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03x13 - Purple Rain

Posted: 10/21/21 06:37
by bunniefuu
[man over PA] "I sit in one of the dives

On Fifty-second Street,
Uncertain and afraid,

As the clever hopes expire
Of a low dishonest decade

Waves of anger and fear

Circulate over the bright

And darkened lands of the earth

Obsessing our private lives

The unmentionable odor of death
Offends the September night

Accurate scholarship can

- Computer...
- [beeping]

- ...stop poem.
- [poem stops]

Call Fletcher.

Yes, Doctor.

[Crane] I've had a change of heart.

As satisfying as it would be to see

Barbara Gordon's reaction
to our little presentation,

I realize now I don't need an audience.

But I know that her fate is
very much of interest to you.

So... I give her to you.

She's yours to do with
as you please. Have at it!

- Consider it done.
- Good.

And Doctor, the security
cameras at the armory

caught your friend, Red Hood.
He was with d*ck Grayson.

That's excellent.

It's good.

It's very good. Okay.

It seems he found his way back,

and he's received my little gift.

Good work.

- Computer.
- [beep]

Activate the charges.

[computer] Confirmed.

Prepare for the beginning of the end.

[computer beeping]

Gentlemen, I can't begin to
tell you the number of ways

this is a bad idea. Actually, no, I can.

Commissioner Gordon
is still your commander

and any attempt to harm her will

come back to bite you in the ass.

And that's if she doesn't
take care of you herself.

You do realize she's armed?

Last chance.


It's not personal. Just orders.

I was really hoping
you wouldn't say that.

[elevator rumbling]

[elevator dings]

[Vee] You need to put that thing down

or we're going to have a problem.

Are you ready to get to work?

The main building is secured,

but there are still rogue GCPD units

out in the city.

Secured by whom?

Okay, full disclosure.

I don't really work for GCPD.

Yeah, I use the gym
and the Costco discount,

but I was actually
sent here by A.R.G.U.S.

to monitor suspicious super activity.

After Ra's Al Ghul started

poking his nose around these parts.

A.R.G.U.S. Like Roy Harper A.R.G.U.S?

The one and only.

Oh, he sends his regards, by the way.

Is Vee even your real name?

Depends. Do you like it?

- It suits you.
- Okay.

Then, we'll keep it.

I have other news.

We suspect that Ra's Al Ghul was here

to place a Lazarus Pit

as a first step in a larger plan.

And we believe that Crane used
it to resurrect Jason Todd.

There's more.

It's a good thing you're sitting down.


d*ck Grayson is alive.


His Titan friends took him to the Pit

and he came out alive.

Now, we're not sure
what they're doing yet,

but we're using the A.R.G.U.S. satellite

to try and track the Titans right now.


Time to save Gotham.

[door opens]

I took the liberty of making
a few staffing changes.

HR is going to be pissed.

On your three!

Where the hell did you
learn how to do that?


Uh, Donna.


Go back with your family,
I'll deal with them.

- You can't...
- Go!

[g*nf*re continues]

[commando grunting]

[commando] Get this thing off of me!

[commando screaming]


[snarling and roaring]


[police siren wailing in the distance]

Why don't you get out of that fur suit

and come say hi?

Jeez, you look good for
someone who's undead.

Oh, that's sweet.

Hey, look. Lydia told me
that you held vigil for me.

I really appreciate that.

Well, it probably did more
for me than it did for you,

but, hey, I tried.

Funny how that works, huh?

Hey, kiddo.

If it ain't Wonder Girl, the sequel?

We have to go. d*ck sent us to find you.

There's something going down with Crane.

[siren wailing in distance]

I think we're going to need a minute.

Bro. Impressive.


I didn't know you had it in you.

Neither did I.

[Jack] We better get moving.

You need to say goodbye to your friends?

I'm good.

Let's go.

You need to stay.

This is where you belong.

We need you, but Gotham needs you more.

