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06x15 - Sparkling Banter and a Failing Steel Town

Posted: 10/25/21 06:50
by bunniefuu
Hey, I can't go to the bistro

with you guys today.

"Oh, why is that, Wendy?"

Well, I'll tell you.

I'm scrubbing in on a transplant.

This woman's getting a new
heart on Valentine's Day.

How beautiful is that?

What I'm hearing is "no date."

I was gonna say the same thing,

but I was lifting this chair.

I don't have a date either,
and I'm fine with it.

Good for you.

Really? You believed me?

I have my first date with Andy.

Oh, you're going out with
the cop? That's great.

Kind of hoping he picks
me up in the police car.

Never sat in the front before.


Are you gonna be okay tonight?

Why wouldn't I be okay?

Well, it's your first Valentine's Day

since... you know.

Victor died.

I was trying to be sensitive.

Oh, my bad... I thought
you forgot his name.

I actually have big plans.

I have a date with myself.

Hmm. How many times you have to ask

before you got a yes?

Actually, I'm going to order in

and watch Notting Hill
because I've never seen it.

You've never seen Notting Hill?

It's like the best movie ever.

"I'm just a girl... "

BOTH: "Standing in front of a boy... "

"Asking him to love her."

I hope it's better when
Julia Roberts says it.

So, Tammy, do you have a date with Yuri?

Valentine's is a big
night for Uber drivers,

so he's invited me to ride shotgun.

I'm gonna work the GPS,
hand out some candies,

and probably clean up some puke.

Aw, I wish I was cleaning
up puke with a fella.

Why don't you and I do something?

Maybe grab dinner.

Adam's got to work anyway.

A Valentine's dinner with my mother.

Is this the saddest moment of my life?

- No. - No way.
- Not even close.

This place is beautiful.

Thank you for forcing me to shower.

Now I wish I had.

To us.

- Happy Valentine's Day.
- Mm.

Complimentary crab cake
for the lovely couple.

- Oh, she's my...
- Soul mate.



What we won't do for
free food. (CHUCKLES)

Hey, I'm just happy he thought I could

land someone half my age.

You realize you just made yourself 80.

Or did I make you 20?

Yeah, let's go with that.

These are so much better than the ones

we serve at the restaurant.

But maybe that's because
I'm not racing a busboy

to dig it out of the trash. (SCOFFS)

The best crab cake I ever had

was when I lived in Madagascar.

When did you live in Madagascar?

When I was in the Peace Corps.

You were in the Peace Corps? Mm-hmm.

It was a good way to cross

international borders
without a lot of questions,

and a couple of
villages got water, so...

Wow. I can't believe there's something

about you I don't know.

Oh, honey, there's lots of things.

Did you know there's a shotgun pellet

in my left ass cheek?

You're kidding. It was a ricochet.

I wasn't the intended target.



This is fun, we should
do this more often.

I'll have a Diet Coke, two limes.

One squeezed, one not.

Beer, no fruit.

We have a wide selection of craft beers

and microbrews. Oh. (BABBLES)

You know what? I'll just take anything

that comes from a failing steel town.

You sure it doesn't bother
you that I'm having a drink?

Oh, hell no.

Especially not that
crappy beer you ordered.


Okay, two limes.

If you were still drinking,
what would you have ordered?

Well, in a place like
this, I'd have gone

with a vodka martini
straight up with a twist,

six olives on the side.

On the side?

Well, I didn't want to
waste the room in the glass,

and the olives were my dinner.

That-that would fill you up?

Well, when you have six martinis,

that's 36 olives.

You know, it's-it's, uh, it's weird.

I-I can't picture you not
having it all together.

Oh, I have pictures.

But that's third date material.


We're already talking
about a third date.

(CHUCKLES) Let me ask you something.

Do you own bowling shoes?

No, but you just gave
me a reason to shop.

Okay, Jenny. You and Todd

make some memories tonight.

And stay out of prison.

Moment of truth.

- How'd we do?

- Five stars and maximum tip.
- Oh!

I feel like one of those stars is mine.

Oh, is true. Your banter was sparkling.



- I'm glad you're here.
- Me, too.

You're sure you're okay not going

- to some fancy dinner tonight?
- Hell yeah.

Riding around with a cool guy

in a car that isn't stolen?

(INHALES) This is the most

romantic night of my life.

It gets better.

Check under your seat.

A Burger King wrapper?

Keep looking.

- Ow.
- That's it.


No one's ever given me a rose before.

Get used to it.



Okay, Hugh Grant.

Do your thing.



Hey, Tammy.

- I am freaking out.
- What's wrong?

I think Yuri wants to
have sex with me tonight.

I haven't dated in a long time.

Remind me, why is that bad?

Because I've been in
prison for seven years

and so has my... you know.

Well, what are you afraid of?


