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06x17 - I Believe in a Thing Called Love

Posted: 10/27/21 18:56
by bunniefuu
[KARA] Previously on Supergirl...

We're in a race against
Nyxly to find seven Totems

before she can use them
to wipe us out of existence.

[MR. MXYZPTLK] Courage, Humanity,

Truth, Destiny, Love, Dreams and Hope.

Since Nyxly arrived,
I feel like I have

been one step behind on everything.

[WILLIAM] Mysterious alien
known as Nyxly remains at large.

Are the Super Friends
prepared for this?

- What are you talking about?
- I quit.

[NYXLY] Supergirl just
destroyed the Hope Totem.

Now the AllStone will never be whole.

- What are you?
- The key to your success.

You're the key to my success?

That's right.

There you go. All-in-one
and in working order.

Also, I'm going to help you
get the AllStone.

[LAUGHS] Right.

A man dressed like a fancy banker

is going to help me collect
seven magical Totems,

one of which has already
been destroyed, by the way.

[LAUGHS] Yeah, thanks for the
assist with the suit, but I'm good.

Your own future consciousness used

the Dream Totem to manifest me here.

Surely, you trust
your own opinion of me.


Now, at the risk of breaking
the rules of time travel,

you need to know that I am
also from the future.

- Well, technically, I'm from this time...
- This is terribly boring.

But in that future,
you and I are partners.

And very good friends.

I don't have any friends.

You have one friend. Me.

And together, we're two of the

most powerful beings in the universe.

That sounds like
I got the AllStone then.

You did.

But you didn't do it in the right way.

And that turned
out to be a grave mistake.

As in fatal.

- I died?
- But lucky for you,

I was there.

I preserved your consciousness
and came back here

to help you succeed this time in a

way that will make you invincible.

Sorry I'm late.

What is Lex Luthor doing here?

You're Lex Luthor,

the madman who sent
Supergirl to the Phantom Zone.

That was some of my best work.

Do you know what I really,
really loathe?

Men who send women to Phantom Zone.

I know exactly what you are,
Lex Luthor.

I've had to deal with men
like you my entire life.

Arrogant, narcissistic, manipulative.

I can assure you we are not
and we will never be friends.

[NIA] I can't believe it.

CatCo's not gonna
be the same without you.

Being a journalist
is part of who you are.

I know, but with Nyxly still out
there, I need to stay focused.

She is the biggest threat
we have ever faced,

and there's no reason for us
to always be one step behind.

I want to draw Nyxly out
and catch her off guard.

I like it. How do we do it?

We have a plan.

Nia, Lena, Kelly, to the lab.

And I could use your help
on disarming strategies.


Oh, gosh, I'm so glad
you two are here.

Is Kelly around?

She just went to the lab
with Brainy. Why? What's up?

Oh, I don't know.
Maybe because this came in.


- Oh, my God! Oh, my God!


It's beautiful. She's gonna love it.

Uh, I forgot. Tomorrow night's
the big night, right?

Yes, it is the anniversary
of the moment

that I knew I was in love with Kelly.

Oh, I love this story.
Tell it, tell it.

Okay. okay. So we're at Al's and
everybody's there arguing about

the greatest movie
villain of all time.

And she and I both
say at the same time...

- Hans Gruber.


Who knew Al's bar was so romantic?

Yeah, and it's going to be
even more so after I set it up.

I'm thinking rose petals on
the tabletop that we shared,

and so many candles, we'll
probably break the fire code.


Esme and I gonna take all
the supplies there to Al's now,

so that it's easy to set up tomorrow.

But, um, listen, I won't be gone long,

so I can be back to help with Nyxly.

Go, go. We will let you know
when we're ready.

- Just go. Get out of here.
- Okay, okay, okay.

[SUPERGIRL] I'll call you when

we've got our trap ready for Nyxly.

[ALEX] All right, Esme,
look at this. This is Al's.

This is home to the best
karaoke night in the galaxy.

You're gonna love it.

