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09x08 - Frenemies

Posted: 10/13/21 14:56
by bunniefuu

I don't want to tattle
on my good friend, Tirek,

but you might like to know
he left food out. Again.

I'll deal with it when I'm done.

Don't trust anything that
nosy little Pegasus says.

I don't trust anything
any of you say.

Are you planning on
attacking anypony

anytime soon?
If not, I don't know why

I'm wasting my time here.
I am a queen, you know!

I am leaving, since it's
impossible to accomplish

the work I need to do here!

I suggest the three of you
come to some kind of accord.

I don't care how, but you
must learn to work together.

Only then can we accomplish
what you so greatly desire:

the defeat of Twilight
Sparkle and her friends!

♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪ ♪
Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ♪


Season 09 Episode 04
Episode Title: "Frenemies"

Nothing says teamwork like
an inspirational banner!

When Grogar sees this,

he'll realize there's no way
he could survive without me!

You're gonna have
to exercise a lot

to get as big as you were

when you absorbed the life
force of all those ponies.

Anyhoo... Grogar wants
us all to work together

so I've scheduled
a team meeting!

Doesn't that sound fun?

And since Grogar
left me in charge.

No, he didn't.

Someone's a real
grumpy-taur today.

If we aren't meeting, I
guess I could just stay

and offer positive
and inspiring...

Fine! I'll join your
meeting. Just leave.

See you soon!

It's been weeks and
Grogar has done nothing!

It's not healthy to hold
onto all of this rage.

I could lash out at any moment.

And how are you
doing this fine...

How do you think I'm doing?

I'm ready to exact my revenge!

See what I mean?

Being cooped up with
nothing to do is the worst.

You know what you
need? A team meeting!

I don't do meetings.

Grogar left me in charge.

No, he didn't. And even if he
did, Chrysalis obeys no one.

There'll be cupcakes.

Grogar wants us to work together

to defeat our enemies.

Which means we need
to trust each other.

If we are to trust one another,

perhaps inform Lord Tirek...

to stop trying to
absorb my essence.

I wasn't doing anything
of the sort. How dare you?

How dare I? Do you know
to whom you are speaking?

How could I not! You tell
your log every five minutes!

This is why Grogar
left me in charge.



♪ I think I know ♪

♪ A way that we can grow ♪

♪ Time to try something
new something better ♪

♪ No more Solo ♪

♪ Trust is the way to go ♪

♪ And all we need to do ♪

♪ is work together ♪

Ah, please.

♪ No, thanks. No way ♪

♪ I feel the need to say ♪

♪ I'm smarter, stronger and ♪

♪ I don't need you two. ♪

♪ Stronger? ♪

♪ OK. ♪

♪ I guess we'll downplay ♪

♪ How bad you got
your rear-end ♪

♪ Handed to you? ♪

♪ It's time to try ♪

♪ A better way to be bad ♪

♪ Do we really need ♪

♪ A better way to be bad? ♪

♪ United as one! ♪

♪ Teamwork? Please,
what a fad! ♪

♪ Combine all our strength ♪

♪ We'll go to any length ♪

♪ Once we have ♪

♪ A better way to be bad ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Begin ♪

