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05x05 - Pure Peckinpah

Posted: 10/15/21 07:50
by bunniefuu
[mid-tempo music plays]

♪ I don't have much money ♪

♪ I got lots of time ♪

♪ I got lots of time... ♪

[Vic] So, did your girl find
a pack to take her in yet?

[Pyper] Nope. [sighs]

It appears the world still doesn't
know what to do with an alpha female.

Which is why us alpha females need
to take matters into our own hands.

You want to buy my
crappy old motor home?

I do. [laughs]

Yeah. I mean, um...

Do you have somewhere else to go?

Well, maybe I could go live with her.

She could use a roomie.

♪ If you wish you were me
don't you wish you were me ♪

♪ Don't you, boy? ♪

[music continues]

[blower whirring]

[whirring stops]

[Joe-Mega] Mm, mm.

Ethel's over in Lot 64.

- Ethel?
- Yeah.

Her granddaughter called you guys
about a stolen Social Security check?

Oh. Yeah, no, I'm not here about work.

I'll bite. What are you here for?

I was wondering if you have room
for one more caterpillar.

[laughs] Come on.

[knock on door]

[knocking continues]

[pounding on door]

[pounding continues]


Sorry, Bob.

No, I'm...

I'm sorry to be bothering you.

I just need [sniffles] your help.

[sniffles] It's Billy.

It's... It's my boy.

[crying, sniffling]


Ah, it's a mega-shitstorm
up inside here!


Not exactly like building
the Barbie Dreamhouse, is it?

I had no problem installing

the water pressure monitor
and the gray water hose,

but for some reason, the black water
hose doesn't want to connect.

Why don't you let Joe-Mega
slide under there

and apply his magical hands
to your undercarriage?

You need to keep your magic hands
on your own undercarriage.

All right?

I got this. Okay?

[Joe-Mega] Yes, ma'am.


Barbie House is not that easy.

God damn...

Aah! [whimpers]

What exactly do you want me to do, Bob?

Billy needs to get into rehab.

- His drinking's gotten that bad?
- It ain't drinkin'.

It's heroin.


Since when?

[Bob] I'm not sure.

But it's gotten worse.

Everything has.

I think we did the wrong thing, Walt.

What do you mean?

Billy's never forgiven himself

for that drunk driving accident
that just about k*lled Cady.

I thought I was doing the right
thing by taking the fall for him.

Turns out it was the worst
parenting mistake I've ever made,

and that's saying something.

Billy should have done his time, Walt.

Maybe then he would have
stopped punishing himself.

[man coughs]

[vehicle approaching]

Shit! Let's get out of here!

[woman] Come on!

[Walt] Okay, that's enough.

Oh, shit.



We're here to help you, Billy.

[Bob] You're sick, son.

You need to get well.

You son of a bitch.


You God damn son of a bitch!

Hey. Hey!

Get off him! [sighs]

- Okay, Bob.
- It's all right.

It's okay. It's all right.

I'm good.

What the hell's wrong with you, boy?!

What are you doing?

[Henry] We have a problem.

Joey Takoda showed up at the Red Pony.

- Dead.
- Whoever you are,

I hope you know this
call can be traced.

I am on a pay phone.
The call is secure.

What are we going to do
about this dead drug dealer?

Well, that depends. Did you k*ll him?

Did I k*ll him?

Did you k*ll him, is the question.

Is this your latest
way of setting me up?

Don't be paranoid, Standing Bear.

I'm on your side.

Then tell me...
what am I supposed to do?

If you really have nothing to hide,

then you should do what any
upstanding citizen would do.

Call your local sheriff.

[cell phone beeps]

[Billy] You know, you
can't make me go here.

- You need help.
- Why? Why?

Because I like to party on my days off?

I got a job. I pay my bills.

That's more than you can say.

Damn it.

Look at your arm.

- You're a junkie!
- So what?

I'm an adult.

In fact, this is kidnapping.

And I am leaving.


That's true.

You have every right
to leave this place.

Just as I have every right
to arrest you for possession.


Now, you're gonna get clean either here

or at the Tri-County Jail.

It's your choice.



[sighs] Fine.

Let's go sign in or whatever.

