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14x09 - Something's Got to Give

Posted: 10/26/21 17:16
by bunniefuu
Track uniforms:
to lycra, or not to lycra?

I'll call the pulitzer

Equally sarcastic comment.

I know I'm playing
the lame game here,

But fashion is my fallback
when I don't have anything
juicy for dtv.

Excuse me while I go
do a thing.

Yo! What exactly
are you laughing at?!

Can you settle a bet
me and my brother have?

Are these yours?

They are not!

Then why'd you just
cover your boobs?

They're not hers,
trust me.

You know her boobs?

where are those from?

"degrassi nudes."

It's a site that sold boob pics
of real degrassi girls.

Wait, this happened?
Like, in reality?

Pretty awesome, right?

no, it's not awesome!

It's very un-awesome!


What are you doing?

Getting to the bottom
of this.

Jack: that's a bad idea.
Winston: that's a great idea.

What's the big deal if a girl
wants to make a few bucks

From a bunch of perverts?

Women get exploited enough
by the rest of the world,

We shouldn't be doing this
to ourselves.

Maybe you don't know
the full story?

Well, that's what
I'm gonna find out.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Oohh-ohh-ohh... ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Keys clack)

any super power?
I'd go with invisibility.

no way! I'd wanna fly.

With your luck, novak,
every ime you land it would be -

(Makes airplane engine noises,
crashing sound)

so I park on queen street,

Then I go to step out,
and bam!

how about it, maya?
Flight or invisibility?

Shhh! Eavesdropping.

this d-bag takes my door off!

I get no plates for the cops,

And all I see is a streak
of black drive away!

D-bag in a black car?
Maybe it was hollingsworth.

Hmph! Yeah, right.

Not even miles is dumb enough
to hit and run.

Wait a minute,
is he that dumb?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Zig: moneybags hit jock-o?!
Maya: keep your voices down!

Why would we do that?

I was in the car
when it happened.

Flight, matlin?
Never the right choice.

Yeah, but we had to,
if his dad finds out...

He'll hurt miles.

Are you seriously
gonna lie for this guy?!

(Sighs heavily)

Well, what's the plan?

For now, find miles.

All right, "tia" is your
grandma's cocker spaniel.


And "bodie" is her yorkie.

Drew: yes!
Becky: and thoughts
on evolution?

Uh huh, trick question.

You never mention evolution
to grandma baker.

(Both laugh)
I know this seems silly,

Making you memorize
all this stuff,

But I want this to be the best
dinner of all time.

Hey, if it's important
to my girlfriend,

It's important to me.

You're the best,
you know that?

(Both laugh)

Hey drew, um...
Are you gonna pick me up

For our first birthing
class tonight,

Or should I meet you there?

That's tonight?!

You forgot, didn't you?

No, no, no,
i- I did not forget,

I would not forget
something so important.

All right, so, I totally
forgot about that. Um...

Is there any way I can meet
grandma baker another time?

She's only in town
one more night.

Can't you just reschedule
your class?

For the record, didn't forget,
I just double booked.

My mom can come with me.

Well, what if I miss
something important?

It's okay, I'll take notes.

Yeah? Thanks.

Becky: well?
Drew: all clear.


(Sighs happily)

(Laughs nervously)

Dallas! Alli!

What do you guys think
of "degrassi nudes?"

Cute girls selling boob pics?

Who'd be interested
in something like that?

How do you know the girls
are cute?

next question.

it totally objectifies women,

And turns them into
disembodied boobs,

Instead of actual human people!

What she said.

Follow-up question:

Do you know whose boobs
these are?

Alli: uh...
Dallas: hey!

No, I do not.

(sighs heavily) damn!

I gotta keep digging.

Hey, maybe you should stop.

I mean, no one's gonna admit
those boobs are theirs.

No, jack jones,
I shall not stop

Until I discover whose naked
breasts are on display
in this photo!

what are you doing?

