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02x02 - WereBrain of London - Airhead to the Throne

Posted: 10/20/21 06:11
by bunniefuu

♪ Inspector - Gadget! ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪

♪ Inspector - Gadget! ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪

♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪

♪ (Go! Go! Gadget! Go!) ♪

♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪

♪ (Go! Go! Yeah! Gadget!) ♪

♪ Inspector - Gadget! ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪

♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪

♪ (Go! Go! Yeah! Gadget!) ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪

♪ Ahhhhh! ♪

Some more aminofartic acid...

A little hint of Himalayan

And a dash of liquid kale.




The MAD Muscle Mix,
is it finished?

Still working on it.

What's taking so long?

Perfection takes time!

Why do you think
I spend three hours

on my hair every morning?

I have been wondering
that myself,

I mean, one hour,
sure, but three...


That mixture is the key to
raising an army

of unstoppable MAD

And maybe it'll help me get
some more muscle tone.



Well, maybe if you got out of
your chair once in a while...

Less snark, more work!

It's time for MAD to muscle up!



laugh cramp.

I'm really outta shape.


Wild animal on the loose!

Go Go Gadget Tranquilizer Darts!



Some sort of invisible
howler's made it past

our security fence!

[SIGH] It's just a werewolf
movie, Uncle Gadget.

A werewolf movie?

That's the fourth scariest
type of movie,

behind vampire, zombie, and
romantic comedy!

Are you sure you should be
watching this?

Sometimes it's nice to be
scared in a,

"It's only a movie" kinda way
and not in a,

"It's life or death 'cause
you're the only thing standing

between MAD and total
annihilation" kinda way.





I, for one, think we've had
enough scares

in this house today.

Wowzers! Now that's a horror

Not as horrifying as MAD's
latest plot...

Are they filming a romantic


MAD is developing a Muscle Mix
to turn their agents

into unstoppable super agents.

Your mission is to find their
underground lab

in London and destroy their

This message will

For the record, that counts as
a "Not nice scare."


It's the perfect mission to
take your mind off

those unstoppable man-eating

you've been watching!






Ah, Swinging London. City of

Home to Barkingham Palace, Big
Bean, Abbey Avenue,

that weird building shaped
like an egg...

None of which we're gonna see

we're stuck underground
looking for MAD's lab.

Wowzers, I didn't know they
put modern art

down in these abandoned
tunnels! What a city!

Um, Uncle Gadget,

are you sure these tunnels are

Of course, my feelings of
abandonment are never wrong!


Not fun. Not fun. NOT FUN!

LOOK OUT! You're going to
damage the artwork!

Go Go Gadget Protective Wrap!

The wait is over!

We just need to put this brew
to the test.

Not a moment too soon. My
treadmill's taunting me...





Did it work?!

Uhh... YEP!

Wow, look at that hamster
tear the cage apart.

It's a beast!

Really, can I see?

Sorry, can't hear you
over the sound of me

whipping up a new
batch of Muscle Mix!

Gotta go! Bye!

Talon. Wait...

Why can't I crack this!?!

I deserve a break.

There's gotta be something
around here to distract me.


Not what I had in mind...

Look like we found the
underground Pet Nursery.

We should warn them that

there's a secret MAD lab is
around somewhere!

Talon! Underground suits you.

It's where all the other moles

If you're here for Muscle Mix,
you're not getting it!

Mainly 'cause I haven't figured
out how to make it yet...

Oooh, he's angry.

Time for operation "Brain
grabs experiment,

Penny creates distraction!"


You've got a great career
ahead of you,

as a sh**ting gallery target!

Hello there! What's your name?

WOWZERS! What a bite!


Brain! Look out!!!

You ruin my experiment, so I
ruin you.





W...w... w... WereBrain!

Grammar, Penny. It's
pronounced "Where is Brain."

And that's a good question.

It worked! I gotta find out
how it worked.

You don't mind if I run some
tests on your dog,

do ya Pen?

It won't hurt him a bit! Ha,

We need to file a report right

This place is unsafe for pets.


No, Uncle Gadget. Brain took

He turned into a...

Brain ran away? We have to
find him!

There's no telling what could
befall a cute,

helpless puppy out there! Go
Go Gadget Jetpack!


That's strange, I never miss
my mark.

I must be really worried about


Brain! Here boy!!!

Maybe we don't want to shout
quite so loud?

Uncle Gadget? Oh no... the
WereBrain got him!

He's not in the sewer! Go Go
Gadget Legs!

Are you okay?

Just a little shaken up.

Usually, I'm sure-footed as a
mountain goat.

Another close call!

Worrying about Brain has
really thrown me off my game.

Yeah... that's it.

Maybe we should split up to
cover more ground.

No, Uncle Gadget.

