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14x07 - I'll Be Missing You

Posted: 10/26/21 17:10
by bunniefuu
(Students chatter)

I'm sorry, I'm gonna grab
another one of these.

They're amazing,
have you tried them?

Third bake sale
this month, huh?

Power cheer is
an expensive sport.

There are entry fees for meets,
transportation, uniforms...

and don't forget
the hair bows!

You raised all this money
from bake sales?

Our cupcakes are very
good, sir.

Zoe, they're heaven.

I wish we could tell people

We're making all our money
from degrassi nudes.

I'm sure mr. Simpson wouldn't
mind his cheerleaders

Oomfchatting their ta-tas
for dollars!

sorry we're late, gals!

We were working
on something special.

It better be
your leg lifts.

Shay and jack:
happy birthday!

Louder please, I'm sure
the people in the cafeteria
didn't hear you.


Why did no one tell me?

'cause you can't
keep a secret.


You're the birthday girl?

Someone told me
to give you this.

Ooh, a secret admirer!

more like a zig-ret admirer!

I do not need boys right now.

But I will accept
their gifts. (Chuckles)

Awww, so cute!

Jack: ohh!
(Bell rings)

okay, we better get
to class, yeah?

Shay: bye!
Jack: happy birthday!

I know about degrassi nudes.

(Nervous exhale)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Ohh-ohh-ohh... ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Alli and jenna giggle)

What are we hugging about?

Did my girl get into mit?


Oh, yay!
That's way closer!

not cambridge, ontario,
like, cambridge, england!

On full scholarship!

So you've decided?

Uh no, not yet.

only a fool would turn down
the home of stephen hawking.

(Robot monotone)
he will show your girlfriend
the wonders of the universe.

You didn't even tell me
you were applying.

Breathe babe,
nothing's percent.

Do you at least have some
time to think about it?

Let's talk later,
just the two of us?


we're not even graduated yet,

And she's already excluding me
from her plans?

What do I do?

Show your girlfriend
the wonders of the universe.

The robot isn't wrong.

Oh, nice pattern
on the button up.

I see you've been taking style
cues from yours truly.

First of all,
just so we're clear,

You stole this look
from me.

Second, have you
seen miles?

Uh, no, I don't think
he's coming today.

but this is like the fifth
class he's missed this week.

He skips all the time.

He didn't used to.

He used to be really
serious about school.

Are you sure we're talking
about the same person?!

Work hard, play harder.
That was miles' motto.

Well, the boy
I'm crazy about

Is more of a rebel
without a cause.

That's what I'm saying!

I'm getting kinda worried
about him.

Who are you? Maya?

Well, she has a point.

Miles is moody all the time.

Okay, well,

When did you start noticing
different behavior?

When he started hanging
out with you.

Mr. Perino:
anger, frustration,

These are just some of
the causes of world w*r ii.

You will tell me more about
this in your history projects.

So everyone, partner up!

You think I'm the problem?!

You said it, not me.

Well, you're wrong.

If anything, I'm a good
influence on miles.

Says you.

♪ Oh I'm okay 'cause you know
that I can take it ♪

♪ Don't say you're staying ♪

♪ 'Cause I know that hey I will
have to make it to a game ♪

♪ You tell me from behind ♪

♪ And according to a thousand ♪

♪ People really really
want me dead ♪

♪ Invite by coming
all the way to me ♪

♪ I saw you climbing walls
I knew you'd do it for me ♪

♪ I'm tracking myself
to fall on a good fall ♪

♪ To sort the good
from the bad ♪

♪ A-a-a-good from the bad ♪

♪ The decisions we say
that we can make them ♪

♪ Obvious ways we said
we'll take them ♪

♪ The easy life is closer
to the ground ♪

♪ And according to that sound
this is where I wanna ah ah ♪

♪ I wanna take it
I think that I can take it ♪

♪ I'll take it
I'll take it ♪

♪ I think that I can... ♪

♪ I want it
I want it- ooh! ♪

♪ Ah ah aaah! ♪

What about wild water kingdom?

The whole point of this date
is to remind alli about us.

Make her see that we
should be part

Of whatever future
she's planning.


So, I want something classier
than a water park.

Dude, if you'd ever been
to wild water kingdom,

You wouldn't be saying that.

