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03x12 - Prodigal

Posted: 10/15/21 06:21
by bunniefuu
[Rachel] d*ck is dying.

I can feel it.

Can you find him?

[Rachel] Follow me.

[Gar] d*ck!

[Rachel] No!

[Rachel breathing heavily]

[Gar] Rach, is there
anything you can do?

[Rachel sobs] d*ck!

[Rachel] No.

It's too late.

[somber music playing]


[bats screeching]

[dramatic music playing]

[distorted snarling]



Gar, now!

[screeching continues]

[ominous music playing]

[Gar] Rachel?

Is he gonna make it?

I don't know.

[theme music playing]

[metallic scraping]

- [Jason] Nightwing is dead.
- [Crane] Batman saved my toy.

[Crane chuckles]

A trinket of our courtship together.

Who would have thought
he was so sentimental?

[Jason] Did you hear me?

I said Nightwing is dead!

So? He wasn't my monster.

[metal clangs]

He's your monster.

What do you want, a cookie? [chuckles]

But you said that's what you wanted.

When it was done,
we would save Gotham our way.

Gotham will be saved,
but first it must be destroyed.

As clever hopes expire,
waves of fear and anger

circulate over the bright and
darkened lands of the Earth.

What the f*ck kind of gibberish is that?

No, not gibberish, no. It's the past
come to life in the present.

An ode to the Bat and his wee Bird

from when they stopped me.

But they can't stop me now.

No, they can't stop me now


because we will walk
among them. The dead.

And the fallen city will be like...

It'll be like a beacon.

Very soon, Jason. Very,
very soon they will die.

Yes, they will die.

- Who will die?
- All of them!

All of them. Everybody.

You still stink of fear.
After all that I've given you.

You said I was gonna be a savior.

I won't help you destroy the city.

[sighs] Well...

perhaps you won't.



Keep running, boy... keep running.

"As the clever hopes expire,
waves of fear and anger...

waves of fear and anger...
waves of fear and anger".

There's heavy smoke coming from
an expl*si*n south of the dock.

Last radio alert said that someone saw

Crane's cops at Greene and Sixth.

They're wiping out the
Resistance cells one by one.

Heading east. Right toward us.
We don't have much time.

Let's get everyone together.
Go over the plan again

and make sure everyone's
armed and ready.

[Stephen] Grab them while they're hot.

[Janet] Where'd did you get those?

Tim's got a secret closet,
I got a secret stash.

[Tim] Hey, cuz. Know how to use an U*i?

[exhales softly]

Nightwing is dead.


That... that's impossible.

A guy had photos of his dead
body in the street.

I've got them, it's him.

Show me.

You can't believe everything you see.

Those don't look real to you?

Scarecrow's weaving his web.
We don't know what's real.

[Janet] It's real enough for me.

If superheroes are dying,
we don't stand a chance.

We need to get out of Gotham.

Find a way past the GCPD Border Patrol.

I got friends who tried. They're dead.

I heard there might be an underground
route north of the docks.

- If we can make it there...
- Go if you want.

I'm fighting to save Gotham.

Son... there's no Gotham left to save.

Not if we just give up.

Enough trying to be a superhero.

Last time you almost died.

No one's going to die.

Stay here. I'll be back.

[cell door buzzes]

The f*ck do you think you're doing?

What you should have done.


[CCTV camera beeps]

[Crane] Sorry I'm late
for our daily chat.



You know, I lost
my right-hand man recently

and I was feeling a tad bit lonely.

But then I realized, well, I have a man.

And I have a right hand.


So what the heck? [laughs]
Now for our daily trivia.

What's merrier than Christmas
and jollier than an elf?

[in sing-song voice]
Johnny in the Batcave.

[Crane laughing]

Oh? You don't like it, huh?

It's a tough crowd. It's a tough crowd.

Oh, I know something
that will perk you up.

Nightwing is dead.

[dramatic droning note plays]

A dismal duel to the death
between two beloved Bat brothers.

Poetic or pathetic, you be the judge.

Come on. How about
a little bit of appreciation

for all of my hard work.
And cool it on the feels.

You know, the tragic end of Nightwing,

it's just an aperitif.

The main course is the death
of your beloved city.

