot sauce, hot cakes, and some fried chicken.


All of that?

All of that.

All right.

Besides, I haven't cooked like that since...

So when you want to have this little victory dinner?


At big mama's.

You're up to something.



Boy, I carried you for 9 months, went through...

[Together] 23 hours, 45 minutes, 10 seconds of labor.

Wiped your little butt while your little dingaling pee-peed in my face.

So mama knows when you're up to something.

You're trying to get everybody together for sunday dinner, aren't you?

Big mama wants me to.

I think that's what she was trying to tell me before she died.

You liked that last shot, right?

Oh, man, that last shot was the b*mb.

Flow, you know.

Just keep doing like that, baby, and when you get older you're gonna be able to get a fat contract, right?

Buy a house. You're gonna get me a lexus, all right?

Lexus, right.

And a fur. You know what I'm saying?

Brother be like...

Guys, that sounded good, but I'm still missing a note.

Come on. Let's do it again.

Let's try it again, all right?

Here we go, here we go.

1, 2, 3, 4.

♪ Girl ♪

♪ I care about you ♪

♪ I'm there for you ♪

♪ So why don't you care ♪

♪ For me ♪

♪ Like I care about you? ♪ Good, good, better.

Yeah. Let's take a break, all right?

Right. Leave the little man to his business.

I'm glad you could make it down, shorty.

I'm glad I could, too.

It's been tough, you know?

With school and working at the shop afterwards.

I'm trying to coordinate what do do with all that loot big mama left me.

What loot?

Dead presidents?


When did she leave it to you?

The day she died.

See, I was the only one at the hospital.

And big mama told me where she stashed a lot of money none of you all knew about.

So how much money are you talking about?

Lots. I mean beaucoup.



See, faith, I was thinking.

Maybe you could help me figure out what to do with the dough.

Now, this is not the money from the will?

Aunt teri, you're the smartest in the family.

You know that's right.

If I was your son... Mmm-hmm?

Would you invest in my future? Sure.

Do the right thing for family?


See, I figure if you help me, I can give you a third.

You know, like a fee.

A fee? Yeah, a fee.

Then you could pay off big mama's bills.

So you won't have to sell the house.

And I can give you a percentage if you help me invest it.

Then maybe you can use the money to promote your new cd.

Have you told anybody else about this?

No, but I'd be willing to give you some of it.

Then you could pay off aunt teri's loan.

Why don't you tell me...

Where the money is? So let's go get it.

When would be a good time?

Sunday at 3:00...

At big mama's.

[Knife chopping food]


Ahmad: hey.


What y'all doing here?

Oh, just cooking a little sunday dinner.

All right.

Get on out the way and let the ladies handle this.

Ok, after all the hard work is done, you're gonna come in.

You can go work hard with that remote control and watch some football, all right?

I can do that. Yeah, you can.

You sure? Mm-hmm.

You don't need anything? No, thank you.

You want me to start these dumplings?

Yeah, but you watch that measuring, 'cause you know how you are.

[Whispering] I'm gonna kick your butt.

Why didn't you tell me?

Ahmad: well, this would be the test, to see if 40 years of tradition and a heap of mama's soul food could pull our family right back together again.

[Football game on television]

Hey, aunt teri, what's up?



There's a car outside.

Is your mom here?

Somebody cooking?

Why don't you go in the kitchen and see?

Ahmad: yeah. Smells in the kitchen bringing back the good old days.

Mmm, dumplings, deep-fried catfish, macaroni and cheese, and sweet corn bread.

The kind big mama used to make look like pound cake so us kids would eat it.

I just wanted the good old feelings back, too...

And so did big mama.

Hey, miles, what's up, man?

How you doing?

What's going on here, ahmad?

Uh, we having sunday dinner, man.

We got some string beans, catfish, chicken and dumplings, man, some corn bread.

I don't think I should be here.

[Door opens]

What's happening?

Hey, lem, when did you get out of jail?

What's going on?

Hey, uh...

Max: how you doing, miles?

Why don't you come on in and have a seat?

We're going to serve dinner in a minute.

What's going on in there?

We're having sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner?


I f*cked up, huh?

How's bird doing?

She's in there.

Why don't you go ask her?

It looks like a family thing going on in there.

I don't want to butt in.

Why not?

You're family.

Hey, ahmad...

I know I let you down, and I'm sorry.

But I want you to know, I ain't beat on your auntie.

I pushed her, and that was bad enough, but I didn't hit her.

I would never, ever hit a woman.

Do you believe me?

Ahmad, your mama said get upstairs and wash your hands and get ready for dinner.

