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05x10 - The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

Posted: 10/15/21 07:58
by bunniefuu
I shouldn't be here.

I just went along with it 'cause, uh, I
didn't want to cause any more of a scene.

You're right. No, Mathias had no
right to arrest you off the Res.

That's the good news.

The bad news is, uh...

well, I guess... everything else.


So, I'm free to go?

Uh, yes and no.

I mean, yes, you can
go, but Mr. Standing Bear

can still press as*ault charges
against you in the county.

So I think it might be worth our while

to try and get this resolved
right here and right now.

- Okay.
- Just couldn't let a news cycle go by

without trying to
dominate it, could you?

What the hell happened?

He accused me of being Hector.

- How does he know?
- Honestly...

I do not know how I have managed
to keep it hidden for this long.

Does he have proof?

He knows he shot me, but he was trying
to get my shirt off to see the scar,

so obviously, he does not
have concrete evidence.

- Yeah, but he knows where to find it.
- What do you mean?

He was with me when I collected samples
of your blood out where you were shot.

Could he get a warrant and
make you turn it over to him?

This is bad.

A massive public bar brawl.

- Were you drinking?
- A little.

Do you have a history
with this other guy?

Henry? He's my best friend.

Oh, of course he is.

But he's been lying to me.

Turns out he's been secretly
running around as Hector.

I'm the one that should
be pressing charges here.

Wait. Hector is that violent
Reservation vigilante?


Okay, you cannot let that get out.

- Why not?
- You're already accused

of having a torrid relationship with your
pretty deputy who breaks the law for you.

Now your best friend is a vigilante.

Let's try and imagine how
Tucker Baggett might spin that.

What am I supposed to do? Nothing?

I think you and I just
had a breakthrough.

Can you get rid of the evidence?

Not without breaking another law.

So, what do we do?

Walt threw the first punch, right?

He doesn't need any more
legal trouble right now.

Maybe if you thr*aten to
press charges, he'll back down.

He does not seem to be in
a backing-down sort of mood.

Do you think he'll
send you back to prison?

I don't know. I don't know
if he's gonna press charges.

I don't know much about what
he's thinking these days.

Well, I guess I'd better go find out.

And whatever deal I can
make to get you out of this,

if I can get you out of this,
you will promise to abide by it.



You know, you can't hold my client.

You know your sheriff can't
as*ault people without consequences.

Does this mean Henry's
gonna press charges?

Not if the sheriff is willing to
drop this whole Hector business.

I think we can live with that.

Okay, then.

So, that's it?

I guess that's it.

Okay, if you've been interviewing
my client the whole time

that you've kept me waiting in here,

I won't just have his
statement thrown out.

I will bring suit
against your department.

Relax. Darius Burns
isn't talking to anybody.

Sorry to make you wait.

It wasn't intentional.

Come on, I'm not stupid.

I was pulled away by a
pretty unusual situation.

Which was what?

Ask your dad.

What exactly are the charges that
are being brought against my client?

We suspect him of being involved with
the disappearance of Malachi Strand.

You suspect him of being involved.

That's nowhere near
sufficient for you to hold him.

Cady, I know all of the arguments

about every individual being
entitled to a good defense,

but trust me on this... You do not
want to take Darius on as a client.

- He's a bad guy.
- You really don't know all the arguments

about everybody being
entitled to a good defense.

So release him, okay? Now.

You came to me a while back
wanting to help our community.

- Yeah, I remember.
- Do you?

'Cause helping Darius Burns...
That's not gonna help anybody.

And here I was worried
I was gonna wake you up.

Donna, what are you doing here?

What happened to your face?

I lost my temper.

That's all you're gonna say?

I'll tell you the rest some other time.

Better question is, uh, what
are you doing here so early?

Well, I-I tried to reach you, and
when I couldn't, I just came out

'cause I, uh... I need
to talk to you about this.

Tucker Baggett.

- What did he send you?
- He sent me a subpoena.

He wants to depose me in your
civil suit, and I have no idea why.

