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14x05 - There's Your Trouble

Posted: 10/26/21 17:04
by bunniefuu
here, man.

so anyway, it turns out
my textbook was in my locker

The entire time, isn't that
the funniest thing? Okay, bye!

Mrs. Baker:
hey, becky...

I know your brother's
situation's been hard on you,

You've handled it so well.

Well, that's me,
cool as a cucumber.

I wish I could say
the same for luke.

He's having a hard time.

I know a visit from his sister
would really lift his spirits.

You really think he wants
to see the person

Who sent him to prison?

Juvenile detention.
And I know he does.

He wrote you this.

band auditions.

You know, i-i really, really
wish I could, mom,

But I have band practice.

Mrs. Baker
you're in a band?
Since when?

Well, I wanted something
to replace cheerleading,

And you know how much
I love... Bands.

so when are rehearsals?

We can just schedule
around them.

I don't know, it's-

My schedule's pretty full,
and it's a big commitment,

I don't wanna let
my band mates down!

(Bell rings)
sorry, gotta go!

band auditions!
Thanks, man.

Hi, I need one of these.

You're welcome!

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Ooh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Girls grunt with effort)

frankie, did I say
"straighten your leg,"

Or "look like a drunk frog?!"

Ah! Whoa! Oh!

I can't do it.
It's too hard.

Elite squads execute
the "bow and arrow."

Do it again!

I don't understand why
you're so fixated on this,

It's not a required movement!

I'm so fixated on this,

Because I want us to win!

Well, maybe if we worked
on our other stunts,

We wouldn't need it!

We're not throwing away
all of our hard work.

by "hard work," do you mean
our tumbling line,

Or our oomfchatting boobs
for money scheme?!


You know what everyone
says about us, right?

That we're not real athletes!

We need to prove
the haters wrong!

If we really wanted
to prove our integrity,

We'd stop sending nudes!

As if!

Last night was record breaking!

Look at our account.

(gasp) oh! Wow!

That's like, many zeros!

but it doesn't change the fact

That we can't pull off
this stunt.
(Bell rings)

Everybody, meet me here
at lunch. Field trip.

I'm gonna show you what
you're up against.

(Passersby chatter)

eli goldsworthy?


Back from your big apple
film school,

And rocking the skinny jeans!

So, what's the plan?

Working for tarantino
for the summer,

Meetings on the coast?

Heh. Not quite.
New york's too expensive,

So I'm stuck here trying to get
a sweet barista gig at the dot.

Glamorous, I know.

You're back to reconcile
with clare.

Eli: oh-
tristan: now, hey, hey.

For what it's worth,
I totally ship you guys.

You're my otp.
And she's totally your otl.

I didn't understand
a word you just said.

I just think it's so romantic
that you sacrificed

All your hopes and dreams to
win back the love of your life.

Yeah, well,
given recent developments,

I'm not sure that's
how things are gonna go.

Why not?
Doesn't love conquer all?

Eli: (laughs) see 'ya.
Tristan: see 'ya.

Becky: (singing melodiously)
♪ hello daddy.
Hello mom ♪

♪ I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-
cherry b*mb

♪ Hello world
I'm your wild girl ♪

♪ I'm your...
Cherry b*mb! ♪

Wow, babe, uh...

Do you know what
that song's about?

I googled "girl rock song,"
and that's what came up.

and since when are you
auditioning for...

"Prodigal spoon?"

since my mom asked me
to go visit luke,

And I told her I couldn't
because I had band practice!

Which is a lie,
which is a sin,

So, I have to make
the lie a truth!

Besides, I really need
something to sink my teeth into

That'll keep me super busy
all the time forever.

or you can just tell your mom
you don't wanna visit luke.

I'd rather just rock
this audition.

Okay, so, how do I sound?

You sounded...

You sounded awesome.

Look, watch out, karen o!



♪ I woke up feeling different
with different rules to break ♪

♪ You think I'm going crazy ♪

♪ But that's a big mistake ♪

♪ I left my mind in brooklyn ♪

♪ I'm heading to l.a. ♪

Oh. My. God.

