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05x08 - Stand Your Ground

Posted: 10/15/21 07:54
by bunniefuu
Took you long enough.

Well, I had to drive from
Sheridan. What's so urgent?

It's out back.

Someone left hundred-dollar chips
out here like a trail of breadcrumbs.

Leading to what?

I'll show you.

The stake is mine.

The flag is not.

This is Gaelic.

Yeah. "Tiocfaidh ár lá."

It means, "Our Day Will Come."

That's an IRA slogan.


And it's a message from Boston.

So why are your mob
partners threatening you?

They're not my partners, I say again.

In fact, I just sent a
very clear message to them

that they're not welcome in my casino.

I canceled all the pending
reservations for Manifest Destinations.

This would seem to be their response.

Why did you call me?

Why not call Mathias or Malachi?

Well, as you once pointed out, my
home is technically in your county.

And I don't have complete confidence
in my own security detail right now.

Why should I believe you?

How do I know you didn't just stage this

like you did with David
Ridges' funeral pyre?

That'd be a pretty good way to convince
me you're cutting ties with the mob.

You know, Walt...

this was not an easy
call for me to make.

So what is it you want?

I want protection.

I want to stay alive.

Cady, it is Henry again.

I thought you were coming by
with your friend two hours ago.

This is not like you.

I am on my way over.

- What happened here?
- Somebody got shot.

Do you know who?

Cops came, took some people away.

It's quiet in here. We can
talk without an audience.

Did the hospital call?
Is J.P. gonna make it?

We're still waiting for word.

I'm sorry to make you two
go through all this again,

but it's important for us to
have all of our facts straight.

So if you wouldn't mind
starting at the beginning,

I understand J.P. Wright was
served with a protective order...

- She made me do it.
- Asha.

You really shouldn't speak
without a lawyer present.

But you're my lawyer.

It's a little complicated right now.

There's no need for a lawyer.

This isn't an interrogation.

Nobody's under arrest.

I just want to get your statements
while it's all still fresh.

I'd like to make a phone call.

Go ahead.


I'll... I'll be in the hallway, Asha.

Don't say a word.

Walt, hey. What are you doing here?

Can I come in?

- Uh, yeah, sure.
- Thanks.

So, uh, you live here now?


Do you want a beer?

I'd love one.

- Take a seat.
- Thanks.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

So, um...

I just wanted to let you
know that I hired Eamonn.



What for?

Well, I needed to put
somebody on a security detail

at Jacob Nighthorse's house, and I
can't spare you or Ferg for that, so...

Since when do we run
security for Jacob Nighthorse?

Uh, since a couple hours ago.

He, uh, called me to his house

and showed me a trail of poker chips
in his, uh, back field leading to this.

So, um... what do poker chips
and a flag mean, exactly?

Well, uh... Nighthorse wants me to believe
it means the Irish Mob is coming after him

'cause he kicked them out of the casino.

You don't believe him?

I don't know. It's possible. Um...

In fact, um...

I may be, uh, kind of responsible
for the threat on his life.

What did you do?

Nothing, really. Just, um...

Well, I may have threatened
the head of the Irish Mob...

to his face.

You did not.

I told him to, uh, get out of
the casino and out of Absaroka

or I'd give his name to the FBI.

So there's a mob boss in Absaroka?

No. No.

You remember when I took
a couple of days off?

I, um... I actually flew to Boston.

Jesus, Walt. Do you have any
idea how dangerous that was?

Well, I think I'm starting to, yeah.

Why would you thr*aten a mob boss ever,

much less when you have a massive
lawsuit hanging over your head?

It was just the, um... the
depositions really got to me.

I felt handcuffed.

I couldn't make a move

without thinking how it was gonna affect
that stupid lawsuit, and I just...

I just needed to act.

I do realize, in retrospect, I may
have gone, uh... gone a bit too far.

But, um...

that leads me to my bigger concern.

You have a bigger concern?


It's possible that the Irish
Mob may have put a hit out.

Only they put it out on me.



Nighthorse and the mob may
have set this whole thing up

to lure me into a trap, k*ll me,
and resume operations at the casino.


Okay. So...

If this is true and the mob sent a
hit man to Wyoming to take you out,

why don't you just turn this
mob boss over to the FBI?

