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03x07 - The Little Sister

Posted: 10/13/21 10:50
by bunniefuu
Where are they?

- I mean, where could they have gone?
- I don't know.

- I don't know. I don't know, I can't see.
- Wait. Shh, shh.

Wait, quiet.

Shit. Go, go, go, go.



Aw, shit.

- That's her car.
- Don't get too close.

What if Mom's hurt?

It's gonna be okay, Carly.


- Stay here. Stay here. Julia.
- What? No.

- Stay here.
- Why?

Check the glove compartment
for the registration.

It'll have her address.

- Go. Go. Julia. Julia.
- What? No, you didn't...

you didn't search the car.

Julia, do you really want
to deal with the cops right now?

Carly, get in, please.

♪ It's gettin' harder out here ♪

♪ I keep tryin'
to just make my way ♪

♪ It's not lyin' ♪

♪ I'm only tryin' ♪

♪ Just trust in me ♪

♪ Trust in me ♪

♪ Just trust in me ♪

♪ Trust in me ♪

♪ Just trust in me. ♪

Ah, the bastard was too fast.

I-I'm sorry.

Why did you honk?

You scared her away.

No, no, I-I saw Chuck's men,

so I-I honked the horn

-to warn her.
- I'm supposed to believe that?

♪ ♪

Where you guys been?

It all happened so
fast, I don't even know

what kind of car
she was driving.

I-I think it was a Ford?

Was it blue? Dark blue?

Oh, it doesn't matter. It-it...

Well, I thought it was...
I thought it...

- No, it doesn't matter.
- I thought it was green.

- The license plate had a four and a "W."
- I-I'd say a Taurus.

A '09 or '10.

How many '09 Tauruses are there
in California? 50,000? 60?

I mean, we can't even agree
on the color,

- so it doesn't matter.
- Right, okay, but the plate...

The "W" and the four

w-were on the gray car,
which was, uh,

- Chuck's guys.
- Why wouldn't the car have plates?

She probably suspected

that someone might show up
with Randy,

and she didn't want the car
traced back to her.

Are you okay?

That's why Lila took off...

She's alive?


Oh, hey.

Hey. I need you
to make a call back east.

Get one of your cop friends

to pull whatever they can find
on Chuck.

Last name's Johnson.

He lives in Santa Barbara
or Montecito.

Y-You want me to look
for a last...

a guy with the last name
of J-Johnson

in Southern California?

The men who chased your mother
work for him,

so yeah,
that's exactly what I want.

We know that he's a member of
the Montecito Coastal Polo Club

and that he put money
into Tex's wind farm.

And Tex also said he was
involved in drug smuggling,

so get your guy to check
with the DEA

and the FBI and...

Are you... are you getting this?

- Yeah. Sorry.
- Wow.

- Grandma, is she really...?
- Not now.


- Where'd you go?
- Oh, no, I was just...

I was just, uh, giving
the family a l-little space.

How you doing?

- You're family.
- Yeah,

but she's not my mother,
so I, you know... Yeah.

You really helped me,
so thank you.

How you doing? You okay?

Yeah, I have no idea.

No, but we-we found her once,

so, um, I don't know,
we can find her again,

- Yeah.

How much more family
are you bringing?

Because I'm running out of room.

Tex is hiding something from me.

I need to know what it is
and why.

You're gonna have to be
more specific than that.

Well, I don't think
he wants me to find Lila.

I-I mean, he-he says he does,

but his actions
tell a different story.

I would help if I could.

- But you know what I know.
- You were here

when Lila was,
and so was your son.

Tell me. Tell me the truth.

Well, the truth is
Tex is a bastard.

And always has been.

What is he hiding from me?

I don't know anything.
I'm sorry.

What'd she look like?

She didn't get out of the car.

She didn't say anything?

And we don't have any idea
where she went?

Or why she's here.

Or why she thought
it was okay to...

I have to go deal with this...

this thing I'm doing with Pete.

Ask him if he knows
where Lizzie is.

What do you mean,
"where Lizzie is"?

His ex.

Grandpa bonded her out
for $250,000,

and she skipped.

Said she was coming out here
to look for him.

I'll ask.

Are you a woman of your word?

is going according to plan.

That's not what I asked.