If you're so worried,
why don't you just talk to her?

because talking leads
to breaking up.

I wanna strike first
with an amazing evening

That proves that I should be
worth factoring into her future.

Yeah, you need something
that says,

"Mike dallas, a viable option."

exactly. You know what?
I think I got it!

A hockey game,
but in those classy seats,

Where they bring
the food to you.

I think you have a fan.

Can I help you, niner?

Uh no, but maybe
I could help you.

Excuse me?

Your ideas of romance...
Are kinda the worst.

I'm sorry, what do you
know about romance?

I know girls.

We wanna be treated right.

We want quality time,

And I'm talking
undivided attention.

So no amusement parks,
or sports games.

So what would you want
a guy to do?

I don't know, a candlelit
dinner in a quiet restaurant,

A nice warm pool...

You know what has dinner
and pools?

Wild water kingdom?

No. Hotels!

Now we're talking!

see? There you go.

Thanks for your help, uh...

Shay. Powers.

mike dallas.

I know.
I better get to booking!

(Water splashes, birds chirp)

okay, so I may have had
ulterior motives

When I picked wartime fashions
as our project topic.

oh yeah?

yeah, I mean,
I just have this hunch

That you'd look crazy sexy
in a uniform.

hmm. I'm happy to see you take
your education so seriously.

Mr. Hollingsworth:

Hard at work, I see.

Actually, we're just putting
together a presentation

On the fashions of w*r,

And miles said that you had-

Just-just give it up, tris.

There's no point
in talking to him

Once he's decided to be
disappointed in me.

(Mr. Hollingsworth groans)

Okay... In the words
of everyone everywhere,

Take a chill pill.

Your dad was just
kidding around.

Okay, just please don't,
you're making it worse.

You sound just like winston.

He thinks I'm the problem.

What problem?

He just seems to think
that being with me

Has caused all these
changes in you.

You're talking to winston
about me?!

look, people are noticing

You're moody, irritable,

And you skip class
all the time.

What is it with you people?!

Just tell me if it's me.

Look. (Sighs)

Tristan, you can't be
the problem,

Because there is no problem.

Are you sure?

Yes. All our friends are,
they're just jealous
that we're happy,

And they're not.

Okay, well, you know
how we can prove them wrong?

By acing this history project...

Well then, let's go find
some uniforms.

(Small laugh)

I called this emergency meeting
to share some important news.

I got offered a huge movie role
starring alongside...

Ellen page,

And I have to devote myself
to it one hundred percent!

I love being a cheerleader,
but I can't let ellen down,

So... I have to quit the team.

(Sighs heavily)


(Lights click on)
cheerleaders: surprise!

you think we'd let
you get away

Without having a sweet sixteen?

we all pulled together
to get you... This.

Lola: it's a bracelet!
Shay: lola!

You only had to hold it in
for like, four seconds!

(Cheerleaders laugh)

each squad member
picked a charm.

Guys, this is... Perfect.

so, don't cry,
'cause when people cry, i-

Oh, here it comes!
Girl: oh god!

I've just... Never had
a surprise party before.

I've never had friends to throw
me a surprise party before.

Aw, come, guys!


Okay, so, what'd you call
this meeting about?

It's about...
Us, and...

How we're going to win semis!
(Small laugh)

(Car rumbles)

I know you're good
at keeping secrets.

Dallas, look, I'm sorry I didn't
tell you about cambridge.

No, not that.

Cambridge is an amazing
opportunity which I support.

Then what secret
am I keeping?

Where you're gonna be
tomorrow night,

When you tell your parents
you're staying at clare's.

And where will that be,

let me set the scene.

A romantic dinner
in a quiet restaurant...

I like, I like!

Where we clink glasses,
and feast on oysters,

And chocolate covered

I love, I love!

But, one, do you even
like oysters?

And two, why do I have
to lie to my parents?

Because afterwards we're
spending the night in a hotel.

Alli: what?
Dallas: it'll be fun, I promise!

Rose petals, champagne.


Why not?
It'll be so romantic!

Exactly, too romantic,

And I'm worried that
we'll be tempted

To spend less time talking,
and more time-


Yes, and I'm not
ready for that.

With me?

Because you've done it
with other guys.

We need to be thinking
about our futures.

Right. Got it.

Message received.