Hey, Dad.


You sure you don't want
to do my rehab for me?

Save me the trouble?

You're doing the right thing, Bob.

[engine shuts off]

[camera shutter clicks]

[Walt] What do we have?

Looks like an O.D.

Seems like our friend here
had his own little party.

Found a detergent pod with what
I assume is heroin inside,

a blackened spoon, and a
lighter in a sunglasses case,

and a syringe on the floorboard.

You find an injection mark?

Uh, yeah. In the crook
of his right arm.

Ferg. Why don't you give me a hand?

We'll lay him out on the ground.

[Ferg] Okay, now...

You recognize him?


Not sure from where.

[Vic] His name's Joey Takoda.

Looks like he lives on the Res.

I'll call Mathias.

See if he knows anything.

Hey, Walt.

You're gonna want to see this.

That's quite the arsenal.

That's interesting.

You want me to find a ball
so we can play catch?

Well, if this Joey Takoda's glove...
means he's right-handed.

If you're right-handed,
do you inject your left or right arm?

- Left.
- Left.

So why is he sh**ting
up into his right arm?

Maybe somebody else injected him.

What are you two doing?

Looking for more needle marks.

Sometimes users sh**t
up between their toes

to hide the injection marks.

So far, he's just got the one
injection mark in his right arm, so...

No marks on this foot.

This one's clean, too.

Which makes me think...

Joey wasn't a user.

Then what was he?

[Malachi] Well, now.

Looky here.

Tickle his toes all you want, Victoria.

I don't think he's gonna wake up.


And there he is.

Red Pony's own cigar store Indian.


Let's make sure we get plenty
of pictures of everything.

We need to get the victim's
car to the shed for prints.

I'm gonna send that syringe
to the lab in Cheyenne.


[trunk lid closes]


[keyboard keys clacking]

So, did you call the
sheriff like I suggested?

Walt is at the Red Pony now.

Which he has already deduced
to be a m*rder scene.

[Mathias] So the scumbag was m*rder*d.

Presumably, that's not a
problem for either of us.

Not until Walt starts asking questions.
What do I tell him?

How about the truth?

That Joey Takoda was a drug dealer
who got what was coming to him.

But I already acted like
I did not know him.

Then don't say anything.

Who cares if Walt figures out
who k*lled some heroin dealer?

We both should care.

I torched Joey's entire stash,

and when I did,
he was scared for his life.

Clearly, he had good reason to be.

I think whoever k*lled him
may be coming after Hector next.


Days after I burn Joey's dr*gs,

he shows up dead in my parking lot.

I'm the only one who
knows you're Hector.

And even if someone else did know,

how would they guess that Hector
was the one that burned up that heroin?

Maybe because I spray-painted
"Hector Lives" across the house.

Well, that was stupid.

I never intended to be
a criminal mastermind.

And now we have a problem.

I am sure that Walt will go to
Joey Takoda's house to investigate,

but we might be able to paint over
Hector's name before he does.


[intercom buzzes]

[Woman] Mathias, Sheriff
Longmire's here to see you.

Or maybe not.

[Vic] Hey. So I got the
coroner's initial results back.

Hey, uh, so, what did he say?

Joey Takoda died
from respiratory failure

and cardiac arrest due to
a large dose of heroin.

- Was he a user?
- Can't tell yet.

But the coroner couldn't find any
more injection marks on his body,

so he's gonna do a
more thorough autopsy.

He probably wants to look at the lungs.

Oxygen deprivation damages the tissue.

It's a telltale sign of long-term abuse.

It's so cool that you know that.

What'd you find out in your questioning?

Yeah. Uh, so, um...

there's no evidence of any bad
batches of heroin making the rounds,

but there has been a significant
uptick in, uh, heroin overdoses.

Heroin's exploded over
the last couple months.

It's a rare shift not to
have a few heroin cases

coming through the E.R.

It's not just here.
It's small towns everywhere.


Awesome. Ferg, let's go.

So, I sent the syringe
off to the lab in Cheyenne,

but we're not gonna get
the results back for a while.

Oh, sh**t.

I think I left my phone back there.
I'll be right back.

Excuse me, sir.

Can I ask you a question
you might be able to answer?