They can take him into custody and
take you out of the line of fire.

Because I gave my word.

And because the FBI has a leak.

How else would the mob have known
when and where to ambush Ferg?

If I give this guy's name to the
FBI, he'll find out, go into hiding,

and be even more likely
to send somebody after me.


So what do we do?

We need to find whoever was sent before
they get the drop on me or Nighthorse.

We'll check airline manifests,
hotel rooms, rental cars...

look for whoever came in from Boston.

Who are we looking for?

Well, it's probably
not the boss himself.

He probably sent somebody else.

- But if he didn't and...
- I can't tell you.

Walt, it's gonna be a lot easier for me to
help you if I've got all the information.

Vic, the less you know
about this guy, the better.

Now, I may be in trouble.

But I'm not gonna risk you getting hurt.



It's for you.

Caddie, I've been waiting for your call.

I just didn't expect
it to be about this.

- Mr. Morris, what are you doing here?
- Representing you.

Is there a place where Ms.
Longmire and I can talk?

Uh, privately?

Come on, Asha. Let's get some air.

Mr. Nighthorse contacted me
and said you had a problem.

He is a master of understatement.


Talk me through what happened.

- You're not my attorney.
- No.

I work for Jacob Nighthorse,
and since you work for him...

I'd prefer someone else.

At 2:00 in the afternoon,

you're not gonna find anyone in
this county half as good as me.

At this hour, you're not
gonna find anybody at all.

And you don't want to sleep here
among the Doritos and Slim Jims.

You want to go home.

Let me help you.


So, did you sh**t an Indian?

No. He's, um...

- He's a white male.
- Excellent.

And where did this white male get shot?

- In the side...
- No.

I mean, where were you
all when it happened?

Oh. Uh, he broke in to my office.

You have an office?

Sort of. It's an old foreclosed house.

A residence.

And did you change the C of O?


But what does real estate
have to do with anything?

Stand Your Ground.

Wyoming follows the Castle Doctrine.

A man's home is his castle,
defendable against intruders.

- This happened on the Res.
- Doesn't matter.

You're a white woman who shot a white
man. Tribal law doesn't apply to you.

Your case gets kicked up to the state.

So as long as this house belongs
to someone, you're golden.

Now, who's Asha?

She's a client.

Uh, I served her husband
with a restraining order.

He's the one who att*cked us.

So she was with you at the time.

Is this wife of the
victim your only witness?

I mean, will she back you up
that you acted in self-defense?

We were both being threatened.

I think I saved her life.

Well, that's good.

I can build a Castle
Doctrine defense for sure,

but it'll really help to
have the wife on your side.

Do you feel like she is?

I do.


I know this seems like the
worst night of your life,

but as they say in the Bible or
something, "This, too, shall pass."

All right, well, let me see if
I can spring you for the night.

- Asha.
- You k*lled him!


- You k*lled J.P.!
- Asha, get off!

The hospital called!

He died in surgery!

You m*rder*d him!

- I never should've listened to you!
- Get her out. Get her out of here.

I loved him, and now he's gone!

Asha, come on.

My husband is gone.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I'm not so sure she's on your side.

Yeah. Every passenger in the last 72 hours
whose flight originated from Boston.


Yeah, you can fax it to
the number I gave you.

Thank you.

So, Walt didn't tell
you where he was going?

He got a call from Henry, and
he raced off with no explanation.

You know, that thing that he does.

Yeah, I just... I don't understand
how we're gonna find this guy

if Walt didn't tell us his name.

Name doesn't matter.

Guy probably sent another
guy who works for him.

But now that we got these
passenger lists coming in,

we should follow up with the local hotels
and see if anybody fits the profile.

The "hit man" profile?



We'll just follow and photograph every
adult traveling from Boston to Wyoming.

Shouldn't be a problem.

You do realize the whole "needle in
a haystack" absurdity of all this,

- don't you?
- You know what, Ferg?

Just go hang out with your
girlfriend, 'cause I got this, okay?

You know, I don't mind the extra work

if it gets a bull's-eye
off Walt's back, all right?

Okay. Don't bite my head off.

What is with you these days?

I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that.

This is just...

It's a lot, so...

Why don't I take all the
hotels from here to Cody

and you go the other
direction towards Sheridan?



