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05x02 - Fish Town and Too Many Thank You's

Posted: 10/24/21 09:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on Mom

My mom wanted to say hi.

- Hey, it's nice to meet you.
- Get over here, you!

Thank you so much for
taking care of my girl.

I'm Christy, Jill's friend.

Did you ever dance at Live Nudes?

I used to work there, too.

As long as you're in here,
why not give it a real try?

- I have tried.
- How about this time I help you?

- You would do that?
- We're pole pals.

Hey, great news, baby.
Christy's gonna help me

get out of here so you
and me can move to L.A.

Help Natasha, and when they
take Emily away from me,

and that woman puts her through hell,

and she gets stuck in
another foster home,

you can feel real proud of yourself.

You were in rehab over and over,

and we never gave up on you

'cause we don't throw people away.

- Who are you?
- Who are you?

This is my mother with my father.

Wow, there's Grandma

with a black man.

I'm sorry, that was weird.

I don't know why I whispered.
We have black friends.

Here's the e-mail we got from a lawyer.

Are you saying you're my sister?

I'm not sayin' nothin' to nobody.

Boy, this is hard to say...

but I guess you're probably
the best people to say it to.

I've gotten to a point where

I'm snorting coke every day.

- Welcome to the family!
- We're here!

What are you so happy about?

Just look at Natasha.

I know I'm sitting here on
my ass, but in a small way,

I'm over there cleaning
that table with her.

Well, neither one of you
is doing a very good job.

You go right ahead and be
proud of yourself, Christy.

You've been a big help to that girl.

Thank you, Marjorie.

Did you hear that, Mom?

Did you hear that, Christy?

I like your top, Wendy.

Thank you. Jill gave me a bunch of
her clothes she can't fit int...

Doesn't want.

Doesn't want anymore.

Please, God, tell me it's almost 4:00.

It's 12:30.

Damn it. Scooch.

You probably shouldn't sit
with us while you're working.

Yeah, and some kid
probably shouldn't have

puked up waffles on the bathroom floor.

I'm just hoping nobody slips on it.

You should be very proud.

This job sucks.

I made more stripping, and
I worked the brunch shift.

Yeah, but if you were stripping,

you probably wouldn't stay sober.

Was that brunch a buffet or...

We're not eating at a strip club, Wendy.

Why not? We ate at the gas station

that you wanted to go to.

Hard work is a part of recovery.

She's right. When I was in rehab,

I spent every morning
slicing up cucumbers

for the spa water.

Hasn't seen many cucumbers lately.

Vomit. Ladies room, now.

Yay, sobriety!

Oh, like she never cleaned up vomit

when she was stripping.

Yeah, well, she better clean
it quick, 'cause I gotta pee.

Hey, Christy, Ray's coming to town.

Oh, that's great.

How's your brother doing?

Well, he kicked the
blow three months ago,

so he's probably twitchy
and angry and wants everyone

around him to die a
slow and painful death.

Funny how you never got past that.

Wow, an unmotivated shot. I like it.

Oh, he's such a pretty man.

Is he still a h*m*?

Yeah, I don't think,
when you marry a man,

that's a phase.

What a waste.

Well, if I can't have him,

I can sure as hell have a waffle.


No. No beer.

Why? It's after 4:00.

My brother is newly sober.

He doesn't need to be tempted.

I'll finish it before he gets here.

That's him.


- Hey, Christy.
- Get in here. Ah.

Hey, Bonnie.

Ah. How are you?

Great. Really great.

You remember Adam.

Of course. What's up?

Good to see you.

You look so healthy and rested.

What can I say?

Sobriety suits me. Oh.

Oh, man, when I first got sober,

all I did was sleep,
cry, and listen to Jewel.

I only wish I'd done it sooner.

If I'd gotten sober sooner,
she wouldn't be here.

Oh, I'd be here.

I'd just be younger and taller.

Seems like it's going really well.

Yeah. I'm going to
meetings, I got a sponsor.

I even joined a sober basketball team.

We suck, but it's fun.

Really? That is not what happened to me.

You like basketball?

The black part of me does.
The gay part hates it.

- No, no, I didn't mean it...
- I'm just messing with you.

I love sports, but I hate

tiny little dogs and Halloween.

What about musicals?

Oh, you gotta like some of
that stuff, they kick you out.

- Halloween's a thing?
- Where you been? That's gay Christmas.

Last year, I was in a bar with 300 guys

dressed as Hamilton.

So, how long you in town for?

Couple days.

Frog's Creek Winery is a client.