She's right.

We'll be fine.

Do us proud.

I will.

Called it.


[Starfire] You did this?

- I didn't mean to.
- You didn't mean to what?

Blow up her ship? Her
only way back home?

You know what cowards hide behind?


I'm sick of people telling
me what they didn't mean to do

after they did it!


- I'm sorry.
- Sorry's not enough!


I don't blame him.

[Starfire] Excuse me?

Did he not just blow up your ship?

Yes, he acted selfishly.

And I would have done the
same thing if I were him.

Some of us have to
fight for what we get.

And do stupid things along the way.

After everything we've gone through,

you're just going to forgive this?

I don't know what I'm gonna
do, but whatever it is,

it sure as shit is not
going to bring my ship back.

[clears throat] On a
purely technical level,

I can confirm that.

Not now.

You know what?

I'm done with this bullshit.

[over comm] Starfire, this
is Commissioner Gordon.

Can you hear me?


One poem, multiple bombs.

Clues to where the bombs
are are placed in the poem.

What's the plan?

Find some supers and stop
the bombs from going off.


What are they gonna do when they see me?

They're not.

- What's going on?
- Get out.

- Out?
- I can't bring you back to the Titans.

It'll cause a w*r. But I do need you.

So I'm your dirty little secret?

You want to help us, this
is the way it's gonna be.

I can only fight one w*r at a time.

When do you need me?

If you don't hear from me before,

meet me back here in
three hours. Got it?


[radio static] d*ck, do you copy?


Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?

I'm fine. Vee busted me out.

Apparently she's working for A.R.G.U.S.

A.R.G.U.S. is in Gotham?

We are now.

Long story. Basically, Vee
isn't who she said she was.

But who is really?

We're getting the A.R.G.U.S.
satellite locked in on you.

We've already contacted the other Titans

and activated their coms.

They're meeting in a Chinatown hideout.

Good. Crane is about to
blow Gotham to pieces.

We need all hands on deck.

Yeah. Happy to help.

The T-signal. Nice touch.

What was that?

It's shining on a
building off Gotham Plaza.

[radio static]

This is Doctor Jonathan
Crane for d*ck Grayson.

This is only the beginning.

There are ten bombs across the city.

How many can you find?

How many will die?

September has finally come.

And the season of the
harvest is upon you.

[Barbara] d*ck, is everything okay?

We lost you for a few seconds.

Get a call out to
anyone near Gotham Plaza.

Tell them to stay inside.

[screaming in distance]


"I and the public know What
all schoolchildren learn,

To those that evil is
done, Do evil in return."


[theme music playing]

[cell phone ringing]

- What do you know?
- [Barbara] It's hard to tell.

Based on satellite readings,

anywhere between to , dead.

What about the toxin?

[Vee] Wind's moving East, thank God,

so most of it's
dispersed over the harbor.

Yeah. My guess is we're not
going to get lucky twice.

[sighs] Stay handy,
I'll call you right back.

Gar, what do you know?

"I sit in one of the dives
On Fifty-second Street"

There's like dive
bars near nd Street.

Narrow it down. Find the one.

Hey, what you guys got?

Line , "Who can reach the deaf?

Who can speak for the dumb?"

Gotham School for the Deaf is

at the corner of Machine and tenth.

But there are also four branches

of the Wayne Institute
for Child Development,

each with a program for disabled kids,

including the deaf.

Do you think he'd target them
because of Bruce's connection?

Find the one closest to midtown.

Near hotels, hospitals,
apartment buildings.

He'd want maximum damage.

- Guys, anything?
- The name Nijinksy comes up in line .

So far, we found a restaurant,
a performing arts center

and about private residences.

The arts center is
only a block from here.

Maybe some X-ray vision
for a quick sweep?

I could try, but if Crane's got
the bombs in lead containers...

Let's hope he doesn't.

Hey, how's it coming along?