Where's Cady? Cady Longmire?

Cady Longmire's a m*rder*r!

Take her back to my office.

Cady's in the interview room.

My daughter under arrest?

- No, she's just giving a statement.
- I'm taking her home.

I just took him to the hospital
thinking his daughter had been shot.

You could not find it
in yourself to call me?

I've had my hands full with this.

It's not often a white girl
sh**t a white guy on the Res.

After all I have done for you...

All you've done for me is the
minimum required to save your ass.

That doesn't earn you special
treatment. I still have a job to do.

Get your hands off her.

- Dad, it's okay.
- No, it's not.

- Now, you leave her alone.
- Dad, stop.

They got no right, Cady.

Actually, they do, because
I shot and I k*lled a man.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not sure you
need to be saying anything like that.

- Who's he?
- I'm her lawyer. Kevin Morris.

I represent Jacob Nighthorse's
concerns. He sent me when Cady called.

- You get everything you need?
- Yes, sir.

Then you're free to go.
We'll be in touch tomorrow.

- You need a ride, Cady?
- No.

No, I'll take her home.

We did have a man check in from Boston.

Joe Bauman. Oh, he just went out.

You could probably catch
him in the parking lot.

He's in a white Chevy Malibu.


Give me a fish filet,
no mayonnaise, no bun.

And do you have caffeine-free Slice?
What... That's fine. That'll do.

No french fries.

Cool. Thank you.

What the hell?! This is a rental!

Sorry! My bad.

- Need a bag?
- All good.


Can I help you?

Uh, yeah, just right behind you.

You want some condoms?

No, um... beneath the...

The pregnancy test?

Could you say it any louder?

Made you some tea.

Oh. Uh, thank you.

Yeah. It's hot.

I really appreciate
you taking me home, Dad.

So, why didn't you call me?


Oh. Uh, well, the sh**ting happened on
the Res, so... made sense to call Jacob.

Jacob's the one who put you
in danger in the first place.

That's what he does.

He lures people into situations
where they get hurt, and, uh...

nobody can ever tie him to it.

Well, you can stop blaming Jacob, because
it was J.P. Wright who att*cked me.

And I'm... I'm lucky
that I had Jacob's g*n.

Nighthorse gave you a g*n?

So he knew he was putting you at risk.

It's a Cheyenne gesture of trust.

Something that you could
use a little bit more of.

Don't be so naive, Cady.

Nighthorse is not your friend.

He's the last one you should count on.

I wanted to count on you.

I asked you to help me serve that
restraining order against J.P. Wright,

and you turned me down.

You told me to quit.

Well, if you listened to me,
none of this would've happened.

Okay. Um...

I'm really tired, Dad. Okay?

I just want to go to sleep.




Cady, it is Henry.

Just checking to see how
you are feeling this morning

and to find out when would be
a good time to come by later.

I may have a gift for you...

if I can find what I am looking for.

Let me know.

You look rough. What
happened last night?

Uh, um...

There was an incident
at, um, Cady's office.

What type of incident?

A sh**ting.

Cady shot a guy in self-defense.

You come up with any leads on
hit men coming in from Boston?

Cady shot a guy?

- Is she okay?
- She's fine.

She shot him.

So, what'd you learn last night?

So, we got flight manifests from
Range Air and Frontier out of Sheridan

and all other major airlines
and charters out of Cody.

We tracked a number of Boston-based
passengers to local hotels

and photographed as
many of them as we could.

Does anyone look familiar?

Of course, none of these include
anyone who's staying with family

or came in by bus or car.

Who's this?

Can't make out a face.

Oh, I caught him just
before he went inside.

Um, Dennis Wabash.

Boston to Minneapolis to Sheridan.

Dennis Wabash is Jacob
Blankenship's old cohort.

Who's Jacob Blankenship?

Jacob Nighthorse before
he changed his name.

According to Jacob's records,
Dennis Wabash committed su1c1de.

30 years ago.

So either Dennis
Wabash isn't really dead

or someone else from Boston is
traveling using a dead man as an alias.

A dead man connected to Nighthorse.

Where's Dennis staying, Ferg?

Peaksman Motel in Sheridan.

I'm heading to Sheridan.

I don't think that's a very good idea.

