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14x11 - Firestarter Part 1

Posted: 10/26/21 17:28
by bunniefuu
Frankie: (laughing)
"it's totes awes
that you're all here."

"you may feel the candidates
don't take you seriously

Because you're teenagers,
but to me,
you're the hashtag-future."

you can't say hashtag.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
I just want to relate to the
teens at the young voters forum.

Don't try to sound cool.

If you try,
you just seem nerdy.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
so, no "epic fail," either?


You know,
maybe we should fire andrea

And hire you
as my campaign manager.

well, after all her hard work

Preparing for today's
youth forum,

I wouldn't blame you.

(Coughs) kiss-ass.

Okay, daily briefing time?

What's the press going
to heckle me with today?

they may ask you about the
oomfchat cheerleading scandal.

Mr. Hollingsworth:

it's this app that
sends pictures

That disappear
in one to ten seconds.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
and why on earth would anyone
want that?

to send boob-sh*ts.


That's what the cheerleaders
were doing for money.

Did you know about this,

No! No, it's just a rumour.

I'm pretty sure.
I mean, it seems crazy.

I dunno... Arlene saw
some screenshots

With some pretty recognizable

also, I quit cheerleading,
a long time ago, remember?

Mr. Hollingsworth:
yeah, yeah, of course I do.

Because you're the only one
of my kids

To get the hollingsworth
work ethic and intelligence.

I'll see you at the forum

(Patting hunter)
you, come with me.

(Birds chirp)

You've got dad fooled,
but not me.

Hey, I did work hard
on this forum.

Hmm? And oomfchatting
your boobs for money?

I've known you
for years, frankie.

I know your lie face.

Okay, I did it once,
but then I quit.

What do I do?

All right, have you learned
nothing from dad's political

You just need a scapegoat.

Give them someone to blame.

mm-hmm. But you better
figure it out soon.

Because if you're accused,
then that "epic fail"

Could t*nk dad's
whole campaign,

And then he'll "hashtag"-
hate your guts.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Ooh-ohh-ohh... ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Tiny: hi!
Zig: girls, I have some
practice schedules for y'all.

Some lanyards -
yeah, help yourself -

And even complimentary
water bottles.

Hey there!

Got some practice schedules
for you girls and...

hi. Bottle?
Hi. Tiny.

complimentary water bottles.

yeah, I got something
for you.

Zig: there you go.
Tiny: hi.

welcome to degrassi.


what are you guys doing?


With all this oomfchat stuff
going on,

All the joiners are busy
being questioned.

plus, meeting all these
visiting cheerleaders...

I like my odds.

Grace: you like "zero"?
Maya: you like cheerleaders?

they're pretty...
And flexible.

and way out of your league.

Says the guy who got dumped
by a cheerleader this year.

Me and zoe never went out.

because she refused
to date you.

That's not what happened,
all right?

Twenty bucks says I can
get a cheerleader's number
before you can.

whoa. It can't be
any cheerleader.

You could just pick off
the weakest antelope
in the herd.

Too easy.

What about that ice queen?
Maya: yes!

First one to get her number

let's make it interesting.

The loser has to be
a cheerleader.

He has to dress up,

Do a cheer in front of
the visiting cheerleaders.

you mean the tiny skirt,
the little top...

Maya: mm-hmm.
Tiny: and the bow?

what, are you worried
it's gonna clash

With your pointy red hair?

No. 'Cause you'll never
find out.

we'll see about that.

May the best man win!

All right.


are the police here because
of that oomfchat thing?

To investigate
the cheerleaders.

I thought you'd be happy.

They're gonna get
their just desserts.

yeah, I guess I'm just nervous
about the forum today.

My dad's never put me in charge
of something so big.

You can do anything.

(Light kiss)

(Bell rings)

Ms. Wolfe:
I thought we'd be wading
into the wild world
of the liquids today,

But having students pulled out
for questioning

Will be too disruptive.

We'll have a work period


Were you guys
really interrogated?

For an hour. I played dumb.
I think it worked,

But I don't know how long
I can keep it up!

they want to boot us
from regionals.

You deserve way worse!

We're sorry we let zoe
bully you.

We didn't know
what else to do.

Well, I do.

We get zoe to admit
she came up with degrassi nudes
and made us all do it.

you want us to turn on zoe?