Is David with you?

- David's his husband.
- Yeah, I pieced that together.

Nah, he's home binging
Love It or List It.

That's a real estate makeover show.

Got that one, too.

Hey, you should come with
us to our meeting tomorrow.

Ooh, you could speak.
Your story is so inspiring.

Or you could come to the
Warriors game with me.

I got great seats.

Buddy of mine is Steph Curry's dentist.

Steph Curry is a famous
basketball player.

Yeah, I know who she is.

And you're not staying in a hotel.

You're staying with your family.

On our lumpy couch.

Okay, but heads up,
I get up at 6:00 a.m.

to run and do yoga.

He's doing better than you.
I'm getting another beer.

Why aren't you in bed
with your boyfriend?

'Cause he's busy
talking to his boyfriend.

It started with basketball,
now they're bonding

over Mark Wahlberg movies.

Sounds like Ray's doing great.

Yeah, I don't get it.

Have you ever met anyone,
anywhere, at any time

that gave up cocaine that easily?

- Lots of...
- Without prison?

- My friend Jenny...
- Switched to meth.

- Joe...
- Died.

Joe died?

Yeah, Super Bowl Sunday.

Ray's your brother!

Be happy he's doing well.

I am happy. I just wouldn't mind seeing

some night sweats, a few days in jail,

maybe a mild seizure.

All right, I've got
to put a stop to this.

You're really upset that
they're getting along?


My date ready yet?

You are ten years younger than
me and quite good-looking...

Please don't refer to him as your date.

Oh, Bonnie, I'm 15
years younger than you.

Must have forgotten your sunscreen

'cause you got burned.

Yeah, that was a lot
funnier in seventh grade.

Let's hit it.

Have fun. All right. Mwah.

Are you wearing cologne?

I don't know, maybe.

You put on cologne for my brother?

I put on cologne for Steph Curry.

You never know, he
might jump in the stands

and land in my lap.

And I'm the gay one.

Can we go, please?

- Let me get my keys.
- No, I'll drive.

I got a Mercedes.

I got handicap parking.

I love this guy.

Look at 'em, they're
like a '70s cop show.

Come on, Huggy Bear.

Right behind ya, Wheels.

They are so cute.

I still say something's
not right about him.

Are you kidding? He's thriving.

Nah, I'm not buying it.

You don't go right from coke fiend to...

"I get up
at 6:00 a.m. to do yoga."

- Well, I'm glad for him.
- Ugh, that is so you.

Come on. Let's go to our damn meeting.

My car or yours?

Ray's. I'll hate the world

a little less in a Mercedes.

Mind slowing down?

Hey, I'm going over 50

and the windows aren't rattling.

Let me have this.

Look at the temperature control.

We each have our own zone.

I can make your zone really hot.

I'm gonna make mine really cold.

Let's see if it rains
in the middle of the car.

Ooh, what do you think this button

with the squiggly lines does?

Will you look at the road?!

I tell you, if I had a car like this,

sobriety would be easy for me, too.

That is the stupidest
thing you've ever said.


Check it out. Massage seats?

- You feel that?
- Feel it?

I'm ready to turn
around and straddle it.

♪ I'll tell you what I want,
what I really, really want ♪

♪ So tell me what you want,
what you really, really want ♪

♪ I wanna, ha, I wanna, ha,
I wanna, ha, I wanna, ha ♪

♪ I wanna really, really,
really wanna zigazig, ah ♪

♪ If you wanna be my lover... ♪

So, married to a guy, huh?


How is that?

You know. Marriage.

We fight over the remote just
like the rest of the world.

Hmm. Ha.

Do you guys share socks,
or do you have your own?

We have our own.

They get mixed up sometimes.

Good question, though.

- Okay, my turn.
- sh**t.

I'm assuming, since you're with Bonnie,

everything... works?

Everything but the legs.

So, you're pretty much
always on the bottom.


What do you guys do, flip a coin?

You said I could drive again.

When do I get to drive again?

I'm not gonna just pull
over on the freeway.

Or maybe I am.

I didn't think rich
people got pulled over.

Any chance he's just
gonna congratulate us

on how well our lives have turned out?

Get the registration.

- Oh, no.
- Relax. We haven't done anything wrong.

We're two law-abiding, sober women...

Who are carrying about
$300 worth of cocaine.

Maybe it comes with the car.

Are you sure it's coke?

Either that, or Ray's gonna do
a teeny, tiny load of laundry.

Get rid of that.

Be cool.

Good evening, officer.

License and registration.