I have to.

If he's come from Boston
and he's who I think he is,

he clearly didn't get my
message the first time.

And you're clearly not getting his.

Oh, I'm getting his message.
I just don't care for it.

You two head home. Get some rest.

Hold it right there!

You're on private property.

Easy. I am just here
to see Jacob Nighthorse.

What's in the bag?

Who, exactly, are you?

- I'm with the Sheriff's Department.
- No, you are not.

- I know everyone in that department.
- I'm a temp. What's in the bag?

What is in the bag is private.

You don't want to show me? That's
fine. Turn around, get on the ground.

Turn around and get on the ground!

Right now, on your knees.

Get down.

Hey. There you are.


Mandy, uh... what's going on?

Well, I was walking past, and there were
all of these people waiting outside,

so I let them in.

How did you get in?

Broken window. Yo, you
should really fix that.

Why are all these people here?

Well, word spread that
you k*lled a white man.

Means you can't be all bad.


People are taking you
more seriously now.

Oh, I-I took $20 from each of
them. That's like a retainer, right?

No, no, no. You have to
give that back. This is...

- This is a nonprofit legal-aid center.
- Free is insulting.

If you don't charge them,

people will think that you're
giving them shitty service.

I, uh...

I-I need a... I need a minute.

Excuse me.

So you want me to write
down everything he did to me?

Mm-hmm, yep.

Okay. So, we got a couple
DUIs, some child-custody cases,

and a guy who wants to
sue the federal government.

This isn't what I wanted.

Going from having no
clients to a full house?

No, I...

I mean, I-I want to help people,

but I didn't want to have to
k*ll a man to raise my reputation.

Okay. Well, you can't put that
toothpaste back in the tube.

So, who do you want to see first?

I can't.

Tell them to come back tomorrow.

Henry Standing Bear.
He says he knows you,

but he was on the premises without
permission, he wouldn't cooperate.

I have been racially profiled.

I didn't profile you. You
were acting suspicious.

That's all right, Eamonn, I know him.

Will you give us a moment, please?

What is that guy doing here, Jacob?

Walt sent him over.

- Walt Longmire?
- Yeah.

You're the one that gave me
the idea to reach out to him

to help deal with the threat of the mob.

I am beginning to regret that.


What were you doing out there,
Henry, to make Eamonn suspicious?

Bringing you good news.

I found Malachi's second set of
financial records for the Red Pony.

As I suspected, it tells
a very different story.

Wow. I'm sorry.

If I'd known you'd be showing up
here, I would've brought some lobsters.

In exchange for the trout.

They were delicious, by the way.

I prepared them with an almond
crust, a little lemon. Mmm.

Well, if you weren't expecting
me, who were you expecting?

An old friend.

Jacob Blankenship?

You're a man who knows his history.

That's a name I haven't
heard in 30 years.

Well, that's about the time that Jacob
was hanging out with Dennis Wabash.

And that's the name you used
to check in to that motel.


Clearly you all knew each other.

We did.

We were all college radicals.

Bonded over the fact that we had all lost
our countries to colonizing assholes.

But that was all a very long time ago.

I've moved on from that naive idealism

to a more effective pragmatism.

I can tell you the whole
boring story if you want.

There's no need.

You're leaving. I told you
to stay out of my county.

I'm not in your county.
This is Sheridan.

Named after an Irish
general... Philip Sheridan.

Kind of a bad guy, actually.

He's credited with saying, "The
only good Indian is a dead Indian."

Well, I know one Indian who believes
you're here to make sure he's dead.

Nighthorse thinks you put that
in his garden as a warning.

Little theatrical, don't you think?

Tell me, Sheriff, when you're
about to go after a suspect,

do you send a singing
telegram to tip him off?

Please, sit.

You're making the waitress nervous.

Jacob's a friend of mine.

Why would I want him dead?

Because he pulled out of your
business arrangement at the casino.

He canceled all the reservations
for Manifest Destinations.

I wasn't aware of that.

In fact, I'm the one who pulled out of
the casino, just as you and I agreed.

Do we agree?

Well, no. I suppose not formally.

But after your visit, I did
a profit-and-loss analysis,

something I do on a regular basis.

And I agreed with you.