I'm afraid we do it
and then he dumps me,

or we do it and it's terrible,

or it's amazing and then we fall in love

and then he dies.

It happens.

It happened to you.

Yes, I remember.

It's okay, sweetie.

If you're not ready, just tell him.

Wow, you say stuff that's so obvious,

but it always makes me feel better.

Ooh, I got to go.

Here he comes with the tacos.

Wait, it's just a guy
who really looks like him.

(GASPS) Oh, no, it's him. Bye.




Hey, Wendy. What's going on?

I'm about to go into
surgery and I just want

to call and say hi so
you don't get lonely.

Oh, thank you, I'm good.

- Happy operating.
- Oh, I don't operate.

I just hand stuff to
the person who does.

Well, happy handing.

Now it sounds like you're minimizing.

Goodbye, Wendy.


You take the next call.


couple that got engaged

just got a free chocolate soufflé.

Hey, after dinner, get on your
knee and ask me to marry you.

No, you've already been proposed to.

You propose to me.

Fine, but you better say yes.

We'll see.

You know what?

I would love to pretend to get engaged.

Because I know it's never
gonna actually happen.

Oh, come on.

I'm fine with it.

I have an amazing group of friends,

I'm gonna have a kick-ass career.

And between us,

sex with myself has never been better.

So you're just giving up on love?

Well, if I'm being honest,

I don't know if I've ever been in love.

That makes me sad.


'Cause it's kind of your fault.

My fault? What's that supposed to mean?


I was kidding.

Tell me more about the Peace Corps.

No, I'm not rewarding you

with fascinating
stories about the Orient.


You know, I thought we were past

you blaming me for everything.

That's why it's something
we can joke about.



Every joke has a kernel of truth.

Not this one.

It's just funny. (LAUGHS)


hee-hee, hoo-hoo.

ANDY: Okay.

The hostess swears we're "totally" next

and she's "totally" sorry,
but between you and me,

I don't "totally" believe her.


Oh, it's fine.

I'm actually having
fun waiting with you.

Same here.


(SINGSONGY): Jill Kendall.

(SINGSONGY): Vivian Prescott.

How. Are. You?

Ne-ver be-tter.


What. Is. Happening?

Oh. Andy, this is my
friend Vivian from the club.

Vivian, this is Andy.

- Oh, nice to meet you.
- Hi.

The only club I belong to is Costco.


Eh, eh? All right.

Uh, you know what? I'm
gonna go flash my badge

- and get us our table.
- Okay.

So he's a cop?

Yeah, my house got broken into,

so I hired him for private security.


(LAUGHING): Okay, that
makes much more sense.

- What's so funny?
- Well, for a second, I thought

you guys were on a date.

(LAUGHS): Oh, God, no.

So, uh, lunch?

Let's do.


- "Oh, God, no"?
- What?

No, it's just, I... you
know, I heard what you said

TO YOUR FRIEND: "Oh, God, no."

I am so sorry.

That came out wrong. I didn't mean it.

It's just, she's very judgy and
gossipy and wouldn't understand.

Wouldn't understand what?

No, no, it's not that
she wouldn't understand,

there's nothing to
understand, it's just that...

(CLEARS THROAT) She's used to
me being with a certain type.

All right, uh, well,
um... how about this?

You... enjoy your Diet Coke,

and if your type comes along,
tell him I said good luck.


Your table's totally ready.

You know that chicken isn't me.

Are you sure?

It's small and skinny
and a little bitter.

- Will you stop?
- Me? You're the one

who ruined mother-daughter
Valentine's Day.

- Come on.
- What? I'm kidding. Jokey-joke-joke,



There was a kernel of truth.

I do think it's your fault
I've never been in love.

I knew it. You're unbelievable.

I take you to a nice
restaurant to cheer you up,

and you still find a way
to make me the bad guy.

One nice dinner doesn't make
up for a sucky childhood.

Look, even if I was a perfect parent...

- Ha!
- I said "if."

Even then, it wouldn't
have been enough for you,

because nothing's ever enough for you.

And if there's a reason
you're gonna be alone forever,

that's it.


I have two choices.

I can go smoke,

or I can s*ab you in the
hand with this steak knife.

- I knew you didn't have it in you.

Yuri, wait, I need
to tell you something.


I can't have sex with you tonight.


And maybe tomorrow night.


It might be a while, is
what I'm trying to say.

No problem.

Wait, I'm telling you you can't have

any of this magic, and
you're fine with it?

Hey, if waiting means
spending more time with you,

talking and laughing and-and
being happy, I'll wait forever.

I'm ready.

I'm not trying to talk you into it.

Well, you did, you magnificent man.

I haven't done this for seven years.

I hope your affairs are in order.

What's wrong with me?

I mean, I'm crazy about this
guy, and the first chance I got,

I threw him under the bus.

Well, it sounds to me
like you got scared.

Those women from the club

have been gossiping about me for years.