Tucker, um, probably
found out about something

that, um, Vic and I did
while you were missing.

W-W-Well, what exactly?

We took some of your patient files
without, you know, permission.

Oh. Well, I can see why
that would be a problem.

If we hadn't have done it,
we might not have found you.

No, I know. I know. I just, um...

I kind of wish you hadn't told me

because now I either
have to lie under oath

- or just...
- You don't have to lie for me.

Well, thank you. I...

Look, you know what? I-I can just drag my
feet and try to put the deposition off.

- No.
- It's...

No, I'd rather know how bad
things are sooner than later.

Was your life this chaotic
before we started dating?

Sheriff's deputies in Sublette County

exchanged g*nf*re with
a bank robber yesterday

who matches the description
of a multi-state bank robber,

Cowboy Bill.

And in Durant, reporters

following the Chance Gilbert trial

were shocked to find a verdict
handed down this morning

after the jury deliberated
for only two hours yesterday.

The verdict... guilty on all charges.

I'm Chip Kendall. We'll
be back after this.

Morning, Walter.

The mayor called for you yesterday,
as did Donna... a couple times.

I already talked to Donna this morning.

Hey, Sheriff. Did you
hear the good news?

No. I don't think I did.

So, what's the good news, Ferg?

Chance Gilbert was found guilty.

The jury only deliberated for two hours.

I don't understand. The trial's over?

I never even testified.

Yeah, I mean, I guess A.D.A. Holder

just decided that she
didn't need your testimony.

You mean she didn't want it.

Who cares? Right?

I mean, Chance is going
away for 20 to life,

which is certainly
good for your lawsuit.

I mean, think about it.

I mean, the accusations that
he made against you, Walt...

Now they're just officially
the ravings of a psycho.

Which means we can start
focusing on finding Malachi

and tracking down the new Hector.

I started pulling files
on reported sightings.

There's no need for that.

- Oh. Did you already do it?
- No.

I had a little time to think. Um...

I feel I may have, uh, jumped the
g*n with this whole Hector theory.

Seriously? Because yesterday you
thought that Hector was our best suspect

- in Malachi's disappearance.
- I know.

But today I'm rethinking that.

Truth is nobody's even
reported Malachi missing.

Um, I think I maybe just needed a
distraction from Barlow's lawsuit.

Okay, well, Malachi or no Malachi,
these Hector att*cks are connected.

Why don't we just look into that?

'Cause I said not to.

Walt, you got a call
from the Tri-County Jail.

- Who is it?
- It's Chance Gilbert.

He wants to talk to you in person.


Thanks, Frank.

I like this new security
guard better than the last one.

Yeah, I don't think Eamonn will be back.

My, uh, period of détente
with the sheriff's office

was breathtakingly brief.

What can I do for you, man?

Level with me.

Well, now, that's all I've ever done.

After we left Malachi out at that
cliff, did you go back and k*ll him?

You've been talking to
your friend, the sheriff.

I am not certain he is still my friend,
but you have not answered my question.

The answer is no. I
did not k*ll Malachi.

And I didn't send anyone
else to do it, either.

And while I'm used to Walt Longmire

imagining that I'm at the heart of
all sorts of elaborate conspiracies,

I'm kind of surprised at you, Henry,

especially after I helped
you get your bar back.

And I am grateful for that.

But some of the details of this
situation do not make sense.

Like "Hector lives"

being spelled out in stones
out where we banished Malachi.

- Yes.
- Has it occurred to you

that Malachi might
have done that himself

to make it look like Hector
did something bad to him?

Why would Malachi fake
his own disappearance

- and try to pin it on Hector?
- To make people believe

that he is gone and no longer a threat.

Which makes him more
of a threat than ever.

You might want to invest
in a couple of these guys.

Permission to remove
these shackles, Sheriff.

We really don't recommend
removing these chains, Sheriff.

It's fine.

We'll be right outside.


Thank you for coming, Sheriff.

Tell me why I'm here, Chance.