As long as they
have mozzarella sticks.

[CHUCKLING] They do.

Hey, Al!

Hey, where you guys going
with all this stuff?

Oh. Uh, I was just dropping off
some supplies for tomorrow night.

I have kind of a romantic
evening planned.

Oh, Alex, I wish you'd called ahead.

We're booked for a private event.

You're booked?

This place has never
been booked. [CHUCKLES]

If I had known that you could be
booked, I would have done that.

If you want to make it
another night, I can easily...

They can't do it another night.

It has to be the night Alex realized
Kelly was the love of her life.

Don't you believe in love, Al?


I'm really sorry, guys.

I can't do it.


Oh, I missed you, boss.

Now, why couldn't Nyxly have
given me that kind of reception?

So what if she rejected you?

You're Lex Luthor. And
your timing couldn't be better.

Luthor Corp's returns are
through the roof this quarter.

Your mom gave me a board seat.

And the way you left
everything covered,

I think I'm the only one
who noticed you were gone.

My point is, you don't need that imp.

See, the thing about that imp is

she's the only thing I want.

Nyxly is the love of my life.

I'm sorry, what?

I know. Me? In love? [SCOFFS]

I've always shouldered
this world alone.

I've never known what it meant
to have a true partner.

Who could possibly match my
wit, my flair, my unfiltered genius?

But when I met Nyxly, I knew.
She was the one.

This was supposed to be so easy.

Come to this time,

help Nyxly get the Love Totem
before the Super Friends find it,

and then return to the future
where my Nyxly would still be alive.

I can't save her if she
doesn't trust me.

And she won't trust me
if she doesn't even like me.

And if she doesn't like me now,
how will she love me in the future?

I did not understand a word of that.

But if she loved you before,
why don't you just do that again?

You big, beautiful idiot.
That's exactly what I should do.

Okay, I won't publish anything
until after you succeed.

But how exactly
is this plan going to work?

After conferring with
the Kryptonian witch hologram,

we've deduced the next Totem
Nyxly will go after.

The Love Totem.

Using my magic,

I'm going to mimic the energy
of the Totems we already have

thereby creating a fake Love Totem,

which will be indistinguishable
from the real one.

[BRAINY] When Nyxly picks up on that
signature, she'll come for the Totem,

right to the secure
location we've chosen.

Where our team will be staked
out waiting to contain Nyxly

the minute she shows her face.

[KELLY] That kid is
really something, isn't she?

[ALEX] Yeah, she is.

We're very lucky.

Yes, we are.

You know, I knew I wanted to be a mom,

but I never imagined what it would be
like to be with such an amazing partner.

The world may throw us
a lot of curveballs,

but the one thing that I am
certain about is us.



[KELLY] It's showtime.



I see. It's a party then.


Ah! That gibberish might be able
to suppress my Totem's powers,

but you can't suppress this.





Take her to containment.






Well, this is a familiar scene.

I had them.


A trick Totem.

You'll pay for that.

Miss me, sis?

What the hell was that?

Your sister?

How could she imitate a Totem
and fool my crystal ball?

I can take a look at that for you.

Make it so it can't be tricked.

- I don't mind.
- Just because you waltzed in

at a very convenient moment
doesn't mean that... Wait.

How did you know where I was?


What is that?

Is that a surveillance drone?

Are you stalking me? Creep.

I was protecting you.

If I hadn't shown up when I did,

you would be powerless
in a prison right now.

You claim to be on my side.

But I am no closer
to finding my Totems.

So get out!

Uh, this is my home.



I love you.

You're awake.

- Thank God. How are you feeling?

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Are you okay?


I'm not the one that just got
blasted by her greatest weakness.

Lena, we just faced off with Lex.

I saw your decoy Totem catch fire.

What happened?

I thought I was done with all that

venom he brought into my life but...

When he turned up yesterday
unexpected and unannounced...

All that rage, it came...
came back all over me.

Magic is so tied to emotions and...

