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03x02 - Drone of Silence - Growing Like MAD

Posted: 10/27/21 06:22
by bunniefuu
[siren wails]

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Mozzarella mio ♪

♪ Sta pericolo ♪

I get that the opera
has everything I love.

Romance, costumes,
people singing instead of talking.

What I don't get is why I don't get it.

♪ Formaggio ♪

♪ Mozzarella mio ♪

♪ Sta bellissimo ♪

- ♪ La trattoria ♪
- [sighs]

Penny! Brain! It's an emergency.

Is MAD invading with a robotic land-shark?

- [alarm beeping]
- Or did you set fire to the bathroom?

Yes to the bathroom.

But the real emergency is recording
the perfect voicemail greeting

for my newly updated Gadget-phone.

Does anyone even use voicemail anymore?

[phone rings]

Ah! My first call.

- [phone beeps]
- Hiya, Chief! You're on speaker phone.

Say something funny.

I would, Gadget, but your latest mission
is no laughing matter.


MAD is using drones of silence
to mute opera.

HQ believes it's the first step
to silencing the world.

Your mission... head to the world famous
Opera House in Australia.

- That's right. Perth!
- Huh?

You must protect Sheila Chanson,
the last opera singer with a voice.

[barking excitedly]

This message will self-destruct.

This mission is of the utmost importance.

If people can't talk,
how will they leave me voicemails?

Go, go, Gadget, G-portal.



Uh, how 'bout we take the Gadget-mobile?

My drones of silence are a silent success!

First opera singers, then the world.


You know, MAD could
just silence everyone at once.

So, why target the opera?

And why does MAD Cat
get to pilot all the drones?

Because she's the one
who had the piloting lessons.

As for the opera, I hate it!

It makes me... feel things.

Fine, but let's return
to the cat piloting the drones for a sec.

If you really want this job done right,

you should let a brilliant
and disturbingly handsome agent like me...

Let me do this, not MAD Cat!


Very well. You can control one drone,
while MAD Cat prepares the rest.

But if you fail to silence
Sheila Chanson within the hour,

all control returns to MAD Cat!


[loud crash]

Ah, Australia... Home to of the ten
deadliest animals in the world.

[Brain groans]

And amazing acoustics,

making it the perfect place
to record my voicemail greeting.

- [phone beeps]
- You've reached Inspector... [coughs]

Excuse me.
Go, go, Gadget, glass of water.

- [groans]
- Inspector Gadget!

Wowzers! I didn't know
Vikings had invaded Australia.

This changes history as we know it.

Sheila Chanson?


Well, I'm just happy as a roo to see you.

The pleasure is all mine, madam.

I assure you, you're safe in my hands.

It's an honor to meet you, Ms. Chanson.

I'm a big fan... or, at least,
I'm trying really hard to be.

Now, I've got me the best protection
down under, Inspector Gadget!

So, push off, you yobbos!

I may be the world's
best inspector, detective,

bodyguard, and lawn bowler,

but I still need a little help
with some things.

Like recording voicemail greetings.

Would a voice expert extraordinaire
such as yourself

mind giving me some pointers?

Oh! That would be completely...


There's nothing mad about it, Penny.

Ms. Chanson's a world-class singer,

who's really excited
to get started with the voice lessons.

I love the smell of my own awesomeness
in the morning.


Brain, stay here.

I'm gonna make Talon sing sweet surrender.

What's that? You want me to look inside
the mouth of a professional?

What an intriguing first lesson.

Go, go, Gadget, tongue depressor.

[gasps, whimpers]

Fascinating. I never expected
a diva's breath to smell like dog food.

[chuckles] I don't wanna brag,
but I totally silenced Chanson.

And I would've gotten Gadget too if...

[Claw] Gadget's there?

[cat screams]

Oh, well, yeah, but what does that matter?
Mission accomplished.

You fool!
The mission is... always get Gadget!

[cat screams]

[clears throat]
You might wanna mute that.

How 'bout I give you
the silent treatment instead?


[whimpers] Not my hair!

- [grunts]
- [gasps] Hyah!


- [drone shatters]
- My drone! [groans]

So, why's a loudmouth like you
muting everyone?

Do you love the sound
of your own voice that much?

One, yes. Two, think fast!

Now, to shut Gadget up for good. Later!

[muffled] Talon!

Ms. Chanson, you have nothing to fear.

This is a safe space

to give me an honest critique
of my greeting.

Here's what I've got so far.

[clears throat] You've reached
the voicemail of Inspector Gadget.

You're right, it could use more emotion.

Go, go, Gadget, method acting!


Oh! The key is breath control.
What a great tip.

Well, then let's find
a less stuffy place to practice.

Ugh! Double salt licorice flavor?

How evil can MAD get?

