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04x08 - X Box Glimpse Spotlight

Posted: 10/14/21 10:13
by bunniefuu

Sam texted us an "X."

What does that mean?

Our deal with the kids.

Tim, if they ever need
an emergency ride home,

all they have to do is
text an "X," an address,

we go pick them up, no questions asked.

Where is my good bra?

Can I go like this? I
feel like this is good.

She's never texted us an "X" before.

What do you think that means?

I don't know. It sounds dirty.

I mean, that might just
be 'cause of the "X."

Maybe we should've called
it "Come and Get Me."

'Cause that can't sound sexual
unless they said, like...

(BREATHILY): "Come and get me."

But why would they say that?

Stop it. Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- SOPHIA: Mom?

I had a bad dream you were abandoning me

in the middle of the...

Oh, no.

Oh, sh**t.

Somebody needs to stay
here for Sophia. You stay.

- No, you.
- Oh, Tim.

This is even worse than being abandoned.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Okay, I'm not gonna ask any questions,

but why are you wet?

- That's a question, Mom.
- I know, I know. I hear that now.

- Can we just go?
- Well, you just asked a question.

- Mom.
- Okay, fine. Fine, fine, fine.

The "X" text sucks.

Okay? I'm sorry.

Somebody gets into your car soaking wet,

you want to know why.
Right? This is still America.

You're not the only one who
had a rough night, you know.

I fell asleep eating kale
chips. They're that boring.

(SIGHS) Tim, I just...
I-I can't do this.

I need to know what happened last night.

- So ask Sam.
- No.

Because if I ask her, she
won't text us next time

because she'll never trust us again.

- I'm sure she's fine now.

That's where her dreams
are supposed to go.

HEATHER: Hey, guys.

What you up to?

Well, we're actually having
our first real struggle

about where we want to be in our lives.

Yeah, so, I need a favor
from the two of you.

Last night,

Sam texted Dad and me an "X."

Oh, yeah, we know.

- She told us all about it.
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, okay, 'cause, I
mean, she told me a lot.

Like, you know, she told
me all about the pool stuff.

- Right?
- Yeah, I can't comment

as to whether there
was or was not a pool.

- Okay.
- Do I need to remind you

about the "X" text rules?

No, you do not, because the rules are

that I can't ask the texter,

but I can ask other people.

Yeah, I think you would agree

that that's a liberal
interpretation of the rules.

I would agree that you
live here rent-free.

- Look, Mom, I understand how you feel.

But the important thing
is that Sam is fine.

Yeah. Well... she will be.

That is all that Clementine
has to say at this time.



- What are you doing?
- Shh!

(WHISPERING): I'm trying
to unlock Sam's phone

using facial recognition

so that I can get into her social media,

find out what happened.

- You can't do that.
- I know.

She's sleeping on her stomach.
You got to flip her over.

Gently. Just...


- Aw.
- Oh.

God, I remember when I used
to pick her up from school

and she would talk the entire way home.

She would tell me every detail.

Who she liked, who was mean,
who cried, who threw up.

It's Sam.

If she wants to talk to us, she will.

- I know.
- Come on.


Okay, no, no, no, no.

Heather, don't.

Oh. I'm gonna go see if
Tyler wants to cuddle.

Clementine always makes it weird.

I love you.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I just wanted to tell you...

I feel lucky to have a mom like you.

- Oh.
- I was worried

you were going to
badger me about the party

and ask everyone in the
family a million questions,

like, never let it die.

(LAUGHS) Right. That
would never happen, okay?

This is me that we're
talking about, right?

Well, thank you.

'Cause tons of people got in trouble.

A bunch of college kids
got put on probation.

What a party.

- You have no idea.
- Mmm.






Thank you.

I'm glad you could use Heather's ticket.

It's really cool that
I called to invite Matt

and you invited yourself instead.

I know. It really pays off

to answer your husband's
phone and read his texts.

Well, we're gonna have fun tonight.

- I love these French circus shows.
- Oh, me, too.

