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03x04 - The Vermont Victim and the Bakersfield Hustle

Posted: 10/13/21 10:47
by bunniefuu
You're still angry with me.

Well, you never apologized.

What... apologize for what?

What... you-you set me up.

I mean, I, you know,
I-I would... and I would never

- do that to you.
- Oh.

I was trying to avoid prison
so I could raise my kids.

What was your excuse again?

- Yeah, I'm the Devil, all right?
- Okay.

You're Miss Goody Two-shoes,
all right?

Yeah. Yeah, that's what
I was trying to say.

And you're welcome
for getting you out of jail.

- All right?
- Huh? What?

You set me up like that.
I can't believe it.

Come on in. Take a chair.

Mr. Kilbane, I'd like you
to meet Julia Bowman

-and Marius Josipovic.
- Huh.

So you're the Marius Josipovic
Vignetti's been searching for.

I imagined you taller.

So did I.

Well, Marius,
Sy Rubinek violated me.

He took my love
of art and beauty

and he exploited it

for his own grubby ends,
and, uh, I don't just want

to take him down,
I want to destroy the bastard.

So, walk me through,
uh, what happened...

An associate of Rubinek
offered to sell me

The Storm on the Sea
of Galilee for ten million.

And you knew that was
one of the stolen paintings

from the Gardner Museum?

How do you think I talked him
down to four?

Come on,
that's a pretty good deal

for a hundred million dollar

But I-I was wary from the start,

so I insisted that the painting
be scientifically authenticated

by an expert
before money changed hands.

And Sy paid that expert.


- It was the real painting.
- Somewhere between

the authentication
and the exchange,

Rubinek swapped the real
Rembrandt for the forgery.

And I didn't notice that
the paintings had been swapped

until... much later.

Classic Heidelberg Hustle.

It's technically
a Viennese Victim.

- No, no, in the Viennese Victim...
- Okay.

Wh-Whatever you guys
are doing, stop.

Okay, so did you tell anybody

the Rembrandt was fake?

- No, I've kept that quiet.
- Good.

We contact Rubinek,
and we tell him

that you want to buy another one
of the stolen Gardner paintings.

That would make me look
like a fool.

Right, that's the bait.

We give Sy the once
in a lifetime opportunity

to pull the same con
on the same mark twice.

But this time, when he does
the exchange, we grab him.

And Rubinek goes to prison?


And I get the honor of returning

the real paintings
to the Gardner?

You'll be a hero.

What do you think?

Can I, uh, can I trust
Mr. Josipovic here?

No. Not remotely.

But that's why you have me,
to watch him like a hawk.

♪ It's gettin' harder out here ♪

♪ I keep tryin'
to just make my way ♪

♪ It's not lyin' ♪

♪ I'm only tryin' ♪

♪ Just trust in me ♪

♪ Trust in me ♪

♪ Just trust in me ♪

♪ Trust in me ♪

♪ Just trust in me. ♪

Where's the captain?

Captain don't want to see you.

I don't want to see you.

Hell, I'm surprised
you even want to see you.

I made a mistake.

Raiding a drug den off-duty,
with no warrant?

Losing your badge in the middle
of some so-called raid?

- It wasn't a raid, I was...
- Then you get dragged all over Bridgeport

on the side of a yegg's car,
screaming like a little bitch?

That's three mistakes.

Each one stupider than the last.

My grandfather asked me
to do him a favor.

- I was just...
- Oh, so it's his fault?

No. It's no one's fault.

When there's a fuckup this bad,
it's always someone's fault.

Take two weeks.

Let your face heal.

My face is fine.

Look... the yegg's
already lawyered up.

This is your third complaint.

Take two weeks and think
about what you want to do.

There's nothing to think about.

Not everyone's cut out
to be a police.

Best you make the decision
to move on yourself,

before someone makes it for you.

- Lorraine.
- Oh, hey.

Is something wrong?

No, no, I just...

What happened to your face?

- It's fine.
- It doesn't look fine.