(Sighs heavily)

Does it ever hurt to be
so wrong all the time?

What now?

Well, miles and I talked,
and I'm not the problem!

He doesn't have a problem.

Mr. Perino:
am I ever ready for
presentations today!

First up...

Miles hollingsworth,
and tristan milligan!

I see a tristan.
Where's miles?

come on, fashionably late
for a fashion presentation?

Clock's ticking, tristan.

Um, can't we let it tick
for just a few more seconds?

He'll be here.

Seems like you have
a problem now.

Fine, um, how about
I get started,

And he'll jump in
when he arrives?

All right.

Uh, fashions of world w*r ii:

How uniforms help
establish status,

And bonds between soldiers.

Um, so just imagine
I'm wearing a fierce

Royal air force bomber jacket,

Which miles is on his way
here with...

And imagine there's
silver captain wings

Pinned right here,
and um, if miles was here,

I'd say, "private miles."
And seeing my captain's wings,

He'd say,
"yes, sir, captain!"

Um... Uh...

Sorry, uh...
"Private, I need-"

Okay, let me stop you there.

I'm sorry, I'm trying my best.

Mr. Perino:
your presentation
wasn't the problem.

Your choice of partner was.

Maybe next time, choose someone
a little more reliable.

Okay, who's next?

And now I can't even get
my money back,

'Cause I got the hotel room
at a discount price.

wait, so how much you out?

Ninety-five dollars,
and a girlfriend!

No dude, it's not like
she broke up with you.

She practically said she
doesn't wanna have sex with me,

That's worse!

You waited, like,
a year to date alli,

I'm pretty sure you can wait
a little bit longer

To give her the business!


If it's gonna happen, fine.

But she doesn't think
I'm worth it.

And soon she's gonna be
in england,

With all those smart guys
who are gonna be like,

(With english accent)
let's talk about science,
and have a spot of tea!

Or she'll be at mit
with those guys,

Who are gonna be like,
yeah, let's have an apple,

And talk about astrophysics,
and stuff.

I'm bad at accents!

The point is, it's only
a matter of time

Before I'm the mayor
of dumpsburg!

Dude, relax, all right?

She's not gonna break up
with you,

You guys are a perfect match.

Tell her that.

Oh crap, man, I gotta go.

Keep strong,
all right, brother?

All right.


you shouldn't do that
on your own.

what do you know, niner?

I know this is about ten pounds
more than your usual max.

And it's your last set.

I also know it doesn't
matter what fancy school
your girl goes to.

She'll probably dump you,

Yeah, all thanks
to your great advice!

You know what,
next time,

Why don't you mind
your own damn business!

I'm sorry,
I'm just trying to help.

I overreacted.

I just don't want
to lose alli.

Whatever, I get it.

Hey, you know,
actually, I don't!

Why would you wanna be
with someone
who makes you miserable?!

Dallas: she doesn't.
Shay: she does!

Even though you're the best
athlete in this joint.


You played junior a hockey,
captain of the basketball team,

Plus, you're funny.

I tell a few jokes.

Those accents earlier?
I died!

(Thumps bench)

(Laughs wryly)

Anything else you like?

You're smart.
And that smile...



You're basically the only guy
worth crushing on

In this entire school.

I wish my girlfriend
felt like that.

what the hell?!

(Scoffs angrily)


We need to shut down
degrassi nudes.

No, "hello?"
"Nice shirt?"

Zoe: hello, nice shirt.
Grace: liar.

Why do you wanna shut it down?
We're raking in the money.

Someone knows it's us.

One of your girls screwed up.

Zoe: no!
Grace: then how'd someone
figure it out?

I don't know,
they just did!

Or they're bluffing.

Look, if no one screwed up,

There's nothing to be
worried about.

My system is flawless,

Zoe: but-
grace: as long as
you can explain

Where all the money's coming
from, we're still golden.

And what if this person
isn't bluffing?

Then I have to quit
so he won't expose us,

But...i can't.

I don't want to.

Power cheer's the only
positive thing
I've got at degrassi.

I have friends.
More than that.


Stop, you're gonna make me cry.

Come on, grace, we've made
enough money now, anyway!

Zoe, no one knows about
you and oomfchat!

And no one will,
if we shut it down! Please?


(Keys clack)

this is seriously the nicest
thing I've ever done for anyone.

