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03x11 - Who Do Voodoo - Midnight MADness

Posted: 10/27/21 06:27
by bunniefuu
[siren wailing]

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

Inspector Gadget has once again shown
he's the stuff heroes,

and manly yet sensitive men,
are made of

by thwarting MAD's attempt to make
the world's biggest nickel disappear.

Thank you, but I couldn't have done it

without my old roommate
and lovely assistant,

the MADgician.

I'll get you for this, Gadget.

You haven't seen the last of me.

Nice trick, MADgician, but...

Oh, actually, nice trick.

He's gone, and already forgotten,

because, in other news,
evil mastermind Baron Von Steeltoe

has successfully stolen
the world's biggest nickel.

This has got to be a rough day
for Dr. Claw.

[glass shatters]

- [yowls]
- Next time, Gadget.

And, next time, Steeltoe.

And, next time, everybody!

[knocking on door]

[Dr. Claw] Did someone order takeout?

Um, come enter in, please?


♪ Baron Von Steeltoe is the man ♪

♪ He just completed his th plan ♪

♪ He wrote this ditty to let you know ♪

♪ When it comes to evil, it's Steeltoe ♪


♪ Who's the worst you ever saw? ♪

♪ Look no further than Dr... ♪


Curse that Steeltoe.
He has all the luck.

You mean, all the skill, right?

No, I mean, luck,
which is about to turn bad...

- [chuckles] ...with this.
- [monitor beeps]

The Cursin' Crutch.
Voodoo legends claim whoever wields it

can inflict bad luck
upon anyone they choose.

I want that crutch.

I'll bathe the world in bad luck with it,

starting with that highland hack

Now get me that stick
before your luck runs out.

[hisses, snarls]



Look out, Penny.
Walking under a ladder is very bad luck.

Go, go Gadget Bad Luck Preventer.

- [man screaming]
- [car honking, crashing]

Come on, Uncle Gadget,
there's no such thing as luck, just skill.

And if I remember right,

we're celebrating ours
with victory ice cream.

- Boo-yah!
- [doorknob rattles]

- Huh.
- Closed?

Now that's bad luck.

No, it's MAD luck.


MAD's headed to New Orleans
to steal the Cursin' Crutch,

a voodoo relic said to cause bad mojo.

With it, Claw could curse world leaders,
throwing countries into chaos.

This message will self-destruct.

We'll need all the luck we can get.

Too bad I only have
one lucky rabbit's foot.

There's no such thing as luck,
good or bad.

It's fortunate we ran into you, Chief.

Maybe you should keep this ball
for good luck.

- [beeping]
- [gasps]


Four-leaf clovers, size horseshoes,

cereal boxes
full of freeze-dried marshmallows,

dehydrated dog ears.

- [yelps]
- Wowzers.

It could take all night
to find these lucky charms.

All I need are my spy skills.

No way anything's getting stolen

from the Metropolitan Museum
of All Things Voodoo.

Mes amis, I think your luck,
she's about to run out.


The Crutch must be here somewhere.

Along with loads of lucky charms.

Go, go Gadget Flashlight.


Brain, help Uncle Gadget
stay out of trouble.

Hopefully, I'll be lucky enough
to stop MAD.

- [groans]
- [chuckles] It's a figure of speech.

Let me guess, Talon. So predictable.

- [Talon] Predictably handsome.
- [gasps]

[grunts] Huh?

If you're here,
then who's stealing the Crutch?

It's not me. Well, at least not yet.

- Oh...
- [Penny] You stick around,

while I find out.


- [thud]
- [groans] Ouch.

Freeze, crutch snatcher.

Ah, bonsoir, ma petite.

I am...

Le Baron Mercredi, at your service.

Hey, what...? How? Where? Uh...

Hey, bonehead,
I called dibs on stealing the Crutch.

Monsieur Talon.
This is a party now, eh? [laughs]

- Wait, how do you know who we are?
- The Baron knows all.

And I know this day
is not your lucky one, petite.

[scoffs] That the best you got?

Newsflash, curses aren't real,
except for the ones

- you're gonna be shouting in jail.
- [fabric tearing]

My pants!