Like trying to find
ten invisible needles

in a thousand haystacks.

At the bottom of the ocean.

Look, if these bombs go off,

we'll need a plan to save these people.

It's a deadly toxin.

I don't know what kind of
plan we're talking about, d*ck.

The Lazarus Pit.

Yeah, but we can't bring
the whole city to the Pit.

Unless we can somehow figure out
a way to bring the Pit to the city.

Try to find a way.

Don't expect miracles here.

I absolutely expect miracles.
Let me know when you have one.

Hey Conner, can I talk
to you for a second?

Listen, about what happened...

You did what you had to do.

I know what it's like.

I did what I had to do, too.

We have bigger things
to worry about now.

All right. Everybody, stop.

Forget the poem.

Forget the clues.

We've been going about this all wrong.

- [phone beeps]
- Barb?

[Barbara] Talk to me.

This, all of this,

all of us wracking our brains,

following clues, chasing our tails.

We're playing right into his hands.

Oh, d*ck, slow down.

This is all just a f*cking game to him.

He wants us to run around
Gotham looking for his bombs,

- just like Batman would've.
- He's right.

You're right.

To him, you and I might as
well just be Bruce and Jim.

It's the same old game
over and over again.

So let's not play it anymore.

Wait. We're not going
to look for the bombs?

[d*ck] No, we're not.

Can the A.R.G.U.S. satellite
initiate a computer override?

Uh, yeah. If we can establish

remote access to the mainframe, maybe.

- Why?
- We're going to beat Crane

by doing what Batman never would.

We're going to Wayne Manor,
but not the way he expects.

[Starfire] Um, d*ck...

About that miracle you asked for...

[Crane] ♪ I could while away the hours ♪

♪ Conferring with the flowers ♪

♪ Consulting with the rain ♪

♪ And my head
Well, I'd be scratching... ♪

[computer] All devices armed.

♪ ...were busy hatching ♪

♪ If I only had a brain ♪

Okay, So I'll try to keep this simple.

You have cold moist air over here, see?

And then hot air over here.

Add in some atmospheric particulates,

mix well, and, well,
the result is obvious.

Yeah, we get it.

But a storm was our idea.

We literally just told you that.

But I drew it on the board.

- Yes, you did.
- Okay, cool.

But the question is,

can we do it without
getting ourselves k*lled?

Only one way to find out.

All right, here's the plan.

We need to get inside Wayne manor

before Crane sets off the other bombs

Kory, Rachel and
Blackfire are gonna drain

the Lazarus pit, and use
it to try and bring back

people that have already died.

There's not enough for the whole city.

So we have exactly one shot at this.

Wait. Why are you looking at me?

You saved my life by turning into a bat.

You think you can do it again?

I'm pretty sure I can't.

When I did it, when I turned into a bat

I was part of a hive mind,
thinking with a hundred brains.

It was loud and confusing,

and I was flying.

I was so dizzy afterwards,
I could barely walk.

I didn't say it'd be easy.

But once you get inside, I
need you to go to the keypad

in the hall and shut
off the security system.

Barbara needs to access Wayne
Manor's computer network.

There's a router in my room.

When you get in, I'll talk
you through setting it up.


Okay. I'm in.

Wait, uh, what's the code?

Well, it's five digits and the last
person to set it up was Jason Todd.

Got it.

Wait, what is it?

Four-twenty, sixty-nine.

That tracks.

d*ck, I didn't wanna say anything,

but Wayne Manor is crawling with GCPD.

When they hear the alarm, Gar's cooked.

Don't worry. I've got that covered.

[cop ] You're not gonna believe who
we caught outside trying to get in.

[Blackfire] There's something
very wrong about this place.

It absorbs the worst
fears and nightmares

of anyone who's ever been in it.

Extremely dark magic.

Too dark for you?


And if it goes wrong?

It's the last thing we'll ever do.

You don't have to do this.