I'm a woman of my word, yes.

- Then where are you?
- Bakersfield.

- Look...
- I think it's time to bring this matter

-to a close. Don't you?
- Sooner the better.

It's time to swoop in
and smash him on the head

with a sledgehammer.

Tell Marius
if the authentication

doesn't happen tonight,

Mr. Kilbane will pull his offer,

- Sy will get nothing.
- You think he'll go for that?

He will if you convince him.

Tonight. Or all bets are off.

- I have no idea.
- Hey, Pete.

You're coming with me.

What? Why?
Is it something about Mom?

No, no, no,
it's, um, this insurance case

we're working.
There's this urgent thing

in I.A. It just can't wait.

But I'll be back
as soon as I can, though.

- I promise.
- Okay, and I'll-I'll call

if anything, um,
you know, happens here.

- Okay.
- Uh...

- What, y-you want to hug me?
- Yeah.

Don't be weird, just...

All right. Good. See you. Bye.

What's so urgent?

The authentication's tonight.

Kilbane's getting antsy.

Vignetti's worried
he's gonna back out.

So you want to do this
or stay here

and comfort your pretend family
some more?

Come on.

Hey, there.
We weren't properly introduced.

I-I want to thank you

for looking after my girl

all those years.

Audrey's a tough one,

and sometimes she's got to have
the last word.

Uh, you want my advice?

Strong women are hard
to get along with, you know?

Sometimes you got to
just simply put the...

I met Audrey when she was living

in that car you gave her

after she ran out
of the guilt money

that you shoved
in her 16-year-old fist.

She was just a kid.

You abandoned her.

How about a piece of advice
from me.

Get the f*ck out of my face.
Get the f*ck out of my face.

It's a pretty delicate operation
to pull off in ten hours.

What would you need?

I need time to run a few errands
by myself.

My only job is to stay with you.

Yeah, but you hate
that part of your job.


say you get to run your errands.
Then what?

Well, we replay events
for Kilbane

exactly the way they were done
eight years ago.

Right, we pick up him
and the authenticator,

we drive them around until
they don't know where they are.

- Right?
- Why is Kilbane gonna get into a van

-without knowing where he's headed?
- Well, he did

the same thing eight years ago
for a painting.

If he wants to catch Sy,
he's gonna have to play along.

Right? So, at the location,

we show them the real Vermeer,

the authenticator
takes a sample,

we wait 48 hours
until the final exchange.

Then we switch it out
with the fake

- and then blame Sy for skipping off with the money.
- Yeah.

Get some Zingers.

You got this?

Uh, sure.

- I just have one quick question.
- Hmm?

Where's Lizzie?

Lizzie's not gonna be an issue.

I have 250,000 reasons
to disagree.

Your family's
not gonna be out $250,000.

Really? How?

Because, when we take $4 million
off of Kilbane,

I'm gonna take $250,000
of my share

and give it to your family.

As long as we can pull off
both rounds of the con.

So if we fail,
my family goes bankrupt?

Yeah, but if we don't
do the con,

your family
definitely goes bankrupt.

I need to know
that I can count on you.

Sure. I'm a woman of my word.

Hey, Taylor.


Um, my guy in,

in Bridgeport said he might not
have anything on Chuck

for a couple of days.

- I'm sorry.
- Hey.

You want to get out of here?


Anywhere you want, babe.

I'll get my purse.

Look after Carly.


Your father is...

such an assh*le.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, man.


Why didn't you tell me?

- Tell you what?
- All of it.

Lila. Tex. Tex giving Lila

the-the money from the wind farm

to get her away from Chuck
who was abusing her.

I-I thought I did, I mean,
I... really, I've been

so caught up in...
till this morning,

I didn't know
what was happening.

Well, uh, y-you should've,
you should've called me,

'cause I-I could've
come out here sooner.

Why did you come?

You drove two and a half days
across country to get here. Why?

Just want to be here for you.

What about the shop?

The shop's fine.
Everything's fine.

- Otto, what's going on?
- Oh, shit.

I bonded someone out.
Friend of Pete's.

Turned out she was
a little bit crazy.

She found out that Pete
was out here in I.A.

and she decided
that she wanted to see him.

She skipped.

How much?


We're going to I.A.


