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01x02 - 177 Minutes

Posted: 10/14/21 06:08
by bunniefuu
I need you on the stand to
confirm your earlier testimony.

You want someone to lie

for you on the stand?

You can get someone else.

Not me. Your Honor.

I work for the Catholic Church.

So you're a priest?

An assessor.

My colleague Ben and I
are hired

by the Church to investigate
unexplained phenomena.

The Church has a backlog
of about 500,000 requests

for exorcisms and, uh,
miracle appraisals.

I didn't know that was a job.

A night terror?

Shadow figure was in my dream.

Called himself "George."

This guy Townsend,
you know him?

I've seen him, in other guises.

That man is a psychopath

who feels less alone
when he gets others

to do what he does. Don't you remember?

Julia. Weepy little bitch.

We got our next assignment.Hmm.

And it's not
demonic possession.

What is it?
A miracle.

Is she joining us?

I mean, I could have a look.

Blessed art thou
among women.

Blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners,

now, and at the hour
of our death.

Blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners,

now, and at the hour
of our death.


Blessed art thou among women

and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.

You know what I like
about sex?

Holy Mary,

mother of God...That moment when
you see in her eye

that she wants you....pray for us sinners...

Kristen wants, and at the hour
of our death. Amen.

And when she bites you,
oh, my God.

Hail Mary, full of...

And screams,
like she's out of her mind.

You can't tell me
that's from heaven.

You don't say she
screams like a saint,

you say she screams like
a frickin' demon.

I'm sorry.

Did that distract you?

Why don't you make up
your own prayers?

Why do you keep repeating
that same old crap

over and over again?

Hail Mary, full of grace...

Who's on first?

...the Lord is with thee.

I'm asking you who's on first?

...mother of God,
pray for us sinners...That's the man's name.

That's who's name?


Well, then,
who's on first?


Go ahead and tell me.

That's it.

That's who?


So, how does this work
with a miracle?

Well, we investigate
the medical evidence,

and you, as our psychological
and medical advisor...

I'm a medical advisor?

Yeah, don't be too flattered.
I'm the tech advisor.

Well, you have four years
of undergraduate training,

so you win.And you're cheap.

That's flattering.

So you offer your opinion
as to whether this evidence

is beyond our
scientific understanding.

Is that her?

Yeah. Naomi Clark. 18.

Cardiac arrest in the middle
of a college soccer game.

When did this happen?

Three weeks ago.

No, no!

No. No...

Oh, God, oh...

How long has she been dead?

Almost three hours.

Oh, my God.

- Begin recording.
- I'm starting an incision

at 8:36 p.m.

Patient was an 18-year-old
African American female

with no significant
past medical history.

First incision will be
at the jaw line.

There is no...


It's not a miracle.

I wish it were.
We could avoid a lawsuit.

But I don't understand.

Your hospital declared
Naomi dead at 5:33 p.m.

Then, 177 minutes later,
she sat up in the morgue.

Look, I know you're invested in
proving this is a miracle...

No, actually, we're not....and I agreed

to let the archdiocese
ask me a few questions,

but medicine has limits
to its knowledge.

You know, it's not all-knowing,
and we're not God.

are different.

Young people tend to bounce
back sooner than expected.

So you're saying
it's because Naomi was young

that she was able
to bounce back?

I'm saying the patient
suffered from bouts

of hyperinflation, and
that gave the appearance

that she was

Hyperinflation? What is that?

A condition in which
the lungs lack elasticity.

The excess air from CPR
gets trapped in the lungs

and keeps the patient
from breathing freely.

So the patient had COPD.

Are you with the Church?


She's our psychological advisor.

Look, these were
emergency circumstances.

The patient was in
cardiac arrest,

and the first responders
were inexperienced.

They rushed the CPR
and didn't realize

her alveoli would be
so inelastic.

That's bull.

So it's not hyperinflation?No.

He's trying to blame us
to dodge a malpractice.

He says you were overanxious
and kept administering CPR.

'Cause she
was dying.

We got our patient to the door.

Rapid response takes over.

So what
do you think happened?

You don't want to know
what I think happened.

Yes, I do.

Look, I'm not religious.

I don't believe
in all that stuff,

but come on.

That girl was dead
for three hours.

I saw her dead.

Lividity sets in
after an hour,

brain death after 90 minutes.