I just want to lose myself
in the acrobatic fantasy

and forget who I am for one night.

You're not gonna talk like that
through the whole show, are you?

Damn it.

- Damn it!
- What happened?

Did you see an ex-girlfriend?

Kind of. Your poutine.

French fries, cheese curds and gravy.

Everything I love.

Oh, and that you can't eat anymore.

Since the heart surgery,

everything I eat is
just steamed sadness.

I am so sorry. I'll go eat
it quickly over a garbage can.

Oh, my favorite way to eat it. Ooh.

- Let me just have one bite.
- I don't think I should.

Come on, I'm a big boy. I
can handle a little poutine.


- Mmm.
- Okay, that's enough.

(LAUGHS): Oh, you're gonna
have to get two of these.

It's gonna be a great night.



Why have you forsaken me?


- You okay?
- Oh, yeah.

I just like to sit real
still during these shows.

Clap with my eyes.

- Okay.

Oh, I love this.

French clowns are so much better

than American clowns
because they're mean.


Oh. I think I need to leave
something in the bathroom.


No, no, no, no, not now.

They're gonna come in the
audience and pick somebody.

I hope it's us.

If you look too eager,
they will not pick you,

- so look away.
- Got it.


No. No, no, no. I'm too eager.

I-I got something going
on with my stomach.

Oh. Lève-to ma ma mootee, eh?

But that's not even French.

You can understand me.


(SIGHS) Jealous.


- Please, just let me go back.



No, no, you got to pick somebody else.

There's something going on inside me.

Yves Saint Laurent.

That's just a handbag designer!

Oh, God.

Wait a second, wait a second.

This is not... this is not a good plan.

We need a different plan. God, please...



(CHUCKLES) Bonjour.

No, no, no, I have
to go to the bathroom!

Don't do this to me!


- Mmm.


Oh, God, not here.

Not like this.



- Mind over matter.


You don't have to go.

(STRAINED): Oh, yes, you do!

Ooh, I got to go, I
got to go, I got to go.

(GROANS) What's taking so long?

This is not a good trick!


No. Uh, maybe, uh, this key.

Ah, j'adore Ratatouille, hmm?

(SCOFFS) That's it.

I'm taking a picture.



- Oh! Ooh!



Je t'aime, oh là là.

It's Tim, from the box.

I need to go to the bathroom.

- Ouais.
- Ouais.



(GASPS) Shut up. No, you didn't.


- Tim?
- Heather, it's Tim.

I need help. I've been locked
in a box by French clowns,

and I have diarrhea.

Okay, okay, all right. Well, calm down.

I'm afraid I'm gonna let loose
in front of this whole theater.

They're never gonna be
able to use this box again.

I don't know how much
longer I can hold it.

Oh, here comes another contraction!

Heather, you got to help me.

Oh, Tim, honey, I would,
but I can't right now.

I'm having wine with Jen.

Hi, Tim.

Hi, Jen.

I'm in a box with diarrhea.

Yeah. Yeah, I heard.

So, honey, what-what
do you want me to do?

Just call the theater. Tell
them to... end the trick.

I think by the time I do that,

you know, the trick
will probably be over.

I know. I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have eaten the poutine.

Oh, Tim, you broke your diet.

- Uh...

did you just text me an "X"?


Come get me. No questions asked.



I'm dead on the floor.


Dear God,

if you get me through this,

I swear I'll only eat healthy
for the rest of my life.




(GROANS) Please, Father,

use your gentle hand
to hold this inside me.

- Hey!
- Oh!




Hold it.

Hold it. Hold it.

But wasn't he supposed
to sit down in his seat?

(AMERICAN ACCENT): Yep. That's not good.

Oh, oh!

Everybody out of the way!



So close.




Ta-da! Ta-da! Ta-da! Ta-da! Ta-da!

- Ta-da! Ta-da!
- Hi, sweetie.

- Ta-da!
- You okay?

Yeah, yeah.

No, I'm just, you know, exhausted,

and the baby's starving.