We're screwed.

We are not screwed,

But if we wanna win,
we have to be better than that.

How do they even get
their legs to do that?

their hair bows, they're like
twice the size of ours!

♪ I'm heading to l.a. ♪

♪ I set my heart on fire ♪

♪ And I'm blowing out
the flame ♪

♪ I'm gonna light it up
I'm gonna- I'm gonna- ♪

I hate losing and if we go up
against them, we're losing.

For real. Besides,
I think I need a break.

All I dream about at night
is cheerleading.

So, you're all just going
to walk away?!

We could do it if we practiced
for a million hours.

No amount of practice
is gonna make us that good.

Where are your ovaries,

We can do this!

And I'll prove it to you.

("Cherry b*mb" plays)

Becky: (singing melodiously)
♪ can't stay at home
can't stay at school ♪

♪ Old folks say,
you poor little fool ♪

♪ Down the street
I'm the girl next door- ♪

thanks, that's all I need.

Is there a problem?

You're in tune,
and you're kinda hot,

But you're not cut out
for "prodigal spoon."

I don't understand, my friends
said I sounded great.

Your friends were lying.



No, no need!
I'm totally fine!

(Sighs heavily)

Drew: tasty meatball sub!
Clare: no, please!

I feel barfy enough! I just-
I don't want it, please!

(Sighs angrily)

Drew: it's really good.
Clare: eli!

Eli, what are you doing here?

sorry, to interrupt
your lunch date.

no, we were just working
on council stuff.

Please, come on, talk to me!

Do you love him?

Who, drew?!
No, of course not!

Okay, good.

Because I'm about to go out
on a serious limb here,

And I'd really like to avoid
further humiliation.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about us!

The way I feel about you,
it's like I can't breathe.

And I'm not ready to walk
away from that.

So I guess this is just
a really weird

Long winded way
of asking if...

Do you wanna hang out

Like a date?

Like a...
Like a something.

Yes, of course.

It's always a yes
with you, eli.

Just ah, put it over there,
and don't scratch the floors.

What is this stuff?

New equipment,
to prove that if we work hard,

We can beat anyone we want.

But how did you pay for it?

Have you forgotten that we have
a renewable source of income?

You used the degrassi
nudes money?!


All that money was spoken for!

We needed it for competition
fees and bus rental!

So we'll make more,
no big deal!

The longer we do it,

The greater the chance
we'll get caught!

You should've asked us first.

I don't need to ask your
permission I'm the captain.

But isn't it your job
as captain

To do what's best for the team?

We have the opportunity to be
known for something awesome!

To have the whole school
look up to us!

(Girl scoffs)


But don't come crying to me
when you're ugly, old women

Who regret the time
they turned down the chance

To be high school royalty!

♪ First you were a stranger ♪

♪ Then I met you
at the rock show ♪

Hey, rock star!

How'd the audition go?

Did my bestie blow the lid
off the place?

No, actually.
It was kinda the worst.

Why, what happened?

Well, the guy was a jerk,
he said that I sucked,

And that you guys were lying
when you said I sounded awesome.

But you wouldn't lie like that,
would you?

Maybe just a little.

I'm sorry,
you were so excited,

I didn't wanna hurt
your feelings!

Who cares what you meant to do,
I'm the one who got hurt!

(Locker slams)


What do you want?!

No, you know what?
I don't care!

Get out of my face,
mr. Rock music ripped
t-shirt stupid hair!

Okay, I'm not gonna take
that personally,

'Cause I know I'm not the one
you're really mad at.

Oh no?
Who am I mad at?!

Your brother!

You dropped this
on your way out.

You opened it?

The envelope was blank.

I needed to figure out
who it belonged to.

And you couldn't have stopped
at "dear becky?!"

Okay, look, it seems like
you're carrying around
a lot of baggage.

That kind of weight
can really mess you up.

"I am he who blots out
your transgressions
for my own sake."

What is that,
some stupid rock song

I'm not cool enough
to know about?

Isaiah, : .

(Bell rings)

wait up!

Man: (on p.a.)
The first rule of the road
is to drive safely.

