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03x01 - Hello, Goodbye

Posted: 10/26/21 07:33
by bunniefuu
♪ Prep days, get paid for nothing days ♪

♪ No kids are here days ♪

♪ Prep days! ♪


- Who are you?
- Who are you?

Get the f*ck out of my classroom!

Get the f*ck out of my house!


I've got a homeless man in my trailer.

No, it's not a trailer home.
It's my classroom.

I'm a teacher.

Yeah, I know.

I think I should have a classroom too.

Oh... [SCOFFS]

just put me on hold again. Unreal.

Prep days are so weird.
Empty halls, no kids.

It's like being in a club
during the daytime.

Did you see the "Gazette" article?

Caroline's father is being
investigated for embezzlement.

- I read that, too.
- I knew something was up

when Elton John and a hologram of Tupac

performed at her dad's birthday party.

- Good morning, everyone!
- Hey, girl!

- Look who it is?
- What are you doing here?

I know you guys
were just talking about me,

and for the record,
my father didn't embezzle.

That's just something poor people say

when they're mad they don't
have as much money as you.

I don't know, Caroline, it sounds like

- the evidence shows...
- Deb, please.

I already have enough
on my mind with organizing

tonight's back to school mixer.

Once again, it's going to be
as close to a debutante ball

as you can get a school cafeteria.

- What's the theme this year?
- A night in Paris.

The food and decorations
are going to make you feel

like you're actually in France.

I've never spent time in France.

But I once banged a French guy,

so I like to say France
has spent time in me.

Let me know if you need help setting up.

Thanks. If you could get the
chairs from the storage room,

- that'd be great.

I was just asking to be polite.

- Where's Feldman?
- Ugh, who knows?

She's like a white trash teen's period.

Never on time.

Guys, something terrible has happened.

Guess who the new principal is?

[LAUGHS] Boom!

- Oh!
- Bam, bam, bam!

It's going to be a great year.

- Are you serious?
- How is this possible?

Oh, well, when Pearson left,

I decided to throw my hat in the ring.

Let me tell you, ladies,
it feels good to be on top.

Chelsea knows what I'm talking about.

- Oop, no, that reminds me.

I know, as a teacher, I had a reputation

of being somewhat of a puss-popper.

Oop, ah, did it again.

But things are going to be
super profesh from now on.

- Okay?
- Well, if you're

the principal, you should know that

there's a homeless man
squatting in my trailer.

Yikes, good luck with that.

Excuse me.


- Hi, how was your summer?
- Fine.

Although I screwed up
the plumbing in my apartment

after a vajazzling fiasco.

I clogged the toilet
pissing rhinestones.

I'm Chelsea, by the way.
Nice to meet you.

Mavis. We've met.

I've been the school secretary
for years.

I take your attendance sheets every day.

I drove you to the hospital
when your bellybutton ring

got caught on a spiral notebook.

Huh. Well, it's always nice
to meet a fan.

- Listen, Mabel.
- Mavis!

Okay, chill, it's just your name.

I need the key to the storage closet

so I can get chairs for the mixer.



- No.
- Fine.

- I'll talk to Brent.
- He's busy.

Ooh, ha-ha-ha![GRUNTS]

[GRUNTS] Suck it, Williams!

- He's playing virtual tennis.
- Doesn't matter.

Keys to the school's property
are given out

at the sole discretion of
the administrative assistant.

- Who's that?
- Me, you idiot!

You're not getting the keys.

You can go now.


Do you guys know this
lunatic in the front office?

- You mean Mavis?
- Yes!

What a terrible name.
It's like her parents said,

"Welcome to the world. Now go, be ugly."

I love Mavis. She helped bake cookies

- for my church's fundraiser.
- She hemmed my kaftan for me.

She got me a last-minute sub
when my grandma died last year.

Well, she's a beast. Wait.

Your grandma died?

Yeah, almost everyone
attended the funeral.

Is there somewhere I can donate?

You should be nice to Mavis.

She's the heartbeat of the school.

Yeah, never mess with the front office.

She could make your life hell.

- She knows everything.
- Everything.


[SLOWLY] Everything.

There is still no one here!

I've got a homeless man
bathing in my reading nook!

- Get off my lawn!
- It's asphalt, assh*le!



Ah, Carolina!

- Oh, your card is declined.

- My carte noire?
- Mm.

Must not be a big enough purchase.


Uh, here. Use this one.

- Declined.

Wait, uh, no, Thibodeau,
this is for our mixer.

You don't get to speak French
to me anymore!

Now get your stubby hands off my coat,

you filthy American peasant.


Ooh, who are the chocolates from?

Nobody, I'm giving them to Mervis.

- It's Mavis.
- Oh, hi, hello.

Yeah, I have a homeless man... Hello?

Damn it, put me on hold again.

- Hey, dawgs!
- Let me guess.

You couldn't find any underwear
so you're wearing

two pieces of paper towel
stapled together?

No, that's the kind of
mistake you only make once.