If I feel out of control or angry,
then my magic reflects that.

Your rage started the fire?

It's what happened to my mother.

She lost control and people got hurt.

I'm so sorry.

Just while Lex is in play
and getting in my head,

I think it's safer if
I don't do magic.

- You know, God knows who I could hurt.
- Yeah, I understand.

And you bring so much more
to the team than magic.

I mean, look how you just healed me.

Well, that was science.


Lex Luthor is working with Nyxly?

Super Friends set a trap for her,

but it failed when Lex showed up.

They escaped together.

Get me everything.

Don't eat. Don't sleep.

We're already down
one Pulitzer winner,

so this is all on you.

I want a full expose
on their nefarious plan

before anyone else gets wind of this.

Andrea, believe me,

no one wants to take down Lex
more than I do.

But you remember the trial.

We prejudged
without knowing all the facts,

and Lex used that against us
to make us look like fools.

We have to do this
the right way this time.

[SIGHS] You mean the slow way.

I need the story to put
us back on top.

And I need to be certain
it was really Lex,

and not just someone
in an image inducer.

Then I'll figure out what he's up to.

And how are you going to do that?

Infiltrate the Luther
inner sanctum somehow.

Get airtight proof he's back.


But you have until the end of today.

I will run the story of Lex
Luthor's return by tonight,

with or without your proof.

There's no sign of either Nyxly
or Lex's energy signatures.

- This is bad.

[ALEX] Hey, how are you feeling?

I'll be fine once we
find Lex and Nyxly.

Where's Nia?

She's trying to dream up their location.

How did they even meet?

We've been monitoring Luthor
Corp's chatter in the underworld

on Lex's activities.

Nothing popped.

We thought he was laying low.

He was. Just...

Just not in this century.

The expl*si*n Lex used,

that tech is from the st century.

And now Lex has his hands on it.

Wait, are you saying
Lex went to the future?

All that matters is that two of the
worst villains we have ever faced

are now working together,

and we need something
big to stop them.

We do have two weapons we
haven't considered using yet.

The Totems.

We use our Totems to take
Lex and Nyxly's courage.

Or give them humanity.

So if we do the reverse,
then it could take our humanity.

Alex is right.

The Totem's consequences
are too unpredictable.

I agree. It's too risky.

And we always said we were
going to protect the Totems.

Maybe there's a way we can use the

Totems' energy, but not as a w*apon.

At The Hague, Nyxly used
the Courage Totem as a shield.

Is there a way we can replicate that?

I can make a prototype.

We'll have to activate the
Totem to even see if it'll work.

[SUPERGIRL] J'onn and I can do that.

Brainy, you get working
on that shield.

Alex, Kelly, you two are on patrol.

If Lex and Nyxly are working together,

this city is the most
vulnerable it's ever been.


Try reversing
the Totem's energy signatures.

That should create a baseline
to repel the Dream Totem.

She's right.
That should theoretically work.

Sure. Yes, theoretically.

What if Lex is using some other
technology from the st century?

Sprock. I should have known.

The st century
is a technology nirvana.

Of course Lex would have
been drawn to that time. I just...

I just wish we knew what
he was doing in the future.

What does the Legion say?

Uh, I haven't contacted them yet.

[NIA] What?

Brainy, they would know
what Lex is up to,

and we need
all the information we can get.

I know.

But knowing things about the future

could have major consequences
on the space-time continuum.

And the last time I
acted on information

from the future, I teamed up with Lex,

betrayed my friends, and
nearly destroyed half the world.

I don't want to go down
that path again.

I understand.

All right. Well...

I'll try to dream the location
of the Love Totem.

But if you guys should have need

of my genius again, give a whistle.


So if we activate these Totems,

we should be able to use their power

to shield us from the Dream Totem.

We know the Humanity Totem
doesn't require a test to activate it.

It only affected Nyxly's humanity

because she used it as a w*apon.

So that leaves the Courage test.

Let me try this time, Kara.

You sure?

