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03x03 - MAD Money - Baking Bad

Posted: 10/27/21 06:23
by bunniefuu

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget, Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

You can't evade the long arm of the law.
Inspector Gadget is always on duty.

The next mummy you'll see is your own...
when she visits you in jail.


- [Brain] Eh.
- [Quimby] Congratulations, Gadget.

You saved the world again.

All in a day's work, Chief.

I must say, you are an odd little man.

[clears throat] I'm right here.

Oh, not your best disguise, Chief.

Yes, well, HQ had to cut back
on some expenses

to pay for what happened to the Sphinx.

And for the other, um...
[clears throat]

...incidents that have occurred
on some earlier missions.

Well, you can't put a price
on saving the world, right?

Apparently, you can.
And it's bankrupting HQ.

I'm sorry, Gadget,

but until HQ can come up with more funds,
you are officially sidelined.

[both gasp]

[triumphant music playing]


Not to worry, Chief.

I'll raise the money and be back at work
before you can say,

"Go, go, Gadget, G-portal."


HQ had to turn off the quantum flux array
to pay for the Sphinx.

The G-portal won't work anymore.

No problem.
We'll just take the long way home.

Go, go, Gadget,
alternate mode of transportation.

[Penny screams]

[Quimby grunts]

[Penny grunts]

[gasps] Oh!


My plan would have succeeded
if it weren't for our money troubles.

I mean, how can I see what's going on
with all this cash in the way?

- [cash register dings]
- [screams, groans]

Ugh, I know!

It's like how sleeping on huge piles
of money sounds good in theory,

but, ugh, it's k*ller on the back!

- [groans]
- [bones crack]



If only we could destroy HQ and make room
in the treasure vault at the same time.

But how to k*ll
two illegally-imported exotic birds

with one semi-precious stone?

Well, I have been meaning
to level Metro City with a giant robot.

- This isn't a low-rent operation, Talon.
- They literally cost billions of dollars.

The only way they could cost more
is if they were made of solid gold.

- Solid gold, eh? I'm listening.
- [wheezes, gags]

I have just the thing to get me
back on the job in no time.

Ta-da! You know the old saying.

"When life tells you you've caused
too much collateral damage,

make lemonade.

Um, are you sure
that's gonna be enough, Uncle Gadget?

Of course I am, Penny.

No one can resist
a cold glass of lemonade.

Especially when it's made
with my secret ingredient,

a cluster b*mb...

[both gasp]

...of extra lemons!

- [gasps]
- [expl*si*n]

Someone's destroying Metro City.
And it's not Uncle Gadget!

Brain, stay and help with the fundraising.

I'm gonna check it out.

Hmm. Needs more zip.

[people screaming]


Don't be jelly of my MAD money-bot, Pen,

just 'cause it's the ultimate
in comfort and destruction.

The cockpit's lined with endangered teak,

the outside's made
of smelted gold artifacts,

and the whole thing runs
on priceless paintings.




Ugh, your taste in robots
is almost as tacky as you are.

Thanks! Hey, word is HQ's broke,

so I thought
I'd give it a cash injection...

with my coin cannons!


- [screams]
- [glass shatters]

I've always thought
this city could use some change.

[laughs] Change!


Get your fresh lemonade!

Made from all natural lemons
and experimental chemicals I found

in Professor Von Slickstein's fridge!

- [expl*si*n]
- [crowd gasps]

Hmm, no one's buying...

because we don't have a mascot.

We'll need one
that's cute, lovable, and friendly

but still strong and courageous.

Hmm. You're perfect! what I'll say to that mascot
when I see it.

- [sighs]
- Lemonade!

Get your fresh lemonade!



That mascot must be
from a rival chicken-ade stand.

We can't compete
with emulsified poultry beverages.

Get off my turf, you turkey.

Go, go, Gadget, chicken coop!


[Brain screams]

Brain, while you were off being lazy,
I took care of the competition.

The customers should roll in now.

Sweet mercy, Gadget!

Please, find something else to do
before this lemonade stand breaks HQ.

No problem, Chief.

Seems a shame to let all this lemonade
go to waste, though. Want the rest?