I'll try.

What's wrong with my black water hose?

Black hose.

I have absolutely no idea.


Did you forget something?

I did.


I appreciate you letting me
search the victim's house.

You know anything about him?

[Mathias] Well, by the looks of things,

I'm thinking he didn't
have a girlfriend.

[Walt] Have any enemies?

Yeah. Me.

Why's that?

I arrested this assh*le three separate
times for dealing dr*gs on the Res.

But I couldn't hold him.

All I was allowed to do was
charge him with a misdemeanor.

Well, it looks like he died
of a heroin overdose.

- Do you know if he used?
- No idea.

Do you know everyone who's using
hard dr*gs in your jurisdiction?

Well, there's, um...

no needles...

no pipes, no bent spoons
anywhere in this place.

No track marks on his body.

It's odd for a non-user to die
of an overdose, don't you think?

Honestly, I don't care.

All I know is that there's one less
person peddling dr*gs on my land.

But if you're so concerned about solving
the lonesome death of Joey Takoda,

why don't we head back to the station
so I can give you my files on him?

Thanks. We'll do that.

Looks like I have a suspect.

Hector doesn't k*ll.

The real Hector didn't k*ll.

I'm not so sure this new Hector
has the same kind of self-control.

And as much as I understand how the
law works against your people,

I just can't look the other way.

If Hector k*lled someone in my county...


Well, whoever this Hector is,

I'm not gonna play any part
in helping you arrest him.

You've investigated the victim's house.

- Favor's finished.
- That's fine.

Now I know what I'm looking for.

Pain in the butt.

You guys look like a couple of pros.

If I'm gonna be in sportsman country,
I'm gonna be a sportsman.

Not a tourist.

I, uh... understand that you
might be a little upset.

So you got my message?


Oh, the... the kid in the parking lot.

Um, it's a little excessive,
don't you think?

He lost $10,000 worth of product.

What do you expect? Time-out chair?

Well, could have been
some kind of mistake.

How does a kid go and
lose that much heroin?

[Shane] He didn't lose it.

He said some guy named
Hector burned it up.

Well, then, why didn't you k*ll Hector?

We couldn't find him.

But we found the kid.

Turns out he couldn't
reimburse our losses,

- so...
- I see.


Careful now, Wahoo.


I've got a little over two grand on me.

[chuckles lightly]

I'll give you two weeks
to come up with the rest,

plus 20% interest.

You do know that I can, uh,
get you something much better.

Like what?

Like the head of Hector himself.

You mean instead of the
remaining eight grand?


Plus, uh... going forward,

I want another 5% on everything
you run through the casino...

that's dr*gs, whores, everything.

If this Hector is still, uh,
lurking around,

he'll at least be that much
of a drag on your business.

So, if we, uh, if we move him out,

everybody wins.

And there won't be anybody
here to match you.

Except maybe you, old-timer.

I've run into your kind before.

Yeah? Where?


So, is it a deal?

You're still breathing, aren't you?

Do you know this man?

Probably not.

His name's Joey Takoda.
Have you heard anything about him?

Yeah, I heard that you
were looking for him.

[Bob] Knock it off, Billy.

You owe the sheriff.
Now answer him honestly.

Honestly, the sheriff can kiss my ass.

[Bob] Now you can talk to me like that,
but not him.

He deserves your respect.

Now look at this picture and tell him...

You tell Walt if you've seen
this man before or not.

[Walt] I know you got
some connection to him.

I found the same heroin pod in
your pocket that I found on him.

All right.

All right.

He's a Res guy. He's a dealer.

Anything else?

If he knew I was talking about him,

he'd probably show up at my door
with a baseball bat and a .30-06.

[Walt] Joey's dead, Billy.

Did he have trouble with anyone?

Anybody ever talk about...
sending Hector after him?

Look, I don't know
anything about Hector,

but there was a girl who tried to get me

to steal a bunch of smack off of Joey,

which I refused to do
because I'm not an idiot.

You think she may have recruited
somebody else to rip him off?

Yeah, that was her plan.

Is she Cheyenne?
Could she have sent Hector?

No, she's not Native.

But she is persuasive.

- Her name's Jule.
- Jule what?

