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03x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 10/17/21 08:58
by bunniefuu
[Frank] It will come to you in waves.

You can't ignore it.

You can't stop it.

You will feel pain.

Focus on the hurt.

That way, you can push it aside.

[echoing] Because that pain...
is not yours.

That pain is Marcella's, not yours.

You will feel pain.

It's just a distraction.

The past only exists if you let it.

Because Keira lives in the present...

[Frank's voice echoing indistinctly]

[Frank's voice stops]

- [Danny] Please don't hurt me. Please.
- [Marcella] It's okay.

It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you.

And I'm here to help you, all right?

[Danny] Please, come with me.

[Marcella] I can't.
I know it's complicated.

- [officer ] He's got a g*n!
- [officer ] Put the g*n down!

- [g*nshots]
- [Danny screaming]

- [Juliet crying]
- [Marcella screaming]

[Marcella screaming]

[theme song playing]

[Rav] I just came to say congratulations.

That's a big responsibility,
becoming a dad, right?

Makes you think, doesn't it?

I mean, "How am I going to provide
for little Katie?"

And, er, "How's she going to manage
when I'm gone?"

I'm going nowhere. Shift your arse.

Where were you between
: and : yesterday?

I was buried up to my balls
in your sister.

What do you know
about Danny Armstrong?

Never heard of him.

Yes, you have.
He was shot dead last night.

Sure, the cops done that.
You can't blame me.

Got a CCTV that puts you
at the scene.

I'm just waiting on forensics now.

So, yeah,

you go and spend as much time
as you can with your little girl.


[door closes]

[Bobby] I can't even buy nappies
without the cops breaking my balls.

[Stacey] What the hell did you do?

[Bobby] What?

[Stacey] It's all over the news.
Aaron's brother was shot dead.

That was nothing to do with me.

Don't lie to me.

That wee lad had Down syndrome.

He was a witness.

I did what I had to do.

Listen to yourself!

- Who do you think you are?
- Calm down.

[Katie fussing]

You'll wake the baby.

See if you lie to me again,
Bobby Barrett...

They think it was the cops, okay?

- He was an innocent child.
- Don't give me that shit.

You're part of this, too.
You knew exactly what was going on.

This is why the cops are
all over you.

Do you want... [gasps]

[breathing shakily]

I'm doing my best...

for your family.

Now we just have to forget about it...

and move on.


Get out.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.

Get out of my house.


Get out of my house!

Get out of my house!

[Katie wailing]

[Stacey sobbing]

[car approaching]

[car door opens]

[Katherine] What's happened, love?

[Stacey] Bobby's in big trouble, Mum.

I need your help.

[Katherine] What's he done now?

[Stacey] The coppers are all over him.
He's out of control.

I'm worried he's going to do
something stupid.

- Has he raised a hand to you?
- No.

He wouldn't do that. He loves me.

He just... He can't stop himself.

He doesn't mean it. I know he doesn't.

He just does stupid things,

and I'm worried the same thing's gonna
happen to him that happened to Dad.

I know you never liked Bobby,
but I love him.


[Katherine] It seems we have
a problem that won't go away.

And an obligation, to some degree.

Your sister has asked us to protect Bobby.

We already cleared up his mess in London.

With great difficulty, by the way.

[Katherine] Mmm. Well, it seems
to have followed him back here.

The man's a disaster.
Let him sort it out himself.

He can't wipe his own arse
without making things worse.

Better just to k*ll that detective.

I wouldn't do that.

Well, it's not the first time
a cop's been disappeared.

Then they'll send another one
with a much bigger reach.

She's right.

I had a mooch around Sangha's profile.
He's got a wife and kids,

a granny in a retirement home,

and a pet rabbit. All very easy got at.

Bobby's your problem.

You're always cleaning up after him.

And what's that supposed to mean?

Well, who do you think
k*lled Jessie's dealer?

And then he tried to blame Jack?

Just see when I get my hands on him.
He's a f*cking dead man!

[Katherine] No.

I've promised your sister.

Well, what, then?

We get him out of here.


Yeah. I'll make the arrangements.

He's f*cking flying economy!

[Matthew] Oh, hiya.

This is a bit of surprise.

[Finn] Who you talking to?

Er, it's Matthew, isn't it?



Yeah, of course. Keira. Hi.

Do you know him?

When we were teenagers.
Do you work for the Maguires?

Yeah, I manage one of their restaurants.

I'm just here for, like,
an annual review thing.

How do you know her?

- Erm...
- We were kids, weren't we?

[chuckles] Yeah. We used to
knock about together when we were kids.

I thought you grew up in Manchester?

Yes, and I used to come and visit my nana
on holidays. I used to...

- Yep.
- Did you sleep with her?


- Did you f*ck my girlfriend?
- Finn!

It was about years...