Well, you heard the verdict?

I did.

It sounded fair to me.

20 years to life?

That's what the statute calls for.

But for me, 20 years is life.

That's all I might have left.

Well, you should have
made better choices.

That's why you're here.

I want you to do something for me.

Why would I do anything for you?

Because you were born in
the wrong time, just like me.

Yeah, we should have lived
like two centuries ago, right?

When freedom and liberty

weren't platitudes trotted out
by some corrupt politicians.

I'm not like you, Chance.

Of course you are.

We fought a duel, like men of honor.

Yes, you were Hamilton. I was Jefferson.

Jefferson never fought a duel.

That was Aaron Burr.

But the point remains.

You and I, we understand

that "live free or die"
is not a bumper sticker.

It's a choice that we
got to make every day.

You pretend you don't understand me,

but that home of yours,
that remote cabin...

You wouldn't live there

if you didn't miss the way
this country used to be.

What exactly do you
want me to do for you?

I want you to get me transferred.

To where?

Death row.

Well, I don't have that authority.

Come on, Sheriff.

I need you to do this for me.

To be confined,
deprived of my freedom...

unable to feel the soil between
my fingers, under my nails

or to smell a rainstorm approaching...

that's not living.

That's the very definition
of cruel, unusual punishment.

I can't, Sheriff.

I can't live like this.

So if you can't live
free, you choose to die.

Well, that seems a little
extreme, even for you.

Desperate men do desperate things.

I understand, Chance.

The idea of living my life behind
bars, even one year of my life...

I don't think I could face that.

That would be pure hell.

And given what you did to Vic...

it's exactly what you deserve.

- Guard.
- No, Sheriff.


Don't, Sheriff. Sheriff, don't.

Sheriff, I need your help!

Sheriff! Please!

Sheriff, don't walk out of here! Please!

I'll see you in 20 years.


Oh. Hey, Walt.

You just getting back from Tri-County?


So, what did Chance want?



He wanted me to help get
him moved to death row.

What, he wants the death penalty?

Captivity for him is like t*rture.

He'd... He'd rather die.


Are you gonna help him?


The judge has already
handed down his sentence.

It's done. It's not for me
to interfere with the law.

That kind of behavior's
been getting me into trouble.

Yeah, right.


The mayor is here to see you.


What's he want?

To see you.

You know, I tried playing
football when I was a freshman.

- Fancied myself a linebacker.
- How'd that work out?

Well, I got my bell rung just
about every play for a year

before I realized
debate was more my speed.

After every game, my dad would
buy me one of these milkshakes

just to make me feel better
about getting my butt kicked.

So, what are you trying to
make me feel better about?

Well, can't get anything past you.

That's my job.


- So, you know I'm up for re-election soon.
- I do.

And you know better than anybody
what a pain in the ass that can be,

especially these days.

It's a bad time to be an incumbent.

How you doing, Bruce? Good to see you.

Sawyer, why did you buy me a milkshake?

This morning, I directed
the county commissioners

to submit a request to the governor

to have you temporarily
removed from office.

Sawyer, what the hell
are you talking about?

It's only temporary. All right?

Just while this wrongful
death lawsuit plays itself out.

But between that and all the
stuff in the papers recently,

you've become the most visible way for me
to lay out my anti-corruption platform.


Sawyer, you know me better than that.

I've been doing this job for years.

Nobody's ever accused me of anything
except being a bad public speaker.

Walt, this isn't personal.

I think the world of you. You know that.

But we're public figures,
and your public reputation,

well, it's... it's
not what it used to be.

Look, I've had a bad couple of weeks, but
once I get a chance to make my case...

If you get cleared, nobody's
gonna be happier than me.

But I got to play the odds right now.

And when that FBI evidence
comes out, you're gonna be toxic.

What FBI evidence?

Did Tucker Baggett tell
you something about my case?

Look, I've already
said more than I should.

You tell me what the hell
Baggett told you, Sawyer!

Don't you snap at me, Walt.

