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14x10 - Hero vs. Villain

Posted: 10/26/21 17:20
by bunniefuu


♪ Tonight we step it up ♪

♪ Step it up and fly away ♪

♪ Got our heads up
in the clouds ♪

♪ And you know
we're here to stay ♪

♪ And tonight we step it up ♪

♪ Tonight! ♪

Take that, newman dragons!

(Power cheer squad
claps and cheers)


Mr. Simpson:
I'm sorry to interrupt, ladies.

I was wondering if I could
speak to you for a minute?

Talk to me for a second?

Do any of you know about
something called "degrassi

(A few girls gasp)

Is that some sort
of senior art class?

Uh no, it's a website
where teen girls

Sold naked pictures for money.

At this school?

Mr. Simpson:

So, you have no proof?

Not yet, but I'm holding
a school wide assembly
to see if I can find some.

(Girl gasps)

I'd like to speak.

At the assembly.

Um, zo, did you hear
what it's about?! Ow!

I'm confused too, zoe.

What value do you think
you can add?

As you might recall, I have
some personal experience

With the distribution
of naked photos.

Of course you may speak.

Thank you, sir.

(Power cheer squad
murmurs nervously)

Shay: are you crazy?!
Jack: what is wrong with you?!

ladies, take a breath!

they're on to us,
we have to confess!

No, we need to stay quiet until
after we compete in finals.

what if hunter follows
through on his blackmail
and rats us out?

First, no one's confessing

Second, we're not competing
in cheer finals, we're winning!

And hunter's not gonna rat
on anyone.

He releases our names,
we release his violent comic.

What about the assembly?

my speech throws them
off our trail,

And makes the blackmailer's
accusation harder to believe.

But it could work.

Dearest jacqueline,
are you forgetting?

(Half laughs)
I'm a brilliant actress.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Ooh-ohh-ohh... ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

"Suffragettes were women from
upper middle class backgrounds,

Who were frustrated with their
social and economic situations."

I think I'm ready to have
sex with dallas.

Uh... Congratulations?

And you think
that's a bad idea.

I just think you should be
ready for the consequences

Before you go jumping
into the sack with someone.

I'm not just "jumping into
the sack with someone,"

Dallas and I are committed,
and we trust each other.

Plus, we'll be safe,
I'm on birth control,

And we use a condom.

Well, it sounds like you have
everything under control,

So, back to the suffragettes.

That's it, I tell you that
I'm ready to have sex
with my boyfriend,

And you want to talk about
susan b. Anthony?!

I'm just not in the mood
for girl talk, okay?

No clare, not okay!

Do you think I was in the mood
every time you wanted to talk

About how you and drew had
so much fun at birthing class,

And how you and drew
are gonna be great parents,

And how you and drew-

Just stop talking about me and
drew, there is no me and drew!

You're having a baby together!

No, we're not.

Alli: what?!
Drew: the baby is eli's.

You're having eli's baby?!

No one else knows.

Well, how do you know?

The doctor told me that
the baby is weeks,

Which makes it eli's,
not drew's.

How could I not know
eli was the father?

Clare, focus.

You are having a baby
with the love of your life,

This is a good thing.
Clare: is it?

Yes, you just need to tell
drew and eli the truth.

No, no, I can't!
And neither can you,

I need some time
to figure this out.

Drew will be thrilled
to have his life back!

No offense, and eli will be
thrilled to have you.

Okay, but what
if they're not?


I know you're still mad
about the intervention,

And I'm still not thrilled

About all those horrible
things you said,

But it's been three days.
Three long days,

It's time to kiss and make up.
Emphasis on the kissing.

A latte? You know that's
got caffeine in it, right?

I wouldn't want
to get addicted.

Okay, I admit it,
the intervention was
a little cray-cray,

But I felt pressured
to participate.

Oh, poor you.

Come on, we can
talk about it

While perino bores the rest
of the class

With tales of postwar europe!

(Bell rings)

I need to sit up front.

People seem worried
about my poor performance.

Frostbite, huh?

It's gonna be a cold spring
at degrassi.

(Sighs) go ahead.

Miles doesn't want that latte.

Because it wasn't
grande enough.

I need a grand gesture
if I wanna win miles back!

A terrible idea, dude.

Okay, well, you're the one
that pressured me

To confront miles
on his "pot addiction."

What do you know?!

If miles wanted to be with you,
he'd be with you.

And if he doesn't,
you're better off alone.

(Students chatter)

(Keys clack)

(Computer beeps)

(Printer whirs)

Are you speaking
at the assembly?

are you reading my private

I thought it was my history

You're an idiot - just like
every other boy in this school.

zoe, wait!

Look, I know things have been
weird between us,

All right, but I'm thinking
about you, here.

I need to do this for the same
reason I joined cheer:

To prove to people
I'm not a victim,

And people need to stop
treating me like I am,
including you!