Actually, I need to
tell you guys something.

I'm... I'm poor!

- What?
- All my assets

have been frozen pending
my father's investigation.

You still have your teaching salary.

My salary?

I just found out how much
we make. Do you guys know?

It's like, really low.

Welcome to the real world.

Now bend over, and grab your ankles.

I don't know how to live poor.

[GASPS] Oh, my God.

I'm going to have to start
eating at cr*cker Barrel.

Ugh, get over it, Caroline. Side note:

Have you met the front office woman?

She won't let me have chairs
for the mixer, and...

- The mixer?
- I can't pay for a gala.

I thought the school paid for it.

No, and even if they did,
I can't think of

organizing something right now.

How do poor people accomplish
anything besides being sad?

- The mixer is cancelled.
- What?

No, that's where I meet all the dads

that got divorced over the summer.

What about me? I'm the art teacher.

The mixer is the one chance I have

to remind parents I still exist.

No. We're not cancelling.


The mixer sets the tone
for the whole year...

that school is supposed to be fun,

a blast, a fricking party.

I'll be damned if I allow
a party to get cancelled.

Come on, dudes.

We're going to crush this mixer
like Brock Lesnar

crushed the Undertaker
in WrestleMania !

- Oh, he crushed him hard.
- ALL: Hmm.


Are you kidding me?

- Can I help you?
- Yeah.

I need to get in to get
my glue and scissors

- so I can help decorate.
- For what?

- The mixer.
- I didn't get an invite.

Because you're not a part
of this school, you moron.

- Now let me in.
- Not with that attitude.



Okay, dudes,
what's the most important part

to any successful party?

- Penis!
- No, food.

Hmm, I was close.

Now, we're going
to have to get creative,

and go full-on "Chopped" mode.

Before you are mystery ingredients

that you must use
to create a dish for tonight.

You'll have minutes to prepare.

If your dish doesn't cut it...

You will be chopped.

Not actually going to do that,

but I've always wanted to say it.

Lift your baskets.


Whoa, how'd you
get into the school's pantry?

Oh, my bro-bro Duncan
is an amateur locksmith.

Chefs, your time begins now. Go!

♪ ♪

It's not French pastries,

but it's better
than food from the pantry.

That'll be $ . .

Here you go.

- What's that?
- Coupons.

Don't worry,
I just learned about them, too.

We don't accept coupons.

Okay, uh, well,
I need this for the mixer,

and I don't have any money,

so how are we going to handle this?

If you don't have any money,

I can't give you the donuts, ma'am.

Please don't call me ma'am.

It's already been a really tough day.

BOTH: One, two, three!

- I win!
- No fair!

Your thumb's stronger
from all the typing.

- Rematch.
- Mavis, hello!

Ooh, looks like someone's
ready for the runway.

- Where'd you get that cardigan?
- JC Penney. Can I help you?

I wanted to give you these

to apologize for not
recognizing you earlier.

Is this supposed to be a joke?

I'm deathly allergic to chocolate.

[CHUCKLES] I wish I was.

It might help me get down
to my double digit goal weight.

So you'd like to be
in a hospital for eight days

with blistering hives, a migraine,

and be so bloated the skin
around your ankles splits?

I'm just trying to make things right.

You don't know who you're messing with.

What? I'm not messing with you.

You do know I've got access
to everybody's files, right?

I know all your secrets,
and I will reveal them.

I'm the wizard
behind the curtain, honey.

Welcome to Oz, bitch.

No, don't put me on hold again.

Damn it!

What are you still doing out here?

I'm waiting for the police.

Well, it's hotter than Satan's anus.

I cannot have a pregnant woman
dying on my property.

It'd be a legal nightmare.

- You'd better come on in.
- Fine.


My name's Zeke.

Shoes off, please.

Your feet are covered in dog poop.

[LAUGHS] That's not dog.


- Ricky, my man.
- Feldman, what up?

- Thanks for coming, bro.
- I got you.

- Oh, nah, man.
- Oh, I got you.


I need to borrow the tablecloth.

Whatever floats your boat, mama.

But if you're wrapping a body,

it's going to take three of these.

Actually, we're going to need about .

You know you're going to have to leave.

I can't leave. I have roots here.

I had to fight off another guy

just for the rights to this place.

It was here I got his fingers
in this pencil sharpener,

- and he finally gave up.
- Jesus.

And this, this is my pride and joy.

My class's "I'm thankful"
chain from last year?

Got me through some tough times.

"I'm thankful for laser tag."

"I'm thankful for crunchy french fries."

"I'm thankful for my grandpa's pool."

See, whenever I got down,
I'd just read one of these

and it would remind me that the
world's not such a bad place.


I started writing my own.

"I'm thankful I got out of that building

before they burned that guy."

- And that.
- My cat?

That's my late wife, Samantha.

The love of my life.

I still jerk it to her every night.


Are you going to get
a new look this school year?

- No, why?
- Just wondering.