I only wish Papa Jim and Batman
were around to savor it with you...

along with your dearly departed

d*ck Grayson. God, I miss him already.

Anyways, stay tuned. See you soon.

Same Crane channel, same Crane time.

[device beeps]


[Gar's voice echoing] Rachel?
Is he going to make it?

[Rachel's voice echoing] I don't know.

[Crane's voice echoing] In the
beginning, there was fear.

[voice echoing] Where am I?


Your story begins the night
your parents died.

When Mommy and Daddy died,
a door in you closed.

You closed it in an attempt
to avoid further pain.

Didn't quite work though, did it?

What are you talking about?

When a parent dies, it's like

the ground beneath you
suddenly gives way.

You trust nothing good again, not fully.

You live in fear.

But Bruce Wayne, he showed
you how to live with that fear.

Punish it, strike first.

And then that's all you had.
Fear and rage.

You felt fear, and dealt rage.


[indistinct shouting]

Don't you get it?

The battle for your soul... is over.

You lost.

- [Rachel] d*ck...
- You chose the path...

- Talk to me.
- ... of Bruce Wayne.

But he was not your father.

You are the son of John Grayson.

And he would be so disappointed
with the man that you've become.

You're failing him.

Just like you failed everyone.

[Nightwing] Donna!

[device beeping]


He never stood a chance too.

[Nightwing] Hold on!

[Crane] You always wanted him dead.

- No.
- [Crane] So you k*lled him.

No, it was the Joker.

The Joker was just a w*apon
in your hands.

[Joker cackling]

[Crane] You always wanted Jason gone.

So you abandoned him.

You hated him.

You wanted to be
the Detective's only son.

And then Jason came
and he took your place.

He took your home...

he took your father.


You holding a g*n to his head tonight,

that was as predictable
as the sun rising.

[Jason] No, please.
Don't. Please don't do this.


[rock music playing]

I need your keys and your car.

f*ck off.

Don't make me ask twice.


She's a stick.

She grinds a little bit
coming out there.

Just watch the suspension.

There's a quarter t*nk of gas left.

Just keep an eye on
the fuel gauge, okay?

[Krypto barking]


Where is he?


[Krypto barking]



[Conner gasping]

Who did this to you?


f*ck the Titans. Let it go.

d*ck said we were family.

But family is supposed
to be there for you.

Not betray you.

I'm done pretending that's possible.

From now on, I do what I want.

I don't know what I want.

There's a part of me that wants to
destroy d*ck for what he did to me.

There's the part that says
the family is everything,

and I should always do good, not harm.

Maybe we can do good together,

as a team.

- A team?
- Why not?

I've got some loose ends to tie up.

We could do it together.

Then keep going.

- Just you and me?
- [barks]

[Blackfire] And Krypto.

[chuckles softly]

- You're serious?
- We both know what it's like,

to be treated as if we don't belong.

We can make sure others like us

get the respect
and protection they deserve.

Like Hawk and Dove.

Be our own super duo.

- Who?
- [chuckles]


You're right.

f*ck the Titans.

[Stephen] Oh, shit!

- Incoming.
- Crane's cops. Take your positions.

Tim. Keep the safety on until showtime.

You got this, son.

Be careful.

If anyone gets past us,

- you know what to do.
- I love you.

[dramatic music intensifies]

[engine revving]

Don't ding up your ride.

[sighs in relief]

[ethereal music plays]

[grunts softly]

Can you sense him in there?

He has to fight, Gar.

We can't help him, anymore.
He has to fight.

[sighs] He will.

[Rachel] What's wrong?

[Gar groans] I'm okay.

The bat... I'm still working through it.

How did you do that?

I don't know.

These new changes, they always
happen when I'm afraid.

It's like, my ability to change

is locked behind a door.

And fear...

[sighs] Fear cracks it open
for a brief moment.

And then it just slams shut again.

When it happens, when I start to change,

it feels like I'm dying.

I know I can do more, I can...

be more.

I just don't want it
to always be this way.

My whole life, I thought it was hate

that gave me power.

Like my father.

You're nothing like him.

I know that.

But I know that because when
it came time for me to face him...

it wasn't hate...

that gave me power.