How's Natalie?

N-Not great.

Um, there's a rehab facility
in Chatham.

- I'm gonna take her tonight.
- She agreed to go?

Not giving her a choice.

Um, listen, Taylor,

when I asked Otto for help,
for your help,

- I shouldn't have.
- Yeah, you were just worried about your kid.

I know, but...

what Natalie told you
about me and Otto.

- Yeah.
- I wasn't trying to keep anything from you.

It's ancient history.

Just don't blame Otto.

It was a long time ago.

I just got out of a bad
marriage, and he was... kind.

It's none of my business.

Thank you for going
above and beyond.

I'm just... I was
happy to help. Really.

What's the "X" for?

It's a dead drop.
The, uh, "X" lets

Rubinek know that there's
a message for him.

Seems a little Scooby-Doo,
don't you think?

Look, there's a reason why
the guy's never been caught.

He's got 18 known aliases.
He's cautious to the extreme.

So if we're gonna pull this off,
we got to play by his rules.

- So, what was in the message?
- Come on.

Uh, it's a tease,

letting him know that-that,
uh, an old mark

wants to buy another painting
from him. It's...

it's a dare, basically saying
that he can pull the same con

on the same mark twice.

- So what do we do now?
- We wait.

You think I'm a terrible person.

But, really, I'm just honest
about human nature.

No, you're a terrible person.

Okay, well, if we're gonna do
this together,

you're gonna have
to sink down to my level.

Oh, no, no, no.
I'm just the babysitter.

- You're the con man.
- I didn't have to choose you.

I got Vignetti to pair us up

because I thought
we would work well together.

Ch-Choose me?
I was jammed down your throat.

Oh, really? Is that what
you think? That's really cute.

Julia, what is it
you think I do?

Lie to people, pretend to be
their cousin, steal their money.

No, I'm a confidence man.
I earn people's trust

and then I exploit that trust
to get whatever I want.

- So you're a thief.
- No, no, no.

I'm not a thief. I don't reach
into people's pockets

and steal things.

Okay, sometimes
I reach into people's pockets

and I, and I steal things,
but that's beside the point.

- When is he contacting us?
- I don't know.

It could be five minutes,
it could be five hours.

Listen, I get people
to give me what I want

by making them think
that they want to give it to me.

And if I do my job right,
they walk away feeling good

because they've decided
that they wanted to do it.

So you're a saint.

Oh... God.

What is...

Oh, my...
- Ew.

Oh, wait a minute,
wait a minute, wait a minute.

No, I think that's him.


I'm so disgusted
that was in my coffee.

"Get Hickey"?

Hickey is the forger
who painted the fake Rembrandt.

So we get Hickey.

Hickey doesn't do forgeries
anymore. Not since prison.

I'm guessing we can't find
another forger?

There is no other forger.

If Sy wants Hickey,
we have to get Hickey,

but we have to do it in person.

You need to call Lance
about the kids.

- Why?
- Because Hickey lives in Vermont.

- Come on.
- Well...

- Just leave the ten dollars.
- Oh, okay.

- Bernhardt Bail Bonds.
- Otto, it's me.

- Hey.
- Listen, I'm just calling to tell you

that I asked Taylor to stop by,
give you a hand.

I do not need Taylor.

We have to get the business
back on its feet.

I-It's, it is on its feet.
It's dancing a jig...

-oh, shit.
- Is that him?

- Yes.
- Good, I'll call you later.

What can I do to help?

No, I'm good.

What the hell
happened to your face?

Work. Whatever.
Is the coffee fresh?

Made it myself.

When are you due
back at the station?

I'm taking a couple of days off.

What the hell is this?

I just had a cup. It's fine.

Tastes like shit.

I don't know
how you can drink this.

Yeah, well, no one's
making you drink it.

The only reason I only drank it
is 'cause you told me

-it was coffee.
- Oh...

You got something to say?

When my grandfather tells me
something is coffee,

I'm gonna assume
it actually is coffee,

and not some other... whatever.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Then why couldn't you tell me
who Lorraine really is?