You'd rather we all go down?

we just need to keep quiet.

Zoe says there's no way anyone
but us has any real proof.

What about this blackmailer?

Zoe says the system
was airtight.

What if she's wrong?

How long do you think
you'll get grounded

For selling naked pictures?

I can't even count that high.

If zoe doesn't take the blame,
we all go down.

Mrs. Baker:
girls from our children's

Are sending naked pictures
for money,

And-and we... We hear about it
on the news?

well, the uh... The news does
tend to sensationalize
these things.

Mrs. Baker:
I heard it was
the cheerleaders,

And yet you're still letting
them compete in regionals?

uh... Clare, uh, you had some
thoughts on this, right?

Um... Care to jump in here?

My vp of student council,
clare edwards.

I think these girls are
innocent until proven guilty.

If we shut down every team
because of every rumour,

Then we would have none
of those banners hanging
in the gym.

Mrs. Baker:
but it was most likely someone
from degrassi.

Is this school safe
for our daughters, anymore?

Safe as any.

And I assure you that
there are lots

Of positive leadership

For young women
at this school.

I've found mine
in student council.

Mrs. Baker:
and... Didn't you
wind up pregnant?

(shocked, quiet murmurs,
awkward coughs)

uh, i... I...

♪ I put the needle
in the groove ♪

♪ To a song
that fits the mood ♪

hey, didn't see you there.

right. You just dance randomly
at school?

well, what can I say?
It makes me happy.

You should join me, but...

Oh, look at the time.
I gotta be somewhere.

Why don't you give me
your number

And we can do some random
dancing at a later date.

I don't make a habit of giving
my number to strange guys.


(sighs) all right,
batter up.

what was that?

(Juice splashes and drips)

I am so sorry.

(sighs) it's nothing.

Gloria: let me help.
Zig: shouldn't you be getting
ready for regionals?

At least let me treat it
so the stain won't set.

Wow. That's so nice of you.

♪ Oh oh-oh-oh yeah! ♪

♪ Come on and feel it! ♪

are you freaking kidding me?!

someone has to take the blame,

So you want me to march
to simpson's office

And tell him I ran
degrassi nudes all by myself?

well, if you fess up,

The rest of us may still even
get a chance to compete.


So you're all on board
for this...



I hope you're happy.

(Door bangs open)

How did that mom know
about my pregnancy?

drew used to date becky.
That was becky's mom.

I guess they're close?

or she heard the rumours.

What rumours?

about the student council vp
that got knocked up...
By her president.

at a school event.

Don't forget that part.

Okay, what? Drew's, like,
the hottest guy in school.

It's big-time gossip!
Clare: what am I gonna do?

I thought I could make it
to graduation without
people knowing.

I can't stand people looking
at me like I'm some kind
of trashy teen mom

Like they did
when you were pregnant.

Jenna: ouch.
Simpson: clare! (Claps hands)
a moment please?

if you need us, we'll be in
the student council room.

I am so sorry
about that meeting.

I have to ask,
how does home-schooling work?

Clare, you're one of my best
students - you excel in a school

I know, but I can't stand
people gawking at me

Because I'm pregnant!

I am pregnant, by the way.

It's gonna be okay.

How can you say that?

My wife was a teen mom.
At degrassi, actually.

How did she avoid
all the rumours?

Oh, she didn't.
You can't.


But she held her head high,
she graduated high school.

She has a solid career
as a hairdresser,

And she even married
a really hot guy.

It's... Me. Yeah.

You can be a teen mom
and still have a great life,

You just have to be willing
to go for what you want,

Despite what other people
might think of you.

(sighs) please tell me
you have the name tags

For the young voters forum!

God, I love your smile...

Which is why I hate
to have to show you this.

posted a few minutes ago?

It says I started
the whole thing,

Made girls to do it,
and... Took the money.

No one's gonna believe it.

But what if they do?
What if my dad sees this?!

You don't think it was
the blackmailer, do you?

No. Definitely not.

He already posted that thing
about the cheerleaders.

But it wasn't him.

How can you be so sure?

You're the blackmailer?

I was only trying to help!

help?! Without you, no one
would have known it was them.

No one could have blamed me!

well, I didn't mean
for that to happen.

