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14x16 - Walking in My Shoes

Posted: 10/26/21 18:08
by bunniefuu

Tell me what I need to do to
save my perfectly toned behind.

zoe, we're preparing
for your preliminary hearing.

Lawyer: be serious.
Zoe: I am.

But I came forward
about degrassi nudes

And I admitted to what I did.

Plus, I'm a recent victim
of sexual as*ault.

Won't that all work
in my favour?

yes, but there's no way
the judge will dismiss

This case completely.

okay. What do I need to do?

Work on your personal
statement. Show remorse.

And get a head-start
at community service.

I'll arrange it
at your school,

So you'll be seen to be
giving back

To the community
you wronged.

A hundred hours
should do.

A hundred hours?!
Isn't that a bit harsh?

It's not like I k*lled anyone.

That's not your punishment.

That's just to show the judge
you're repentant,

So she'll show leniency.

So the punishment
could be worse?

The sentencing won't be
for a few months,

But realistically,

It could be as high
as five years.

Zoe: community service?!
Lawyer: juvenile detention.

Ms. Pill:
you'll be working here.

in the cafeteria.
Like, as a lunch lady?

Ms. Pill:
there's lots to do.

Load food in the morning,
serve at lunch.

face the entire student body,
every day?

You know they blame me for
all the draconian measures
you've imposed.

Ms. Pill:
then you'll have lots of time
to say you're sorry.

Here's your uniform.


prison's not looking so bad.

♪ Whatever it takes! ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Students chatter quietly,
papers thwack lightly on desks)

please tell me I'm not late.

You're not late.
Wait, for what?

For class! I lost track of time
running my lines

For the musical.

I got a 'c'?!
This isn't right.

I've never gotten a 'c'
in my life!

I got a b. My mom finally
got me a math tutor.

I'm learning so much.

Frankie: so he's cute?
Lola: the cutest.

Coach armstrong:
now, I know you just
got tests back,

But today is the last lesson
of the unit,

Which means the next time
you see me,

It will be... Dun-dun-dun:
test time!

Another test?
Does he have a quota?

Don't worry.
I get c's all the time.

You don't know my parents.
If I don't ace this,

My mom'll make me quit
the musical,

And then you'll have
to take my part

And then I'll have to watch you
kiss my boyfriend on stage,

And then you two will fall
in love and then I will end up
so alone-

That'll never happen.

Because I would never,
ever, ever

Want to kiss winston, okay?

there's enough going on at home
with the divorce.

Didn't you work things out
with your dad?

kind of.

Now I have spend quality time
with him and mom.

I don't need this stress,

Breathe, franks.

Come study with my tutor
after school.

You can see how cute he is.

I have rehearsal,
every day.

maybe imogen will let you out
if you fake sick or something?

Frankie: (sighs)
lola: you got it!

You totally look like
you're gonna barf.

You can't avoid me

watch me. I'm very goal

(sighs heavily)

Imogen, I know it's a surprise
I'm not out to my parents,

But please don't be mad
at me.

I'm not mad
that you're not out,

I'm mad you didn't tell me!

well... I just didn't wanna ruin
your image of me

As this cool, confident,
kick-ass lesbian.

No... I still see you
as that.

Even though I'm not
that person at home?

Why haven't you
told them?

Are they religious nuts?
Crazy bigots?

no, not at all!

We've moved around a lot,
and they're my everything.

I don't want them to stop
looking at me

Like I'm their perfect
little girl.

This doesn't change
anything between us.

Except when I meet
your parents again,

I'm your "best friend"?

Can you be okay
with that?

Doesn't seem like
I have a choice.


lip gloss?

We're serving cafeteria food,
not filet mignon.

what are you doing here?

(sighs) still doing my time.
You burn down one hallway...

I guess I haven't exactly
been around the caf.

Trying to avoid people.

hey, relax,
it's not that bad,

And you get used
to the smell.


