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05x05 - Warning Shadows

Posted: 10/25/21 10:41
by bunniefuu

Take this, Van-face!

Go on!


Now stop it. That's not fair. Water pistols are against the rules.

Then stop flashing your gnashers!

You're only trying to scare us again.

I got carried away in the dark. It's my animal instinct.

Oh, come on!

When you said m*rder in the Dark,

I was hoping for a real corpse or two,

not this degrading spectacle.

It's a game. Perhaps if you entered into the spirit of things?

The whole idea was to bring the family together,

get to know each another.

In case you've forgotten, THEY are not my family.

Try it, kid, and I'll introduce you to MY games room...

the t*rture chamber.

I always wanted a big sister...

till I met you.


Wait, Renfield. We're not expecting anyone, are we?


Remember to stick to the story. You're my tutor

- helping me with my studies.
- And we are definitely not related.


- So, is anyone going to answer?
- Go ahead.

It's Renfield's job. Get in there.

It's just a boy.

Count Dracula.

It's just like the old country.

THEY knew how to show respect.

Who are you and what do you want here?

My name is Asanbosam of Bunbonayili,

son of Yako of the Obayi tribe of Vampshanti.

My clan is destroyed. My family are dust.

I wish to claim asylum with the greatest vampire lord of them all.

- As it is written under vampire law...
- No, not today, thank you.

But you can't refuse him. As head of a clan, you have to help

- any vampire that requests asylum.
- I choose who I share my home with.

Mostly. We're full up.

If we don't help him, the High Council might decide to investigate.

- Enter freely and of your own will, Asan... Asable...
- Asanbosam.

- Yes, that's the one. Yes.
- Call me San.

Get in.

Come on.


You have a wonderful home, Lord Count.

Cut the pleasantries, you're in. Now, explain yourself.

Why here? Why us?

Everyone has heard of the famous Count Dracula in my village.

Stories of your exploits fill the hearts of my people.

Really? How very astute of them.

We've heard tales of a fearsome warrior...

a powerful leader...

and a great hunter.

You are a legend, Lord Count.

You know, I rather like this boy after all.

I have come to warn you of the great danger you are in.

There's always a catch. What danger?

From the vampire that destroyed my home, left me a refugee.




Nonsense. I had him de-fanged.

He seeks revenge on all those who have crossed or shamed him.

A lifetime's work, I should think.

You said he destroyed your village. Why didn't you fight?

How do you fight shadows?


Ramanga has resurrected the Shadow Warriors.

No, the Shadow Warriors were rounded up years ago

and condemned by the Vampire High Council. There's no way...

Ramanga found a way - a mixture of vampire and voodoo magic.

I'm sorry... Shadow Warriors - would someone like to explain?

Utterly ruthless and almost impossible to defeat.

The ultimate w*apon.

Shadow Warriors are a combination of vampire and demon

with the power to turn into shadows.

They materialize into solid form only long enough to k*ll.

But they were banned under The Vampire Convention.

Right, then.

I think I might take that little holiday I promised myself.

Perhaps Stokely, visit the remains of my castle.


You're staying right here, fearsome warrior(!)

Vlad this is starting to frighten me, are we really in danger?

It's not possible. These creatures where wiped out years ago.

You don't believe me?

Perhaps you might listen to one of your own.

A bat! Cool!

What have we let in now?

Show yourself!


It's all right darling - it's just a... vampire thing.


You dare come back here?!

Please, Lord Count, he is here to help you!

I told you if I ever saw you again, I would stake you myself!

Nice to see you, too(!)

You betrayed us.

Almost k*lled Dad - did you really expected a warm welcome?

You're scaring George!

Got yourself another impossible object of affection, I see.

What is it with you and breathers, Dad?


She's Vlad's tutor and you lost the right to call me Dad

when you tried to destroy our clan.

You've only come here to rescue your mad mother Elisabetta

from The Blood Mirror.

Vlad, make them stop.

Please, Lord Count, if you ignore us now, it could mean

the end of the clan of Dracula!

You really think I'd put myself through all of this

if it wasn't important?

If he's lying, the only way he's leaving here is in a dust bag.

He said "Dad" -

is he your brother?

Different mother.

I'm sorry you had to see that.

If there is anything out there, it won't be after you.

Well, we'll give you some space to sort out issues.

This place is full of shadows.

How are we supposed to know if one of those creatures are here?

You heard Vlad. He said the shadow warriors were wiped out years ago.