Do you think it was a miracle?

I don't know.

I don't like that word, but...

something happened.

You can call it a miracle,
you can call it just weird,

but something happened.

Do they have cameras
in the operating room?


Just to see what
life-saving precautions

the hospital took.

You mean the trauma bay.

And, yeah, but they erase
that stuff after a week.

So what are you thinking?

I mean, I think
it's possible.

It's happened before, COPD
patient reviving after coding.

But after three hours?
That's just extreme.

Did you ever work on
a malpractice case

at the DA's office?Yeah. Once. Why?

Aren't these surveillance
tapes considered evidence?


Kristen Bouchard.
I thought you were

fired.I was.

But I just can't stay
away from you.

What you eating?


So what are you doing here?

I heard that you're on
this malpractice lawsuit

at Harbor Hospital.

I need surveillance footage
from the hospital that night.

Uh, why would I do that?

Because I can
feed you information

on the hospital's defense.

Kristen. Hey.

Lewis.I'm rushing to court.

Do you have a minute?Of course. Yeah.

Let's talk, Darryl.

Is your husband
still off climbing?

Yes. Another
few weeks.

What do you think about
coming back for a short stint?

You want me to come back here?


It's just a bad time
to look for someone new.

You could carry on the
cases you already started.

Well, my only worry, Lewis,

is that I need a little bit
more certainty

than this job offers.

And you have that
certainty in your new job?

I do.


What kind of certainty
are you looking for?

We got the call.
You got it?

So you got this
from one of the lawyers?

Plaintiff's attorney.


All right, give me a count.

One, two,

three, four, five, six...

Are they rushing the CPR?

No, it doesn't look like it.
Pretty textbook.

BP's falling.

Still no pulse.

What is that?

I don't know. Power surge?




There power surges...
Hold on.

...11, 12...

Did you see that?


Hey, uh...

do it again.

What-- What is that?

I don't understand.

It's... it's been faked.

What do you mean?BEN: I-I mean,

hasn't anyone else seen this?

A lawyer,
but he didn't mention it.

We almost played
through it ourselves.

It was just a flash.

This is a re-used
digital card.

What we're looking at
is an artifact

of an earlier

You can find out?

Oh, yeah.
I'm going to.

Too bizarre for you?

You always seeing angels
in your videos?

Eh, Ben's
probably right.

It's just an artifact
of a digital recording.

Can I ask
you something?

So... you believe
in miracles?

I do.

Do you think I'm crazy?

No, I don't.

But... I just want
to understand.

So... so you think that
if you just pray hard enough,

God's gonna grant
you miracles?

No, it's not like that.
It's, um...

God has designs with...
within designs.

And to us,
they are impenetrable.

My youngest daughter, Laura,

she, um... she was born
with a heart defect

in her mitral valve.

It's just a genetic screw-up.

It's fate. You know,
the-the muscle formed one way

and not another.

But there's a 50-50 chance
that she'll die before she's 20.

Just drop dead in the middle
of anything, really.

Walking, running, sleeping.

Oh, my God.


I'm sorry.

That's okay.

Doctor wants to see
her in three weeks

because the valve may develop
on its own, and it may regress

and in three weeks
we're gonna find out

which it is.

It's weird, really.

The future decided
in one hospital visit.

Just a flip of the coin.

Heads, the valve's developing,

tails, it's regressing
and she'll...

she'll be dead before
she can graduate college.

And if I thought
that prayer

would have any impact
on it at all, I mean,

I would be on my knees
every single night.

I wouldn't go out.
I would pray so much,

I'd shame the saints.

But that's not
how it works, is it?

I mean, there are millions
of religious people praying,

and they still die of
cancer or car accidents.

And there are still bastards
who survive to 90.

So I don't understand
the worth of prayer

if it doesn't help.

I don't know...

I... but I'll pray

for your daughter.

I'll pray for Laura.

Is she all right?

She's great.

She makes me laugh.

I just don't understand

how God could choose
winners and losers.

He doesn't.

But if there are miracles,
then some people get them,

and some people
don't, right?

I mean, isn't that the
problem with miracles?

Not that they happen,
but that they happen

to some people
and not to others.

Do you want to drop out
of this assessment?

I would understand if you did.

No, I-I don't. I...

I want to do this.