[coins clinking]


- [whirrs]
- Hmm. Outta change.

Hey, Penny, can you break a billion...

before it breaks you? Ha!

You'd think, with all that money,
you could afford better jokes!


- [beeping]
- [Penny] Aha!

The money-bot's wiring is pure platinum,
which is super gaudy,

but comes with a weakness
to ion pulses. Ha!

Professor, I need your help.

And I'd love to Penny.

Just one teeny problem.
I work for MAD now.

- Wha...?
- Yeah.

HQ couldn't pay me anymore.

On the bright side,
purple totally brings out my eyes.

Oh, BT-dubs, I just gave
your location to Talon.

- [groans]
- [footsteps approaching]

So, how 'bout it, Pen?

Wanna stop living in spy squalor
and join MAD?

We could be partners.

I'll pass.

That was a poor decision.
Get it? Ha! Poor!


Think you can hide from me, Penny?

That's rich! Unlike you.

[chuckles] Snap!

[tires screech]

Delivering pizza is a great way
to raise some cash for HQ.

[tires screech]

Oops, we're running late.
Go, go, Gadget, race car.

[engine revs]

- [tires screech]
- [car honks]

[Brain whimpering]

Wowzers! There sure are
a lot of bad drivers on the road.

- [honking]
- Maybe we should try a shortcut.

- [tires screech]
- [car honks]

- [glass shatters]
- [woman screams]

[elevator dings]

- [elevator music playing]
- [people screaming]

[woman screaming]

- [elevator dings]
- [man screams]

- [tires screech]
- [whimpers]

[people screaming]

[car beeping]

Got here just in time.

Hiya, Chief! Did you order a pizza?

[people screaming in distance]

- [laughs]
- [growls]


Okay, HQ's cost cuts mean
I may not have access to their weapons,

but I can still beat this bot.

I just gotta get up there.

[screams, groans]



Finally hit rock bottom, Penny?


Access denied?

- [beeping]
- Payment overdue?


What we have here
is an embarrassment of riches,

in that you've got the embarrassment,
and I've got the riches.


I really hope Uncle Gadget's close
to getting all the cash he needs.

♪ Hey, diddle, diddle
The cat and the fiddle ♪

♪ The dish ran away with the spoon ♪

♪ And was promptly brought to justice ♪


Ah, busking.
It puts the "fun" in "fundraising."


Sing along, everybody!

- Gadget.
- Hiya, Chief!

Great disguise!

It's not a disguise, Gadget. I'm broke.

This is my last quarter.

- Wowzers! We better protect it, then.
- [playing sad music]

Go, go, Gadget, piggy bank.

That was my bus fare home.

That's a great title for a song, Chief.

♪ That was my bus fare home ♪

♪ Take me home ♪


Ha! Hope you have fire insurance!

And I hope you've got robot insurance

'cause I'm gonna hack that bot
with my old computer book.

Ha! You guys must really be broke
if you're using that old tech.

Oh, this'll work just fine...

[dialing, beeping] soon as I connect to the Internet.

Well, Pen, before you're flat broke,

here's a quarter.

Buy yourself something nice!

We have a fan?

I'd better make sure
this performance is worth it.

- [guitar thuds]
- Go, go, Gadget, amp that goes to .

[rock music playing]



[screams] What's happening?

I'm too rich to fail!

[screams, groans]

I knew we shouldn't have used
Ming vases to hold the joints together.

Congratulations, Gadget!
You stopped the MAD money-bot!

Well, that does sound
like something I would do.

And, because of its MAD-money weaponry
and solid gold structure,

we have enough to reopen HQ.

- [cash register dings]
- Welcome back, Gadget.

Happy to help, Chief.

But, since my fundraising was
such a success, why stop here?

Let's have a bake sale.

Go, go, Gadget, convection oven.


Hey, Uncle Claw.

How 'bout sending the MAD plane
to give me a lift?

Ooh, sorry.

After your failure with the money-bot,
we're gonna need to tighten our belts.

What? We're broke?

No, I'm just cutting you off.

[tires screech]

[sighs] Do you accept
million-dollar bills or rubies?