There's nothing to worry about!

But that boy said someone wanted to destroy the Dracula clan.

Aren't we part of that now?

Well, only sort of. We're not exactly full members.

We haven't got the fangs for it.

I thought it would be fun staying in a big old house like this.

I'm not so sure now!

Come on, why don't we go to the kitchen and make a nice hot drink.

Maybe Renfield's got one of those bat biscuits you like so much!

Is Malik really The Count's son?

It seems so. That's none of our business, George!

What Asan's told you is true.

Ramanga's settling old scores - he even came after Erin and me.

- I'm still a Dracula, like it or not...
- Not.

We managed to stay ahead of him for a while.

We found a whole underground of displaced vampires in Paris.

From all over - Africa, the Far East, the Americas, everywhere.

All of them driven out of their homelands by Ramanga.

Still the Shadows Warriors found us.

Asan helped me escape.

Erin wasn't so lucky.

It's all right. I can do it. Thank you, Benfield.


It's, er, toad's milk, actually.

I take it, then, this isn't tea?



Must get them cut.


See? Who said shadows are scary?

Oh now, that is a good one.

How did you do...


It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!

According to the Encyclopaedia Vamperia, Shadow Warriors

can be destroyed the same way any other vampire can.

But they have to be to be in solid form.

They never materialize long enough.

Direct light sends them fleeing back into the dark.

But vampire fire is useless against them. Their breath extinguishes it.

Huh! Bad breath too? This just gets better and better...

We have to turn on as many lights as possible.

That should hold them off.

There is a way of detecting when they're close.

Creepy crawlies? What's that - lunch?

They're African glow worms.

When a Shadow Warrior is near, they glow red instead of white.

It's like a warning.

The glow worm brings light to the darkness

but even he fears the shadows.


Brilliant! Just brilliant!!

You've got the chilling chat down perfectly.

The nasty bogeymen are coming to get us.

Can't you see this is a trick?

Where's the proof any of their scare stories are real?

- In the kitchen - on the wall! It's alive!
- It hissed at us.

- The shadow creatures are in the house!
- Believe me now?

It's all right if we stay in the light.

- You think they don't know that?
- Find some more candles!

Er... Torches in the cupboard under the stairs.

Don't worry, we'll have all the lights on before you know it.


One torch? That's all we've got?

We've never needed any more. Vampires tend to like the dark.

- Hang on!
- What exactly is that?

Glow stick.

Left over from the Halloween party.

And this is the fuse box.

They will not cross the circle of light.

Please, Lord Count, you must stand inside.

I'm not frightened of shadows.

My father, Yako, was not afraid of shadows either.

Now he is dust.

Perhaps to be on the safe side.

It would be churlish not to, wouldn't it?

This could take hours.

I'll have to unravel the wires, replace all the fuses

and do it in the dark.

Yeah. Never mind the fuse box. We've got company.

Give me that!

They're all around us.

Look out!


Renfield! The liquid light from the glow sticks burned them!


Oh, dear.

Oh! Oh! Let go of me!

Master Vlad!

- Save me!
- The torch! Turn on the torch.

It won't... It won't budge!

Now move, move!


Oh my, oh my!

The liquid from the glow stick.

You saw what it did to the creature's foot.

Chemiluminescent light.

It's a combination of two chemicals -

luminol and hydrogen peroxide.

It's what makes the glow sticks glow.

If I can get to my lab, I can make up the solution.

So we splash it on the Shadow Warriors and they burn. Bring it on.


George! Get away from her!

It was so close! It was horrible!

I know, darling, I know, it's all right. I'm here now.

- That was close.
- You said that we can destroy them.

- "We"?
- They pick on my little girl and they've got me to deal with.

- They've gone.
- Right.

We split into three groups, draw the Shadow Warriors away,

buy Renfield enough time to get to the kitchen

and make up some more solution.

Can't we just stay here? It's very restful in this light.

Sooner or later, these candles are going to burn down to nothing.

Good point. Good point. I'm in.

- I'm in, er...
- Are you sure about this?

I have always taught George that monsters don't really exist.

I think I've got something to prove to her now, don't you?

I'm coming too.

You can't leave me here alone.

If we stick together, we can look after her.

Stay close to me and do everything Vlad tells you, understand?

Does this kind of thing happen a lot?

- That's something I was wondering.
- No, of course not!

Well, not very often.

Come on, we know you're out there.

I thought you liked a fight.

What are you doing? Stop it - they'll hear you!