Now, I could have blindsided
you with this, but I didn't.

I'm slow-walking this process
through the county commissioners.

And I could have gone
to the governor himself.

I'm doing that out of the
respect I have for you.

The least you could do is
show me some respect in return.

What's all this?

This is where I meditate.

To what do I owe the honor?

Well, um, I wanted to tell you
that I reached out to the people

that you recommended for the jobs

and that they're all gonna
start in the next week or two.

Great. That's great.

- Thank you for doing that.
- Mm-hmm.

I also wanted to ask your blessing
to add one more name to the list.

You found somebody
with legal experience?

No, no, but... she
shows real initiative.


I'll add one more
employee to the budget.

Thank you.

Was there something else?


Well, actually, uh...

Actually, it's... it's my dad.

What about him?

I'm worried about him...

and you.

Well, you know.

Your dad and I have always...

been on opposite sides
of pretty much everything.

Yeah, I know.

I love my dad.

But I don't always agree with him.

And I-I don't want you to think that
I-I share his feelings about you.

Well, I don't.

You say that now.

But he's acting... differently.

He's really fixated on
you, in an unhealthy way.

And maybe I'm overreacting, but I-I...

I'm worried that things between the
two of you are only going to get worse.

I appreciate the warning.

But as you can see, I've, uh... I've
taken steps to make sure I'm safe.

These guards are here to
protect you from my dad?


Nobody knows what threats
the world holds for them.

You can't know.

All you can do is surround yourself
with people you trust to look after you.

And the fact that you're here tells
me that you're one of those people.


When they told me I had a visitor,

I never thought it would
be Victoria Moretti.

- Permission to remove my shackles?
- No.

Oh, so you came here
just to spit on me, right?

I'm sure it makes you happy to see me
humiliated, chained up like an animal.

Yeah, it does.

That's not why I'm here, though.

No? So do tell.

Walt told me what you asked him.

He also said he told you no.

I'm a little bit more
supportive of the idea.

Then you and I need privacy.

Can you give us a minute?

All right, let me guess.

The sheriff won't risk
helping me out himself,

but he's willing to send his
little plaything to do it for him.

Walt doesn't know I'm here.

Nor would he approve.

I don't understand.
You... You want to help me?

I don't want to help
you. I want you to die.

I want to wipe you off
the face of this earth

so I never have to
think about you again.

Tomato, to-mah-to.

How do I get you moved to death row?

Well, you can add m*rder to my record.


That federal census worker you
found in my freezer... I k*lled him.


I can tell you exactly
where to find the g*n.

It'll have my DNA on it, for sure.

Then why don't you just confess?

Well, I've tried. Nobody believes me.

They think I'm just trying to
get myself over to death row.

You are.

Hence my problem.

So, get your crazy wife to do it.

She's not my wife, but
she was my brother's wife.

And neither she or any other
member of my extended family

is willing to do anything
to shorten my life.

They'll hold onto this misguided
hope that I'll be set free.

You see, it can't be
anybody who loves me.

It's got to be someone who hates me.

Well, you found her.

Hey, Ferg.

Um, could I borrow your car?

The Charger? Sure.

Uh, no. The Trans Am.




I need you to find someone for me.

Sure. Who?


What for?

Good talk!

Here you go.

I think it's got like a
quarter t*nk of gas in it.

Great. I'll have it
back to you by tonight.


Are you okay?


What happened?

They're coming after my job.

Who's "they"?

The mayor, the county commissioners.

They're petitioning the governor
to have me temporarily suspended.

And then, uh, if I lose my case...

- You won't.
- Well, if I lose my case,

the suspension, uh, becomes permanent.

I'll be out.

And it's my own fault.

I thought it was enough

just to try to... do the right thing.

Walt, you told me before that the
truth has got to count for something.

And as bad as things
looked a couple days ago,

Chance Gilbert was found guilty.

People can still tell the difference
between a good person and a bad person.

So no matter how much bullshit
they spin about you in court,

people look at you, and they
can just tell, all right?