There are hundreds of
shitty little casinos

all across this great country of ours

that don't come encumbered with Indian
ghost vigilantes and crusading sheriffs.

The potential profits in
Absaroka aren't worth the risk.

So, one conversation

and you fly out here under
a fake name to shut up shop?

Well, your colleagues back in Boston
must think you're being a little rash.

No. Decisive.

The mistake a lot of
people make in this business

is they can't separate
their emotions from business.

That's what often makes endings
so drawn-out and messy...

and expensive.

People get caught up
in cycles of vendetta,

v*olence that are really
just about injured pride.

I came out here to make
sure none of that happened.

How did Nighthorse take it?

Oh, I'm sure he's not happy.

How much money does a
man need? He's prospering.

And, full disclosure, I did have
another reason to come out here.

What's that?

Wanted to make sure, if I hold
up my end of the bargain...

you'll hold up yours.

I gave you my word.

And my gut says you're
a trustworthy man.

But, again, I have to separate
my emotions from my business.

It's like Ronald Reagan used to say
about negotiating with the Russians.

"Trust but verify."

So you're a history buff, too.


So, I have made a clean break
with Four Arrows Casino, and...

I've taken care of Eddie Harp.

No risk of him getting
chatty with the FBI.

Now I need assurances
that you won't, either.

So you didn't come out here to k*ll me?

Just here to make sure I don't talk.

So long as I have nothing
to worry about from you,

you have nothing to worry about from me.

Neither does your daughter, Cady...

or your friend Mr. Standing Bear...

or that deputy of yours.

The cute one.


I'm guessing she's the one you gave that
envelope to, the one with my name in it.

I don't like being threatened.

Well, to be fair...

you started it.


You can never be too careful.


I'm sorry, Mr. Wabash, but
there's no smoking allowed in here.

I'm sorry, Cindy. It
will not happen again.

People are so nice here.

Shame I have to leave.

But a deal's a deal, right, Sheriff?


No, Asha, wait! Wait, please!

I really need to speak with you.

- Hello?
- Hey.

Is Malachi there right now?

No, he is not.

I have not seen Malachi in
a couple of days, actually.

Do you think he knows
that the ledger is missing?

No. And he never will.


I'm gonna have to call you back, Henry.

So, what's up, gentlemen? Where
you... Where you guys going?

I'm taking Eamonn off
this security detail.

There's no threat against your life.

I just got back from
talking with your friend,

the one who called
himself Dennis Wabash.

He says he ended your
business arrangement.

So it seems that if anybody
would be likely to k*ll,

- it would most probably be you.
- Okay.

"Dennis Wabash" called me at work
asking to meet at a Sheridan motel.

A call from a dead man.

If that's not a threat,
I don't know what it is.

- He's lying to you, Walt.
- No. No, you are.

First, you neglect to tell me you were
old friends with an Irish mob boss.

Then you leave out the fact that he's here
in town trying to contact you, Jacob.

You know, honestly, I'm
tired of your denials

about your arrangements
with organized crime.

I'm done.

There is no arrangement.

I don't know what I have
to do to get through to you.

He and I were friends decades ago.

Yes. The IRA and the American
Indian Movement had common cause.

Both of us were trying to
overthrow our occupiers.

But I left all of that behind
after Dennis k*lled himself.

When my friend contacted me a year ago to
suggest a partnership with the casino,

I flew out to Foxwoods
specifically to tell him no.

You yourself saw me getting
off the plane when I got back!

Nobody flies all the way across
the country to tell someone no.

Your friend was operating
out of Four Arrows,

pouring heroin into Absaroka, my county!

Now, he's only just pulled out now because
I threatened to give his name to the FBI.

Good God! The great
white ego rides again.

So you're the reason he's
leaving! Is that it, Walt?

That's right! And I think you knew that.

That's wrong!

So there is no threat against your life.

I think you arranged this whole
thing just to get me out of the way

so you could resume your profitable
arrangement with your old friend.

Even for you, that is ridiculous!

Okay. Uh, you guys obviously
have some stuff to work out,

so I'm gonna go wait in the car.


Cover me!

- Walt!
- Hey, hey!


You all right?

Been better.

I'll get you out of here.

Next time you're thinking of
calling me for a favor, please don't.

- Pull him up!
- Aah!