Miles: no.
Zoe: great.

well, your first customer.

Good luck.

Zoe: I don't need luck.
Miles: hmm.

Hi! What can I get you?

A time machine?

So we can go back to before
you got cell phones banned

And totally wrecked
the school.

Hey, I didn't make
the new rules.

No, but... You did flash your
pom-poms all over the internet.

burned by a niner.

Oh, how the mighty
have fallen.

Oh, you look sad.
I'd give you a hug...

If pda were still allowed.

You guys blame me, too?
Zig: duh.

Just take your stupid food
and go.

(Food splatters, spoon clanks)


I'm... I'm sorry.
It's... It's just so funny!

oh, you poor thing.

Do you want a school-sanctioned

no! Why would I need that?

You found out your girlfriend's
still in the closet.

You were upset
when we talked last night.

Yeah, but...
Jack and I talked about it

And everything's
gonna be okay.

Oh, so she's gonna
come out?

No... But I'm gonna support
her decision

And be totally understanding
and awesome.

I just don't think
it's a good idea -

And I'm actually speaking
from experience, for once.

I tried to keep adam
a secret from my parents

And it caused him
a lot of pain.

It's just for her parents,

Other than that,
nothing else is gonna change.

hey, imogen! Congrats!

You and jack got nominated
for best couple!

If you can edge out
dallas and alli,

I think you guys
have got a real shot.

You and guyliner
did not make the ballot, becky.

I'm sorry.
(Receding footsteps)

Jack and I are awesome.

Like "best couple"
in the yearbook awesome.

I can't wait to tell her!

Becky and imogen:

have you seen imogen?


I need to see if she'll let me
out of rehearsal.

You're bailing?

Well, armstrong sprung
another test on us.

I need to study.

Well, you're the lead;
we can't rehearse without you?!

What's wrong with you?

I barely know my lines,
my singing's off-key,

And we only have
a couple of weeks

Before we're supposed
to perform for the school.

I really have to study.

It's okay.

I'll just pretend
it's a comedy,

So when everyone's
laughing at me,

It'll feel okay.

I'll come to rehearsal.

You're so smart anyway,

And I can help you study
in between scenes.

still thinking about the caf?

It was awful, tris.

The way people looked at me...

Because you're a lunch lady?

Because they blame me
for the way the school is now.

Okay, not everyone blames you.

Yes, ev-ry-one.
Even zig.

I can take the aching back.

I can stomach
the orthopaedic shoes... Barely,

And I can handle that I might
never stop smelling like tuna...



I just want people
to stop being so mean.

What if you...

Gave out free french fries
or something?

I don't exactly
have the authority.

That's too bad.

The porkers at this school
really like french fries.

You know what
they like more?

(Snorts) gravy?

Their cell phones.

maybe I could call
at lunchtime?

Well, they go on sale
at noon,

When the lines for
the pay-phone are the longest.

I could race home.

But by the time you get there,
they're probably gonna
be sold out.

how else are we supposed to get
imagine dragons' tickets?

I might be able to help.

I'm not sending nudes
for concert tickets, zoe.

You can just call
for them.

Maya: you're joking.
Zoe: nope.

And I'll have no trouble
getting them past security,

Seeing as I work
for the man.

Maya: and we can use them?
Zoe: they're pre-paid.

If you want your tickets,
just come to the caf,

And ask for a tuna sandwich.

I know I messed this place up,
and I wanna make it right.

So... Spread the word.

but what if someone actually
wants a real tuna sandwich?

From our caf?
Not likely.


We have to get this crap
inside - what're you doing?

just showing our customers
how fresh our produce is.

A polynomial
is never divisible by?

Another polynomial?

A variable.

Ask me another.

What's the quadratic equation?

X equals...

(Frustrated sigh)
I studied this.

x equals minus b,

Plus or minus
the square root of b

Squared minus four-a-c,
over two-a.

You're like a math genius...
And I'm a math dunce.