♪ This time we're gonna win! ♪

♪ The ice you're on is thin ♪

♪ So watch what you say ♪

♪ I know ♪

♪ You're in ♪

♪ I think I see a grin! ♪

♪ For all this pain
and t*rture ♪

♪ I swear you'll pay ♪

♪ This time we've got ♪

♪ A better way to be bad ♪

♪ Sounds like a long shot ♪

♪ This better way to be bad ♪

♪ United as one! ♪

♪ We'll make those ponies so
sad! ♪

♪ If we say OK ♪

♪ would you just go away? ♪

♪ Once we have ♪

♪ A better way to be bad! ♪

♪ We want to break
their friendship ♪

♪ We want to make them weak ♪

♪ You want revenge
on Starlight ♪

♪ You want that huge physique ♪

♪ So let's increase
our chances ♪

♪ By working as a team ♪

♪ To crush our
enemies to dust ♪

♪ And laugh as
they all scream! ♪

♪ I think I see ♪

♪ A better way to be bad ♪

♪ Just put me in charge! ♪

♪ Make me Queen; ♪
♪ you'll be glad ♪

♪ No! Listen to me! ♪

♪ I'm the best of us three ♪

♪ Then you'll see
a better way to be bad ♪

♪ Wait! This is my thing! ♪

♪ A better way to be bad ♪

♪ You shall do as I command ♪

♪ I will rule this triad ♪

♪ Hey, this is my song. ♪

♪ Sorry not any long-er! ♪

♪ A better way to be bad ♪

♪ Now you're making me mad ♪

♪ Won't the ponies be sad ♪

♪ That would make me so glad. ♪

♪ Now we got a better
way to be bad! ♪

Hey! You stepped on my cue!

Well, I did not!
Your rhythm was way off.


I had hoped by now

you would have resolved
your differences.

But apparently not.

Perhaps if we knew
what the plan was,

we would be better
able to prepare.

Assuming you even have a plan.

Of course, I have a plan.

I have located
an object of power

and it occurs to me this
is the perfect test.

The three of you will work
together to retrieve it.

Against this item, those
ponies won't stand a chance.

I have come close to ruling
Equestria several times.

Perhaps I should be
the one to lead us.

I nearly drained all the
magic from Equestria!

That was good!

I absorbed all the
magic of Equestria!

I could feel it flowing
through my body as I grew.

Each of you failed to defeat

Twilight Sparkle
and her friends.

My power is greater than
all of yours combined.

This is but a fraction
of it. Understood?

Uh huh. OK!

Now you shall retrieve
the rest of it.

Thousands of moons ago,

the self-righteous
Gusty the Great,

unable to best me

stole my bewitching bell,

a talisman containing
much of my own magic.

The bell cannot be destroyed

so Gusty hid it in a place

it has taken me
millennia to discover.

An enchanted cave
high atop Mt. Everhoof

protected by magical
winds that prevent anypony

from reaching its peak.

There the bell has
remained... until now.

Scale Mt. Everhoof.
Bring me back my bell.

Ha ha! The ease of this
task is laughable.

Well, it sounded easy.

Scale the mountain.

Retrieve Grogar's bell.

Together! I drew
up a detailed plan

with several visual
aides to show how we can...

ditch each other
and do it alone.

Maybe when I'm waiting
for them at the top,

then they'll appreciate me.

As if anything on this
mountain is scarier than I.

Ha ha ha ha!


Halt! Who goes there? A pony?

There ain't been
ponies round here in

I-don't-know-how-many moons!

Oh, golly, good sir.

I am just a poor lost
pony looking for help.

Oh, don't fret li'l filly.

Ol' Rusty Bucket here,
at yer service!

I'm so glad
I found you.

I need help getting to
the top of the mountain.

No can do, ma'am.

Why not?

Shh! Not so loud! This here's
avalanche territory!

I'm the guardian of
this here mountain.

It's my job to keep
ponies from heading up.

Nothing at the top
but dangerous snow,

dangerous ice, and
dangerous wind.

Basically, it's dangerous.

It must get lonely
all by yourself.

Maybe I could be
your... friend?

I'd love a friend!

So now that we
are friends,

you could help me
up the mountain.

A real friend wouldn't
ask me to do something

I'm not supposed to do.

Says so right here in the
journal of friendship

written by Twilight
Sparkle and her friends.



I didn't want to
be friends anyway.


Almost there.

Nope. Not that
way neither.

I tried being nice.

Shhhhh. Now just calm
down there, filly.

You calm down!

Ponies are supposed to
do what I ask them to do!

It's like my thing, OK?


Apparently I don't
need anypony else.

It's not. Funny. Tirek.

Didn't make it to the
top? Surprise surprise.

You didn't make it
to the top either!