What happened? Are you okay?

Uh, yeah. There was,
uh... There was a hit.

I don't know if I was
the target or Nighthorse,

but Eamonn caught one of the b*ll*ts.

Eamonn did?

Yeah, he got hit in the leg, lost
a lot of blood, but he's okay.

Doctor said you could
go see him if you want.

Did you follow them, the
sh**t? Did you see them?

I was taking care of Eamonn,
but Nighthorse ran after them.

He couldn't catch them.

Well, whoever they were, I guess
we're lucky that they have shitty aim.

You should, um, go see your, um...

Go see Eamonn.

I should get back over to Nighthorse's,
make sure nobody disturbs the crime scene.

Do you think that we're dating?

Me and Eamonn?

You said you were.

Not dating, exactly,
but... I just figured...

Uh, yeah, 'cause we're not.



So you don't want to see him?

Oh, I'm gonna go see him.

Right. I guess I'll see you later.

You decent?

Not if I stand up.

Your boss is so jealous,
he tried to k*ll me.

Aren't you supposed to be resting?

Well, since I have some downtime,

I'm taking the chance to look
up some career alternatives.

Jobs where you don't get shot.

Yeah. Yeah.

So everything in law
enforcement is out, of course.

I thought maybe I'd go back
to medical school, but look.

"Crazed meth head sh**t
up emergency room."

Then I thought, maybe
I'll work with children.

"Fifth grader brings U*i to class."

It's good you're thinking
about your future.

I have been, too... actually...

and what we talked about
at the... the Red Pony,

that I needed to figure out what was going
on with me before there could be an us.

Oh, you figured all that
out? That was pretty quick.

Well, it's been six weeks, you know?

Six and a half, seven.
Uh... anyway, yeah.

I have been thinking about what I want.

"Dentist shot in Dallas."

Eamonn, please?


So, uh... I guess I was
wondering, now that you, uh...

you don't work for the Cumberland
County Sheriff's Department anymore

if you were gonna be hanging around.

Do you want me to?

I want to know what you want.

I don't know.

Think maybe it's time to move on.

I haven't... had the best luck here.

But can we not talk about this now?

Because I don't think I'm
supposed to make any big decisions

while I'm flying on painkillers.

You know.

And besides, what's the hurry?

You know, I can't
believe I'm saying this,

but I'm starting to think that
Nighthorse was telling the truth.

Well, you did say that he returned fire.

Hardly makes sense for him to
do that if he was setting you up.


And he pursued the sh**t
all the way back here.

Sheriff, here.

That's a nice direct line of sight.

So you're thinking
this really was the mob?

How many men att*cked you on the road?



I need a favor.

I want Cady's r*fle back.

No can do. It's evidence.

You are not required to hold
a w*apon used in self-defense.

So you're a lawyer now
on top of being Hector?

I have done you a lot
of favors, Mathias.

I am now asking you for one.

What are you gonna do with it?

Return it to its rightful owner.

You might want to
hang on to it yourself.

I've heard rumors that there's
a bounty on Hector's head.

- Are you aware of this?
- Why do you think I have been laying low?

The bounty is up to $20,000.

For that much money, I might
start thinking about k*lling you.

- That is not funny.
- Sure it is.

So, you have any idea
who wants Hector dead?


But I do know someone who will
want Henry dead pretty soon.

Why? What'd you do this time?

It does not concern
you. Thank you for this.

And now you owe me another favor.

There were two dozen casings
in the woods, all in one pile.

Compared to 90 casings
where Eddie Harp was taken,

scattered all over the pavement.

The mob sent eight men to extract Eddie.

Now, as far as I can tell,
there was just one sh**t

sent to Nighthorse's house
to k*ll either him or me.

This mob boss would never
send one guy for this job.

He's careful. He likes
to minimize his risk.

I know that much about him.

So then you don't think the attack
at Nighthorse's house was a mob hit.

Just doesn't fit their style.

Plus, Nighthorse said he
never had a deal with the mob.

Even though the mob swears they did.

So which one's lying?

Maybe neither of them is lying.

Excuse me.

- Can I help you?
- Ah. I'm looking for Ms. Longmire.

So if you could just take
this home and get the same...

Some douchebag here to see you.

Um, and just take this home
and get it signed for me.