I know exactly the moment
I lacked true courage.

And while the thought of going
back to that moment terrifies me...

I think it's time.


I know that I can't
enter the gauntlet with you,

but know that I will be
beside you the whole time.

Kerr six.




No. Not this time.


[WOMAN] You have performed admirably.


Kerr six.

She was unimpressed with my heroics.

She balked at my surveillance drones.

You know, we used to have
matching tracking devices.

She got them for our anniversary.

Said nothing was more romantic than

knowing where her
Lexie was at all times.

It's so sweet to see you
like this, you know, smitten.


If I ever hear you say
that word ever again,

I'm going to implant a nano
sun eater into your skull.

Why don't you, like, just...

[IMITATES BUZZING] Brainwash her?

"I love Lexie" style.

Otis, my good man,
forcing women into loving you

is the underpinning
of a toxic relationship.

But you love toxic relationships.

Not as much as I love Nyxly.

She has made me a changed man.

And I have grown.

Then why don't you just tell her

the truth about your relationship?


You can't just tell
a woman how you feel.

- It scares them off.

Oh, one hour until the Super
Idiots find the Love Totem for real.

You gonna crash their
party again, rescue Nyxly?

No, I think this time I'm just going
to have to let the girl come to me.

But that does not mean that
I am just going to let her fail.

Hello, courier minion.
I need you to deliver

some highly-sensitive intel
to Nyxly for me.

But do not tell her
where you got it from.

[MITCH] Mm-hmm.

Oh, good. You're back.

What happened to you?

I was doing research
and a book fell on my face.


But I did read Tale of an
Object Infused with Love.

You know, maybe it's the Love Totem.

Ines De Castro,
the Corpse bride of Portugal.

The grave of famous
lovers in Portugal.


That's just what the Mxy ball said.

I know where the Love Totem is.

Hey, guys, I see it.


Oh, you didn't think
I'd let you just come in

and take such a pretty
little bauble, did you?






[J'ONN J'ONZZ] Supergirl!

It's only a nightmare
from the Dream Totem.


Where did it go?

- Mitch, now.

[BRAINY] There's no sign of the Totem.

Even the energy signature is gone.

And I'll need to fix this proto-trap

if we have any hope
of finding Nyxly in the future.

I just don't understand.
How could it just disappear?

None of the other
Totems behaved this way.

Actually, according to lore,
there are legends of it disappearing

and reappearing throughout history.

The Totem seems to seek
out love and be repelled by hate.

Well, Nyxly certainly wants it
for hateful reasons.


I'm afraid that while the
combination of the two Totems' energy

is stronger than anything I
could've created from scratch,

defensively it's a half-measure.

A Totem's energy is much more
effective when used as a w*apon.


Nyxly. What a surprise.

The Love Totem disappeared.

Do you know where it went?

- Are you asking for my help?
- Yes.

Will you help me?

It would be my honor, ma cherie.

Uh, still...

Never going to be friends, you and I.

This is strictly business.



Oh, man.

I'm so sorry, I truly thought
that shield would work.

I am so, so sorry
I wasn't there to protect you.

It's not your fault.

I was right there
with you in the decision.

It's not just that.

My courage test took me right back

to the moment that I failed
to protect everyone I love.

Only this time in the gauntlet,

I didn't let myself be
separated from my daughters.

I fought.

Fought like hell.

Fought to the death.

But I still lost them.

And when I saw you get hit
with that Dream Totem, I...

I had that same feeling
all over again.

I know what you mean.

When the Dream Totem hit me in my...

My nightmare vision
was Phantom Zone phantoms.

Hey, this is the first
time you've come

face to face with Lex
since he sent you there.

That can't have been easy.

And now with Lex and Nyxly
working together, it's hard...

It's really hard to find hope.

You know, maybe...

my test and your vision...

is trying to teach us that
we're stronger than our fears.

I can't save my daughters.

But I can save you.


My family now.

I think we should use our Totems

as weapons against Lex and Nyxly.