It was love, for you...

for d*ck...

for Kory.

I wouldn't let him hurt you

because I loved you

and that gave me all the strength
I could possibly need.

It unlocked everything for me.

Close your eyes.

Trust me.

When you saw d*ck's body, you felt...

so much pain.

But then you saw the bats.

You knew you had to join them.

They found you because...

they knew you loved d*ck Grayson.

You have everything you need.

[water sloshing]

Something is happening.

[crowbar clanging]


[d*ck panting]

[Crane] You're mine now.

And you are never going to escape.


I don't want this.

[dramatic music intensifying]

[triumphant music playing]

[boy laughing]

[serene music playing]


Dad, I'm sorry.

I lost my way.

I was trying to be someone I'm not.

And I failed you.

It's okay, son.

I love you.

[girl] Daddy, come here.

Hi, Daddy.

[Crane reciting] "What huge imago made

a psychopathic god:

I and the public know

what all schoolchildren learn

those to whom evil is done

do evil in return".

[suspenseful music playing]



Your father wasn't
the only one you failed.

You failed Jason as well.

- There's still time.
- Time for what?

- Time to change him.
- To change? No.

No, no, no. He works for me now.

All it took was a simple fear treaty.

And poof! His soul was mine.

I can stop you.

No, you can never stop me now.

You had your chance and you failed.

[triumphant music playing]




- [Krypto barks]
- [gasps]

Hey, why are you in here, huh?

Why? You got a leash law?

Oh, my God.

I'm dreaming. You're Superboy.

And you're an assh*le.

What? Wait. What are you doing?

That's up to my girlfriend.

Is it okay if I call you my girlfriend?

You better.

Uh, hi, Blackfire.

Well, it is... it is
so great to see you.

And how cool that you two
are a couple, right?

Man, I love when people find love.

I see you're still hard at work
doing the government's ill deeds.

I prefer to call it research.


You have firepower now.

- That is very...
- Hot.

Look, I understand you have
some unresolved feelings,

but... if I could ask, very politely,

that, if, maybe you could refrain

from destroying government property.

Hm. Good point. It's not
the stuff, that's the problem.

It's the people.

Please don't hurt me.

You didn't care
when you were hurting me.

Wait! Wait!

I have something you want.

- He's lying.
- No, no, no, no, I'm not.

If you let me live, I'll prove it.

Prove it.

Is that your ship?


You told me you destroyed it.

Yeah, that was a tiny white lie.

We retrieved it so we could study.

But, uh, in light of recent events

and in exchange for
my physical well-being,

I would love to return it to you.

And I'll even nix the storage fee.

That was a joke.

[Blackfire] I have no use for it.

What do you mean?
It's your only way home.

Why would I want to return home

to a planet where everyone hates me?

The people of Tamaran
treated me just like you did.

And they were wrong.

We were all wrong.

How did you find me?

You said you had unfinished business.

Figured this was the first
place you'd go.

If you're here to k*ll me...

I'm happy to meet the challenge.

I'm not here to k*ll anyone.

But we need to talk.



[breathing heavily]


It's okay now, you're safe.

Let us help you.

Are you all right?

What... what happened down there?

Crane can be stopped.

There's still time.

Wait, d*ck, you need to rest, man.

Anton and First Street, there's
an abandoned control room.

Find Conner. Make sure he is okay.

Unite the Titans.

Unite the Titans where?

Take them to Donna.

Did he just say Donna?

Apparently they haven't
secured the Kane Bridge,

or the Tenth Street tunnel,

so those are our best routes
out of the city.

You wanna get my family
out of Gotham? Fine.

But I'm staying with you to fight.

- This isn't a debate.
- And you're not my mother.

No, but she's right there. Do
you see that look on her face?

She can't lose her only son.

So if you give one shit about her,

you'll stop being yammering
and do as I say.

I didn't make it across that bridge

to come back and be a coward.

You made it across that bridge
because Hank made a sacrifice.

He put your life before his because
that's what a true hero does.

You wanna be a hero?

Save your mom's life, and f*cking live.

Get in the damn truck.

Classic Gotham bullshit.

All my life...

this feeling like I was more...

that I was meant to be a queen.

You are.

It's your destiny.