Brain, Talon's on the loose,

and it's only a matter of time
before he finds Uncle Gadget.

You're still with him, right?


[sighs] Find Uncle Gadget
and keep Sheila close.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Yes! Ha! Handsome and a technical genius?

It's true, one man can have it all.

Talon! Has Gadget been dealt with?

Technically? No.

Never mind.

The rest of the drones
are moving into position.

I'm handing control of your drone
to MAD Cat.

What? No!
I've got, like, five more minutes!

Come on!

Fine, but I don't want to hear
another word out of you.

And, if you fail,
I'll make sure I never hear

another word out of you, for real!

Any last words, Gadget?

Perfect! This place is full of air.

[voice echoing]
...full of air... full of air...

Wowzers! That echo will add incredible
production value to my greeting.

- Don't you agree?
- [phone beeps]

You've reached... Who goes there?

Go, go, Gadget, thermal vision.


Brain! That's no way to treat Ms. Chanson!

Go, go, Gadget, peace offering.

[Brain screaming]

Strange, I thought
I turned my thermal vision off.

No matter.
I'm ready for my next lesson, diva.

[Talon] I'll teach you a lesson.

Wonderful! Are you
a professional voice coach, as well?

More of a professional pain in the...

Penny, watch out for that giant mosquito!

This is Australia,
so it's probably deadly.

Go, go, Gadget, mosquito net.

And a hush falls over the crowd.

Ugh! I am so sick of you droning on and...

Yes! I am the greatest MAD agent ev...

Time's up, Talon. MAD Cat's in control.

Any word on Gadget?

Really? So, you've failed me again.

[people screaming]

- [screams]
- [screaming continues]



Looks like this ride's over.


[phone rings]

You've reached the voicemail
of Inspector Gadget.

Go, go, Gadget, glass of water,

method acting, thermal vision,
peace offering.


Epic battles and grand finales?

I think I finally get
why the opera is awesome!

Except the singing part.

Good work, Gadget.

You single-handedly took down
the entire drone network,

and, because of you,
the proverbial fat lady sings.

Because of him?

My voice! I'm losing my voice.

Wowzers! She's at a loss for words...
over what an amazing student I was.

- Go me!
- [groans]

Once again, you've failed me, Talon.

Your bumbling has destroyed
my entire drone network!

I should have let MAD Cat do everything...

Aw, what's the matter, Uncle Claw?
Cat got your tongue? [laughs]

Sunlight maximized,
CO to oxygen balanced,

wind velocity light,

photosynthesis is optimal.

Now, for the real fun,
testing the water pH.

Wowzers, Penny! I didn't know
you had such a way with plants.

It's less of a way and more
of an expertise in botanical sciences.

My hot peppers
will bring me garden show glory!

Well, green thumbs do run in the family.

I'm known to be quite
the plant whisperer myself.

The trick is to treat plants like humans.

These ones are small,
so treat them like babies.

What they need is motivation and love.

And, by that, you mean
light, water, and carbon-dioxide, right?

Of course not. Plants, like babies,
are prone to sunburns.

Go, go, Gadget, sunscreen!

- [plant gags, groans]
- [gasps]

This one looks like it needs a little fun.
Up, up, up!

- [whistling]
- Huh? [yelps]

And this one looks tired.
Does someone need a lullaby?

Rock-a-bye, planty, you're a treetop

Who's a cute planty-wanty? Cootchie-coo!

You like tickles?
Go, go, Gadget, plant tickler.


[chuckles] Thanks, Uncle Gadget,

but my prized hot peppers
are in good hands.

- My hands. [chuckles]
- [Quimby] Gadget.

Hiya, Chief, my plucky little sunflower.

[sighs] You've got a mission.

MAD botanists have developed
a plant mutagen

that can turn everyday plants
into weapons of MAD destruction.

Your mission is to stop MAD
before green goes mean.

This message will self-destruct.

You came to the right agent, Chief.

With my plant whispering abilities,
we'll nip this problem in the bud.


Eh, I've had worse.


With my new MAD plant mutagen,

every ficus will be a die-cus,
every palm tree will be a b*mb tree,

every deadly nightshade will be a...

um... an even deadlier nightshade!

[Claw laughs]

With weaponized plants,
the world will be overgrown with MAD.

Now, remember, only one drop per plant.

This mutagen is incredibly hard
to produce.

I've already lost MAD scientists today.

Yup, one drop, got it.

And I happen to know
the perfect place to start.


Soon, Metro City will be devoured
by my Venus die-trap.

[cat groans]

You didn't like that one?

- Eh.
- [scoffs]

You know nothing
about plant comedy. Nothing!


How many prized pepper plants
can Penny plant

before a prized pepper plant
plants Penny?

Ha! None!