I'll leave you two alone.

You're home?

Oh, baby.

I missed you so much.

I missed you.

I missed you so much. Are you ok?

I'm fine, baby.

I messed up, baby.

I messed up.

I'm sorry.

I love you.

I love you, too.

I have something to tell you.

[Knock on door]



I can't even believe she's here.


Come on.


Ahmad: hey, faith, what's up?

Ahmad, what's going on?

How come everybody's here?

We just having sunday dinner.

Sunday dinner?

Yeah, sunday dinner.

You know, we got some chicken and dumplings, some string beans, catfish, some c--

Not cool, ahmad.

I'm out of here.


Wait. Please, stay.


Ahmad: dear lord, thank you for allowing us another day on earth--

Another day to glorify your name and sanctify ourselves with your mercy.

Lord, I'm grateful that the people I love most in the world are here to celebrate life and the lessons as it unfolds.

And let one of those lessons be acceptance and love so we can be a family again and love each other like we used to.

In christ jesus' name, amen.

Amen. Amen.

Amen. Mm-mm-mmm.

It's so good to be back here.

I miss this place. I've got my favorite food.

You can't find this food anyplace...

Well, I have a surprise for everyone later, but for now, why don't we just eat?

I say amen to that.



Everybody, um...

I got my job back.

Woman: oh, that's good, lem.

Congratulations. That's great.

Yeah, they asked a brother back to work, because they know I'm a good, strong, skilled worker.

That's right.

So, how'd you get out of jail, lem?

To tell you the truth, man, I don't even know.

Somebody talked to somebody, and the charges got dropped.

Here I am.

Well, we glad to have you home, brother.

Yes, sir.

That's right. My boo is home.

Actually, I called a friend of mine at the d.a.'S office for a favor.

I felt bad.

Well, you should feel bad.

Because of you, I had to spend weeks in jail.

You should be thankful.

Now you can spend some time and take care of your pregnant wife.

You know what, teri? You need to mind your own damn business, all right?

Didn't nobody ask you for your help.

You need to be worrying about your husband and why he's sleeping with her.

Cheap. No, sit.

No, let her go if she wants to.

Teri, I'm sorry, but she's always running away.

You're family, and we're going to deal with this.

Baby, go get me some more peas and take your sister with you.

Always worrying about somebody else's business.

You need to take care of your own husband.

So, was that it, miles? I didn't take care of you?

You know, we haven't been happy for a long time now.

We used to have so much fun.

I don't know what happened.

It seems that everything I love...

I lose.

[Sets down silverware]




Good luck with mother joe's money.

M-mother joe's money? Yeah, what money?

What are you talking about?

Supposedly, mama has some large amount of money stashed someplace in the house that she was saving for ahmad, and...

That's why we're all here tonight.


Get in here. Ahmad?

Right now.

Ahmad, where's this money that mother joe supposedly left you?

There isn't any money. I made it all up.

You made it up?

Ahmad, what have I told you about lying?

You know better than that.

It's not my fault! It's all your fault!

Y'all messed up the family!

Can't you see that?

[Ahmad cries]

Big mama wanted me to get everyone together for a sunday dinner.

But I didn't know how to do that, because all y'all do is fight.

So I lied--

Lied about the money so you'd come...

So we could be a family again.

Y'all know that's what big mama wanted.


Come here.

[Cries] it's ok.

You smell that? Smell what?

Smells like it's coming from the kitchen.

You didn't mess with the stove, did you?

I'll go look.


Oh, shit! Come on!

Uhh! Uhh!

Let me get some water!


Get back! Get back!

Oh, my god!

Get back! Get back!

Look out! Look out!

Oh! Oh, whoa! Whoa! Look out!

Put it back to the stove! Come on!

It ain't going to work! It ain't working!

Oh, my god!


The house!


The house!

It's getting out of hand!

We need an extinguisher! Look for an extinguisher!





Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Oh, no.

What happened?

I don't know.


Man: ohh.

I forgot.

I left the towel on the stove.

Woman: oh, ahmad...


All: aah!

Uncle pete, are you all right?

Ooh. Just got a little on your face.

He didn't mean nothing.

This is, uh, my surprise, everybody.

Uncle pete.

Uncle pete?

[Woman laughs]

I'm--i'm sorry, man.

Look at this.

What? What?

Ho ho!

Look at all this money!

Woman: yeah!

Ahmad: big mama really did have a pile of money hidden away, and she had it stashed in the last place we'd all think to look--

Uncle pete's tv.

[All cheering]

Ahmad: now I understand what soul food was all about.