Come on. Go.

[door opens]

- My wee darling.
- [Katie cooing]

Now, you look after your mammy
for me, won't you? Hmm?

Me and you'll be sipping mojitos
on a superyacht in a couple of weeks.

And you'd better start teaching
this wee one some Spanish, all right?


Bye-bye. I love you. I love you. Okay.

[Katie fussing]

[Katherine] You're a lucky man.

If it wasn't for Stacey, things could've
turned out very differently.

I've always been loyal to the family.

- I've always done what I was told.
- [Katherine] Mmm.

But you broke the rules, Bobby. Again.

You're on the next flight to London.

Then a connection to Havana this evening.

Keira will take you to the airport.

We'll transfer funds once you arrive.

[Bobby] How much?

[Katherine] We'll send Stacey and the baby
to join you, when it's safe.

But if you ever...

lay a finger on either of them,

I will make you pay.

[car doors close]

I'll miss this place.


Thought you'd be glad to get out.

[chuckles] Well, I'll not miss
the Maguires, that's for sure.

Was it you who touted on me?

If it was anyone else,
you'd be in even deeper shit.


Oh, they're all talk.

She's a twisted old bag,
Finn has no balls,

and Raw Hands is a mental patient.

Then why did you get involved
in the first place?

What do you think?

I think that you're a small-time crook
who got lucky.

And what does that make you?

There's a name for a woman
that sleeps her way to the top.

Ah, Roz. The Danny Armstrong sh**ting,
did forensics come through?

It's an independent enquiry, sir.
I have no access.

Come on, you've got friends.

[Roz sighs]

Three b*ll*ts were taken from the body.

- Right.
- One was police issue,

but two came from a mm handgun.

Hold on.

That's the same as what shot
Aaron Armstrong yesterday.

So what are the chances
of me meeting Fidel Castro?


Still, might be nice
to live somewhere different.

Yeah, until the next time
you get in a fight in a bar

and someone winds up dead.

What's eatin' you?
Do you know what you sound like?

You sound like a f*cking cop.

And anyway, what had you
outside the Courts last night, huh?

The same as you. I was looking for Danny.

I'm the one that cleaned up
Isambard's brains after you, remember?

Why'd you do that, anyway?

I knew exactly what I was doing,
and I had good reason to whack Danny.

You... [sighs]

You shot Danny?

Yeah, why, you got a problem with that?

You won't last two minutes out there
without someone holding your hand

because, you know why,
you're not smart enough.

You better watch your mouth, love.

- Who are you?
- First chance you get,

you'll f*ck off to Venezuela
and go and be a prick somewhere else.

I promised my wife and I love my child.

- You're not gonna wait for them.
- Uh-huh?

No. You're never gonna see 'em again.

You're a f*cking pig.

f*ck you, huh?

- [Bobby grunts]
- [engine revs]

[both grunting]



Damn it!

[both grunting]

[Bobby groaning]

[police siren wailing]


[officer] Robert Barrett,
I'm arresting you on suspicion of m*rder.

On whose order?

What the f*ck's going on?

You're a cop. You're a f*cking cop.

They'll k*ll you for this,
you f*cking lying bitch!

You don't have to say anything,
but it may harm your defence

if you do not mention, when questioned,

something which you
later rely on in court.


And then plain-clothes...
They wanted, erm...

They took him. Police... Plain-clothes...

And then they just wanted to get him...

I tried to follow them. Bobby...

- And they arrested him.
- What are you talking about?

- This is all nonsense!
- [Finn] No calls, no messages.

We need the full story.

Come on, Keira!

- Bobby... Used a seatbelt...
- There's something very wrong...

going on here.

Tell me. Come on, Keira,
you need to think.

- What happened?
- I'm thinking...

What exactly did they say?

How many were there?
What did they sound like?

- Think harder!
- Er...

- Come on.
- [Finn] Think, Keira.

Now! Think!

[Marcella groans]

[sighs] I don't know.

I don't know! I don't know!

I don't know! No!

[breathes deeply]

[Katherine] Did they say
where they were taking him?

Come on! What exactly did they say?

I... don't know. I...

[sniffles] I just came straight back here.

But you just told us
that you followed them.

So which is it?

[breathing heavily]

[water running]




Oh, God.


Call me.

Some of your g*ons
have just arrested Bobby Barrett

on the way to the airport.
What the f*ck is going on?

[Alexander] It's hypocritical shite.

Apologising for letting the police
do their job.

They shot a kid with special needs, Alex.

Yeah, and his carer was shot
on his own doorstep.

This has got organised crime
written all over it.

It's survival first.

We have to row back on the policy for now.

Then we can review it in a few months.

What's the point of having a deputy
if you don't listen to her?

I'm not gonna let them get away with it.