The combination of Lex and Nyxly is

too dangerous, and Brainy was right.

If we're going to win this w*r,
we need to use all our firepower.

I agree.

But if you use the Humanity Totem...

Kara, you could lose your humanity.

But that's a risk I'm willing to take.

And I think I know of a way
I can protect myself.

You want me to use my magic
with Lex still around?

Just to protect me from the
blowback of the Humanity Totem.

If I use it to give
Lex and Nyxly more humanity,

I run the risk of losing
some of my own.

Unless your magic can protect me.

Kara, I told you that my magic

can't be trusted with Lex involved.

When the Dream Totem hit me...

it sent me into a nightmare.

Where I was...

surrounded by phantoms.

And I was becoming a phantom too.



But then I realized...

this nightmare is showing me what I

could become without my humanity.

And I thought that
nightmare would make

me even more afraid to use the Totem,

but you know what?

I'm not afraid to become that phantom.

I've been letting Nyxly convince
me that if I stoop to her level,

I'd become a monster just
like her. But you know what?

I have something she doesn't.

This team, this family.

And no matter what happens,

I know you all will pull me
back from the edge,

which is why I need your help now.

If I use my magic,
I could end up hurting you.

You've been afraid to become
the worst version of yourself

because for so long, Lex
was the only family you had.

He wanted you to be a monster,
and there was no one around

to pull you back
when you went too far.

But he's not your family anymore.

We are.

Focus on the good.

On your real family.

Use that to fuel your magic...

and you won't lose control.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Wait a minute.
What are you still doing here?

Shouldn't you be at Al's Bar
getting all betrothed?


Al's was booked.

I know. I know.

And with Nyxly and Lex out there, I

don't know if it's
even the right time.

So you're just gonna
postpone your proposal?

Just like that?

You may not know this,
but Kelly was engaged before.

And so was I.

And the last time that I proposed,
it was totally spontaneous.

I just jumped right in there with

no planning and it just felt right.


That relationship just...



You and Kelly have one of the

strongest relationships
I've ever seen.

And if I know one thing, it's this.

When Lex Luther is around,
tomorrow is never promised.

So if you have love to give...

give it now.

You may not get another chance.

You really think you fixed
my crystal ball without magic?

This is technology from the future.

With your own future self's help, I

was able to blend
technology and magic.

- I helped you build that?
- I told you. We were quite a pair.

We made many beautiful
things together.

What was I like...

will I be like...
after I got the AllStone?

Did I get my revenge?

Oh, yes.

I didn't know you then, but it
must have been magnificent.

Every time you talked about it,
you glowed.


That's why you were more responsive to

befriending an arrogant
man such as me.

You no longer carried the weight
of you unfulfilled vengeance.


I know where the Love Totem is.

Okay, Al, I know that you said
this place was booked but...

- Surprise!
- Surprise!

Wait, you're the one who booked it?

- How did you even do this?
- Uh, I had some help.

William was in on it.

You two had the same plan. It's fate!


Oh, my gosh.


I wanted to surprise you
tonight because...

It's the anniversary of the
first time I realized I loved you.

I love everything about you.

Your passion.

And your compassion.

The way that you fight
for people that you love.

But you never let it harden you.

The way that you make space for me

to be the truest version of myself.

You are more than my love.

You are my perfect match.

And when I'm with you,
my soul feels complete.


Alex Danvers, will you...

No, no no. Wait, wait, wait.

Wait. Wait.

Look, I wanted
to be the first to do this.

Oh, crap.

What is that?

That's the Love Totem.




Get her out of here.

Let's go.


Brainy, how's Lena doing?


[BRAINY] She's getting
her emotions in check.

All right, Lena.

It's your turn.

You got this.






Why are you making all this chaos?

It's working!



I won't let you sway me
from my mission again.



J'onn, I need you!



Looks like I got here just in time.



I hit the Love Totem with all
the energy of the Courage Totem.

Do you think it still works?