I don't know. It's not like we
spent a lot of time talking.

Is this Jule the same girl that
we found you with this morning?

I was with somebody this morning?

[paper rustles]

One last question, Billy.

Have you ever run into
anybody wearing a black hood

and a red sash around their neck

out at that party site or on the Res?


I think even I'd remember
seeing something like that.

Walt wants us to go through
mug sh*ts and arrest records.

We're looking for a woman named
Jule as a possible m*rder suspect.

- Jule what?
- Don't know.

Walt says she's a known heroin user,

probably in her mid-20s.

[sighs] Okay.

"Jule" could be short
for Julia, Juliana...

You know,
we should call the high school

and have them send over
their most recent yearbooks.

The last time heroin
swept through Philly,

it hit the good kids as
hard as it hit the bad.

I saw cheerleading honor
students O.D. at 17.

Since heroin is new to Durant,

this Jule probably doesn't
have a record yet.

Any hits on Jule?

No, you just called from the
road like a minute ago.

What you looking for?

Well, Ferg and Zach, uh,
put together a list

of possible Hectors a while back, so...

Yeah. It's in my desk.

Think there's a Jule or a Julie on it?

No, but, uh,
it's possible this new Hector

could be another suspect in this m*rder.

I found "Hector Lives" spray-painted
at the victim's house.

Here's the list with the names on it.

Zach checked into most of them.

Yeah. Zach.

Do you remember what he said the last
time we were looking for Hector?

"A badge and a g*n
doesn't make you flawless."

- Yeah.
- Well, it wasn't too long ago

that you thought that he was
the one that shot Walt,

so going by that logic...

You think that Zach is Hector?

Just saying that... that the
dead guy is a drug dealer.

We can't rule out the idea that
the k*ller has a badge and a g*n.

Zach doesn't have a badge anymore.

Does he have a g*n?

I-I know what I said before,

but I really think Zach
just wanted to help people.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what the new
Hector thinks he's doing, too.

I just feel like we shouldn't discount
people because we feel like we know them.

Especially if they're feeling powerless.


We shouldn't.

[bag crinkles]


I'm guessing you may have missed out
investing in Apple and Google stock.

So allow me to introduce
a genuine business opportunity.

What opportunity is that, boss?

Early retirement with a
big, fat bank account.

And all you have to do is...
is bring Hector to me.

Dead or alive.

Hector's already dead.

Everyone knows that.

He's just a ghost story now.

No way. I saw him.

Or I almost did.

Anyway, he's alive and very real.

As fascinating as this
philosophical debate may be,

somebody's sticking their
hand in our business

and signing it "Hector."

Now, this has got to stop.

Okay. We'll keep our eyes open.

You'll keep your eyes open?

This isn't a bunch of Indians
sitting around type of deal.

This is "Get off your asses
or else" type of deal.

I can't do it.

What was that?

I'm sorry.

Hector's a spirit,

a descendant of the Dog Soldiers.

I can't do it.

[sighs] So you're saying

you're more afraid of
Hector than you are of me.

I'm saying if Hector is really
speaking for our ancestors...



Well... if Hector really is a spirit,

you tell him hello for me.

And let him know that
I'm coming for him.


Anyone else have any more
issues they want to settle?


[Walt] Henry.


- Malachi's put fish on the menu?
- No.

A couple of tourists asked me
to cook their fresh catch.

So, uh...

the man you found today
was actually m*rder*d.

Turns out he was dealing on the Res.

And "Hector Lives" was spray-painted
on the side of his house.

Which makes me think that Hector may have
had something to do with this m*rder,


I need to ask you something
about this new Hector.

Fire away.

Is Hector...

actually... Mathias?


What makes you think
he has become a vigilante?

Mathias tried to arrest
Joey for dealing,

but he could never hold him.

So he was frustrated.

Just like he was when he
couldn't arrest Gab's r*pist.

Now, becoming Hector
would get him around all that.

Mathias is not the only
person who is frustrated

by the limits of Reservation law.

[Walt] No.

But Mathias is the only person

to come to me with notes
taken from Hector's jar.

Now, one of those notes called
for the death of Gab's r*pist.

