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07x14 - Cheddar Cheese and a Squirrel Circus

Posted: 10/26/21 06:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on

I get a call today
from this woman who's like,

"Is this Tammy Diffendorf?"

It was my aunt!

My long-lost,
"never knew I had one" aunt.

I need a kidney.

You want my kidney?

Want anything
from the cafeteria?

Hi. What room
is Tammy Diffendorf...

Egg white omelet with
bacon and cheddar cheese.

You're getting egg whites,

and you're adding bacon
and cheese?

She's donating
a kidney today,

and I really want to see her
before she goes in.

Losing the yolk buys you
the bacon and cheese.

It's diet math.

Okay. Tammy Diffendorf,

Room 502.


It isn't too late to bail.

Bonnie. What?

She's giving a chunk of her body
to a woman who lied to her.

I made a commitment.
I'm gonna honor it.

That's very noble. The safe word
is "I don't want to do this."

I know I wouldn't
want to do it.

I'm scared just
standing here.

There's, like, 18 different
kinds of k*ller bacteria

on this floor.Jill.

I'm just saying burn your shoes
when you get home, people.

Oh, my God.

The most amazing
thing just happened.

Cookie died,
and I get to go home?

I met a guy.

I mean,

technically, we didn't meet.

We smiled at each other.

But I feel like it's one of
those moments people talk about.

Like when you see
someone, and you say,

"Oh, that's the man
I'm gonna marry."

Why didn't you
talk to him?

I wanted to see Tammy
before her surgery

'cause you never know.


Special delivery.

- Aw, you guys!
- You're welcome.

They're from Cookie. You can't prove that.
Is there a card?

- There is?
- Moving on.

Just put them over there.

Well, that was nice of Cookie.

And now if one
of you does die,

at least you'll end
on a good note.

- Marjorie. - Marjorie.
- Marjorie.

Well, maybe this whole thing

will bring you and your aunt
closer together.

Oh, we're not even gonna see
each other.

They're taking us
to separate operating rooms.

Then I'll be rid
of that woman forever.

If you don't want to seem like
a coward in front of them,

just give me a wink,
and I'll throw a sheet over you

and take you out
through the morgue.

I'm ready, Wendy.

- We love you.
- Proud of you.

- Was that a wink?
- No.

Okay, it'll only be a few
minutes until the OR's ready.

We're not supposed
to do this, but...

I love you.

Why aren't you supposed
to do it? It's so sweet.


You're fine.
You're fine.

Hello, sailor.

Come here often?


I want to thank you again.

I'm so grateful to you.

You're welcome.

With your hair back like that,

you look so much like
your mother.

Were you also surprised

by how much
they had to shave us?

All right, kidney.

You're solo now.

Really hope you aren't
the Garfunkel of that duo.

Hey, ready to go?

Yeah, I just got to do one thing
before we leave.

I thought Christy was coming.

She was right here.

Oh, God.

It's like Legoland
all over again.

No handsome guy.

No handsome guy.

Whoa! That's a lot of blood.

Why would I do that?

So, your labs look great.

Yourlabs look great.

Your creatinine is a 1.1.

Don't let the other kidneys
on the floor know that.

They'd be jealous.

Funny anda doctor.

Your wife is a lucky woman.

I'm not married.

Maybe I'm a lucky woman.

Go away.

It's me.

Oh, Tammy.

What a wonderful surprise.

I was just on my way out,
and I came by to say goodbye.

Uh, how's she doing?

Well, she's peeing,

which means
I really nailed it.

And just remember

your antirejection dr*gs
have to be taken

at the same time every day
for the rest of your life.

Isn't that
a bit overly dramatic?

No. Same time every day
like your life depends on it.

Because it does.

Are you trying to tell me
you can't live without me?

I'll check on you later


I'm glad you're here.

I was afraid that...

No, look, I just...
Thank you for the flowers.

And I'm so glad the kidney's
working out for you.

And, uh, I guess...

Have a nice life.

Wait. Wait, Tammy.

Look, I know that I...
behaved badly towards you,

and I haven't been able
to make it up, but...

Well, you're part of me now.


I'd love to have a chance
to start over?

I don't know.

Oh, listen to me. "I want..."

"What I want..."

What do you want
that I can give you?

Do I really look like my mom?

Oh, so much.

And you have her hands.

And her laugh.

Wait, could you be
more specific?

'Cause there are
several laughs. Um...

A chortle,
a chuckle and a belly.

Well, let's hear them.

Middle one.

Oh. What're you doing here?

Waiting for Tammy.
Waiting for Christy.

Might also take a nap.

Just need to find
the perfect angle.


there it is.

Be a love and hit the light.

And the door.

Come on.

You can't tell me anything
about sexy gurney guy?

Not if I want to keep my job.


There will come a time

when you will need
something from me,

and I will not
give it to you.


Look who's here.

Hey. Hey!

Oh! I can't believe
you're up and about already.

Yeah. Who knew pain pills
could also be used for pain?

