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06x16 - Nightmare in National City

Posted: 10/20/21 18:39
by bunniefuu
My name is Kara Zor-El.

I'm from Krypton.

I'm a refugee on this planet.

I was sent to Earth
to protect my cousin.

But my pod got knocked off course.

And by the time I got here,

my cousin had already grown up
and become... Superman.

I hid who I really was until one day

when an accident forced me
to reveal myself to the world.

To most people, I'm a reporter
at CatCo Worldwide Media.

But in secret I work
with my adopted sister

and my friends to protect my city from

anyone that means to cause it harm.

I am Supergirl.


Previously on Supergirl...

[BRAINY] We're in a race against
Nyxly to find seven Totems

before she can use them
to wipe us out of existence.

[MR. MXYZPTLK] Courage,
Humanity, Truth,

Destiny, Love, Dreams and Hope.

[LENA] We now have three of the
seven Totems in our possession.

Humanity, Hope and Courage.

And Nyxly has none.

Nia hasn't had any luck in
Parthas finding the Dream Totem.

[NYXLY] Supergirl destroyed
the Hope Totem.

Now the AllStone will never be whole.

"A secret admirer"?

You didn't choose to be
the sister with powers.

They're supposed to be passed
down from mother to daughter.

So how did someone like you get them?

You're not even a real woman.

- And she took everything?
- [NIA] Mmm-hmm.

But what my dad
didn't tell me was that

apparently he and Maeve

got into some big blowout fight over

what she said to me at Mom's funeral.

In other words, he took your side

when she denied your identity.

Of course he did. So she skipped town,

took all of Mom's books and
journals and research with her.

So my search
for the Dream Totem was a bust.

I'm back to square one.

Then perhaps we should consider
a fresh start.

You've been so focused
on finding the Dream Totem,

maybe you should cast a wider net.

Simply open yourself to whatever
the Dream Realm shows you.

Hmm, seems kind of vague.

If you doubt me,

try my spinach pancakes.


Taste my genius.


You okay?

Yes, it worked.

I saw an address.

Um... Crippen University.

- What do you think it means?
- I don't know.

But whatever is there is
going to help me find the Totem.


I know you went green full-time
because William's been at the Tower

but, um, you should stick with it.

It makes you a better cook.


Interesting frock you got me.

Who are you?

Your secret admirer sent you
more than a frock.

He sent me.


Can't you tell, Princess Nyxlygsptlnz?

I'm you.



That's impossible.


When you were in your tenth year,

you had a crush on Mxyzptlk's cousin,

Duke Nzykmlk.

You'd whisper his name to your pillow.

Never told anyone, did you?

How did you...

I can't tell you yet.

For now, let's simply say
I know you think all is lost.

But you can have everything you want.

All we have to do
is claim the Dream Totem.

And I know how.

So are you ready
to believe in yourself?


I come bearing gifts.

This is for you.


This for you.


And of course, last
but not least, Supergirl.

[SUPERGIRL] Oh, my gosh.

My niece is one heck of an artist.

I think you mean my granddaughter.

[SUPERGIRL] Oh, is that her and you?

When do Esme and Kelly
get back from Calvintown?

After the weekend.

Kelly wants to give Esme the
full Olsen family experience.

So catching fireflies, climbing
trees, the enormous chili bowls.

So, if things stay as calm
as they have been,

I think I'm just gonna
go back and join 'em.

Yeah, I guess destroying
the Hope Totem

and having Brainy hide the rest
was the right move.

And now I even have time
for my interview.

- What interview?
- Well, you know, Kaznia

and Corto Maltese agreed
to a truce last week.

Well, now, Prime Minister Perez
and President Zakharov are in town

negotiating the official treaty.

Yeah, and my sources have told
me that things are getting tense.

But then I remembered this
interview Larry King did years ago

with three Middle Eastern leaders.

Yeah, that was Arafat, Rabin
and King Hussein of Jordan.

They called it "World Diplomacy Live."

I remember that.
Were you on Earth back then?

No, I was actually in my pod,
but I saw it.

I just remember being so moved
that a reporter

could be a part of something
so momentous.

So I went out on a limb and
asked Cat if she'd be willing

to introduce me to the
president and prime minister

and she said, "Yes."

And now CatCo has the chance
to do something just like that.