That's the idea. Together these creature and formidable,

but if we split them up...

Where are you? We're waiting. Show yourselves.

- Are you sure about this?
- It's our best chance, believe me.

Come on then, come and get us!

What's the matter? We're ready for you!



Stay close. This way.

That's clever. what do you do for an encore?

Hey, this is my favourite jacket.

All right, ugly? Looking for a fight?

Where did it go?

When are you going to tell me

what's going on with Vlad and these breathers?

We're a little busy right now, don't you think?

It worked - there's one following us.

We just have to buy some time.

Running away?

I thought you creatures were supposed to be invincible?

That's more like it.

Your aim's off!

Vlad - here!

- Nice strike.
- Rounders champion at school.

We'd better keep moving.

Oh, come on.

Well, you know, perhaps they've gone,

you know, packed up their talons and cleared of back to Rumanga!

Just because we can't see them doesn't mean they're not there!

Reassuring little fella, aren't you?

Damn it. What happened to Renfield?

He was right in front of us.

That's definitely not Renfield!

Run! run!

Wrong way, wrong way! Aargh! Renfield!

Door, door, door!

Well, hurry, Renfield. Do what you have to do.

That thing was right behind us.

Ah, ah, ah! Hydrogen peroxide - check.

Luminol. Luminol... ohhh, where did I put that luminol?

Lord Count - the glow worm.

Oh my...

Must be in here somewhere.

By the power of the Draculas,

I command you to surrender!

Where did that...Argh!

Lord Count!

A great warrior always knows when to retreat.

Back to the circle of light!

Hello? I think I'm locked in the larder!

Can you open the door, please, Master?

You don't think I really believed that tutor story, do you?

Will you keep your mind on the matter in hand?!

Look out!

Er, Malik. A little help here?

Tell me about Sally - what's she really doing here?

Are you totally deranged?! Get this thing away from me!

Tell me.

She's Vlad's mother!



Well, so much for The Chosen One!

Head of all Vampire clans?

He's not even eligible to lead ours.

He's not even pure vampire!

Look, you can't tell anyone.

The whole family is tainted. You too.

It'd be a death sentence for all of us.



- Sorry.
- Malik dusted one.

Ingrid distracted it.

Still leaves two more, though.

Stick together. I'll check in with Renfield.

Hello! Anyone?

Master Vlad, I'm in here!



Ah! Just a spoonful of this and we are all...

Oh, must be the wrong catalyst.

Er, hold on. I've got the right stuff here somewhere,

Come on, Renfield - we need to work fast.

What am I doing?


Perfect! Make some more. I'll go get the others.

Ha! Well done me!

It's the waiting. It's the waiting I can't stand.

Perhaps we should go after them?

No, no, Lord Count, we're safe here.

Right, right, no, you're right, right!

- Do I get to fire them?
- No!

Leave this one to Vlad and Malik - it's not a game any more.

Wait a minute!

Someone needs to stay with them. Keep them safe!



No, no, no, it's all right,

it's all right. They can't cross the circle of light, remember.

It's fine, it's fine.

Be gone! Be gone!

Now that was close.

Um...I think you were a bit too late!

Right then, If that's the way you want it. Get behind me, boy.

Then here I am!

I will save you, Lord Count!

Get the stake, the stake, the stake!

We got it!

My back, my back! Argh, argh!


We destroyed them!

Oh, group hug, group hug!


We beat them! It's over.


My boys!


Renfield, a goblet of the Liebfraublut ' for me

and something special for the boy that saved my life.

Thank you very much.

Bat biccies.

You know, you proved yourself tonight, Asan.

You too, Malik.

Even you.

Does that mean we can stay?

Er...I suppose I can let you remain under my protection for a little,

a little longer...

- Do you really trust him now?
- Not for a second.

Ramanga will be back - with or without Shadow Warriors.

Let him come.

After this, we're ready for anything.


Oh, cheers to me.

You're missing the celebrations.

I'm not sure I feel like celebrating.

We couldn't have defeated those creatures without you.

I mean, we really pulled together. Like a...

Like a proper family?


I'm sorry, Vlad. I have to think about George.

What kind of world is this for her?

Monsters on the loose, creatures of the night...

Like me, you mean?

I really want you to be part of our lives. Come and visit.

But we can't stay here.

Not after this.

Please understand.

At least wait until the morning. Just to be safe.


For the first time in my life, I'm afraid of the dark.

I don't know what's coming next.