That's where Pete
and Julia went.

That's where we'll find her.

- What about Lila?
- We don't know where she is,

and Taylor won't know anything
for a couple of days,

and I need something to do
or I'll start yelling.

I'll drive.

I'll drive. You call Julia.

Find out what hotel they're in.

About time.

You seem mad.

It's because you're
a f*cking child.

You know, if you would've
just stayed in New York.

I was worried about you,
I thought you had a disease.

You know, you didn't have
to stick them...

It's called the
Bernhardt Syndrome.

- With a $250,000 bond.
- See, symptom number one

-is a sudden onset of caring.
- Th-They have nothing

to do with this.
They have nothing to...

- And symptom number two...
- What do you want from me?

- Is denial.
- Huh?

Do you think you're contagious?

What do I want?

How about a f*cking cellar?
Or the plan

-to sell our fake wine?
- I have a cellar. I have a plan.

What's the catch?

I need you to help...
with the art con. And Julia.

We need the art con money

in order to pay
for the wine con.

Right? I think it's
in your best interest.

Or it's some bullshit
to get me to...

No, no. No, no, no.
Look. Look.


There's 40,000 bottles
in that cellar.

I have access to it
tonight only.

"Bottles are stored in
a state-of-the-art cellar

underneath the mansion
in Bel-Air, California."

When Alexandre sees that,

it's gonna bring him
to his knees.


My part of the con just went up.

Come on. Really?
You're just f*cking...

You failed to mention
your new state of mind

when I slotted you in this.

At least I have
a f*cking state of mind.

- That's a five percent nondisclosure penalty.
- All right. Fine.


What time are we on?


Another Huckleberry Jones?

No, it's a Sadie Jones.
His little sister.

You got the specs?

Yeah, I've been looking at it
all morning. Look.

That's Kilbane's house.

That's good.

You really like the pool, huh?

Sitting by the water
lowers depression, anxiety,

contributes to clarity
of thought.

Where's Marius?

Running errands.

By himself?

If I'm leading him into a trap,

I should act like I trust him,

When does he meet Mr. Kilbane?

Back entrance of the hotel.

That's convenient.

Once we get him and the real
Vermeer in the same room,

my man Uri drops in

with his crew and picks him up.

I thought we were calling
the police, FBI?

After we drop the net.

Uri and his team are ex-Mossad.

They'll give Mr. Kilbane

all the satisfaction
that he needs.


Put this in your pocket.

It'll help him track you.

- Isn't he following us?
- Yeah, but if he loses us,

all I have to do
is say the code word,

-and he pounces in.
- Code word?


I like things
in black and white.

One more thing.

Marius has an old partner
in town.

- Lizzie something.
- Lizzie DeLaurentis?

- She's in I.A.?
- You know her?

Yeah. She counterfeited
the Sinaloa Cartel

out of hundreds
of thousands of dollars,

and a week later was engaged
to a British viscount.

I think Marius might use her
in the authentication,

so I need you to sweep her up
when you grab him.

Mary Elizabeth DeLaurentis is
not on my list of priorities.

And Mr. Kilbane is already
so nervous about tonight,

that I can't tell him
that Marius is Sy.

I fear it will blow
the entire deal.

Well, my family has
a $250,000 bond on Lizzie.

So either you grab her,
or I won't play.

You think that'll make
Mr. Kilbane

more or less anxious?

You're taking lessons
from Marius Josipovic.

Trying to manipulate me
with no leverage.

All right, fine. If she's there,
we'll pick her up.

Until then, I recommend sitting
by the pool

to reduce your anxiety
and depression.



- What is going on with you?
- I drove across the country

in 48 hours, give me a break.

Mom is out there.

And somebody must know
where she is.



Where do we start?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You're supposed to be at yoga.

I pulled a muscle yesterday.
What do you think you're doing?

- This is not what you think.
- I think it has something

to do with my mother.

Okay, so it is what you think.

- But let me...
- What?

You're not a con man?

That woman you came in with,

she actually is your wife?


Y-Your mother had nothing to do
with this. This was my idea.

She just happened to tell you

about the fake Vermeer
hanging on my wall?

That's not a fake.

Who told you that fairy tale?

Your mother and I
used to work together.