They can tell that you're a good person.

I want you to step
away from all this, Vic.

It's gotten political.

There's no need for you to be
tarred with the same brush as me.

So, what, you...

You just want me to
let you crash and burn

- and save myself?
- Yeah.


Even if you were guilty...

I couldn't do that.

Hey, Cady.

Mandy. H-How did you get in?

- Keys.
- How did you...

I had some made at the hardware store.

You needed spares.

- Mandy.
- I know.

I should have told you I was doing that.

Yeah, you absolutely should have.

And what's more is that
you keep showing up here

every day without being asked,

and it's just... It's not okay.

Sorry. I-I thought I was helping.

No, you are.

What's not okay is
that I'm not paying you.

Mandy, I-I want to hire you...
full time, with benefits.


Because you... you
might be a little raw,

but you're dedicated, and
you've shown initiative.

And you're obviously gonna
show up here every day anyway,

so why not just make it official?

How much?

I'm not gonna work for minimum wage.

I wouldn't let anyone.

Let's start with 25 a
year and see how it goes.



I got to... I got to put these away.

Okay. Eight.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.


That is not yours!

I've been following you, so I
know your boyfriend, the sheriff,

isn't here to help you this time.



So, what did Tucker Baggett ask you?

Well, he did not ask me any questions
about the illegal theft of patient files.

- Thanks.
- Okay.


That's good.

He was, however, quite
interested in other subjects.

Such as?

Such as how long

after you had cleared me
as a suspected drug dealer

did you and I start dating?

Yeah. The predatory sheriff let you
off in exchange for sexual favors.

More or less, yeah.

He also asked me if
you and I were dating

at the same time that your deputy
was seen kissing you in the hospital.


Walt, it's okay. Really.

I mean, I always knew that
she had a thing for you,

but I'm just... I'm really sorry
that I couldn't be more helpful,

because I feel like I fell
into every one of his traps.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, well, it doesn't
matter what you said.

The deeper I get into this thing,
the less the truth seems to matter.

Well, truth is subjective, isn't it?

No. No, it's not.

You don't think it shifts
depending on your perspective

or your memory or others' memories?

People can play games with it if
they want, but the truth is the truth.

You know what? That's a great idea.

We should play a game.

We should play Truth or Dare.

Oh, come on. We already
tried making out in your car.

This is just a natural
progression from that.

Tell you what. You go first.

Truth or dare?

Fine. Truth.

Who's the better kisser... Vic or me?

Oh, my God.

You could... You had to take a drink?
You couldn't answer the question?

- No, I was just thirsty.
- Oh, uh-huh.

And now you're trying to cover
it up with a terrible lie.

You're terrible at lying.

- I'm not lying. I just...
- Mm-hmm.

- That was a drink to have a drink.
- Okay, great. It's my turn. My turn.

I choose truth.


Who's the better kisser...
me or your ex-husband?

- Yeah, okay.
- Yeah. Go ahead and take a drink.

You were right.

This is a really fun game.

I'm sorry.

I guess it's just sort of an...

an awkward way to force a
conversation that... I don't know.

Well, there's no need to force it.

You got something to
say, just go on ahead.

All right.

- Ahh.
- Ahh.

What are we doing here, Walt?

Well, we're, uh, examining the
slippery subjectivity of truth.

I meant this. You and me.

You know, we're not really
a thing, are we, but...

Well, it's definitely
a thing. It's just...

Maybe it's not the kind
of thing we want it to be.

I know I really like you.

I know.

But I do think it's time
to shit or get off the pot.


I'd go with "fish or cut bait."

Yeah, well, neither is exactly
dripping with romance, is it?

Well, I was, um... I was
talking to a guy earlier today,

and he said, uh,

that both he and I were
born in the wrong time.

I think, um...

you and I might have just met
each other at the wrong time.



Hey, uh, Vic?

Travis, what are you doing here?

Uh, moving in.

Oh, my God. You look
terrible. Are... Are you okay?

