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03x15 - Face Your Peers

Posted: 10/26/21 07:48
by bunniefuu
- Please stop crying.

Oh, I know. I know.

Mama's gonna find your pacie.

Oh, it's gotta be here somewhere.


It's not a pacie, but it's something.

Hola, kids.
Let's do the guacamole mambo.

- Jesus.

We gotta turn you on
to Swedish death metal.

♪ Mash, mash, mash the avocado ♪

♪ Dash, dash, dash a little ♪

♪ And a wiggle to the left,
a wiggle to the right ♪

♪ Holy moly, it's guacamole ♪

♪ Do the guacamole mambo ♪

♪ Get in line and follow ♪

♪ Do the guacamole mambo ♪

Good morning, everyone.

We have a new student joining us today.

This is Caleb.

Caleb, why don't you tell us
a little about your old school?

Well, it was good.

My old teacher was Ms. Benson,
and she was really nice.

Until she choked on a corn dog
in the cafeteria and died.

A corn dog?

Whoa, what a rough way to go.

Well, I'm sure you had
many other teachers there

who meant a lot to you.

Yeah, before her, I had Ms. Humphrey.

And she was my favorite.

But she got hit in the head by a swing.

It made her brain bleed,
and her personality changed.

Eventually she died too.

So your last two teachers died?



Well, thank you, Caleb, for sharing.

Everyone, be sure to give him
a pencil if he needs one.

And maybe a hug too.

And pop goes the kernel!



A lot of people would have
chosen the popcorn

or the kernel, but you were...

- brave enough to tell the whole story.

Thanks for auditioning.
Uh, we will be in touch.

This one was definitely good.

Uh, before I go, I just want to say

my daughter and I love listening

to your music together.

I think what you do is really important.

You make people happy.

I'm normally the type
of person who could

kick someone's teeth in
for jacking my parking spot,

but since listening to you guys,

I've been able to stop, take a breath,

and remember,

"Holy moly, it's guacamole."

Wow, that... that means a lot.

Not, uh... not a lot of grown-ups
get what we do, so...

thank you.


Hey, Deb, stop! Wait.

Um, before you wiggle hop out of here,

could you hang on for one sec?

Sure, sure.


Deb, auditions aren't technically over.

But your passion for the group
speaks volumes.

We would like to offer you
the role of Mary Bop.

Oh! Oh, oh, my God!

- Thank you, Mr. Bop!
- Oh, please.

- Please, call me Larry.
- Got it. [LAUGHS]

Hey, and could you do me a favor?

On the way out, could you tell,
um, Gloria and Carol

that they did not get it?

I hate to disappoint people.

Yeah, of course. Okay.

- That was a long piece.
- That was great.

- That was gr... commitment.
- Yeah, truly.

'Cause the middle was terrible.


And they reinterred my coffin

under ten feet of concrete

to prevent further
grave robbery attempts.

I remain buried next to my wife,

who people say was crazy.

But we don't know if that's
historically accurate

or just what men say
about women they don't like.

Well, that's history, everyone.

Time for silent reading.

Oh, I'm so glad we're
team teaching this week.

Me too. [CHUCKLES]


Someone's been passing notes.

"Your teacher is pathetic.

"Anyone who acts that sunny all the time

is an insecure loser."

Whoa, baby. That's a zinger.


But don't feel bad.

They're just idiot kids.

Oh, I don't feel bad.

The note's about you.

Don't be ridiculous, Mary Louise.

It's about you.

Nope, it's obviously about you.

Except for that it's not.

- It's about you.
- Oh, come on, Caroline.

You're the one who's got things
to be insecure about.

You got dumped in a parking lot.

And you didn't get fingered
until last year!


Who here wrote this note
about Ms. Watson?

'Cause it's really not nice.


- Are you busy?
- Yeah, actually,

- these grades are due at noon.
- Great.

I have a child in my class
whose last two teachers died.

Isn't that crazy?

It's got me thinking about my mortality.

Are you talking about Caleb?

I had a premonition about him.

I'm mildly clairvoyant.

Mildly clairvoyant?

I have visions.

And I recently had one
about you and Caleb.

It... it wasn't completely clear,

but there was some kind of ending.

A break in the continuity of things.

A... an expiration. A terminus.

That sounds like death.

Well, visions are always
open to interpretation.


But yeah, it's definitely death.




ALL: ♪ Aww, shake your sandwich ♪

♪ Shake, shake your sandwich ♪

♪ Turkey, lettuce, cheese, and mayo ♪

♪ Mix it all together
and say, "Hey, yo" ♪

♪ Hey, yo ♪


It had moments. Let's take a five.


When we get back, I've got
a new spread move I wanna try

for "What's the Difference
Between Jam and Jelly?"

You're better than that.

These rehearsals have been so fun.

I've been happy every day this week,

and that has literally never happened.

Well, your week's
about to get even better.

We just booked a gig.

We're about to wiggle pop your cherry.

Get out! Where?

Give me a wiggle beat.


Fillmore Elementary!


Uh-uh. Uh...

Deb? Is everything okay?

Do you really think that Fillmore
is the best place for us?