You should see her incision.
It is so cute.

I took a selfie
and put it up on Instagram

with the caption,
"Just kidney-ing around."

Already six likes.

Ooh! Seven. Thank you, Jill.

By the way, if everyone's free
Saturday night,

my aunt wants
to take us all out to dinner.

Wait, you two are talking?

- Mm.
- And wait.

Somebody besides me is paying
for dinner?

You're not
just "kidney-ing" around?

It's great that you
guys patched things up.

Oh, yeah,
they're best friends now.

Sorry, I'm busy on Saturday.

It's a steakhouse.

I will consider it.

She's the only link
I have to my past, Bonnie.

And I'm having so much fun
finding out stuff about my mom.

Like she was in a band.

Maybe that's why I love bands.

If you ask me,
Cookie's working you.

For what?

She's already got her kidney.

Think she's gunning
for her spleen?

- I don't know.
- I just don't trust her.

My mom died when I was 16.

I swear we got back
from the funeral,

and my dad never said
another word about her.

Still won't.

I'd do anything
to have somebody

who could tell me stories
about her.

I wish there was a
way for me to forget

all the stories I've
heard about her.

You and me both.

Cookie, thank you so much
for bringing us all out.

I'm getting lobster.
I don't even like it.

I just want to make
this meal count.

Jill's right.

This is a celebration.

Everyone should order

something really expensive
they don't even like.

Modern medicine.

- What a miracle.
- Yeah.

They took a part out of you,

and they put it into you,

and four days later,

you're both out to dinner.

And did you know you can also send

a package
overnight now?

Marjorie raises a good point.

Should Tammy's kidney be out
so soon after surgery?

Oh, I couldn't stay
another moment in that bed.


the doctor had taken me up

on my rather bold offer.


Ah, here.

Should Tammy's kidney
be drinking?

As long as it's not
inside Tammy,

I think it's fine. Wendy?

A few sips are okay.

Well, good. Because it
absolutely loves merlot.

That's my kidney, all right.


I wonder if my handsome
husband-to-be loves merlot.

You're engaged?


Just need
to find out his name.

Um, so, I-I want
to propose a toast.

For a long time,

I haven't been able to think
about the future.

And now,
thanks to you,

I can.

Here's to Tammy.

To Tammy.

Way more than a few sips.

Drop it.

I detect an odor.


I'm going
to the little girls' room.

And do you know why?

Because I can pee!

Isn't she great?

I can't believe I almost
cut her out of my life.

These last few days
have been so awesome.

How is it not bothering you
that she's treating your kidney

like a freshman
at Arizona State?

It's not my kidney anymore.

To me, it will always
be your kidney.

That doesn't make sense.

Oh, we have to make sense now?
Is that the new thing?

My daughter's marrying
a man she's never met.

So we have
your blessing?

I also have to pee,

if anyone would care
to throw me a parade!

Tammy's kidney is smoking!

Christy, can you
pass the bread?

I warned you that
there would come a time

when you would ask me
for something

and I wouldn't
give it to ya.


How does that revenge taste?

You're not gonna believe this.

Cookie's outside
smoking a cigarette.

- Wait, what?
- Yeah. Puffin' away,

like first grade Bonnie
waitin' for the school bus.

Oh, dear. That's not good.

It's not.
Because, uh...

Uh, Wendy?

Her immune system
has been weakened,

so smoking puts
a lot of stress on it.

Bam! That's why.

- But...
- No. You're done.

Are you gonna say
something to her? Of course she is.

Cookie's out there kicking
her old kidney in the nuts.

Actually, I think
Jill was asking me.

And no, I'm not
gonna say anything.

Really? If she
keeps this up,

her body will, uh...


Reject it.

Bam! Reject it.
You might as well

have had your kidney removed
and just thrown it in the trash.

Bonnie, you've had
a problem with Cookie

ever since she showed up.

Because you had a
problem with her.

Yeah, but now I don't.
I've chosen to forgive her.

I actually like her.

I don't. I think
she's manipulative

and selfish
and ungrateful.

Well, sometimes we choose to
overlook a person's faults

because we want to
keep them in our lives.

Is she talking about me?

Hard to say. It could
be any of you.


I was here last week,
and I had this...

intense eye-contact thing
with one of your patients.

It was a life-changing moment.

The only problem is, uh,

I don't know his name

or if he's still alive.

I'm sorry, we can't release
any patient information.

Not even for an egg white omelet
with bacon and cheddar cheese?

All right!

But just know you're standing
in the way of true love!

Oh, hi. Hi.

Uh, I was here last week,

and I had
this intense eye-contact thing

with one of your patients,


Okay, I can see that I'm
losing you. Do you like omelets?

Cookie wants cream
and three sugars.

Well, of course she does.

Oh, Bonnie, you said you'd try.

This is trying. I'm making
coffee for a woman I can't stand

and putting in sugar instead of
rat poison because I love you.