Well, physically. I mean,
obviously, you're still hot, but...

Hey, you can't move in next door.

Don't worry. I'm not. I rented
the place, uh, three slips down.

I know you need your privacy, and
you won't see me unless you need help.


I can't deal with this right now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa. Stop, stop, stop.

- What the hell happened?
- Nothing. I got in a little scrape.

You're holding your
stomach. Did you get hit?

Sort of.

- All right, show me.
- Travis, stop.

- You stop.
- Stop.

Look! You got a bruise here!

- Okay.
- Did someone punch you in the stomach?



I got kicked.

Oh, God. Um, all right.

Uh, we got to get you to
the hospital right now.

- I'm driving.
- Okay, all right. I am fine, all right?

It's just a little red.

What if you're having a miscarriage?

I think I would know.


I-I don't know, all right?

But this... this is all sorts of
crazy amounts of inappropriate, okay?

You can't... You can't
move in next door.

And I don't need you
taking me to the hospital.

I just need to get some sleep.


You go to sleep, but I'm
taking you to the hospital

first thing in the morning.

Good night.

Any sign of Malachi?


But I think our Malachi problem

is not quite the Malachi
problem we have been imagining.


I believe he's alive.

Well, if that's true, we don't
have a Malachi problem at all.

But we do. I think Malachi is the
one who wrote "Hector lives" in rocks.

He's the one who's
trying to frame Hector.

Who Walt now suspects is you.


And Walt knows the
combination to my safe.

And if he searched my
place, he would find this.

I know that we have a deal, Mathias,
but Hector needs to lay low for a while.

And we need to return that to the wall.

Aren't you forgetting something?


Hector has a bounty on his head.

Last time I went to find Hector, I
went looking for him out at that wall.

What makes you think
some greedy bounty hunter

isn't lurking out there right now?

Well, like I said, I
cannot keep it any longer.

I think you've lived up
to the terms of our deal.

It's time to move on.

Hector's dead.

- Are you sure?
- For now.

Hector's come back from the dead before.

Who's to say he won't come back again?

Get some sleep, Standing Bear.

You look like shit.

Ferg, have you heard from Vic?


Did you ever find Monte?

Yeah. I got his address right here.

All right, well, uh...

I have a little project
that I could use a hand with.

- Okay.
- Well, before you say yes,

you should know that it's not,
strictly speaking, uh, legal.


Did you, uh, give the
D.A.'s office the g*n?

Yeah. So assuming the DNA
and the fingerprints match,

the prosecutor thinks it should be
easy to get Chance convicted of m*rder.

- Cool. Oh, hey.
- Travis, I'm not an invalid.

You're welcome.

Now off to Urgent Care.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, Travis, no.

I feel totally fine.
Just take me back to work.

There's nothing weak about
taking care of yourself,

especially when you're,
you know, with child.

Ew. Just say, like, "preggers"
or "knocked up" or something.

Call it whatever you want.

We're going to the baby doctor now.

Sir, I need to see your license
and registration, please.

Ferguson, what's up?

You messing with me?

You just rolled through that stop sign.

License and registration... now.

My house is right here.

You know, most accidents
occur a mile from home.

I get it. A little payback for
coming down on the sheriff, right?

Just doing my job... Montgomery.

Step out of the car, please.

Man, you'd think by now
you all would realize

that there's consequences
for abusing your power.

Do you seriously think that
I won't file a complaint?

I'll tell you what.

You hold back on that complaint,
I'll let you off with just a warning.

You'd rather have the moving violation?

I mean, I'm good either way.

This is gonna feel a little cold.

I keep, uh, telling her she can't get in
fights anymore now that she's pregnant,

but she won't listen.

That is not true. You
told me after the fact.

And it's not like I went out
looking for a fight, Travis.

- Tell her I'm right, doc.
- It's never good to fight.

- See? Told you.
- All right, okay. You need to leave.

- What?
- Because you're annoying

the shit out of me, and aren't I

supposed to be avoiding
unnecessary stress

now that I'm pregnant?