I mean, I hear that they
have a ton of, uh,

Crips and Bloods activity there.

You know, those are West Coast,
and it's an elementary school.

Oh, and I hear that
the teachers there sell oxy

at drop off/pick up.

- Hey, Deb.
- Hmm?

It seems like you're trying to back out.

No, no. I just can't go there.

I love being a Wiggle Bop.

Then you wanna stay one?

So we have a dress rehearsal
tomorrow at :

before the show.

Are you in?


Mary Bop is in.


Have fun at phys ed,
my little gym-thusiasts.

Oh, look. Another note.

Probably about you again.

Please. You're so dumb,

you didn't know the last one
was about you.

I'm not dumb.

You think Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus

are two different people.

I hope your fragile ego can take this.

And they are two different people.

They just have similar teeth.

"I bet your teacher wonders

how anyone could ever love her."

BOTH: It's me.

I do wonder that.

I know I need therapy,
but my family only believes

in medicating with a dry chardonnay.

I'm a weirdo. I know I am.

You guys are really nice to me,
but I'm a total weirdo.

It's me.

I'm unlovable.

No, it's me.

I'm unlovable.

What kind of sick freak makes mosaics

out of HDTV power couples
using spare buttons?

That's nothing.

I have special voices for the two snails
that live in my garden.

[WITH HIGH VOICE] One's like this.

[WITH LOW VOICE] And one's like this.

I'm sure a lot of people do that.

How dare this kid pass judgment on us?

We gotta find out which little
butthole wrote this note.


- Mr. Pearson?


Don't sneak up on people
like that, Caleb.

Sorry, but I just wanted
to give you this.

I made it special for you.

Oh, how nice.

You can just leave it there.

But I want you to look at it now.





It's you and me.

Is that a corn dog in my hand?

♪ ♪


What is so special about these losers?

They're like a low-rent
"Yo Gabba Gabba!"

They're local celebrities, Chelsea.

Hey, guys.

Why are you dressed like Mr. Robot?

No reason.

Hey, Cecelia, I have a doctor's
appointment right now.

Can you watch my class?

- Yeah, sure.

- Thanks.

Gotta go.



Hey, guys.



♪ ♪

Ding-dong, the witch is wet.

Hi, Larry!


Hey, we're not signing
stuff today, guys, okay?

Nobody... nobody touch. Nobody touch.

This rocks.

What are you doing?

Stretching out my mouth.


Oh, did your appointment get canceled?

That gives me time
to go through the garbage

for my co-op's trash to table
dinner tonight.

Now you can watch your class.


♪ ♪

Five, six, seven, and...

Okay, I'm here. From the top.

- Deb, where have you been?
- Traffic. Let's do this.

Whoa, Deb, Larry Bop is supposed to be

in the front of the line.
Well, you snooze, you lose.

One, two, three.
♪ Do the guacamole mambo ♪

Something about avocado!
Something, something, lemon.

Lemon, this, this,
chicken, chicken, chicken.

And great. We all know what comes next.

Let's take five. We just started.

Well, I have to pump.

Otherwise we'll be doing
the breast milk boogie.

Did she say, "Chicken d*ck,
chicken d*ck,"

when she was going in the circle?


ALL: Oh!

Frankie, step away from the Bunsen!

You could have set the room on fire.

But you always say someone should burn

this dump to the ground.

[SCOFFS] That's hyperbole.

Now, everyone listen up
for the instructions

for the actual experiment.

"You will turn on your
Bunsen burners safely.

"Using tongs, pick up
one magnesium ribbon

and hold it over the flame."
Yada yada yada.

Observe the results. I'll be right back.

And no more do-it-yourself


♪ ♪

How long are we gonna talk about this?

They can't be the same person.

Miley Cyrus has brown hair,

and Hannah Montana has blonde hair.

It's a wig, Mary Louise.

On a child?

I don't think so.

♪ ♪

ALL: ♪ I said shimmy shake ♪

♪ Carrot cake ♪

♪ Shimmy shake ♪

♪ Carrot cake ♪

Deb. Deb!


- Where's Deb?
- Um...

Don't lie for her!


♪ ♪

Frankie, where's your emo swoop?

I don't know.

Give it to me.

No more flamethrowers!

What kind of socks are those?


They're compression socks
for circulation.

And that was very insensitive.


Mr. Pearson.


♪ ♪

Mr. Pearson.

- Oh, my God.
- Mr. Pearson.


Watch it! I was running with scissors.


- Be careful, Mr. Pearson.

I don't wanna lose another teacher.

♪ ♪

Someone here wrote
some very heinous notes.

- And hurtful.
- Hurtful and heinous notes.

And until someone comes forward
to claim responsibility

for them, no one will leave this room.

And that includes missing
the Wiggle Bops performance.

ALL: No!

We'll wait.


♪ ♪


No bathroom either.

If you gotta go, you can use this.


Now, where's my wig?

♪ Me, me, me, me, me, me ♪

Whoa, Deb. Wow.

You're actually here.

You know what?
You gotta get your head in the game.

Yeah, I know.
I'm really sorry about earlier.