Come find out what rules
two through are

At my driver's ed workshop
tomorrow at lunch.

what's up, zoe?

The cheerleaders
are in revolt.

Grace: what did you do?
Zoe: what did I do?!

I tried to help them
be awesome!

Frankie's the real problem.

She's still all pissy
about having to oomfchat.

That's weird, seeing as she
hasn't even been doing it.

She sent one,
and then nothing.

What? Why didn't you bring this
to my attention earlier?

Because it's not my problem.

Wrangling those girls
is your job.

Why do you care so much?

When people look at me,

All they see is all the bad
stuff that's happened.

I want a fresh start.

So you're sending nudes,

To get over nudes that
were sent by others?

I just thought someone should
point out the irony.

the end justifies the means,
and in this case,

The end is me being
a beloved cheer champion!

But it doesn't matter now,

Because they've all
abandoned me.

Well, maybe you'd have more luck
if you weren't such a bitch.

Eli: hey.
Clare: hey.

so, how's your mom?

(Cell phone rings)
clare: oh!

Who's calling you?

N-no one,
it's just telemarketers.

Clare: so how were-
eli: so, how are you-

You go.

So how are you feeling?

Well, I didn't know that
I could feel barfy

And hungry at the same time,

I guess I feel different.

speaking of,

Do you think we have time
for a spicy tuna roll

Before you go back to school?

I can't actually eat sushi.

But that's not forever,

Because I know this place
in the bowery

That I have to take you
that has the best sashimi.

maybe when I come visit?

You're not going to columbia?

I just don't see how I can,
not this year, at least.

But that's your dream!

And I'm not giving up on it,
I'm just postponing it.

And besides, columbia's not
going anywhere, right?

hey, are you okay?
I've been calling you nonstop!

Oh, I was hanging out
with eli.

I thought you said
it was telemarketers.

Clare: I just didn't-
eli: more lies?! Really?

look, I'm just glad
you're okay.

All right, I was worried
something happened.

Yeah, I can't do this.

Clare: do what?
Eli: do this, with you,

If he's gonna be around
all the time.

Look man, I'm sorry,
it's not her fault-

I wasn't talking to you.

Clare, I wanna be with you.

I don't want to be with
you and drew.

Drew: but I'm the father.
Eli: still not talking to you!


If you want to do this,

You have to accept that
drew's gonna be involved.

Can you do that?

I don't know.

♪ Hey hey! ♪

We weren't talking about you,
I swear!

I'd understand if you were.

I just wanted to tell you that
I returned the equipment,

And used all the money
to buy you these.

Now that we won't be needing
the money for competitions,

I thought you girls deserved

To enjoy the fruits
of your labour.

And I wanted to apologize.

I thought if we could take
this team all the way,

That maybe it would undo
some of the ugliness

I've gone through this year.

All I ever wanted was to be
the awesome captain

Of an even more awesome
cheer squad.

Enjoy the gifts, ladies.

♪ Hey hey! ♪

If any of you have
a change of heart,

I'll be in the locker room
after school.

"These have been some of
the hardest weeks of my life,

But I guess that's kind
of the point.

There are some things
I'd like to say to you,

It would mean a lot to me
if you could come visit.



No wonder you were
so worked up.

I'm so sorry for flipping
on you before.

No, no apologies necessary.

(Bell rings)

"It would mean a lot to me."

It would mean a lot to me
if he wasn't a r*pist!


My parents want me to be
the bigger person,

And go see him.
But maybe I don't want to,

Maybe I want to be the smaller
person for once!

So, you're just never
gonna go visit?

If I go talk to him, no one's
gonna like what I have to say.

Yeah, but if you keep
all this bottled up,

You might explode,
or implode!

And none of those
seem very healthy.

Mr. Perino:
okay, who's excited about
postwar reconstruction?

Everyone? Good!

We'll start with the
non-communist countries.

Because... Spoiler alert!
The soviet union prevented...

(Sighs heavily)

(Cheer squad chatters)

You were right, zoe.

we gave up too easily.

So we're here,
and we're ready to work.

And if you want to return these
to get that equipment,

It's okay.