Because I saw how sad you were
after losing cheerleading...

I wanted to make zoe quit,
so you could take her spot.

How could you do this to me?

I did it for you!

Okay, I didn't make
that facerange page.

It was obviously zoe.

Still, none of this would
have happened, if you hadn't

You're mad at the wrong person!
I was trying to fix things.

With vigilante justice?

It's just called justice,

The world's unfair, sometimes.

That's why there's superheroes.

No! You are not a superhero.

You're a dumb boy
who did a dumb thing,

And now my dad is gonna
hate me forever.

I have to get this down
before anyone sees it.

Okay, well,
then let me help you-

No! You've already
done enough.

I'm so glad you're doing this.

I would have been so lost.

I always carry a stain kit.

For competitions,
my girls have to look perfect.

There, all set.

(Shirt rustles)

I should get back
to my team.

wait. Before you go...

Can I get a selfie
with my hero?

(Chuckles softly)

(Phone camera clicks)


May I have your number?
I'll send it to you.

"May i?"
Such a gentleman.

I'm surprised the guys
are so nice here.

Why wouldn't we be?

Because all your girls
are insane.

Well, I wouldn't say
"all" of them.

I mean, look at your

Sending nudes for money?

That kind of makes them

That hasn't been proven, yet.

I guess not.

But we've all heard
about their captain.

What, zoe?

Yeah, that girl
from that teen show,

Who was all over the news
for those drunken videos?

Hey, she was assaulted.

You don't know
what she's been through.

I'm sorry, are you into her
or something?

Because I kind of thought
we were hitting it off.

I have no idea what
you're talking about!

Oh, you didn't make this?!
Take it down, now.

I had this under control

Until you tried to make me
your scapegoat.

But I didn't do this.

We all did it.

Don't play
little miss innocent,

Just because you don't want
daddy to find out.

I will tell everyone
it was you.

and I'll point them
to that facerange page

That says how mad
you were at me

For kicking you off
the team,

And outlines how you
orchestrated the whole thing

To make me look bad.

The other girls
will side with me.

The other girls
who've just been handed

A get-out-of-jail free card?

how could you do this to me
after what you went through
this year?

Do you know what happens
if people find out I did this?

All that stuff
gets dragged out again.

In the halls, the press...

You know what'll happen
to you?


Your rich daddy will bail
you out and make it go away.

Don't act like you know
my family.

This isn't fair!

life isn't fair, sweetie.

Now, if you'll just move aside,

I have a regional championship
to win.

(Low hum of chatter)

(Baby crying,
pan sizzles on the stove)

can you cover for my cut
and dye this morning, barb?

Hubby's got a meeting, so I've
gotta get the kids to daycare.

Great! Thank you.
(Phone beeps off)

where are your pants?!

You've gotta have some pants
for school!

Can you find him some pants,
mr. Simpson?

now, we've been married
for five years, clare-bear.

Call me archie.

baby: (crying)

Oh, I love your bacon!
I love your bacon!

Awwww... Mm! Mm! Mm!
So good!

I know.
Look, I'm late already.

I gotta go.
You are the best.

Give me a kiss. Mmm...

(shrieks awake,
thumps on floor)

Mr. Hollingsworth:
...but to me,
you are the future.

So thank you, thank you.
Um, you know what?

I also want to give
a big thank you

To my darling daughter,

'Cause she helped organize
this event.


So before I take
any of your questions, i...

isn't there someone you can
complain to at facerange

To get this taken down?

a formal request
takes a few days.

can't you just do
some hacker-y thing?

Well, there is a ddos hack,

But it's way beyond
my capability.

Okay, just give me the list
of things we can do.

Option one:
you tell dad

Before he finds out
from somebody else.

That's it? I can't.
It'll screw up his election.

He'll disown me.

I have a question.

How can you control the city,
if you can't control your kids?

Mr. Hollingsworth:
I assume there's some news
brief about my son

That i... That I missed.

not miles.
Your daughter's been unmasked

As the oomfchat
cheerleading madam.

(Everyone gasps and murmurs)

And now you have
zero options.

(Shocked murmurs)

frankie! Frankie!
(Camera shutters snap)

Can we ask you some questions,

yeah, but before that,

She was practically begging me
to take her number.

and you didn't because
she said mean things

About the cheerleaders?

so you lost the bet
on purpose?

