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02x06 - Shame Spiral

Posted: 10/13/21 11:45
by bunniefuu

Whoa, Kate, be caref...

Here's what you're gonna do.

Have people upload their pics
of their homemade manicures,

online, with the hashtag...

Nailedlt. Nailedlt.

- ALICE: Is he my real daddy?
- Oh my god, honey, no.

I come here every week
to take in the sights,

but I haven't seen you here.

I'm embracing my life
by any means necessary.

Step ... [GASPS] Get
those endorphins flowin'.

BRAD: From now on when you climax,

I want you to think about
how hard other women cum,

and how shallow your own experience is.

KATE: Hey, hey, it's
Kate. Leave a message.

Dude, it's me. I need you.

So, call me back or
whatever, ASAP, please.

ALICIA: Ow, Mabel! What
a strong arm you have.




[THUDS] I am going to
just let Mabel cool down

for a little bit.

Since her tantrums have
been off the charts.

I was never allowed
to have a full-on meltdown like that.

My mom wouldn't let me.

Made me the person I am today.

She's really not that violent.

Well, that's what the Menendez parents said

before that fateful night.

Weren't those the boys, the...

Ladies, and man,

tantrums are not entirely
a toddler's fault.

Their brains have not
developed impulse control.

How would you feel if
you were a little person,

and you lost every argument, all day?

That is my life.

You can't let the animals run the zoo, Val.

Well, I think it's good to let
kids have their way sometimes.


Yeah, how's that workin' out for ya?

It's fine.

I'm so sorry, Richard.

It's all my fault, and I...

I messed up. I take full
responsibility, okay?


Are you sure? I mean, it's a great speech,

but can they even trace this back to you?

Maybe not, but the same
slogan is used in two campaigns

in one day? That can't be a coincidence.

And on top of it, I lied.

I have two jobs. Ugh, I
just gotta tell Richard.

So you come home tonight with one job.

I might come home with none.


Okay, go own your shit.

I'll take him into daycare.

Thank you.


- You look so relaxed.

Tell me it had something
to do with last night.

Yeah, that was amazing.

It's the Pilates.

- Pilates. [CHUCKLES]

It is such a pleasure having you here.

- Oh.
- We should do this more.

You could stay.


You're looking for a place.

How about my guest wing?


that is... so generous.


- You know, think about it.
- No strings attached.

Oh hey, I gotta go, it's aquafit.

Sure, darling, see ya tonight.



- Would you... do me a favour?

Would you pick up my dry cleaning today?

Of course.


ALICE: So, let me get this straight.

You and Daddy never got married?

- ANNE: No.
- But you did marry this guy?

For the last time, Alice,
yes, and that was ages ago.

Give me this.

Look, your Dad and I don't
need to be married, okay?

So you want me to be a bastard?


- You want her to be a bastard?
- Stop being so dramatic!

- Do you still love him?
- Who? Brad? No! God!

Why should I believe you?
My whole life is a charade!


Good... morning. Everyone.

Why aren't you guys married?

Because I don't need to do that again,

get roped into some contract until

we just decide to call it quits... or die.

Then why do you wear rings?

Uh, well, um, Sweetie, we
do it because it's symbolic.

That... and so we don't get hit on at bars.

- What?
- Eat!

So, you're pretending! Why?

Oh, I get it! You want it to be
easier to break up with Daddy.

Oh, this is ridiculous.

I'm just gonna take this to go.



Listen, Honey,

I just don't believe in titles, okay?

I am with your Daddy because I love him.

It's about choice. I wake up
every day and I choose him.

But, I want you to be married!

Don't I get a choice, too?

- No! Not about this.
- Hypocrite!


Honey, I'm sorry.


It's okay.

I know!

Just gotta tell him,
just gonna go and tell him.

MO: Foster! Did you hear?

We're on lockdown.

Richard's convinced
someone leaked your hashtag.

The client walked. Someone's
gonna lose their job.

Yeah, yeah, no, I saw those IT guys.

Pretty intimidating. What's the deal,

- do they suspect anyone?
- I don't know.

Bet you're crappin' your pants, though.

Why would I be crappin' my pants?

- All that porn, dog!

- Well I cleared my hist...

No. Personal phone.



- Do you have a minute?
- Yeah, what's up?

- I think we've had a break in.

Is anything missing from your office?

Uh... I don't think so.

[SIGHS] I think someone was in mine!

There's... I can't be sure,

but there was stuff that's been moved.

My pen is bent, the nib is bent.

Strangely my Nana's whale
ivory bodkins were left...


Thank god for small miracles.

They're all I have left of her!

Was Nana Claire a sperm whale?

Anne! Look! Something is going on here,

and I feel very violated,

and we need to be very careful!

And I have to go out right now,
so if you could just keep...

- just keep an eye out for...
- Predators?

- Burglars, Anne!
- We've been burgled!

Sure, yes. Mhm.