No, they were a gift.

And if all of you agree
with frankie,

And think we should stop
oomfchatting, we can.

But think of all
the possibilities!

Matching purses to go
with those wristlets?

If we're really making that
much, it'd be dumb to stop.

Fiscally irresponsible, even.

Then it's decided.


Just one thing.

Is there something
you'd like to share

With your teammates, frankie?

Like what?

It's been brought
to my attention

That francesca hasn't been
pulling her weight.

I just couldn't do it.

Sorry, what's happening?

Frankie hasn't been

It's just not who I am!

And you think it's who
the rest of us are?!

you betrayed us, frankie.

And if I'm going to take
this team all the way,

I need everyone on board!

What are you saying?

I'm saying you need
to do your part,

Or you're no longer welcome
on this squad.

And don't even think
about ratting us out.

You're just as implicated
as we are.

What's it gonna be?

I guess I quit.



(Door slams)

Female guard:
turn around, raise your arms.

Out straight, like a "t."

What are you looking for?

Female guard:
knives, dr*gs,
any other contraband.

People try and bring
that stuff here?

Female guard:
you don't know the half of it.

(Voice mutters on radio)

Female guard:
this way.

It means a lot to me
that you're here.

yeah, well, um...
Mom said you wanted to see me?

And your letter said you wanted
to tell me something.

Yeah, becky,
I wanted to tell you that...

I don't blame you.

You don't blame me?!

For doing what you did.

For doing the right thing,
you mean?

Wow, that's really
big of you, luke!

Do you want a medal,
or something?!

How about a standing ovation?

Let's try and remember which
one of us is in prison here,

I'm trying to repent!

Becky: who cares?
Luke: what?

who gives a crap
if you're trying to repent?!

It doesn't undo what you did!

My life sucks now,
and it's all your fault.

You messed up, and it doesn't
matter what you say or do,

It won't make it better.

♪ You go... ♪

♪ Get out ♪

♪ And go... ♪

I know I don't have
a ton of experience,

But being a p.a. Taught me
how to carry ten smoothies

At a time, so...


Uh, all right, so what's your
availability looking like

Over the next few months?

Yeah, can I have a large
dark roast and a medium decaf.

Make sure it's really decaf.

Girl: no problem.
Drew: she's pregnant.

Spinner: eli?
Eli: hmm?

Your availability,
over the next few months.

We really need some help.

I-i'm sorry, I just have to
take care of a thing. Okay?


Drew! Can I have a word?

Look man, maybe it's just
better if we stay

Out of each other's way.

You knock up my soul mate,
ruin my life,

And that's all
you have to say?!

Well, it's a messed up

and who made the mess?!

Hey, maybe we can just try
and be civil, okay?

At least for clare's sake?

Shut up.

Can you just calm down, man?

You think clare's going
to want our kid

Around a crazy hothead
like you?

oh my god! Eli!
What is wrong with you?!

That's okay, I deserved it.

No, you didn't!

Clare: do you feel better now?
Eli: no, actually, I don't!

All this time I thought
I was mad at him,

But you know, really,
I'm mad at you!

I'm really,
really mad at you!

You were asking
about my availability?

It looks like I'm free
for the rest of the summer.

Well, you're hired, then.


(Car rumbles)

Mrs. Baker:
do you think you'll ever
be able to forgive him?

I have no idea.

I just thought you were getting
to be okay with everything,

You know, with him.

How could I possibly be okay
with him, mom?

Look, I wasn't doing anyone
any favours

Pretending everything was fine.

I gotta go.

hey, jonah?

Oh, you're talking to me,
that's a surprise.

you were right.

About who I was really mad at.

And about me not being cut out
for rock and roll.

I actually wanted to talk
to you about that.

What do you mean?

Your weirdo version
of that "runaways" song

Has been stuck in my head
all day.

You've got something
kind of undeniable.


All right,
if we team up,

We might be able to make
something kinda special.

Just think about it.


Oh, wow!

Yeah, things got kinda...

Well, what else is new?

well, you okay?

Yeah, actually.
I kind of am.