Do the two of you need
a minute to yourselves?

- No. Not really.
- No. No, we're fine.

Um, I'll... I'll be quiet. I promise.

Uh, just, you know, do your thing.


Oh, my God. What... What is that?

- Is that bad?
- No.

It's a heartbeat.


My aunt is so psyched
that you gave me this job

that she wants to adopt you.

- You know what time it is?
- No.

It's 11:00.

You're supposed to be here at 9:00.

Cool. So, you in?

- Am I in for what?
- I told you.

My aunt wants to adopt
you, like, into the tribe.

We're putting together a sweat.
You know, like, a ceremony.

And we're getting a friend
who's a medicine man.

The whole deal.

A sweat?




I'm really touched.

I'm a little surprised, though.

You have been doing
a lot for this tribe.

No, I'm... I'm surprised by you.

I-I didn't realize that
you were so spiritually...

No. But sometimes the
experience is better than peyote.

Okay, this is kind of scary.

It's two signs of the apocalypse.

You're here, and
you're using a computer.

If you pull out a cell phone, I
think we're gonna get hit by a meteor.

What's up, Dave?

We need to talk.



I'm worried about our
character witnesses.

I feel like... we don't have any.

You don't want to put Vic on the stand?

Even though Chance
Gilbert was convicted,

I worry there will still be a residual
stench of sex scandal with her.

I see.

But we haven't talked about
people outside your department.

You... You've been doing this a while.

How's your relationship with the mayor?

It's been better.

Well, then I think we're gonna have to
just go with focusing on a truth defense.

You're kidding me.

The truth is plan "B"?


But you have an honest
face, so who knows?

We will work hard to win,
but we have to plan to lose.

So, plan "B" is truth.

Plan "C" is, we lose?

We might.

And there's a lot at stake,

so I want to talk about
protecting your assets.

How do I do that?

Basically, hide your money.

Give it to other people,
like your daughter.

This is an accountant I trust.

Just sit down with him.

He'll help you out.

And that way, I'll maintain total
deniability in the penalty phase,

you know, should there be one.

Seriously, Walt, call him.


This came for you. No return address.

- Thanks, Ruby.
- Mm-hmm.

- Mr. Mayor.
- Hey! Jacob!

- You wanted to see me.
- Come on in.

- Can I get you something? A water?
- No, I'm good.

Excellent. Sit down.

You know, in all my years,

I've never been invited
to the mayor's office.

The sheriff's office a few
times, but never the mayor.

Well, times have changed.

- Have they?
- They're about to.

- You know I'm up for re-election soon.
- Mm.

And you're not going to be
unopposed this time, I understand.

That's why I need your support

- now more than ever.
- Me?

Jacob, your casino
might not be in my town,

but it is not lost on me the importance
it has on the economy of this county.

So, what are you offering me?

You get right to the point.

When dealing with the big
chiefs of the white men,

I've learned it's best to cut
through the bullshit early,

or you're likely to drown in it.

- Touché.
- Seriously, Sawyer,

why should I throw my
money, my publicity machine,

and my sizeable off-Res
native constituency your way?

Because I'm going to solve
your biggest problem for you.

Ooh. That's intriguing.

And what, in your mind,
is my biggest problem?

Sheriff Walt Longmire.

He's been standing in
the way of everything

we've been trying to do
in this county for years.

His squeaky-clean, aw-shucks image
has made him impossible to go after.

But that was before the civil suit.

I can take him down now.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Are you okay?

No. I just went to the
restroom, and now my coat's gone.

Are you sure? Maybe you
were sitting somewhere else.

No. My coat was right here, and
the car keys were in the pocket.

I have to get home.

My baby had an accident.
The sitter just called.

I have to get home.

- What is your name?
- Anne.

Anne, everything is going to be okay.

But I just tried calling her
back, and she won't answer.

I don't know if her phone died or what.


I will drive you home.

Just tell me the way.

Oh, my God.