Splitting up's the worst thing
we could do!

They always do that in movies
and it never works out!

You've been watching too many
monster movies, Penny.

There's no need to be scared,

I know you can take care of

Go Go Gadget Copter!


I'm not the one I'm worried

Wowzers, how am I going to
find Brain in the dark?!

Go Go Gadget Searchlight!

That's much better.

Oooh, a paw print!
I'm on the trail.

Brain must be close.

But, where did he go?!

Go Go Gadget Trail Finder!


Yikes! That's the last
time I have

triple bean chili for breakfast!


Uncle Gadget? Brain?

(DEEP BREATH) Get a hold of
yourself and think!

Of course!

I can track Brain
through the camera

on his dog collar!

Oh no! I have to
warn that girl...

hey, why is she waving just
like me?

[GASP] Girl warned.



Boy, Penny, you look
awful! I miss Brain too.

He must be so scared
alone in the big city.

Let's catch up to him!

Now that's what
I call "Brain food."

All I need is the
guest of honour.

That's a traffic hazard in the

Wouldn't want our
scared and lost Brain

to get caught up in that mess!




Why so cranky, Pen?

You turned my dog into a

You... you... monster!

A monster that will help MAD
get all super-sized!

I think your ego's big enough.

Oh no.

HA! You can't stop me from
getting my hands on

your massive mutt.

If you're so desperate to find

maybe you should turn around?


Good doggie?


Nice... Brain...

Ow! Stop poking.


Brain? I don't know if there's
anything left of you

inside that man-eating


But, if there is,

I want you to know that you'll
always be

my best friend no matter what!


Okay... that was less painful
than I expected.


Brain! You're you!

Sort of!

What a beautiful view.

I should have no problem
spotting Brain from up here.

Go Go Gadget Binoculars.


Brain, you're back!

Wow, the tranquilizer in the
dart neutralized

the active ingredient in the
Muscle Mix.

Huh, Uncle Gadget actually
saved the day...

without us!

It's getting tight in here.

Go Go Gadget Scissors.


Brain, there you are!

You had us scared out of our

That's an understatement.


Great work, team.

Destroying the lab was one

but finding a cure for the
Muscle Mix?

That's above the call of duty.

Now Brain, you have to promise

to never run off like that

You never know what kind of

wander these streets after dark!


Why does your breath smell
like mannequin?


Once again, you've failed me

But I think this punishment is

No, please Uncle Claw...

Well I can't have it staring
at me,

taunting me, can I, Talon?


Ooohh... laugh cramp.


You packed my parachute?

Scuba gear? Goalie pads?

Ping pong helmet?

You're only visiting Grandma
Claw for the weekend.

Why so much stuff?

You know Mama Claw's an
extreme sports enthusiast.

I need to be prepared for

Well I'll take good care of
business while you're gone.

No no no no.

MAD is SHUT DOWN for the weekend

so you can give the summer
lair a good spring cleaning.



Dust doom lasers, polish

defrost cryo-freezer, clean
MADcat's litter?!!

You be a good kitty while I'm



Aw, you miss Uncle Clawsy wawsy?



Time to get down to business,
Talon style.

Finally, I get a chance to
show Uncle Claw

that I can run the biz!




Back flip whip kick!


Nice work, Penny.

With that teamwork
you'll make the

HQ cheerleading
squad in no time.

Thanks, Uncle Gadget!

What cheerleading squad?

Good news. Dr. Claw has been

visiting his mother for the

so there won't be any MAD
activity while he's gone.

What's the mission ball for?

There's been some
MAD-like activity

happening around the city.

Three crimes have
been committed:

a prototype
Robo-helmet was

stolen from our own science lab,

a gaming store was robbed,

and a rare cockatiel was taken
from the zoo.

Okay, that's pretty random.
Definitely feels like MAD.

Your mission is to stop this
crime wave.

This message will

You can count on us, Chief.



Three perfect crimes in a row,

no one constantly
yelling "I COMMAND IT!"

and a brand new bird henchman.

You're way better than a
prissy cat.

Isn't that right, MADbird?


Time to show an old evil
overlord what a young,

and ridiculously good looking,
evil overlord can do.

Huh, this goo looks like it
came from Talon's Gum g*n,

but if MAD's shut down, it
can't be his.

I'll see if there's a match in
our database.

It's strawberry flavoured.

The most evil of all gum


[GASP!] A lost cat!

Someone is obviously releasing
all the house pets.

That's just criminal!


Actually, Penny, Bingo is a
dog's name.


I think she's trying to tell
me where her home is!

And I bet once I'm there,

I'll find some clues
indicating the perpetrator!

Go Go Gadget Copter!

This goo is from
Talon's Gum g*n!

Wait... If Claw is gone...

that means Talon's on his own...