A once-in-a-generation interview

that will show that even
in these contentious times,

two enemies were able
to cross the divide

and come together
and help the Super Friends,

by eliminating both countries'
threats and, most importantly,

how when people
really set their minds to it,

real peace is possible.


That is inspiring.

But not really interesting, is it?


this could be historic.

[GASPS] Oh, I know.

We'll hype it as our version
of Oprah and the Royals.

"Kara Danvers and the heads of state."

We'll put it on all the platforms.
Our foreign markets will boom.

Okay, but I-I really think
you're not getting this.

Oh, but I am.
Tomorrow at the Civic Center,

we will have a full crew
to support your broadcast.

Anything you need before then,
you let me know.

Okay. Bye.

All right, Doctor Revee.
Let's see what you can tell me.


You tracked me down?

Don't flatter yourself.

I didn't know it was you.

The name change made sure of that.

A dream led me here.

Well, since you're here...

I've been thinking about things and...

Look, I owe you an apology.

- What I said to you at Mom's funeral...
- Don't.


I'm not here to talk about that.

My dream showed me that something here

would lead me to the
Fifth-Dimensional Totem of Dreaming.

The Dream Totem?

- It's real?
- What do you know about it?

Allegedly, it's a relic
from another dimension

that can bestow Dream power
to whoever wields it.

- Do you know where it is?
- It's in the Dream Realm, supposedly.

But why are you looking for it?

The fate of the universe depends
on me finding it before Nyxly does.

I need you to tell me everything
that you know about this.



Yeah, that's like
me asking you to tell

me everything you
know about journalism.

Okay. Is there a book I could read?


Right here.


Which one?

All of them.

I think that is the fastest I've
ever seen anyone watch a video.

Yeah, it's . speed.

It gets easier to follow
once you're used to it.

- What's up?
- Well, I heard about your scoop

and I wanted to offer my services
as a partner for mock interviews.

Back in London, I was The
Time's point man on Kaznia,

but I also did a big piece on
the corruption in Corto Maltese.

Yeah, that'd be great.

And I will take you up on as many
practice interviews as I can get.


Starting this afternoon.

Because right now I'm researching.

That is the cardinal rule
of interviewing.

Research, research, research.




What does a sleeping man have to

do with me getting the Dream Totem?

Dr. Pavoni has created a machine
to get into the Dream Realm.

All you need to do
is access the machine

and you can use the gauntlet
to access the Dream Realm.

All right.

No rest for the wicked, Nyxly.

Use the gauntlet.

Now use your Dream energy hand
to create the portal.

Get into the Dream portal.

Hear that?
Sounds like something's coming.

[J'ONN J'ONZZ] Nyxly's gone.


Supergirl, J'onn.
Brainy just updated us.

You're chasing a "Nightmare monster?"

Yes, and it's headed
toward a nuclear plant.

Bringing up the coordinates now.

If it att*cks the plant
and the core is compromised,

that entire area
will be exposed to radiation.

J'onn, can you calm the creature?

[J'ONN J'ONZZ] Nothing
I can do is stopping it.

It's almost at the power plant.

Lena, what about something
from your mother's book of spells?

Magic doesn't work that way.
It's a process and I'm still learning.

I could try something old-school.

When Lex was at the DEO,

he developed a satellite-based force

field that could wall
off an entire city.

If I could bypass
the satellite's security

and re-route Dreamer's adaptors
to the feed,

I could put up a dome that not
even that creature could get through.

Okay, but that'll trap that
thing in with half the city.

Do we have a choice?


Do it!

We did it. We trapped it.

But now it's invisible.

Writings on the Minoan Oracle of Delphi
suggest the Dream Totem was housed

in their main temple.

When the Dorians invaded in BC,

the Oracle hid the Totem in the
safest place she could think of.

Dream Realm.

Is there anything in there that says
what the Dream Totems might be?

None that I'm seeing.

But since the Totem
was housed by the Minoans,

the gauntlet may have been
replaced with a kind of maze.

Lucky for us,

Mom was infatuated
with how Earth's cultures

depicted the Dream Realms.

Which led her to uncover this.

It's a medieval tapestry
that supposedly depicts

the Oracle's original instructions.

Allegedly, it can be deciphered
only by one of pure heart,

mind and sight.