Uh, we can talk more about
it tomorrow, Mr. Howling Bull.

- Oh, o-okay.
- Okay?

- All right, thank you.
- Thank you.

Charming employee.

Yeah, she kind of hired
herself. What do you want?

Just to see you smile.
And to brag a little bit.

The district attorney went for
my Castle Doctrine argument.

He signed off this morning.

There won't be any charges
against you. You're good to go.

That's it.

Just like that.

I'm that good.

Smart about the C of O.

And the cot in the back
room's a nice touch.

Just don't sh**t the
next guy in your driveway.

What do you mean "the next guy"?

We both know I'll be back.

Oh, come on, Walt. I just washed my car.

Now you're putting your big ol'
greasy fingerprints all over it.

Spotted this car in
Sheridan the other night.

Well, is there anything illegal
about Indians being in Sheridan?

Nope. No.

But there's something awfully coincidental
about you being at the same motel

in Sheridan where the head
of the Irish Mob is staying.

Yeah, well, uh, I was once in the
same restaurant as Susan Lucci.

Does that mean I should be
nominated for a Daytime Emmy? Huh?

And then there's the record of you flying
out to Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut

where this mob boss is rumored to work.

Now, that was just two days
after Nighthorse went to see him.

So, you want to know what I think?


I think Jacob told you that
he turned down the Irish Mob.

You flew back to make your own deal.

That would explain why the mob
said they had a deal with the casino

and why Nighthorse said they didn't.

He knew nothing about it.

Boy, you're... you're making
me sound like a movie villain.

Huh? Jetting out to meet the
mob, selling out my own boss.

Well, I'm not that smart.

Oh, I never said you were smart.

But I do think you had your
own side deal with the mob,

and you were pocketing all the cash.

Now they're pulling out, you
stand to lose a lot of money.

I bet that makes you angry.

You know what makes me angry?

Covering for that lying
half-breed Nighthorse.

You know, you think he doesn't know
what goes on inside his own casino?

Okay. Here's what actually happened.

He did say no to his IRA buddies.

But then he ordered me to go back and
make a deal with those dirty Irishmen.

He wanted them to deal with
me and keep him out of it.

So when your car was parked
outside that hotel in Sheridan,

you were negotiating with the
mob on Nighthorse's behalf.

Bingo. Shane told me
they were pulling out.

Said he wasn't making enough money to
justify the trouble he had with this...

damn new Hector and, of course, you.

So that's why you shot at me
outside Nighthorse's house.

'Cause I cost you a lot of money.

Listen, I could care less about that. I
make good money as the head of security.

A lot more than I made when I was a cop.

But you know who does care? Jacob.

He went through the roof when I
told him the mob was pulling out.

Sounds to me like you're
throwing him under the bus

to cover for yourself, Malachi.

Let me ask you this, bonehead.

When you were being "shot at," did any of
those b*ll*ts hit Jacob's precious house?

I'm guessing not.

Come on, Walt, when are you gonna learn?

Jacob Nighthorse is the
master of the long con.

He's throwing us all under the bus.

Why should I believe any of this?

You want proof that he's
a criminal and a m*rder*r?

Well, I can give you that proof.

I know where all the bodies are buried.

You meet me tonight,

and I'll give you everything you
need to bring Nighthorse to his knees.



I heard you had a very busy day today.


The place was flooded with people.


And I've never felt so alone.

Everyone thinks that I can help them,
Henry, but I don't know that I can.

I mean, the last person that I tried
to help, I ended up... I ended up...

I ended up k*lling her husband.

I m*rder*d someone, Henry.



Shh, shh.

You did not take a life, Cady.

You saved one.

Some in my tribe would
say it is sacrilege

to give an eagle feather
to a white person.

w*r feathers are only supposed
to be passed down in families.

But you are my family, Cady.

And when you defended Asha, you showed
yourself to be a true Cheyenne warrior.

Thank you.

Thank you, Henry.



Sorry I couldn't get here sooner. Just
wanted to make sure that you're okay.

I'm glad my... gift proved useful.

Sorry I had to use it.


Sometimes force is the only
thing people will listen to.

It can be very difficult to deal with
the worst of what happens out here.

But I knew you had the
strength to handle it.