Uh... Before she went to prison,

she wanted to give you
the most valuable thing she had.

That's the real Vermeer?

So she lied.

She used me to hide that?

No. No, your mother loves you.

Take it.

Burn it.

Do whatever you want.

I'm sorry, I-I don't...
I'm sorry.

I hung that painting because it
was a piece of my mother.

A reminder
that we all have our flaws,

that no one is entirely
what they seem.

Take it.

I don't want it anymore.

And if I ever see you again?

I'm calling the police.

And if your client likes
the property,

I know a very good
mortgage broker.

No, no. If Misha's interested,
he'll be paying all cash.

He has a large sum
of money tucked away

in Cyprus he's looking
to invest here.

There's a banking crisis
on the island.

I see. Well, rest assured,

this is the finest jewel
in Bel-Air's Billionaire Row.

How many spaces in the garage?

That's a good question.
Why don't we take a look?

Everything all right,
Mr. Kilbane?

Yes! Everything will be fine
in a couple of hours

if everybody just does
what they're supposed to.

Okay. I'll be home late.

All right. You have a good day.

Thank you. You, too. Take care.

♪ Knock on the door
and the door knocks back ♪

♪ The joke never go
no further than that ♪

♪ Fire goes back
inside the match ♪

♪ Back down the stack ♪

♪ And we hustle and cuss,
lick on the dust ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss,
lick on the dust ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss, lick
on the dust ♪

♪ And hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss
and lick on the dust ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss
and lick on the dust ♪

♪ You muscle and fuss? ♪

♪ Muscle and fuss
and lick on the dust ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss
and lick on the dust... ♪

Yeah, this is it.

Who is this guy again?

He's the one who texted Mom,

who got her to come
to the parking lot.

Well, he could have called
Chuck's guys and set her up.

Or he was afraid of Chuck's
guys, and that's why he ran off.

If he was running away,

he wouldn't come
to his own f*ckin' house.

- Do you even want to find Mom?
- Sure.

Yeah, that was super convincing.

Look, it was a long drive, okay?

What the f*ck happened
in Bridgeport?

Girl stuff. Job stuff.

Girl stuff? Who?


Can we go? Hmm?

Carly, if this guy's stupid
enough to come to his own house,

he's not gonna be able
to help us, okay?

Let's go.

Is this window open?

Carly! Let's go!

And-and what? And what?
He's the only one

who would know
where Mom would be.

Who has her cell phone number,
who's talked to her.

I mean, what if,
what if Chuck's guys have her,

and he knows where they are?

Or-or... or what if
she's already dead,

and he knows
where they would bury her?

What? So, what, we're just
supposed to say, "Oh, well."

The end"?



Carly, come on.

We're not gonna
break and enter, okay?

We can come back another time.

- Okay?
- Okay.

- Look at me, okay?
- Okay.

- Okay, come on.
- Okay.


Carly! Carly!

Carly, this is f*cking insane!
Come on out!

Get out of there, Carly! Now!

Carly! Carly!


Is he...?

What do we do? Do we...?

Do we search his pockets,
and do we... do we take...?

- Call the police, Carly.
- Take his phone?

But no. We should...

- Carly.
- We should just... we should check...

- Call the police.
- We should check...

Well, we should...
we should search around.

Hey. Hey.

Okay. It's okay.

It's okay. I got you.

I got you.

We needed the money.

She was turning herself in,
which makes her responsible.

She gave me collateral...

What do you want me to say?

I don't know.

You not saying anything
is hostile enough.

Okay, thank you, sir.

All right.

Tonight's been
a long time coming.

I cannot wait to see Sy's face
when we spring this trap.

I'm excited to see that myself.

Well, let's not get ahead
of ourselves.

Mr. Kilbane. Mr. Vignetti.

- Big night.
- Yes, it is.

Where's the authenticator?

I'll be playing
the authenticator.

Well, from what I know,
you're not an art scholar.

Sy Rubinek doesn't know that.

Since he and I have never met,

it shouldn't be hard
selling him on the idea.

All right, well, hop in.

We're heading
to an undisclosed location

to meet Sy and the paintings.
Phones, please.

No GPS, outgoing calls
or Sy bails.

There's Pete.


Let's follow him.