And you understand all this?

I've been studying
these things my whole life.

Like this.

It's a Naltorian symbol for purity.

Same as this.

Where'd you get it?


She said it would help
light up my dreams

back when everyone
thought I'd be the Dreamer.

It didn't do that, but it did help
spark my interest in all of this.

Must be nice.

Having something to guide you
during unknown times.

It is.

Especially when your whole
world gets flipped upside-down

because someone's keeping secrets.

So what does the tree mean?

Given its position,

probably that the journey
to the Dream Totem

starts in a forest somewhere.

Lately, when I've been entering
my dreams, I start in this forest.

- Could that be it?
- It could.

And what about these other
symbols? What do they mean?

To decipher the tapestry,

you have to be able
to see the Dream Realm.

So it's difficult for me to
say, but there are some books

that can help...

You kept news clippings about me?

I might be furious with you,

but you are still my sister.

I have to take all of these?

Plus a few more.

Or you could come with me.


Look, like it or not,

I can't decipher
this tapestry without you.

And if I can't do that,

then there's no way
I'm going to find the Totem.

Just wanna text Brainy
and let him know the plan.

My boyfriend,
he's a twelfth-level intellect.


Are you coming?

I crisscrossed the dome a dozen times

and couldn't find that thing anywhere.

- Please tell me you had better luck.
- Unfortunately not.

It appears that when the
creature goes invisible,

its energy signature does, too.

My sense is it's
either scared or hiding.

Better that than
terrorizing the locals.

And people seem to be staying inside,

but who knows how long that'll last?

- We need to fix this now.
- Right.

- How's it going over here?
- Very slowly.

When Brainy took Dr. Pavoni
from the sleep lab to the hospital,

he discovered that his device
actually allows you

to look into people's dream spaces.

So Nyxly was able to piggyback on

that to get back in the Dream Realm.

I'm hoping if we combine
the doctor's device

with our portal technology,

we can create what Nyxly did
so we can go in after her.

Nyxly tricked Nia to get out
of the Dream Realm,

why would she want to go back in?

[BRAINY] Because that's where
the Dream Totem is.

Nia had a dream flash
that led to her sister, Maeve,

who told her the Dream Totem
is in there.

She texted saying
that they're entering

the Realm now to go look for it.

If Nyxly gets her hand
on that Dream Totem,

she could access Dream Powers
even without the other Totems.

That could make her unstoppable.

We need to get that portal up
and running fast.


Uh, hey, William. Yeah, of course

- we're still on for the mock interview.
- Go. Go.

Lena and Brainy can handle the portal.

Alex and I will handle the creature.

We'll call when we have something.

Okay, William, I'll see you soon.

This forest reminds me
of that camping trip

Mom took us on in middle school.

She forgot all the flashlights so
we had to sit in the dark all night.

The trees kept scratching
the tent and you were terrified

because you thought it was
some witch coming to get us.

How much further do we have?

I think we might have to go
beyond the forest.


There is an entire
Dream Expanse out there.

You've never accessed it?

Haven't you read Of Dreams
Beyond or anything M.K. Nessler?

You know, it wouldn't k*ll you to

crack open a book
every once in a while.

Okay, Maeve, if you're such an expert,

how do you access the Dream Expanse?

Don't turn this around on me.

- Stop.
- You stop.

Your necklace is glowing.
Go back to the tree.

It's never done that before.

What do you think it means?

We found it.

The Dream Expanse.


Mr. President...

while some feel Corto Maltese is

to blame for the recent hostilities,

others say it's Kaznia's economic

sanctions that started the tension.

Will you admit there's
some truth to that?

My opinion is not the issue.

What matters is the actions
of the countries involved.

Next question.

- Uh... Okay. I guess...
- Don't let them duck the question.

Make them confront it.

William is absolutely right.

Especially since I just arranged
for an off-the-books meeting

between you and the chief
Kaznian treaty negotiator.

- What?
- His other plans got canceled

because of this ridiculous dome.

Meeting's at : this
afternoon at Noonan's on Main.

Yeah, of course. Yes, I
will be there. Thank you.

- You really are having a day of days.
- Yeah.

[REPORTER] The governor is demanding

Supergirl and the Super
Friends take down the dome

they've constructed in National City.

What they did with that dome
was madness.