Hmm? Before I stuck
my neck out for her?

She was trying to help her kid.

It didn't matter!

Yeah, you tell that to Grandma.

You-you don't like
my coffee, huh?

I-I'm gonna get you some, uh,

I'm gonna get you some nice
coffee. Some real coffee.

I am gonna get you
a nice big fat latte.



I didn't come here to fight.

You could've fooled me.


♪ Each and every
breath we take ♪

♪ A step towards death ♪

♪ And the moon is pale ♪

♪ And we might
have seen something ♪

♪ But we ain't
seen nothing yet ♪

♪ And I may have dreamt it ♪

♪ Or it may have happened ♪

♪ When I stood right here ♪

♪ Waiting for a sign ♪

♪ For me to walk away ♪

♪ But I give in so easy ♪

♪ And I give up instantly... ♪

Hello, darling.

Welcome to Hopkins Cars.

I'm Tex Hopkins.

And what can I put you in today?

A minivan for the family?

Uh, I-I got a great deal
on a, on a '12...

Hello, Dad.


Where's my granddaughter?

Looks like it's been sprayed.

They do that to cover up
rust damage.

Thought you wouldn't be here
till tomorrow.

Yeah, I took the first flight
after you called.

I'm really happy you're here.

Didn't have much choice.

I know how nuts it all sounds,

and... but Grandpa Tex
says he's seen her.

Well, I know
that's what he says,

but I was there when the police
knocked on my door.

I was there when
we picked up her ashes.

What if they weren't her ashes?


Find the one you want,

Ah, you're giving her a car?

Yeah, he said I could pick
any one on the lot.

Unbelievable. She doesn't even
have a license.

No, I have my permit.

- We're going home.
- No.

No, I came here
to find my mother.

This is not a discussion.

She was here. I mean, tell her.

I-I-I-It's true.
Lila stayed with me,

you know, more than once.

So let's call her. You two
have been in such close contact,

you must have
her cell phone number.

I did, but it don't work now.

Uh-huh. We're going home.

- No.
- I'm not making this up.

Lila bought a car from me.

Eight years ago...
it was a Buick LeSabre.

I offered to give it to her,
but she insisted on paying.

I-I've got the bill of sale
in the office to prove it.

Listen to him.

Show me.

Bridgeport's going with you?

Well, we need $400,000.

It's all part of the play.

That's why you took
your little trip to the farm?

What are you talking about?

Pete told me how fond
you are of his family.

How they adopted you.

They didn't "adopt" me.

I conned them.

They still think
you're Pete, though.

Well, there's no reason
to tell them.

How much longer?

I don't want to hit traffic,
and there's nowhere to sit

-that doesn't have a stain.
- Give me one second.

All right.

Okay. Look, everything I'm doing

is for us, all right?
Nobody else.

I hope so, because if you
try to screw me over,

the next time you see me,

I'll make sure
you don't want to see me.

Have fun with Bridgeport.

I saw you looking at that car.

Uh, you want to go
take it for a spin?

- A bill of sale can be faked.
- What?

- A bill of sale can be faked.
- Fake, nothing.

Why can't you just be open
to the possibility?

Because I'm thinking
with my head, not my heart.

Okay, so Tex, who had no idea
that I was coming,

he quickly made a counterfeit,

and-and he forged
my mom's signature to what?

To-to prank me?

Carly, it's time
for us to go home.

I'm sorry you came out here
for nothing.

- Have a nice trip.
- Carly.

I was really hoping
we could do this together.

The-the only way
you're gonna get her home

is kicking and screaming
through the airport.

Now, wh-why don't you come
and have a nice dinner?

You know, talk things through.

Please tell me you're not
giving me parenting advice.

Your kids are gonna be okay.
It's only for a couple days.

So you're reading me now?

Oh, so it's not about your kids?

Yeah, of course
it's about my kids.

Lance has Trish looking
after them... okay, Trish,

who buys them
whatever they want,

is just so eager to co-parent.

