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14x15 - Wishlist

Posted: 10/26/21 17:39
by bunniefuu
oh my gatsby!
This is insane!

Mrs. Hollingsworth:
this is what you wanted, right?

are you kidding?
It's perfect!

The feathers,
the pearls...

Is this a gramophone?!

Mrs. Hollingsworth: mm-hmm!
Frankie: this is so cool!

a perfect monument

To the decline
of american civilisation.

What? That's what great
gatsby's really about, right?

Mrs. Hollingsworth:
no need for sour grapes,

I asked what you wanted, too.

and I told you:
an out.

I'm not really "party people."

Mrs. Hollingsworth:
our family's been through
a lot lately.

We need to stick together
on special days like this.

you know what would make this
party really special?

Frankie: a champagne fountain.
Mrs. Hollingsworth: mm.

It's art deco,
and it's so on theme!

Frankie, you're fifteen.

And alcohol was illegal
in the twenties.

Mrs. Hollingsworth:
and to deflect any rebuttal,
your party dress is here.

It's vintage.

(Gasps) this is so
freaking amazing!

Fifteen and already a flapper?


I thought we kicked you out.

Honey, he's still your father.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
plus, I come bearing
birthday gifts.

Mr. Hollingsworth: hunter.
Hunter: thanks.

Oh man, this must have
cost two grand!

Mr. Hollingsworth:
and for my darling daughter.

do you think buying
expensive gifts

Will make everything better?

Mrs. H: honey.
Mr. H: no, she's right.

Only time will tell.

How about I drive you
to school?

I'd rather walk.

♪ Whatever it takes! ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

maya: there we go.

Password is set.
Try getting in now, thieves!

Thieves didn't
break in here.

(Fridge door thumps shut)

This was tied to the lamp.

The break-in was a message
from damon.

Why would he do that?

After he stabbed tiny,

I warned him that
something crazy might happen;

Some kind of retaliation.
We should tell the cops.

no! My mom will kick you out
if she thinks you had

Something to do with this.

Mrs. Matlin:
you figure out the new system?


This break-in
must make it tough to cope.

Which is why I booked you
and a plus one

Into the spa today,
after school.

You deserve some fun
with friends.

That's not necessary,

I insist.
Take zoe.

She has detention.

Then ask one of your
other girlfriends!

Yeah, you should
totally do that.

Yeah, except for you
and I both know

I have no girlfriends.

If my mom knows that,

She'll think there's something
wrong with me.

What about grace?
She's a girl, right?

Have you met her?

come on, who doesn't love
a free mani-pedi?

(Students chatter)

this is the pits!

Between musical rehearsals
and your detention,

I barely see you.

awwwww... Muffin.

You're so cute
when you miss me.

cast your nominations
for yearbook's best hair, style,

And of course,
best couple!

I'd say you two have a chance
at that last one.

wouldn't it be awesome?!

Our love,
forever immortalized!

(Jack laughs)

I'll nominate you right now
if you kiss for me.

Imogen and jack:
(disgusted sigh)

Yeah, easy there,
knuckle dragger, okay?

There's a ban on pda
in these here halls.

But more to the point,

We will not lip wrestle
for your enjoyment!

Then what's the point
of being lesbians?

Oh, you pig!

No, I just love diversity!

You should be more diverse
right now!

Imogen: shut up!
Jack: imogen...

yeah, chill out,
take a breath.

That's it.

feisty! I like it.
Do it again.

Well, if you insist.

Damon: ungh!
(Students laugh)

Ms. Pill:
imogen moreno!

My office, please.

she's coming!
She's coming!

Shay and lola:
happy birthday!

it's a vanilla cake-shake!

Thanks, guys.
(Blows out candle)

I told you we should've
gotten chocolate!


I'm mad about the father,
not the flavour.

yikes. You saw your dad?

I thought he moved out.

And now he's dropping in
for birthday-ruining visits!

Did he bring presents
at least?

I don't want stuff.
I want friends and fun.

My parents are supposed
to be separated.

Why can't he just
leave me alone?

Because he's your dad?

He's an abusive monster

Who wanted me to take the blame
for degrassi nudes,

Just to win the election.