Do you think armstrong
would let me out if I cried?

tell me something sad.

uh, every day thousands
of bees are dying

And no-one knows why.

Fluffy little bees - dead!

That doesn't make you sad?!

Coach armstrong:
all right, calculators away.
It's test time.

You have one hour.

Turn your papers over
in three, two, now.

(Papers flip,
pencils scribble furiously)

Imogen: yo!
Jack: wha...? (Laughs)

what, are you single white
female-ing me now or something?

Okay, don't faint, but we got
nominated for best couple!

I thought we could do our hair
like this for the photo.

I'm beta testing.
How did I do?

They're a little bit uneven.

Wait, best couple,
like, in the yearbook?

yeah, and if we win,
we get our own page!

I-imogen, we can't.

My parents will see
the yearbook.


I didn't even think
of that.

(Sighs heavily)

So I guess that means
we can't go to prom together?

Well, we can go to prom

It would just have to be-
imogen: as friends.

Okay, what about
prom photos?

That'll end up
all over facerange?

I can't risk it.

Are you okay?

Sorry, I know they're dumb
high school things

But I was looking forward
to doing them with you.

But now thing's are different.

You said you were okay
with this.


I'll just um... Take our names
off the of the nominees list.

Imog- imogen!

(Sighs heavily)


One tuna sandwich, please?

when you're done, put it in
the recycling outside student

thanks, zoe.

It's really cool
you're doing this.

♪ ...things we do different ♪

♪ Yeah, warn somebody,
things we do different ♪

♪ Where nothing's static,
things we do different tonight ♪

(Camera shutter snaps,
students chatter nearby)

hey, clare. Can i, um...
Borrow you for a sec?

yeah, just after
I take this picture.

Clare: say "yearbook.
Dallas: not gonna happen.

(Light slap, dallas laughs)

aw! You guys are so cute!

aw, can you send that to me?

My mom has been bugging me
nonstop for a photo of us.

oh, I love your mom.

I can't wait to take her to the
spa next time she's in town.

Which reminds me - we have
my dad's birthday dinner,

right. I should bone up
on my cricket stats.

okay, just a safety
and then you guys are done.

(Camera shutter snaps)
check it out.

oh, we are so gonna win
best couple,

And then we are onto
prom king and queen.

and that's the photo
my mom's really itching for.


Clare: so what's up?
Imogen: hmm?

Do you and jack need to
reschedule or something?

Oh yeah, jack couldn't
make it today,

But I'll get her to come out,


I hope.
(Sighs heavily)

why do you think armstrong
wanted to see me?

Did I totally fail?

not when you studied with me
during rehearsal.

you asked me
like two questions.

(Winston laughs)

Oh no.

Can I speak to the girls,

(Awkward grunt)

Ladies, we seem to have
a problem.

Coach armstrong:
you both got eighty-three.

and that's a problem?

Coach armstrong:
yes, because all of your
answers are identical,

Even the wrong ones.

What does that mean?

He thinks one of us copied.

I didn't!

Coach armstrong:

Well, until one of you
fesses up,

You're both getting a zero.

Maybe we're such good friends,
we became psychic?

Anything's possible.

all this cheating talk is
giving me such a stomachache.

(Winces in pain)

He thinks one of you guys

I have, um,
very good hearing.

I didn't mean for this
to happen.

Wait. You cheated?!

I was busy with the musical!
I didn't want to let you down.

My mom will freak
if I get caught.

(Winston sighs,
taps frankie on the head)

It's okay, frankie.

Cheating's not the end
of the world.

It'll be our secret.

No one will know.

Yeah, but I will.

it worked!

And for the first time in a
while, people smiled at me.

aw! Well, it looks like
it was contagious.

I might actually be able to do
the next ninety odd hours.

well, you think
you can keep it up?

piece of cake.

Um... What are we doing?

gotta collect my contraband.

(Recycling lid clatters)
where are they?