You're always gonna be
their mother, all right?

Not if I go to prison.

All right, let's talk
about Hickey.

The story is
that you're my girlfriend

and we're on a romantic getaway.


And it... you know, it's October,

we'll see the leaves change.


So what's my name?

Your name's Julia,

and you're a...

a kindergarten teacher.

Why am I a kindergarten teacher?

Because it's something
you know about.

Oh, oh, you mean,
because I'm a mom?

- No.
- My kids are my whole identity?

What's wrong with that?

No, I'm not gon... I don't want
to be a kindergarten...

I want to be something else.
I want to be a-a-a... a...


- Where'd you train?
- I, uh...

You're a kindergarten teacher.


Anybody who says "co-parent" has
no idea what it is to be a mom.

Are you saying that to be nice?

Or because you want me
to think you're nice?

I want you to think I'm nice.

I mean, I do. Don't you want me
to think you're nice?

I think you're nice.

♪ Kwanza, Kwanza ♪

♪ Kwanza... ♪

Wait here.

- Afraid you made a wrong turn.
- Mr. Hickey, hi.

- Hi.
- Hi. We come in peace.

Who's out there?

It's just some people
who don't belong.


Hi, Hickey.

I would've called, but, uh,

you don't, you don't have
a working phone, so...

I'm not sure the greeting
would have been any different.

No, no, I'm not here
on business.

Mm, better not be,
or I will have Chet sh**t you.

Uh, this is, this is my
girlfriend, this is... uh-uh...

We-We're-we're on our way up
north to see the leaves change.

- Uh, this is Julia.
- Hi.

Yeah, it's been too long.

It's been a long time.

- So if we're intruding...
- Don't do that.

Make like you're apologizing

so I'll have no choice
but to invite you in.

Come on inside.

Thank you.

Go ahead, Chet.

This is beautiful. Wow.

Well, this is us. Chet.

- Do you mind getting dinner?
- Uh, you guys good with vegan?

Oh, a-are we gonna...
should we, uh...?

Do, uh, do we have a choice?

Well, you can borrow the g*n
and find a rabbit.

Vegan it is.

I can't, I can't believe

how settled you are.
That's a compliment.

Chet owned this house
before we met.

He set up a studio for me.

Can we see?

I'm just excited to see
what you've been painting.

Unless you haven't
been painting.

Wait, are you not painting?

'Cause it would break my heart
if you're not painting.

You see the trick?

All you have to do
is stand in one place,

and he'll run himself
around in a circle

until he's right back
where he started.

Come on.


These are gorgeous!

Your work should hang
in museums.

Some of my work still does.

But I gave that up after prison.

It's originals only now.

Well, I would definitely
put one on my wall.

See, Marius?

That's how you give
an honest compliment.

Now go help Chet get dinner,

while I, uh, sketch
your, your girl here.



I don't know yet.
Something in your eyes?

I'll sit quietly in the corner.

Marius, give us a little while.

All right, well,
holler if you need me.

I'm gonna go help Chet
find some pants.

- Chet!
- I've never posed before.

What-what do I do?

You sit very still.


how long have you and Marius
been dating?

Well, actually, uh...

we just met a few weeks ago.



But it seems longer.
I mean, you know Marius.

Yes, I do.

So, when did Marius tell you

about his line of work?

That he's...

a con man?

Third date.

I had to drag it out of him.

It didn't bother you?

Keep your eyes on me.

Uh, well, yeah, well, yeah,

it did, it did, actually.

But, uh...

we all do things to survive
we aren't proud of, right?


What about you?

Why did you start...
doing what you did?

I was a woman with dreams.

Only my dreams
and the art world marketplace...

failed to overlap.

I don't know the art world,
but your talent...

Turn your head to the right.

I loved form and beauty

and... light.

No one was interested
in that kind of work

from someone like me.

I'm sorry.

There it is.

That thing in your eyes.

Probably just
yesterday's mascara.




Last thing
I wanted to do was call.