Mathias claimed that he
intercepted those notes,

but if he did, how would Hector
know to show up at the bonfire

unless Hector is Mathias?


You said you found "Hector Lives"
graffiti at the victim's house?

I did.

And Mathias tried to
keep me from finding it.

But the body was found
here in the parking lot.

If it was Hector that k*lled him,

why not write "Hector Lives" on the
car or on the side of the Red Pony?

Why do it all the way back
at the victim's house?

I don't know.

Is it possible that this
m*rder is unrelated to Hector?

Either way, this new Hector
needs to be stopped.


But given all the... attention

focused on you with your civil suit,

you should probably rule
out all other suspects

before you make an
accusation that serious.

[fish sizzling]

So, what abuse of authority
is on the menu today?

Harassment? Entrapment?

I'm actually investigating a m*rder,

so if you'll excuse me.

My son is not a m*rder*r.

- Where are you going?!
- To talk to your son.

Hey, Travis! Are you up yet?

Vic? Is that you?!

Uh, yeah. Of course I'm up.

Um... what are you doing here?

[Vic] I need to ask you something.

Uh, yeah, sure.

The... The door's unlocked.

Nope. Not this time, missy.


your mommy won't let me in.


Answer the question

through the door, Travis.


[Vic] Um...

Do you recognize that guy?

I don't think so. Who is he?

[Vic] His name's Joey Takoda.

He's a drug dealer that was
found m*rder*d at the Red Pony.

I was thinking maybe you'd
seen him there, at the casino?

I don't recognize him.

[Vic] What about a girl named Jule?

- You ever run into her?
- The singer?

Oh, I wish he would meet someone
like that instead of...

Mom. Damn it!

I think I can handle this.

[Mary Jo] Of course you think you can.

But I'll be watching.

I see everything.

I'm sorry. Um...

I don't think I know any Jule.

I'm sorry. I-I wish...
I wish I could help you.

Um... you might still be able to.


You used to have a trailer home, right?

Yeah. Yeah.

What the hell is wrong
with my black water hose?

[knock on door]

Come in!

I got your message. What did Walt say?

Walt thinks Hector m*rder*d
the heroin dealer.

Well, we knew that would happen.

And he thinks Hector is you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.



Well put.

So, what's Walt gonna do now?

[Henry] I imagine he will keep
digging until he proves his theory.


if we can get Walt off the
idea that Hector is a k*ller,

he might stop.

He'll still be suspicious of me.

And that'll put him awfully close
to discovering the truth about you.

Well, then maybe we should
start with the truth about me.

Walt needs to realize
that all that Hector did

is burn Joey Takoda's dr*gs.

Well, how are you gonna manage that?

Very carefully.

And with your help. [grunts]

How are you feeling, Billy?

Like warmed-over shit.

My deputies have, uh,
put together some pictures.

Are any of these women the Jule

that wanted your help
ripping off Joey Takoda?



Man, I don't know.

I just see her at parties.

She'd show up whenever I scored dope.


I think that's her.


Well, she's changed,

but I think that's who
you were with yesterday.

Is that... Is that a yearbook photo?

[Walt] It is. Junior year.

How many years ago?

[Walt] Last year.

So Jule would be 18, at most.



[exhales sharply]

[Vic] All right, ma'am. I understand.

Can you at least tell
me where to find Jule?

[keyboard keys clacking]

And do she and her grannie
share the same last name?





Any progress?

Oh, I don't know.

Does completely solving your entire
damn problem count as progress?

Are you serious?

You fixed it? How?

Good ol' American
stick-to-it-iveness and ingenuity.

Also, uh...

I went up to the hardware store.

Your... Your adapter...
well, it was all busted.

It turns out the, uh, male
end and the female end

weren't exactly, uh, simpatico.

I guess I have intuition
when it comes to stuff like that.

So, um, you're welcome.

How about you?
Any luck on your... your Jule search?

Uh, all Jule's mom would tell me

was that after she kicked her
daughter out of the house,

Jule moved in with her Grannie Ethel.

[tool thuds]

What is it?


Lot 64.

Yesterday, I heard about...
an Ethel and her granddaughter,

and they live on Lot 64.

Oh, Walter.

There you are.