Hmm. Huh. Maybe one more drop.

Or two.

Or four.

Or ten.

- [plant snarling]
- [laughs]

There's only one way to tell
if MAD's gotten to this tree.

Follow my lead and play it cool.

Ah! Well, hello, Mr. Tree.
It's a fine day...

to be a leafy green MAD agent!

Go, go, Gadget, herbaceous handcuffs.



Whoa! Now, those are
prize-winning hot peppers.


Wait. No. No, no, no. Magnify.

My hot pepper plant!


- Uncle Gadget, we have to...
- Play it cool, Penny.

This tree is about to confess.

- [whistling]
- [both gasp]

Brain, keep Uncle Gadget safe.

I'm gonna chop Talon down to size
and save my plant.


[gasps] And the city, of course.


This plaque says
you've been here for years.

What a convenient alibi... for a tree.


Toss more, my pretty! More!

Talon! What's taking so long?
You've only MAD-ified one plant.

Yeah. But wait till Penny sees it.

Coins can't see, Talon.

Now, get back to the plan.
I'll be watching.

Keep peppering the city with peppers,
you overgrown compost pile!

[screams] Oh, no!

- [snarling]
- [screaming]

[chuckles] "Overgrown compost pile"
was supposed to be a compliment.


[screams] I hate pla...

I'll teach Talon to mess with my peppers.

- As soon as I find him, I'm gonna...

[chuckles] Hey, Pen!
Thanks for breaking my fall.

Your fall isn't the only thing
I'm gonna break.

No one touches my plants except me.

And Uncle Gadget.

And the judges at the gardening shows.

- Ah, you know what I mean!
- Your plant was just the beginning.

Soon, all the plants will...

...uh, will...

Oh, no! The plant mutagen!
I must have dropped it at the top!

Uncle Claw's gonna freak
if I don't get it.

Then think what he's gonna do
when I get it first.


You take the stairs, Pen.
I'll take the rocket elevator.



You're right, Brain,
this tree is a hard nut to crack.

Go, go, Gadget, interrogation lamp.

It's "bad cop" time, Mr. Tree.

And I'm a very bad cop.

In fact, I'm the worst cop
in the history of the world.

- [screams]
- [whistling]


[tires squealing]

Brain! The tree is getting away! After it!


[Penny panting]


That was a lot of flights.


[clattering, banging]

[plant snarling]


You look exhausted.

Talon, look out!

I'm not falling for that, Penny.

Face it. You're always gonna be one step...

- Behind you!
- Exactly.


- Uh...
- Uh... [chuckles]

Let's never speak of this again.

Time to make like my favorite plant parts,
sh**t and leaves.

- [groans]
- It's been de-vine competing with you.

But it's time for me to branch out.

- Stop!
- I know, stop and smell the roses.

Kinda obvious, but... [screams]

- [clattering, banging]
- [Talon screams]

- [screams]
- [snarling]


[tires squealing]


[screams, grunts]

Mr. Tree! You saved us.

I knew you'd turn over a new leaf.

See, Brain? I told you
I was the plant whisperer.

Trees love me.

Now, I'd like to make you
an honorary HQ agent, Mr. Tree.

Or is it Mrs. Tree?



Another great MAD plan, Talon.

Hey, I don't make the plans.

I just execute them. Whoa!

Or should I say,
you're going to be ex*cuted by them.


Oh, hey! The dropped dropper!

Oh, man, I do everything right.

[plant snarling]


[smacking lips]

Is that all you've got?

[alarm ringing]


- How you like them peppers, Talon?
- [plant snarling]


Now, Mr. Tree,
you can't be an official agent

until you repeat the HQ pledge.

- I, Mr. Tree, do solemnly swear...
- [Penny screaming]


Brain, you can't repeat the pledge.
You only speak dog.


Wowzers! That is one hideously ugly
mutated MAD plant.

Wait! The plant whisperer
can help you be beautiful again!


Sorry about this,
but I'd be terrible plant food.

- [chomping]
- [snarling]

Brain? What are you wearing?

Oh, revoltingly deformed plant,
where are you?

Oh, hello, Penny. Wowzers!

Your plant has really grown up!

As the plant whisperer,
I have to remind you

that growing plants, like teenagers,
need encouragement.

Let me show you.
Go, go, Gadget, inspirational quotes!

- [buzzing]
- Whoa!

Must be overly sensitive.
Teenagers can be very unpredictable.

Well done, Gadget.

You succeeded in stopping MAD once again.

And I couldn't have done it
without a little help from...

my plant whispering abilities.

Now, where did that hideous mutant
dandelion-dog plant go?

We have to work on its self-esteem issues.

Well, at least,
Talon got to try my prized peppers.

You failed again, Talon.

What do you have to say for yourself?