I didn't try to.


It took about five
minutes to deduce

that Grogar was right.

None of us could
make it up alone.

So rather than subject
myself to the elements,

I decided to let you
two face the danger,

take what you learned and
use it to my advantage.

I put up with your "I'm
smarter than you" attitude

in Tartarus! But
I'm over it!

I've had enough of you
trying to manipulate me

with that insincere
syrupy sweetness.

At least now we can
see the real you.

This is not the real me!
I'm cute and lovable!

Ha! No, you're not. You're
annoying and you snore!

I do not snore!

At least I don't talk to
my gram-gram in my sleep.

Don't you dare bring
Gram-Gram into this!

This is your fault!


Quick! It's
distracted! Let's go!


Mmmm. So much love.

I haven't eaten
this well in ages.

So gross.

Just so we're clear.

I didn't save you
because I like you.

I did it because...
Because I...

Need us?


Clearly, I was
right to wait.

Now tell me everything
you learned today.

Leave nothing out.

Why are you doing that?

Didn't you already
drain it of love?

I always save a little
for the next day.

You cocoon all of
your... meals?

Of course.

So when you pony-napped
Twilight and the others,

you cocooned them.

Yes. Until that sow
Starlight Glimmer

freed them, corrupted my
subjects, and stole my hive!

Those ponies have weaknesses.

I used that turncoat Discord.

Tricked him into
helping me capture his

so called "friends".

Discord was really something
until friendship ruined him.

You should've seen
Twilight's face

when her friends appeared
in bubbles around me.

She was all...

She's so stressed
out all the time!

When I posed as her
former foal-sitter,

I thought she was
going to implode.

I wish I could
have seen her face

when I nearly erased all
the magic from Equestria.

All magic was a little
excessive, don't you think?

Meh. I think big.

Besides, it would've
been worth it

just to see Twilight and
her friends bow down to me.

Indeed, it would. Who
wouldn't love to see

those prissy ponies realize
they've lost everything!

I'm a pathetic pony princess!

I made a detailed list of
all the ways I'm a failure!

You know, working with you two

may not be the worst thing.

Perhaps... as long as it results

in the complete
destruction of our enemies.

I wouldn't have
it any other way.

Do the pathetic
princess thing again!

I'm OK!

Can you absorb it
and make it go away?

I can only absorb magic
from living beings.

Like her?


Not betrayal. Teamwork.

If Tirek absorbs your energy,

he might be strong
enough to break through.

And then?

Then... he
gives it back.

I do?


How do I know you won't
take my magic and leave me?

Would we do
that to you?

OK. Normally
yes, we would.

I'll give you
your magic back.

Do it.

So. Much. Power!

Welcome back, baby.

It's not big enough for me.

Maybe not you.

Keep it open or I'll
be trapped forever!

Would that be so terrible?

Can't... hold... much longer.



My magic.

I... wasn't sure you were
going to give it back.

Neither was I. But working
together seemed...

smarter than to
continue fighting.

When we helped each other,
it felt better somehow.

I haven't felt like this
since before I lost my hive.

Having others who will
be there for you...

is pleasing.

All of these years...
taking power from ponies.

When you use your
power to help others.

Yes... it feels.



The magic of friendship
is like a disease.

An infection that spreads
to those around you!

I watched it
infect my hive.

I will not let it get me.

- Same!
- Obviously.

But... Grogar said we
have to work together.

Grogar is too powerful.

Something must be
done about that.

Let Grogar think we're
his loyal servants.

In the meantime, we'll
hatch our own plan.

Oh. I love a good

After that, we can go back

to trying to
destroy each other.

In the meantime, what
do we do with this?

You failed to
retrieve the bell?

We're sorry,
Almighty Grogar.

We worked together
as you asked!

We just aren't as
powerful as you!


At least you finally
did as you were told

and worked together.

Of course.

Whatever you command.

Forget about
that old bell.

You were right.

We're so much more powerful

when we work
as a team.