Bob Barnes just called,

and they're kicking Billy
out of the rehab facility.

Kicking him out? What for?

Well, Bob can't afford it.

I've been calling around to see
if the state facilities can take him,

but they've all got wait lists.

I remember what a sweet
little boy he was.

Do you know anybody with some pull

that could maybe help him
get moved up the list?

Actually, I do.

[clears throat]

[Ethel] Can I help you, hon?

Yeah, I-I'm Deputy Moretti
from the sheriff's department.

Oh, did you find my
Social Security check?

Well, my granddaughter called
you about it last week.

No, ma'am. I'm sorry.

- We haven't found it yet.
- Oh.

But I am looking for
your granddaughter.

Jule, is it? - Juliette.

Well, I think she's in the bathroom.

I hear the water running.

She'll just be a minute. Come on in!

Thank you.

Come on in.

I'll just check and see if
she's out of the shower.


Juliette, someone is here to see you.

[knock on door]

[Ethel] I'm sure she'll be right out.

Can I get you a ginger ale?

- Uh, yes, please.
- Okay.

Have a seat.

[Travis] Hey.


Can we... Can we talk?


- Hey!
- No!

Hey! Come back! Stop!

- No!
- Citizen's arrest!

So does your granddaughter
live here with you?

Yes. Uh-huh.
But I barely see her anymore.

She's a very busy young woman.

Halt in the name of the
Absaroka County Sheriff's Department!

[Ethel] With her job and her friends,

we always called her our overachiever.


Get away from me! [grunts]

Get away! Agh! Get away from me!

- Calm down.
- [screams]

You know, she's been in there a while.

Do you mind if I go check on her?

Well, I... I suppose that's fine.

Okay. Thank you.

[knock on door]

[Jule screams] Let me go, you assh*le!

I really hope this is the
girl you're looking for.

- [Jule] Let me go!
- [Travis] Just chill out!

[Jule groans]

[Walt sighs]

Do you know this man?


[Walt] Really?

I heard that he was your heroin dealer.

And you were planning on robbing him.

Sounds like junkie talk to me.

Drop the attitude, Jule.
We know Joey's dead.

We're investigating his m*rder, okay?

And the junkie talk that we're hearing

is more than enough to make
you our primary suspect.

Well, I didn't k*ll him,

and I wasn't planning on robbing him,

I was just planning on
getting what was mine.

He owed me.

What'd he owe you?


Let's say, hypothetically,
a girl needed medicine.

But that girl has no money.

So, hypothetically,

this girl becomes really friendly

with the guy with [chuckling]
a lot of medicine

so she could get more.

You slept with a drug
dealer for heroin?

[Jule] Yeah. It's not
actually something

you would put in your
annual Christmas letter.

But, yeah, I did.

[Walt] You said that Joey owed you.

Did something go wrong
with your arrangement?

You could say that.


We were at Joey's, the
usual arrangement.

After we'd spend some time together,
he was gonna hook me up.

But we got interrupted.

By who?

I don't know.

This... redheaded dude.

I didn't get a name,
but [chuckles] Joey was scared of him.

Anyway, this redhead told Joey
that he was short 100 bucks this week

and that if it happened again,
he'd get "emotional."

After that, Joey refused to
give me any more from his stash

after I'd completely satisfied
my end of the deal.

So, did you get someone
to help you rob Joey?

I didn't rob Joey.

I didn't need to.

I found another way to score.

You find someone else to sleep with?

Grannie Ethel always said
I was a very clever girl.


Got a Meat Lovers,
half-order of garlic knots!


[engine starts]


Brought over those files on
Joey Takoda I mentioned.

Thanks. [clears throat]

Take a seat.

In your many run-ins with Joey,
did you ever encounter a redheaded man?

No. Why?

Because a redheaded man seems to
have been Joey's heroin supplier.

He also threatened his life
when he was short on a payment.

Does that mean you're off
your Hector theory?

Is that why you're really here?

To see if I'm off my Hector theory?

[knock on door, door opens]

Walter, excuse me.

Jamie DeBell is on line one.

- What does he want?
- I couldn't tell.

He was hyperventilating.


He s... He said his name was Hector.