Thank you.

I'm gonna - .

That's showbiz for pooping.

- Ew.

Larry Bop.


Hey there, you furry little Muppet.

Can you tell me how to get
to Sex With Me Street?

Uh, yeah, I can.


They make you tuck when you perform?

Oh, I get it. Kids.

Let's get you untucked.

Um, stop! I don't like you like that!

- Are you effing serious?
- Uh-huh.

Okay, well, you're the one
who asked for my number

and then texted me the emoji
of the wind-blowing lady

and a rooster!


- Well, these shoes are toast.
- You scumbag.

I'm unprofessional?

You tried to have sex with a teacher.

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

- And by the way,

you might have a big d*ck,

but you have a weird woman's body.

Wait, Deb?

Wait, you know Deb?

- Wait, are you a Wiggle Bop?
- Wait, do you teach here?

Why didn't you tell us?


I can't do this anymore.

I'm sorry, Larry Bop. I quit.


♪ ♪

- Toby?

What are you doing?

I saw your class walking themselves

down to the assembly.

I am k*ll-proofing my room.

I can't be around Caleb.

Death is coming for me,
but I'm gonna stop it.

If you're destined to die,
you can't avoid it.

Death won't be cheated.

But I'm not ready.

My love life is in shambles,
I'm a glorified sub,

and I've never even cracked
open my home pickling kit.

Toby, if Caleb is your agent of death,

you should just accept it and
enjoy the time you have left.

Is that meant to be comforting?


We're waiting.

♪ ♪


- Don't do this.


We're waiting.


Look what I found in the hallway.

I don't wanna hear it, Chelsea.

I'm embarrassed enough.

I am not saying anything.

You had a psychotic break.

It happens, like, every day to Kanye,

and he still gets rewarded by
getting to spend holidays

with Kris Jenner.

Actually, this is the healthiest thing

I've done for myself in months.


Maybe you do need help.

I know it's weird.

But those dumb-ass
kid songs make me happy,

and they really helped me bond with Hag.

I didn't tell you guys
because I didn't wanna ruin

my cool-girl image.

Oh, Deb.

You do not have to worry about that.

None of us think you're cool.

And we won't judge you.

You guys didn't judge me
when I confessed

I didn't know what an adverb was.


We will always support you.

You're right. I shouldn't have quit.

I love it.

The show does not start
for five minutes.

You can probably make it
if you go... fastly.


In the tradition of the Greeks

at the theater of Dionysus, give...


Deb. You're here.

No. Mary Bop's here.

That is, if you'll still have her.

♪ ♪

Get in here, you crazy bop.



- Whoo!

ALL: ♪ Mash, mash, mash the avocado ♪

♪ Dash, dash, dash a little ♪

♪ And a wiggle to the left,
A wiggle to the right ♪

♪ Holy moly, it's guacamole ♪

♪ Do the guacamole mambo ♪

Can you believe it?

I know.

I have no idea how he dances around

with that monster d*ck.

I was talking about Deb.

She's amazing up there.

Oh, yeah. Totally.

♪ ♪


Still waiting.


Now I need a teacher volunteer

for a super special magic trick.

How about... you?

Yes, you, silly. Get on up here.


Hey! Now, what's your name?

Mr. Pearson.


- Off you go. Go.
- Okay.

Go, go.

And now I just need one more volunteer.

How about somebody
in Mr. Pearson's class?

Huh? Huh? Oh, yeah! You!


- Get on up here.
- Oh, no!

No, I can't do this!

I'm sorry. I can't do this.

- What's your name?
- Caleb.

Oh, do you like magic, Caleb?

Of course he does,
because everybody likes magic.

- Right?
- Not me! No!

I-I do not like magic!

It's for witches and heathens!

You're going to stick
this sword through the box

with Mr. Pearson inside!

No, please!

Let's count him in on "Whee."

One, a-two, a...

ALL: Whee!



I'm dead! I'm dead!

- I died!
- You're not dead, Toby. You're fine.

It is so embarrassing that
you just fell off the stage.

I guess my vision didn't mean death.

It was just a tragic end
to a magic trick.

I think I hurt my leg.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!



It's : , so legally
we have to let you go,

or it's considered kidnapping.

Do not think this is over.

Hey, I'm sorry, but if an eight-year-old

calling you an insecure loser
can make you openly cry,

then maybe there's
something deeper going on.

You're right, Ronan.

Yeah, you've really
put things into perspective.

Wait. Insecure loser?

How would he know that was on the notes?


That little assh*le wrote
the notes, didn't he?

Yeah. Ronan, wait!

Tell me what I can do to do better.

Oh, my God.

♪ La-la, la-la-la ♪

♪ La-la, la-la ♪

♪ La-la, la-la-la ♪

♪ La-la, la-la-la ♪

♪ I'm gonna teach ya ♪

♪ La-la, la-la-la ♪

♪ La-la, la-la ♪

♪ Give you what you need, ah ♪

♪ La-la, la-la-la ♪

♪ La-la, la-la ♪

♪ Said I'm gonna teach ya ♪

♪ La-la ♪