It's about Natalie.

I told her about the rehab,

and she starts going
completely crazy.

She's trying to leave,

and I don't know
if I can keep her here.

Okay, all right,
just stay there, all right?

I'll be right over.

Where did you hide

-my g*dd*mn keys?
- I didn't hide them. Natalie...

- Liar!
- I'm not lying! Natalie!

No. Stop it.

- Give it to me! Let go!
- Natalie, stop!

- Oh, f*ck me. Captain America.
- Stop, stop.


I just want to talk to you.
Just listen to me.

Listen to me. Ow, f*ck!

Ah, ah, ah, okay! All right.

Okay, all right.

Look, I know you think
you can't change...

You don't know me.

You're right, I don't.

I don't know
what you've been through.

But I-I know
that you're hurting.

And I-I know you got a mom
who loves you very much.

And I do know
th-that if you keep using,

it's only going one way.

This is special, isn't it?

An old-fashioned family dinner.

It's nice
that you stayed, Audrey.

Isn't it nice she stayed, Carly?

Would you, um,
pass the salt, Grandpa Tex?

Don't call him that.

Uh, Grandpa Tex,
what was Audrey like as a girl?

Smart. Couldn't put anything
over on that one.

The fact that I'm sitting here
next to a half sister

and nephew
that I just met an hour ago

suggests otherwise.

Fajitas are delicious, Dotti.

Oh, they're my mother's recipe.

You know, may she rest in peace.

The secret is to really butter
up the tortillas.

Audrey was
a very special person.

If Carly wants a better picture
of my childhood,

why don't you tell her
about my eighth birthday party?

The pony party?


I never got a pony party.

- You don't like horses.
- You never saw

a bigger smile on your grandma's
face than that day.

the way you remember it?

Because I remember you leaving
as soon as the pony arrived

to go someplace,
and me falling asleep,

waiting for you to come home
to open the presents.

Well, I came home.

Three days later.

So, Hickey,

who's been painting
for two days straight,

-uh, with no sleep...
- No, don't tell this part.

- Tell the... that part.
- She says to me, she says,

- Uh-huh.

"I thought I was
painting a Rubens."


- You... No.
- She was doing the wrong painting.

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- No, I swear to God.

What did you do?

I went two more days
with no sleep

and I painted the Tintoretto.

And I found a buyer
for the Rubens. Yeah.

- You guys made quite the team.
- Mm-hmm.

- Mm. That was the past.
- Hey.

- To the past.
- Mm.

No, I'm not toasting.

Oh, come on. It was fun.

That past cost me two years
and one daughter.

You guys always had
a stormy relationship.

And now there's no storm.

Just silence.

Nice to see all that money
for braces didn't go to waste.

Those are some
straight teeth marks.

You think I got through to her?

Well, she hasn't left yet.

Having a mom like you
makes all the difference.

Oh, yeah,
I'm a real difference maker.

You are. I've worked with
a lot of addicts. It matters.



I just thought I-I'd check in

to see how you
and Natalie were doing.

Um, Otto.
Did-did Taylor call you?


Hey, Grandpa.

You didn't have to bother
Taylor. You could've called me.

Don't volunteer so quickly.

You should've seen
how Natalie bit Taylor.

She bit you?

Yeah, took a chunk
out of my hand.

How do you take your coffee?

However you want to make it.

No, no, no, no, no.

Be careful. He's very particular
about his coffee.

Oh, you want sugar, right?

No. I had to give it up.


I-I'm gonna go check on Natalie.

Grandpa, I'd be happy
to give you a ride home.

Oh, since when
did I become an invalid?

I can smell the bar.

No, no, no.

No. I'm 100% sober.

But if you got to go,
you just go.

There's no need for me
to rush home to an empty house.

No, I'll stay.

Hey. It's up to you.

Lila convinced me I had
to balance my carbon footprint,

so we take a look at the,
you know, the landscape...

I mean, the actual landscape...
and before I know it,

she's got me buying
this huge acreage

so we can start a wind farm.