See, during sl*very, us black folks didn't have a whole lot to celebrate, so cooking became the way we expressed our love for one another.

And that's what those sunday dinners meant to us.

More than just eating, it was a time for sharing our joys and sorrows--

Something the old folks say is missing in today's families.

Things got better for my family after that.

And even though miles and aunt teri broke up, it hasn't stopped miles from coming around every now and then and filling his belly with mama's soul food.

Lem and bird are doing good, too.

They got their own place, and they're expecting that baby any day now.

My mama and aunt teri are cool again, at least for the time being.

And faith is finally a part of the family, too.

And as you can see, we didn't sell the big house.

No way, no how.

And even though we all miss big mama's cooking, laughter, and love, none of us feel like life cheated her none.

See, she accomplished all the things she set out to do--

To build a strong family with a rich tradition and to leave love in her footprints.


Big mama.

♪ You taught me everything ♪

♪ Everything you've given me ♪

♪ I'll always keep it inside ♪

♪ And you're the driving force in my life ♪

♪ Yeah-eah-eah ♪

♪ There isn't anything or anyone that I could be ♪

♪ And it just wouldn't feel right ♪

♪ If I didn't have you by my side ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ You were there for me ♪

♪ To love and care for me ♪

♪ When skies were gray ♪

♪ Whenever I was down ♪

♪ You were always there ♪

♪ To comfort me ♪

♪ And no one else can be what you have been to me ♪

♪ You will always be ♪

♪ You will always be ♪

♪ The girl in my life ♪

♪ For all times ♪

♪ Mama ♪

♪ Mama ♪

♪ You know ♪

♪ I love you ♪

♪ You know I love you ♪

♪ You know I love you ♪

♪ Mama ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Mama, you're the queen of my heart ♪

♪ You are ♪

♪ Your love is like tears from the stars ♪

♪ Your love is like tears from the stars ♪

♪ Mama, I just want you to know ♪

♪ Mama, I just want you to know ♪

♪ Lovin' you is like food to my soul ♪

♪ Lovin' you is like food to my soul ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ You are the food ♪

♪ To my soul ♪

♪ Yes, you are ♪

♪ Don't you stop it ♪

♪ Don't you stop what you're doin' ♪

♪ You don't really want to stop ♪

♪ No, you don't ♪

♪ Don't you stop it ♪

♪ Don't you stop what you're doin' ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ You don't really want to stop ♪ puff daddy: ♪ check it out, yeah, come on ♪

♪ Whether you like it hard over live guitars ♪

♪ Anything dropped ♪

♪ If it's hot, it's ours ♪

♪ If it's not, it's yours we on the job ♪

♪ Everybody eatin' everybody involved ♪

♪ You can't stop that like you can't stop rap ♪

♪ Bad boy, stop ♪

♪ What's the chance of that? We don't stop ♪

♪ So check the mansions and stacks ♪

♪ And we don't have to answer to jack ♪

♪ No wonder we had this rap shit locked ♪

♪ For 8 straight summers ♪

♪ Pull up at the party ♪

♪ 8 Straight hummers ♪

♪ 6 Be the 6th, 7th, and 8th wonders ♪

♪ Pop corks, we be the toast of new york ♪

♪ And out west, we want y'all to understand ♪

♪ All we wanna do is make you dance ♪

♪ We know the song ain't done wrong ♪

♪ When the party is hot ♪

♪ Y'all don't really want us to stop, do you? ♪

♪ Don't you stop it ♪

♪ Don't you stop what you're doin' ♪

♪ You don't really want to stop ♪

♪ Nah ♪

♪ Don't you stop it ♪

♪ Don't you stop what you're doin' ♪

♪ You don't really want to stop ♪ puff daddy: ♪ you can pump this in your jeep ♪

♪ On an off-road ♪

♪ Pump this through your bose ♪

♪ On the way to the tow ♪

♪ Bang this till you're bein' old ♪

♪ When you at home ♪

♪ On the 6-4 sittin' on chrome ♪

♪ Yo, we don't stall, we ball ♪

♪ While you playin' the wall ♪

♪ We in the middle of the dance floor ♪

♪ Gettin' off ♪

♪ We got a bunch of hot chicks ♪

♪ Gettin' live with us ♪

♪ At the end of the night ♪

♪ They gonna slide with us ♪

♪ Don't you stop it ♪

♪ Don't you stop what you're doin' ♪

♪ You don't really want to stop ♪

♪ No, baby, uh-uh ♪

♪ Don't you stop it ♪

♪ Don't you stop what you're doin' ♪

♪ You don't really want to stop ♪