Brain, where's Uncle Gadget?



Hmm. You keep an eye on him
and I'll go after Talon.

Two can play the solo game.

Ok, technically that doesn't
make sense

but I know what I mean.

Aw man, I don't know
what Uncle Claw

is always complaining about.

Evil overlord-ing is SO easy!

And destroying the global
communications network will

throw HQ in a total frenzy,

putting me at the top of Uncle
Claw's Christmas list!

Aaaannnd FIRE!


Time for the next tower.

And that's probably enough
evil spinning.


Stop struggling!
I'm rescuing you!


There goes another tower!

Ah, Penny! Good.

I can't seem to contact Gadget!

Half of our communication
devices are down!

Tell him he has to get to the
bottom of this before-


AH! I've got to cut Talon off
at the next tower.


Or the one after that. Hold

I'm detecting some kind of
remote signal

originating from the Metro
City Beach,

and it's transmitting to...


...a cockatiel wearing a

Splat! Splatsplat!

[Claw impression] I'LL GET YOU
NEXT TIME... splat!

[MADcat impression] Splatsplat!

Alright my man MADbird, same
as last time.

Take the tower down...

hey, what gives?


I guess the Robo-helmet's
battery is low.

After this tower, fly back and
I'll recharge it, easy peasy.

Who's Easy Peasy!? I thought I
told you no guests?!!

Hey! Uncle Claw!
Whatcha doing?

Ma's been alerted that
communication towers are down

all over the world.

World?? Well, that's good
though, right?

Like maybe, kind of a genius
evil plan?

Oh, it would be, if the loss
of contact with

global communications
didn't trigger my lair's

self-destruct mode!

Um, heh, well we're
talking so everything,

uh must still be fine, right?

It won't be if another
tower goes down...

And what are you hiding
behind your back?!!

What? Nothing!


ALARM: Warning.
System breach detected.

Initiating self-destruct

Man, this day started out great!

Nice little crime spree,
some wanton destruction.

Then BAMM! The world is about
to blow up around you!

Okay, breathe. Time to shut
this computer down...


What's that kitty,
you live down there?

That doesn't look like a very
safe neighbourhood!

"If lost return to
Destruction Boulevard.

Hm, Destruction Boulevard",

that's just across town...
by the beach.

Time to get to the bottom of
this crime wave!

Okay... Okay... Okay...

Firstly, this is not my fault.

Secondly, it is very
hard to shut down

an auto-destruct

PENNY: Well I bet it'll be
pretty easy to shut down

your sequence.

That could have sounded cooler.

Anyway, I trailed this bird,
who I believe is yours,

or more accurately, not yours...

in that it is stolen...

is my point...

Ugh. I seriously
don't have time for this!

MADbird, fire!


You had enough time to do all
those crimes

behind your uncle's back!

Whatever. Will you just

I need you to hack into our

and re-route the
communications towers

while I try to find the

And why would I help you?

ALARM: Two minutes to

There's that,

and considering how many

doomsday devices this lair has,

if it blows, it will take out
the whole city.

Ugghh, fine. But after I save
the city,

I'm so kicking your butt.

This button should shut down
the auto-destruct.

Accelerator initiated. Sixty
seconds to self-destruct.

Way to go amateur.

Oh, now that's mature.

Yes. Stopping the
self-destruct protocol

AND capturing one of HQ's
most talented agents

is very mature!

You really think I'm talented?


Okay, now if I'm right...


The override button! Na na,
found it!



Come on! The low charge in
MADbird's Robo-helmet

is causing it to malfunction.

Thirty seconds to KABOOM time.

Maybe I can remote charge it
with my Codex

and instruct the bird
to push the button.

Ah, that beach house seems to
be the place.

You'll be home in no time
little kitty!


Hurry up Penny!




Hello, I believe this is your




Argg! You are such a cat!!!

I'm thinking MADcat
doesn't like her

feathered replacement so much.

ALARM: Twenty seconds to

Brain! No! Bad dog! Go Go
Gadget Arms!



Wowsers! That bird really
wants to get out of here.

Well, since we're not going
to make it out of this alive

Penny, I want you to know that
I've always had a secret...

Got it! Robo-helmet recharged!

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six

Yes, hit the button,
hit the button!

No, the override button!

Three, two, one...


Self-destruct sequence

Uncle Gadget! You saved the

Wait. What were you going to

What I was going to say was...

Uncle Claw is so going to
ground me,

possibly into dust so, later!



Well, at least I got to see
him spin like a top,

so that's something.


Time to go!

Gadget! Penny!

Great job stopping MAD from
destroying the city!

Uh, Chief, can't talk!
Have to run!

Penny's right!

I have to return this birdie
to his owner!

Go Go Gadget Copter!

Ah, home sweet home.