But, um...

the DA's office
did ask me to return.

They're offering me a two-year
contract to work with them.

And you want to go back?

I can't turn down the money.

Well, when do you have
to decide?



Well, uh...

let me see what I can do.

What happened?


Laura, are you okay?LEXIS: Laura!

are you okay?

Mom, is she okay?
Do you need water?

Are you all right?


Was your teacher
punching you again?

Can I sleep with you, Mom?
It's wet.


I didn't wet
my bed, Mom.

Shh. It's okay.

It's okay, just
go to sleep.

I didn't.
It was a man.

What man?

He was scary.

He had really big teeth
and red eyes,

and, like, you know,
like a devil-person.

And I couldn't move.

He had a Kn*fe he was
holding to my hand.

Cutting off my fingers.

I mean, that's what
I don't understand.

My daughter is seeing
the exact same things

in her nightmares as I am.

And you never told her
about the imagery

from yournightmares?No. I would never.


I'm sorry.

Second nature.

How similar were
your nightmares?

Both have a demonic creature.Mm-hmm.

With a Kn*fe.
Cutting off fingers.

That's pretty generic.

Could she be reacting
to the same imagery,

like, a-a billboard
you've seen together,

or a... a drawing?

I mean, I-- No, uh,
not that I know of.

Are you still working
with that new job,

that demonic
possession thing?

No. I mean, yes, I am,

but now, um,
it's focused on miracles.

You're looking into miracles?

Medical singularities.

I'm fascinated.

I did a cultural tour in Bali.

Alternative cultures often use

spiritual images
in their psychological work.

It has a great
placebo effect.

I should probably
head out.

I have extra security now,

to protect against theft.

No notes.

I think we should
start up again weekly.

Let me think about it.

So... what do you say,

She wants a
two-year commitment?

She's being offered one
by her old job.

And we don't want
to lose her.

And how is this assessment
at Harbor Hospital going?

The miracle?

Well, that
is debatable.

You know the priest,
Father Augustus?

I do.

I'm not sure God uses an
alcoholic for His miracles.

He used Moses.

You just like being
contentious, don't you?

They call him the
"miracle priest" now.

So you want this all
to go away?

No, I-I just

want an honest assessment.

But I also don't want
the Church embarrassed.Well,

Kristin is giving us
an honest assessment.

And she's a deal.

Okay. Okay.

I'll get you the money.

Interview Augustus.

Make sure he won't
embarrass us.

Where'd you get this?

What is that?

I have no idea.

Do you record over
old digital cards?

No. We do not.

What isthat?

I don't know.
A ghost.

An angel?

What do you want it to be?



Uh, it's nothing.

It sounded like
something. What?

I know who that is.

Bernadette May.

Who's that?

She's a teacher's aide
who was admitted to the hospital

three days earlier, uh,
with a migraine.

So it was an old digital chip

Well... I don't follow.

All right, look,
it's probably nothing.

Well, then, tell us,

what is it?

Bernadette May d*ed
an hour before Naomi.

From a brain aneurism.

I don't follow.

The figure
we saw in the video,

the one floating.

She d*ed?

This is starting to
sound like a ghost story.

Okay, so, look.

I'm gonna check the recording

and make sure
that it wasn't manipulated.

Why would someone manipulate it?Look, there are these things

that are called deep fakes,

You can, you can, uh,
manipulate the pixels

and make it look like
anything you want, you know?

You can turn me into a goat,
you can make me fly, whatever.

So you think that's what
this is, a deep fake?

I don't know. Okay?
I'm looking.

Is he angry with me?

No... he's just angry
at the unsolved.

Miracle priest,
bless me.

Heal me, Father.

You faith has healed you.Bless me, Father.

Put your faith in God.


How are you?Hi, Father.

This is Kristen.
Kristen, Father Augustus.

Pleasure to meet you.

We're looking into the
Naomi Clark situation.

Situation? Is that what
the Church wants to call it?

What would you call it?

Divine intervention.


I can smell the whiskey
on your breath.

Maybe you
heard, David.

God uses the sinner
and the just alike.

Is that what happened?

God used you?I don't know.

I felt it.

From her skin.



I don't have visions like you.

God never liked me.

I talk to Him all
the time, every night.

He's the quietest
roommate in the world.

What did you whisper
to her? Naomi?