[Angela sighs]

[Sadie] You must have something to say
about the events of last night.

After your comment
in the paper this morning?

[Sadie clears throat] You're gonna
have to talk to the press sooner or later.

[Alexander] Oh, for God's sake.

[Sadie] You don't want
to make us your enemy.

I can help.

Oh, come on, Sadie, give me a break.

Rumour has it there might be a split
in the mayor's office.

You want to put the record straight?

One-to-one, you set the agenda,
no traps, no editing.

I promise.

I'm back-to-back all afternoon.

Mmm. Over dinner, if you fancy it?

[breathing shakily]


[breathing heavily]



What the hell is this?

[Walsh] It's a safe house, Bobby.

Make yourself comfy.

I want my lawyer
and I want to go to a police station.

[Sullivan chuckles]

We've got a much better idea than that.

We're about to become
the best friends you've ever had.

[Walsh] You struck gold, son.

We're giving you
the opportunity of a lifetime.

[Sullivan] For information
leading to a conviction,

we can offer you witness relocation
and complete protection.

Do you think I'm f*cking stupid?

- [chuckles]
- [Walsh] We hope not, Bobby.

We're banking on you being real clever.

Here, have a seat.

[Stacey] What?

No, no, no, no, no!

- [Finn] Don't worry, Stace.
- He won't last a second in jail,

and you know it. You promised me
that you would look after him!

Shh, my love.

The law's on our side.
We'll make this right.

The cops have nothing on us.

We'll get him back, I swear.

[Stacey groans]


[Sullivan] nd of January, ,

a consignment of a*t*matic handguns
were seized on a Spanish boat

heading into Belfast docks.

On the th of May,

ten Vietnamese workers
were found dead in a tin can,

at the docks, again.

Look familiar?

- No comment.
- [Walsh] Thing is, Bobby,

some sucker's been
oiling the wheels at the docks

for every one of those shipments.

And this man told us that's you.

Kian Moore. He's been very helpful.

We'll never get you for Isambard, mate.

But we will for the sardines.

Give us dates and shipments
we can link to Maguire & Sons,

and you'll get a suspended sentence,

with lifetime witness protection
for you, Stacey and the baby.

Take me to a f*cking police station
and get my solicitor.

That's an option, certainly.

But that'd make it much harder,
if you want to do a deal.

I don't want to do a f*cking deal.

Have a look at the faces again.

I've never seen them before in my life.

Look at the damned pictures!


Mate, I just saw Sangha.

He hasn't touched Bobby.

There's something
seriously weird going on.

- [Finn] Are you %?
- [Eddie on mobile] Yeah.

[Finn] All right.

It wasn't them.

Whoever lifted Bobby, it wasn't the cops.

Maybe you should tell us your story again.

They ran us off the road.

I was in...

shock, for God's sake.
They nearly k*lled us both.

- So, who took him?
- I don't know.

- [Katherine] Hmm?
- I don't know!

But I am not taking the rap
for your family's f*ck-ups!

You've got to someone in the family.

It's Keira, isn't it?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Like I said, Bobby...

we can be your friends.

Either that or you'll never see
daylight again.

You'll take the rap for every scam,

every drug deal,
every m*rder they ever did.

And you'll bring Stacey down with you,
so your child goes into care.

Katherine Maguire is responsible
for the murders of seven people.

That's the ones I know about.

She traffics dr*gs, g*ns, people.

From Asia and Eastern Europe.

Rory Maguire does the books,
he pays off the suppliers...

and a few judges.

Finn Maguire has cops on his payroll.

That's how he got away with
battering a tout to death eight years ago.

I'll give you names, witnesses, dates...

for everything.

[Walsh] Feels good, doesn't it?

Getting that off your chest?

[piano music playing on speakers]

[Sadie] That's not good enough.

You have to make tough decisions
that won't be popular.

No politician ever survived
telling the truth.

Your words, not mine.

So why have you got it in
for Katherine Maguire?


She's an important figure
in the community.

I just wish she'd use her influence
more positively.

She's put millions into the city.

It's not just about buildings and cash.

I'm talking about the way
we see ourselves.

We all remember the bad old days,
but this is the new Belfast.

We deserve better.

You should work in PR.

[chuckles] You should work in politics.

[both laugh]

Is there a difference?

I could do with passion like yours
in my team.

Talk to me about your passions.

[door closes]

[Finn] I put the word out for him,
all right?

I put the squeeze
on every tout in the town.

[Katherine] He can't just disappear
off the face of the earth.

What about our friends in the police?

[Finn] Nothing.

I've checked all our contacts.
He's vanished.

Maybe Keira knows more
than she's letting on.

So you'll get us outta here?

Me, Stacey and the baby?

[Sullivan] Relax, Bobby.
You're in the clear.

We'll look after you now.