Is that a mugshot?

I was dressed for the club
in a bad neighborhood.

It was not prostitution.



Attention, Ms. Snap,
your monthly bulk shipment

of Monistat has arrived
in the front office.

Wow, gross.

/ / , / / , / / ...

how does she know that?!

You're not in Kansas anymore, bitch.


This is ridiculous. These are
perfectly good savings bonds!

How about some pearl earrings?

I'm sorry, I can't take those.

You're not going to take Mikimoto pearls

for a bunch of glazed donuts?
You're an idiot.

Okay, you want to play hardball?

This is an oriental rug
the Vanderbilts had

in their summer home. The Vanderbilts.

- Now give me the donuts.
- No.




That's it, keep launching.

This is a mess.

Yeah, this looks like the outside

of a fat high schooler's house.

- We're screwed.
- Guys, trust me.

Everything I've accomplished in life

has been with limited resources
and minimal effort.

I know we can do this. Now launch.


♪ Are you ready? ♪

♪ Bring it, let's go ♪

♪ ♪

You really pulled it off, Feldman.

We pulled it off.

You guys, this place looks incredible.

Did you get funding from the school?


So you did all of this with no money?


Maybe I won't have to rob donut stores

to live off of a teacher's salary.

- Thank you, Feldman.
- Hey, hey.

Check it out. Looking good,
ladies, real good.

The mixer, not your asses.

See that? Supes profesh, right?

Feldman, what are you doing?
You don't work here anymore.


I'm leaving Fillmore.

- Why?
- Over the summer,

I applied for
a teaching job in Amsterdam

and I found out last week that I got it.

I came in today to
tell you guys face to face,

but I got sidetracked by the mixer.

I didn't even know you were
looking for another job.

I wasn't. I started by looking up

medical marijuana on the internet,

which led to legalized weed,
which led to Amsterdam.

A few bowls later,
I'm submitting an application

for a teaching position
at Den Sjove Skole.

So this is real.

Dudes, this was the hardest
decision I've ever had to make

aside from whether or not
to sleep with Silent Bob.

But this move will allow me
to do my two favorite things:

mold the noggins of the future,
and smoke that legal reef.

♪ ♪

They're also paying me over K a year.

- Oh, go.
- Get out.

- Please, yeah.
- Yeah.

- When do you leave?
- Tomorrow afternoon.


Okay, we are skipping the mixer.

If this is our last night together,

we are going to someplace
where friendships blossom,

memories are made, and the
potato skins are always crisp.

ALL: Houlibee's!



ALL CHANTING: Chug, chug, chug, chug!




Okay, okay, stop! Get off me!


- Get off my foot!
- Okay, enough, enough, enough!

♪ Get out the way, let me do my thing ♪

♪ Out the way, let me do my thing ♪

♪ I said, [SCATTING] you,
let me do my thing ♪

♪ Let me do, let me do my thing ♪



Would it k*ll you b*tches to wait up?

I'm streaking for two here.

My dudes, this has been
a truly amazing night.

And we did it in the most
American way possible.

By getting wasted at a chain restaurant.


What an epic goodbye
to this glorious country.

Oh, I can't believe you're leaving.

Fillmore's not going to be
the same without you, man.

Aw, I'm going to miss you guys.

- And Toby, and Mavis, and...
- Okay, seriously?

How does everyone know that woman?

Oh, did everyone
bring something to remember

Feldman by for the time capsule?

I brought these, in honor of that time

you made the Chicago skyline
out of tater tots.

And I brought cheese puffs,
in honor of how

I'd always know you'd been somewhere

from the orange fingerprints.

I brought chocolate covered peanuts,

from the time you tried to
get them listed as a protein

on the cafeteria menu.

I brought a hot dog in honor of the time

you challenged the fourth grade
class to an eating competition.

And I brought Ho-Hos
in honor of that time

you caught me getting shrimped
by Sam the janitor.


Aw, I'm going to miss
you dudes so frigging much.



We will bury this time capsule,

and in twenty years, we'll come
back and dig it up together.



I'm out of here.

Ever since you people showed up,

this neighborhood's gone to hell!

Stop jerking off
to my dead cat, you freak!


Mary-Louise, get off me.

Oh, your pleated pants
feel like a boner.

♪ ♪

Where's Feldman?


She's really gone.


♪ ♪

Good morning, ladies. Care Bear.

What are you doing here?

I'm here for a meeting with Brent.

I'm taking over as
Ms. Feldman's long-term sub.

- What?
- I haven't been able to find

an administrator's position,
and this way,

I can help a certain someone
with their bills.

It's a temporary financial
hold, okay, everybody?


Hey, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, hey!

That's my car!

Ding dong, bitch. Ding dong!

No, no, no, no, no, no!

Hey, hey, Memphis!


Sorry, b*tches,
I could not wait years

for these sweet-ass tots.

This is the final boarding call

for flight to Amsterdam.
All remaining passengers

please make you way
to the gate at this time.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