[Blackfire] And you had no idea...

- this entire time?
- No.

The visions led me to it.

I wish it weren't true.

[Blackfire] It's not your fault.

Our parents did this.

They lied...

to both of us.

But a queen's power lies not in
shedding tears over battles lost.

I finally know my truth.

Now I want my throne.

How long will it take
to prepare my ship to Tamaran?

You wanna go back?

Uh, actually,

about that one small thing
about your ship, Your Majesty...

Is that what they call
queens on Tamaran?

- Is there a different term or...
- On with it. What about my ship?

Uh, in studying its unique
and powerful fuel orb,

my research team, uh,
accidentally... destroyed it.

Well, we'll mine some more.

[Starfire] It's not that simple.

The ore is plentiful on Tamaran

but it doesn't exist here on Earth.

Yeah. We mined what's
most comparable, but to...

develop that into the purified
compound that your ship needs...

Well, that takes the kind of
intense heat and pressure

that's only achievable
at the Earth's core

and applied over several centuries.

We don't need any of that.

We have Superboy.

Can we, uh...

Can we talk?

Why are you doing this?

You know Kryptonians
can't survive on Tamaran.

And why do you even wanna go back?

You said it yourself,
they never appreciated you.

But now it's different.

Now, I'm their queen.

[scoffs] So you need to be
a queen to matter?

You mattered to me
from the moment I saw you.


Stay here with me.

To hell with everyone else.

I wish I could.

- But it's not that simple.
- [sighs]

So you're just like the rest of them.

You promise one thing,
and then change the rules.

I meant what I said about
wanting us to be together.

But ever since I was a girl...

there's been a voice inside me,

that says that I am meant to be more

than what others make me out to be.

Now I finally know...

that voice was telling me
who I really am.

If I don't go back to Tamaran...

I won't be whole.

And if I don't go back now...

I never will.

- I know it's a lot to ask.
- [sighs]

But please... will you help me?

[Gar] Conner?


[Rachel] Hey, over here.

- What is that?
- Kryptonite.

So, Conner was here.

What the hell happened?

Where did he go?

[static crackles]

[Tim over radio] ... location.

[Gar] Huh, something
in here still works?

[Tim over radio] ... th
Street and Keane Avenue.

Do not come to this location.

Resistance no longer secure.

Repeat. We are no longer secure.

- Titan on site leading the evacuation.
- "Titan on site".

Don't even think about it.

- I'm staying here to fight.
- [sighs in exasperation]

And don't tell me I need
to do this for my family.

They made their choices.

My dad was a cop.

Every day he walked out the door,

we had no guarantee he'd come back.

But that's the life he chose.
And we respected it.

This is different.

I'm not gonna let you sign up
for some su1c1de mission.

Oh, so now you have a crystal ball.

I have reality.

Me, Nightwing, Hawk, Dove...

You think you can do better than us?

Survive things that we couldn't?

All I know is...

even before you and Hawk
helped me across that bridge...

I knew why I had to come back.

And it wasn't to save my family.

It was to help save Gotham,
to be the next Robin.

And if I die doing it, then so be it.

There's just one problem.

You're not Robin.

Having some secret tech basement
doesn't mean that you're ready

to leap off buildings with a cape.

I mean, hell, I was literally
born to do this,

and I still ended up
training my whole life.

And even with that, there's no guarantee

that I'll be able to make a difference.

At least you'll have tried.

Hank wasn't born to be Hawk.

He just knew that was his path.

So he followed it.

Hank knew what he was getting into.

You may think you do,

but you've got no f*cking idea.

And he would tell you
the same thing if he was here.

No, he wouldn't.

He'd roll the dice and give me a chance.

Yeah, well, he's dead. So, I win.

Win what? When we were on that train,

I fought to get back here

because I have to pursue my destiny.

You may not think I'm meant
to be the next Robin,

but I know I am.

I'm asking you to believe in me.

Just give me a chance.


Your destiny will have to wait.

Uh, keep in mind,
for the orb to be viable...

The heat and pressure have to be
maintained at , degrees Celsius

and five million kilopascals or
the molecules become unstable

and render it unfit for use.

Believe it or not, I don't need
the idiot who destroyed this stuff

to teach me how not to screw it up.

