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14x18 - Give Me One Reason

Posted: 10/26/21 18:12
by bunniefuu
(Fridge door opens,
items rattle)

(Door bangs shut,
maya gasps)

whoa! Whoa.
It's just me.

Geez. I thought you'd be used
to having a delinquent

Living at your house by now.

What're you doing up?

I... Couldn't sleep.

I thought some fresh air
might help.

Did it?

'Til I ran into you again.

Okay. We have to talk about
that kiss, don't we?

(clears his throat)
uh... Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.

You first.

Uh... I don't know, uh...
(Laughs) i-i liked it.

I haven't stopped
thinking about it.

I don't think
I've slept at all.

Zig: I know I haven't.
Maya: what do we do?


(Maya sighs)
seems about right.


(Light clicks on,
maya gasps)

Maya: mom, it's not
what it looks like!
Zig: uh... We were just-

Mrs. Matlin:
I have some physical

But my eyesight is not
among them.

Zig, to your room, now.

It is o'clock in the morning,
on a school night,

And you are up making out
with our house guest?!

Well, when you put it
like that...

Mrs. Matlin:
this can't happen again.
Tell me you heard me.

What did I just say?
Maya: this can't happen again.

♪ Whatever it takes! ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

losing a baby
is always difficult,

But it's particularly hard
at this point in a pregnancy,

Because you still have
to deliver it.

I thought you'd just...
Suck it out.

unfortunately, you're too far
along for a traditional abortion

Your body will naturally
go into labour

In the next two weeks,
or I can induce you.

In addition to the procedure,

You may wanna consider how you
want to commemorate your child.

I'll leave this with you.

A checklist?

Lock of hair?
A footprint? Seriously?

We can just throw this out,

Well, wait a minute.
There's a reason people do this.

We should at least consider it.

(Muted announcement
over hospital pa system)

(Pen clicks repeatedly,
students chatter)

oh, I am so glad
we're talking again

Because I'm lost on this.

What did you get
for question three?

Maya: I made a huge mistake.
Tristan: so fix it,
drama queen.

That's what this
work period's for.

No, not on the assignment.
Like... In life.

you kissed zig.

How did you know?

Come on! You've been sniffing
each other's butts for months.

How did it happen?
Was it magic? Dish!

Well, my mom caught us.

(Gasps) total drams!
Where's my popcorn?!

This is serious, tris.
She said it can't happen again.

Well, she can't tell you
who to love.

No, but I still live
in her house. So does zig.

Are we just supposed
to sneak around forever?

And write an online
diary about it,

So I can read
every juicy detail.

Yeah, but if we got caught,
my mom would hate me.

She's been so good to me

What, you're just gonna...
Dump zig?

What else am I
supposed to do?

for our presentation.
Meet amelia earheart

And her crewman,
fred noonan.

Think they were ever
secretly in love?

Wasn't she married?

Well, maybe that's why
they disappeared.

Maybe they landed on a deserted
island, together forever?

that never happened.

Still, an escape from
everything, it sounds nice.

uh... Hey! You should get
a little outfit like this

For baby goldsworthy!

that would be adorable with
a little ride-along airplane!

So cute!
(Clare's chair scrapes back)

wait! Where are you going?
We present in like ten minutes.

What am I supposed tell perino?

tell him I'm illustrating
how amelia earhart left
and never came back.

(Students chatter)


So... Have my mini-set designers
settled on a look?

I think it should be
japanese manga look.

You know, all action
and movement-

and ambiguous locations?

These are supposed to be sets,

(Projector clicks)

It has to be american-style:
tall buildings, mountainscapes-

Soulless and dull?

Are you describing
the images or yourself?

I'm describing any idiot
who thinks that american comics

Are better than japanese.

you are so frustrating.

(Hunter sighs,
door clicks open behind him)

I don't get it.
If you like her,
why are you so mean to her?

It's just the way we talk.

Oh, you like her?!
That is so cute!