You're looking at this
all wrong.

When my parents split,
I got a lot of stuff.

I asked for a pony!

Your parents got you
a pony?

Well, he was stuffed,

But I really wanted him
at the time.

I don't want his money.

he did drama up your day.

You couldn't even enjoy
your cake-shake!

you have to make him pay...
With money.

Guys think we're lesbians
for their benefit!

Like we exist
for their arousal!

It's totally h*m*!

If you're saying damon
was making h*m* remarks,

We'll need to get
parents involved.

good! They should know
they're raising a creep!

Ms. Pill:
your parents, as well.
Both of you.

To be clear, you both felt
personally victimized

By this student?

Imogen: absolutely.
Jack: no.

I'm sorry, what?!

It was just a dumb boy
mouthing off.

Ms. Pill:
I'm not comfortable
pursuing this

If there are discrepancies,

Seeing as I didn't witness it.

There are no discrepancies!
That's what happened.

Check the cameras!

You're overreacting.

What the hell
was that?!

Just drop it, okay?

You betrayed me, jack.
I can't just drop that!

this is never going to work.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
mayor hollingsworth.

Hey, dad.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
frankie? Is everything okay?

you got this.

yeah, i... Just forgot something
for my birthday party...

A photographer.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
well, I'm sure I can order

Wait, what'd your mom say?

Frankie: no...?
Mr. Hollingsworth: frankie...

But I really want one,
and it's not that expensive.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
okay. Is there anything else?

Uh... Palm trees would be nice

And a candy table -
everybody has those.

a pony! A pony!

And... A pony?

Mr. Hollingsworth:
a pony?

You know how much
I love horses.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
you know what?
I've got a pretty full day,

So why don't I just give you
my credit card number

And you can order
whatever you want.

Do you have a pen?

do you have a pen?

(Pen clicks,
bell rings)

time to mani-up, matlin.


Heard your house got
broken into. You okay?

Yeah, I think so.

Got a security system.

Tell me you didn't use
your birthday as the code.


Okay, I'll change it
when I get home.

So I was wondering what
your opinion is on mani-pedis?

Excuse me?

My mom saw me freaking
about the break-in,

So she got me two spa passes
for me and a girlfriend.

So you're asking me?

If I had anyone else,
I would never ask you,

But if I don't take someone
to the stupid spa,

My mom's gonna think
I'm a total loser.

Please, please,
please say yes!

I literally have
no one else to bring.

Well, thanks for the generous,
uh, "invite,"

But I'll pass.

Good luck finding
a girlfriend.

(Updated ' s-style music


(Guests chatter and laugh)

this is insane,
and I heard the demands!

come on!
Wait till you see the rest!

(laughs) it's a like a party...
Barfed up another party!

(High-pitched whinny)

and there's a pony!

what can I say?

Operation: make dad pay
was a complete success.

Meaning I'm gonna have
the best party ever!


(Camera shutter clicks)

(Camera shutter clicks


Mr. Hollingsworth:

What're you doing here?

Mr. Hollingsworth:
well... Hi!

I wanted a "selfie" with
the birthday girl and the pony!

We were actually just headed
to the candy table.

Are you forgetting
who paid for that pony?

You want a picture with it?
Go ahead.

that was a bit harsh.

So what's the plan,
ignore him all night?

I'm gonna try.

fuzzy peaches are the best!
You gotta have some.

(Birthday guests chatter,
the hollingsworths murmur)

Okay, franks,

You gotta stop obsessing
over your dad.

The hollingsworths:
(murmuring quietly)

Here. Pay attention
to your cute boyfriend's...

Cute gift instead.

(Tissue paper rustles)

it's my character
from the musical!

Is this drawn
by tilda daughtry?

I know
she's your favourite.

Now you're my favourite.
(Quick kiss)

Mr. Hollingsworth:
um, so, listen,
can I just have your attention?

I know this is a little bit
unorthodox, but...

Um... This is random.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
when diana first told me
that we were having twins,

I mean I was...
I was shocked.

I mean two babies at once...
Uh, and one was a girl.