Wherever he goes,
Lizzie is bound to show up.

Are you sure it's him?

Will you just
listen to me for once?

There's no mold in this home.

Well, the work order is signed
by a Stephan Kilbane.

That's the owner, right?

Mr. Kilbane would have told me.
He would answer his phone.

You know
how many times the staff

isn't informed?
Rich people. Listen,

your boss called my boss,
said black mold, so...

You know
about black mold, right?

- It's mold.
- No, it's deadlier.

Black mold spores fry your
brain, shut down your organs,

blow out your immune system.

It's fun stuff.
And it's in your wine cellar.

I doubt that.

Fine, you want your boss
to go into anaphylactic shock

while sipping
his imported whatever-whatever?

No problem, man. Geez.

Take your truck
to the service entrance.

You the one called it in?

I'm a police officer...
back in Connecticut.

Taylor Bowman.

Connecticut? What are you doing
in California?

- Family stuff.
- Yeah, well, how about you tell me how

you came to find the body
of the deceased?

We were looking for my mother.

What were you looking here for?

It's complicated.

- Was talking to her, not you.
- Well, she's a minor

who just saw a dead body,
so if you want answers

to your questions, you ask me.

All right.

All right.

Temperature is set to 55,

and humidity is set
to, what, 68, 70%?

- Best conditions for black mold.

Which way... thermostat?

- It's this way.
- All right, you set that to 50,

and humidity to 35.

And stay with it
until it reaches optimum levels.

Oh, no, it doesn't look good.

It's coming out
of the seam in the drywall.

Smell that? That paint smell?

It's a chemical
I used to neutralize the mold.

- Just bought us time to get out.
- I'll get the staff out.

Yeah, you do that.

So what was the nature

of your mom's relationship
with the deceased?

I don't have any firsthand
knowledge of their relationship.

Oh, you're gonna be like that,
huh? Hmm?

I'm just trying to be clear.

Hey, listen, you already said
the deceased conned your mother

into coming to a meeting
in Reseda last night.

Maybe she was angry
about it, huh?

I understand the dots
that you're trying to connect,

but you didn't know my mother.

She could never hurt anybody.

When was the last time
your saw her?

12 years ago. She died.

Then, a couple of days ago, we
found out that maybe she didn't.

between back then and now,

she got involved in something.

That's why
we broke into the house.

See if Randy could tell us
anything else.

And then he ends up being dead.

And now my sister's over there,
sitting in that car,

wondering if her mother
might end up being dead, too,

before we get to her.

So you... you can ask me

all the questions
that you want to, because...

I don't know anything
about my mother.

Maybe I never did.


- You're not Sy Rubinek.
- I'm Sy's representative.

- Glad you're here.
- No.

No, I was promised
a meeting with Sy!

A few ground rules.

All the doors are locked.

Mr. Rubinek
has positioned cameras inside

and outside this room,

so if anybody
feels tempted to explore,

Mr. Rubinek will disappear
and you'll never see him again.

When will he be here?

He's en route.
But before that,

I need a moment alone
with Mr. Josipovic.

Me? Uh, why?

- Yeah, why?
- Yeah, why?

Sy's orders. The rest of you
turn around and face the wall.

- What? Seriously, why?
- Just do it.

The sooner we make Sy happy,
the sooner he'll be here.

- Go.
- Okay.

What about the painting?

in the front seat of the van.

Wait, what?


Gentle, gentle.

Okay, over here.

How long you think
we can keep them in there?

Kilbane's getting itchy.
20 minutes, tops.

When does
our Sadie Jones arrive?


He's right here.


No. Let me come greet you
at the gate.




What do we do now?

We authenticate the painting

and wait for our friends.

How much do you think the houses
in this neighborhood go for?

I bet the down payment's
more than we've made

in our entire lives.

Yeah. Maybe we should
start playing the lottery.

Maybe we could win $250,000.

Aw, Jesus.

Wait a second. That's Lizzie.

You sure?
'Cause Pete went in this house.

I'm just as sure as I was that
that was Pete driving that van.

Come on.

You better hope the owner
doesn't have Dobermans.


Let's go.

Hey. How much longer?

It pays to be thorough.

And with Sy watching,
we should be extra careful.

We all want what you want.