Nope. k*ll-switch.
Stop this.

okay, if you really want
a shot with her,

You're sister's right;

You need to treat her
differently. Romantically.

You need to send her...
A love letter,

Or chocolates, or flowers.

Be the hero of your own story,

Clare: (singing along)
♪ you may be fooling you, ♪

♪ But you're sure
not fooling me! ♪

♪ A ticking time-b*mb
outta touch with reality... ♪


♪ I've seen your pattern ♪
(phone rings) and-

(Phone continues ringing)

(Song resumes)
♪ and I can't imagine
just trace the lines on ♪

♪ Your paisley- ♪
(phone rings again)

(Annoyed sigh,
phone continues ringing)

(Taps phone)

your friends said you ditched
school. Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Eli: okay, well, where are you?
Clare: driving.

where to?
I'll meet you there.

Look, we should probably talk
about all that stuff
from this morning.

No, thank you.
(Taps phone off)

dude, you got the casserole

Instead the mac and cheese?
You feeling okay?

what if I screwed
everything up?

whoa, take it easy.
It's just lunch.

he doesn't mean with the food,
he means with the kissing.

I'm sure you're not that bad
a kisser.

Maya will forgive you.
Zig: it's not maya
I'm worried about.

It's her mom.
Tiny: you kissed her mom too?

No, I betrayed her.

She gave me one rule
and I broke it,

After she's been
so good to me.

so, uh, what? You're just
gonna break it off with maya?

(Bell rings,
zig sighs heavily)

You are here to support me.
I do not want to talk about it.

Can you handle that?


But you heard the doctor.
We should probably look at-

Do you want me to pull
this car over, goldsworthy?

Eli: okay, okay.
Clare: (relieved sigh)

So where are we going?

Next stop, new york city.

(Students chatter quietly)


hi. Uh, delivery
for arlene takahashi.

(Students mockingly
ooh and aww)

Can you believe some dweeb
sent me flowers?

How do you know
he's a dweeb?

Because they're flowers.
Could you be more unoriginal?

And he used that tired old
"secret admirer" cliche.

Arlene: what a turd!
Hunter: yeah, total turd.

On the plus side,
he wants to meet up later.

But if he's a turd, then...
Why do you wanna meet up
with him?

Well, I don't want
to meet him, but...

We should probably find out
what kind of weirdo

Has a crush on me, right?

Hunter: we?
Arlene: unless you want me
to go alone

To a location inhabited
by a potential serial k*ller.

no, of course not.

so your plan is to march into
columbia admissions office

convince them to let me
accept my offer.

Why not just call?

Harder to turn someone down
in person.

I guess...

But didn't you already say,
"no," like a month ago?

So? What's one more student?

If I was worthy then,
I'll be worthy now, right?


You don't agree?

No! No, no, no, of course.
Of course.

Um... Do you wanna hit
the road?

Why don't you
let me drive?

thanks. That'll give me some
time to jot down some points

For my talk
with the admissions officer.

(Doors open,
traffic passes nearby)

(Doors close, car beeps)


I don't know.
It's not starting.

Maybe the battery's dead?

you gotta be kidding me.

It's okay.
I'll just call my folks.

They'll come get us and
we'll be back before dinner.

Are you trying
to take me back?

What if you go into labour
on the road?

I knew you didn't really
support me.

no, clare, I do, I swear!

There's just a lot of things
to consider!

I am going to new york,
and if you won't take me,

I'll find someone who will.
(Eli sighs heavily)

(Engine starts)
wait! Wait, wait, wait! Wait!

You can't hitchhike
to new york!

I sure can, if I can find
someone to take me.

You can't keep running away!

I am not running away!
For the first time in months,

I am running towards
my future.

clare, we lost a child.
There are things we have
to deal with!

It's okay to take a break!

I don't wanna take a break!

A year ago, I had cancer,
and then I got better

And I thought, "now... Now,
you can live your life."

And then I got pregnant.