In the video?Prayer for the dead.

No, no, no. You
held her hand

and you whispered
something in her ear.


"Don't go. Stay.

Please, God,
let her stay."

I know. Not much
of a prayer.

I'd just given last rites
to another woman upstairs.

She d*ed of a
brain aneurysm.

Bernadette May?

Yeah, she-she grabbed my hand
and looked at me.

She knew
she was dying,

but there was this
look of peace on her,

like she saw
what was coming.

My hand was still warm from her
when I went to the morgue.

That's why I
held onto Naomi.

I didn't want
her to go.

She felt something.

I know she felt it.

So, uh,

you have visions?

Well, a few years ago,

I saw... things.

It was like a dream
or something.

Anyway, that was
a long time ago,

and I was under a lot of stress

and it was just after
my friend d*ed.



It gave me hope

when I needed it.

But you haven't had
any visions since?


What's that?

I don't know. I'm trying
to figure out if this is a fake.

Is this for
your priest?

It's for my job.
Your job
for your priest.

Where's this from?

It's a hospital
surveillance camera.

Dad's asking if you're
coming in for prayers.

Yeah, I know,

but you can't blame him
for trying.

What, that's it?

That's it. Six frames.

I don't know.

Something's up
with the pixels.Mm-hmm.

If it's a fake,
it's a good one.

What is she supposed to be?

Someone who's dead.

Yeah, I know.

She d*ed
an hour earlier.


I have those two outstanding
cases I promised you.

Oh. Great.Here you go.

And I'd really like to thank you
for the contract offer,

but I think I'll have to pass.
This new job, it's...

No need to thank me.

Actually, we came into
an opportunity overnight.

Another forensic psychologist,

one you faced in court.
In fact,

I need you to update him on the
two cases you were working on.


It's good to see you again.

Lewis, this guy,
he's a psychopath.

Oh, come on.
No, I'm serious.

He fed information
to the serial k*ller LeRoux,

and he encouraged
him to k*ll.

He already told me
his account was hacked.

That is a lie.I saw the evidence,

He's a liar.

He stole my therapy notes.

He got the better of you
in court, okay?

But...I get that you're angry,

but he's a good
forensic psychologist,

so please brief him
on your cases.


Kristen, you left your notes
in the office.

They're not mine.

I know. I just wanted
to talk to you.

We have nothing to say
to each other.

You must be kidding.
We have everything to say.

You're just gonna overturn

everything I did
on these two cases?

Argue to release the guilty?
Imprison the innocent?

Yeah, but not because I'm bad.

Because you're easily
persuaded, Kristen.

You're too soft.

You said so yourself

in therapy session
number 12.

How's David?

Here's the most important thing
to remember about David:

He sells himself
as this good man,

but ask him about
the second time he saw God.

I have no idea what that means.

Yeah, that's why
you need to ask him:

"Tell me, David, about
the second time you saw God,"

and trust me, it's a good story.

Good luck with your "miracle."

Mom! Mom!

Daughters! Who'd you k*ll?

The postman. He was trying
to deliver mail and...

All right, well, don't forget
to clean up with Lysol.

We will.

We got it!You're home a little late.

You said 8:00.

Yes. And thank you for being
so patient, Mom.

She wasn't so patient.Yes, she was.

I watched
your scary little show.

I'm getting
way too old for this.

What happened?

You look like
something went wrong.

No, I'm-I'm-I'm just...

I'm just really happy
to be home with my mom

and my daughters.Okay, so you're
not gonna tell me.

So what are we watching?

A scary show.

Wow, that is so nice of Grandma

to just let you watch
whatever you want.

Okay, I'm leaving now.
Hey, kids, listen up--

misbehave, okay?
Do not listen to your mother.


I love you, Mom.

All right.

Mom, don't joke like that.

What are we watching?

You've seen it, Mom.
You said it looked good.

What did you do with
the toy spider, and the...

So do I have to watch it
from the beginning?

No, they moved
into a new house.

And it's haunted.

- Dad!
- Where's the mom?

Oh, she's dead.
She d*ed in a car crash.

Oh, of course she did.

Why'd you say it
like that?

Well, because in movies,
the mom's always dead.

Movies hate moms.

Okay, turn out
the lights.

Guys, is this really
a good idea?

I'm not even scared.I'm a bit scared.