Okay, whoa! I don't!

But maybe I did.

But now I realize that cheer,
and speaking today,

Those things that take courage.

Well, maybe you're not
a total idiot.

Gee, thanks.

(Cell phone chimes)

What's up?



Just a guy who picked
a fight.

So, I was thinking
after the movie,

We can go back to my place,
my parents'll be out.


Oh, I'm sorry,

Am I boring you with plans
for our super romantic date?

Sorry, I was up all night
helping drew set up a crib.

He's really stepping up
to his daddy duties.

(Laughs uncomfortably)

Isn't he worried that a baby's
gonna ruin his life?

oh, he's pumped.
Did he tell you?

Him and clare decided
to name the baby adam.

Isn't that awesome?

It's all so awesome.

Um, hypothetical question:

If vanessa had told you that
you weren't rocky's dad,

How would you react?

Why would you ask
a hypothetical unless...


You only know one girl
that's pregnant.

Drew's not the father
of clare's baby?

No, no, no, I didn't-
I didn't say that!

How long has she known?

Like, a day or two.

She needs to tell
my boy, now!

No, she needs time,
and we need to give it to her.

Dallas: we?
Alli: yes, we! You and me.

You're my boyfriend,
who I trust.

Dallas: I don't love this.
Alli: but you love me.

(Students chatter)

Whoa, hello,
collar hurting neck flesh!

Screw your neck flesh,
we had a deal!

Which I haven't broken.

Then why did I get
this message?

You're behind degrassi nudes?


Why are you surprised?!

That message wasn't from me.


Same creepy doll,
same creepy sender,

Same creepy neck flesh!

Don't! What do you
want to know?

Who sent the message?

Probably the same person
as before.

That was you.

No, I didn't send that message,
or any others.

You're not the one
who's blackmailing us?


(Students chatter)

uh... Where's frankie?

She texted to say she wanted
to meet me here.

um, I might have told her
to tell you that,

'Cause I wanted
to surprise you.



♪ All my instincts
have left me dry ♪

♪ From the window
I see the street ♪

you love sushi.

And even though you pretend
not to,

You know you love origami!

You can't ignore me forever.

Maybe this wasn't the best
place for a grand gesture,

But I care about you,

And I wanna make it up to you.


I, uh...
I do love sushi.

And um... Origami.


I worried the kimono
was too much,

And maybe culturally

The kimono's fine,
but the bow...

Point taken.
Okay, now, let's eat.

If we leave the sushi
out too long,

We'll be bowing over
the toilet.

what do you mean hunter's
not the blackmailer?!

hunter cut the original deal

To keep his violent
comic quiet.

he lied?!

He didn't send that last
message, or any of the others.

It has to be hunter.

or another hollingsworth.

Not miles, he's way too cute
to be a villain.

I think zoe means frankie.

But she's our friend.

is she, or is she a hater
who wants to cheer so badly

She's willing to burn us down
if she can't be on the team?

she oomfchatted, too.
Why would she say anything?

look at her brothers.
Her whole family's crazy!

Maybe she turned on us.

Frankie wouldn't!

Her brothers are a hot mess,
but she's my girl.

Are you willing to bet
finals on that?

Or is it possible your friend's
become an enemy?

So what do we do?

If there's one thing my mom
taught me,

It's keep your friends close,
and your enemies closer.

so, have you thought any more
about when you might tell drew?

I don't even know where
to begin.

Hey, sorry I ruined
your senior year

By mistaking you for
the father of my baby.

Got a date for prom?!

There are worse openings.

All I'm saying
is you should tell him,

Before he finds out
another way.

No, alli, you didn't!

what the hell, clare?!

When were you going to tell me
that eli was the father?!

I mean, how could you be
so stupid?!

It was an innocent mistake!


You didn't know who the father
of your kid was!

I mean, what is this?!

I'm sorry, okay?

I gave up my life
for you, clare.

I told my mom;
I broke up with becky!

And for what?!

How could you?!

Drew deserved to know.

Yeah, but you swore
you would keep my secret!

come on, alli, secrets are just
information waiting to be told.

Okay, well,
here's some information

I've been waiting to tell you:
I was ready to have sex!

But not anymore, and thank you
for having my back!

I am so, so, sorry.

Is there anything I can do?

Come with me?

(Students chatter)




I want to start fresh.

Excuse me?

I feel terrible for
forcing you off the team.

And, since negativity
causes breakouts...

Ask a friend,
I have a favour to ask.

Will you rejoin the team?

Lola sprained her knee,

And we're not sure how long
it'll take to heal.

You know, I wanna cheer, but...

But what?
Finals are around the corner,

And you get to be
the team's hero!

Come cheer your little
heart out, hollingsworth.

I haven't practiced in weeks!