I was just...
I just remember being so, um...

Well, I was kinda overwhelmed.

I remember frankie crying to me
about bullies

And i, uh, tried to offer
some sage fatherly advice

And, uh, she turned to me
and she said:

"Dad, if I wanted your opinion,
I'd have asked for it."

She was six.


I remember that...

Well, it sounds sweet.
Why the frowny-face?

Because he's not that person

He may look and sound like him,
but he's not.

Let's get out of here.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
I'd just ask, if you will raise
your glasses with me,

Happy th birthday,
hunter and frankie.

(cheering and clapping)
happy birthday!

Maybe she went
to the bathroom?

(Women laugh)

Booking for matlin?

right. For two?

Maya: actually, it's just me.
Attendant: okay,

I can probably refund the
second one to the credit card.

Oh, wait.
C-could you not do that?

My mom worries.

I don't want her to know
I don't have any friends.

I mean, I have friends,
just not girlfriends.

Attendant: oh.
Maya: I mean, not "girlfriend"

You know, like girls
for girl-talk!

Can I just get double
the services?

Are you trying to bogart
my mani-pedi, matlin?

What're you doing here?!

Well, I came to get
my nails did!


I saw how sad you were
when grace shot you down.

I couldn't let you go
all alone.

I may have...
Physically att*cked someone.

But he totally deserved it.
He was harassing me and jack.

Clare: oh, gross.
Imogen: tell me about it!

And when I tried to explain
to ms. Pill,

Jack totally threw me
under the bus.

you know you have to pay
for that, right?

Isn't jack normally
one to stand up

For something like that?

Yes! So why doesn't
she want to hold

This creepy creep

who knows? Some people are
private about that stuff-

But that's dumb!

How's the world gonna change
if we ignore injustice?

Well, if you had
ignored it,

You wouldn't have
detention all week.

So you guys are on
her side?

You think I'm overreacting?

Jack's a smart person.
I'm sure she has a reason.

(Sighs) I have to talk to her,
don't i?

(Patrons chatter quietly)

(clears throat)

Yeah, yeah, I know.
(Change clinks)

(Plane engine roars)

(gasps) frankie,
this is a private jet!

How did you rent
a private jet?!

my family has an account
with the airline.

We use this plane
all the time.

The pilot's known me
since I was, like, in utero.

(gasps) I have to text
everyone I know.

where are we going?

I was thinking...

not in this plane.

Unless you want to land
in the atlantic.

Frankie: (laughs) sammy!
Sammy: frankie hollingsworth.

Where's the rest
of the fam?

At some boring political party.

But don't worry,
dad's cool with this.

Frankie: it's my birthday!
Sammy: hey, happy birthday.

Still can't get you
to paris though.

mm... What about montreal?

yeah. Sounds good to me.

I've just got to uh...
File a flight plan.

I'll be right back.

Montreal's fun, winston.

So what happens with your dad
when we get back?

Frankie: who cares?
Winston: franks,

You know I support you
no matter what,

And I didn't know
how much I wanted this

Until I got on this plane,

But what?
If dad's in my life,

I may as well take advantage,

Are you sure
this is what you want?

What I want is for my dad
to be a better person.

But since he's not,

A relationship with his money
is my best case scenario.

Then, montreal
here we come!

Happy birthday to me!

(Peaceful, calming music plays)

tight abs or built arms -
which makes a guy hotter?

I'm definitely an arms
kinda guy, you know?

thanks for showing up, today.
No one else would.

It's like I'm friend repellent!

You just have to let people
past your hard-candy shell

So they can see
your gooey middle.

I tried! I tried to bring grace
here to share some goo!

Maya, I heard you.

Your invite
included the words

"I literally have
no-one else to bring."

Maya: I didn't say that...
Zig: (laughing) yeah.

did i? Man, I'm bad at girls.

yeah, you said it.

Anyway, uh... I kinda came here
to talk about something else.

This morning,
when I told you about damon...

I never wanna be the one
that makes you feel that way.

You didn't;
damon did.

I know, but I'm the reason
that he broke in.

(Sighs) that's why
I need to move out.

No. No.
I can't lose you.