- And I don't know what Lark is doing.
- Ta-da! Ta-da! Ta-da!

- Ta-da!
- You know what, go upstairs

to Greg's old room,
breastfeed, and sleep.

John and I will take care of Lark.

Oh, really? Thank you so much.

You know, I know I complain
about these brunches,

but I'm just so lucky to be
part of such a close family.


You complain about these brunches?

Who said that?


Honey, what's the matter? What is it?

I just saw Jen's boob.

What? How?

Well, I-I had to go to the bathroom,

so I use the one up in Greg's room.

And Jen was there, asleep.

And it was out.

So she doesn't even know.

That's wonderful.

But... No. But she will know.

I've got to tell her.

No, no, no, no, no. Trust me.

Don't tell her.

You'll only embarrass her.

(STAMMERS) But the world is changing.

I need to get out in front of this.

You see something, you say something.

Dear, that's at the airport.

Just let this go.

Nothing catching your eye?

No, uh, uh, not even looking.

Oh. Well, I don't blame you.

Colleen brought a peanut
butter and jelly frittata.

(CHUCKLES) I mean,
call me old-fashioned,

but I like my 'tatas plain and simple.

- Yeah, yeah.

I mean, I don't think
I'm really hungry. Mm-hmm.

Oh, hey, by the way, thank
you for watching my girls.

You know, you and Joan
just always do so much

to make me feel welcome in this family,

and-and now you've really
made me feel comfortable.

I saw your boob.


Yeah, y-you were
asleep, feeding the baby,

with your boob out.

That's fine. I mean,
I breastfeed in public

all the time. It's natural.

No, no. The feeding was over.

The baby was down,
and-and the boob was up.

Like, all of it.

Oh, God.

I-I-I'm a horrible person.

No better than Tim.

Okay, look. It was an accident.

So let's just never mention this again

and forget the whole thing.

Oh. Roger that.

It's all good, buddy.

I apologized, and Jen forgave me.

- For what?
- For seeing her boob.

You saw my wife's boob?

Well, that's your first mistake.

She's her own wife, not yours.

Time to evolve, Greg.

Why didn't you tell me
my dad saw your boob?

- Oh. You already told him.
- Mm.

John, I thought you
were letting this go.

JEN: Oh.

He told you, too. Fun.

Calm down.

I told Joanie before you.

And I told you not to tell her.

JEN: Mm-hmm.

Okay, I need a moment alone.

Can I come?

Why not?

There's no such thing
as privacy in this home.


If you want to make this better,

stop embarrassing Jen.

Ooh, John! What'd you
embarrass Jen about?

Oh. Wait, what's going
on with you and Jen?

Yeah, Dad, what happened?

Something must have happened.

- What's happening?
- Okay, fine.

I know she wouldn't want me
telling this to you guys, but...

Jen saw my penis.


I was upstairs feeding the baby,

and she walked in.

I didn't even know.

How'd you not know?

I'd fallen asleep.

Feeding the baby?

- Yes.
- While your penis was out?

Yes, exactly.

A-And I know

it's an unlucky situation,

but Jen has nothing to
be embarrassed about.

HEATHER: Okay, Jen,

I am so sorry about my dad.

Seriously, John? You
told the entire family?

Yep. Now the whole family
knows you saw my ween.



What happened in my old room?

Oh, it's so weird.

John saw my boob.

While you were looking at his ween?

No. I wasn't looking
at his anything, okay?

I was feeding the baby, I fell asleep,

and John walked in.

Then why did you tell us
that she saw your Lone Ranger?

- What is the matter with you?

I think because he was trying

to protect me from
being embarrassed by...

I don't know, embarrassing himself.

Pretty clever, right? (CHUCKLES)

So amazingly stupid.

I actually preferred it when
you just told me the truth.

You know? No matter
how hard it was to hear.

I also saw your boob.

I will end you, Tyler.

Does anyone in this family knock?

We're not big knockers.


Okay. Well, anyone else see my boob?