As soon as it can happen,
it's gonna happen.

As soon as it
can happen, it's gonna happen.

Our friends in the garage
are getting happy feet.

We got to get a move on.

Just be graceful about it.

You can see why it's such a pain

to move all
this wine around, yeah?

Honestly, I'm...

- I'm stunned. I...
- Thank you.

I thought
I'd be assessing a mishmash

of random bottles,
but this... oh, the depth,

the breadth...

This is the work
of a true collector.

To honor your visit,
may I offer a 1981 Lafite?

An underrated vintage.

But the experts know better.

- Ah, lovely.
- Mm.

Half the pleasure of my job
is rooting around and...

discovering the old treasures.

Like that.

Is that a 1787 Margaux?



To be in the presence of...

May I...


-touch it?
- We will do you one better.

- You can have it.
- Oh, don't tease.


Well, maybe after the auction.

If you want to see
something really fun,

there's a rack of '34s
right around the corner

that my great uncle liberated
from a n*zi general in Leipzig.

- Right there.
- You're serious!

- Right around the corner. Right there. Yeah.
- You're serious!

the wine auction of the century.

Misha, your picture
will be emblazoned

on the cover of the catalog. Ah.

I will e-mail you
the inventory list tomorrow.

- I'll look it over. And we can debate...
- Sorry. Sorry.

The contents of the,
uh, first auction.

- Glad to be in business.
- Mm?

- Okay.
- As long as we'll be toasting with that 1787.

Thank you for the souvenir!

Yeah, okay.

That was fun.

Yeah. It was fun.

Part two.

Want to know what I think?

I'm thinking this whole thing
is just some elaborate game.

The painting is authentic,

as far as I can tell
without chemical analysis.

- So it could still be fake?
- At this point,

the safest thing is
just to play this out.

In just a few moments,

Sy'll be in the room
with the painting.

This is what
we've been working for.

I am not...

gonna be made a fool of.

Kilbane's on the brink.
We got to hurry.


Stay here.

Oh. Hi. Hi, hi.

- Are you guys looking for Lizzie?
- Yeah.

- I just saw her.
- You saw her?

I was interviewing
the neighbor next door.

I saw her on the grounds.
I think she's stalking me.

- Well... What?
- There she is.

- There she is.
- All right, I'm gonna go around back.

You guys meet her
in the front, all right? Lizzie!

Here we are, running
around in some stranger's yard.

Really good job.

Hey, we followed her
here together.

All of it.
From beginning to end.

- You screwed up everything.
- Audrey! Listen!

All right?

She's in there.

She's in there.

Are you sure you saw her?

Well, do you see anyone?


Lizzie, come on out
before things get worse.

It's gonna get worse.

- What?
- She locked us in.

Audrey, stop, stop.

You're gonna hurt yourself.

You lock them in?

Yeah. Let's finish this thing
and get out of here.

Okay, that's it!

If Sy doesn't show his face here
in the next two minutes,

I swear to God I'm gonna find
a way out of this place.

- You hear me? Huh? Deal's off!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You can't do that.
Sy gave us the rules.

If you go, there's no Sy.

There's no Sy now!

What's with the faces?
You're not happy to see us?


Who the f*ck are you two?

- Who-who the f*ck are you?
- Mouth shut. Hands up.

♪ The joke never go
no further than that ♪

♪ Fire goes back
inside the match ♪

♪ Back down the stack ♪

♪ And we hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Lick on the dust,
hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Lick on the dust ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Lick on the dust ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Mm, hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss,
lick on the dust ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss,
lick on the dust ♪

♪ Must you muscle and fuss? ♪

♪ You muscle and fuss
and lick on the dust ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss,
lick on the dust ♪

♪ ♪

♪ When we were young,
a different kind of fun ♪

♪ Playing in the mud,
it meant something else ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss ♪

♪ You hustle and cuss ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Mm, hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss
and lick on the dust ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss
and lick on the dust ♪

♪ Must you muscle and fuss? ♪

♪ You muscle and fuss
and lick on the dust ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss
and lick on the dust ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And you hustle and cuss ♪

♪ Hustle and cuss,
lick on the dust ♪

♪ Muscle and fuss
and lick on the dust. ♪