So, what are your plans

now that you have
a new lease on life?

Oh, it's all
about this girl.

I'm gonna be here
as much as I can.

Ooh, and she's taking me
to Bakersfield,

where she and my mom grew up.

- Lots of memories there.
- Mm-hmm.

And wild dogs.

We'll probably just stay
in the car.


Well, that sounds like
a fun weekend

- for you guys.
- Yeah.


Right. What was that?

A reminder to, uh, tell
me to take my meds.

So, Tammy tells me
that you and Christy

have been all
over the world.

Not on purpose.
It was more like fleeing,

hiding and pretending to be
other people.

Aren't you gonna take 'em?

I suppose I should.

Yeah, Christy and I were
kind of like Thelma and Louise,

if Louise was six
and Thelma was always drunk

and forgetting
where she put Louise.

Well, darn.

I must have left
them at the hotel.

I'll drive you back
and get them.

No, no. There's
no big deal.

I skipped them altogether the
other day and nothing happened.

Yeah, but the doctor said
you're supposed to take them

at the same time every day...
he said your life depends on it.

Oh, they just say
that to scare you.

No, I think they say that
so you won't die.

Look, I'm not a child.

I can take
care of myself.

- Can you?
- Excuse me?

This woman went
under the knife for you,

and here you are wasting
the second chance she gave you,

which I don't think you deserved
in the first place.

- Don't yell at her.
- Somebody has to.


I have been sick
a long time.

Countless doctors'

Dialysis three times a week.

You have no idea what
I've been through.

Now, I just want

to enjoy my life
for a little bit.

And although I realize that I
am undercutting my own argument,

I am suddenly in terrible pain!

Oh, my God!
We'll go get your pills!

No, never mind the pills.

Take me to the hospital.Oh. Oh, God.

Oh, thank you, Bonnie.

This was lovely.

Was that...?

No. Even she can't be
that desperate.

Well, Cookie didn't
take care of herself,

and now she's
rejecting the kidney.

Oh, God.
Is she gonna be okay?

Oh, they think so.

They're upping
her medication.

That's good.

I'm just so
angry at her.

You have every right to be.

And I'm angry at myself.

I feel so stupid
for trusting her.

Don't be so hard
on yourself.

And I'm angry at you.

What? For being right.

Oh. That's okay.

Mostly, I'm
angry at myself.

we all have crazy people

in our lives
who we can't let go of.

Wait, was that... I'm telling myself no.


- You mad at me?
- Yes!

I gave you my kidney.

I gave you a second
chance to be my aunt.

And you keep acting like
none of that matters.

- Of course it matters.
- Well, then show it.

I will. I promise.

Don't just tell me
what I want to hear.

I mean, I want you to eat right,
I want you to take your pills.

I want you to
live a long time!

You made me care about you,
damn it.

I care about you, too.

Do you?

More than I can say.

Look, I'm sorry.

I'm just not used to...
thinking about anybody else.

It's always been...
just me.

I guess I get that.

I mean, until recently,
it's always been just me.

Well, if it's
all right with you,

I'd like to stick around town
for a while and...

do some of the things
we planned.

I do like your stories
about my mom.

I got a lot of 'em. Pull up a chair.


Okay. When your mother
was eight years old...

Mm-hmm... she decided she wanted
to have a squirrel circus.

And so she brought home
three squirrels.

But our dog was not
on board with this at all.

And frankly,
neither were the squirrels.

Yes. It's you.


Mi mancate molto.

I miei bellissimi figli.


Gay, married...

doesn't speak English.

Good job, Christy.


Hi.My aunt ready to go?

Oh. She didn't call you?

No. What's going on?
Is she okay?

Tammy, she checked herself out
last night.

She said she was going back
to Santa Fe.


No, no. She said she was
gonna stay in town and...

spend time with me.

I don't know what to tell you.

She made me all these promises.

She didn't leave a note?

Sorry, I got to go.

You gonna be all right? Oh, yeah, sure.


Hey, let's get a move on.

I'm double-parked in
front of an ambulance.

So, I have a new rule.

I am not going to fall in love
with anyone I haven't spoken to.

Unless, you know, it's...

it's really, reallyclear

we're meant
to be together.


Anyone else
want to share?


I'm good.

I'll go.

Bonnie. Alcoholic.

Hi, Bonnie.

You know how we say in here

that when you're irritated
by someone else's behavior,

it's actually because
it's a reflection of you,

or, as Marjorie would say...

"You spot it, you got it."

I didn't make it up.
I wish I did.

It's super annoying,

but there is
some truth in it.

I've spent a lot of my life
making promises that I broke,

and I never thought about how
that affected the other person.

It wasn't that I was lying...
I really meant it at the time.

My therapist says
it's because I'm a narcissist.

Which I think is
a pretty mean word to use

for someone who just
gets caught up in the moment.

Either way, it would be crazy
for the person I disappointed

to blame themselves,
because it has nothing...

I mean... nothing...

to do with them.