It is the most private
bathroom in the house.


Okay. Well, time to feed
the baby again, so...

anyone who missed the 11:30 show,

please follow me.

Everyone stays in this room.



Look at this.

Hmm? Two dads watching their kids play?

- Yeah.
- It's pretty cool.


And, hey, I know you're new at this,

so if you need any dad-vice, I'm here.


Did you just say "dad-vice"?

Yeah. It's mine. Don't use it.

Oh, oh. Looks like a
show's about to start.






- She's been taking lessons.
- Yeah.

In piano?



JEN: Oh, you did so good, honey.

And she hit every key!

I don't think you left a key untouched.

(QUIETLY): Sorry about that.

Lark casts a pretty big
shadow, but give it some time.

I'm sure Lucas will
find his own way to...


Why didn't you tell
us he could play piano?

I didn't know he could play piano.

Boy, I really like how you
can tell what song it is.

Yeah, it's the one from
the carpet commercial.

♪ We have carpets, indoor, outdoor ♪

♪ Brown, beige, tan,
beige, brown and white. ♪


- Oh!

Hey, Greg,

let me know if you need any dad-vice.

You know, you're not
even saying that the ri...

Well, okay, I guess
that is the right way.


Oh, my gosh! Ragtime!

Hey, buddy. Guess...

who just learned how
to play "Tiny Dancer"?

Mom's favorite song.

- Yeah.
- Subtle.

Came on the radio, and
he just picked it up.

Well, that's not a big deal.
That's like me and beatboxing.

Our whole M.O. as parents

is just to nurture the nature in him.

You don't have an M.O.
You don't even know

what M.O. stands for.

I'll just ask Lucas.

He'll know.

Where did you find that?

Oh, no, this found me.

You have been a dad for three weeks.

Well, you don't get to
be the world's greatest

by working slow. (CHUCKLES)

Daddy, look.

Oh, wow.

Look at this, everybody.

Lark's Eiffel Tower.

Ooh, is that perfect!

I feel like I'm in Paris.

(WHISPERS): I hate the French.

Good work, Lark.

Lucas made it for me.

What's that?

That's my son.

He's talented and generous. Hey, Mommy?

We are doing a great job.

Oh, my God, I love it
when you call me Mommy.

- Okay, this is disgusting, all of it.
- Hey, buddy,

come on, now, don't beat yourself up.

It's okay that you haven't
taught your daughter

to explore her creativity.

My daughter explores plenty.

Certainly looks like it.

JOAN: Oh, sweetie.

Would you like a tissue?

She learned that from her mother.


Okay, so... Lark,
stop picking your nose.

Okay, so, when we get out
there, okay, I'm gonna hide

this five of spades right
here under Uncle Matt's chair,

and when I say so, you
grab that card and you say,



- Yeah. No, not yet.
- Ta-da!

- Okay, I think I see what's...
- Ta-da! Ta-da!

Uh, it is a fun word, but
let's not say that word

until everyone is watching, okay?

MATT: What's going on here?

Are you teaching Lark magic
tricks to get attention?


Look, you don't get it, man, all right?

Lark had the spotlight all to herself,

until someone came along
and stole it from her.

You just described my entire life.

I used to be the center of attention

until you were born, but I got over it.

- No, you didn't.
- But I don't bring it up.

Yes, you do, all the time.

Yeah, because it hurts
giving up the spotlight.

That's why, 36 years later,

you can't give it up to your own nephew.


Daddy, I forgot what the word was.



♪ When I see you, baby
girl, I be like, num num ♪

We adopted a star.

I mean, was it a
performing arts orphanage?

♪ I gotta have it... ♪

Can I show everybody my magic trick now?


you know what?

We're all watching
Lucas dance right now.

And he's pretty great.

Thanks, man. So is Lark.

♪ That num num, give it to me
before I start to act up... ♪

Hey, Lucas, maybe when you're done,

you and Lark can go
out and ride bikes, huh?

I don't know how to ride a bike.


Maybe Lark can teach him.