[fabric tearing]

- [fly buzzes]
- [laughs] Ugh.

Désolé, amis.

I got me a Gadget to curse.
And I'll curse him good, eh?

[clicks, clunks]


[tracker beeps]

What the...? The Crutch actually works.
We're cursed.

These are just coincidences,

like how it's a coincidence
that I brought backup pants.

Yeah, so lucky

that you found the most ugmo pants
in the entire world.

[laughs, gasps] My hair.

Cheer up, Talon,
I got a tracker on the Baron.

- [bracelet beeps]
- [Dr. Claw] Any luck?

Bad luck, I've got gum in my hair.

Oh, and someone stole the Crutch
before I could get my hands on it.

What? Didn't you call dibs on it?

Well, you better steal it back
or you'll need that Crutch for real.



Oh, curses.

These voodoo masks certainly are charming.
But are they lucky charming?


Brain, keep your eyes peeled.

Our mysterious thief
is near your location.

Now this one looks lucky.
In fact, it looks all around.


Gadget, mon ami.

I must say,
I have waited for this day a long time.

And now here this day is.
Isn't that lucky for the both of us?

Désolé, mon ami Gadget,
but your luck, she's all gone.

Not all gone, Mr. Colorful Local.

Go, go Gadget Rabbit's Foot Presenter.


That's unfortunate.
Without my lucky rabbit's foot,

we'll really need
to find those lucky charms.


The tracker's almost out of range,
but I've totally got him.

- As long as nothing gets in my way!
- [camera clicks]

[laughs] Look at the local
and her crazy pants.

I just love
these zany New Orleans outfits.

But how come you're not wearing
Mardi Gras beads?

- [camera clicks]
- Or feathers?

- [camera clicks]
- And why aren't you on a float?

Please move. I need to...

[groans] Lost signal.

- Lucky I found you, Pen.
- [whip cracks]

[both] Whoa! [grunts]

- Of all the lousy...
- It has nothing to do with lu...

Look, they even walk different
down here.

[chuckles] This city's magical.

It may be slow going,

but stepping on cracks
could be really bad luck.


[Baron laughs]

Sorry, Brain.
I can't go any faster, unless...

Oh, good thinking, me.

Go, go Gadget Crack Filler.

- [groans]
- [Baron laughing]

Ah, Gadget,
luck is not on your side this day.

Oh, it's that friendly
colorful local again.

Tell me, can you see
any lucky charms from up there?

Go, go Gadget Lamp Post Climbers.

- Wowzers!
- This is better

than any fancy street parade, huh?

Revenge is finally mine!


- [grunts]
- [groans] Ow.

I'll never find the Crutch

if I'm busy protecting
my perfect face from this curse.

There's no such things as curses.

We just need
to keep our eyes open and...

[screams] Ow.

Okay, let's just pretend
there is such a thing as a curse.

Why would The Baron
wanna curse Uncle Gadget so badly?

Who hates him more than Dr. Claw?

Uh, anyone who's ever experienced
his "magical" personality?

Magic? That's it!

I know who The Baron is.

Find Gadget, find The Baron,
find the not actually Cursin' Crutch.

That's not luck, it's supaskillz.


- Ow.
- [grunts]


Ooh, lucky stars.

- [Baron] This has been fun.
- [gasps]

But time to end your bad luck, mon ami,

by ending you with double-bad mojo!

- No!
- No!

Ah, mes petites, just in time.

Aha, a lucky penny?
That's the most frugal of all charms.

Go, go Gadget Penny Pinchers.


[gasps] My old roommate,
the MADgician?

No, the Crutch
was supposed to destroy you.

The MADgician's the Baron?

I never would've guessed that
in a million...

Uh, I mean, I totally knew it was you.

Now get ready to be known
as The SADgician. [laughs]

No, no, no, I can't be cursed.

- [lightning crackles]
- No.

- [lightning crackles]
- [screams]

Ready to be even unluckier
than that burnout, Penny?

Like I said, I don't believe in luck.

But I do believe in Brain,
who's right behind you.