Ms. Pill:
looking for these?

I have cameras everywhere.

You didn't think I'd notice
this ruse?

Um... I'm just gonna...
See myself out.

I gave you a chance to redeem
yourself, here, young lady,

And you pull a stunt
like this?

You're doing this
to show a judge

That you're remorseful,

Zoe: yes!
Ms. Pill: well, are you?

Do you truly believe
what you did was wrong?

I know I hurt people,
and I never wanted to do that.

You're not a dumb girl,

This little scheme
is kind of ingenious.

If you put half that much
effort into your school work,

You'd be pulling bs.

So does this mean
I'm not expelled?

It means I'm giving you
one last chance
to clean up your act.

But you're also gonna have
to clean the entire caf.

Show me you're willing
to earn it.

(Sighs heavily)

(Cutlery and dishes clank,
low hum of chatter outside)

Mm! Bookworm looks sexy
on you.

"Outside the closet."

"Coming out:
a guide for gay teens."

(Sighs) we already
talked about this.

I thought you got it.

I did get it.

But then I realized
I didn't get it... At all.

Well, I just can't tell them,

I'm not asking you to go home
and come out right now,

But it's like you don't even
care about me enough

To even consider it.

How I feel about you
has nothing to do with it.

I just don't see
how that's true!

What, are we gonna be
"best friends" forever?

I've made so many compromises
for you.

I was willing to be
polyamorous, for pete's sake.

What, is this about
the yearbook picture?



But it's not just that.

I wanna be your girlfriend
all the time.

Not just when it's convenient.

And I wanna take your mom
out to the spa

And talk cricket
with your dad

Even though I know
nothing about it!

Let me help you come out.
I've been through it.

It'll go better
than you think.

I don't want to!

What do not understand
about that?!

All of it, I guess.

Well, then if you're not
willing to accept that...

Well, i... I think
we should just stop.

What, stop the conversation


stop this relationship.

jack, wait.

We're... We're the best couple
at school.

Not anymore.

♪ I just wanted to be yours...
Be yours... ♪

lying down on the job?

What, no snappy comeback?

How do you do it?

I insult you,

And then you insult me
to an equal or greater degree.

Not comebacks.

How do let yourself
be such a loner?


Okay, first,
I prefer mysterious playboy.

(Chuckles dryly)

I just know that
I'll never please the haters.

So, I can either
let that tear me up,

Or... I can get over it.

I choose the latter.

can you teach me
how to not care

That everyone hates me?

Sure. Just don't.

It's not that easy.

I guess you'll just have
to watch and learn.

God knows you have a few hours
in here with me.

(Chips away at gum)

Do you have any nail polish

In my locker. Why?

put it on a cloth,
rub it on the gum.

It just... Comes right off.


I've been around the block
a few times.

That's really helpful.

well, you're lucky
that I don't totally hate you.


You know this is serious,

And it was all me.
Lola had no idea.

I've just got a lot
going on at home,

And I know that's no excuse,

Anyway, I'm so, so sorry.

Well, I appreciate you
coming clean, frankie.

However, I still have
to give you a zero.

But I won't call
your parents.

And the good news is, the exam
is worth forty percent.

Ace it, and you can get
your grade back up.

Thank you, sir.

man, this stomachache
is k*lling me.

What was that all about?

It was me, lo.
I copied.

Please don't hate me.

I should've come clean
at the beginning.

The only thing worse
than cheating

Was lying to my best friend
about it.

No, this is a good thing.
You get to keep your mark.

I need to come clean, too.

Why? What'd you do?

I kissed winston!
Or he kissed me.

I'm a little hazy.
It all happened so fast.

I wanted to tell, but he told
me to keep it a secret.

My stomachache is gone!

good morning!

You kissed lola?!


Frankie, it's...
Not how it sounds.

From now on, you will only
speak to me at rehearsals.

And even then,
only what's in the script.

(Sniffling and crying)