- What who did?
- The Super Friends.

I know they mean
well and they're dealing

with Nyxly on top of everything else,

but, they did erect a dome over

half the city without
consulting anyone.

But there was no time to.

That creature was going
to destroy a nuclear plant.

Of course. I'm not arguing that.

But now I'm hearing stories that

employees are being cut off from work.

Parents separated from children.

I just hope the Super Friends' recent
success hasn't gone to their head.

No, it hasn't. It hasn't.
They can handle this.

Like I can handle you,
President Zakharov.


The spires of light represent
the dreams of everyone on Earth.

But only one houses the Dream Totem.

The lit path will lead us there.

Right, where is this bloody path?

[CHUCKLES] We'll come to it
soon enough.

We've passed these spires
before. I'm heading back.

- What was that?
- I don't know.

I suppose you could go
investigate and face a nightmare.

Or you could go back
the way I told you to.

I know trust is hard, but maybe
take a look around the corner.

- Is that...
- Nia Nal and her sister.


Maybe you're not so bad after all.

Like I said, Governor, we
didn't have a choice in this.

And like I said, if you
won't take your dome down,

the National Guard will.

This situation is above
the National Guard, okay?

This creature is from the Dream
Realm. b*ll*ts can't harm it.

And from what we
can tell, Dream energy

is very similar to nuclear energy.

So if you take that dome down,

it's going to go
straight back for the plant

- making matters even worse.
- Worse?

Than trapping thousands
of citizens in a bubble

with some other-dimensional terror?

My phone is ringing off the
hook with people locked indoors,

sheltering in place, not knowing when

they're going to see
their family again.

Governor, I assure you,
we're working on a device

that will allow us to transport the

creature back to where it came from.

And when will that be ready?

- Twenty-four hours.
- You have .


Alex, we're not hours away
from completing this.

- How long then?
- Uncertain.

Restructuring Dream tech
requires massive concentration.

Brainy's just distracted because
there's no word from Nia yet.

I'm not distracted.
I'm appropriately concerned.

[LENA] Ah!



[J'ONN J'ONZZ] Is that the creature?

No, that is a mob
trying to escape the dome.

- Supergirl, we have a situation.
- Where?


I think I've figured something out.

Do you see these small
diamond shapes here?

[NIA] Little ones around the big one?

I always assumed they
were decorative, like a frame.

What if these small diamonds
represent these spires, here?

Guess it's possible.

And if that's true, then maybe
this big diamond in the center

isn't just a symbol
of the Dream Totem.

It's the actual location.

I know looking for a giant Dream

spire in the middle of this place

is like looking for a big
tree in an endless forest.

At least it's something.

Just wish we could get a better view.

I may have a way.


That was amazing.

- Did Mom teach you how to do this?
- No.

I figured it out by myself.

So, do you see any spires
that look bigger than the others?


There's one that's more...


- Maeve, that's it, we found it.
- We did.

We should get moving.

[REPORTER] Supergirl calmed
rioters at the dome last night

but tensions are still rising
as people try and get out.

Our government is calling
for people not to intervene,

remain indoors as our
National Guard averts the crisis.

Hey. What are you doing here?

Your interview's in less than an hour.

I know. But that riot broke out last

night because people are furious

at being trapped inside
with the monster.

After I broke it up,
I couldn't not search for it.


[SIGHS] Still nothing.

Where are Brainy and Lena
with the Dream portal?

Well, they figured out the interface,

and they think activating it

might function like a beacon
drawing the creature to it.

The question is, will they be
done before the Guard moves in?

Did Governor Pena say if
she would grant an extension?

I haven't heard anything back yet.


It's Andrea.

Kara, you didn't show up for
the meeting I arranged yesterday.

I know. I know, I, uh...

Something came up and I had to

cancel, but I let the negotiator know.

No, no, I don't wanna hear excuses.

Kara, you're one of the most
talented reporters I have ever seen.

So often I give you leeway.

I don't ask where you go

when you leave the office
in the middle of the day.

I don't get upset when you
disappear for weeks on end

saying you're working on
a huge story with Cat Grant

only to return empty-handed.

Because your work is usually flawless.

But lately, Kara, you're not
here and it's beginning to show.

You told me that an interview
showing these two leaders

coming together peacefully
could inspire the world.