Exact change only. Rich weirdos.

[tires screech]


[gasps] Hey, Professor.
Is it HQ inventory day? Do you need help?

Yes and no, Penny.

It is inventory day,

but instead of counting
all of these obsolete

but still spectacularly dangerous weapons,

I've been using my invisibility spray.

It disappears unwanted clutter.

Now, I can get rid
of this de-commissioned warhead...

Huh? This electro-taser...

this ice blaster...

and this old catapult.



Yeah, watch the invisible bear trap.



[glass shatters]

Bad dog, Brain. You're always in the way.

Hi, Uncle Gadget. Wanna help
Professor Von Slick clean up?

Inspector Gadget is always here
to help. Let me get a mop.

Hiya, Chief. I'm sorry to interrupt
your bath, but we need this bucket.

No, Gadget, there's no time for cleaning.
You've got a mission.

HQ needs you... to take my cousin's
Sweetie Scout troupe on a tour.

Be warned, they're dangerously adorable.
This message will self-destruct.

Chief, it just so happens
I'm a registered Sweetie Scoutmaster.

Remember the camping trip
I took your old troupe on, Penny?


[Gadget] How about a campfire song?
Go, go, Gadget, bagpipes!

- [bagpipes playing loudly]
- [girls screaming]

The screams still haunt me.

So, when does the tour start?

Actually, Penny, Professor Von Slickstein
needs you for a top secret mission.

Really? Phew!

Not that I don't wanna go
on one of your amazing tours, but...

I can't wait to give those scouts a tour
they'll never forget, Chief.

Oops! Just about forgot this.

A Sweetie Scout always puts things

- back in their proper place.
- [beeping]


[Claw snoring]

- [laughs]
- [gasps] Talon!

- Whoa!
- Get your hands off

my Sweetie Scout cookies.

Can't I have one? You've eaten, like,
a billion of them. Look at this place.

You can have one cookie after you get
your hands on HQ's new invisibility spray.

Invisibility spray?
Think of what I could do.

- Mess with Penny, destroy Penny.
- Silence!

Invisibility will be
the ultimate advantage against HQ.

And it will hide my lair
from those infernal Sweetie Scouts

and their irresistible cookies.

[doorbell rings]

Cookies. Cookies.

Oh, I mustn't succumb
to their oatmeal raisins of deliciousness!

Stay strong, Claw!

You know you could just
not buy the cookies, right?

You obviously don't know
what "irresistible" means.

Now, get me that spray!

Fine, just let me grab my spy gear.

No need.

I found a way to infiltrate HQ
even you can't mess up.

There's no way this is going to work.

[doorbell rings]

Hello, Sweetie Scouts.

Chief Quimby was right.
You are dangerously adorable.

You must be here for the tour. Follow me.

So, you need me
to test your new invisibility spray?


Is that the top secret mission
Chief told me about?


Your amazing mission,
which I cannot oversell enough is...

Drumroll, please!

...baking for the HQ bake sale. Yay!


Don't you think
you should use my super talents

for something cool
slash secret agent related?

Sure. What about
a top secret agent related day of...


Ugh, fine.

How hard can it be
for Agent Awesome At Everything She Does?

That's my code name.

Penny, you know we don't get
to pick our own code names.


Right this way, scouts.

We're deep inside the bowels of HQ,
which opened in .

- It was designed...
- Listen.

First, we get rid of Gadget.
Then, we get the invisibility spray.

Follow me, scouts.


Welcome to the HQ lunchroom,
Sweetie Scouts.

[computer voice]
Entering HQ Weapons Depot.


Who wants ice cream?


Mm. This ice cream machine's on the fritz.

[all screaming]

No matter. Go, go, Gadget,
small appliance repair kit.


I see you've wasted no time
earning your ice sculpture badge.

Excellent job and very realistic.

Now, on with the tour, troupe.

[oven timer dings]

That pie is bewitching!

Okay, sure,
that's pretty good for a dog.

- But what about mine?
- Uh...

You're speechless? Wow.

You're embarrassing me.

The only thing embarrassing you
is that ugmo you call a pie.