Especially Vivian.

Now I'm finally at a place
where they've stopped whispering

and started saying "Let's do lunch."

I mean,

we never go, but they say it.

So I panicked.

I thought if I admitted I was on a date

with Andy the beer-drinking
cop, the gossip would start

and I'd lose 'em again.

Yeah, you wouldn't
want to lose the people

you don't go to lunch with.

I'm a terrible, shallow person.


But you're less terrible and
shallow than you used to be.

You know, it's weird.

The things you say are so obvious,

but they do make me feel better.

- I got to go.
- Oh, if you must.


- I'll get it.
- Let it go to voice...

Hey, Bonnie. It's Bonnie.


I know, I feel that way
when she calls me, too.

Look, I'm sorry to chew your
ear off, but she's impossible.

I offer to spend
Valentine's Day with her,

and she still picks a fight.

Well, you did tell her
she was gonna die alone,

and as a person you've
said that to, it does hurt.

Bunch of snowflakes I hang out with.

- Is she finished?
- Oh, uh, hang on.

Listen, Bonnie,

you two have a pattern.

It only takes one of you to break it,

and I think it's got to be you.

Dumb. Go on.

Hey, you called me.

So I'm not supposed to defend myself

every time she blames me

for everything that's wrong in her life?

Well, it's what you always
do and it never works,

so why not try something different?

Name one thing I could possibly do.

You could just listen

and try to understand
where she's coming from.

Nah. What else you got?

You let him take my plate?

He didn't even ask.

Goodbye, Adam, I love you.

So this was a disaster. Let's go home.

Not yet. Sit down.


First, let me say I'm sorry

for that mean thing I said
about you ending up alone.

It's not personal.

I've said it to Marjorie, Wendy...

On her birthday. I remember.

Anyway, you and I started
to have a conversation,

and I think we should finish it.

You were saying it's
my fault you're single,

and I want to listen
to more of that, please.


Yeah, I want to know
why you feel that way.

It goes back to when I was a kid.

You brought boyfriends
home that I thought

were gonna be in our lives
forever but they never were.

That is not...

Please continue.

Watching that kind of taught
me men don't stick around.

I didn't even know what a
healthy relationship looked like.

How was I supposed to find one?

Wow. Okay.

This is weird.

Why aren't you fighting back?

Because everything
you're saying is true.

That's never stopped you before.

Maybe I'm trying something different.


Look, I get why relationships
are hard for you.

I was a terrible role model.

Well, in your defense,

you were a big old drunk at the time.

That is not an excuse.

But you were a single
mom and I was a handful.

Adorable but a handful.

Considering what I put you
through, you were an angel.

You know, until fifth grade,

when you started hitting
the liquor cabinet.

Mom, there was no cabinet.

There was the floor next to your bed,

the oven, and the shower caddy.

That you're functional
in the world is amazing.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

I'm the one who's always
bringing up the past

and throwing it in your face.

Yeah, but I did all those things.

A long time ago.

I need to get over it already.

Well, how about you stop
beating up on yourself

about not being in a relationship?

You will be.

You are one of the most
incredible people I know.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Do you want to stay for dessert?

I do.

Bonnie Plunkett, will you marry me?

- Yes!
- She said yes!

She said yes!

- Hey.

Free chocolate soufflé
over here, two spoons.



I know you're mad at me.

You should go into police work.

Andy, I screwed up big-time
and I am so, so sorry.

The thing you got to know about
me is I'm not a great person,

but I used to be worse, which
means I'm getting better.

And I haven't liked anybody
as much as I like you

in a very long time.

So if you just give me another chance,

I promise I will do everything
I can not to mess it up.

Look... believe it or not,

um, I think I'm a great catch,

and, uh...

I just want to be with someone
who feels the same way...

no matter who's looking.

Good night.

I know you said you
were okay by yourself,

but I say that all the
time and I never mean it.

Come on in.

BOTH: Hi, Wendy.

Hey, guys.

We're not allowed to talk
until she finishes her movie.

WOMAN: four TRSs

and tell them we need radar feedback

before the KFTs return at 1900.

Then inform the Pentagon we'll
need Blackstar cover from...

(WHISPERING): Is she okay?

(WHISPERING): She and Andy broke up.


I ruined everything.

What? They were talking, too.

How was the surgery?

I sneezed and got kicked out.

I don't even know if she made it.



How was your dinner?

(WHISPERING): Christy and I got engaged.


(GASPS) The heart is beating.

That's great. Yay.

Come on, guys, it's almost finished.

You're right, don't worry about us.

- I had sex!
- Oh my god!

Forget it.

- Tell us everything.
- Details, details.

I'm so happy for you.

How was it?

It was like our souls touched.
I kicked out a window.

You don't have to worry
about me, Victor.


I'll never be alone.

Did you know that "nipple"
in Russian is "neeple"?