You're really gonna
like this part.

Don't open the door!

Oh, my gosh!
Don't open the door!

Mom! Are you kidding me?

I don't want to
have to cover your mouth.

But why would she
open the door if it's so...

What are you doing?That's the only part

I wasn't scared.

Bedtime.That's the only part
I wasn't scared.

No! Mom!

Let's go.

You've let us watch a lot worse.

And moms sometimes
make mistakes.

Yeah, maybe this
is the mistake.

Yes, maybe. Let's go.
Upstairs. Bedtime.

Maybe we'll have nightmares
if you don't let us watch it.

That's exactly how that works.
Let's go.

No, Laura, hold on,
wait one second.

I want to ask you

What did I do?Nothing.

I just want to
ask you something.

No, you guys all go up.That's so unfair.

She's just gonna
convince you to watch...

That thing in the video,
that demon,

is that what you saw
in your nightmare?


You said it had a Kn*fe
and big teeth.

I think when you have
dreams and nightmares,

it usually comes from stuff
you saw during the day.

Is that why you didn't
want us to watch it?

I think
I saw it, too.

I don't remember when,

but I think I saw that
same thing in my nightmare.

But now that we know,
we can face it.

It's not real.
It's just from that TV show.

Streaming.Streaming show.

So don't be scared.
It all makes sense, okay?

Can I sleep with you?

One more night?

Who is it?


Laura, Lexis, Lynn, Lila!

Open the door! Lila, Lila!

Bad dream?

Try counting sheep.

You're part of my mind.

You're not even

You're from a bad TV show.


Well, that's just hurtful.



You know what's great
about a night terror, Kristen?

You can't move.

Just your eyes.

Watch the Kn*fe.

Wake up.

Wake up.

Well, just grab the Kn*fe,

Come on,
move that hand.

How hard can it be?

Wake up. Wake up.

How about her heart?

Which valve shall I take out?
The mitral?

Why are we waiting
until she's 20?

Let's finish it now.

Laura, please.

Laura, please, wake up.

Mom, wake up. Mom!


You were having a nightmare.

I know. I'm sorry, I was.

Oh, my gosh.

I'll hold you, Mom.

You go to sleep,
I'll hold you.

Thank you. You're
such a good baby.

You're my sweet baby.

And this was yesterday? Yeah.

What did he say?

He said he was gonna
reverse everything I did.

Every innocent person
would be guilty,

and every guilty person
would be innocent.

And did you tell your boss?

Yeah, I told him Townsend
was a psychopath,

and he thought it was
professional jealousy.

He also knew that we were
investigating a miracle.

He's coming after us.


Why, David?
Why is he coming after us?

I want to tell you, but it's not
a language you believe.

Because you think he's a demon?


So tell me in language
I'll believe.

He wants to k*ll hope.

He also suggested
I ask you something.


He suggested I ask you about
the second time you saw God?

What does that mean?

He wants to divide us.

Why would that divide us?

I had a vision.

Now I don't.

He's playing on my doubt.

And yours.

There wasn't, like, a-a tunnel
or a light or anything.

I remember seeing my coach
yelling from the sidelines.

And then I felt my face
on the ground.

And then I saw this hole

opening up in the grass,

a black hole.

Just, like, this...

big, swirling thing.

And then I saw people
coming out of it.

A lot of people.
60 of them?

And they were coming for me.

And then I saw a woman

take my hand.

I didn't know who she was,

but my parents said that there
was another girl who d*ed.

Bernadette May.Right.

She took my hand, and then
I felt this on my cheek.

And that's when I woke up.

Do you think what happened
to you is a miracle?

Um, I don't know.

Uh, all I know is that
I was dead and now I'm not.

And that everything
has changed for me.

I can't figure out
how they faked this.

We checked the pixels.

There's no apparent

so either this is so good
that we will never know

how they did it...Who's "they?"

"They," just figurative "they."

You know, not-- O-Okay.
Ju-- Or...


And what's that?Okay. You see this, uh,

surveillance footage of
Bernadette May an hour earlier?

And this is our footage
of Naomi.KRISTEN: Mm-hmm.

These images were transmitted

to the security station
which recorded them.

Now, ground-looping is when
those two transmissions cross.

So you think the
image of Bernadette

Over Naomi's image.