Thank you.




FRANKIE: Oh god!

I am so sorry!

How'd you get in here so fast, Tam?

You're like lightning on land!


Oh my... oh...

What are you doing?


Oh, so busted.

Were you looking for me?

Yeah, I guess that didn't work.

Hope Tammy's okay.

What is your name, anyway?

- Juniper.
- Oh.

- [expl*si*n SOUND]
- Frankie.

- I uh... I gotta run.
- Where are you goin'?

Uh, I'm just, grabbin' my niece,

takin' her and my daughter for fro-yo.

- Oh yeah?
- Mhm.

Can I come?

Uh... sure...


- MAN: This one?

Richard, you wanted to speak to me?

Go, thank you.

- Kate, come in, have a seat.

What's going on, are you okay?

Rosie, why don't you tell Kate here

- exactly what you told me?
- Okay.

I'm so sorry, please
don't be mad. [SNIFFLES]

It was me, I leaked the hashtag.

- Wait... what? No you didn't.
- Not on purpose.

I left early and emailed the
notes from the client meeting

to my Gmail so I could
spell-check at home.

You can't spell-check at... at work?

- Of course she can.
- All right, fine,

if I'm being honest, I
didn't finish the notes, okay?

But the "Murdoch Mysteries"
marathon started at .

Anyway, Rosie must've been hacked.

Somebody pulled the
hashtag from her account.

Board is demanding disciplinary actions,

- so Rosie, you're fired.

Wait... Richard, you can't
fire her, this is ridiculous!

It's against company
policy to use personal emails.

- I know, I'm an idiot.
- We lost a client, didn't we?

It's not her fault!

Well, if she were hacked,
is it really her fault?

Fine, but I'm warning you, Rosie,

- if this ever happens again,
- I also stole staples.

Maybe quit while you're ahead?

And that letter we got from Rogers

accusing us of illegally
downloading HBO torrents...

- That was you?
- I don't have cable! [SOBS]

Well, it is very expensive, Richard.

All those packages, on her salary?

That's a one-week suspension, no pay.

I also slept with Carl on your desk.


Oh, this is clearly
breaking several rules now!

Oh, it feels so good to let it out, girl!

Enough! You're fired! Go! Go!

- Okay.

RICHARD: Paula, get Carl in here, now!

Good god!

I eat my lunch on that desk.



Hey... Rosie, I'm so sorry.

It's not your fault.

- Oh, thank you.
- Yeah.

I always hated this job, anyway.

And I know you don't know this
about me, but I'm actually...

an amazing graphic designer.

Graphic designer, that is so cool.

Hey look, I'm gonna look
out for you, all right?

And, and... better
things are on the horizon.


What are in these boxes?

Dishes from the kitchen, I never washed,

and I'm too ashamed to leave them behind.

- Say no more.






How's that for ambience, assh*le?


Mmm! Like that, Rhodes?

Mmm! This is really great, man.

Family time. Thanks for treatin' us!


Aunt Frankie, did I tell you?

Daddy bought me a dirt bike!

A dirt bike?

GRETA: Yeah, it's pink,
and white, and shiny...

and metal, and hot, and loud.

Wow, is that age-appropriate?

Who's she, again?

You runnin' a daycare service, or?

Wow... that's nice.

I got some news, too!

Found a place today.

It's temporary, but I'll be
outta your hair. [CHUCKLES]

- That's great!
- You takin' Rhoda?

No... not quite there yet.

It's-it's not the best setup.


Hey, when'd you join the Big Sisters club?


KATE: Purdeep, I know
talent when I see it, okay,

and Rosie's got it in spades.

She is an excellent graphic designer.

Vector or hand-drawn?

Oh um... well the hand-drawn, of course.

I don't think I can
bring on anyone new, Kate.

I mean, do you see any
empty yoga balls around here?

No, but we could always get chairs.

I mean, look, we brought
in new clients this week.

That's major! You need people!

I know, right?

And we've been k*lling
it since hashtag Nailedlt,

and it's all thanks to you!

We don't need more designers.

If anything, we need more Kates!

Hm. Thank you, all right, I get it.

Can I at least, can I get a cup of coffee?

Sure. Come back in minutes.





KATE: Hey, hey, it's Kate! Leave a message.


Hey, Kate, I don't
know what happened to you,

but I've been calling you all day.

Kate? What?

Hey assh*le, I see you ignoring my call!

- Why are you riding a bike?


- ANNE: Hey, Lance Armstrong!
- Anne? What are you doing?

- What am I doing?
- What are you doing?

- Ah!
- Oh shit!

I'll call you back!

Dude, you almost k*lled me!

You know I'm not a strong cyclist.

Actually, I don't know that

because I've never seen
you on a bike before.

- What are you wearing?
- Oh.

What, you missed our
lunch to do, what sweat?

Who are you?

Ah, I'm sorry. I just... I got caught up.