Thank you.

Why weren't you at school?!

Oh, dude,
you are so loud right now.

you promised you'd come
to class

To do our history presentation!

But why would I
wanna go to class,

When that's where
all those judge-y idiots
who judge me are?

Because when you don't show up,
I'm forced to do a solo show.

Where all those judge-y
idiots judge me.

Are you getting high
right now?!

Want some?
Tristan: no!

No, I have to get
back to school,

And you should too.

But this is way more fun.

smoking dope by yourself
is fun?

Well, now who's
the judge-y idiot?

it all makes sense now.

Skipping class, being distant.

What, are you, like,
addicted to weed?

(Coughs, laughs)

no, I'm serious,
I think you have a problem.

hey, my only problem is that
this is my last joint so...

(Bell rings)

(Students chatter)

can I get by?!
It's perogie day in the caf.

Perogies can wait,
we need to talk.

(Dallas shut door,
alli exhales annoyed)

I'm sorry.

What, for almost making out
with a niner?

she has a crush,
lots of girls do.

But apparently I'm repulsive
to the only girl

I wanna be with!

So you know what,
maybe we should just
break up right now.

Alli: is that what you want?
Dallas: that's what you want,

You freaked at the idea
of us having sex!

And you think that that means
that I don't like you?!

I think it means you're not
willing to commit.

Sex does not equal commitment!

Plus, I don't think you think
we're strong enough

To stay here for!

Actually, I think we're
stronger than that, dallas,

I think we could handle
long distance.

Why do you think I've been
trying to talk to you?

To plan our future, together!


Have you even thought about
playing hockey in europe?

They have leagues,
they pay good money,

And what about coaching?
Kinesiology programs?

I actually hadn't thought-

Of course not!

Because all you can
think about is

Whether or not
we're having sex!

I'm sorry for wanting
to have sex with you.

Look, I want you to want
to have sex with me.

But then... I am for real
confused right now.

Okay look, sex is complicated
for me, dallas,

And I've let it
mess things up

Way too many times for me,

I can't let that
happen again.

So, you're not
bailing on me?

Not if you have a plan
for the future,

And one that isn't all
about bedroom business.

(Both laugh)

You were right,
miles has a problem.

Oh, am I having deja vu?

A weed problem.

It's like me,
and beyonce's new album.

He's obsessed!

What is he in danger of,
over snacking?


No, I looked up the symptoms
of excessive marijuana use:

Paranoia, depression, apathy.

Well, we need to do
something about it.

Like hold an intervention.

It could work.

No, miles will hate us.

This is a bad idea.

Well, do you have
a better one?

intervention, it is.

(Sighs heavily)

oh yeah, right there!

like that?

yeah, just like that.

Do you really think
this highlight reel will work?

you were one of the best
hockey players

In one of the best leagues
in the world.

You're still in good shape,
someone needs you.

Getting paid to play hockey
would be unreal.

And if I play in europe,
I'd be close to you.

If I go to cambridge.

And if I stay in north america,

There are smaller pro leagues
here, too, right?

Thanks for not giving up on me.

Even though I was blinded
by the booty.

(Both laugh)

So you won't be mad that we're
not having sex tonight?

Now that I know that we're
gonna try to be together,

I can wait as long as you can.

Still, we shouldn't let
this big bed go to waste.

Pillow fight!

ohhhh, you little-
(alli giggles)

♪ Are you ready,
are you ready ♪

♪ Yeah, we're ready for this ♪

♪ 'Cause we're ready ♪

♪ Are you ready,
yeah we're ready for this ♪

Great news, guys!

We're finally getting an actual
panther as our mascot?

No... We've made
all the money we need,

So I've shut down
degrassi nudes.

Oh, thank god!

It's over?

But I was just perfecting
my angles!

Well, now you can
perfect your form,

Because we all need to focus
on winning semis!

formation, people!

♪ Kiss my derriere
my derriere ♪

(Cell phone chimes)

Girls, we said phones on silent
during practice!

Sorry, that's me.

"I know about oomfchat."

Duh, it's a very popular app.

Who sent this?

(Cell phones chime, ring
and beep)

Hey, I got a weird message, too.

What's it say?

"Kick zoe off the team,

Or I tell everybody
about your oomfchat nudes."

♪ Are you ready? ♪