That's right.Right. So,
if that's true,

the image
of Bernadette's face

should at some point
appear on the monitor.

Yep. And does it?

Well, I've gone through
through several hours

of surveillance
footage. Right now,

have seen nothing yet,

Okay, you know what? I'm gonna
go back to the beginning.


The doctor just called
the time of death.

Yeah, so?

I think I know what happened.

It's not a miracle.

So I'm glad you've agreed
with us it's not a miracle.

Yep. Turned out
to be hyperinflation

and undiagnosed COPD.Good.

But it wasn't the, uh,
paramedics' fault.

Well, I think we'll have
to agree to disagree on that,

but it's good
we're on the same side.

Uh, what are those?

Emergency lifesaving efforts

of this hospital
over the last year.

176 in all.


These are
your Caucasian patients.

Did you know that, on average,
during a code, your doctors

performed 58 minutes
of chest compressions

and rescue breathing
on Caucasian patients?

Patients like, uh,
Bernadette May?

No, I didn't.

And these are your
African-American patients.

Your doctors,
on average, performed

chest compressions
and rescue breathing

for 23 minutes on them.

Patients like, uh, Naomi Clark.

It is the stated position
of this hospital

that it does not distinguish
on the basis of race.

Naomi Clark came
back to life

in the morgue because your ER
staff called her time of death

30 minutes earlier
than if she were white.

That's why this
wasn't a miracle.

It was implicit racism.

I think you should
get out of here.

Here, I'll leave these for you.

The ethical review board
already reviewed our actions.

And the malpractice suit
has already been settled.

You might want to check on that.

You might want
to look at that

before you settle the
Harbor Hospital suit.

Why? What is it?Evidence for

a civil rights lawsuit
worth about $15 million.

So, it was not a miracle?


A combination
of gross incompetence

and a medical condition
that kept Ms. Clark's lungs

from absorbing oxygen.

Okay, good work.

I have another possible
possession for you...

there's one other thing.

A patient d*ed an hour earlier,

and this is an image of her
on the hospital videotape.

This has nothing to do
with the miracle?

No, it's just an apparition
we can't explain.

Okay. Well, then,
let's let that go.

Now, this possession
we want you to look into,

It's a
good parishioner.

She gives a lot
to the Church...

Mom, hey.

Okay, it's not working.
I saw what you were watching.

Mom, just let us
watch the end, please. Come on.

It's not that scary.
It's more funny than scary.

It's actually hilarious.
We were laughing so...

Okay, this is what I say.
I'm gonna watch it with you.

we are gonna all
watch this together.

What is it?

Just watch.

Um, typically it takes,

to make a monster,
it takes about three hours.

What is this?It's a video on how they do it.

There are a lot of elements
to this character.

There's a bodysuit,
there's a cowl piece.

There are two ear pieces.

There's teeth,
and then our horns...

It's good for us
to know it's not real.

It's all make-believe.

Well, my ideas come to me
while I'm sleeping.

They come to me
in the form of nightmares.

I translate that really quickly

into a sketch or, like,
a quick clay sculpture,

only to be translated into
a full-size character later.

Do you, uh, like
playing monsters?

Monsters scare me when I see
them on TV or film,

but when I'm playing one,
it's not that bad.

It's fun to scare other people
as the monster.

Oh, my God. it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us...

as we forgive those
who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from all evil.

♪ Play...

Where's your girlfriend?


What do you got?

Ketamine, E, Molly,

and caps.

♪ Birds flying high,
you know how I feel ♪

♪ Sun in the sky

♪ You know how I feel

♪ Reeds drifting on by,
you know how I feel ♪

♪ It's a new dawn

♪ It's a new day...

...Thy will be done...

♪ It's a new life for me...

...on Earth...♪ It's a new dawn

♪ It's a new day,
it's a new life... ♪

Where are you, God?

♪ Ooh

♪ And I'm feeling good

♪ Fish in the sea

♪ You know how I feel

♪ River running free

♪ You know how I feel

♪ Blossom on the tree

♪ You know how I feel

♪ It's a new dawn

♪ It's a new day,
it's a new life ♪

♪ For me

♪ And I'm feeling good

♪ Dragonfly out in the sun

♪ You know what I mean,
don't you know? ♪


♪ Butterflies all having fun,
you know what I mean... ♪