I-I'll take you there tomorrow.

Now, here you go, Audrey.

I never made
one of these for you. Uh...

Well, I thought, uh, you know,
Lila would stay around,

uh, you know, help, uh,
get the wind farm started,

but, uh, she headed south.

South? Where south, exactly?

Well, I-I don't know
what she was thinking.

Uh, you know, uh,

Lila was never one to really
tell people what she's up to

-or where she was going.
- S-See what he did there, Carly?

How he sticks to generalities?

For God's sakes,
what do I have to do

to convince you
of my good intentions?

Actually have some.

This is not
how your mama raised you.

Do not mention my mother again.

Carly, go help Dotti
in the kitchen.


What are you really up to?

Why do this to Carly?

Look! Look at this!

Lila left it. It's hers.

Look it: sweatpants, th-the...

beer koozie, self-help book...

How cold does your blood have
to run to try-try to convince

that girl
that her mother's still alive?

She's your daughter. Don't you
want to see your daughter?

I... th-there's nothing
in this for me.

Except maybe the chance
to meet my great-granddaughter.


Carly, let's go.

Forgiveness is a powerful thing.

Hey, what's going on?
Where are you going?

Oh, we're going to the motel.

- We're flying home tomorrow.
- No, I'm not.

Oh, we'll fight about it
at the motel.

I'm not fighting with you.

and I'm not leaving with you.
I'm... I'm done.

Y-You ought
to stay, too, Audrey.

You're 50 years too late.

All these years, to think
I was jealous of you.

You got out, away from him.

This is all I've ever known.

I don't want his money.

Just so you know.

But if I k*lled him, would you
take half to keep quiet?

You're growing on me, Dotti.

When are you gonna stop
hanging onto that hole card?

I didn't know
we were playing poker.

You don't do romantic getaways.

So either you're running away
or you're running a con.

Hickey... I need you
to do a painting for me.

Come on. You know why I'm here.

You're just picking up
where you left off.

You're miserable here.

You're hiding out.
You loved the life.

It took more from me
than it ever gave.

I am done with it.


I'm done with it.



How's family time
with your cousin?

You know, it's going. I'm trying
to push it up the hill.

Anything I can do
to speed things along?


You sound like you need help.

Uh... no, really, I really, I...

you don't need to do anything.
I'm telling you.

Okay, tell me the problem.

I'll help you find an angle.

It's a process.
You need to be patient.

I don't do patient. Never have.

Well, maybe you should try it,
'cause I think you'd like it.

Oh, I got to go. Bye.

How's it going?

It's not. Thanks for asking.

- Otto?
- How's California?

Oh, um, it's gonna take
a lot longer than I thought.

Tex cooked up some cockamamy
story about selling Lila a car,

and Carly is so eager
to believe it's true.

I've just got my work
cut out for me.


I... mm...

Do you love me?


Why are you asking me this?

I... hey, I don't know.

If you're thinking of doing
something desperate again,

please don't.

What kind of answer is that
to that question?

I called my wife
in the middle of the night

to ask her if she loved me.

And you go right
to my k*lling myself?

Otto, I just don't have it in me
right now to have this fight,

so let's talk tomorrow. Okay?



Oh, boy.

- Oh, sorry.
- Oh, no.

Did the noise wake you?

No. Couldn't sleep.

You don't teach kindergarten.


I work at a crappy
corporate Irish bar.

I make Razzmatazzberries
and Cran This Be Loves.

- They taste any good?
- They're f*cking delicious.

I'm sorry about your daughter
not talking to you.

You ever been to prison?


Not yet, at least.

That doesn't sound good.

I know.

Just can't stand the thought
of being away from my kids.

How old?

Two and ten.


Older than that.

When I went away,
we already had problems.

She couldn't understand

how hard it is, being ignored.

All this work...
no one'll ever see it.

I'm here.

I see it.

I mean, I'm not a critic,
but I love your paintings.

I love the forgeries, too.

That Rembrandt was spectacular.