Ow! Whoa.


Not that it's real,
but better not push our luck.

Congratulations on keeping
the Cursin' Crutch out of MAD's hands.

Now all we have to do is get it back

to the Metropolitan Museum
of All Things Voodoo in one piece.

- Uh, MAD did it?
- [sighs]

[groans] Big surprise.
You failed again.

Want to know what my curse is? You.

[knocking on door]

♪ Von Steeltoe will tell the tale ♪

♪ Of how Claw once again has failed ♪

- [gasps]
- [beeping and clicking]

[Dr. Claw] Next time, Steeltoe!

[both laughing]

[Dr. Claw] Soon, the moon
will bring the doom.

A prune spoon is a boon I croon.

- [Dr. Claw] Buffoon.
- [shrieks]

My loony plan is not to be mocked.


[gasps] You're giving everyone moon tans
until they get moonburns?


What's terrifying is

how I'm going to drive everyone
in Metro City mad with fear using...

- Pictures of MADcat after a bath?
- [snarls]

- No.
- Pictures of you after a bath?

Everyone knows
I'm a shower man, Talon. [scoffs]

I'm going to drive everyone mad
using my Moon MAD-ifier.

When the moon rays converge,

anyone bathed in the lunacy light
will be faced with their darkest fears.

It will shatter minds
and Metro City will crumble like, uh,

like, uh, a really scared cookie.

No one does MAD like Claw, am I right?

I'm just impressed you found a way
to get people to fear you.

- [Dr. Claw] Everyone fears me.
- Whoa.

[Dr. Claw] And they'll fear you too
when they see you wearing this.

The foil deflects the rays.

I can't wear this.
It will give me hat hair.

This plan really does bring out
peoples' worst fears.

Go and spread my Moon Madness.


What a beautiful night
to take Brain for a walk.

See a hydrant and/or tree
that you like, boy?

The world is your oyster,
a toilet bowl shaped oyster.


[grunts] I should've
spent tonight training.

Even one night off could put me behind.

And if I fall behind,
I might never make full agent.

And if I never make full agent,
I'll be a joke.

They'll all laugh at me.

No, Penny, they'll laugh with you.

They'll all point and say,

[chuckles] "That Penny
is such an amazing junior agent,"

like I'm doing now.


Don't let nothing but fear
stop you, Penny.

Every agent should take time
to smell the roses,

catch some R&R and take in the...

Wowzers, look at that moon.

Go, go Gadget Telescope.

Fascinating. There really is
a man in the moon,

and he looks exactly like the chief.

Someone call Science and tell them.

[sighs] It's me, Gadget.

Wowzers, Chief, you really made me jump.

If you thought that was scary,
MAD's new plan will terrify you.

MAD has created a device

that will concentrate moonbeams
into rays of pure lunacy.

Fears will appear real,
driving everyone cuckoo-cuckoo.

Your mission... destroy the device
before Metro City goes mad.

This message will self-destruct.

They're going to turn the good people
of Metro City into MAD agents?

Those lunatics.

Don't be frightened, Chief.
I'll knock this one out of the park.

- [beeping]
- [gasps]


Whoa, k*ller Tree IV
was the scariest movie ever.

Nothing's more frightening
than k*ller trees.

Nuh-uh, Return of the Mutant
Sewer Gators VI was way scarier.

The scariest movie
hasn't even premiered yet.

It's called Y'all About to Get Cray-Cray.


[deep-voiced cackling]


The k*ller trees are real!

Eat her!

It's only our second date! [screams]

- [laughing]
- [beeps]

Seriously? You are such a...


[girl] Mutant sewer gator!


[laughs] This is gonna be
the best night of my life.

Huh? Now that's scary.

- Nah.
- [beeps]

[Gadget] If MAD can turn anyone
into a MAD agent,

does that include me too?

- [people screaming]
- Don't panic, folks.

I was just speaking hypothetically.

Someone's controlling that beam.

If I can triangulate the coordinates,
I can find the source.

Brain, help Uncle Gadget keep people calm
while I try to stop this MAD madness.