What was the point
of any of this,

If I was just gonna lose this
stupid baby?

"Take a break, clare,"
the universe keeps telling me,

But no, I will not take break!
Not for this,

Not for that doctor,
and not for that stupid car!

Eli: okay, I'll take you.
Clare: how? The battery's dead.

Eli: I may have faked it.
Clare: are you serious?!

Just forget about that.
I want you to be happy,

And after everything
you've been through,

You're deserve this.
So, please, let me take you.

Okay, fine.
But we follow gps directions.

No funny business.

we should talk.

uh, yeah. Yeah.

Maya: so, obviously, we can't-
zig: yeah, it wouldn't be fair
to your mom.

exactly. Rules are rules.

Without her,
I'd basically be homeless.

So... That's settled?
Call it off?

Whatever it is,
or was.



Except what if I can't
do that?

What do you mean?

I don't know, zig.
I think I might love you.

Damn it, maya, that...
That sucks.

Wait, why?

Because I might
love you, too.

Maya: (shy laugh) wow.
Zig: (laughs)

wait. So we're actually
doing this?

Sneaking around,
midnight kisses,

Only holding hands
on the way to school.

Uh, no, no. You're...

You're mom has been so good
to me.

If we're really gonna do this,
we owe it to her to be honest.

Yeah, okay.
I'll talk to her.

She can't control who we love,


♪ And when i... ♪

♪ Can't find a single anchor ♪

♪ You give up ♪

and if the admissions officer

"Our first year program
is full.

How do you propose
I let you in"?

I say that, "I'm willing
to audit the classes

Until the first few students
inevitably drop out.

I can wait."
Eli: okay. And if she's says...

"Well, won't you be liable
to slack

If you're early assignments
aren't being marked?"


I'm the most determined girl
you'll ever meet.

(Entry bells jingle)

Eli: corn chips?
Clare: with salsa? Definitely.

And if she's like,
"great, you're in,

But you will have to find
accommodation in new york city,

Which can be very difficult."

I tell her...
I'll live with my boyfriend.


Doesn't that sound nice?


Ooh, raisins!

(laughs) rotten grapes?

How about beef jerky?

oh sure, dried fruit gross,
but dried animal carcass... Mm!

Oh, okay, how about this one:

"What makes you uniquely
deserving of this special


I tell her, "if you think
I overcame adversity

When I beat cancer,

Wait 'til you see what I'm like
after losing a baby!"

(Students chatter in the halls,
running footsteps)

if I was going to entertain
his romantic advances,

He'd sure be blowing it
by being so late.

should we just go finalize
the sets?

Don't you want to see
what kind of guy he is?

Like, is he a tuba-playing
band kid?

Or... Some mouth-breathing jock?

with one of those
chin-strap beards?

ew! And a popped collar.

two popped collars! The layered
look is so in right now, bro.

yes! He says bro
in every sentence.

He's not... Coming, is he?

I guess not.

Oh well. Let's go to the drama
room, finalize the sets.

What was the point
of all that, then?

Just... S-some sort
of elaborate prank?

I guess so.
What a jerk.


Oh, i... I don't know.

So even you think
it's impossible

That someone could
actually like me?


I'm just the nerdy girl here
for everyone to mock. Cool.

Wait, did you want
the chin-strap guy to like you?

(Door opens and closes)

Mrs. Matlin: (sighs)
maya: mom!

Let me help you with that.

Mrs. Matlin:
oh, someone's sucking up.

Guess you feel suitably bad
about last night.

I'm ready to be mature
about it.

So, you and zig can
put it on ice?

Maya: no.
Mrs. Matlin: excuse me?

it's not just a fling.

We weren't trying
to sneak around.

At a.m.?

yes, but... (Sighs)

We're in love
and we wanna be together.

You can't control who I love
and neither can i.

Mrs. Matlin: okay.
Maya: really?

Zig's a good kid, and if you
feel you need to date,

You could do worse.

But he can't live here anymore.