He held me up and then took my car.

- Who would want to steal my car?
- Nobody.

Found it down the road.


- So, what'd this Hector look like?
- I don't know.

He had a black hood covering his face
and a red string around his neck.

Which honestly seemed like
kind of a safety hazard.

How tall was Hector?

He was tall. About as tall as you.

- Hector again?
- Sounds like it.

- Did he say anything to you?
- Yeah.

Said I was spreading
poison on the Reservation.

Then he took my merchandise
and burned it.

- [Mathias] What kind of merchandise?
- Tell him.

I'm a... cannabis enthusiast.

So Hector burned your pot?

He said, "You stay on your land,
I'll stay on mine."

I told him, "You got a deal."

If Hector's going around
destroying dr*gs,

maybe he just burned
Joey Takoda's stash.

Well, like I said, Hector doesn't k*ll.

I noticed a burn barrel
in Joey's backyard.

You should go back and
check for heroin residue.

You ever run into a
redheaded heroin dealer?

Yeah, actually. H-How did you know?

He offered me a job dealing heroin.

I turned him down 'cause I-I
don't do the hard stuff.

Too much stress makes me nauseous.

[Walt] You get his name or anything?

I got a business card.

There's no name, but a number.

So you've kept it?

I didn't want to litter.

I need you to call him back.

Tell him you've changed your mind.
You want to meet.

I assume that's preferable
to a drug-dealing arrest.

I thought you and I had...
an arrangement.

[Mathias] But you and I don't,

and this is my jurisdiction.

Your grandmother
thought I was visiting her

about a lost Social Security check.

She said that you'd reported it missing.

But I checked.

You didn't report it.

Because you're the one that stole it,
aren't you?


I stole my own grandmother's
Social Security check

so I could go and get high.

And I've always been her favorite one.

Have you stolen any more from her?

No. No.

I found that having sex
with a drug dealer

was easier to live with
than stealing from her.

[clears throat]

Come on.

I'll walk you in.

Juliette. You okay?

You know, she's actually, uh...

She's more than okay.

She just helped us with an
important investigation.

And that actually entitles her...

to a reward.

[clears throat]

But your granddaughter here...

she wanted me to make the
reward check out to you

because she thought
that that might help you

with the loss of your
Social Security check.

[Ethel] Thank you.

And thank you, my precious Juliette.

Why wouldn't he meet at the
location we suggested?

Why's he got to meet out here?
What's it mean?

Jamie. Jamie. You need to relax.

All you got to do is get
the heroin and leave.

- We'll take care of the rest, okay?
- Okay.

Um, I'm guessing you want me
to record the conversation?

That would help.

Okay. Here.

You... You need me wired up, right?

Uh, just hit record...

and you're wired.

And while you're at it,
see if he'll give you any syringes.

The victim had a large
yellow syringe on him.

I was just at the hospital with Travis,
and they use different syringes.

So if this redhead has a yellow one,
that could connect him to the m*rder.

m*rder? You...
You didn't say anything about a m*rder.

Is that who I'm gonna meet? A k*ller?

Jamie. Jamie. Come here. Come here.

Now, you were very good to my
wife during a difficult time.

I don't forget that.

I'm not gonna let anything
happen to you, okay?

Okay. Okay.

Okay. Okay. [sighs]

[engine starts]

You sure we have enough evidence
to convict this guy of the m*rder?

If we don't, at least we can
get him for selling heroin.

So, are we in the clear?

You are a criminal mastermind.

Walt seems to be off Hector
as a m*rder suspect.

And off me as Hector.


Now we just have to keep him off of me.

[cell phone beeps]

Looking for something?

Yeah. Hector.

[bottles clink]

He does not seem to be here.

Yeah, I know. But he's been here.

I've seen "Hector Lives"
graffiti in here before.

If you hear any Hector rumors,
let me know and I'll cut you in.

On what?

The bounty on Hector's head.

Remember me? We just talked.

I'm here for my supply.

I-I'm, uh, pretty excited about...

I mean, it's a real
gr-growth opportunity for me.

It may take me a while to...
to move the heroin, though.

A lot of my regulars
don't... don't use it.

Just don't come up short.

First time you're short,
you get a warning.