[Gadget] Wowzers,
the moon sure is bright tonight.

- [groans]
- Go, go Gadget Moonglasses.


[distorted] What's wrong, Brain?
Need a hand?


Brain, where are you running off to?

[gasps] Oh, no.

He must've been turned into a MAD agent
and he doesn't want to be caught.

Come back, Brain!
I have to arrest you for your own good!

Go, go Gadget
Emergency Dog Retrieval Protocol.

- Whaaa!
- [yelping]

[people screaming]

Giant bloodsucking bats!

Tiny bloodsucking baseball bats!

[both screaming]

Hah! That guy's face was the best.

- [bracelet beeps]
- [Dr. Claw] Talon.

Has my Moon MADifier
maddened Metro City?

It's actually working.
They're tearing the city apart.


Talon? Of course.

- [grunts]
- [shrieks]

Didn't anyone tell you scaring people

is only for horror movie directors
and dentists?

Oh, it's... [chuckles]
it's just you.

Hope you're ready
to go loony-toony, goonie.

- Says the guy in the tinfoil hat.
- [beeps]

- What the hat?
- [beeping]


[whip cracks]

Scared, Pen? You should be.


[grunts, groans] Uh-oh.

Okay, now I'm scared.

[tires screeching]


[distorted] I'll get you.

[groans, yelps]

I'll get you help, Brain.

Go, go Gadget Helping Hand.




[groans, grunts]

[door slams]

So, what does the fearless Penny fear?

Snakes? Flossing?

Terrifyingly handsome villains? [laughs]

Fear is all in the head.

And unlike yours,
mine came with a brain in it.

You're going down, Talon.

- Ooh, I'm scared, and so are you.
- [beeps]

You shouldn't have taken
the night off, Penny. [echoing]

You've fallen behind.

It's not real.

[echoing] You spent too much time
smelling the roses.

Go, go Gadget Laugh At Your Failure.


Fight it, Penny.

No. Stop. Stop laughing at me.

Stop laughing. [screams]


[sighs] Oh, man,
the memories I've made tonight.


- Now where did Brain get off to?
- [Brain yelping]

- Hmm, Brain sounds like he's in distress.
- [yelping]

Probably because
he doesn't know how to use a toilet.

- [door rattling]
- [yelps]

[door rattling]

[distorted] Enjoy your bathroom break
before I break you, Brain!

- Brain?
- [yelping]

Hmm, I'll need something to unlock this.

Ah, yes.

Go, go Gadget
Little Thing that Opens Doors.


[Penny screaming]



Stop laughing! Stop!

Sorry, I can't. It's too funny.




[Gadget] There's no need
to be scared.

Every agent should take time
to smell the roses.

[echoing] Smell the roses...
Smell the roses... Smell the roses...

Smell the roses. Exactly.

Don't be scared.
Fear is only in your head.



Hey, no fair.
You're supposed to be cowering in fear.

The only thing I'm cowering from
is your overly-styled hair.


I'll have you know
my hair is perfectly styled.

- Just for that you're going full cray.
- [beeps]

- [grunts]
- Uh-oh.


[distorted] Here's Gadget...

- [normal voice] To help you...
- [distorted] never sleep again!

[normal voice] ...without the knowledge
that I'll always be there...

[distorted] To hear you scream!

[normal voice]
Go, go Gadget Doggy Extractors.


[metal clanks]


- [grunts]
- Bye.

- [groans]
- [electricity crackles]


My lustrous hair!

My manicured eyebrows!

I'm a bald monster, a baldster!


I'd scream too if I saw that
every time I looked in the mirror.

[Brain yelps]

Penny, restrain Brain.
He's been turned into a MAD agent.

Uh, Uncle Gadget,
I think he's okay now.

Well done, Gadget.

You've beaten back the madness
and put Claw's evil plans on the run.

Well, I'm just glad we brought Brain back
from the brink of MAD.

But just to be sure, it's back
to obedience training for you, mister.

Go, go Gadget Dog Leash.



- [yelps]
- Wait, Brain! Your lessons!

[Dr. Claw] Next time, Gadget.