Thank you so much.

That's it, but why aren't the lights on?

Something's wrong. I knew it.

Do you want me to come inside with you?

Yeah. Okay.

Yeah, thanks.

Oh, my God. Do you think that
they went to the hospital?

Nope. False alarm.

Everything's cool.

Hello, Hank.

I see you met my granddaughter.

I'm gonna go watch TV.

I'll be in the back if
you need me, Grandpa.

Cady, your work brings a balance
and an order to this community.

You have spilled blood
to protect a Cheyenne.

Acts and actions speak
louder than your blood origin.

Blood doesn't make family.

Tribe makes family.

From now on, you don't
call each other "friend."

You call each other "sister."

What belongs to one
belongs to the other.

Well, hey, there, Walt.

You want to tell me what
you and me are doing out here

without your counsel present?

It's highly unorthodox.

Well, him not being here
is kind of the point.


I wanted to talk to you man to
man about what happened here.

You mean your version.

I'm the only one knows the real version.

You might be surprised
about what I know.

Right, that's because
you're withholding evidence.

You haven't shared
everything you have with us,

which is, of course, totally illegal.

Now, I hardly think you're the
one to be lecturing me on the law.

- And yet it seems like I have to.
- Mm.

If you try and use that FBI evidence
that you have without disclosing it,

Dave Milgrom will have it thrown out.

It doesn't matter anyway, 'cause
you're misinterpreting what you have.

Am I?

You have testimony that the
FBI suppressed phone records,

specifically a phone call
from my house to Barlow's house

two hours before I shot him.

How did you come by that information?

Police work.

But I'm trying to save
you the time and expense

of taking that all the way to trial.

It's not the smoking
g*n you think it is.

I didn't call Barlow
and invite him out here.

He rode out here on his own.

He called his own house,

and he knowingly pulled
an unloaded g*n on me.

He was trying to frame me for m*rder.

Really, it was just su1c1de by cop.

The phone call was five seconds, Tucker.

That's hardly enough time for
him and I to make arrangements.

So, you think this
whole thing was a setup?

Just Barlow trying to take one last
swipe at you from beyond the grave?


Damn, Walt.

I believe you.

Barlow Connally was a son of a bitch.

But... that son of a bitch
happened to be my best friend.

And do you know what he
did the day before he died?

He had some papers drawn up
making me, Tucker Baggett,

C.E.O. of Connally Enterprises
should anything ever happen to him.

That is a true friend.

And now you're standing right
in the way of our big plan.

What plan?

A world-class golf resort
and residential community

in the most pristine place on
God's green Earth... right here!


That's never gonna happen.

You get this land over my dead body.


I'll get it over
cocktails with a Realtor.

You see, Walt, I know
how much money you have.

And if the judge gives me
half of what I'm asking,

you're gonna have to
sell this whole property

just to cover the judgment.

Just think about it, Walt.

36 holes of championship golf.

200 single-family parcels, each
with over an acre of their own land.

And a blue ribbon trout stream
running right through the middle of it.

Why, hell, Walt, it's the
stuff dreams are made of.

Barlow, it's Walt.

I need to talk with you. My place.

Four seconds.

Good luck with the truth.

Wakey, wakey, Hank.

Hey, do me a favor and
give these straps a tug.

I'd like to make sure
they're good and tight.

Where are we?

This here's the Crow reservation.

Got any friends here?


No, I don't suppose you do.

Go to hell.

Oh, I'm not going anywhere.

You don't get to send me away, Hank.

You recognize these stakes?

They're Nighthorse's.

Part of a... a ritual of his where
he summons up the Dog Soldiers.

You know, the old warriors used
to stake themselves to the earth

and stand their ground to the death.

Well, Nighthorse... He's
not really a Dog Soldier.

He's basically a white man playacting...

just like you.

So I'm gonna give you a chance
to experience the real thing...

to stand your ground till death.

Oh, a couple hours of this
sun beating down on you,

and you're gonna wish
you had this spit back.