Henry, may I see you
outside for a moment?

I'm proud of you, Cady.


Turns out J.P. Wright is not the
only assh*le going down this week.

What do you mean?

You held up your end
of the bargain, Henry.

It's time I held up mine.

You're gonna need this.

You would think that a person
that was worried about a mob hit

would notice that they
were being followed.

Why are you following me, Vic?

A better question is, what the
hell are you doing out on the Res?

Meeting Malachi.



'Cause he's either
gonna give me evidence

that proves that Nighthorse is behind
the criminal activity at the casino

or he's gonna try and k*ll me.

m*rder attempt is all
I need to arrest him.

That's great.

Except you'll be dead.


You've changed.


I started to realize that
doing everything the same way

hasn't been working out too well, so...

You ever think about giving it all up?

Living a safe, simple life...

where you don't need Kevlar?

Well, I certainly wouldn't blame
you if that's what you wanted.

Maybe someday.

All right. I'm going.

Hold on.

I'm going with you.

- Vic.
- What?

I've changed, too.

I'm done letting you do
stupid shit on your own.

Let's go.

Funny meeting you guys here.


Bet you thought we were a final
goodbye from Shane Muldoon.


That's what this is? A final goodbye?

It is.

It was always gonna
end like this, Malachi.

I knew when I opened the casino that it
was gonna attract the criminal element.

You were always just
meant to be a flu shot,

that little bit of virus
that you inject into the body

so the body can learn to
fight off the infection.

And now the body's gotten stronger,

and it's time to get rid of
the sickness once and for all.

Hank, you do know that
this is all for show, right?

It's pure theater.

He's saying this stuff
just for your benefit.

No. It's all true.

You ordered that hit
on me 'cause you knew...

I'd figured out your scam...

and I was gonna put a stop to all of it.

The loan-sharking, the muggings,
the prostitution, the heroin.

You put that IRA flag in my yard
to make it look like the mob,

but I know it was you.

See, Hank? You're supposed
to listen to that crap

and go running it over to your
friend there, Walter Lawnmower.

Jacob doesn't realize
that he's too late.

I talked to Walter already, and he knows
that Jacob was behind this mob deal.

And he knows that you, uh... faked that
hit on yourself to protect your crimes.

And we all know if Walter Longmire
wants something to be true,

he makes it true.

You're an astounding creature, Malachi.

I never met anyone anywhere who
could lie with your shamelessness.

But at the end of the
day, it's still lying.

And finally I have proof.

I found the second
ledger from the Red Pony.

Uh, what second ledger?

This one.

I've never seen that in my life.

It was in your office at the Red Pony.

Oh. If that's true, then
somebody planted it there.

No, that's the pure theater.

Because all three of us
know that ledger proves

that you have laundered tens of thousands
of dollars through the Red Pony.

So here's the situation.

Malachi, you will never again
set foot on this Reservation.

'Cause if you do, I'll
hand that book to the Feds,

and you'll spend the rest
of your life in prison.

If I'm going down for this, I'm
gonna take you right down with me.

Nobody's gonna believe that all
this happened without your blessing,

you smug, arrogant son of a white whore.

Back when this was all Cheyenne land,

banishment was the punishment
for betraying your tribe.

Now, you are the worst kind of traitor.

Stealing from your own people.

Getting your own
people hooked on heroin.

You have no honor.

By this mark on your face,
people will know that.

You can never come back to our homeland.

Your homeland.

That's a... That's a real joke.

I'm more Indian than
the two of you combined.

I lived on this land before
either of you was born.

Well, it is not your home anymore.

Before you go, you need
to do one more thing.

This is the deed to the Red Pony.

Sign your name, and it
transfers back to me.

Now I know why you're here.

You're just like the rest of them.

Petty and greedy.

Willing to stand by and watch him
humiliate me just to get your bar back.

That is not why I am here.

I am here because of a boy named Mingan.

You know nothing about him,
and I am sure you do not care.

But your heroin k*lled his father.

And the v*olence and the fear and the
helplessness you spread through the tribe

k*lled Mingan.

That is why I am here...

and why you will never come back.

You thought it was bad
when I owned you, Hank?

But who owns you now?


Who owns you now, Hank?!

Who owns you now, Hank?!

Who owns you now?!