Do you think I'm afraid?

You should be.

I am.

[Blackfire] I'm ready.

Me too.

Then what are we waiting for?

What in the actual f*ck
are you trying to pull here?

Crane is done with you.

I saw what he did downtown.

Let's just say I'd rather be in here

when the next b*mb goes off.

What the f*ck makes you
think he'll take you back?

Pretty sure is getting tired

of dealing with his second string.

Doctor Crane?

[Crane] Yes.

Red Hood is here.

Bring him down.

Maybe it's important that
he be here for the end.

Then when it's over, k*ll him.

Thank you, Doctor.

Take him down. I'm gonna go outside,

and see if we have any
other visitors here.

[alarm blaring]

[cop] Don't sh**t.



[alarm blaring]

- I'm in.
- [d*ck] Good.

Head down the hall
and shut off the alarm.

[alarm blaring]

[automated voice] Disarmed.

Rachel. Rachel, are you okay?

[in demonic voice] No!


I don't see it.

Okay, look down the left
leg of the nightstand.

- Left.
- There's a button on the back.


Got it.

Hey, d*ck sent me,
okay? I'm on your side.



Set up the router, I got the hall.

Okay, d*ck, I'm here. What do I do?

[d*ck] Okay, I need you
to connect the router

to the Wayne Manor mainframe.

Slide the security
panel cover straight up.

It should come right off.

You should've told me about Jason.

Would you have gone inside if I had?

You still should've told me.

Okay, I got it.

Okay, hold on. You're not done yet.

- Gar?
- [g*nf*re over phone]

I'm going in.

Tell Gar to cut the red wire
and hook it up to the router.

The red wire? You
never cut the red wire.

Cut the red wire.

Gar, it's me. d*ck left.

He said cut the red wire.

[Gar] What?

No, you never cut the red wire.

I know, but that's what he said.



What's happening?

We're in.

Oh, shit.

- What?
- There's a security question.

"What's the name of
the one who got away?"




I've got one more try at
this or I'm locked out.

Try Selina Kyle.

- Who's that?
- Trust me.


[automated voice] Welcome.

Who's Selina Kyle?

[intermittent beeping]

[computer] Five GCPD vitals offline.

Location, West hallway.

You're on, boys.

[Vee] Can you do it?

Not with you f*cking
staring at me like that.


Come on.

[cop] Stay clear.

Barbara Gordon's not here
to save your ass this time.

I'll tell her you said hi.

f*ck it! f*ck it, no more count downs.

It's time.

Let's go.


This is a Titan's job.

He knows I turned on him,
and that's enough for me.

You guys finish it.

You sure?

And tell the others I'm
sorry, for everything.

Thank you, Jason.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I was never here.

[Starfire] Okay. We
have one chance at this.

[thunder rumbling]

Oh, no.

I knew we forgot about something.


The Lazarus Pit isn't gonna do much good

if we burn the city to the ground.

- [Donna] I'm on it.
- Wait a second. No.

You're gonna get yourself k*lled, again.

You know what they say about lightning.

[Crane muttering]

And my only wish is

that Bruce Wayne could
be here to see this.

But all the same. Good night.

...little Gotham down!

You f*cking go!

[automated voice] Ten seconds
to detonation. Nine...

[Vee] Are we in?

[Barbara sighs] I'm not sure yet.

...three... two...


[negative beep]

What's going on?

[negative beep]

Why isn't it working?


Dear Mother! Something is not right.

[computer] Command override denied.

- Remote access engaged.
- No, no, no, no.

I asked Barbara to set
up a duplicate screen.

You didn't detonate anything.

What's the matter? All your clever hopes

and dreams just expired?

Hey, Tim. You always
wanted to see the Batcave.

Well, here it is.

What do you think?

I think it's a little crowded.

I agree.

Why don't you do the honors?

And who are you supposed to be, huh?

My name is Tim Drake.

You tried to k*ll my family.