The second time... I get emotional.

It's in there.

[Jamie] Oh.

Okay I take some of these?

[Eddie] Knock yourself out.

[Ferg] Hands up!

Down on the ground.

On the ground.

Kiss my ass, you filthy pig!


[Ferg] You're under arrest...

for possession and intent to distribute!

Get away from the water!


Easy, Sheriff.

You got nothing on me, pig!

[Ferg] Easy there, Pacino.

Don't oversell it.

Is there some kind of problem here?

Not if you come over here right now.

All right. Yeah. I got it.

On your knees.

Whoa, now. That hurts.

Yeah. That's the idea.

Come on.

My dad loved his Westerns.

Ride The High Country, Pale Rider,

Fistful of Dollars.

He loved all that redneck shit.

So, that deer up there.

Did you k*ll that thing yourself?

What about you, Eddie?

Did you k*ll this man?

I... I don't know
what you're talking about.

So, there's what,
just you and that deputy here?

[imitates g*n firing]


Or are there others out there
wrangling up steers somewhere?

Mr. Harp, I don't think you're
understanding the situation.

This man was drugged and
k*lled with a heroin overdose

from a large yellow syringe,

which matches the dr*gs and syringe
that we just found on you.

Nah, nah.

I think the guy that you got in your
cell had the heroin and syringes on him.

I was just out there fishing
when he offered me the dr*gs.

Yeah. I turned him down, of course.

The guy in my cell got the
dr*gs from your creel.

No, no, no. Hold on.
Y-You found dr*gs in my creel?

No. 'Cause you kicked
it over into the river.

I'm not too sure that I agree
with your version of events, Sheriff.

I'm not too sure a judge will, either.

You know, that... that Bronco...
that's your official police car?

That is awesome.

Oh, wait. No. Wait a minute. I get it.

[laughing] It's a Bronco!

You're a cowboy and
[laughing] that's your horse.


You really think a
judge is gonna believe

your version of events?

I guess it just depends on what
you can cook up against me.

Oh, sweet. A "WANTED" poster.

Cowboy Bill. The bank robber.

Can I keep that?

Hot damn. Look at that cell.

There better be a harmonica
waiting for me in there.

You're next, tough guy.

Come on.

That way.

Let's go.

Guys, I-I'm sorry if I laid it on
a little th-thick out there.

Truly, I respect you.

I just don't want that guy to
think that I'm in on any of this.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't.

- So, did he confess?
- No.

No, he insisted Jamie had the dr*gs

on him the entire time.

Which doesn't matter,

since we have the transaction on tape.

[Ferg] Yeah. About that.

I just listened to the recording.

[water rushing]

Now we know why he wanted
to meet Jamie by the creek.

Can't make out a thing they're saying.

[knock on door, door opens]

[Vic] Hey.

I just got off the phone with the FBI.

- What do they want?
- Eddie Harp.

Soon as I punched his
name into the database,

I got a phone call from an FBI agent

saying they wanted to pick him
and transport him to Montana

to question him in an ongoing
federal investigation.


I don't like the FBI being
involved any more than you do,

but maybe they've got more
on this guy than we've got.

And it's never a bad idea to get
a drug dealer out of the county.

- No offense, of course.
- Oh, none taken.

Vic, um, tell the FBI
they can have Harp,

but I'd prefer
to transport suspects myself.

Walter! Donna just called.

She's found another
clinic for Billy Barnes.

If you can get him
there within the hour.

[Ferg] Walt. You should go help Billy.

I can drive Harp out to the feds.

The landscape out here is stunning.

It really is.

The depth of color, the scale of it all.

Not to mention that John Ford sky.


We like it here.

[Eddie] That's it.

I've made up my mind.

I've been threatening to take
up watercolors for years,

but I'm gonna do it now.

Get myself some nice brushes, an easel.

What do you think?

I think...

having a hobby like painting

might help pass the time in prison.

[tires squeal]

That's weird.

What's going on?

[laughing] Who knows?

It's like the Wild West out here,
ain't it?

My dad would love this.

Pure Peckinpah.

It's like they're cutting
you off at the pass.

[g*ns cocking]

[a*t*matic g*nf*re]