- You're still here.
- Oh, uh...

I'll go.

That's right, m*therf*ckers!
The Hood is back!

Nightwing is gone and this
is the thanks you give me?

Jason... it's okay.

- It's me.
- What the f*ck?

Don't do this to me.

I saw you die. Right here.

I was in the Pit. Like
you, I came out alive.

The Pit?

Who took you there?

I don't know. Gar and Rachel
were there when I came out.

We don't have time. I need your help.

You want me to help you?

I'm a f*cking m*rder*r.

You know how Crane is operating.
You know how he thinks.

He needs to be stopped or a
lot more people are gonna die.

You want redemption?

Do you?

This is the first step.

You can't stop him.

He's got everything.

The police, the Batcave.

He's gonna take
the whole f*cking city down.

- How?
- You think I know?

He doesn't tell me shit.

He must have said something. Think.

It was all crazy shit.

"Like waves of anger and fear".

"The bright and darkened
lands of the Earth".

Something about an attack you
and Bruce stopped a long time ago.

Years ago, Crane sent a poem

to Jim Gordon with clues
about an attack on Gotham.

A chain of expl*sives
to release his fear toxin.

We stopped him before
he had a chance to set it off.

Bruce took Crane's weapons

and put them in the Gotham
Armory to study them.

And Crane is in the Batcave.

So he knows where those weapons are.

And so do we now.

We need to go.

So, I'm a Titan again?

No, you'll never be a Titan again.

But you can help me save Gotham.

How do I know you're not
going to k*ll me?

Because now I know
what it's like to die.

- You okay?
- I'm not sure.

I've wanted this for so long.

What if they still don't accept me?

If you want, I could go with you.

And leave your family here forever?

You are my family.

I could vouch for you.

Help people understand
what happened to us.


This is something I'm going
to have to do on my own.


Let's fire her up.

[engine powering up]


Something is wrong. Turn it off.

[dramatic music playing]

Try going north by the piers.

It'll get us straight to th Street.

Crane's cops have it blocked
off for a command center.

Take Adams, it's faster.

But it's a main artery. They
will have eyes all over it.

Speaking of eyes...

We've got company behind us.

[sirens wailing]

They see a Titan, it's game over.

- [tires screeching]
- [sirens stop]

Evening. Jack Drake, GCPD. Retired.

I signed up when Crane recruited

extra help to root out the Resistance.

- And the kid?
- Just showing my son the ropes,

so he can be your next recruit.

Anybody in back?

Just gear and bottled water.

Gotta stay sane.

- Show me.
- [Jack] Sure.

Not you. The kid.

Yes, sir.



Follow my lead.

Looks like your destiny
arrived after all.

[cell door buzzes]



Don't. Crane wants her alive.


Oracle. Command activate.


If you're there, tell me
how to bring you back.

Let's go.

I don't get it.

There supposed to be, like, ampules.

What the f*ck is that?

"Bright and darkened lands
of the Earth".

- What are you talking about?
- Crane's poem.

His w*r on Gotham.


My babies have come home.


[ominous music playing]

September has come.

It is the month for dying.

[laughter echoes]

["New Rose" playing]

♪ I got a feeling inside of me ♪

♪ It's kind of strange
like a stormy sea ♪

♪ I don't know why I don't know why ♪

♪ I guess these things have got to be ♪

♪ I gotta new rose I got it good ♪

♪ Guess I knew that I always would ♪

♪ I can't stop to mess around ♪

♪ I got a brand new rose in town ♪

♪ See the sun see the sun it shines ♪

♪ Don't get too close
or it'll burn your eyes ♪

♪ Don't you run away that way ♪

♪ You can come back another day ♪

♪ I got a new rose I got it good ♪

♪ Guess I knew that I always would ♪

♪ I can't stop to mess around ♪

♪ I got a brand new rose in town ♪

♪ I got a feeling inside of me ♪

♪ It's kind of strange
like a stormy sea ♪

♪ I don't know why I don't know why ♪

♪ I guess these things have got to be ♪

♪ I got a new rose I got her good ♪

♪ Guess I knew that I always would ♪

♪ I can't stop to mess around ♪

♪ I got a brand new rose in town ♪