I'm trying to get to the bottom
of "degrassi nudes," sir.

Mr. Simpson:
degrassi what?

My office.
Now, please.

(Fountain gurgles, birds chirp)

great, okay, I'll bring the car
by this afternoon. Thanks.

There you are!

Why didn't you respond
to any of my texts?

Well, I was on the phone
trying to find a body shop
to fix the car.

Miles, we have to come clean.
We hit dallas!

He told the cops he saw
a black car speed away.

I know you're freaked out,
but my dad left for the day,

So all I need to do is bring
the car to the shop,

And all the evidence is gone.

We can keep the accident
a secret.

No, you can't!

Shouldn't you be at work?

Mr. Hollingsworth:
I misplaced my phone.

You know, I thought I'd dropped
it in the garage.

So when I took a look around,
what did I see?

More evidence of my son's

You have had that car,

Two, three minutes,
and then you crash it?!

I'm having it fixed.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
what happened?
Miles: let's talk about it

Mr. Hollingsworth:
oh no, no, no, no.

No, we're gonna talk
about it now!

Somebody hit us.

Well, why didn't you
speak to me?

I, um, I just wanted
to handle it for myself.

Did you get the insurance info?

They took off.
Mr. Hollingsworth: they-

Yeah, another reason I didn't
bother telling you.

Well, that's no fault
insurance, miles.

You know, if you have
the collision report,

You can just pay
the deductible.

You didn't report it.

Okay, I just thought that-

No, well, obviously,
you didn't think.

Okay, maya and her mother
will just meet us

At the police station later,

And hopefully the cops
will find the guy
who banged your car.

Because there's no way
that a hit and run

Should go unpunished.

(Mr. Hollingsworth
sighs angrily)

(Sighs heavily)


That's what the truth
sounds like, huh?

Grandma baker:
now, do not lie,
because I will know...

What do you think
of the pie?

It's great;
key lime's my favorite.

I make it from scratch.

Bodie and tia ever
lend you a paw?

Mmm, becky,
you've got a good one here!

I do.

(Cell phone chimes)

But he better not answer
his phone at the table.

It's clare,
it could be important.

(Laughs nervously)

Is there any chance I can get
seconds on this delicious pie?


Oh my god!

Grandma baker:
oh! Pardon me,
young man,

But did I just hear you use
the lord's name in vain?

I'm sorry, mrs. Baker.
My baby just kicked.


You have a baby?!

(Laughs nervously)


Detective richards:
so when you came back
to the car,

You and miles saw a black suv
back into his coupe,

And speed away?
Maya: yes.

No receipt from the mall

To indicate what time
you were there?


So you didn't buy anything.

Well, what were you
shopping for?

um, I don't remember.

You don't remember?

Um, I guess we just wanted
to wander around.

Mrs. Matlin:
you know teenagers,
always in the food court.

You said it was a blue suv?

Detective: right, my mistake.

You okay, maya?

Yeah, I'm-i'm just
a little nervous.

Mrs. Matlin:
she gets anxious,
but she's seeing a therapist.

Maya: mom!
Mrs. Matlin: I'm sorry,
I don't want the detective

To think you're lying!

Detective richards:
relax, just a couple
more details,

And I can get after this idiot
who hit your friend's car.

Draw a diagram
of the parking lot,

Exactly where miles' car was.

I'll get him to do the same.

Write down all the shops
you visited.

As long as miles' story
matches, we're good.

(Students chatter)

(Bikes whir)

what's wrong?

You usually love your
mini morning cakes!

I'm in a bit of a mood.


What happened with simpson?

He totally took
my story away.

He told me "degrassi nudes"
was a "matter for the police,"

Whatever that means.

So he doesn't know
who's responsible?

No. Which means the girls
that are doing this

Will get off scott free!

Jack: big deal.
Imogen: it is a big deal!

Sending naked photos
to strange boys for money

Is seriously messed up!