Coulda told me. Pedestrian
Kate would've told me.

- Move your SUV, bitch!
- Go around, assholes!

Do what you always do before the city

put in this gridlock-friendly waste

of valuable driving space! Come on, man!

Jesus, Anne! Just move your car!

- What's your f*ckin' problem?
- My problem?

What's your problem?
Why are you ignoring me?

I'm not! We hang out all the time!

Not one-on-one.

Me and you never hang out.

I call you, you don't
pick up. You don't show up.

I literally have to corner
you in the middle of the street

to get minutes of your time.

- I get it, you lost your Dad.
- Wow.

No, no, don't, I'm sorry,
but we have to talk about this.

Do not bottle this up.

What is this, an intervention?

You are acting very weird...
which I get, I get it,

because I was a total mess
when my Dad passed away.

I know it's not the same thing

because he wasn't around all the time.

No, it's not the same... like, at all,

so don't compare it, all
right? You know what, f*ck this.

- I gotta go.
- Oh! Oh! How are you, Anne?

What is going on with you, Anne?

Let me tell you. I'm working next to Brad,

who's a depraved hypnotist now,

and Alice is busting my balls every day

because I'm not married to Lionel!

Great talk! Thanks!

Yeah, you know what?

- Ugh!

This shit in your life,
I can't listen to it.

All right? I've got my own
shit, and I'm not like you.

I don't wanna talk every
little thing to death.

Oh, so your pain is more
important than my pain.


Did you forget
what I went through last year?

What, your abortion?

Anne, I'm not tryin' to out-grief you.

But my father was taken from me, okay?

What you went through last year,

you went through by choice,

and even then you did a
committee and whiteboard

to make a f*cking decision about it.

So right now, I'm sorry I can't
be your f*cking sounding board

about your shitty divorce,
a decade ago, to your uppity,

sleazebag husband, who you
should have never married

in the first place, Anne.
Why did you marry that guy?





Ah, come on, man!


DOROTHY: Darling, how was your day?



I went swimming, took
the girls for fro-yo.

Uh-huh. Did you pick up the dry cleaning?

Ah... shit! Forgot.

Okay, I'll go now.

They're not open now.

Uh, okay... do you wanna
borrow some of my clothes, or...

I don't think so.

Do you wanna take me
shopping like in "Pretty Woman"?

For myself?

Jess, you can go now.


Thank you.


- Lay down!

Good girl.

This is not how it works, Frankie.

How do you think it makes me feel,

when I ask you to do one thing,

and you forget?

- I'm really sorry.
- Shh!

I'll forgive you... this time.

But I think...


- You need to be punished.

Hold on, and don't let go!


♪ Money, money, money ♪

I didn't order that.


♪ Money for myself ♪


Thank you, that's really nice of you.

Hm, looks like you could use it.

- I'm fine.

Who are you kidding?

Come on, girl, spill it!

I just... a thing, with a friend.


See, that's your problem right there.

I don't f*ck with friends anymore.

- They're the worst.

- They are.
- It's always about them.

Mhm. Exactly.

You know what I always say? Screw friends.

- Yes, screw 'em.
- Hmm.

- Thank you.
- No worries.


♪ He gave me a ring ♪

♪ From a guitar string ♪



♪ Been feeling unwell ♪

♪ Though in time I know
I'm gonna be better ♪

- What the hell?

♪ I don't care what your mother says ♪

♪ I don't care ♪

- Nathan?
- He's not here.

Jesus! What the hell are you doing here?

- I'm looking after Charlie.
- Nathan had a work thing.


- Charlie slept through the storm,
- _

- but the whole neighbourhood's out.
- _

You should really invest in more candles.

Okay so... how much do I owe you, like ?

Will that be enough, or do you
charge more for the exorcism?

These are tarot cards, Kate.


- Have you ever had a reading?
- No.

I actually did it for Anne,

and it really helped
her through some stuff.

Do you want me to do yours?

Uh, no I'm... I'm good.

I mean, you've got it all set up, so.

So how does this work, exactly?

You're not gettin' my
first born. Just sayin'.

Close your eyes, shuffle the cards,

and set your intention for the reading.



Oh my god what... what does that mean?

Not that I... believe in this stuff.

Well, the first card is always the present.

It could mean starting over, a rebirth.

- Okay, so... not that bad.
- It could also mean death.

What? This is some Long
Island Medium bullshit.

You know my Dad just died.

You're directing the energy
of the deck, Kate, not me.


- Do you want me to keep going?
- I mean...

I don't like that.

You need to consider
your work-life balance.

You might be neglecting yourself,

your home, loved ones?

Yeah? You talk to Anne tonight?

I'm just telling you what I see.

Okay, I don't have all night to do this.

Okay, now we're talkin'.
That guy's kinda cute.

He's got a happy vibe
goin' on. What's that mean?


A betrayal.


The end of everything as you know it.