- It... It can. It will.
- Then start acting like it.

I'll see you at the Civic
Center in minutes.

Don't be late.


[ALEX] Hey. What's going on?

Is everything okay with the interview?


I just...


It will be.

I just feel like...

ever since I got back
from the Phantom Zone,

ever since Nyxly arrived,

I feel like I have been
one step behind on everything.

And the stakes are so high,
like, if we make one wrong move,

it could mean literally
the end of everything.

We are not going to let that happen.

We just have to take things
one step at a time.

And step one is you need to
get your butt to that interview.

We will take care
of the nightmare creature.

And step two, we need
to take this freaking imp down.

[J'ONN J'ONZZ] Governor,
you're making a big mistake.

If you breach the dome,
the creature might run.

And then we may never find it

until it does who knows
what sort of damage.

We are on the verge
of being able to send it back.


What's up?

Apparently, the governor has
been liaising with the Air Force.

In one hour,
the Luthor Corp satellites

that have been sustaining
the dome will be shut down.

A group of National Guardsmen
will be charging in.

Okay, well, one hour
is within the time frame

that Lena said
she and Brainy would be done.

- So we can still do this?
- Yeah.

But first, I think
you need to do something.

William, what are you doing here?

My contact at the Capitol told
me about the governor's plan

so I thought I'd come here to
get a statement that might help

bring down the heat.

The governor is scared.

The people are scared.

In the past few weeks, this
city has seen buildings explode,

giant cats, mass riots...

And now a dome, with Nyxly
and a nightmare monster.

What everyone needs is to
hear a calm and clear voice.


J'onn and I are more than happy
to make a...

Supergirl was there
when the dome went up.

The people need to hear
from the Girl of Steel herself.

[HESITATING] I don't have time
to make comments. I'm sorry.

This is it.

The Dream Totem should be in this spire.

Maeve, wait.

If the Oracle put the Totem
in this spire for protection,

we need to be ready for anything.

So what do we do?

Let me take the lead.

There it is.

The Dream Totem.

I'll grab it, then we can
get out of here.



[ORACLE] You're not pure, Maeve Nal.

You're a traitor to your blood, to

try to take her power for your own.

It was supposed to be mine.

I worked my entire life
towards becoming the Dreamer.

Studying, preparing... Every
decision I ever made was for that.

It was my purpose, my identity.

- And you took it.
- I didn't have a choice.

I tried to transfer the
powers to you, I told you that.

But I couldn't.

So what do you want me to say?


That you should be the Dreamer?

That I don't know what
I'm doing most of the time?

That I'm in over my head?

- Honesty, finally.
- Oh, you want honesty?


I have no pity for you!

I'm sorry that you wasted
all of those years

reading all of those books,

assuming with no cause, by the
way, that you'd be the Dreamer.

But look at yourself, Maeve.

You were willing to put
the entire universe at stake

so you could take the powers.

Are you really that selfish?

Do you think that's what
the Dreamer would do?

You don't think I deserve
these powers?

You don't think I'm a real woman?

Well, I don't care.

I know who I am.

I am the Dreamer.

The question is who are you?

Because you are clearly not
the sister that I thought you were.

Am I interrupting
a family fight or something?

I'll make this quick, then.

Wow, nice move. Who taught you
that one?

Your mama, or your sister?


Well done. Now take the Totem.

Aren't I supposed to be pure of
heart and mind, or some such?

That's to get past the Oracle's ward.

If, however, the Oracle is no
more, we can be just us girls.


That thing is breaking down
the Oracle's ward.

If it does, she can take the Totem.

I'll tell Supergirl you died nobly.

Mom said it could light up my dreams.

Maybe it can give you
the extra power you need.


This is for using me.

And this is for hurting my friends.


Princess, we can't win this.

I guess it's time to go then.


Miss Danvers? Miss Rojas
wanted me to let you know that

the prime minister and the
president are running late.

- Oh, okay, no worries. Thank you.
- Thanks.


- Alex, any update?
- All good.

We will have the portal powered up

at the northernmost point of the dome.

As soon as it's up,
it should draw the monster here

and then we'll get it home
before the dome goes down.

Well, that's a problem because
the dome is coming down now.

Hey, don't worry. We got this.

Not without me. I'm coming.