Wow, well, not if you don't
care who sees your boobs.

Oh my god!

Those are your boobs!

You're "degrassi nudes?!"

Jack: well, not just me.
Imogen: who else?

(Sighs heavily)

The power cheer team.

Leaping lizards!

That's how you could afford
all that fancy equipment!

Jack, how could you cheat
on me like this?

Cheat on you?

Because I sent my boobs
to some dumb boys?!

That's ridiculous!

Don't call me ridiculous!

Imogen: cheater!
Jack: come on!

You're acting like
a -year-old!

Well, this -year-old
wants to finish

Her mini morning cakes
by herself.

(Exhales in disbelief)


how could you mess up
my grandma's dinner so badly?!

Look, accidents happen, becky.

Yeah, clare's living proof!

(Drew sighs)

(Sighs heavily)

Is it cold in here?

Well, I may have told grandma
baker I knocked up another girl.


I mean, it's not my fault,
all right?

I was distracted,
because I was texting clare.

Our baby kicked.

That's huge!

Yeah, we might have a little
beckham on our hands,

But, I missed it,
all right?

And I'll miss out
on a lot more,

If I have to keep juggling.

Welcome to baby mama
drama, bro. It be crazy.

And it's only gonna get crazier
when the baby's born.

So I'm either a lousy
boyfriend, or a deadbeat dad.

(Sighs heavily)

Hey, what'd your diagram
look like?

Don't sneak up
on me like that.

Was it facing east?

You smell good.

Oh, my god miles,
are you high?!

It's like uh, cinnamon?

No, no, it's like,
vanilla, isn't it?

Hey, you wanna get
ice cream?

You've gotta be kidding me.

All right, fine,
I'll go alone.


Hey, I lied for you!

And if we don't get
our stories straight,

Your dad's gonna find out!

Won't he be furious?

You don't get it,
do you?

When it comes to me,
he's always furious.

(Miles snickers)

So I lied for nothing?!

Ah, this is clearly bothering
you, so let's fix it.

You can't just go back
and redraw your diagram!

No, miles!
Bad idea!

No, this is what you wanted,

The truth to come out?

Please just sober up, we'll
figure something out, okay?

Hey, dallas!

I hit your crap car.


what did you say?!

all right, well,
it wasn't crap before

I knocked the door off of it.
But now, well...

and you took off after?!

relax, I'll pay for it.

dallas, baby, it's okay.

Rocky was in the car!
What if you hit my son?!

Oh! (Laughs)

You are so cute when you
pretend to be a dad.

Yeah, that's right,
hit me, come on.

That's what you do,
isn't it?

miles, don't do this!

Dallas! Dallas!

you're an irresponsible idiot.

You're lucky I'm not.

You can explain the rest
to the cops.

(Alli sighs disgustedly)


people are so dumb!

Yes, yes, they are.

Jack sold pictures of her boobs
on oomfchat for money.

Hmm, didn't see that coming.

And she doesn't think
it's a big deal,

But it is, right?

If she'll show her boobs
to anyone,

Isn't it meaningless when
she shows them to me?

I don't know.

You know what I should do?
Eli: hmm?

Send a picture of my boobs.
Eli: uh, no.

To a bunch of people-
eli: no!

see how she likes it!
Tit for tat, yo. Literally.

That's not gonna make
things better. Trust me.

Well, I have to do something.

I can't just get over this.

Well, if you love her,
you have to find a way, right?


I got your favourite.

Nothing says "I'm sorry" like
mango puree and crushed ice.

Yeah, I didn't mean to ruin
grandma's dinner.

All I wanted was your undivided
attention for one night!

I feel like you're never
there for me!

I was there for you
last night.

Yeah, but your brain
was with clare!

I need more, and...
I deserve more.

You're right.
You do.

Becky, you're one
of the kindest,

Smartest, most beautiful
girls that I know.

You really feel that way?


Which is why I know
you'll understand.

Wait, understand what?