Maya: what?
Mrs. Matlin: I can't have
you two shacking up.

Oh! Oh, okay. Never mind.
Forget we talked.

We'll just take those feelings
and put them back in a bottle.

Honey, you just said you
can't control who you love.

But where is he gonna go?

Mrs. Matlin:
back to his mom's?
I mean, he's been doing great.

He's got that restaurant job,
his grades are up.

It's time for him to transition
back to his life.

(Sighs heavily)

(Car rumbles)

don't burst my bubble,

For one minute, imagine that
we can have a future

With everything
we've ever wanted.

Okay, you're right. Um...

A secret study,
with a huge balcony.

Clare: mm.
Eli: and I suppose you'd want

A humidity-controlled
beef jerky drawer?

(laughs) hardy-har-har.

♪ You feel like laughing
but you start to cry ♪

Do you think he would have
liked jerky, too?

our, um... Son?


(Turn signal clicks)

♪ And I don't have money,
and I don't have much ♪

♪ Oh darling,
my heart's on fire... ♪

(Sighs) maybe,
but I'd have taught him better.

I just can't believe we're
never gonna get to know him.

We might never know why.
It's just not fair.

He would have been beautiful
and amazing.

(Sighs and sniffs)

(sniffles and sighs)

So... Ready to hit the road?


It's time to turn around.

We have some things
to take care of.

Come here.

(Resolved sigh)

Okay. (Light kiss)
okay, okay.

hey, I found some american-style
panels I don't totally hate

That we could use
for the backdrops.

Arlene: hilarious.
Hunter: why?

I'm sorry I got mad
at you yesterday.

It's... It's fine, really.

well, to apologize, I found
some japanese-style panels

That don't make me want
to barf everywhere.


That is hilarious.

Hunter: so we're cool?
Arlene: yeah.

He was the one
who didn't show up,

And you were the one
there for me.

You're pretty much
my best friend.

Yeah, you, too.

Arlene: cool.
Hunter: cool.

So i... Guess I can stop

To like these awful
american comics, then?

I believe you mispronounced
"awesome in every way."

Pfft! You know,
maybe we can use them...

As, uh, welcome mats for people
to wipe their feet on
before they enter.

I won't even say what people
can wipe with your manga pages.

pfft! Probably just 'cause
you couldn't think of anything.

♪ Here is my heart
coming 'round the bend ♪


♪ Oh, my heart
oh, my heart... ♪

Time for the procedure.

You nervous?

It won't be easy.

Thanks for being here.

(Paper rustles)

And you're sure you don't
wanna do any of this
commemorative stuff?

We won't forget him,
I know that.

I kind of want those memories
to stay between us.

The three of us will always
have our road trip.

(Happy sigh)

All right.
Your mom's in the car.

Ready to go?

Ready as I'll ever be.

♪ Oh my love, open up ♪

♪ Oh my love,
you give me truth ♪

♪ All this love,
all this love, ♪

♪ All this love for you ♪


♪ Here is your heart
coming 'round the bend ♪

♪ Oh my heart...
Oh my heart... ♪

♪ And here is your love... ♪


You know,
it's kinda tough to pack

When you're constantly

You can't go, zig.

I don't leave tonight, but...
I do have to leave.

where are you gonna stay?

My moms?
I... I don't know.

You don't know?

look, I'm gonna meet with jose,
and we're gonna figure out

What makes the most sense
for me, all right?

I'll find a warm bed.

You know what? I'll move out.
I'll go live with tristan.

You stay here.
Zig: maya, find your chill.

I have no chill, zig.

We kissed
and I wasn't thinking straight,

And now you're gonna have
to live on the streets
and it's all my fault!

What, for being so great
that I fell for you?

Was that your evil plan
all along?

Maya, this is just as much my
fault as it is yours, all right?

And this is the only way
we get to be together.

It's gonna be all right.
Maya: you sure?


As long as we're together,
what could possibly go wrong?