[flies buzzing]

Okay, sure.

But it's, um, what's on the inside
that counts, right?



HQ may be a workplace,
but it's also a fun place.

That's why we have this playground.

Go ahead, scouts, enjoy.


Ah, the heartwarming sound
of children playing.


[screaming continues]

Onwards, troupe.
There's still a lot of ground to cover.

- Go, go, Gadget, spring shoes.
- [yelps]


Okay, I admit it's taking me longer
to master baking than most things...

[timer ringing]

...but I've totally nailed these.


We might actually be able
to bring these to the bake sale.

Cheer up! At least, we won't be able
to see your big pile of failure anymore.

[tray clatters]

Welcome to the HQ training simulator!

Uh, weren't there more of you?

I guess being a Sweetie Scout
isn't for everyone.

I know what every Sweetie Scout loves.

- Fishing!
- Say what now?

run fishing simulation number four.

[computer voice]
Running fishing simulation four.

Danger level: extreme.

Ah, the joys of a relaxing day
at the ol' fishing hole.

Go, go, Gadget, something to sit on.

[screams, grunts]

[chuckles nervously]

I've finally mastered this baking thing.

Feast your eyes on this!

[sighs] I'm usually good at everything.
Why is this so hard?

You know, I've been asking myself
the same thing.

- Why is...
- [clangs]

- ...this pie...
- [clangs]

- hard?
- [clangs]

Come on, Sweetie Scout.
There's still so much more to see.

- [groans]
- Talon! What's the holdup?

- [doorbell ringing]
- Uncle Claw,

his isn't as easy as it looks.

- Give me a break!
- What?

I can't hear you
over the Sweetie Scouts at the door.


- [doorbell ringing]
- Stop dilly-dallying

and get my invisibility spray!

Okay. Get the spray and get out.
You can do this.

- Do what?
- Uh... do... do...

Doo-doo? Of course!

A good Sweetie Scout
always answers when nature calls.

The bathroom's that way.

[toilet flushes]


Brain! You look terrible!


And you smell even worse.

You need a bath.

And who better to give it to you
than a Sweetie Scout

who needs to earn
her Canine Cleaner Badge?


Help me catch him, scout.
Go, go, Gadget, dog net.

[Talon] I hate this!


- [sighs]
- [hammer clangs]

- Sorry, Brain, I...
- [whimpering]

Wait, MAD's here?

[Gadget] Wowzers!



Hiya, Penny. Would you help
this Sweetie Scout give Brain a bath?


You look adorable!

No, I look amazing.

Which is more
than I can say for your baking.

I wouldn't feed that to my worst enemy,
which is you! Ha!

No, but I would. Food fight!


Penny, is that any way
to treat a fellow scout?

I might have to revoke
your Courtesy Badge.

And I'm going to revoke
your Consciousness Badge! [laughs]

Oh, I haven't heard of that badge.


- Chew on this, Talon!
- Huh?

Hi-yah! Whoa!

No, thanks. I'm gluten-free.

[both groan]

- Ow!
- That's the de-commissioned warhead.

- [screams]
- That's the electro-taser.

- [screams]
- That's the ice blaster.

Whoa! Whoa!

- [screams]
- And that's... the old catapult.



[laughs] I win!

With this invisibility spray,
you'll never see MAD coming.

[laughs] Hey!

Bug spray? Good thinking, scout.
You can never be too careful.

Not me! How am I going
to admire myself in the mirror now?

What is the point of me
if I can't see me?


That's the last we'll see of Talon.

Penny, what did you do... make this pie?

Say what now?

It's the hardest material ever created!

Who needs a bake sale when you've stumbled
onto the building material of tomorrow?

Oh, you really are amazing
at everything you do!

Congratulations, Gadget.
You've foiled MAD's plans once again.

I have no idea
what you're talking about, Chief,

but a Sweetie Scoutmaster always knows
when to take a compliment.

So, thank you.

Talon failed again.
Why do I keep that fool around?

- [doorbell ringing]
- [Talon] I'm invisible and I can hear you!

- [doorbell ringing]
- I know.

Next time, Gadget. Next time!