I lost the bet on principal.

because you have a thing
for zoe.

what? No!

What does it matter why I lost
the bet? Nobody won.

I wouldn't say nobody.

(Phone thumps on table,
chair scrapes)

How'd you do that?

after you jilted her, she
would've given her number
out to anyone

Who gave her a little bit
of positive attention.

Wait. You're gay?
I had no idea.

Who says I'm gay?

I just want to see these
idiots in short skirts.

Grace and maya:

get stretching, boys.
I want to see some high kicks.


(Approaching footsteps)

I need to discuss education
with you.

we already talked about this.

Dealing with rumours
can't be easy,

So you can stay home
whenever you need.

Clare: not high school -
for next year.
Helen: (sighs) clare...

I don't want to marry
principal simpson!


What are you talking about?

it was a dream about my future
and it was awful.

I can't put university off.

I think you're underestimating
how much work a baby is.

But a baby who won't be here
until after christmas...

And I'm not talking
about columbia.

I was thinking ryerson
for journalism.

My friends can babysit.

I won't take on
more than I can handle.

We'd be spreading ourselves
pretty thin.

But I have to try.

I don't want my son thinking
that I gave up

At the first challenge
I faced.

I want him to think
that I did my best,
despite the challenges.

Despite what people
thought of me.

Okay. Then I guess
we should talk

About how we'd manage
the child care.


As long as we can do it
while we stretch.

Oh, I'm getting
way behind here.

Okay, yeah.

I am so sorry. I didn't do
what they're saying.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
okay. We'll figure it out,

(Loud hum of voices outside)

the press is gonna have
a field day with this.

Three days left
in the campaign,

There goes any chance we had
to control the narrative.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
they can't go after my children
like this.

I just... We should sue
for defamation

To show the world
what bullies they are.

yes, but we'd have to be
percent certain

That frankie wasn't involved.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
well, obviously you weren't,


I mean... Not really.

I did oomfchat.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
naked. For money.

It was just once, I swear.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
how could you do this to me?!

I'm sorry.
The whole team was doing it.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
the whole team was doing it?!
Oh my-

again, miles, this isn't
the time to get angry.

We-we have to deal with this.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
yeah, you're right.
You're right.

You know, um...
It's probably best

That she makes a...
A statement to the press,

While they're still here.

I have to tell them
we're suing?

You have to take

For my one oomfchat?

For everything.

You want me to lie?

any denial extends the story
and we don't have that time.

Just go out there,
say you made a mistake,

And say you're sorry.

We'll position you
as the good father who's
dealing with it,

And hopefully they bury
this story

Before the polls open
on monday.

Dad, that's not fair.

That's life,

You be a good daughter,
you make the statement.

we'll give you a minutes
to collect yourself.

(Receding footsteps)

(Students laughing
and cheering)

Zig and tiny:
give me a "g"!
Give me an "r"!

Give me an "a"!

can we stop?

you haven't even spelled
my whole name, yet!

(sighs heavily)

Zig and tiny:
give me a "g"!
Give me an "r"!


Are you making fun of us,

Whoa! I lost a bet, okay?

I would never make fun of you.

Then I guess you're
the only person in the world.

I don't care what these
other people think, okay?

I know you're a good person.

Why are you being so nice?

I'm always this nice.

If you hadn't stopped talking
to me, you would know that.

Still got my number?

Yeah. If I texted it,

Could I maybe come watch you
compete tomorrow?

Only if you wear that.

all right, come on.
Let's do this.

give me a "g"!
Give me an "r"!

Give me an "a"!

Zig and tiny:
give me a "c"!
Give me an "e"!

what's that spell?


(Door closes)

where is she?

I'm worried we're about
to lose the press corps.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
have you seen your sister?
Is she out front?

no. Why?
What's going on?

A family crisis...

And surprise, for once,
you're not responsible.

she's not in her room.

Where is she?

♪ Go to bed
and I'll see you in the... ♪

Frankie: (sniffling)
sorry I freaked out on you.

You were right.
The world is unfair.

So what do you want to do?

I want justice.

I want to be superheroes.

I want to make zoe pay.

♪ I'll see you
in the morning ♪