This is my brother's car.

He's at a basketball
game with my boyfriend.

He's in a wheelchair. Not
my brother, my boyfriend.

My-my brother's black.

I'm not saying that
because you're black.

He's also gay, you might be gay.

That's not my business.

Anyway, here's the license.

That's Christy, she's my daughter.
Say hi, Christy.


- Are you okay, ma'am?
- Menopause.

Cold one second,
sweating balls the next,

You'll see. Not now, not for a while.

Are you aware your driver's
side taillight is out?

Again, uh, my brother's car.

He's at a basketball
game with my boyfriend.

I keep saying "boyfriend."

He's really "fiancé," look. See?

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

Be right back.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Okay, I don't want to alarm you,

but I don't know where the coke went.

That is alarming.

Don't worry.

Finding dr*gs in the dark
is, like, my superpower.

Hold on.

Find it?

Nope. Just a big bag of pot.

She's coming back.

- All right, ma'am.
- Oh...

Hello again.

Make sure your brother
gets that taillight fixed.

- And you ladies have a good night.
- Thank you.

- Thank you. Thank you!
- Too many thank yous.

Thank you.

Okay. Your turn to drive.

What happened to us?

We used to smuggle
suitcases of this stuff

without breaking a sweat.

Mm. We've gone soft.

We're worse than soft.

We're civilians.

You shut your mouth.

I'm not even a little
bit tempted to use it.

Mm. I'm a little tempted to sell it.

Something about that comforts me.


Hey. Adam bought me a shirt!

- Something wrong?
- Very.

Something I did?

- No.
- Great. Good luck, buddy.

- What's up?
- You tell us.

- What's that?
- Oh, come on, Ray.

- We found it in your car.
- What were you doing in my car?

I'm asking the questions here.

So why does a guy who's
been sober three months

have coke and weed in his car?

I must've just forgot about it.

Oh, because that's a thing that happens.

Nobody forgets about
three grams of blow.

Unless they've smoked
a giant bag of weed.

Come on, admit it,
you're still getting high.


In the last three months,
did you go to any meetings?

Yeah. A few.

And I realized I don't have a problem.

- Have you gone...
- I don't have a problem.

I just didn't tell you

because I knew you'd overreact.

Does David know you're still using?

- Yeah.
- And?

David and I are on a break.

Well, guess what, buddy,
if you want to keep using,

we're gonna be on a break, too.

Listen to you.
Straight up Marjorie.

Yeah. Could the day get any worse?

This brings back
memories, doesn't it?

Yeah. You can almost hear
the cops banging on the door.

Dogs barking, helicopters
circling overhead.

There were never helicopters.

You were just really high.

Mm. #Sad.

There's gonna be a party
in Fish Town tonight.

Okay, so tomorrow, we'll
take Ray to a meeting.

- In his car.
- And I'll drive.

Not happening.

Uh-oh, the dr*gs are coming back.

How about that. After all these years,

the toilet's finally throwing up on us.


Uh, hey.

Want some coffee?

Uh, you know, I'm gonna pass.
I got to head out.

Oh, really?

Thought we were gonna have
that hot sauce eating contest.

Rain check.

Listen, I don't want to
wake up Bonnie and Christy.

Would you thank them for me?

Uh, sure, but, uh, what's the rush?

I just got to go.


Call me.

- Where's Ray?
- He left.

What? We're supposed to go to a meeting.

I don't know what to tell
you, Bonnie. He's gone.

- Who's gone?
- Ray.

- Gone gone?
- Yeah, he took his bag.

- Oh, damn it.
- Yeah.

I thought of trying to
talk him into staying,

but didn't really know
what to say to him.

There's nothing you could've said.

I had a gay black friend.

That was gonna be my thing this year.

Hey, Natasha.
Used to the new job?

No. You know what's more disgusting

than the food people leave
behind on their plates?

Having to pick through that food

to find some stupid kid's retainer.

Oh! I always used to lose my retainer.

Then my mom gave me a little plastic bag

- to put it in when I was...
- What is wrong with you?

Don't take it personally,
she's still pretty raw.

I'm with Natasha, that
story was going nowhere.

- Have you guys heard from Ray?
- Nope.

I talked to his husband, but
they haven't spoken in weeks.

He did say Ray lost his job,

and owes money all over the place.

You forget how hard it is to get sober.

I'm afraid the next time we hear
from him, he's gonna be in jail.

Or worse.

Well, not everybody makes it.

- Thank you.
- Oh.



She got ketchup on your shoulder.