You failed.

That's for Gotham, bitch.

Barbara, tell me something good.

- [computer] Playing "Tell Me Something Good"
- No.

By Rufus and Chaka Khan.

That works.

♪ You ain't got ♪

No kind of feeling inside ♪

♪ Tell me something good ♪

♪ Tell me
That you love me, yeah ♪

It's raining.

♪ Tell me something good ♪

Purple rain.

[baby crying]


I was driving around, I
was looking for you guys,

but I just figured that
everything was okay... Oh.


God, these things are very stuffy.

I came as soon as I got your call.

It's a brilliant plan.

What are you doing here?

I am here to make this day amazing.

What if I told you that
there was still a way

to make your dreams come true?

Who is this dude?

You're Donna Troy!

You're Raven!

Oh, my God, this is...

uh... you guys mind if I get a selfie?

Yeah. I told you this day
was going to be amazing!

Get ready.

[Bruce] Slow down.

[indistinct chatter]

Not exactly the welcome home

I had planned for you.

I'm lucky to have a home at all.

A lot of people had it much worse.

Do me a favor.

Next time you decide to leave town,


You did what I asked you to do.

You saved Gotham City.

I had help.

- The Titans?
- And Barbara.

You succeeded where I failed.

I failed too, Bruce.

But I got a second chance.


Coming here wasn't my idea.

Can you forgive me?

But you can't forgive me.

There was a time when
that would have been true,

Jason, but...

we've all crossed
lines, starting with me.

I did things I can't come back from.

Do you want to come back?



That life is over.

What life is next?

I don't know.

The fear that you felt,

I refused to see it,

because it's something
that you and I share.

It held sway over us.

But fear is a bad mentor.

I wish I'd had the strength
to help you face yours.

When you k*lled the Joker,

did you do that for me?

Yes, I did.

Thank you.

[sighing deeply]

Goodbye, son.

This is the last place on
Earth I want to be right now.

I promise it'll be worth it.

Okay, everyone ready?



I don't understand.

How were you able to do this?

Well, your friend here
has a hell of a memory.

It's like a computer.

So there's still a chance?

It won't even take that long to build.

My -D printer can do a
lot of the little things,

and, you know, there's always

your preferred online retail provider.

It was the least I could do.

What I did was pretty selfish.

If you really want
to go back to Tamaran,

I have no right to stop you.

Thank you.

Hi, Commissioner Gordon called me.

She said someone named
Vee was looking to see me.

I did. Margarita Vee.

I've had my eye on you
for quite a while now.

- Thank you.
- [Vee chuckles]

[Vee] Remember when you and
Starfire brought down Shimmer?

That file ended up on my desk.

Closed case. We could
always use more of those.

- You're with A.R.G.U.S.
- Uh-huh. And you're dead.

Well, according to our database.

So, you can imagine my surprise

when you showed up in
Gotham alive and kicking.

- I'm full of surprises.
- Hmm.

What are your plans
for your second life?

Uh, spend less time in
mysterious conversations.

I think I can remember that.

[Vee] Oh, no. See, this
one's got a chip in it.

You just hold it up to your phone

and it dials for you.

Pretty cool.

- Well, not my idea.
- [Donna smiles]

You should give me a call.

I thought maybe you'd
have a day or two off

before jumping right back

into rebuilding the police force.

What police force?

Good point.

So, now what?

Well, since A.R.G.U.S is
already on the scene...

Why not make the most of it?

Why not?

Have 'em stick around,

help us build back better than ever.

- I like it.
- Oh.

And the A.R.G.U.S Satellite is

working to bring Oracle back online.

And if it can, I'm the
only one who can handle him.

And what if he doesn't
forgive you for...

Destroying him?


Well, what's a partnership
without a little conflict?


Speaking of...

do I need to worry about Red Hood?

No. He's leaving Gotham.

How are the Titans taking it?

Very differently.