Maya, this stuff with damon,
it's serious.

Did he thr*aten you?

No, but he was in
your house.

If anything ever happened to
you because of me...

Yeah, but what'll happen
to you, zig?

I've been messed up forever
because of cam.

Thanks to you,
I'm finally getting passed it.

You can't.
I need you in my life, zig.

We're safe, now.
We have the alarm.


We can protect each other,



So you're staying?

Someone's gotta help you make
things right with grace, right?

(Relieved sigh)

(Footsteps clack on sidewalk)

(Car rumbles)

Mrs. Jones:
can I help you?

I'm looking for jack.

Mrs. Jones:
are you a friend?

No, I'm imogen,

best friend.
She's my best friend.

Thi- this is my mom.

It's so nice to meet you,

Jack doesn't tell me and her dad
much about her life at school.

uh, mom, you wanna give us
a sec?

Imogen and I have some important
history homework to discuss,


Mrs. Jones:
I wouldn't want to get between
you and your schoolwork.


okay, I get if you're still mad
at me,

But I came here to apologize
for calling you a jerk.

And while I will continue
to be outraged by dumb idiots,

I can't expect you
to react the same,

So it's fine.

(Groceries rustle)

I'm not out
to my parents.

Imogen: what?
Jack: they don't know I'm gay.

(Approaching footsteps)

Mrs. Jones:
imogen, would you like
to come in?

We just bought all sorts
of ice cream.

Imogen: no... I need to go home.
Jack: imogen-

I have a really important
closet to clean out!

I'm gonna eat so many crepes.

correction: all the poutine.

mmm... Cheese curds.

There's no-one else
I'd rather have here.

Thank you.


(Someone clears their throat,
approaching heels clack)

Mrs. Hollingsworth:
winston, can we have a moment?

You ditched
your own birthday party?

I had to get away.

Mrs. Hollingsworth:
far away, apparently.

So you rented the plane?

Where were you
gonna go?

Frankie: montreal.
Mrs. H: I don't understand,

You got everything
you wanted today.

Yeah,, and the one thing
I didn't.

This is about
your father.

Seeing him gives me
a stomachache.

It's too hard.

I know this separation
it's weird and it's difficult,

But he's your dad.

He wants to be part
of your life.

And I want him
not be a jerk!

Miles gets to choose
whether he sees him or not

Because he's sixteen.

I want that choice, too.


Frankie: really?
Mrs. Hollingsworth: mm-hmm.

I don't have to see him

As long as you can
tell him that yourself.

And by the way,
you're grounded.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
your mother said
you wanted to see me?

I don't want to spend time
with you anymore.

And you can take
this back.

You didn't like it?

I don't wanna be bought.

It didn't cost me
a cent.

It's a...

This, um,
was my grandmother's.

She, uh, wore it
in the twenties.

I just thought...

I just thought it would be
perfect for your party.

Dad, you wanted me to take
the fall for degrassi nudes

To win the election.

You were gonna ruin my life
for your own selfish gains.

I know, I know, but...

If you would just please
let me explain.

No, dad, I don't want
another excuse!



You've never even said
you were sorry.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
I am.

I am... I am...
I'm just so, so sorry.

My god, I've messed up in
more ways than I can count.

I'm so sorry.

Please, just...
Let me fix things.

Give me another chance.

You can't force drop-ins
like yesterday,

Birthday or no.

And no more trying
to buy me off.

I'm willing to work,

Then I'm willing
to work too.

And I promise
no more spending sprees.

But, um...
You'll keep the necklace?



I'm sorry
about yesterday.

You weren't just
a last-ditch invite, okay?

Grace: okay.
Maya: I'm just...

Not good at girls.
Maybe people in general.

I'm afraid that if I tell them
how I really feel,

They'll go running
for the hills.

(Snorts softly)

Maybe you could
come over sometime

And I could do
your nails?

With that?


Grace: better.
Maya: good.

'Cause I could use
a girlfriend.

Life feels pretty complicated
right now.

'Cause you're, like,
totally in love with novak?

no, I'm not!

I mean, he's amazing
and I love him but...

Oh crap.