[breathing heavily]

[footsteps approaching]

[Finn] You're not giving us
the whole story, Keira.

Wasn't the seatbelt, was it?

It was, but it was Bobby.

He att*cked me when he got lifted

'cause he thought
I was something to do with it.

And he just went...

He went mad.

And why didn't you say that
in the first place?

Because your mother already
doesn't trust me, does she?

She'll think I'm weak.

What happened to Bobby?

Maybe it was...

the Callaghans who took him 'cause...

of the drug dealer.

We might be lucky and he'll turn up
in a wheelie bin.

At least we know
who k*lled the lad Armstrong now.

Time was you didn't need telling.

But things are different now...

with wee Mary Poppins in your bed.

Rory checked her out.

She's a bona fide cop,
came over to the dark side.

Anybody can make up shit on the Internet.

Do you know anyone who actually knows her?

Lawrence did.

I mean, is there a single living person
who actually knows who Keira is?

Oh, wow.

[Alexander] It's a long time
since I entertained anyone.

I'm not here for the feng shui.

There is, erm, Sancerre in the fridge.

[stammers] I need to pee.

[door closes]

[Alexander sighs]


I'm trying to find
a diplomatic solution here. [Chuckles]

I'm flattered and all, but, erm...

I'm only going to make an eejit of myself.

Maybe I should just call you a cab.

Let's have one more drink first. Yeah?

Oh, what the hell!

[both chuckle]

[door closes]

[car engine starts]

[Bobby] I had good reason to whack Danny.

[Danny] Please don't hurt me.

[Marcella] It's okay.
I'm not gonna hurt you.

[voices echoing]

[Bobby] You sound like a f*cking cop.

[Katherine] There's something
very wrong going on here.

[Danny] Please, come with me.

[Marcella] I can't.
I know it's complicated...

[officer] Put the g*n down!

- [Danny screaming]
- [g*nshots]

[Katherine] Must be quite upsetting,
all this...

I imagine.

I'm fine.

I'd like to show you something.

[Marcella] Hmm?

It's a surprise.

[keys jingling]

If you're okay to drive.


[phone line ringing]

[Sadie] Hi, it's me.

He's in there.

[door closes]

Look, I'm gonna go, okay? I can't be here.

I'd lose my job, and I only agreed
so long as my name's kept out of it, yeah?

[door closes]

- [Marcella] Shall we turn the lights on?
- No.

Some things are better seen in the dark.

[Marcella] I had nothing to do
with Bobby going missing.

Oh, don't worry.
We'll find out who took him.

[Conor snorting]

A deal's a deal.

Knock yourself out, love.

What's this about, Katherine?

I know what you're up to.

Trying to drive a wedge
between me and my sons.

It won't work.

I just wanted to remind you...

who's in charge.


You're only here because Finn wants it.

Consider yourself on probation.

And, by the way...

don't ever underestimate me, Keira.

[groans softly]




I need you to do something for me.

Find out what happened to Bobby.

They all hate him, I don't trust them,
but I need to know.

Could you do that?

[water running]

This is all just
a terrible misunderstanding.

It's got nothing to do with me, eh?

I barely knew the woman.

Why did she come back to Belfast?

I don't know.

Isn't she working for Finn and Rory?

Oh, this is ridiculous.

I haven't seen her in, like, , years.

Why is that?

She came here on holiday.

I met her one summer,
and then she went back to England.

But she stayed long enough
for you to f*ck her.

God's sake, we were just teenagers.

Jesus Christ! I can't tell you
what I don't know.

I know nothing about her.

This is Belfast.

Everybody knows everybody.

Tell me about her family.

I can't remember.


Please. Oh, for f*ck's sake!

It was a lifetime ago!

You're not thinking hard enough.


- [knocking at door]
- [door opens]

Hope you don't mind.

Rosehip and echinacea.

[tea pouring]

It was, er...

It was quite traumatic,
that business yesterday.

It's just a scratch.

I'll live.

I'm glad.

I was thinking that we should
put our heads together to find Bobby.

You're the only person
in this family that...

seems to look at the big picture.

Oh, but you're the one
who seems to hold all the cards.

Why didn't you tell us

- about Bobby and that drug dealer?
- I did.

Yeah, but you could've told us
much sooner.

See, the real value of information
is knowing how to use it.

I was protecting Stacey.

I'm just trying to work out
whose side you're really on.

We're all on the same side, aren't we?

Enjoy your tea.

[drawers opening and closing]

[Marcella] You looking for something?

[Jack] Just checking the radiators.

Old house.

Every now and then, they need bleeding.

Mmm-hmm. I prefer it cooler.

You're getting down and dirty
with old Raw Hands now as well?

I'd say he's much more your type.

And you'll have no competition there.

[car door closes]

[engine starts]

[car receding]

[theme song playing]