Gar always saw the
person behind the hood,

and he knows how far Jason went
to helping us out in the end.

And the others?

- We'll see.
- Hmm.

And you?

We made our peace.


So you're heading out?

You could always come with.

You could always stay.

Listen, Barb, I wanted to stay...

It's okay.

I'll see you next time.

See you next time.

Hey, d*ck.

Thank you.


Thank you.

You asked her to go to San
Francisco with you, didn't you?

- And she asked me to stay here.
- Mm.

And yet here you are,
walking off alone, again.

Never alone when you're around.

So, we'll be seeing
you in San Francisco?

Probably not.

No, I think I'm headed
to Paris to see Dawn.

I've got a message from
Hank I need to deliver.

After that?

You never know. There's
always more bad guys than good.

Maybe I can figure a way
even out the odds a little.

Congrats, by the way.

For what?

Finding Nightwing.

Starting to.

And all I had to do to find him was die.

[Donna chuckles]

Now, I will say this.

The one thing about
dying and coming back,

it sure sets your priorities straight.

You want to come for a drive?

Come on.

["Just like Heaven" by The Cure playing]

[Kory] He said ten o'clock.

- He did say ten, right?
- He said ten.

He'll get here.


He always does.

Hey, did someone order a bus?

[vehicle approaching]

[bus honks]

Hey, d*ck, uh, what is that?

That's an RV.

I figured it'd be way more
fun than taking Bruce's Jet.

Why would that be a more fun?

Road trip!

Right, 'cause who would
want to fly in the Bat jet?


Before you go,

I wanted to thank you.

I'm really glad things
turned out the way they did.

Maybe it's a new start for us.

You know those kind of sisters
who are also best friends?


Yeah, we're nothing like that.


- But at least now...
- We don't want to k*ll each other.

- We don't.
- It's a start.

Maybe one day I'll
make it back to Tamaran.

I'd like that.

But people there are tough.

They don't tend to
forgive and forget easily.

I'll be there if you need me.

I know.

But I also know that I am not alone.

Thank you

Take care of these humans.

[Kory laughs]

And I have some news.

I've spoken to Artie Kind.

He's looking into
something that he calls

a "nitrogen-filter respiratory device."

So I could breathe on Tamaran?

Perhaps one day you could visit me, too.

I got a great idea.

Let's get the hell out of Gotham.

Love you, too.

For what it's worth,

I think you would have
made a pretty decent Robin.

You coming?

Are you serious?

The question is, are you?

You got some nice moves,
but you need proper training,

if you're up for it.

Right. Destination San Francisco.

Forty-four hours.

Forty-four hours?

Yeah, I know.

Okay, fine.

But I get to DJ.

But first, one more stop.


Welly, welly, well.

We've come full circle, haven't we?

[Crane laughs]

Have you come for some
more crime-solving advice?

[chuckles] You know I'm
off their payroll now?

Although I bet you and I could work out

some sort of a private arrangement.

It'd be kind of hard to smoke
with your hands all... tied up.

Yeah. You got me there.

But, see this, all this,

it's just a temporary problem.

This house has many doors,

and they all revolve.

You know how it is.

Gotham is never going to change,

and I'll be back out in the fields

before there's frost on the pumpkins.

Not this time.

Who's this little ragamuffin?

I have something for you.



Pleasant dreams.

[screaming continues]

["What a Wonderful World"
by Joey Ramone playing]

♪ I see trees of green
Red roses too ♪

♪ I see them bloom
For me and you ♪

♪ And I said to myself ♪

What a wonderful world ♪

♪ I see skies of blue
and cloud of white ♪

♪ Bright sunny days
Dark sacred nights ♪

♪ And I think to myself ♪

What a wonderful wo... rld ♪

♪ Yes I think to myself
What a wonderful world ♪

[chorus] ♪ World, world ♪

♪ And I said to myself... ♪

What a wonderful world ♪