That we need to break up.

Becky: excuse me?!
Drew: the baby's
gotta come first.

All right, and I can't keep
disappointing you!

You wanna break up?!

I don't want to...
But I have to.


Maybe we could just
lower the volume?

no, I will not lower
the volume,

And I will not be
broken up with

After I went against
my own beliefs,

And kept dating a guy
with a kid on the way!

Drew: becky-
becky: after you embarrassed me
in front of my grandma,

And I defended you!

Volume's actually
gettin' louder.

No, I will not be
broken up with,

I'm breaking up with you!

And this apology smoothie
is now a breakup smoothie!


(Students laugh)

okay, I know
you're disappointed.

I'm incredulous!

How could you lie
to the police?!

Shhh! I was worried
about miles.

I didn't want him
to get in trouble.

But now you're the one
in trouble... Again!

I mean, I thought you
were making progress
with your therapist.

I am,
it's different this time!

It's not just in my head,
I swear!

Mrs. Matlin:
I know you care about miles.

But you can't destroy
your life for him!

So what, I'm just supposed
to let him deal with his dad

You already tried to help
a couple of times.

You even got me involved!

But the truth is,
you can't help someone

Who isn't ready
to help himself!

You're right.


I made a mistake.

(Door opens)

(Door slams shut)

(Chair wheels clatter)

Okay, maya.
Let's have the truth this time.

(Cars rumble)

Hey, you really had my back
in there.

That's how this whole
parenting thing works.

Not every kid's so lucky.

Hey, can I check on miles?

It'll only be a minute.

Clock's ticking.


Miles: hey.
Maya: hi.

Listen, I'm sorry.
I got you caught up in my mess.

But thanks for caring
enough to help.

You're welcome.

But you're gonna have
to start helping yourself.

Maya, I can't tell anyone else
about my dad.

(Mr. Hollingsworth sighs)

I used my pull to smooth
things over,

So neither of you will have a
criminal record going forward.


Come on, let's go.

Miles: I'll see you around?
Mr. Hollingsworth: now!

(Car starts)

(Mr. Hollingsworth sighs)

(Door slams)

(Car rumbles)

(Birds chirp)

(Students chatter)

I tried to oomfchat my boobs
to someone else,

But I couldn't do it.


But you still hate me!

No, I could never hate you!
I just...

I feel like right now
I don't even know you.

Why, because I sold naked pics?

To boys!

Behind my back.

I told you...

I didn't think it would
be a problem.

But it is!
The political is personal!

This stuff matters, like,
to the world!

I don't care about
any of that stuff.

I care about you.

A lot, okay? And...

If I hurt you,

I hope you know that I am
really, really sorry.

That's it?

That's it.

That's all I've got.

♪ The way you love ♪

♪ Baby it is dangerous ♪

♪ Already got me playing
right into your game ♪

I accept your apology,

But on one condition.

Name it.

No more oomfchatting
sexy pics...

Unless they're to me.


♪ So I wrote these words
to say ♪

♪ I'm hoping that you'll stay ♪

♪ But I've already said
too much ♪

♪ I was trying to be cautious ♪

Thanks for coming.

I won't miss any more

(Clare sighs)

Hey, there's nothing
to be worried about.

okay, clare and...


Clare and drew, let's take
a look at your baby.

(Sighs, excited laugh)

(Ultrasound monitor beeps)


(Fetal heartbeat)

Is that...?


Nice strong heartbeat.

Um, does everything
look healthy?

well, there's the head,
there's the hands.

And there's the-

It's a boy!


What looks like a healthy
baby boy.

We are having a boy!

We should name him...

Clare and drew:


now for the next part
of the exam.

Right, I'll give you two
some privacy.

♪ You can follow me ♪

♪ And we'll find a way
to get where we're going ♪

This is amazing.

I didn't even realize you could
tell the sex at weeks.

You can't.
Your baby's weeks.

But if it's weeks,