My work, someone else's genius.

You want people to see
your paintings, right?

You want people
to-to-to love your paintings.

And I get it. I get it.

I get wanting acknowledgement,
and you deserve it,

and it sucks
that you're not getting it,

but people love your forgeries.

To them,
they're not forgeries...

they're art, they are art.

People look at them
and they feel things.

That's amazing.

So why not just go ahead and...

I'm talking way too much.

It's not anything
I haven't thought myself.

Girl with the ambivalent eyes.

What'd she say?

I heard you talking to her.

It's done; she said
she's gonna make the painting.



Imagine giant turbines,
far as the eye can see.

In one year, one of those
suckers could power 1,500 homes.

My mom came up with all this?

She dreams big.

Same as me and...
I'm thinking, same as you.

Oh, shit.


Good to see you.

Went to the dealership.

Said you were out here.

We need to talk.

Um, uh...

Chuck's one of the investors
in the wind farm.

Why don't you go over
and wait in the car

until Chuck and I are done
talking, okay?

I got it.

- How you doing, Tex?
- Oh, I can't complain.

Still looking pretty good
out there, then, huh?


I'm glad you're back.

Come on in, I'll have Dotti
make some lemonade.

I need to speak to Carly alone.

What do you want?

I want you to come with me.

I'm not going back
to Bridgeport.

I'm not here to take you home.

Where do you want to take me?


How far is that?

Just far enough.

Just so I don't pull
an all-nighter this time,

exactly what painting
am I doing?

Vermeer, The Concert.

So this is a Sy Rubinek deal?

Yeah, is that okay?


but my price just went up.

I want $75,000 on delivery...

and a 25% share
of the final haul.

Well, it's good
to see that prison

didn't soften
your negotiating skills.

Take it or leave it.

All right.

Hey... I'd hang on to her
if I were you.

So we got Hickey, that's good.

You did good.

You don't have to feel guilty.

I don't.

What are we looking for?

We're looking for a house.

That house, right there.

That's the house I grew up in.

But I thought you grew up
in Bakersfield.

Dotti grew up in Bakersfield;
I grew up here.

I need you to know
who Tex Hopkins is.

All right.


I loved him.

But when I was 16...

my mother dropped dead

and I couldn't find
my dad anywhere.

Finally tracked him down
in Bakersfield.

That's when I found out
the truth.

He had another life there.

Another wife.

Another daughter.


uh, crazy.

But I still loved him.

Still needed him;
I was just a kid.

But he didn't want me;
he left me to fend for myself.

Had to...
invent a whole new life.

I'm sorry.

This is the first time
I've seen him since then.


you lost your mother.

I mean, so... so you know
what it's like.

If there's... a chance...

Okay, I know,
a tiny, tiny chance...

that my mom is alive, I mean...

Why don't you get
that I have to try and find her?


I'll stay with you.

We'll stay in California...

to see this through.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

♪ And I may have dreamt it ♪

♪ Or it may have happened ♪

♪ When I stood right here ♪

♪ Waiting for a sign ♪

♪ For me to walk away ♪

♪ But I give in so easy ♪

♪ And I give up instantly ♪

♪ I chase what is gone ♪

♪ And my friends
are getting tired ♪

♪ Of the shit that I pull ♪

♪ They say:
Why do you love those ♪

♪ That turn you into a fool? ♪

♪ Why do you let them
get to you? ♪

♪ You should have been running ♪

♪ When you chose to stay ♪

♪ Now I feel so far away ♪

♪ From the person I once was ♪

♪ I thought love was enough ♪

♪ You can tell yourself
so many things ♪

♪ And nothing has to be true ♪

♪ Did you wake up last night ♪

♪ Drenched in your own
sweat and tears? ♪

♪ No, it's not always easy ♪

♪ You get lost
counting the years ♪

♪ Since you last felt
like you were home ♪

♪ Since you last felt
like you were home ♪

♪ Since you last felt
like you were home ♪

♪ Oh, I thought you were home. ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