Now that the portal's up, the
monster should be drawn here.

[ALEX] You see anything
up there, J'onn?

No trace of the monster, but
the National Guard is on its way.

Any sign?


I believe that is the creature.

[J'ONN J'ONZZ] It's working.


Stop this now! You're drawing
him away from where it needs to go.

- The columns.
- Yeah, I've got it.

I'm getting the portal back
online. It's now or never.


You did it.

[J'ONN J'ONZZ] I'll go talk
to the National Guard.

Oh, no, I gotta go.

- The interview.
- We'll talk to the governor.

What happened? I thought
you said they were late.

Not that late. When they
couldn't find you, they left.

Miss Rojas said she tried calling you.


- Brainy?
- Supergirl.

Nia just called.

Her and her sister made it out
of the Dream Realm in one piece.

But Nyxly got away
with the Dream Totem.

I messed up, William.

Big time.

Having a dome over half the
city has a way of disrupting plans.

What can you do?

I just feel like there's never enough

time in a day to get everything done.

And then when I am able
to check everything off,

I still... I wake up the next day
and realize there's more to do.

It just never ends and...

I'm drowning.

And I'm worried I'm bringing
everyone around me down.


Today was a bad day.

But you are allowed
those once in a while.

I don't know that I am.

May I remind you of something
you told me Cat Grant once said?

"You can have it all.

You just can't have it all
at the same time."

So maybe ask yourself...

What does Kara Danvers want right now?

When you figure that out,

all you need to do is not stop
until you get it.


I'm so sorry.

Your contrition
isn't important right now.

What is important is that I was
able to salvage your faux pas

and convince President Zakharov
and Prime Minister Perez

to extend their trip by a day.

Tomorrow, : at the Civic Center.

Do not be late.

William should do the interview.

- What?
- I've given him my interview packet.

He has background on both leaders

plus the deal points
of the peace treaty.

I've delegated all my other
articles to Franklin and Mackenzie.

- Kara, what are you talking about?
- You were right, Andrea.

I'm not here.

Not fully.

And there's too much at stake
for that right now.

So, uh...

I quit.


William, I should have taken you up on

your offer to talk
directly to the people.

Maybe it's not too late to fix that.

Will you help me?


You have to understand.

I was so wrapped up in my own pain.

I never even thought about you
or our family or...

the ramifications my words
could have on any of us.

And I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for trying
to steal the Totem.

For abandoning you.

I never thought you weren't
a real woman.

I just...

I wanted you to be
in as much pain as I was.

But seeing you today,

your abilities, your selflessness.

You are the Dreamer.

You always have been.

Forgive me?


Maeve, you may have spent
your life studying to be the Dreamer,

but I spent mine trying
to make you happy.

You were my best friend.

And you tore me down
like it was nothing.

Then you ran away.

You changed your name. You
pretended like nothing ever happened.

You can't erase what you did, Maeve.

Because of your actions, we
both had to grieve Mom alone.

And I had to learn these powers
that I didn't ask for alone.

I needed you!

I needed my big sister.

If it wasn't for Kara and Brainy, I

would have been completely lost.

So, no, I can't forgive you.

But I can offer you a second chance.

A final chance...

for us to be sisters again.

Thank you.

Hey, you should have this.

- And you should probably call Dad.

He misses you.

Brainy and I
re-fortified the hiding place

for the Courage and Humanity Totem

using Coluan science and Earth magic.

So even with the Dream Totem,

she won't be able to
create the AllStone.

Well, that's good.
That helps on one battlefront.

Now, if we could just do
something about the negative press.


People just disagree
with us sometimes.

Well, this is true,

but if we're going to take on
a threat as powerful as Nyxly,

we're going to need
the public on our side.

Speaking of.

Citizens of National City, I come
to you tonight with an apology.

I know you have always placed
your hope and trust in me.

But now, as we face the alien
you know as Nyxly,

I fear I haven't always
been able to deliver.

And for that, I am sorry.

But I give you my word...

Nyxly will be stopped.

No matter the cost.

Because for me and my friends,
failure is not an option.

If only I had my bloody magic.

[LABORED] Before it's too late,
please give me the Totem.


[DISTORTED] To guarantee
your... future.

There's one last thing
for me to... To do.


What are you?

The key to your success.