I don't even know
your new routines!

I'll teach you!

Meet me in the locker room
after class.

Of course, of course!

I'm so stoked to be back
on the team!

(Both laugh)

so why exactly are we
beelining for the dot

In the middle of the day?

Are you craving one
of their caramel brioches?

I need to tell eli the truth.

wow, okay...
Are you sure you're ready?

I can't let him hear it
from someone else.


Can we talk?

Or I'll talk,
and you listen?

if you need an ear,
why don't you use drew's?

Because I have something to say

That I think will fix
things between us.

How stupid are you?

Excuse me?

You can't fix things between us
because there is no "us."

I know you're angry-

I'm beyond angry.

You threw it all away!

New york, our future together,
everything we've been through.

Eli, if you'll just let me-
eli: no!

You don't get to come here
anytime you want for a chat!

Not after you've
ruined everything!

And for what?

So you could jump in a bed
with drew torres?!

Tears, clare?

I didn't expect to see those
from such a whore.


Mr. Simpson: (on p.a.)
A reminder to all students,

There's a very important
assembly this afternoon,
in the gym.

So, miles stayed for
your sushi lunch.

I assume romance is reborn?


I'm surprised, I thought you'd
be bouncing off the walls.

What's up?

I thought my sushi surprise
was a hit,

But he barely said
two words while we ate.

He wasn't talking,
he wasn't opening my origami
love notes either,

And I honestly can't
figure out why.

I have a pretty good idea.


And, here's your old
uniform back.


Now, for the panthers pride

There's now a bow and arrow
before the aerial flip.

Say it back to me.

Bow and arrow before
the aerial flip, got it.

and we need tight high baskets
on our basket tosses.

No problem,
tight high baskets.

(Shutter click)

What the hell are you doing?!

Getting insurance.

Sell the innocent rich girl
routine to the others,

I'm not buying.

What are you talking about?

It's you sending
the blackmail messages.

But you go public now,

I have this picture of you,

With your face
easily identifiable.

Oomfchat lands on you.

Go public?!

I wonder what daddy would
think of this shot

Days before the election?

Zoe, zoe,
my parents can't see that!


Wouldn't want to piss me off,

Or, hello, internet.

Okay, whatever you think I did,
it's not me, I swear.

I wouldn't hurt you guys.

Now, if you wouldn't mind
getting the hell out of here,

I have to get all heroic
at the assembly.


You think putting on
a cheerleading uniform

Can cover up what you are?!

You're rotten inside.

You're a villain,

And you deserve the absolute
worst to happen to you!

(Retreating footsteps,

Skipping the assembly?

Yeah, it's not my thing.

I'm surprised you're alone.

what's that supposed to mean?

you know, I kept thinking
it was the intervention

That pushed you away,

But it's what happened
after that.

I drove maya to an appointment,
so what?

So, you still have
feelings for her.

Because I gave her a ride?

Because you stare at her
from across the hall, miles.

Tell me I'm wrong!

Tell me you don't have
feelings for maya!

♪ Do you even know
we're broken ♪

♪ It's hard to just believe ♪

You are a terrible person.

You use and abuse people,

And one day,
you're gonna wake up,

And realize you have nobody,

And I am so happy that
I won't be there

For that sad, sad day.

Because I am so done.

miles hollingswoth.

♪ Too many months now my heart's
been fighting this w*r ♪

♪ I don't wanna love you
no more ♪

(Students chatter)

All right everybody,
settle down!

Settle down!

(Chatter dies down)

Now, I'm sure you've all heard
by now of "degrassi nudes,"

(Students snicker)

A website selling pictures
of uh... Girls, and their uh...

Well, as I said,
I'm sure you've all heard.

(Students laugh)

Mr. Simpson:
this isn't funny, I assure you!

And when I find out
the students involved,
and I will,

There may be child pornography
charges for them.

But more importantly,
you should all be aware
of the emotional cost

Of distributing such
images online.

To speak to that is zoe rivas.

(Students whisper)

Everyone's been talking
about the girls who did this.

But we all know they aren't the
first to share nudes online.

Some girls do it willingly,
while others, like me,

Have had their image shared
without permission.

When you think about showing
your buddy a sexy photo

Of your girlfriend,
or buying nude sh*ts,

Or taking a compromising
picture without permission,

And putting it online...

You have a choice.

You can be villains,
and do those things,

Or you can act heroically,
and resist that urge.

We've all done things
we regret.

But today we have a chance
to move forward,

We all deserve it.


We demand it.


(Students cheer)


(Cell phone buzzes)

(Cell phones ring and buzz)

Do you see this?!

(Students chatter and whisper)

(Cell phones ring and buzz)

dude, look at this!

(Cell phones ring)

(Students laugh and chatter)

Zoe, my office, now.

(Students murmur)