It's not emitting any fifth-dimension
energy like it should be.

And, you know, it turned black.

If the Love Totem is destroyed,

does that mean all the love
in the world is diminished?

You know, I don't think all the love

in the world has been diminished.

You want to know why,

out of all the pockets
in all of the world,

that Totem appeared in mine?

It's because of how much love
I feel for each one of you.

And it doesn't go away just
because that thing turned black.

It's still here.

And I know it because I can feel it.


It's the truest love.

Come here.

Earlier today, I was so anxious

because I convinced myself that if you

and I didn't have
the perfect proposal,

that our future would be doomed.

And thinking about that, that
sounds absolutely ridiculous.

From the moment that we met...

you and I have been
surrounded by chaos.

From blackouts to black holes.

We fought monsters.

I mean, God, we even loved each

other through the end of the universe.

And not even that could tear us apart.

Kelly Olsen...

I love you

with every fiber of my being.

You are the person
that I want to watch

Die Hard with for the rest of my life.


Will you marry me?


Yes. Of course, yes.




- Oh, my God! Come on!

We're getting married!

Oh, my God.


Don't worry.

This will remove all
of the Totem's energy from you.


All done.

Your emotions are once again your own.

You had a clean shot
at the Love Totem.

And you abandoned it to save me.


Did I? I must not have seen it.

Tell me the truth.

What do you want from me?

You want the truth?

The truth is I love you.

I love you so much
that when you... died,

part of me died too.

And you don't understand.
I don't love anybody.

In fact, I hate everyone.

From a very young age, I knew I

would move through this world alone,

riding that solitary high-speed train

towards progress and greatness
all by myself.

But there you were.

This radiant, powerful being,

vibrating with your
own brilliant madness.

I never thought anyone could
match my ambition, my genius, but...

Then I met you.

In all the timelines,
in all the dimensions,

in all the universes, you...

were the only one that could match me.

But of course, you don't know
any of this, 'cause you weren't there.


You haven't met me yet,
and I sound insane.

No one has ever selflessly
sacrificed something for me

like you did tonight.

So, no, I wasn't there.


If what you say is true
and you really are here

to help me succeed...

Well, I don't see
why we can't be friends.


- Look at that.
- Top it off.

[STAMMERS] You know, I never
said drinking was allowed in here,

- but I think it's a good idea.
- Well...


Kelly! Welcome to the family.

Aww, thank you.

- Oh.

Oh, excuse me.

Would you like a Shirley Temple, Esme?



Excuse me.

So for engagement presents,
I'm thinking matching motorcycles.

What say you?


Hey, what is it?

Lex's behavior tonight...

It was irrational.

He had the Love Totem
in his grasp, and yet...

Yet he portaled away without it. Why?

I try not to get too much into
the psyche of Lex Luther.

Something changed him in the future.

We need to know more.

I don't want to make
the same mistakes of the past.

Well, you won't.

'Cause this time you
don't have secrets.

This time, you have me

and the rest of the team,
and we trust you.

You need to call the future.



There you are.
You almost missed the party.

I just wanted to take a minute
to clean up downstairs.


Uh, thank you for
taking that risk today.

You protected me
from losing a part of myself.

You always do.

Well, you protected everyone else.

Besides, it should be me thanking

you for pushing me to use my magic.

'Cause I now know for sure...

I really am free of Lex.

I will drink to that.




Thanks for meeting me.

You've reached William's phone.
Please leave a message.

William, you promised
you'd deliver, and you didn't.

If you're not going
to get me what I need,

I'll get it myself.


Thank you for fixing this.

But what does it matter if
we find the rest of the Totems?

I can't build the AllStone
without the Hope Totem.

You mean...

This Hope Totem?

I thought Supergirl destroyed that.

The thing about these Totems
is, you can destroy the shell,

but the essence
flows into something new.

Oh. Also, the Love Totem...

The Super Friends destroyed it.


[NYXLY] So you think that one
will reconstitute itself as well?

[LEX] I know it will.